Narrative Report - Work Immersion

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Narrative Report

Face to face with

A journey of interaction with the modern technologies through gaining experience at
the Quality LongLife Learning Institute Inc. necessary in our globally competitive
Maricel Baltazar
Work Immersion Teacher
Work Immersion refers to a subject of the Senior high school
curriculum which involves hands-on experience or simulation in
which learners can apply their competencies and acquired
knowledge relevant to their track. Work Immersion are a great way
for students to gain knowledge, experience, and contacts that can
help them in their future careers and be able to get along with our
globally competitive world.
Work Immersion is required and done for it aims to;

• Aims to better equip senior high school students for college

work or business; develop life and career skills; and have
attitudes, appreciation and respect for work.

• To adapt a new environment

• To develop a good communication and good
relationship towards the others.
Part One: Our working Environment
Our first day of work Immersion at the Quality LongLife Learning Institute
Inc., We arrive early because we need to attend our work before 8am in
the morning. Therefore, we arrive at 7am and wait for Ma'am Rachel the
Admin of our new working environment. At exactly 8am, Ma'am Matsa
arrived. And with that, she welcome us with a smile and afterwards,
interviewed us with some of the questions regarding on how we feel as we
arrived and that we will be able to experience such hands-on activities
inside the institute.Ma'am Matsa assists me and Mayo to our respective
areas and explain what should we do at the time of our arrival and before
we go at home in the afternoon.
Part Two: Unfamiliarity with the use of computer

As we go along with our journey, we were assigned in the computer areas in

which we are task in encoding different names and numbers. And since I and
Mayo are not that so familiar with the use of computer and also in encoding we
tend to face some difficulty and we even commit some errors that make us
really nervous. But with the guidance of Ma'am Rachel, she patiently teach us
on what should we do and how can we do that specific task. So as we go
further, We learn and get used to our work.

"We face struggles, but we need to learn to conquer the fear inside us. For
every mistake we commit, we tend to learn better and that is also
applicable in dealing with technologies."
Part Three: Building experience and sense of

Experience is great with the new people that we met. As we go in our

working environment, we met different people gaining experience just
like us. When we have time, we talk a little and sharing things about our
lives. And we've realized that it is great to work with people that can
motivate you. The feeling of unbelongingness ease when we also try to
interact with those people around us and in the same workplace as ours.
At our everyday arrival in our workplace, we develop the confidence that
were not present when we first enter the institute.
Part Four: Experience comes with a lifelong

On the final day of our Work Immersion, We gladly thank Ma'am Rachel and other people
that help us in our journey in unlocking our curiousity on the use of computer and also in
encoding. It is not an easy task afterall but just like what is it said on the quote "Practice
makes perfect" it is indeed important to practice to get used and be familiar with your
work. There is no such an easy thing in this world and that's why we need to experience
or gain experience to be able to learn. And after all what we learned on the institute, We
have realized that those learning would be lifelong opportunity for us when we experience
the real setting of workplace when we got a job involving the use of computers. And
since, we are in the modern world where technologies are use to make our life and jobs
convenient. It is really essential for us to gain knowledge on how to use them
Lessons that we've got in our Work Immersion journey:

"Practice Makes Perfect" ~ Mayo

"There is no such thing that is easy in this world, learn to
unlock the difficulties on your own to make your experience
memorable " ~ Sofia

"Experience tell us to being productive" ~ Allaisa Mayo

" Before we actually learn something, we must go along with

some experience " ~ Sofia
Our Work Immersion
Quality LongLife Learning Institute Inc.

Lourdes Sofia Acope and Allaissa Mayo

Thank You!!!

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