Day 1 - Notes - Power BI
Day 1 - Notes - Power BI
Day 1 - Notes - Power BI
Jatan Shah
Got 180% Salary Hike (11 LPA
to 30 LPA) in 40 Days
Job + Promotion
Salary Hike
Important Meeting Alert!
Extract & present actionable insights for your company on Monday
As an employee of SN Corporation,
You have an important meeting this Monday.
Your promotion is 1 step away & this meeting can either get you a big
raise & a bigger job title OR keep you stuck in your current role for 2
more years.
Workspace | Canvas
Shows all
fields from
your data
Filters Pane
Helps you add filters
to your visual
Visuals Pane
What Page of Dashboard are you on? Helps you add visuals to your dashboard & format it.
Loading your data
Sales is
your Y-axis
Adding numerical
metric as Y-axis helps
the user understand
the extent of it by the
column height.
Add fields in
Legend further divides your visual into different colors Legend as shown
by adding a second level of breakdown. below.
Adding Region to legend breaks all our subcategories from 1 column for each
subcategory to 3 columns for each sub-category, all having different colors.
Any metric (numerical field) that you add in Tooltips will Add fields in
be visible to you when you hover over different Tooltips as shown
elements of the visual. below.
For ex – After adding Profit to tooltips, whenever user hovers over ANY column of
the column chart, they will see profit of that subcategory along with the Sales
amount as well. Profit amount will only be visible as a value in the hover box and
not as an additional column in the chart.
Creating a Bar Chart from a Column Chart
To create a Line Chart, all you have to do is add your Once completed,
date field in X-axis & the numerical field you want to this is how your
see the trend of in Y-axis. inputs will look like.
By doing the above you will get one line showing trend of the numerical
field over your date range.
Creating a Pie Chart
To create a Pie Chart, add your numerical field in values Once completed,
& the field by which you want to see a breakdown of this is how your
your values in legend. inputs will look like.
By doing the above you will get one line showing trend of the numerical field over
your date range. If you want to break it into multiple lines based on another field,
such as Shipping Mode, add it to the legend as shown below.
4. Go to “Background” under
the Effects Section & Change
the color by clicking on color
What’s happening in the Mega Day 2 Session tomorrow @ 7 PM?
7. Solve case studies & questions for your Monday meeting & get a
promotion + a salary hike
8. Get “X” amazing bonuses that will be a game changer for your career
Rs 16,000!
+ 3 More Bonuses worth Rs 20,000