Chapter 4.1 Basics of PLC Programming - A
Chapter 4.1 Basics of PLC Programming - A
Chapter 4.1 Basics of PLC Programming - A
Basics of PLC
Section 4.1
The SLC 500 stores data in data tables
that are based on 16-bit words.
You access these data by specifying the address of
the data you want.
The output image table is
allocated to storing the
on/off status of connected
discrete outputs.
If the program calls for
an output to be ON, its
corresponding bit in the
table is set to 1.
Program Scan
During each program scan cycle, the processor
reads all the inputs, takes these values, and
energizes or de-energizes the outputs according to
the user program.
The time it takes to complete a scan cycle is a
measure of how fast the controller can react to
changes in inputs.
Equivalent ladder
diagram program
Instruction list programming language consists
of a series of instructions that refer to the basic
AND, OR, and NOT logic gate functions.
Hardwired relay
control circuit
Equivalent instruction
list program
Functional block diagram programming uses
instructions that are programmed as blocks wired
together to accomplish certain functions.
Ladder diagram and functional block diagram
programming used to produce the same logical
Ladder diagram
function block
function chart
language is
similar to a
flowchart of
your process.
Ladder diagram
structured text
Section 4.4
A true logic
path is
established by
the input
instructions in
the rung.
Simulated Output Energize (OTE)
instruction operation.
Action of the field device and PLC bit.
A signal
makes the
NO bit (1)
true; a signal
absent makes
the NO bit
(0) false. The
reverse is
true for an
NC bit.
Simulated operation of the field input
device and the PLC bit.
The main function of the ladder logic diagram
program is to control outputs based on input
Each contact or coil symbol is referenced with an
address that identifies what is being evaluated and
what is being controlled.
A complete closed
path is referred to
as having logical
Branch Instructions
Branch instructions are used to create parallel
paths of input condition instructions.
Either A or B provides a
true logical path to all
three output instructions:
C, D, and E.
Additional input
instructions can be
programmed in the
output branches.
Simulated program, either A or B provides a
true logical path to all three output instructions:
C, D, and E.
Input and output branches can be nested to avoid
redundant instructions and to speed up processor
scan time.
It is possible, however,
to program a logically
equivalent branching
There may be limitations to the number of series
contact instructions that can be included in one
rung of a ladder diagram as well as limitations to
the number of parallel branches.
The PLC will not allow
for programming of
vertical contacts.
Reprogrammed to eliminate
vertical contact.
The processor examines the ladder logic rung for logic
continuity from left to right.
If programmed as shown,
contact combination
FDBC would be ignored.
Reprogrammed circuit.
Section 4.4.3
Examine If Closed and
Examine If Open
Examine If Closed (XIC) instruction