NP BhU SEM 2 MM 2nd Internal Portions 23may11
NP BhU SEM 2 MM 2nd Internal Portions 23may11
NP BhU SEM 2 MM 2nd Internal Portions 23may11
Unit - I
Marketing Concepts & Tasks. Defining & delivering customer value & satisfaction. Value Chain : Delivery Network, Marketing Environment, Adapting Marketing to new liberalised economy. Digitalisation, Customisation, Changing Marketing Practices, e-business : settingup web sites. Marketing Information System, Strategic
Marketing Planning & Organisation.
Reference Books
SL. No.
1 Marketing Management
Kotler, Keller, 13th Edition-A South Asian Perspective Koshy & Jha
2 Marketing Management
( Tata McGraw Hill Publication )
Philip Kotler
Definition of Market
Market is a geographical region or a place which facilitates interaction & exchange between Buyers & Sellers. It can be an actual or conceptual place, where in forces of demand & supply operate.
Types of Markets
On Geographic or Area basis 1. Local market 2. National market 3. International market or Global market On Economic basis 1. Perfect market 2. Imperfect market On the basis of Business 1. Wholesale market 2.Retail market On the basis of Customer type 1. Consumer market 2. Business market or Industrial market
What is Marketing ?
Definition of Marketing
Traditional Definition : Marketing is a
management process that identifies, anticipates & satisfies customer needs profitably, in order to achieve the organizational goals & objectives.
Modern Definition : Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating & delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.
Marketers cannot create basic Needs, but constantly try to create specific Wants
Wants: Needs become Wants when they are directed to specific objects that may satisfy the needs.
Wants are shaped by ones Society, Culture & Individual Personality. Wants are desires for specific satisfiers of these deeper needs.
Eg: An American Needs food, but Wants burger. An Indian also Needs food but Wants Rice. So basic human Needs are the same as outlined above, but human Wants keep on changing & can be unlimited.
Demands: are wants for specific products, backed by an ability to pay & willingness to buy them.
Companies must not only measure how many people want the product, but how many would actually be willing & able to buy them.
Customer Needs & Wants are fulfilled through a Marketing offering, which may be products, services, information or experiences or a combination thereof, offered to a market to satisfy a need or want.
The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines Marketing as The process of planning & executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas / goods / services to create exchanges that satisfy individual & organizational goals.
Marketing starts with identifying customer needs and wants and ends with satisfying them through a coordinated set of activities that also allows a firm to achieve its own goals, profitably. Marketing lays emphasis on providing the right type of products to customers at the right place, at the right price, at the right time and in the right form i.e. Marketing provides Form, Time, Place & Possession Utilities to customers. { The extent
to which a product / service satisfies customer needs / wants is called Utility }. Communication of information about
the product helps customers determine whether the product satisfies their needs.
Needs Wants
Value Cost
6 5
Marketing Management
Marketing Management is a business discipline which is focused on the practical application of marketingtechniques & the management of a firm's marketing resources & activities.
Functions of Marketing
Importance of Marketing
(A) Importance of marketing to society 1. Delivery of standard of living 2. Provides Employment 3. Decrease in distribution cost 4. Increase in national income (B) Importance of marketing to the Firm 1. Helpful in business planning & decision-making 2. Helpful in increasing profits 3. Helpful in communication between firm & society
DISTINCT CONCEPTS OF MARKETING The Exchange concept The Production concept The Product concept The Sales concept The Marketing concept
Evolution of Marketing
1. Product Era : 1600 1750 2. Production Era : 1780 1920 3. Sales Era : 1920 - 1955
Marketing Concept :
i. ii. iii. iv. Customer Orientation Long - term Profitability Functional Integration CRM / SCM / BPO / e-C / BM & RE
Product Concept
Selling Concept Marketing Concept
Consumers will buy products only if the company aggressively promotes/sells these products
Focuses on needs/ wants of target markets & delivering value better than competitors
Short sighted & inward looking approach to marketing that focuses on the needs of the firm instead of defining the firm and its products in terms of the customer' needs and wants. Such self-centered firms fail to see and adjust to the rapid changes in their markets and, despite their previous eminence, falter, fall, and disappear. This concept was discussed in an article (titled 'Marketing Myopia,' in July-August 1960 issue of Harvard Business Review) by Professor of Marketing, Theodore C. Levitt, who suggests that firms get trapped in this bind because they omit to ask the vital question, "What business are we in?"
Marketing Myopia
1.Selling focuses on the needs of the seller 2.Product enjoys supreme importance
3.Integrated approach to achieve long term goals 4.Converting customers needs into products 5.Cavet Vendor (Let the seller beware) 6. Profits through customer satisfaction
3.Fragmented approach to achieve immediate goals 4.Converting customer needs into profits 5.Cavet Emptor (Let the buyer beware) 6.Profits through sales volume
Emphasis on consumer needs and wants
Company manufactures the product Company first determines customer first and then decides to sell it needs and wants and then decides how to deliver a product to satisfy these wants
Stresses needs and wants of a buyer Views business as a consumer satisfying process
Emphasis on innovation in every sphere, on providing better value to customers by adopting a superior technology
Different departments work as highly separate watertight compartments Cost determines price
All departments of a business operate in an integrated manner, the sole purpose being generation of consumer satisfaction Consumers determine price, price determines cost Marketing views the customers as the very beginning of a business
The Marketing Concept holds that the key to achieving organizational goals consists of the company being more effective than its competitors in creating, delivering & communicating customer value to its target markets.
The Marketing Concept rests on four pillars: Target Market, Customer Needs, Integrated Marketing & Protability.
Relationship Marketing aims to build long-term mutually satisfying relations with key parties : customers, suppliers & distributors in order to earn and retain their long-term preference and business.
Relationship Marketing
Relationship Marketing is an integrated & coordinated effort to identify, maintain & build up a network with individual customers & other parties ( employees & suppliers ) & continuously strengthen the network for the mutual benefits of all the parties concerned. Transactional Marketing is one in which a Company or its employees communicate & offer their products or services to the customers only when they approach the firm. Gaining Customer-Loyalty is not a priority. There is clear lack of personal touch / focus on the customers requirements. Egs: Govt. Services, Public Sector Banks, etc. 28
Relationship Marketing
is a philosophy of doing business that focuses on keeping current customers and improving relationships with them. does not necessarily emphasize acquiring new customers. is usually cheaper for the firm ( keeping a
current customer costs less than attracting a new one ).
the focus is less on attraction & more on retention and enhancement of customer relationships.
from only one supplier, even though other options exist increasingly buys more and more from a particular supplier provides constructive feedback/suggestions
consider terminating the relationship has a positive attitude about the provider says good things about the provider
Customer Satisfaction
Quality of Products/Service
Employee Loyalty
The Societal Marketing Concept holds that the organizations task is to determine the needs, wants & interests of target markets and to deliver the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors in a way that preserves or enhances the consumers and the societys well-being.
The Societal Marketing concept calls upon marketers to build social and ethical considerations into their marketing practices. They must balance and juggle the often conicting criteria of company prots, consumer want satisfaction and public interest.
Holistic Marketing
Holistic Marketing is a process of integrating the : value exploration, value creation & value delivery activities, with the purpose of building long-term, mutually satisfying relationships and co-prosperity among key stakeholders.
In the first four steps, we create value for customers and build customer relationships. In the fifth step, we capture value from customers in return.
What is a Product ?
Product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption, that will satisfy a need. It is considered to be a bundle of benefits or utilities. Products include more than
just tangible goods. Broadly defined, products include physical objects, services, events, persons, places, organizations, ideas or mixes of these entities. Services are a form of product that consists of activities, benefits or satisfactions offered for sale that are essentially intangible and do not result in the ownership of anything.
Places Goods Services
Persons Properties Experiences
Classification of Products
Health Care; Education; Hotels; Hospitality; Banking; Legal Services; Travel; Transportation; Beauty & Body Care; Entertainment, Security, Auditing;
( Durables & Non-Durables )
Egs: Tea, Chocolates, Soap
Egs: Furniture, TV, Bike, Jeans
Egs: Jewelry, Car, Flat
Recreation; etc
Egs: Gluco-Meter, Hearing Aid
Product & Service Classifications: Products fall into two classes based on how consumers use them : 1. Consumer Products & 2. Industrial Products
Consumer Products are the products bought by final consumers for personal consumption. They include: (a) Convenience Products: These are the products that customer buys frequently, immediately and with a minimum amount of comparison and buying effort. Eg: Soap, Bread, Milk, Tea/Coffee, Tooth Brush/Paste. (b) Shopping Products: These are the products that customers compare carefully on suitability, quality, price and style. They are less frequently purchased products. Eg : Furniture, TV, Cell Phones, etc.
(c) Specialty Products: These are products with unique characteristics or brand identification for which buyers will make special purchase effort. For these kind of products, buyers can even travel to great distances & spend a lot of time before purchasing. Egs : Expensive Jewellery, Property, Cars, etc. (d) Unsought Products: These are the products that either the customer does not know or does not think of buying under normal circumstances. These products are bought due to emergency situations. Egs : Medical Aids, Life/Medical /Fire Insurance, etc.
NOTE : The success of a firm, depends upon the coordination of these ingredients in such a way as to create a suitable mix to the particular situation in hand.
Pricing ------- Strategies Discounts Allowances Payment Terms Credit Period
Advertising Sales Promotion Personal Selling Publicity / PR Direct Marketing
[Physical Distribution ]
Channels of Distribution ( Wholesalers & Retailers ) & Logistics of Distribution (Assortments Locations Inventory Transport )
Product Price Promotion Place
Marketing Tasks
1. Marketing Mix 2. Segmentation 3. Targeting ( Target Markets ) 4. Positioning.
Market Targeting
3. Evaluate attractiveness of each segment 4. Select the target segment(s)
Market Positioning
5. Identify possible positioning concepts for each target segment
Michael Porter
how a firm or a region can build a competitive advantage & develop a competitive strategy.
The VALUE CHAIN, also known as Value Chain Analysis, is a concept from business management that was first described and popularized by Michael Porter in his 1985 best-seller, Competitive Advantage: Creating & Sustaining Superior Performance.
He suggested that activities within the organisation add value to the products & services that the organisation produces, and all these activities should be run at optimum level if the organisation is to gain any real competitive advantage. If they are run efficiently the value obtained should exceed the costs of running them.
These Primary Activities are supported by a set of Support Activities, such as: The Infrastructure Of The Firm : organizational structure, control systems, company culture, etc. Human Resource Management : employee recruiting, hiring, training, development, and compensation. Technology Development : technologies to support value-creating activities. Procurement : purchasing inputs such as materials, supplies, and equipment.
It is in these activities that a firm has the opportunity to generate superior value. The firm's margin or profit then depends on its effectiveness in performing these activities efficiently, so that the amount that the customer is willing to pay for the products, exceeds the cost of the activities in the value chain.
A competitive advantage may be achieved by reconfiguring the value chain to provide lower cost or better differentiation.
Marketing Environment
Marketing Environment
The Marketing Environment consists of external forces that directly or indirectly influence an organization acquisition of inputs & creation of outputs. It can be classified into :
Environmental Scanning
The major components of Environmental Scanning are :
1. External Environmental Scanning 2. Customer Analysis 3. Competitor Analysis 4. Market Analysis 5. Company Analysis
Environmental Scanning
The major components of Environmental Scanning are :
1. External Environmental Scanning 2. Customer Analysis 3. Competitor Analysis 4. Market Analysis 5. Company Analysis
Environmental Appraisal
Environment of any organization is the sum of all conditions, events & influences that surround and affect it The Marketing Environment is Complex, Dynamic, Multi-faceted & has a Farreaching consequences. It is therefore crucial for any organization to understand the environmental influences on its business.
Components contd..
3) Supplier Environment:
Cost, availability, and continuity of supply of raw material, components, parts. Infrastructural support and ease of availability of the different factors of production.
4) Economic Environment:
The economic stage at which the country exists at a given point of time. The economic structure adopted, capitalistic, socialistic or mixed. Economic policies, industrial, fiscal. Per capita income, balance of payments etc.
Components contd..
5) Legal or Regulatory Environment:
Policies related licensing, monopolies, FDI, Policies related to distribution and pricing. Policies related to sick industries, public sector, backward areas, consumer protection etc.
6) Political Environment: The political system and its features, ideological forces, coalition compulsions. Political stability. Political funding of elections. Governments role in business.
Components contd..
7) Socio-Cultural Environment: Demographics like population, its density and distribution, age composition, inter state migration, income distribution etc. Socio-cultural concerns like environmental pollution, consumerism, corruption etc. Family structure changes.
Components contd..
8) International or Global Environment: Globalization process. Global economic forces. Global trade and commerce. Global financial system. Global markets and competitiveness. Global communication Global technology and quality systems.
PEST Analysis
Political Environment : Legislations / Govt. Rules /
Pollution Control & Environmental Laws / Taxes & Duties / Pricing Policies / Consumer Protection Laws / Impex Policies FDI / Patent Laws / Labour Laws / Subsidies, etc
(SWOT Analysis)
SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis is a tool for analysing a business - organization and its environment. It is the first stage of planning and helps marketers to focus on key issues. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats. Strengths & Weaknesses are Internal factors. Opportunities & Threats are External factors.
Student Activity
Undertake SWOT Analysis of atleast two companies, each in : IT, Telecom, Retail, Automobile, Petroleum, Consumer Electronics, FMCG, Power, Steel, Infrastructure & Service Sectors.
What is e-Business?
is the continuous optimization of a firms business activities through digital technology. [Digital or
Information Technologies are things like computers & the Internet, that allow the storage & transmission of data in digital formats]
led to many solid successes today and exciting new growth areas will soon emerge.
What is E-Marketing?
E-Marketing is the application of a broad range of information technologies for :
Transforming marketing strategies to create more customer value (more effective segmentation, targeting, differentiation and positioning strategies),
More efficiently planning & executing the conception, distribution, promotion and pricing of goods / services / ideas. Creating exchanges that satisfy individual consumer and organizational customers objectives.
E - Marketing Implications
Marketers who grasp what Internet technologies can do will be better poised to capitalize on information technology. Internet : creates opportunities beyond those possible with the telephone, television, postal mail, or other communication media. It leads to more effective & efficient implementation of the marketing strategies. Corporates & Customers can have easy, & quick access to information & can transact business in an inexpensive way. The market reach can be extended to the entire world.
E-marketing Implications..
E-marketing is the result of information technology applied to traditional marketing. Increases efficiency in traditional marketing functions. The technology of e-marketing transforms many marketing strategies. New trends such as Integrated & Collaboration Software, Web services, Data Security, Wireless Technologies, Portable-Computing, etc will help businesses move forward with e-marketing.
Increased use of digital media and a decrease in radio & print media. Increased use of internet & e-mail to reach out to prospects and customers more frequently at a very low cost. Increased use of quality, targeted content (textual / video) that tells a company's story & engages the prospective customer. Increased use of blogs, social networking, & other social media to create dialog and relationships with customers / prospects.
Types of E-Markets
is a marketplace in which sellers & buyers exchange goods & services for money using electronic medium such as computers & phones.
usually B2B, in which buyers and sellers exchange goods or services. The three types of e-marketplaces are : Private, Public & Consortia.
1. Private e-marketplaces: Online markets owned by a single company; can be either Sell-side or Buy-side market-places
Sell-side e-marketplace: A private e-market in which a company sells either standard or customized products to qualified companies Buy-side e-marketplace: A private e-market in which a company makes purchases from invited suppliers.
2. Public e-marketplaces: B2B markets, usually owned and/or managed by an independent third party, that include many sellers and many buyers; also known as exchanges
3. Consortia: E-marketplaces owned by a small group of large vendors, usually in a single industry
styles Pop-up ads: popular, another type is PopBehind or Pop-Under Ads : E-mail Marketing: powerful, economical, legal implications, spam. Affiliate marketing: commission-based, benefit of the selling sites brand in exchange for the referral.
Student Activity
Write down the Definitions, with suitable examples, of all the terms listed-out under the : Modern Trends in Marketing
Philip Kotlers definition says, an MkIS is more than a system of data collection or a set of information technologies:
"A Marketing Information System is a continuing and interacting structure of people, equipment & procedures to gather, sort, analyse, evaluate and distribute pertinent, timely & accurate information for use by marketing-decision makers to improve their marketing planning, implementation & control".
Marketing Managers
Marketing Environment
Developing Information Internal Marketing Records Intelligence Decision Support Marketing Research
The three main constituent parts of an MkIS in developing information are : 1. The Internal Reporting Systems 2. Marketing Intelligence System & 3. Marketing Research System
Information needed by Managers can be obtained from:
Internal Data
Computerized Collection of Information from Data Sources (i.e. Accounting) within the Company. Collection and Analysis of Publicly available Information about Competitors & the Marketing Environment Design, Collection, Analysis & Reporting of Data about a Specific Marketing Situation Facing the Organization.
Marketing Intelligence
Marketing Research
Developing Information
Internal Data
Marketing Intelligence Marketing Research
Internal data is gathered via customer databases, financial records, and operations reports. Advantages of internal data include quick/easy access to information. Disadvantages stem from the incompleteness or inappropriateness of data to a particular situation.
Developing Information
Internal Data
Marketing Intelligence
Marketing Research
Marketing Intelligence is the systematic collection and analysis of publicly available information about competitors and trends in the marketing environment. Competitive intelligence gathering activities have grown dramatically. Many sources of competitive information exist.
Developing Information
Internal Data
Marketing Intelligence
Marketing Research
Marketing Research is the systematic design, collection, analysis & reporting of data relevant to a specific marketing situation facing an organization. Marketing Research Process.
Definition of Research
RE-SEARCH means To Search Again. It is the systematic investigation & study of material and sources in order to establish new facts and reach new conclusions.
Research is defined as human activity based on intellectual application in the investigation of nature & matter. The primary purpose of research is discovering, interpreting & development of methods & systems for the advancement of human knowledge on a wide variety of matters of our world.
Types of Research :
1. Basic Research: (also called Fundamental
or Pure Research) is primarily concerned with the advancement of knowledge and the theoretical understanding of the relations among variables. It is often driven by the researchers curiosity, interest & intuition. 2. Applied Research: is research accessing and using some part of the research communities' accumulated theories, knowledge, methods, and techniques, for a specific or client driven purpose.
MARKETING RESEARCH Marketing Research is the systematic & objective identification, collection, analysis, dissemination & use of information for the purpose of improving decision making related to the identification & solution of problems & opportunities in Marketing.
( II ) Conclusive Research : ( a ) Descriptive Research : to describe things, such as the market potential for a product or the demographics & attitudes of consumers who buy the product.(Hypotheses Testing) ( b ) Experimental Research : (Causal Research) to establish the cause-and-effect relationships.
Qualitative Research & Quantitative Research Qualitative Research explores attitudes, behaviour & experiences through such methods as Interviews & Focus Groups with the idea of getting an in-depth opinion from participants. Quantitative Research involves analysis of numerical data. It involves the generation of statistics through the use of large-scale survey research, using methods such as questionnaires or structured interviews.
The Quantitative approach views human phenomena as being amenable to objective study i.e. able to be measured.
The 3 Rs of Marketing
In the process of Marketing Research, companies collect a lot of different types of information. David G. Bakken is of the opinion that it is easy to think of all these in terms of Three Rs of Marketing:
To Recruit New Customers, the researchers study different market segments to develop the right products & services consumers need & want. To Retain Existing Customers, the marketer may conduct customer satisfaction studies. Marketers realise that good relationship with customers is important for long-term positive sales results. Regaining Lost Customers can be a formidable problem. It needs innovative marketing & outstanding communications.
Many companies face the dilemma of deciding for or against Marketing Research Firms. That is why it is advisable for you to know the needs of your concern well before making any decisions; as Market Research is a highly important for a good marketing strategy.
In-house Market Research divisions can only yield results when people with thorough knowledge of research techniques are employed. Major business houses, usually have a vast inhouse Marketing Research Division.
Outsourcing makes good business sense, especially when the firm lacks expertise or time in a particular area of business. Many companies prefer to off-load Advertising & Marketing Research to specialized companies, who have the expertise & experience to do a much more effective & efficient job. Market Research Companies are concerns, which help their clients scan & understand their consumers thus helping them to successfully promote and sell their product. Companies that fulfill market research needs, specialize in data analysis i.e. their employees are specifically trained for gathering and analyzing information.
Student Activity
List out the top ten Indian & top ten Global :
1. Market Research Companies.
2. Advertising Companies
What is Strategy ?
The word Strategy has been derived from the Greek word stratgos, which derives from two words: Stratos (Army) & Ago (ancient Greek for Leading). i.e. Stratgos referred to a 'Military Commander' during the age of Athenia Democracy.
Strategy is a set of key or crucial decisions taken or a grand design or a comprehensive master-plan or a specific course of action which a person or an organisation chooses to achieve the primary or long term goals & objectives.
Basic Definitions:
Plan : is a future course of action where in we select
our goals & determine the means to achieve it.
Policy : is an understanding by a group of people that makes action of each member more predictable to the other members. It is essentially a guide for taking action. Procedure : is a system that describes in detail the specific steps to be taken in order to accomplish a job. Principle : is a universal & enduring statement which remains true in all circumstances & is always followed.
5 Ps
1. Strategy is a PLAN, a "how," a means of getting from here to there. 2. Strategy is a PATTERN in actions over time; for example, a company that regularly markets very expensive products is using a "high end" strategy. 3. Strategy is POSITION; that is, it reflects decisions to offer particular products or services in particular markets. 4. Strategy is PERSPECTIVE, that is, vision and direction. 5. Strategy is a PLOY, i.e. It is a specific manoeuvre intended to outwit an opponent or competitor.
Student Activity
( I ) Write down the history & ------- contributions of : 1. Igor Ansoff 2. Henry Mintzberg, 3. Michael Porter & 4. Peter Drucker ( II ) Read at least one book, each, written by these eminent Management Gurus.
Definition : Strategic Planning is the process of identifying an organization's long-term goals & objectives and then determining the best approach for achieving those goals and objectives.
Components of Strategic Management or Steps in Strategic Planning : 1. Company Vision & Mission 2. Situational Analysis (Envrmtal. Scanning) 3. Long Term & Short Term Objectives 4. Corporate Strategy (Grand Design) 5. Designing the Business Portfolio 5. Functional or Operational Strategies 6. Implementation (Organising) 7. Evaluation (Measuring Results) 8. Control (Taking Corrective Action)
Mission and Vision Statements are written mainly for the customers and the employees of companies or corporations. Mission Statements are sentences or short paragraphs written by companies, corporations or businesses which reflects their core purpose, identity, values and principle business aims.
The Vision Statement is a sentence or a short paragraph providing a broad and inspirational image of the future.
A Vision articulates the position that an organization would like to attain in the distant future. Vision therefore is future aspirations that lead to an inspiration to be the best in ones field of activity. The Companys Vision is should provide a description of what the organization is trying to do & to become. It gives a view of the organizations future direction & course of business activity.
visions are inspiring & exhilarating. It creates a common identity and a shared sense of purpose. They are competitive, unique and simple. Good visions foster risk-taking and experimentation. They represent integrity.
COMPANY MISSION : is a statement of the organization's purpose. Mission is what an organization is and why it exists. It should be realistic, specific & motivating.
Mission should define the essential purpose of the organization, concerning philosophical questions like What is our business, the nature of business it is in, who are our customers it looks to satisfy.
The Mission of a company should identify the scope of the companys operations, describe the companys products, markets, technological areas of thrust & should reflect the values & priorities of its strategic decision makers. It should also set apart a company 131 from its competitors.
Mission Statements
should be feasible: Though mission should aim high, it should be realistic & achievable. It should be precise: It should not be very narrow nor should it be too broad. It should be clear enough to lead to action. It should be motivating: It should motivate employees to achieve its mission. It should be unique and distinctive: unique because an organization should be seen by market and customers as different. It should indicate the strategic direction for the organization.
General Motors Mission Statement : "G.M. is a multinational corporation engaged in socially responsible operations, worldwide. It is dedicated to provide products and services of such quality that our customers will receive superior value while our employees and business partners will share in our success and our stock-holders will receive a sustained superior return on their investment." General Motors Vision Statement : "Over the past 100 years, GM has been a leader in the global automotive industry. And the next 100 years will be no different. GM is committed to leading the industry in alternative fuel propulsion."
Ford Motor Mission Statement: "We are a global family with a proud heritage passionately committed to providing personal mobility for people around the world. Wal-Mart Stores Mission Statement: "Wal-Marts mission is to help people save money so they can live better.
INFOSYS : Vision : "To be a globally respected corporation that provides best-of-breed business solutions, leveraging technology, delivered by best-in-class people. Mission : "To achieve our objectives in an environment of fairness, honesty, and courtesy towards our clients, employees, vendors and society at large." 134
Student Activity
Write down the Vision & Mission statements of atleast ten Indian Companies & ten Global Companies.
The Goals & Objectives function as yardsticks for tracking an organisation's performance and progress. Strategic objectives relate to outcomes that strengthen an organisation's overall business position and competitive vitality. Objectives are open-ended attributes that denote the future state or outcomes, whereas Goals are close-ended attributes, which are precise & expressed in specific terms.
Role of Objectives :
Objectives define the organisation's
relationship with its environment. Objectives help an organisation pursue its mission and purpose. Objectives provide the basis for strategic decision making. Objectives provide the standards for performance appraisal.
Characteristics of Objectives
1. Objectives should be understandable 2. Objectives should be concrete and specific 3. Objectives should be related to a time frame 4. Objectives should be measurable and ------- controllable 5. Objectives should be challenging 6. Different objectives should correlate with ----- each other 7. Objectives should be set within constraints
For many companies, a single strategy is not enough. There is a need for multiple strategies at different levels. Many companies are organized on the basis of operating divisions. These divisions are known as Strategic Business Units (SBU) or Profit Centers.
Functional Level Medium & Short Term 4. Operational Level Short Term
SBU A Finance
SBU C Personnel
Grand Strategies
1. Survival Strategy or ----Stability Strategy 2. Expansion Strategy or --Growth Strategy. 3. Retrenchment Strategy. 4. Combination Strategy.
Stability Strategy
Is adopted by on organization when it attempts at an incremental improvement of its functional performance by marginally changing one or more of its business. Eg: A copier machine company provides better after sales service to improve its image and product image too.
Retrenchment Strategy
This is followed when a company aims at contraction of its activities through substantial reduction or elimination of its business. E.g. A pharmaceutical company may withdraw from its retail operations so that it can focus on institutional sales.
Combination Strategy
This is followed when a company adopts a mixture of all the strategies either at the same time in its different businesses, or at different times in the same business with the aim of improving its performance.
Marketing Strategy
Demographic Economic Environment Marketing Channels Technological Natural Environment
Market Nicher
Market Follower
Depending upon their market shares in a particular market, companies can be classified as : 1. Leaders 2. Challengers & 3. Followers 4. Nichers
The Challenger companies have to attack the Leader, other comparable firms & smaller firms in their bid to gain market share. Attack has a greater probability of success when there is customer dissatisfaction with the current leader.
Market Structure
Depending upon their market shares in a market, companies can be classified as :
Market Leader : the firm with the largest market
Strategic Analysis
1. Company Level :
i. SWOT ( Strength, Weakness, Opportunities & Threats ) ii. ETOP ( Environmental Threat & Opportunities Profile ) iii. PIMS ( Profit Impact of Marketing Strategies ) iv. VA ( Vulnerability Analysis )
Nine Cell Planning Grid ( GE Spot Light Grid ) iii. ADL Life Cycle Approach iv. Ansoff Product - Market Matrix.
The Ansoff Product - Market Growth Matrix is a marketing tool created by Igor Ansoff and first published in his article "Strategies for Diversification" in the Harvard Business Review (1957). The matrix allows marketers to consider ways to grow the business via existing and/or new products, in existing and/or new markets there are four possible product/market combinations. This matrix helps companies decide what course of action should be taken given current performance. The matrix consists of four strategies :
1. 2. 3. 4.
Market Penetration (existing markets, existing products) Product Development (existing markets, new products) Market Development (new markets, existing products) Diversification (new markets, new products).
1. Market Penetration: This involves increasing sales of an existing product & penetrating the market further by either promoting the product heavily or reducing prices to increase sales. 2. Product Development: The organisation develops new products to aim within their existing market, in the hope that they will gain more custom & market share. Eg : Sony launching the Play-Station2 to replace their existing model.
3. Market Development: The organisation here adopts a strategy of selling existing products to new markets. This can be done either by a better understanding of segmentation, i.e who else can possibly purchase the product or selling the product to new markets, overseas. 4. Diversification: Moving away from what you are selling (your core activities) to providing something new. Eg : Moving over from selling foods to selling cars.
The BCG Matrix ( Boston Consulting Group ) is a
matrix / model that was created by Bruce Henderson for the Boston Consulting Group in 1970 to assist Corporations with analyzing their Strategic Business Units or Product Lines. This helps the company allocate resources and is used as an analytical tool in brand marketing, product management, strategic management, and portfolio analysis. Companies that are large enough to be organized into strategic business units face the challenge of allocating resources among those units.
Resources are allocated to business units according to where they are situated on the grid as follows:
1. Cash Cow - a business unit that has a large market share in a mature, slow growing industry. Cash cows require little investment and generate cash that can be used to invest in other business units. 2. Star - a business unit that has a large market share in a fast growing industry. Stars may generate cash, but because the market is growing rapidly they require investment to maintain their lead. If successful, a star will become a cash cow when its industry matures. 3. Question Mark (or Problem Child) - a business unit that has a small market share in a high growth market. These business units require resources to grow market share, but whether they will succeed and become stars is unknown. 4. Dog - a business unit that has a small market share in a mature industry. A dog may not require substantial cash, but it ties up capital that could better be deployed elsewhere. Unless a dog has some other strategic purpose, it should be liquidated if there is little prospect for it to gain market share.
Four strategies suggested by the BCG Matrix : Build, Hold, Harvest or Divest BUILD : Invest more in the business unit in order to build (increase) its share. HOLD : Invest just enough to hold (keep) the SBUs share at the current level [ i.e. Preserve
SBUs market share ]
HARVEST : The Company can harvest the SBU, milking its short-term cash flow regardless of the long-term effect . DIVEST : ( Sell or Liquidate ) Get rid of the SBU by selling it or phasing it out and using the resources elsewhere.
(1) Overall Cost Leadership, (2) Differentiation, & (3) Focus [ on a particular Market Niche ]
1. Cost Leadership : The low cost leader in any market gains competitive advantage from being able to many to produce at the lowest cost. Factories are built & maintained, labor is recruited and trained to deliver the lowest possible costs of production. Cost Advantage' is the focus. Costs of every element of the value chain are reduced. Products tend to be 'no frills.' However, low cost does not always lead to low price. Producers could price at competitive parity, exploiting the benefits of a bigger margin than competitors.
Eg : Toyota is very good not only at producing high quality autos at a low price but have the brand & marketing skills to use a premium pricing policy. 167
2. Differentiation : Differentiating the product or service, requires a firm to create something about its product or service that is perceived as unique throughout the industry. Customers must perceive the product as having desirable features not commonly found in competing products. The customers also must be relatively price-insensitive. Adding product features means that the production or distribution costs of a differentiated product may be somewhat higher than the price of a generic, non-differentiated product.
Differentiation may be attained through many features that make the product or service appear unique. Possible strategies for achieving differentiation may include: Warranties ( Khaitan Fans, Whirlpool ) Brand image ( Nike Shoes ) Technology (Hewlett-Packard Printers, I Pods) Features ( Nokia Mobile Hand sets ) Quality / Value ( Sony ) Service / Dealer Network ( Maruti Cars )
Differentiation makes a firm's products less susceptible to cost pressures from competitors because customers see the product as unique and are willing to pay extra to have the product with the desirable features. Differentiation may lead to customer brand loyalty and result in reduced price elasticity. Differentiation may also lead to higher profit margins and reduce the need to be a low-cost producer.
A Niche Market refers to that small segment of the overall market base, which if targeted in a focused manner, results in higher yields rather than focusing on all the market segments. It is such focused and targetable group of potential customers, which if targeted, will result in higher yield due to its unique value proposition (UVP).
Features Of Niche Marketing: a) The customers in the niche have a distinct set of needs b) They will pay a premium to the firm that best satisfies their needs. c) The niche is not likely to attract other competitors d) The niche gains certain economies through specialization. e) The niche has size, profit and growth potential.
3. Focus Strategy :
Segmentation Strategy)
involves concentrating on a particular customer, product line, geographical area, channel of distribution or a market niche. The underlying premise of the Focus Strategy, is that a firm is better able to serve a limited segment more efficiently than competitors can serve a broader range of customers. Focus strategies are most effective when customers have distinctive preferences or specialized needs.
A Focus Strategy is often appropriate for small, aggressive businesses that do not have the ability or resources to engage in a nationwide marketing effort. Such a strategy may also be appropriate if the target market is too small to support a large-scale operation. Many firms start small and expand into a national-organization.
A firm following the Focus Strategy concentrates on meeting the specialized needs of its customers. Products and services can be designed to meet the needs of buyers. Firms utilizing a focus strategy may also be better able to tailor advertising and promotional efforts to a particular market niche.
Unit - II
Buyer Behaviour, Market Segmentation & Targeting, Positioning & Differentiation Strategies Life Cycle strategies, New Product Development, Product Mix & Product Line Decisions, Branding & Packaging. Setting: Objectives, Factors & Methods, Price Adapting Policies, Initiating & responding to Price changes.
A Customer is any person or group or organization who buy or purchase products /services, but a Consumer" is the one who consumes the products or services.
Definition : Consumer is an individual (or a group) who buys products or services for personal use (or house-hold use) and not for manufacture or resale.
Behavior or Behaviour refers to the actions of a system or organisms or people, usually in relation to its environment. i.e. Behaviour is the response of the system or people to various stimuli or inputs, whether
internal or external, conscious or subconscious, overt or covert & voluntary or involuntary. Generally, human-beings have a greater capacity to learn new responses and thus adjust their behavior.
Human Behavior (and that of other organisms & mechanisms) can be common, unusual, acceptable or unacceptable. Humans evaluate the acceptability of behavior using social norms and regulate behavior by means of social control. Buyers or Consumers, at any given time, are generally influenced by a set of motives, which may vary at different times & occasions.
Consumer Behaviour is the acts of 'individuals' which are directly involved in making decisions to spend their available resources (time, money, energy) in obtaining and using goods / services.
Marketers need to study the potential / existing customers needs, perceptions, attitudes, preferences, buying behaviour & buying patterns in order to develop their marketing plans. Studying Consumer Behaviour is absolutely essential in: a) Market Analysis b) Market Segmentation c) Product Positioning d) Developing Marketing Strategies e) Designing the Marketing Mix & f) Social Marketing.
Buying Decision
Consumers often play different roles in the purchase process, such as : 1. Initiator: the person who first suggests or thinks
of the idea of buying a particular product or service. 2. Influencer: a person whose views or advice ---carry weight in making the final buying decision. 3. Decider: the person who ultimately makes the --- final buying decision or any part of it. 4. Buyer: the person who makes the actual purchase. 5. User: the person who consumes the product or service.
External Stimuli
TV advertising
Magazine ad
Radio slogan
Degree of Importance
Which attributes matter most to me?
Brand Beliefs
What do I believe about each available brand? Based on what Im looking for, how satisfied would I be with each product?
Evaluation Procedures
Choosing a product (and brand) based on one or more attributes.
Attitudes of others
Purchase Decision
Satisfied Customer !
Dissatisfied Customer
Cognitive Dissonance
Post-Purchase Dissonance
Post-purchase Dissonance : is a consumer reaction after making a difficult decision that involves doubt and anxiety.
Probability of experiencing dissonance increases based on: Degree of commitment or irrevocability Importance of the decision Difficulty in choosing Individuals tendency to experience anxiety
Other Stimuli
Economic Technological Political Cultural
Buyers Characteristics
Cultural Social Personal Psychological
Buyers Decisions
Product Choice Brand Choice Dealer Choice Purchase Timing Purchase Amount
Psychological Personal
Cultural Social
Age & Life cycle stage
Economic sit. Lifestyle Personality & Self Concept
1. Values 2. Perceptions
Groups of people with shared value systems based on common life experiences. Hispanic Consumers African American Consumers
Social Class
People within a social class tend to exhibit similar buying behavior.
Social Influences
Behavior is learned so the traditions, values, attitudes of society all influence it Has a major influence on consumers behavior Formal or Informal Groups to which we belong or would like to be associated with. Key group in terms of attitudes, beliefs & learned behavior
Personal characteristics such as age, occupation, family lifestyle, etc
Psychological Factors
Personal Influences
Age and Family Life Cycle Stage Economic Situation Occupation
Lifestyle Identification
Activities Opinions
Personality is a particular combination of emotional, attitudinal & behavioral response patterns of an individual. It is the inner psychological characteristics (psyche or mental make-up) that both determine & reflect how a person responds to his or her environment.
Thus Personality depends upon unique psychological traits such as: Sociability, Self confidence, Dominance, Autonomy, Adaptability, Defensiveness, etc
Theories of Personality
Freudian Theory : Unconscious needs or drives are at the heart of human motivation Neo-Freudian Personality Theory : Social relationships are fundamental to the formation and development of personality Trait Theory : Quantitative approach to personality as a set of psychological traits
Maslows Hierarchy of Needs : The most basic or pre-potent needs are shown at the bottom of the pyramid, with prepotency decreasing as one progresses upwards.
5. SELF - ACTUALISATION : reaching your maximum potential, doing your own best thing, realising your inner-most self, 4. ESTEEM : respect from others, self-respect, recognition
3. BELONGING ( Social Needs ) : affiliation, acceptance, love, friendship, being part of something
2. SAFETY & SECURITY : physical safety, psychological security 1. PHYSIOLOGICAL : ( Biological Needs ) hunger, thirst, sleep, sex
Abraham Maslow's Theory of Hierarchy of Needs is one of the most widely discussed theories of motivation. The theory can be summarized as follows: 1. Human beings have wants and desires which influence their behavior. Only unsatisfied needs influence behavior, satisfied needs do not. 2. Since needs are many, they are arranged in order of importance, from the basic to the complex. 3. The person advances to the next level of needs only after the lower level need is satisfied. 4. The further the progress up the hierarchy, the more individuality, humane & psychological health a person 208 will demonstrate.
Frederick Herzbergs Two - Factor Theory of ( Intrinsic / Extrinsic ) motivation, concludes that certain factors in the workplace result in job satisfaction, but if absent, lead to dissatisfaction.
The factors that motivate people can change over their lifetime, but "respect for me as a person" is one of the top motivating factors at any stage of life. He distinguished between: Motivators (egs: challenging work, recognition, responsibility, status) which give positive satisfaction & Hygiene factors; (egs: job security, salary, fringe benefits, etc) that do not motivate if present, but, if absent, result in demotivation.
The name Hygiene Factors is used because, the presence will not make you 209 healthier, but absence can cause health deterioration.
McClelland noticed that many of those who reach the top of organisations and are rated as highly effective in their positions, demonstrate a concern for influencing people. Power motivation refers to a need to have some impact, to be influential and effective in achieving organisational goals. The individual with a high need for affiliation will reflect sensitivity to the feelings of others, a desire for friendly relationships & a reference to situations which involve human interactions. The need for affiliation is similar to Maslow's need for Belonging or Social need. achievement, have a number of distinctive characteristics which separate them from their peers. First of all, they like situations where they can take personal responsibility for finding solutions to problems. This allows them to gain personal satisfaction from their achievements. They do not like situations where success or failure results from chance. The important thing is that the outcome be the result of their own skill and effort.
Market Segmentation
Market Segmentation is the process by which a Market is divided into distinct buyer groups. Market Segmentation is defined as the process of defining & sub-dividing a large heterogeneous market into clearly identifiable segments having similar needs / wants or demand characteristics. Its objective is to design a marketing mix that precisely matches the expectations of customers in the targeted segment.
Once the market is segmented the company has to select those segments that they find profitable to cater to & these selected segments constitute the 213 Target Market.
4. Brand Loyalty
5. Purchase Influencers
8. Channel Type
9. Life Style / Status / Personality.
Requirements for Effective Segmentation 1. Accessibility : The firm should be able to reach
out to the market segments through various distribution & promotion channels economically. 2. Measurability : The variables used for market segmentation should be easily understandable & assessable. 3. Substantiability : The ROI from the selected segments should be attractive & profitable. 4. Actionability : The chosen segments should exhibit variations in their market behaviour & respond differently to marketing mixes that are designed on an individual basis. 217
The first step in Segmentation of customers, in a heterogeneous market is to select a set of variables or characteristics (called Segmentation Bases) to assign potential-customers to homogeneous groups. These variables should be related to some aspect of potential customers needs or wants and should reflect differences between customers.
Segmentation Descriptors fall under four major categories : Geographic, Demographic, Psychographic & Behaviouristic Variables.
Geographic : focus on where the customers are located. Demographic : identify who the target customers are. Psychographic : refer to lifestyle & values. Behaviouristic : identify benefits customers seek & product usage rates.
Demographic Segmentation
Demographic Segmentation consists of dividing the market into groups based on measurable population characteristics such as age, gender family size, income, occupation, education, religion, race, nationality, etc. It considers a number of potential influences on buying behaviour, including attitudes, activities & expectations of consumers. If these are known, then products and marketing campaigns can be customized so that they appeal more specifically to customer motivations.
Demographic variables are the most popular bases for distinguishing customer groups. One reason is that consumer wants, preferences and usage rates are often associated with demographic variables. Another is that demographic variables are easier to measure. Consumer wants and abilities change with age. Persons in the same part of the life cycle may differ in their life stage.
Men & Women tend to have different attitudinal and behavioral orientations, based partly on their genetic makeup & partly on socialization practices.
is a popular demographic variable for segmenting customers because income level influences consumers wants and determines their buying power.
Demographic approach assumes that customers differ according to some criteria about themselves. information on its own doesn't define the consumer needs, it doesn't define the product or service required, or the promotional stance to take.
role demographic plays is to help you identify for each segment a profile of the typical customer to be found in each segment. This in turn will help you understand how to reach each segment.
Geographic Segmentation
Geographic Segmentation tries to divide markets into different geographical units, such as :
Zones, Regions, States, Districts, City / Town / Village, etc Population: Urban, Suburban, Rural, Semi-Rural Climate: Coastal / Inland / Rainy, etc
Most MNCs & other large companies have different regional and national marketing programmes and need to alter their products, advertising & promotion to meet the individual needs of different geographic units.
The Geographic approach assumes that customers found within a particular geographic zone would have common preferences and therefore, can be targeted with the same offer. Like climate has strong impact on residents needs and purchasing behaviour such as their clothing, airconditioning and heating system, foods, sports and entertainments.
While there could be some common preferences of people residing in same geographic area, it does not mean that everyone down a particular street buys the same items. Everyone in the northern regions of our country (as individual consumers or as businesses) does not have the same buying criteria, or responds to only one type of message.
This approach on its own doesn't define the consumer needs, it doesn't define the product or service required, or the promotional stance to take. It can, however, play a role in segmentation by providing further help in identifying how to reach the customers found in particular segments.
Lifestyles, Personalities & Values. It considers a number of potential influences on buying behaviour, including attitudes, expectations & activities of consumers. If these are known, then products & marketing campaigns can be customized so that they appeal more specifically to customer motivations.
Eg: Recent examples include the growth of demand for organic foods
or products that are ( perceived to be) environmentally friendly.231
People within the same demographic group can exhibit very different psychographic profiles. Although this approach on its own does not define the product or service required, by identifying the internal drivers of decision makers it can help define the most appropriate promotional stance to take for different segments. The opinions that consumers hold & the activities they engage in will have a huge impact on the products they buy & marketers need to be aware of any changes.
2. Personality : Introvert,
Extrovert, Compulsive, Ambitious, Authoritarian, etc
Behaviouristic Segmentation
Dividing the market on the basis of such variables as use occasion, benefits sought, user status, usage - rate, loyalty status, buyer readiness stage & attitude is termed as Behaviouristic Segmentation.
Negative, Indifferent
Business Market.
Identify Bases for Segmenting the Market
Develop Profiles of Resulting Segments
Develop Measures of Segment Attractiveness
Select the Target Segments
Ensure that Segments Are Compatible
Select the product segments toward which the firm will direct its marketing actions
Three important Statistical tools commonly used for Market Segmentation are:
Conjoint Analysis
2. Differentiated Marketing Approach : aims at targeting customers of various segments by offering different products / services for each segment.
Eg : Travel Agencies approach to Domestic Travelers, Business Travelers & International Travelers.
3. Concentrated Marketing Approach : or Single Segment Strategy aims at serve a single or just a few segments in the total market.
The chosen segments ( Target Market ) should be the most profitable for the company & should help in delivering superior value to the chosen customer base.
& potential competitors, substitute products / services & the relative power of suppliers & buyers. 3. Companys Objectives & Resources
Positioning in Marketing is a process by which marketers try to create an image or identity in the minds of their target market for its product, brand or organization. Re-positioning involves changing the identity of a product, relative to the identity of competing products, in the collective minds of the target market. De-positioning involves attempting to change the identity of competing products, relative to the identity of your own product, in the collective minds of the target market.
Product Positioning is a decision reached by a marketer to try to achieve a defined brand image relative to competition within a market segment. Product positioning decisions are strategic decisions and have an impact on long-term success of the brand.
Product Differentiation (also known simply as Differentiation") is the process of distinguishing a product or offering from others, to make it more attractive to a particular target market. This involves differentiating it from competitors' products as well as a firm's own product offerings. Differentiation can be a source of competitive advantage. This is done in order to demonstrate the unique aspects of a firm's product and create a sense of value. The term Unique Selling Proposition refers to advertising to communicate a product's differentiation
UNIQUE VALUE PROPOSITION (UVP) : It may so happen that single benefit positioning i.e. USP may not be able to overpower competition, in which case a company should try to offer a unique combination of multiple benefit positioning known as Unique Value Proposition (UVP) in order to be successful.
For Eg : An Automobile can be positioned as a most fuel efficient, cheapest in its category, and providing best service.
Manufacturing Process
Product Class Price/Quality Country or Geographic Area
Positioning Statement or a Value Proposition : It is a statement expressed clearly in few words that identifies the target market for which the product is intended. It also specifies the product category in which it competes and highlights the unique benefit it offers. How Many Differences to Promote ?
Successful positioning depends on effectively communicating the brands differential advantage. A USP is an outstanding advantage and the best strategy to create a products position, provided it is not only persuasive for the consumers but also sustainable.
The Position
Do we have the money to do the job?
Positioning Strategies
How should we position ?
Attributes and Benefits? Price or Quality? Use or Application? Product Class?
Product User ?
Competitor ?
Cultural Symbols?
3. 4. 5. 6.
Positioning Errors
1. Under Positioning : When the brands position is so vague that it is seen as just another entry in a crowded marketplace. 2. Over Positioning : Buyers may have too narrow an image of the brand and they may think it to be unaffordable for them.
Positioning Errors.
3. Confused Positioning : Buyers might have a confused image of a brand resulting from company's making too many claims or changing the brand's positioning too frequently. 4. Doubtful Positioning : Buyers may find it hard to believe the brand claims in view of the product's features, price or manufacture.
Differentiation is the process of creating a different and distinguished offering by a company through a number of available tools, which adds meaningful value to the offering. Criteria for Differentiation : All products can be differentiated to some extent, but not all brand differences are meaningful or worthwhile for which it should satisfy one or more of the following criteria : Important, Distinctive, Superior, Preemptive Affordable, Profitable, etc.
Differentiation may be attained through many features that make the product or service appear unique. Possible strategies for achieving differentiation may include: Warranties ( Khaitan Fans, Whirlpool ) Brand image ( Nike Shoes ) Technology (Hewlett-Packard Printers, I Pods) Features ( Nokia Mobile Hand sets ) Quality / Value ( Sony ) Service / Dealer Network ( Maruti Cars )
Types of Differentiation
1. 2. 3. 4.
There are several variables through which a company can differentiate its market offerings such as : 1. Product Differentiation : A product can be differentiated in many ways such as : by changing the form and by varying the features or by setting a superior performance quality or by having a unique and superior design or by having a high degree of reliability or higher durability or simply by having a unique style. Eg : I-Pod, I-Phone, etc
2. Service Differentiation : When the physical product cannot be easily differentiated, the key to competitive success may lie in adding valued services & improving their quality. A company does so by providing miscellaneous Services, offering an improved product warranty or maintenance contract; it can also offer rewards, provide customer training, etc. Eg: Maruti Cars
3. Personnel Differentiation : Companies can gain a strong competitive advantage through having better trained people. Better trained personnel exhibit six
characteristics: Knowledge & Competence, Courtesy towards Customer, Individual Credibility, Reliability, l Responsiveness towards Customers, & l Communication Skills.
4. Image Differentiation: Brand Identity & Brand Image need to be distinguished. Identity comprises the ways that a company aims to identify or position itself or its products. Image is the way the public perceives the company or its product. Eg : Nike Sports wear, Sony, etc
Positioning is the result of differentiation decisions. It is the act of designing the company's offering and identity (that will create a planned image) so that they occupy a meaningful and distinct competitive position in the target customer's minds. The end result of Positioning is the creation of a
market-focused value proposition, a simple clear statement of why the target market should buy the product. Once the company has developed a clear positioning strategy, the company must choose various signs and cues that buyers use to confirm that the product delivers the promise made by the company.
Product is anything that can be offered to a market, such goods, services, places, ideas, information, etc, for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a need. It is considered to be a bundle of benefits / utilities. A Brand is an offering from a known source.
Value and Satisfaction : In terms of Marketing, the Product or Offering will be successful, if it delivers value & satisfaction to the target buyer.
Types of Products
Consumer Products
Industrial Products
Shopping Goods
Buy less frequently
Low priced Mass advertising Many purchase locations i.e Candy, newspapers
Higher price Fewer purchase locations Comparison shop i.e Clothing, cars, appliances
Specialty Goods
Special purchase efforts
Unsought Goods
New innovations
High price Unique characteristics Brand identification Few purchase locations i.e Lamborghini, Rolex
Products consumers dont want to think about Require much advertising & personal selling i.e Life insurance, blood donation
A specific version of a product that can be designated as a distinct offering among an organizations products.
Product Line
Product Mix
Product Mix
Series Adorn Toni Right Guard Silkience Soft and Dri Foamy Dry Look Dry Idea Brush Plus
Writing Instruments
Paper Mate Flair S.T. Dupont
Cricket S.T. Dupont
Up Market Stretch : Companies may wish to enter the high end of the market for more growth, higher margins or simply to position themselves as full-line manufacturers. Two Way Stretch: A company serving the middle market might decide to stretch their line in both directions. Line Filling : A product line can be also be lengthened by adding more items within the present range. Eg: Maruti introduces Alto in
Each of these stages provide distinct opportunities and threats, thereby affecting the firms strategies and marketing programmes.
New Product Development Introduction Growth Maturity Decline
Sales & Profits Over the Products Life From Inception to Demise
S a l e s
Introduction Growth High & Increasing Low sales Low growth Profit is zero Few competitors
sales / profits
Static but high sales and profits Emphasis on low costs
Declining sales
Entry of competitors
Stable price
Fight for market Stable promotional share with established expenditure competitors Competition is the peak
Product Life Cycle has five distinct stages:1. New Product Development : Begins when the company finds and develops a new product idea. At this stage sales are zero, companys investment costs mount. 2. Introduction : A period of slow sales growth as product is introduced in the market. Profits are non existent at this stage because product introduction cost are high. 3. Growth : A period of rapid market acceptance & increasing profits. 4. Maturity : A period of slowdown in sales growth as product gets acceptance by almost all potential buyers. Profits level off or decline because of increased marketing outlay to defend the product against competition.
Starts when the product is first launched . Takes time and the sales growth is slow. Profits are negative or low as sales are low and distribution and promotion expenses are high. As market is not ready to accept product refinement at this stage the firm produces a basic version of the product. Selling is focused on those buyers who are ready to buy. The market pioneer must choose a launch strategy consistent with the intended product positioning. It should realize that it is the first step in the total marketing plan for the PLC. If pioneer uses launch strategy to make a killing it sacrifices long revenue for short term gain. As pioneer moves to later stages it will have to continually formulate new pricing , promotion and other marketing strategies.
If the new product satisfies the market, it will enter he growth stage. Sales will start climbing quickly. Early adopters will continue to buy, later buyers will start following their lead especially if they hear favourable word of mouth New competitors may now make an entry attracted by the profit opportunities by adding new features Market will now expand Increasing competition leads to an increase in number of distribution outlets Prices remain where they are or fall only slightly Promotion spending may be the same or slightly higher Goal is educating the customers and meeting competition Profits increase as promotion costs are over large volumes and unit manufacturing costs fall
The firm uses several strategies to sustain rapid growth as long as possible It improves product quality and adds new product features and models It enters new market segments and develops new distribution channels Shifts some advertising from building product awareness to product conviction and purchase It lowers product prices to at the right time to attract more buyers At his stage the firm faces a trade off between high market share and high current profit By spending a lot of money on product improvement, promotion, and distribution the firm can capture a dominant position In doing so it gives up maximum current profit which it hopes to make up in the next stage
At some point of time the products sales growth slows down and the product enters the maturity stage This stage lasts longer than the previous stages The slowdown in sales growth results in many producers with many products to sell The overcapacity in the market leads to greater competition Competitors begin marking down prices, increasing their advertising and sales promotion The R&D budgets are increased to find better versions of the product These steps lead to a drop in profit Weaker competitors start dropping out (decline) The market eventually contains only well established competitors Most successful products are in a stage of continuous evolution to meet changing customer needs and preferences
At this stage firms may also chose to modify he market , the product or he marketing mix In modifying the market the firm tries to increase the consumption of the current market It looks for new users and market segments. Looks for ways to increase usage among present customers The firm may also try modifying the product by changing the characteristics such as quality, features, or style to attract the new users and inspire more usage It may improve the products quality and performance, its durability, reliability, speed and taste The firm can also try modifying the marketing mix to improve sales by changing one or more marketing mix elements. Can cut prices to attract new users and competitors customers. Better ad campaigns, aggressive sales promotion, trade deals. New and improved services.
At this stage sales of most product forms and brands eventually dip. Decline may be slow or rapid Sales may plunge to zero or they may drop to a low level where they continue for many years Sales decline may be due to technological advances, shifts in consumer tastes, and increased competition As sales and profits decline some firms withdraw from the market Those remaining prune their product offering, drop smaller market segments and marginal trade channels Some firms cut the promotion budget and reduce the prices further Carrying a weak product is costly for a firm Products failing reputation can cause customer concerns about firm and its other products Keeping a weak product delays the search for replacements, creates a lopsided product mix, hurts current profits, weakens companys foothold on the future.
At this stage a firm needs to pay more attention to the ageing products . The firms task is to identify those products in the decline stage by regularly reviewing sales, market share, costs and profit trends The firms has to decide whether to maintain, harvest or drop each of these declining products Firm may decide to maintain the brand in the hope that competitors will leave the industry May also decide to reposition or reformulate the brand in the hope of moving it back to the growth stage Firm may decide to harvest the product, which means reducing various costs (plant and equipment, maintenance, R&D, advertising, sales force) and hoping that sales hold up. Harvesting, if successful, increases firms profit in the short run Firm may also decide to drop the product from its line May sell it to another firm or liquidate it at salvage value
Overestimation of Market Size Product Design Problems Product Incorrectly Positioned, Priced or Advertised Costs of Product Development Competitive Actions
a. b.
understand its customers, markets and competitors. develop products that deliver superior value to customers.
Generation stage includes alternative specifications for product concepts utilizing end user analysis or problem analysis. Focus groups and direct observation provide insights for product development. Brainstorming is used for Idea Generation of new product or service The Idea Screening Stage begins to confirm the new product concept. Product candidates are evaluated on initial estimates of potential demand & the chances/barriers to success.
Internal sources
Customers Competitors Distributors Suppliers
Lab Experiments
2. Idea Screening : The object is to eliminate unsound concepts prior to devoting resources to them.
The screeners must ask at least these questions: i. Will the customer in the target market benefit from the product? ii. What is the size and growth forecasts of the market segment/target market? iii. What is the current or expected competitive pressure for the product idea? iv. What are the industry sales and market trends the product idea is based on? v. Is it technically feasible to manufacture the 294 product?
4. Business Analysis :
Estimate likely selling price based upon competition and customer feedback :
Estimate sales volume based upon size of market b. Estimate profitability and breakeven point
c) Requirement publication
d) Engineering operations planning e) Department scheduling f) Supplier collaboration g) Logistics plan
6. Market Testing :
i. Produce a physical prototype & test
the product in typical usage situations. ii. Conduct focus group customer interviews or introduce at trade show. iii. Make adjustments where necessary. iv. Produce an initial run of the product and sell it in a test market area to determine customer acceptance.
7. Commercialization : (often considered post-NPD) Launch the product Produce & place advertisements & other promotions Fill the distribution pipeline with product
Adopter Categories
Percentage of Adopters
Late Majority
Early Adopters
34% 16%
The Diffusion of Innovations Theory : 1. Innovators : Risk Takers, Variety Seekers, High
Product Interest, Less Well Integrated, More Individualistic.
4. Late Majority : Skeptical, Traditional, Lower SocioEconomic Status, Extremely Risk Averse.
Can the innovation be used on a trial basis?
Product Characteristics
Compatibility Does the innovation fit the values and experience of the target market?
Is the innovation difficult to understand or use?
Brand Management
A Brand is an identifying name, term, symbol, word/s, design or mark or a combination of these that distinguishes a product or a company from its competitors.
Usually Brands are registered (trade-marked) with a regulatory authority and so cannot be used freely by other parties. Branding is an essential part of marketing. Brand Management is the application of marketing techniques to a specific product, product line or brand. It seeks to increase the perceived value to the customer and thereby Increase brand image & brand equity.
Brand Name
Brand Name refers to Words, Letters or Symbols that make up a name used to identify and distinguish the firms offerings from those of its competitors. Brand Identity refers to a unique set of brand associations that the brand strategist aspires to create or maintain.
Coca Cola Marlboro Nescafe Kodak Microsoft Budweiser Kellogg's Motorola Gillette Bacardi
Source: Financial World
$ 36 $ 33 $ 11 $ 10
What is a Brand ?
Its the companys definition of what they have to offer. A brand is a product that has a personality. A promise to the customer, but it must be backed up by performance. What the customer knows about your specific product. Its your image. A brand signifies a relationship with the customer. It is the companys most valuable asset. Its also the main differentiator, the best defense against price competition & the key to customer loyalty.
Advantages of Branding :
Easy Selling Legal Protection Customer Loyalty Easy Market Segmentation Image Building
According to Jean-Noel Kepferer, a brand is complex symbol and capable of conveying up to six dimensions or meanings: 1. Physique: Physique dimension refers to the tangible, physical aspects. The physical dimensions are usually included in the product such as name, features, colours, logos & packaging. Eg : The physique of IBM brand would be, Servers, Desktop / Notebook - PCs & Service, Etc. 2. Personality: Marketers deliberately may try to assign the brand a personality; or people on their own may attribute a personality to a brand. It is not surprising that people often describe some brands by using adjectives such as young, masculine, feminine, exciting, rugged, rebel, energetic, etc., as if they are living persons. Brands usually acquire personalities because of deliberate communications from marketers and use of endorsers. Bajaj Pulsar ads communicate Definitely male. The personality of Boost is seen as young, dynamic, energetic and an achiever.
3. Culture: Culture includes knowledge, belief, rites and rituals, capabilities, habits & values. A brand reflects its various aspects and values that drive it. Culture manifests various aspects of a brand. For instance, Apple computers reflect its culture. It is a symbol of simplicity, and friendliness. Its symbol (munched Apple) connotes being different from others and not following the beaten path. Mercedes symbolises disciplined, efficient, high quality German Engineering. 4. Relationship: Brands are often at the heart of transactions and exchanges between marketers and customers. The brand name Nike is Greek and relates to Olympics & suggests glorification of human body. Just Do It is all about winning, the unimportance of age, and encourages us to let loose. Apple conveys emotional relationship based on friendliness. Relationship is essentially important in service products.
5. Reflection: This refers to defining the kind of people who use it. It is reflected in the image of its consumers: young, old, rich, modern and so on. For example, Pepsi reflects young, fun loving, carefree people. The reflection of Allen Sollys brand is a typical young executive. However, it does not by any chance mean that they are the only users. The concept of target market is broader than reflection. 6. Self-Image: This means how a customer relates herself / himself to the brand. Self-Image is how a customer sees herself / himself. The self-image of users of Bajaj Pulsar motorcycle is believed to that of be tough, young males. Users of Nike see their inner reflection in the brands personality.
understand & recall. Eg : Pepsi, Dettol, Tide, etc 2. The name should be appropriate for the product. Eg: All Clear, Head & Shoulders, Close Up, etc 3. It should be short & easy to remember like Vim, Lux, Zen, Gems, Wheel, Dove, Ikon, Alto, etc. 4. It should not have any negative meanings associated in the local language. Eg : NOVA, HENKO, 5. As far as possible, it should be descriptive in nature. Eg : Fair & Lovely, First Flight Courier, DTDC,
Types of Brands :
(Brand Sponsor Decisions)
Manufacturers Brand
Private Brand (Distributors Brand) Generic Brand
Licensed Brand
Generic Brands are those, which indicate only the product category, such
as Aluminium-Foil, Cellophane-Tape, Granite,
Tissue-Paper, Teak-Wood, Medicated-Cotton, etc . Only the generic name of the product is mentioned & the manufacturing companys name is written just to conform to legal requirements, such as DDT, Urea, Paracetamol, Tetracycline, etc. They do not include any other identifying marks. Generic Brands are usually sold at lower prices than their branded versions.
Generic Brands are fairly common in the AgroIndustry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Industrial Raw -Materials, Pesticides, etc
Licensed Brand is a relatively new trend & involves licensing of trademarks. Entering into a licensing agreement, a company allows approved manufacturers to use its trademark for a mutually agreed fee. The royalties may range anywhere between 2 % to10 %.
The company obtaining the license would be responsible for all production and promotional activities, & would bear the costs in case the licensed product fails. The benefits of this arrangement can bring extra revenues, free -publicity, new images & protection of trademark. Eg : P&G licensed its Camay brand of soap in India to Godrej for a few years.
Methods of Branding
( Brand Name Decisions)
1. Individual Branding : Separate Names for all Products of one company. Eg : HUL Soaps : Lux, Rexona, Dove, Life Bouy, Pears, Liril, Breeze, etc 2. Umbrella or Family Branding : Blanket Family Name for all Products or separate Family Names for separate Product Lines Eg : Lakme, Ponds, Maggie, Nescafe, etc
Methods of Branding..
Lux, Lifebuoy, Dove, Pears, Hamam, Breeze, Liril, Rexona, Vaseline, Fair & Lovely, Ayush, Ponds, CloseUp, Surf, Sunsilk, Lipton, Bru, Vim, Surf, Pepsodent, All Clear, Wheel, Lakme, Kissan, Kwality Walls, etc
Brand Name
New Brands
Brand Strategy
extended to new forms, sizes & flavors of an existing product category. Brand Extension : Existing brand names extended to new or modified product categories. Multibrands : New brand names introduced in the same product category. New Brands : New brand names in new product categories.
Brands Equity
Brands have equity because they have high awareness, many loyal consumers, a high reputation for perceived quality, proprietary assets such as access to distribution channels or to patents, or the kind of brand associations (such as personality associations) Brand Equity is defined in terms of marketing effects uniquely attributed to the brands.
Brand Equity
Brand Equity is the difference between the expected future sales of a branded product & an unbranded product.
i.e. Brand Equity is the value of a brand built up over a period of time. It is composed of four major components namely : Image, Perception,
BRAND AWARENESS: is the ability of prospective customers to recall a brand & its product category.
BRAND ASSOCIATION : conveys the meaning of the
product in terms of how it fulfills a customer need. Brand Associations create positive feelings which create a sense of uniqueness in favour of the Brand. Companies & people who behave in a socially responsible manner are much more likely to enjoy ultimate success than those whose actions are motivated solely by profits.
BRAND LOYALTY : is the physical / emotional relationship
Brand Loyalty is the biased behavioural response expressed over time by some decision-making unit, with respect to one or more alternative brand out of a set of such brands, and is a function of psychological processes. Advantages of Brand Loyalty :
Generates higher sales volume / profits Gives flexibility in pricing & in the introduction of new products 3. Lower cost for the company 4. Publicity & WOM recommendations attract new customers 5. Greater Trade advantages.
1. 2.
Packaging is the science, art & technology of enclosing or protecting products for storage, distribution, sale & use.
Packaging also refers to the process of design, evaluation & production of packages. Packaging can be described as a coordinated system of preparing goods for transport, warehousing, logistics, sale & end use. Purpose of Packaging :- To :contain, protect,
preserves, transport, inform & sell a Product
: Package Labelling or a
Label is any written, electronic or graphic communications on the packaging or on a separate associated Label.
4. Information transmission : Packages & Labels communicate how to use, transport, recycle, or dispose of the package or product. For certain items like pharmaceuticals, food, medical & chemical products, some types of information are statutatory requirements. Some packages and labels also are used for track & trace purposes. 5. Marketing : The packaging and Labels can be used by marketers to encourage potential buyers to purchase the product. Package graphic design and Marketing communications are applied to the surface of the package and (in many cases) the point of sale display. 6. Security : Packaging can play an important role in reducing
the security risks of shipment. Packages can be made with improved tamper resistance to deter tampering and also can 338 have tamper-evident features to help indicate tampering.
7. Convenience : Packages can have features that add convenience in distribution, handling, stacking, display, sale, opening, reclosing, use, dispensing, and reuse. 8. Portion Control : Single serving or single dosage packaging has a precise amount of contents to control usage. Bulk commodities (such as salt) can be divided into packages that are a more suitable size for individual households. It is also aids the control of inventory. Eg: selling sealed one - litre bottles or packets of milk, rather than having people bring their own bottles to fill themselves.
What is Price ?
Price Has Many Names
Rent Fee Rate Commission Assessment Tuition Fare Toll Premium Retainer
Definition of Price
Price is the amount of money charged for a
product or service, or the sum of the values that consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service. It is the only
element in the Mktg. Mix that generates revenues.
Sellers to :
Charge lower prices & / or reap higher margins. Monitor customer behavior & tailor offers. Alter prices to adjust for changes in demand / costs. Negotiate prices in online auctions and exchanges. 342
Pricing Process
1. Set Pricing Objectives 2. Analyze demand 3. Draw conclusions from competitive intelligence 4. Select pricing strategy appropriate to the P, E, S, T Environment. 5. Determine specific prices
1. SURVIVAL (short-term objective, i.e. due to
heavy competition, changing customer needs, too much production, not enough sales ) RETURN ON INVESTMENT PROFIT MAXIMIZATION MARKET STABILISATION MARKET SHARE LEADERSHIP (lower price due to economy of scale) MEETING / FOLLOWING COMPETITION
2. 3. 4. 5.
Pricing Objectives
(Contd .)
External Factors
Nature of market and demand Competitors costs, prices & offers Other Environmental elements
Not-for-profit objectives:
Partial or full cost recovery Social pricing
Internal Factors
Marketing objectives Marketing Mix strategies Costs Organizational considerations
Pricing must be carefully coordinated with the other marketing mix elements Target costing is often used to support product positioning strategies based on price Non-Price positioning can also be used
Organizational considerations
How costs vary at different production levels will influence price setting
Organizational Considerations
Price negotiation is common in Industrial settings Some Industries have Pricing Departments
Nature of market and Reseller reactions to demand prices must be Competitors costs, prices, considered and offers Government may restrict
1. Skimming Price For Introducing New Products 2. Penetration Price 3. Loss Leader Price 4. Psychological Price
1. Cost-Plus Pricing :
Adding a standard markup to cost Price = Cost of Production + Margin of Profit. Ignores demand and competition
It simplifies the pricing process Price competition may be minimized It is perceived as more fair to both buyers & sellers 355
Break-even charts show total cost and total revenues at different levels of unit volume. The intersection of the total revenue and total cost curves is the break-even point. Companies wishing to make a profit must exceed the break-even unit volume.
( II ) Value-Based Pricing:
Uses buyers perceptions of value rather than sellers costs to set price. Measuring perceived value can be difficult. Consumer attitudes toward price and quality have shifted during the last decade.
Introduction of less expensive versions of established brands has become common.
General Pricing Approaches.. ( III ) Competition-Based Pricing : Also called Going-Rate Pricing
May price at the same level, above, or below the competition Sealed - bid Pricing : Bidding for work is another variation of competitionbased pricing
Pricing Strategies
Market-Skimming Pricing :
Setting a high price for a new product to skim maximum revenues layer by layer from segments willing to pay the high price.
Market-Penetration Pricing :
Setting a low price for a new product in order to attract a large number of buyers and a large market share.
Psychological Pricing approach is suitable when consumer purchases are based more on feelings or emotional and factors such as love, affection, prestige, self-image etc, rather than rational factors. Price sometimes serves as a surrogate indicator of quality. Companies attempt to differentiate their offers based on non-functional product attributes, such as image and lifestyle etc.
Marketers set artificially high prices to communicate a status or high quality image. Psychological Pricing method is appropriate for perfumes, jewellery, autos, liquor, and ready-to-wear garments etc. and is not appropriate for industrial products.
Price Changes
Initiating Price cuts is desirable when a Firm : Has excess capacity Faces falling market share due to price competition Desires to be a market share leader
inflation, or faces greater demand than can be supplied. Methods of Increasing Price Alternatives to Increasing Price Reducing product size, using less expensive materials, unbundling the product.
Price Changes
Buyer reactions to price changes must be considered. Competitors are more likely to react to price changes under certain conditions, such as : Number of firms is small Product is uniform Buyers are well informed
Unit - III
Channel Management :- Selection, Training, Motivation & Evaluation of Channel Members; Channel Dynamics:- VMS, HMS, MMS; Market Logistics Decisions.
( II ) Logistics of Distribution Place is the market-place where the customer buys / consumes the product /service.
Place refers to how an organisation will distribute the product or service they are offering to the end user. The organisation must distribute the product to the user at the right place at the right time. Efficient and effective distribution is important if the organisation is to meet its overall marketing objectives. Place is sometimes referred to as the Marketing Channels, Physical Distribution, Logistics or Location. 369
Distribution: includes activities that make
products available to customers when and where they need them. A Channel of Distribution or Marketing Channel is an organisation or a set of individuals that directs the flow of products from producers to the consumers. Marketing Intermediaries : link producers to other intermediaries or to the ultimate users of the product. Operate between the producer or manufacturer and the final buyer.
Distribution Functions
Types of utilities Distribution offers: TIME...when the customers want to purchase
the product. PLACE...where the customers want to purchase the product. POSSESSION...facilitates customer ownership of the product. FORM...sometimes, if changes have been made to the product in the distribution channel, i.e. Pepsi/Coke, concentrate to bottlers.
Retailers Consumers
Channels of Distribution
Marketing Intermediary or Middleman is a marketing organization that links a producer & user within a marketing channel. Merchant Middleman : takes title to products by buying them Functional Middleman : helps in the transfer of ownership of products but does not take title to the products Retailer: buys from producers or other middlemen & sells to consumers Wholesaler : sells products to other firms
A Channel of Distribution comprises of a set of organizations which perform all of the activities required to move a product & its title from production to consumption. Types of Channel Intermediaries : There are many types of intermediaries such as Wholesalers, Agents, Retailers, Internet, Overseas Distributors, Direct Marketing (from manufacturer to user without an intermediary) etc. Two types of Channel of Distribution methods are commonly used : Indirect & Direct.
Indirect Distribution involves distributing your product by the use of one or more intermediaries such as : Manufacturer to Wholesaler to Retailer to a Consumer. Direct Distribution involves distributing direct from a manufacturer to the consumer. For Eg : Dell Computers selling directly
to its target customers.
The main advantage of Direct Distribution is that it gives a manufacturer complete control over their product.
Key Functions
Gathering and distributing marketing research about the environment
Promotion Contact
Matching Negotiation Physical Financing Risk Taking
Developing and spreading persuasive communications about an offer Finding and communicating with prospective buyers
Shaping and fitting the offer to the buyers need Agreeing on price and terms of the offer so ownership or possession can be transferred Distribution: transporting and storing goods Acquiring and using funds to cover the costs of channel work Assuming financial risks such as the inability to sell inventory at full margin
Distribution Strategies
Depending on the type of product being distributed there are three common distribution strategies available: 1. Intensive Distribution: involves distribution through as many retail outlets as possible. It is mainly used to distribute low priced or impulse purchase products. Eg : Chocolates, Soft Drinks, etc. 2. Exclusive Distribution: Involves limiting distribution to a single outlet usually for is usually highly priced-products. Eg : Sale of Vehicles thro Exclusive Dealers.
where consumers are willing to shop around & where manufacturers want a large geographical spread.
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used for heavy machinery, airplanes, major equipments, etc Allows the producer to provide expert and timely services to customers
used for operating supplies, accessory equipment, small tools, components, standardized parts, etc
Marketing Intermediaries
Justifications for marketing intermediaries :
Intermediaries perform essential marketing services Manufacturers would be burdened with additional record keeping & maintaining contact with numerous retailers Costs for distribution would not decrease, and could possibly increase due to the marketing inefficiencies of producers
Intermediaries are specialists in the exchange process, provide access to and control over important resources for the proper functioning of the marketing channel. ( Division of labour ).
Functions of Intermediaries :
Primary role of middlemen is to transform the assortment of products made by producers in the assortments desired by consumers. Producers make narrow assortments in large quantities, consumers want broad assortments in small quantities, discrepancy in quantity and assortment .i.e. to match Supply and Demand.
CHANNEL TERMS & CONDITIONS The producer stipulates terms and condition and responsibilities of channel partners to develop better mutual understanding and usually include : Price Policy, Trade Margins,
Payment Terms, Territorial Demarcation, Guarantee/Returns Policy, & Mutual Responsibilities etc.
EVALUATION OF CHANNEL ALTERNATIVES : In making a decision about channel alternatives, producers evaluation criteria is generally based on some combination of the following factors: Product characteristics. Buyer behaviour and location. Severity of competition. Cost effectiveness and channel efficiency. Degree of desired control on intermediaries. Adaptability to dynamic market conditions.
CHANNEL SELECTION & TRAINING After determining the most appropriate Distribution Channel, the producer has to select the most qualified parties and arranges for their training.
In case of Exclusive Dealerships & Franchisees where personal contact with customers and service delivery are important, company appointed dealers play an important role. They practically become the company for the customers and any negative impressions may severely damage company image & reputation.
Motivating channel intermediaries is a challenging task for producers, but essential to obtain best possible performance from them. Motivation programmes for channel
intermediaries focus mainly on Financial & Nonfinancial Rewards. Financial Rewards usually include higher margins, extended credit facilities, bonuses and allowances, special deals, and sharing intermediaries promotional expenses.
Non-financial Rewards include training programmes at company expenses in areas such as technical skills, service, selling territory -management, human resource, etc. Other Nonfinancial Rewards include sales and display contests, recognition for outstanding performance, company paid holidays, spending money on arranging lavish distributors/dealers meet at exotic places, etc.
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF INTERMEDIARIES : Producers must periodically evaluate performance of dealers against laid down and agreed upon parameters. The evaluation criteria differ across industries and from one company to another in the same industry. Companies may use a set of criteria that may include some combination of factors with differing weight given to each element in order of its importance, such as achievement of sales targets, average inventory maintained, performing promotional activities, customer service & attending training programmes etc.
1.Merchant Wholesalers : who buy products from manufacturers & resell them to other intermediaries.
2.Functional Wholesalers : who do not take title, but only facilitate exchanges among producers and resellers, compensated by fees and/or commission.
and Carry wholesaler : customers pay for and make their their own arrangements for transportation. No credit is extended. Mainly B2B. b) Truck Jobbers : Operate rolling
warehouses and sell a limited line of products directly from their trucks to their customers. Follow regular routes, primarily perishable products. Egs : Vegetables, Fruits, Flowers
( 2 ) Limited Service Merchant -- Wholesalers : c) Drop Shippers or Desk Jobbers : take title, negotiate sales but do not take possession. d) Mail Order Wholesalers : use catalogues instead of sales force to sell.
Negotiate purchases, expedite sales but do not take title. They are Functional Middlemen who bring buyers and sellers together. Compensated with commission / brokerage. Agents represent buyers and sellers on a long term basis. Brokers represent buyers and sellers on a temporary basis.
Manufacturers Sales Branches & Sales Offices : are manufacturer owned & resemble merchant wholesalers operations. Sales Branches : sell product & provide support services to manufacturers sales forces
Sales Office : are normally associated
with Agents. Like Sales Branches, they are located away from a manufacturing plant & do not carry any inventory.
Wholesalers Responsibilities
in large quantities and then sell in smaller quantities Deliver goods Stock in one place a variety of goods Promote products to retailers Provide market information for both producers and retailers Provide financial aid to Retailers in the form of delayed billing, loans, inventory management, etc
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HIERARCHY OF MARKETING SYSTEM With the passage of time and changes in business environment and strategies, marketing channel systems evolve and new Wholesaling & Retailing Institutions appear. The traditional marketing channels include members who are independent entities and no party has complete control over others in the channel system. Each seeks to maximise its own profit goals without much concern for others in the same system.
Vertical Marketing System refers to an arrangement in which the whole channel focuses on the same target market at the end of the channel.
This includes Producer, Distributors, Wholesalers, & Retailers acting in an integrated manner.
Manufacturer, Distributor, Wholesaler, or a Retailer can become a Channel Captain, who helps direct the activities of the entire channel and tries to eliminate or resolve conflict. The Channel Captain assumes the leadership role because the captain is either the owner, a franchisee, or wields so much power that all others cooperate.
Corporate VMS
Corporate VMS refers to the producers ownership of the entire channel, right from manufacturing to wholesaling & Retailing.
Egs : Vimal Fabrics, Titan Watches, Bata, etc
Manufacturer can accomplish this through vertical integration (acquiring firms at different levels of channel activity). This offers greater buying power, stable sources of supplies, better control of distribution and quality & lower overheads.
Administered VMS
Administered VMS is achieved when some members, because of their size, position and power in the industry, are in a commanding position to secure cooperation and support from resellers at different levels.
Members informally agree to cooperate with each other on matters like routine ordering, sharing inventory & sales information over networks, standardize accounting and integrate their promotional activities.
Administered VMS
The agreement is informal and the members retain some of the flexibility of traditional distribution system. Companies with strong brands command substantial market power & are able to get cooperation from resellers at different levels of distribution.
Egs: Hindustan Unilever Ltd., Procter & Gamble, Maruti Udyog Ltd, ITC, IBM, Sony, TELCO etc.
Contractual VMS
Contractual VMS consists of independent businesses at different levels in the channel including production & distribution, and is most popular. Members agree to cooperate with each other by entering into contract that spells each members rights & obligations and gain economies of size and sales impact.
Contractual VMS can be Franchiser, Wholesaler or Retailer Sponsored, such as Coke, Pepsi ,Body Shop, Shahnaz Herbal,
Little or none
Some to good
Economic power and leadership
One company ownership
Formal contract governing : Supply Responsibilities Division of profits Franchisors provide : Use of trademark & Access to product Co-operative advertising Training & Standardized operating procedures Site selection & Plant design Financing, etc
The franchisor permits the franchise to use its trademark, name and advertising. In U.S.A. 700,000 franchise ~about $ 850 billion sales Franchised hotels account ~ 65 percent of room supply.
Starting a new business: 20 percent chance for survival Buying an existing business: a 70 percent chance for survival Buying a franchise: a 90 percent chance for survival
Hotel franchises: Choice Hotels, Holiday Inns, Sheraton Inns, Hilton inns
Restaurant franchises: Mc Donalds, Burger King, KFC, Pizza Hut, T.G.I. Franchises
1. Capital for growth 2. Faster growth 3. Additional management 4. Additional income
1. Lower potential profits 2. Controlling service quality 3. Controlling firm image
1. Lower risk 1. Franchisee fees 2. Established brand name 2. Lack of freedom 3. Successful business plan 3. Controlled by franchisor 4. Expert assistance
Horizontal MS
In a Horizontal VMS, the arrangement can be on a temporary or permanent basis. Horizontal marketing system particularly offers efficiencies & economies of scale in promotion, marketing research, and bringing together specialists.
Egs : Credit Card Companies, Banks, Retail Petrol businesses & Consumer Goods companies have joined hands. Auto manufacturers have joined hands with finance institutions to finance customers.
The goal of all channel members is to distribute products profitably and efficiently. However, at times they disagree about the methods to accomplish this goal. It is fairly common among channel members to make little or no effort to cooperate with each other.
Defn.: Channel conflict is a situation in which one channel member perceives another channel member(s) to be engaged in behaviour that prevents or impedes it from achieving its goals. The amount of conflict is, to a large extent, a function of goal incompatibility, domain and differing perceptions of reality.
Incompatibility : Manufacturer
wants to achieve rapid market growth via lower prices; Retailer interested in large margins Unclear Roles & Rights : Territory boundaries, (who gets credit for sale) Differences in Perception : Optimistic manufacturer, pessimistic retailer Level of Dependence : of Retailer on Manufacturer or vice-versa
Intensity of Conflict
This refers to how serious is the conflict. In some cases, the intensity of conflict might be just minor and at other times, the severity might demand immediate attention from the producer otherwise the consequences might be serious if it is not resolved.
Eg : Managing incidences of price-cutting or territory jumping can be handled relatively easily.
Physical Distribution or Outbound Logistics refers to the forward movement of products, services & information from a manufacturer to Its customers, and involves defined network of transportation links, warehousing / storage, and finally delivery at the destination in a cost effective manner within the desired time.
Terms such as Supply Chain Management & Logistics Management are much broader concepts than Physical Distribution.
Physical Distribution System includes Warehouse Management Transportation & Material Handling
Inventory Management .
To find out when to order, the marketer must know the order lead time, the usage rate, and the safety stocks required. Order Lead-time refers to average time lapse between placing the order and receiving supplies. The usage rate represents the rate at which the inventory of product gets sold during a specified time period. Buffer Stock is the extra inventory that is maintained to guard against out-of-stock situation from increased demand or to cover longer lead-time than expected. Following formula can be used to calculate when to reorder: Reorder Point = (Order Lead Time Usage Rate) + Buffer Stock
Inventory Management .
Inventory Management .
JIT : Just-in-Time approach is a system where-in products arrive as and when they are needed for use in production process or for resale. This allows companies to maintain very low inventory levels and purchases at that time are also in smaller quantities. JIT system reduces physical distribution costs, especially inventory and handling related costs.
Warehousing is an important physical distribution function and refers to the design & operation of facilities for storing and moving goods. Warehousing functions offer time utility and help companies to adjust for dissimilar production & consumption rates. Especially, mass produced products create a much greater stock of products than can be sold in the market immediately and companies store excess stocks till the time, customers are ready to buy.
Warehousing activities include : Receiving, Identifying, Sorting, Dispatching, Goods to Storage, Holding Goods, Recalling, Picking & Assembling goods, etc Types of Warehouses : Private Warehouses :- owned and operated by the manufacturer or by another company. Public Warehouses :- Third Party owners offer their services to all firms.
Companies are concerned with transportation decisions because choices affect the pricing, delivery time & condition of goods when they arrive at destination. There are five main
transportation modes for moving goods that include Railways, Roadways, Waterways, Airways & Pipelines. Each of these offers
certain advantages & disadvantages. Some companies prefer to use a combination of these modes, depending on product nature, delivery schedule, and geographic locations.
Student Activity List out the Advantages & Disadvantages of each mode of Transportation.
Transportation (contd)
several shippers; not available to the general public Private Carriers : owned and operated by the shipper
A few Slides on Retailing have been included just for Students info - NP
Definition of Retailing
Retailing is the last stage in the distribution process & encompasses all the business activities involved in selling goods & services to Consumers for their personal, family or household use.
Classification of Retailers
1. Store Based & Non-Store Based
1. Independent Store 2. Chain Store 3. Franchise Store 4. Leased Store 5. Consumer Co-operatives
Classification of Retailers
2. Food Oriented & General Merchandise Retailer: -
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
( II ) Non Traditional :
1. Internet ( On-Line Shopping ) 2. Video Kiosk / Catalog
Classes of In-Store Retailers (contd) Convenience Store : A small food store that sells a limited variety of products but remains open well beyond normal business hours. Catalog Showroom : A retail outlet that displays well-known brands and sells them at discount prices through catalogs within the store Warehouse Showroom : A retail facility in a large, low-cost building with large onpremises inventories and minimal service
SPECIALITY STORES : Bata, Titan, Tanishq, etc SPECIALITY FORMATS : Archies, Landmark, Planet M, FURNITURE RETAILING : Concept, Living Room, Style- Spa,
Unit - IV
Marketing Communication Process & Mix; Advertising, Sales Promotion & Public Relation decisions. Direct Marketing - Growth, Benefits & Channels; Telemarketing; Sales Force : Objectives, Structure, Size And Compensation.
What is Communication ?
It is the transfer & understanding of meaning.
Transfer means the message was received in a form that can be interpreted by the receiver. Understanding the message is not the same as the receiver agreeing with the message.
Communication Communication
4. 5.
Source or Sender : Presumably a person who creates a message. Message : which is both sent by the information source and received by the destination. Transmitter : encompasses a wide range of transmitters. The simplest transmission system, that associated with face-to-face communication, has at least two layers of transmission. Signal : which flows through a channel. Channel : or Medium of Communication includes air (TV), electricity, radio, paper & postal systems.
Noise : secondary signals that obscure or confuse the signal carried. Today we use noise more as a metaphor for problems associated with effective listening. 7. Destination or Receiver : is the person or group who receive, understand and processes the message. 8. Feed Back : is the acknowledgement or reply or from the Receiver back to the Sender, for having received & understood the message.
Promotional Decisions
SL. No.
Promotion Decision
Who is the target audience ?
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Receiver Responses & What responses are sought ? Decoding What message should be Message & developed ? Encoding What media should be Media selected ? What source should be Sender chosen? What feedback should be Feedback collected ?
Promotion Mix
3. Sales Promotions : Incentives designed to stimulate the purchase or sale of a product, usually in the short term.
Egs: Coupons, Sweepstakes, Contests, Samples, Rebates,, Trade Shows, Exhibitions, etc.
5. Publicity: is a form of non-personal, mass communication involving the organisation &/or its ideas / products & services not paid for by the organisation. It occurs usually in the form of Editorials, News Story, TV Talk Shows, Films, etc. 6. Direct Marketing: is the use of mail / email, catalogs, etc in order to reach targeted audiences to increase sales and test new products &/or alternate marketing tactics.
markets have fragmented, which is why marketers are shifting away from mass marketing & moving toward focused programs. in computer & IT are speeding the movement toward segmented marketing. New technologies have provided means to reach smaller segments with tailored messages.
Advertising is the structural and composed nonpersonal communication of information, usually paid for and usually persuasive nature, in about organization, products, services, ideas by identified sponsors through various media. An ad campaign includes a series of ads placed in different media based on an analysis of marketing and communications situations.
Examples: Print Media, Radio, Television, Billboards, Direct Mail, Brochures / Catalogs, Signs, In-store Displays, Posters, Motion 467 Pictures, Web Pages, Banner Ads, E-mails, etc.
Response Hierarchy Models are : 1. AIDAS Model 2. Hierarchy of Effects Model 3. Innovation- Adoption Model 4. Communications Model
AIDA is an acronym used in marketing that describes a common list of events that may be undergone when a person is selling a product or service. { The term & approach
are attributed to American advertising & sales pioneer, E. St. Elmo Lewis. According to Lewis, the most successful salespeople followed a hierarchical, four layer process using the four cognitive phases that buyers follow when accepting a new idea or purchasing a new product. }
A - Attention (Awareness): Attract the attention of the customer. I - Interest: Raise customer interest by focusing on and demonstrating advantages and benefits (instead of
focusing on features, as in traditional advertising).
D - Desire: Convince customers that they want & desire the product or service and that it will satisfy their needs. A - Action: Lead customers towards taking action i.e. purchasing.
To create awareness of the organization. To explain the characteristics of the organization. To correct false impressions about the organization. To reduce peoples apprehensions or fears about visiting the organization. To build (or enhance) the organizations image or position.
Advertising Objectives..
2. Persuasive Advertising :
increase customer preference for the organizations services. To increase customer loyalty to the organization. To encourage customers to switch from using a competitive organization. To convince customers to book at the organization now or in the future. To change customers perceptions.
Advertising Objectives..
3. Reminder Advertising :
To remind customers about where they can
book the organizations services. To remind customers about facilities or services that are unique to the sponsoring organization. To remind customers about when they should book or reserve the organizations services. To remind customers of the existence of the organization.
end-customers or consumers, who will actually use products / services being promoted. Trade Advertising : aimed at the marketing intermediaries, such as Wholesalers & Retailers who will distribute the products & influence customers buying decisions.
Advertising Appeals
Appeal is the central idea of an advertisement. An appeal is the earnest request or a plea to the prospects. It is the approach to attract the attention of the consumers To influence consumers feeling towards products, services or concepts
Execution Style
The way appeal is turned into an The way anan appeal is turned advertising message into an advertising message The way the message is presented to the consumer
The Creative Strategy must define the Target Audience; Product Concept; Communications Media & the Advertising Message which should be relevant to the target-audience. The Advertising Appeal is the manner in which an advertising message is developed & expressed, to derive a particular consumerresponse or influence decision-making. They can be broadly classified into three categories :
Emotional Appeal
Humor (Sprite) Fear (Saffola) Music (Airtel) Sex (Axe)
Additional Appeal
Star (ThumsUp) Reminder Advt.
(Vardhman Wools)
Teaser Advt.
(Head & Shoulders) News (Matiz) Product / Service Popularity ( Hero Honda)
6. Fantasy
7. Informative
2. Copywriting :
Headline; Subhead; Body Copy; Slogan; Logo / Address; Visual Photographs; Computerised Visuals
PRE - TESTING : 1. Consumer Jury ( For ranking the various copies ) 2. Rating Scales ( Dimensions such as relevancy, confusion,
entertainment, brand reinforcement etc are numerically rated by respondents & weights are assigned for each dimensions )
3. Portfolio Tests
( Projection Techniques for testing the emotional content in the Ad such as Humour, Fear, Sex Appeal, Nostalgia ) ( Lab Tests & Special Eqpmts are used. Egs : Pupil Dilation, Galvanic Skin Response, )
2. Recognition Tests
markets and their reading, viewing, and listening habits. Positioning approach, promotional goals, and advertising objectives. Media evaluation criteria. Relative strengths and weaknesses of each media alternative. Creative requirements. Competitive media placements. Approximate total advertising budget available.
Lead time and flexibility.