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DC Bus Voltage Regulation in the Presence of

Constant Power Load Using Sliding Mode

Controlled dc-dc Bi-Directional Converter Interfaced
Storage Unit

Aditya R. Gautam Suresh Singh Deepak Fulwani

Department of Electrical Engineering Student Member, IEEE Member, IEEE
Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Jodhpur, Rajasthan (India)-342011 Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
Email: Jodhpur, Rajasthan (India)-342011 Jodhpur, Rajasthan (India)-342011

Abstract—The paper presents a robust sliding mode controller μ -source side converters. When power produced from μ -
for a dc/dc, bidirectional converter interfacing storage unit to sources is greater than load demand, some of the source side
ensure dc bus voltage regulation in a stand-alone dc microgrid. converters switch to voltage control (VC) mode. When source
The dc bus supplies a combination of a constant power load and power is less than load demand, all the source converters
conventional resistive load. In order to enhance the battery life, operate in MPPT mode while bidirectional converter regulates
a state-of-charge based charging algorithm is also implemented.
Depending on the measured dc bus voltage, the controller selects
the dc bus voltage.
the appropriate operating mode of the converter. The effectiveness
of the proposed controller has been validated through simulation In island mode, the limited amount of available source
results. power poses significant challenge to dc bus voltage regulation
and to maintain system stability under supply and load distur-
I. INTRODUCTION bances. Furthermore, intermittent nature of renewable energy
sources and presence of tightly-regulated power converters be-
The advancements in the power electronics & control tech-
having as constant power loads (CPLs), makes a dc microgrid
nology, rising environmental concerns, and increasing demand
highly nonlinear system. CPLs exhibit negative incremental
for cheap and uninterrupted power supply have motivated the
impedance and tend to destabilize the upstream converters and
use of renewable energy power generation. Due to above
the whole system. For more information on CPLs and their
mentioned reasons, the conventional power systems are go-
effects in dc systems, readers are advised to see reference [1].
ing through a paradigm shift in the energy generation and
Under aforementioned situations, the linear controllers prove to
consumption. The integration of on-site distributed generation,
be inadequate due to robustness and operating point dependent
loads, and storage units to form a local power system is coming
stability issues [2]. To overcome the limitations of linear
up as one of the key technology towards the goal of realizing
controllers, nonlinear controllers are seems to be the obvious
modern smart grids. These local power systems which are seen
choice. The nonlinear controller designed through sliding mode
by the utility grid as a single controllable entity, are known as
control (SMC) approach ensures large-signal stability of the
microgrids. A microgrid can operate in two operating modes,
system and are robust with respect to the changes in system
namely; grid connected mode and island mode.
parameters and supply and load disturbances. Among many
The power generation units of a medium voltage dc mi- other applications, SMC has also been used for the stabilization
crogrid are usually known as micro-sources (μ -sources) such of the dc/dc converters supplying CPLs [3]–[5]. The dc bus
as solar PV, wind energy sources, fuel cells etc. The battery voltage regulation using a bidirectional dc/dc converter with
storage bank to ensure voltage regulation, transient smoothing, nonlinear controller and a storage unit has been reported in
and back-up power for critical loads, is interfaced through a [6]–[9]. The major limitation of the solutions presented in [6]–
dc/dc bidirectional converter (BDC). In grid-connected mode, [9] is that the controller for bidirectional converter does not
the dc microgrid is connected to the main utility grid through implement any battery charging algorithm, which is utmost
the bidirectional voltage source converter (VSC) to facilitate necessary for battery health and its prolonged life [10], [11].
bidirectional power exchange and ensure the dc bus voltage DC bus voltage signaling based approach to implement power
regulation, while μ -sources operate in maximum power point management in a dc power system is extensively used in
tracking (MPPT) mode. The microgrid can isolate itself from the literature, wherein measured dc bus voltage governs the
the main utility grid in case of faults in the upstream network operating mode of sources/loads to maintain the power balance
or due to intentional islanding, and start operating as a isolated in the dc power system [12]–[15]. Authors in [16], have
power system. In island mode, the responsibility of dc bus presented a state-of-charge (SoC) of battery bank to implement
voltage regulation lies with bidirectional dc/dc converter and the power management strategy.

978-1-4799-9880-7/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 257

In this paper, the authors have presented a robust sliding V1<V2
controller for bidirectional dc/dc converter, interfacing bat- I (ΔV/ΔI)=-Z
tery bank, to ensure dc bus voltage regulation under various
operating conditions in an island dc microgrid. The load (V1,I1)
on the system is considered for a combination of CPL and
conventional resistive load. To enhance the battery health and
life, a SoC based charging algorithm is also implemented
in the control system. The measured value of the dc bus
voltage is used by the control system for selected appropriate
operating mode. The performance of the proposed controller in
various operating modes has been validated through MATLAB (a) (b) V
simulation results.
Fig. 2. (a) Practical examples of CPLs; (b)I-V characteristics of CPL
The brief outline of the paper as follows. Section II,
briefly describes a typical dc microgrid. System modeling and
proposed sliding mode control design are given in Section B. Bidirectional converter
III. Existence of sliding mode has been proved in Section IV.
Section V, describes the proposed power flow management, Bidirectional converter considered in this study has a
and finally conclusion is given in Section VI. two quadrant based power flow operation. BDC facilitates
bidirectional power exchange between dc bus and battery bank,
II. A TYPICAL DC MICROGRID though selection of appropriate operation mode, namely; buck
mode (battery charging mode) and boost mode (battery dis-
A schematic of a typical dc microgrid consisting of the charging mode). To ensure the enhanced battery health and its
μ − sources, a bidirectional dc/dc converter interfacing storage prolonged life of the battery, appropriate charging/discharging
unit, and a mixed load (CPL and constant voltage load, CVL) requirements and specified operating conditions must be fol-
connected to (380V ) dc bus is shown in Fig. 1. The microgrid lowed. In this paper a charging algorithm comprising of three
is connected to the utility grid at (230V, 50Hz) at the point distinct modes is incorporated under the power management
of common coupling (PCC), through a bidirectional voltage scheme. The charging of battery bank follows constant cur-
source converter. The major components of dc microgrid rent charging (CC), constant voltage charging (CV) and float
charging (FC). These modes are discussed in section IV.
A. Modeling of BDC

Tightly controlled

R The modeling and analysis of BDC [17] is done neglecting
Tightly controlled
CPLs equivalent series resistances of the converter’s inductor and
capacitor which increases the effective system damping. This
Renewable Energy Farm DC DRIVE
implies that the effect of the CPL induced instabilities would
CVL be more pronounced and the designed controllers will be
subjected to a more challenging situation from a stability point
of view. The load profile is considered to be mixed (CPL and

constant voltage load (CVL)) to mimic the practical system

configuration. Under mixed load profile, system stabilization
against CPL induced instabilities becomes challenging when
Fig. 1. A typical DC microgrid CPL > CV L.
shown in Fig. 1 are described in brief in the following The total instantaneous current drawn by a mixed load from
subsections. dc bus is given by
Ebus (t) P
A. Constant power load iLoad (t) = + ; ∀ Ebus (t) > ε (1)
RL Ebus (t)
The loads which comes with tightly-regulated front-end
converters appear as CPLs for upstream converters and feeder iLoad (t) = iCPL + iCV L (2)
system. CPLs exhibits a negative incremental impedance and Where P is the rated power of the CPL, RL is the resistance
tend to destabilize its feeder system. The conventional loads of the constant voltage load, iCPL is the current drawn by CPL
(resistive loads, motors, etc.) when equipped with tightly- and iCV L is the current drawn by the CVL and ε , is a small
controlled front-end dc/dc converters in order to regulate positive number. The equivalent circuit of the BDC is shown
voltage/speed, behave as constant power loads (see Fig:1). in Fig: 3.
The current drawn by a CPL increases/decrease with the de-
crease/increase in terminal voltage. Some examples of practical 1) Model of BDC (Charging mode): During the charging
CPLs and I-V characteristics of a typical CPL are shown in mode, BDC operates as a buck converter and power flows from
Fig. 2(a) and 2(b) respectively. the dc bus to the battery bank.

x POWER FLOW ubuck b Switching function for discharging (boost) mode:
i bat I ibus sboost = xI xbus − xIr xbusr + μboost (xbus − xbusr ) (7)
L SWITCH2 Here, xIr is the reference value of inductor current for inner
Xbus loop current control and xbatr and xbusr are the reference values
uboost Cbus of battery side capacitor voltage and bus side capacitor voltage
C bat
Ebat SWITCH2 Ebus for outer loop voltage control. α , μbuck and μboost are the
(IGBT) controller parameters to control the convergence speed.

2) Control Law: In the second step, a control law is chosen

which forces the system trajectory on to the sliding surface
Fig. 3. Equivalent circuit of BDC (s = 0) and constrains it to the sliding surface then on. In
order to overcome the limitations of conventional SMC and
to ensure fixed frequency switching, the PWM based control
The state-space averaged model of the equivalent circuit of law has been proposed. The instantaneous duty cycle ut of the
BDC in charging mode is given by converter is given.
ẋI = L [Ebus ubuck − xbat ]
(3a) u(t) := ueqv + uN (8)
ẋbat = C [xI − ibat ]
(3b) Here, ueqv is the equivalent control law obtained by solving,
Ebat = xbat (3c) ṡ = 0 and uN is discontinuous control law, which is chosen
as a small percentage of the ueqv . The control law u(t) can
2) Model of BDC (Discharging mode): During discharging be computed using an appropriate reaching dynamics for each
mode, BDC operates as a boost converter and power flows of the controllers. The chosen reaching dynamics defining the
from the battery bank to the dc bus. evolution of the switching function is given by [18],
The state-space averaged model of the equivalent circuit of ṡ = −λ s − Ksgn(s) (9)
BDC in discharging mode is given by
Here, λ and K are reaching phase acceleration parameter.
ẋL = L [Ebat − (1 − uboost )xbus ]
ẋbus = a Control law for CC charging mode, using (3), (5) and
C [(1 − uboost )xI − ibus ]
Ebus = xbus (4c) xbat
uCC = [ueqv−CC ] + [uN−CC ] = [ ]
Where xI , xbat and xbus are the moving averages of in- Ebus
−L(λbuck sCC + Kbuck sgn(sCC )) (10)
ductor current, battery side capacitor voltage and bus side +[ ]
capacitor voltage respectively. (Ebus , ibat ) and (Ebat , ibus ) are α Ebus
input voltage and output current of BDC in buck and boost Note: The same constant current charging controller
mode respectively. L and C, are converter’s inductance and can be used for float charging. So the same controller
capacitance parameter respectively. ubuck and uboost ∈ {0, 1}, can be switched from constant current to float charging
are the control input in buck and boost mode respectively. (at float charging current reference) using a power flow
Furthermore, xI , xbus , xbat ∈ Ω, where set Ω is a subset of R3 algorithm.
i.e.xI , xbat , xbus ∈ Ω ⊆ R3 ∖ {0}
b Control law for CV charging mode, using (3), (6) and
B. PWM Based SMC Design (9),
uCV = [ueqv−CV ] + [uN−CV ]
A PWM based sliding mode control design has been
xbat L(xI + μbuck )(xI − ibat )
presented in this section. The conventional SMC has variable =[ − ]
and high switching frequency. To avoid this, Pulse width mod- Ebus Cxbat Ebus (11)
ulation (PWM) based SMC is presented. The three controllers −L(λbuck sCV + Ksgn(sCV ))
+[ ]
for constant current, constant voltage charging and a voltage xbat Ebus
controller for discharging are designed respectively. The steps
c Control law for boost (discharging) mode, using (4),
followed for each converter design are as follows,
(7) and (9),
1) Sliding surface: The first step in the design of a sliding
uboost = [ueqv−boost ] + [uN−boost ]
mode controller is to choose a stable switching function (s).
The attractiveness of sliding surface is an important factor C(xbus − xbus Ebat ) − L(xI + μboost )(xI − ibus )
= [ 2 − Lx (x + μ
to ensure a stable operation. The switching function for each Cxbus I I boost )
controller is given below −CL2 (λboost sboost + Kboost sgn(sboost ))
+[ 2 − Lx (x + μ
a Switching function for CC and FC modes: Cxbus I I boost )
sCC = α (xI − xIr ) (5)
b Switching function for CV mode: The fixed frequency PWM pulses are generated by comparing
uCC , uCV , anduboost with the repetitive carrier signal of the
sCV = xI xbat − xIr xbatr + μbuck (xbat − xbatr ) (6) desired frequency.

C. Existence of Sliding Mode
Mode E %SoC
It is essential that trajectory starting from any initial condi- Case:I (Buck Mode) ≥ 209V ≥ 50
tion reaches the sliding surface in finite time and constrained (a) CC ≥ 209V 50 ≤ SoC < 80
(b) CV ≥ 209V 80 ≤ SoC < 95
to the surface then on. The control law should be designed (c) FC ≥ 209V ≥ 95
to ensure reachability condition. The existence of the sliding Case:II (Boost Mode) < 209V ≥ 50
Case:III (Shutdown) < 209V < 50
mode for the proposed PWM based sliding-mode controllers of
(10)-(12) is proved based on the reaching dynamics proposed
in [18].
The reaching dynamics Under the charging mode (buck converter), the BDC
follows proposed charging algorithm to charge the battery
ṡ = −λ s − Ksgn(s) (13) bank. The batteries considered in the simulation are lead-
acid batteries. A battery with low SoC draws a huge current
For λ and K greater than zero ensures that reachability compared to high SoC, so regulated constant current charging
condition is required during low charge regime. For 50% ≤ SoC < 80%,
sT ṡ < −η ∣s∣ (14) battery starts charging in constant current mode. After reaching
Is satisfied for some η > 0. SoC = 80%, current drawn by battery becomes small and
Now, considering the reaching dynamics of (13), the left hand chargining switches to voltage control mode until SoC becomes
side of the reachability condition sT ṡ becomes equal to 95%. Beyond this SoC battery remains in float charg-
ing mode, and takes only a small amount of current sufficient
sT ṡ = sT [−λ s − Ksgn(s)] (15) to compensate the battery internal losses. The situation in
This implies discharging (boost) mode during which SoC reaches at lower
boundary region (50%) or Depth of discharge (DoD), the BDC
sT ṡ = [−λ s2 − K∣s∣] (because sT s = ∣s∣2 ) (16) shuts down. The different modes of BDC operation have been
summarized using a flow chart diagram (Fig.5) and in TABLE-
Where K > 0 and λ > 0. Therefore, I.
sT ṡ = −∣s∣[λ ∣s∣ + K] (17)
Vnom=380V START
This implies (Voltage variation= 5%)

sT ṡ ≤ −η ∣s∣ (18)
For all η ≥ λ ∣s∣ + K. This completes the proof. NO YES
(Vnom =380V) 50%≤SoC≤80%
PBDC 10 X Lead acid battery SHUT DOWN
(12V, 26Ah, each) BDC CV Mode
DC Iµ Switch CC Mode

Duty cycle FLOAT MODE
x ,i xl xbat,ibat,Ebat (FC)
bus bus
xIr (3) FC

Ebus Power Flow SoC STOP

Grid connected and island mode selection
Algorithm Battery charging/discharging mode selection

Fig. 5. Power flow chart

Fig. 4. Power flow chart


MATLAB-Simulink has been used to simulate the BDC
The proposed power flow algorithm is presented in this model, controllers and power management using specification
section. The dc bus voltage (Ebus ) and state-of-charge (SoC) given in table I and II. The simulation results are shown in the
of battery bank are used for mode switching. The selection of Figs. 6-8. Fig.6(a), shows SoC, wherein battery unit charges
charging or discharging mode depend on the dc bus voltage from SoC = 79.99% at t = 0 s to SoC = 80.01% at t = 1 s
and SoC. If the dc bus voltage decreases by 5% of its nominal and discharges from SoC = 80.01% at t = 1 s to SoC =
value of (380V ) due to a reduction in the μ − sources power 79.992% at t = 2 s respectively. ILoad are current drawn by
or increased load, and battery unit has SoC ≥ 50%, then only the total load as shown in Fig6(e). During the charging mode,
BDC switch to boost mode (voltage control mode). Otherwise when μ -sources generate surplus power after meeting load
BDC operates in a buck mode (charging mode). demand ( a CVL with (RCV L = 76Ω) &) and battery bank

charging current, the dc bus voltage is maintained at 380V as
shown in Fig. 6(b). Figs.6(c) and 6(d) correspond to the battery
bank voltage and current respectively. Battery bank charges 80.01

during t = 0 s to t = 0.45 s by drawing a constant current 80
Charging Discharging
(Case : I(a)) of 10A (shown in Fig.6(d)). This ensures safe 79.99
and controlled battery bank charging. The battery bank current 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
shows a momentary high value at the stating, which is quite 380
natural keeping CPL characteristics in mind. After charging Voltage controlled by

micorsource side Voltage controlled by BDC
battery bank to 80%, the BDC switches to constant voltage 370

charging mode (Case : I(b)) and battery bank is charged by CASE:II
keeping its terminal voltage constant at 130V during t = 0.45 s 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
to t = 1 s as shown in Fig. 6(c). The critical condition arises 130
during t = 1 s to t = 2 s, when a sudden power deficit CV

(Case : II) occurs. This results in a voltage drop by 20V , 125

simultaneously a constant power load of (P = 1000W ) is also 120
applied at t = 1 s. In such worst situation, battery bank supplies 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
power to the load and BDC stabilize the bus voltage at its 20 CC
nominal value (Fig. 6(b)). The total current drawn by the mixed 10

load during, Case : II is 7.63A. 0
The Case : I(c) is shown in Fig:7. As soon as, the SoC 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
becomes greater than 95%, BDC switches into float mode and 7.63
starts the battery charging with a minimum current (0.6A) to

accommodate the internal losses of the battery and keep SoC CVL CPL+CVL
level constant at 95%. 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
The simulation results for Case : III (worst case situation), Time(s)
when power deficit and low battery SoC occurs at the same
time as shown in Fig. 8. Before reaching SoC = 50%, load Fig. 6. Simulation result:Case:I(a),Case:I(b) and Case:II
shedding can be performed to supply a minimum load and
eventually, BDC is shut down when SoC reaches its lower 95.01
level, (DoD = 50%). The BDC ensures bus voltage regulation

by maintaining it at 380V with a small variation of 0.04%. The 95

SoC maintained at=95%
power management scheme ensures an autonomous operation.
The proposed robust sliding mode controllers ensure system 94.99
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
stability and dc bus voltage regulation, in the presence of 0

constant power load, and under different operating conditions. Case-I(c)



BDC Parameter Value Time(s)
Nominal bus voltage,Vbus 380V
Battery rating, 12V, 26Ah

Number of battery, 10
L, 2mH
Bus and battery side capacitor, Cbus &Cbat 1000μ F
CPL power,P 1000W
Resistive load,RCV L 76Ω
Tuning parameter Buck controller Boost controller Fig. 7. Simulation result:(Case:I(c))
λbuck/boost 2500 50000
Kbuck/boost 300000 300000
μbuck/boost 3000 10000 50.01
α 1290 N.A.
Switching frequency, fs 50kHz 50kHz 50.005

SoC maintained at 50

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
A solution for voltage regulation and stability of islanded

dc microgrid using dc-dc, bidirectional converter interfaced 370


with battery storage in the presence of constant power load has

been presented. The dc-dc, bidirectional converter controlled 360
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
by PWM based sliding mode controllers, ensures stability Time(s)
of microgrid and regulates voltage within tight limits. The
variation is within 0.04% of rated voltage. A charging algo-
Fig. 8. Simulation result:(Case:III)
rithm has been implemented to facilitate three mode charging

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