Question Bank- HumanHealth and Disease
Question Bank- HumanHealth and Disease
Question Bank- HumanHealth and Disease
General Instructions :
3. Haemozoin is a
a) precursor of haemoglobin.
b) toxin released from Streptococcus infected cells.
c) toxin released from Plasmodium infected cells.
d) toxin released from Haemophilus infected cells.
5. Which of the following glands is large sized at birth but reduces in size with ageing ?
a) Pineal.
b) Pituitary.
c) Thymus
d) Thyroid.
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6. An antibody is represented as
a) H2L1
b) H1L2
c) H1 L1
d) H2l2.
7. Which of the following pairs contains an infectious and a non-infectious disease respectively ?
a) Typhoid and AIDS
b) AIDS and cancer
c) Pneumonia and malaria
d) Cancer and malaria.
11. The useful as well as the harmful drug obtained from the latex of poppy plant. Pick out the correct options.
1) Morphine is obtained from poppy plants. It is useful as an analgesic.
2) Heroin formed after acetylation of morphine is a useful depressant.
3) Morphine is obtained from latex of poppy plant. It is useful as a depressant.
4) Heroin formed after methylation of morphine is a harmful analgesic .
a) 1 & 2 are incorrect statements.
b) 3 & 4 are correct statements.
c) 1 &2 are correct statements.
d) 3 is correct but 1 is incorrect .
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c) Cholera, typhoid, mumps
d) Malaria, mumps, poliomyelitis.
14. Given below are the pathogens and the diseases caused by them. Which out of these pairs is not correct
matching pair.
a) Wuchereria- Filariasis.
b) Microsporum- Ringworm.
c) Salmonella – Common Cold
d) Plasmodium – Malaria.
15. A toxic substance, responsible for the chills and high fever recurring every three to four days in malarial
fever, is
a) interferon
b) hemozoin
c) hirudin
d) colostrum.
16. Both B & T lymphocytes are produced in the bone marrow; however, only the T lymphocytes travel to the
______ and mature there.
a) Spleen.
b) Thymus.
c) Pituitary gland.
d) Adrenal gland.
18. Which drug is being excessively taken by some sports persons nowadays ?
a) Opioids
b) Barbiturates
c) Cannabinoids
d) Lysergic acid diethyl amides (LSD).
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19. Injection of antitoxin in tetanus confers which type of immunization?
a) Active immunization.
b) Passive immunization.
c) Auto immunization.
d) Humoral immunization.
21. The organisms which are carriers of dreadful pathogens in plants and animals are called:
a. Virus
b. Vectors
c. Insects
d. Worms.
22 Diseases are broadly grouped into infectious and non-infectious diseases. In the list given below, identify the
infectious diseases.
i. Cancer ii. Influenza iii. Allergy iv. Smallpox
(a) i and ii
(b) ii and iii
(c) iii and iv
(d)ii and iv.
23. Many diseases can be diagnosed by observing the symptoms in the patient. Which group of symptoms are
indicative of pneumonia?
a. Difficulty in respiration, fever, chills, cough, headache
b. Constipation, abdominal pain, cramps, blood clots
c. Nasal congestion and discharge, cough, constipation, headache
d. High fever, weakness, stomach pain, loss of appetite and constipation.
24. In malignant tumors, the cells proliferate, grow rapidly, and move to other parts of the body to form new
tumors. This stage of disease is called:
a. metagenesis
b. metastasis
c. teratogenesis
d. mitosis.
25. Transplantation of tissues/organs to save certain patients often fails due to rejection of such tissues/organs
by the patient. Which type of immune response is responsible for such rejections?
a. auto-immune response
b. humoral immune response
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c. physiological immune response
d. cell-mediated immune response.
For question given below two statements are given- one labelled Assertion (A) and the other labelled
Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (i), (ii),(iii) and (iv) as given below:
i) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
ii) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
iii) A is true but R is false.
iv) A is false but R is true.
1. ASSERTION Morphine is extracted from the latex of poppy plant Papaver somniferum.
REASON :Cocaine is obtained from the coca plant Erythroxylum coca.
3. ASSERTION :SCID is the first genetic disorder to be combated with gene therapy
REASON: SCID is a type of allergy.
5. ASSERTION: Drugs like Barbiturates and Benzodiazepines normally used as medicine to help the patients to
cope up with mental illness.
REASON: When these substances are taken for a purpose other than medical use it falls under harmful
drugs .
7. ASSERTION :Interferons are protein which are produced by virally infected cells
REASON :-Interferons stimulate inflammation at the site of injury .
8. ASSERTION: Smoking increases carbon monoxide (CO) content in blood and reduces the concentration of
haem-bound oxygen.
REASON :This causes oxygen deficiency in the body.
9. Assertion: The scientific name of source plant of drugs marijuana, hashish and ganja is Cannabis sativa.
REASON :These drugs usually affect the cardiovascular system of human beings
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SECTION -II[2marks]
1. A child gets colostrum and polio drop both as an infant .Compare their mode of action with respect to our
immune system.
2. What is the role of histamine in inflammatory response? Name few drugs which reduce the symptoms of
6. What are allergens? How do they cause inflammatory responses inside the human body?
7. ‘Pranay suffered from measles at the age of 10 years. There are rare chances of him getting infected with the
same disease for the rest of his life. Give reason for the Statement.
8. Fill in the blanks in the different columns of the table given below to identify the nos 1 to 6.
10. Certain diseases are spread by mosquitoes. Name two such diseases spread by mosquitoes which bite in
the day time. Both diseases are caused by viruses.
A) Name the mosquito. B) Name the diseases with one symptom of each.
11. A young boy brought a pet dog home and started to complain of watery eyes and running nose. The
symptoms disappeared when the boy was kept away from the pet.
(i) Name the type of antibody and the chemicals responsible for such a response in the boy.
(ii) Mention the name of any one drug that could be given to the boy for immediate relief from such a
12. Name the parasite that causes filariasis in humans. Mention its two diagnostic symptoms. How is this
transmitted to others?
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13. Why does a doctor administer tetanus antitoxin and not a tetanus vaccine to a child injured in a roadside
accident with a bleeding wound?
1. What is somatic hybridization – Explain the steps involved in the production of somatic hybrids?
2. With the help of a well – labelled diagram, Describe the life cycle of malarial parasite.
4. The pathogen of a disease depends on RBCs of human for growth and reproduction. The person with this
pathogen suffers with chill and high fever.
(a) Identify the disease.
(b) Name the pathogen.
(c) What is the cause of fever?
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5. Identify the molecule and name A, B and C in the figure
6. Discuss the role of lymphoid organs in the immune response. Explain the different types of lymphoid organs
giving two examples of each type in humans.
8. Why is secondary immune response more intense than the primary immune response in humans?
9. The immune system of a person is suppressed. He was found positive for a pathogen in the diagnostic test
(a) Name the disease, the patient is suffering from.
(b) Which pathogen is identified by ELISA test?
(c) Which cells of the body are attacked by the pathogen?
(d) Suggest preventive measure of the infection.
12. How does humoral immune system work when our body is infected?
13. Describe the ill – effects of drug abuse in males & females. Also mention the preventive measures
that is to be taken to reduce such effects.
15. Many microbial pathogens enter the gut of humans along with food. What are the preventive barriers to
protect the body from such pathogens? What type of immunity do you observe in this case?
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SECTION -IV [5 marks]
1. (i) Cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases. Explain ‘contact inhibition’ and ‘metastasis’ with respect to
(ii) Name the group of genes that have been identified in normal cells that could lead to cancer. How do
these genes cause cancer?
(iii) Name any two techniques that are useful in detecting cancers of internal organs.
(iv) Why are cancer patients often given ∝-interferons as part of the treatment?
2. Represent the life cycle of plasmodium pathogen diagrammatically and explain in detail .
3. Explain in detail and trace the events occurring in the human body to cause immunodeficiency when HIV
enters the body.
4. Differentiate between(A) benign and malignant tumors. (B) active and passive immunity
5. Prevention is better than cure’ is an apt slogan to safeguard adolescents from drug abuse. List various steps
that could be taken in this regard.
6. It is commonly observed that parents feel embarrassed to discuss freely with their adolescent children
about sexuality and reproduction. The result of this parental inhibition is that the children go astray
(i) Explain the reasons that you feel are behind such embarrassment amongst some parents to freely discuss
such issues with their growing children.
(ii) By taking one example of a local plant and animal, how would you help these parents to overcome such
inhibitions about reproduction and sexuality?
7. Explain Typhoid. List out its symptoms, causes, treatment, and how it can be prevented.
8. Modern lifestyle in big cities and towns is surely making the life easier and more comfortable for people. On
the contrary, many more health issues and problems are on the rise and one of them is allergic reactions.
(i) Write any four steps you would suggest minimizing the cause of the above allergic responses.
(ii) List any two allergens. How does the human body respond to them?
9. Why do some adolescents start taking drugs. How can this be avoided?
10. In your locality, if a person is addicted to alcohol, what kind of behavioral changes do you observe in that
person? Suggest measures to overcome the problem.
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Health is not just the absence of a medical disorder or a disease, it is a state of wellness of the physical,
mental and social aspects of an entity. Diseases like cholera, typhoid, pneumonia causes episodes of distress
in human beings. Few diseases like malaria, for instance, if left untreated may prove to be fatal. Apart from
personal hygiene and cleanliness, public and community health measures like decontamination of drinking
water, proper disposal of waste, immunization and control of disease-carrying vectors can prove to be
beneficial in preventing diseases. When exposed to disease-causing pathogens, our immune system plays a
major role in preventing diseases from affecting our system. We get enlightened about various diseases and
their causes along with the significance of the immune system and its responses.
Questions :
Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other
parts of the body. These contrast with benign tumors, which do not spread. Cancer can be detected at early
stages and early detection is essential. Following are a few diagnosis and detection areas: Tests for increases
cell counts(blood cancer),Histo-pathological and biopsy of blood/tissues/bone marrow, Radiography, CT,
MRI to detect cancer of internal organs, Identification of cancer-specific antigens, Application of molecular
biology techniques to detect genes with inherited susceptibility to a few cancers There are few approaches
that can be used to treat cancer. Surgery to remove the tumour,Immunotherapy to boost the killing of
cancer cells, Radiotherapy to kill cancerous cells, Chemotherapy, Administration of biological response
mediators such as ∝-interferons.
Questions :
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