Assignment 1 – GA 10
This assignment represents a dual objective: you are assessed, firstly, by the University as
element of the continuous assessment. In addition to the mark you earn as contribution to your
overall module mark, however, you also record a level of competency against a benchmark set
by the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA). Previously known as ‘Exit Level
Outcomes’, these benchmarks will recorded as ‘Graduate Attributes’ in future.
If you do not pass this assignment, you will fail the module (but there is a resubmission
opportunity – see section 6).
2. YOUR TASK focuses on Human Resource Management engages you in the topics of
governance, corporate social responsible management and corporate citizenship. In prior
iterations of this module, student comprehension has been assessed with tasks couched in the
context of case studies, creating opportunity to ‘put yourself in the shoes of professionals who
have made sketchy decisions’.
Following the adoption by the University of ECSA’s new ‘graduate attribute’ schema end-
September 2021, assessment of GA10 this semester (and from here on in) will take a different
approach. ECSA require engineering graduates to demonstrate, inter alia: a) due care, skill and
diligence in the performance of their duties b) integrity, fidelity, and honesty in the discharge
of their duties c) regard for the impact of their work on the public, as well as the physical
environment d) fidelity towards their fellow engineers and the profession, thereby upholding
the reputation of the engineering profession.
After reading the case study below, I am providing you with opportunity to demonstrate
understanding and awareness of professional ethics and corporate social responsibility by
setting you the following task:
You are required to read the questions and answer the questions that is going to convince me
that you not only comprehend, but are moved by the requirement for you to act with
a) due care, skill and diligence in the performance of what we expect to be your engineering
duties upon commencing employment;
b) integrity, fidelity, and honesty in the discharge of these duties;
c) regard for the impact of your work on the public as well as the physical environment; and
d) fidelity towards your fellows and your intended profession.
strongly urged to collaborate with your class peers (because this represents a sharing of ideas)
however your submission must be made as an individual.
PRESENTATION Your submission will take the form of a word document of no less than
1500 words. You are advised to include a reference page. Ensure your work is turned in, submit
the turn it in report. Turn it in details can be found on Moodle, announcements. Saved as your
student number and submit it in the dropbox on Learn.
You must, on the first page, include your title, your student number, name, and the following
declaration: I declare that:
• I have read and am familiar with the University’s policy on plagiarism;
• I have checked this assignment to ensure that it contains no instances of plagiarism;
• Where the work of others has been relied upon in this assignment, it has been duly
acknowledged and clearly referenced.
4. DUE DATE You must submit a digital copy of your submission in MS Word format via
the dropbox on LEARN. Save using your student number. The deadline for submission is
6 September 2024. This date is not immutable, and if circumstances warrant, the deadline can
be extended depending on special cases, although not for an inordinate period.
Dryck is a company that imports alcohol from Sweden into South Africa. They are particularly
known for their vodka distribution. As an import export business which facilitates trades of
goods and commodities between South African and Swedish companies, they need to ensure
compliance with laws from both companies as well as ensure that all the documentation for
their products is in order for them to ship goods internationally for domestic purchase. Dryck
takes ethics training incredibly seriously and ensures that all new employees receive training
on their code of conduct as well as the various legal frameworks employees need to be aware
of. The values of the organisation’s code of ethics are instilled in employees by ongoing
communication and training which every employee needs to renew every couple of months.
The HR department at Dryck is constantly monitoring the organisation's compliance with the
company's code of ethics.
However, as the business has had to reduce their employee numbers in recent months due to
the Covid-19 pandemic, the HR department feels overburdened with monitoring the
organisation's compliance, doing the ethics training, as well as their other duties.
4. As an engineer, discuss the importance of maintaining ethical conduct and its impact
on professionalism.