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MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (Only one option is correct)

1. A particle is travelling with a constant speed. This means

(a) its position remains constant with time.
(b) it covers equal distances in equal time intervals.
(c) its acceleration is zero.
(d) it does not change its direction of motion.

2. A particle moves with a uniform velocity.

(a) The particle must be at rest.
(b) The particle moves along a curved path.
(c) The particle moves along a circle.
(d) The particle moves along a straight line.

3. The slope of a graph between two quantities is given in the unit m/s.
The quantities are
(a) speed and time
(b) distance and time
(c) acceleration and time
(d) velocity and time

4. The area under a speed—time graph is represented by the unit

(a) m2
(b) m
(c) m3
(d) m-1

5. The velocity—time graph of a particle is not a straight line. Its acceleration is

(a) zero
(b) negative
(c) constant
(d) variable

6. The distance—time graph of an object moving in a fixed direction is shown

in Figure. Then choose the correct statement
(a) is at rest.
(b) moves with a constant velocity.
(c) moves with a variable velocity.
(d) moves with a constant acceleration

7. The speed—time graph of an object moving in a fixed direction is shown in

Figure. The object

(a) moves with a constant acceleration

(b) moves with a constant speed
(c) moves with a constant velocity
(d) is at rest

8. A person travels along a straight road for the first half -time with a velocity
v1 and the second half time with a velocity v2. The average velocity is given by
(a) (v1 + v2 )/2
(b) (v1 . v2 )/2
(c) (v1 . v2 )/ (v1 + v2 )
(d) 2(v1 . v2 )/ (v1 + v2 )
9. The velocity of a body moving with velocity of 20 ms-1 and having an
acceleration of 4 ms-2 after 2 s will be
(a) 24 ms-1
(c) 32 ms-1
(b) 28 ms-1
(d) 40 ms-1

10 . If the displacement of an object is proportional to square of time; then the

object moves with

(a) uniform velocity

(b) uniform acceleration
(c) increasing acceleration
(d) decreasing acceleration.

11. A motor cycle running due west at a velocity of 72 km h -1 is brought to rest

in 2s by the application of brakes. Distance covered by the motor cycle in these
2 s is
(a) 40m (b) 20m (c) 10 m (d) 15 m

12. From the given velocity —time graph, it can be inferred that object is

(a) in uniform motion.

(b) moving with uniform acceleration.
(c) in non-uniform motion.
(d) at rest.

13. Velocity-time graphs for two auto drivers Mohan and Sohan are shown in
adjoining figure. Then during 20 minutes of driving
(a) displacement of Sohan is more than that of Mohan.
(b) displacement of both Mohan and Sohan is equal.
(c) displacement of Mohan is more than that of Sohan.
(d) displacement of both Mohan and Sohan is zero.

14. In adjoining figure displacement-time graphs for two particles A and B have
been shown. Select the only wrong statement out of the following :

(a) Both A and B are moving on linear paths.

(b) Both A and B are moving with uniform velocity.
(c) Velocity of A is more than that of B.
(d) Velocity of B is more than that of A.

15. A body travels 200 cm in the first two seconds and 220 cm in the next tour
seconds. The velocity at the end of seventh second from start is:

(a) 5 cm/s (b) 10 cm/s (c) 15 cm/s (d) 20 cm/s

16. The slope of velocity-time graph for retarded motion is:

(a) Positive (b) Negative (c) Zero (d) Both positive and negative
17. Which of the following figures represents uniformly accelerated
motion(speeding up) of an object correctly?

18. In circular motion the

(a) acceleration is uniform
(b) acceleration is zero
(c) direction of motion changes continuously
(d) velocity is constant

19. A car runs at a uniform rate on a circular track of radius 100 m taking 62.8 s
on each lap. What is the average velocity and average speed of car for one
complete lap ?
(a) 10 ms-1 , 10 ms-1
(b) 0, 10 ms-1
(c) 0,0
(d) 10 ms-1 , 0

20. An athlete complete one round of a circular track of radius R in 40 seconds.

What will be his displacement at the end of 2 min20s?

(a) zero (b) 2R (C) 2πR (d) 7πR


Note : Read the Assertion and Reason statements carefully and mark the
correct option out of the following options :
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of the
(c) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false but (R) is true.

1.Assertion (A) : An object can have acceleration even if its velocity is zero at a
given instant of time.
Reason (R) : An object thrown vertically upwards is momentarily at rest at
the highest point of its path.

2. Assertion (A) : Speed of an object can be negative.

Reason (R) : Speed is defined as distance covered by an object in unit time.

3. Assertion (A) :Displacement of an object may be zero when distance

travelled by it is not zero.
Reason (R) : The displacement is the shortest distance between initial and
final positions of an object.

4. Assertion(A): If the magnitude of the displacement is zero, it becomes a

scalar quantity.
Reason(R): A vector quantity is completely described by both magnitude as
well as direction.

5. Assertion(A): The speedometer of an automobile measures its average

Reason(A) : Average speed is calculated as the ratio of total distance travelled
to the total time taken.

6. Assertion(A): A body moving in a circular path with constant speed is an

example of accelerated motion.
Reason(R): Acceleration is produced due to a change in velocity, which can be
brought about by changing the magnitude of the velocity, direction of velocity
or both.

1. What is the displacement of a satellite when it makes a complete round

along its circular path? Give reason.
2. The area under the velocity—time graph gives ……………………………………
3. What is the nature of Displacement—Time graph for a particle moving at
constant speed in one direction?
4. If a particle is moving with a uniform speed, is it necessary that it is moving
along a straight line?
5. If a particle is moving with a uniform velocity, is it necessary that it is moving
along a straight line?
6. Plot a velocity-time graph for a moving object with non- zero initial speed
that is undergoing uniform acceleration.
7. What can you say about the motion of an object if its speed -time graph is a
straight line parallel to time axis?
8. What is the acceleration of a body moving with uniform velocity?
9. When a stone is thrown vertically upwards, its velocity is continuously
decreased. Why?
10. A body goes round with the constant speed in a circular path. Is the motion
accelerated or not? Justify your answer.

SHORT ANSWERS TYPE [ 2 or 3 Marks]

11. Can a particle be accelerated (i) if its speed is constant, (ii) its velocity is
constant? Give reasons.
12. Nishith travels 4 m to the north, 3 m to the east and then 7 m to the south.
Find the displacement and the distance travelled.
13. The minute hand of a wall clock is 10cm long. Find the displacement and
distance covered by the tip of minute hand from 9:00 a.m to 10:30 a.m.
14. A boy moves through 10m in 2minutes and next 10 m in 3 minutes.
Calculate its average speed in m/s.
15. On a 200 km track, a train travels the first 50 km at a uniform speed of 40
km/h. How fast must the train travel for the next 150 km in order to maintain
the average speed of 60 km/h for the entire journey?
16. A bus moves from station A to station B with a speed of 40 km/h, travelling
a distance of 100 km. It then travels from station B to station C, covering a
distance of 200 km with a speed of 60 km/h. Find the average speed of the bus
for the entire journey.
17. Observe the given graph and answer the following questions

i) What happens to the velocity between B and C?

ii) The slope of which part of the graph shows zero acceleration?

18. Figure shows the displacement time graph for a body moving in a straight
line . Answer the following questions:

(a) Velocity of body at t= 10 s

(b) Average velocity from t= 0 to 100 s


Calculate the ratio of velocity of body A to the velocity of body B.

20. The velocity -time graph of a particle moving along a straight line is shown
in the figure

Find (i) acceleration at t= 2s (ii) acceleration at t=8s (iii) displacement before

coming to rest.

21. Consider the following Distance-time graph and answer the following
(i) Speed of the moving object along PQ , QR , RS
(ii) Average speed from t=7s to t=9s.

22. For the displacement -time graph shown below calculate

(i) Distance covered from t=0 to 4s
(ii) Time interval for which body is at rest.
(iii) Net displacement at the end of journey at t=12s.

Observe velocity—time graph given above and find:

a) The displacement covered in the first 5s.
b) Displacement at the end of 10 s.
c) The retardation produced.

24. A car is moving on a straight road with uniform acceleration. The data gives
the speed of the car at various time, intervals. Plot the speed—time graph and
answer the following questions graphically.

SPEED(m/s) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
TIME (s) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

(i) How much is the distance travelled 12 s?

(ii) Find the total distance travelled.
(iii) Calculate the acceleration
25. The brakes of a car can produce an acceleration of —10 m/s2 . If a speeding
car is brought to rest in 3 s, calculate the initial velocity of the car.
26. A train accelerates uniformly from 36 km/hr to 72 km/hr in 20s. Find the
distance travelled.
27. A train starting from rest attains a velocity of 72 km/h in 5 minutes.
Assuming that the acceleration is uniform, find the acceleration and the
distance travelled by the train to attain this velocity.
28. Starting from rest a man paddles his bicycle to attain a velocity of 10ms -1 in
25s. Then, he applies brakes such that he again comes to rest after next 50s.
Calculate the acceleration of the bicycle in both cases. Also find the total
distance travelled by man.
29. The brakes applied to a car produce an acceleration of 6 ms-2 in the
opposite direction to the motion. If the car takes 3s to come to rest after the
application of brakes the calculate (i) initial velocity of car before applying the
brakes (ii) the distance covered by the car before stopping.
30. A particle moving with constant acceleration along a straight line covers
the distance at two points, 75m apart, in 5s. Its speed as it passes through the
second point is 20 m/s.
(a) What is its speed at the first point?
(b) What is its acceleration?

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