Math Mini Research

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Number of Hours Spent in a Day Using Facebook and its impact

to the Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students in Unidad

National High School

A Mini-Research Presented to
The Faculty of Unidad National High School

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements in

Mathematics 10


Aiannah B. Alpapara
Beverly Nice S. Logronio
Kichea F. Gato
June 2023
I. Introduction

Social media is the most popular platform for news and

information in the current world. The most prevalent example
of it is Facebook. Some individuals pass their time by simply
scrolling around Facebook. But it is detrimental to students
since it prevents them from completing their schoolwork. An
its affects the Academic Performance of the students.
Though social media can increase student learning through
student interactions, challenges arise when social media are
incorporated into an academic course. The assumption that
students are familiar with and agreeable to using certain
types of social media can cause educators to inadvertently
fail to provide the resources or encouragement necessary to
support student usage and learning (Cole, 2009; Väljataga &
Fiedler, 2009).
Nowadays, students are increasingly involved in social
media since it provides information and enjoyment. On social
media, we can discover and express ourselves. In social media,
information may easily spread with just one click, some of it
unreliable and unimportant to society. Use of social media
could have a significant impact on students’ academic
This study helps the students to remind that should limit
their usage of social media because it can be detrimental and
prevent them from completing their schoolwork. This study
provides guidance on appropriate and constrained social media
This study aimed to perceive on how many hours does the
students spent on Facebook in a day and how it affects on
their academic performance.
II. Purpose of the Study
The study aimed to assess the number of hours does a
student spend in a day using Facebook and its impact to the
Academic Performance of the Grade 10 Students in Unidad
National High School.
These are the following research questions:
1. What is the average number of hours spent using
Facebook by students on a daily basis?
2. What are the common reasons, students spend excessive
hours on Facebook than doing school works?
3. What strategies or interventions can be implemented to
help students maintain a healthy balance between
Facebook usage and academic commitments?
These study focuses on how many hours does a student spend
on using facebook and doing their school works. The study’s
objective is to provide strategies or interventions to help
the students to maintain a healthy balance between Facebook
usage and academic commitments.
The investigation is conducted using a quantitative
method. The researchers interviewed 20 Grade 10 students on
how many hours they spent each day day using Facebook. Grade
10 students are the respondents on this study. Students were
interviewed through in-person and over chat.

III. Methods
The data will be collected through in-person and over
chat survey given to the selected students of Grade 10 in
Unidad National High School. The researchers will ask the
students on how many hours they spend each day using Facebook
and how it affects on their academic performance.
After the data is collected the responses will be added
together, tallied, recorded, analyzed and properly assessed.
This study aims to educate the students on how to
manage their time using Facebook and doing school works.
IV. Results
Table 1: Number of hours spent in a day using Facebook.


1 4
2 7
3 3
4 3
5 4
6 2
7 7
8 13
9 4
10 2
11 8
12 2
13 7
14 2
15 4
16 10
17 6
18 8
19 11
20 2
N = 20 Σ x = 109

V. Discussion
The data shows different amount of time spent in a day
by students on using Facebook. With an average of 109 hours
between 20 students. According to the results analysis, some
students claimed that they are not so active on facebook,
while others claimed that they spent a lot of time on using
Facebook, and sometimes it hinders from doing their school
In addition, the study highlights the significance
using Facebook responsibly and maintaining a healthy balance
between time spent on Facebook and other academic commitments.
VI. Conclusion
The results revealed that the respondents has
different of time spent on using Facebook, with an average of
109 hours. This mini-research investigated on how many hours
does a student spent in a day using Facebook and how it
affects their academic performance. Results highlight the
importance of healthy balance between usage of Facebook and
academic commitments. By implementing strategies and
interventions to improve the academic performance of the
students, we can help the students more effectively in
managing social media usage and in academic obligations.

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