Family Planning GNPHYD
Family Planning GNPHYD
Family Planning GNPHYD
o Natural contraception
o Mechanical contraception 1. Birth Control Pills
o Hormonal contraception - can be taken to prevent pregnancy
o Surgical contraception - safe and effective (properly)
Characteristics of ideal contraceptive: - 99 % effective
100 % Effective
Free side of side effects
Acceptable to the user
Free of effects on future pregnancies
Positive Benefits of Birth Control Pills
2. Depo - Provera
3. Implants
- 75 – 84% effective in reducing pregnancy
- Floods the ovaries with high amount of
Types of Implants
hormone and prevents ovulation
Norplant I Norplant II - Alters the environment of the uterus,
Six capsules Two capsules making it disruptive to the egg and sperm
Five years Three years - Two sets of pills taken exactly 12 hours
Barrier Methods
Barrier Methods
Emergency Contraception
- Latex should only be used in the prevention - 95-99% Effective A new ring is inserted into
of pregnancy and spread of STI’s (including the vagina each month
- Does not require a "fitting" by a health care
- Typical effectiveness rate = 88% provider, does not require spermicide, can
- available make periods more regular and less painful,
- Combining condoms with spermicides raises no pill to take daily, ability to become
effectiveness levels to 99% pregnant returns quickly when use is
- Fitted by physician
3. Female Condom -
5. Cervical Cap
The sponge is inserted by the woman into
- Latex barrier inserted in vagina before the vagina and covers the cervix blocking
intercourse sperm from entering the cervix. The sponge
also contains a spermicide that kills sperm.
- “Caps” around cervix with suction
It is available without a prescription
- Fill with spermicidal jelly prior to use
Male = Vasectomy
Tubal Ligation
Natural Family Planning
Laparoscopy or Band Sterilization Fertility Awareness Method
Natural Family Planning & Fertility
Awareness Method