FINAL PROJECT On Integrated Application Software 1

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FINAL PROJECT on Integrated Application Software

ALL ABOUT WONDERFUL OPOL: This final term project pertains to the multimedia promotion of
Opol using Integrated Application Software. To create, students are required to use software productivity
programs specifically the PowerPoint and Publisher of the Microsoft Office and the Photoshop of the
Adobe Creative Suite. Multimedia, as defined, is content that uses a combination of different content
forms such as text, audio, images, animations, video and interactive content to deliver communication
and relay information. Students are required with the following output, each of which have guidelines to


With the MS PowerPoint as the main application to be

used, students may use video editing software as support.
The infomercial must have a duration of at least 10 mins
and a max of 15 minutes. Students are given the freedom
to be as creative as they can in order to produce the said
Infomercial MS PowerPoint
output. They may conduct video recording of the different
spots in Opol, interview local residence, and refer to
website/ social media pages, if applicable. Infomercials
must have a voice over and background music to make it
dynamic and livelier.

In a long size bond paper, students are required to layout

in a 4 pages booklet type of brochure form the information
Brochure MS Publisher presented in the infomercial. Students are given the
freedom to conceptualize the layout design and the text
content of the brochure.

Similar with the brochure designing, students are required

to layout a comprehensive and eye catching 2x3ft
Tarpaulin Layout Adobe Photoshop tarpaulin design. Remember to adopt “less is more”
approach, where only key points must be shown in the

• Use an easy-to-read font to help individuals read your message clearly.
• Add photos to have a greater promotional impact. Don’t monopolize the whole design with
lengthy text content.
• Set on the right balance between the colors you use to make it more appealing. Consider using
just one or two bold or complementary colors that will stand bright against the other colors.
• Review your content to avoid typos and graphic mistakes.
• Deadline: April 29, 2024

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