CAR Group 10

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Prof. Dr. Selviana Napitupulu, M.Hum

Group: 10

Edith Afrillia Hasibuan (1801030115)

Rotua Sihombing (1801030095)

Meli Astri D. Siahaan (1801030110)

Citra Sani Sinaga (1901013139)

Daniel Sihombing (1901030148)






1.1. Background of Research

English has important roles nowadays. One of them is English as international
language is highly regarded as a medium of communication among people around the
world in some social contexts and also used in different purpose. Language is often
defined as a tool for communication used by people in communicate either through
spoken or written. Through language, people can express their opinions, ideas, and
feelings. In present day, English becomes essential subject of education in Indonesia.
Then, learning English could not be separated from learning its four basic skills.
Those skill are speaking, listening, reading and writing. Writing, one of four basic skills
in addition to listening, speaking and reading. Mastering writing as one of the language
skills in English as Foreign Languages is an important thing to balance literate era.
According to Hammer (2015:11), writing is a complex skill. It means that the students
should have adequate information and good skill before starting to wrote for they are
expected to be able deliver message. Regarding the difficulties, English teachers should
pay attention to components and characteristics of teaching in order to make the
teaching-learning process conducted well.
It is found at students of Grade Ten at SMK Swasta Pelita Pematangsiantar when
the writer interviewed some of the student about teaching learning English Language
activities especially about reading activity. There is low achievements of students score
and process of writing. The low achievement of students in writing especially in
narrative are caused by getting ideas for content about what they had to write, and the
students lacked in vocabulary. According to Andrew Wright, “Picture are the most
suitable known the language picture contributes; interest and motivation, a sense of
context of language, and a specific references point and stimulus”. Picture are good
visual aid to present what the text about and to give stimulus for the students in
teaching learning activities.
Based on the explanation above, the researchers interest in conducting a study
1.2. Problem Identification
Based on the title, problem identification as follow:
1. The students found difficulties in getting ideas for the content about what they had
to write, and most of them didn’t know how to start writing.
2. The students lacked in vocabulary so that they couldn’t express their ideas properly
in writing.
1.3. Limitation of Research
Based on identification of research problem, the research is limited to the
students’ problem in using generic structures and language feature of report text.
1.4. Formulation of Problem
Can picture series improve students’ ability in writing narrative text at grade ten
of SMK Pelita Pematangsiantar?
1.5. Objective of Research
This research has objective, as follow: to find out whether using picture series can
improve students’ ability in writing narrative text at grade ten of SMK Swasta Pelita
1.6. Significance of Research
The results of this study can be the new perspective and alternative in writing
narrative text.
1. For teachers
It is expected to be an alternative solution for English in teaching writing.
2. For other researchers
The result of this study is expected to be reference for their research and increase
their knowledge.


A. Review of Writing Skill

2.1. Writing

Writing is the most difficult skill for students. Writing is also a complex activity. "Writing is
a complex process in which the writer explores various ideas, thoughts create your ideas, and
through them become certain concrete ones" (Rusmajadi, 2010:229-230). In writing, great
attention should be paid to correcting spelling, grammar, punctuation and also how to
organize ideas. Writing is hard work that consists of certain steps. "Writing is a process that
includes a series of steps such as planning, organizing, drafting, revising, and editing"
(Kirszen and Mandell, 2008:2090. Planning includes setting goals and generating ideas.
Organizing includes organizing information and choosing the right language. Compilation
includes make an outline and start drafting ideas. Revising includes correcting drafts and
rewriting. To consider the purpose of writing, the writer must determine what genre to
write.In the KTSP English Curriculum (2006), there are five types of texts in junior high
school that must be studied, such as descriptive text, procedure text, recount text, narrative
text, and report text.

Writing is a representation of part of the unity of language expression. This is the main
difference between painting and calligraphy, painting and writing. Based on the description
above, it can be seen the result of writing is writing. The results of an article arebasically to
convey thoughts, opinions, or ideas that arise. Given the primary function of literature,
activities are a means of communicating indirectly, and it is essential for students to learn
writing skills. Besides being able to improve the ability to express opinions, writing can also
train students to express ideas of thoughts more easily. It can be concluded that the
book is a productive and expressive activity by showing views in our minds into written

2.2. Narrative Text

According to Sejnost and Thiese 2010, narrative text includes any type of writing that relates
a series of events and includes both fiction novels, short stories, poems and nonfiction
memoirs, biographies, news stories. In addition, Coffmand and Reed 2010 say that narrative
text is described as having several common components including a setting, plot series of
episodes based on goals, attempt, outcomes, resolution or story ending. Furthermore,
Anderson 1998 in Zahra 2014 points out that narrative text is a text that tells a story and, in
doing so, entertains the audience. Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that
narrative text is a kind of text that tells us about an interesting story happened in the past and
its purpose is to entertain or amuse the readers.

2.2.1 The Generic Structure of Narrative Text

Anderson and Anderson 1998 in Zahra 2014 state that narrative text has five components of
generic structures as follows:

1. Orientation: It is an introduction of the text that includes information about who, when, and

2. Complication: It provides the problems that happen in the story.

3. Sequence of events It shows the reaction of the characters towards the problems.

4. Resolution It is part in which the characters solve the problems.

5. Coda It is an optional part. It tells us about moral value of the story.

From the two opinions above, it is concluded that there is no major differences between
those two kinds of generic structure. In this case, sequence of events by Anderson and
Anderson belongs to complication. It is because those two parts tell about the problem of the
story. Then, coda belongs to resolution. It is because moral value of the story can be found in
the resolution.

2.3. Student Ability

Students are the leading and most valuable resource in the education process. Learners
can learn without a teacher. Conversely, teachers cannot teach without students.
Therefore the presence of students becomes a necessity in the process of formal
education or education, which is symbolized by demanding interaction between educators
and students(Aldo, 2019).

An initial ability (Entry Behavior) is an ability that a student has acquired before he or she
receives specific new terminal skills. The initial ability shows the status of students' current
knowledge and skills to go to the future state that the teacher wants the student to achieve.
With this ability can be determined from where teaching must begin. Terminal capabilities
are the direction the teaching objectives are terminated. So, instruction takes place from the
initial capacity to the ability of the terminal that is the teacher's responsibility.

By nature, humans have the significant potential that fundamentally distinguishes

humans from animals, namely thoughts, feelings, and will. Even so, the underlying potential
it has is not the same for each human being. There is the uniqueness that exists in
humans. First, humans are different from other creatures, such as animals or plants. The
difference is due to his psychological condition. Second, both physiologically and
psychologically humans are not static creatures, but dynamic beings, beings who
experience development and change. It develops especially physically from the inability
and weakness that in all aspects of life requires the help of others, gradually develops into
an independent human being. Third,in every development, humans have different

The essence is there are no students on this earth are the same. This means that each student
has its characteristics. Characteristics of students are the totality of abilities and
behaviours that exist in their personal as a result of the interaction between nature and their
social environment, thus determining the pattern of activities in realizing expectations
and achieving goals. Therefore, efforts to understand the development of students must
belinked or adjusted to the characteristics of the students themselves. Mainly,
students' understanding is individual, although knowledge of their dominant features
when in a group is also essential. There are four domineering things about students'
characteristics: (a) Basic abilities such as cognitive or intellectual abilities. (b) Local cultural
background, social status, economic status, religion etc. (c) Personality differences such as
attitudes, feelings, interests, etc., (d) ideals, foresight, self-confidence, endurance, etc.

There are several opinions about the meaning of characteristics, namely:

1)According to Tadkiroatun Musfiroh, a character refers to a series of attitudes,

behaviours, motivations, and skills.

2)According to Sudirman, the characteristics of students are the overall patterns of behaviour
and abilities that exist in students as a result of their natural social environment so
that they determine the design of activities in achieving their goals.
3)According to Hamzah. B. Uno (2007) Student characteristics are aspects or qualities
of individual students consisting of interests, attitudes, motivation to learn, learning
styles, thinking abilities, and fundamental skills possessed.

4) Ron Kurtus in arguing that character is a set of behaviour or behaviour (behaviour)

of a person so that from the action, people will know him "what he looks like". According
to him, the character will determine one's ability to achieve his goals effectively, the
ability to be honest and honest with others and the ability to obey the rules and regulations.

A person's character, whether intentional or not, is obtained from other people who are often
around him or who often influence him, then he starts to imitate to do it. Therefore, a child
who is still innocent will usually follow the behaviour of his parents or playmates, even
caregivers. Closely related to this problem, a psychologist believes that character is different
from personality because personality is a trait that is carried from birth. In other words, nature
is genetic.

2.4. Picture Series

Picture as vidual aids will attract students attention and motivate them to learn. In addition,
using series of picture means that the students try to connect the plot in the picture to be a
lonk of story. Brown (2004) stated that picture can be used in many staged of the
instructional process, to introduce and motivate study of new topics, to clarify
misconceptions, to communicate basic information, and to evaluate students progress and
achievement. And suggest some ways of using pictures for ensuring maximum students
benefit from using them. Using pictures can be an effective technique for any profiencies
level or language skill. To teach speaking where the students share personal experiences that
somehow relate to what is happening in picture that have been given and drawn. Picture
series help students to be inspired to have more creative ideas. Moreover, picture series are
excellent device in providing both in purpose and contain for writing activity. Picture series
not only provide students with the basic materials but also stimulate their ihmaginative
powers (Heaton, 1975). The advantages that will be get by using picture series in improving
students’ writing skill in narrative text. They are :

a. Picture create the enjoyment in the writing process.

The use of picture series is one succesfull way to motivate students in learning english
writing. It is an interesting way for the students. Teaching writing by using picture series
provides the motivation for students to write. Picture series can be used as device to create
students’ enjoyable feeling in the riting process. When the students’ environment is fun, they
will be feer and more sconfident to share their feeling, ideas, and thoughts in writing. Then
the resuklt in writing their deskriptive.

b. Picture series develop students’ creativity in writing

“a picture is worth a thousand words”. Students can develop their stories based on picture
series they see freely. This activity leads them to think about what they have never thought
before. Students have to create their own stories by using picture they have.

c. Picture series can increase students vocabulary

Picture series are suitable media to introduce new engliah vocabulary to the students. They
are also the appropiate media for teaching and learning process, especially when these media
are given in the right technique to make the learning activity runs well.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages sides of using picture series to teach writing
narrative text to the students. They are:

a. The students sometimes cannot connect one picture to another by their own words although
there have been a series of pictures.

b. Students are not able to use oral language skill effectively. In this case, students find
difficulties in presenting their writing in front of the class. They cannot present their stories
fluently and communicatively. Therefore, teachers need to give the chances for the students
to practice dialog or monolog in the stories they made before.

c. The teachers do not have enough time to teach and evaluate the writing process. In the
writing process, students are given such picture series to be done into narrative text. Students
have to work by their own. Teachers only give them some important rules which are usually
become unclear directions.


3.1. Design of the Research

3.2. Population and Sample
3.3. The Instrument for Collecting Data
3.4. The Procedure of Collecting Data
3.5. Scoring of the Test
3.6. Technique od Analyzing Data
3.7. Procedures of Analyzing the Data


4.1. Implementation of Picture Series

4.2. Description of Students’ Reading Comprehension Improvement


5. 1. Conclusion
5. 2. Suggestion

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