9th Taller Block Test 2q
9th Taller Block Test 2q
9th Taller Block Test 2q
Getting ready for our test. Use this guide to prepare yourself for the coming test.
Do not forget that you already have a question bank about immunity and virus infections.
b) Which one has a single pathway where food or energy moves? (food chain, food web)
c) Which organism occupies the apex of the energy pyramid? Do they have a lot of energy or less energy than
the others?
*Complete the food chain with the missing parts. Names of the levels and the names of the living beings.
*Complete the energy pyramid Ecosystem Galapagos with the names of the different energy levels and the
living beings that belong to each level.
You already have this answer.
Question #1
1.What is the function of the immune system? (value 1)
2.From the following list choose the cells that belong to each type of immunity in innate or acquired immunity.
(value 6 one for each cell in the correct immunity)