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Page # 16 ERRORS

Exercise - II Problems
Q.1 How many signfiicant figures are given in the following Q.7 The pitch of a screw gauge is 0.5 mm and there are 50
quantities ? divisions on the circular scale. In measuring the thickness
(A) 343 g (B) 2.20 of a metal plate, there are five divisions on the pitch scale
(C) 1.103 N (D) 0.4142 s (or main scale) and thirty fourth division coincides with the
(E) 0.0145 m (F) 1.0080 V reference line. Calculate the thickness of the metal plate.
(G) 9.1 × 104 km (H) 1.124 × 10–3 V
Q.8 The pitch of a screw gauge is 1 mm and there are 50
Q.2 Perform the following operations : divisions on its cap. When nothing is put in between the
(A) 703 + 7 + 0.66 (B) 2.21 × 0.3 studs, 44th division of the circular scale coincides with the
(C) 12.4 × 84 (D) 14.28/0.714 reference line zero of the main scale is not visible. When a
Q.3 Solve with due regard to significant digits glass plate is placed between the studs, the main scale
reads three divisions and the circular scale reads 26 divisions.
2.91 0.3842 Calculate the thickness of the plate.
(i) 6.5  6.32 (ii)
Q.9 In a given optical bench, a needle of length 10 cm is
Q.4 The main scale of a vernier calipers reads in millimeter used in between (object & lens) and lens and image to
and its vernier is divided into 10 divisions which coincide estimate bench error. The object needle, image needle &
with 9 divisions of the main scale. When the two jaws of the lens holder have their reading as shown.
instrument touch each other the seventh divison of the vernier x0 = 1.1 cm, x1 = 21.0 cm, xL = 10.9 cm
scale coincide with a scale division and the zero of the vernier Estimate the bench errors which are present in image needle
lies to the right of the zero of main scale. Furthermore, when holder and object needle holder. Also find the focal length of
a cylinder is tightly placed along its length between the two the convex lens when.
jaws, the zero of the vernier scale lies slightly to the left of x0 = 0.6 cm, x1 = 22.5 cm, xL = 11.4 cm
3.2 cm; and the fourth vernier division conicdes with a scale
Q.10 Make the appropriate connections in the meter bridge
division. Calculate the measured length of the cylinder.
set up shown. Resistance box is connected between___.
Q.5 The VC shown in the diagram has zero error in it (a you Unknown resistance is connected between_____. Battery
can see). is connected between_____.
It is given that 9 msd = 10 vsd.
(i) What is the magnitude of the zero error ? (1 msd = 1 mm)
(ii) The observed reading of the length of a rod measured by
this VC comes out to be 5.4 mm. If the vernier had been
error free then reading of main scale would be ____ and the
division of vernier scale coinciding would be ____.
Q.11 A body travels uniformly a distance of (13.8 ± 0.2)m in
zero of vernier scale

time (4.0 ± 0.3) sec. Calculate its velcoity.

Q.12 Consider S = x cos () for x = (2.0 ± 0.2) cm,  = 53 ±
2º. Find S.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Q.13 Two resistance R1 and R2 are connected in (i) series
and (ii) parallel. What is the equivalent resistance with limit
of possible percentage error in each case of R1 = 5.0 ± 0.2
 and R2 = 10.0 ± 0.1 .
Q.6 Consider a home made vernier scale as shown in the Q.14 5.74 gm of a substance occupies a volume of 1.2 cm3.
figure.In this diagram, we are interested in measuring the Calculate its density with due regard for significant figures.
length of the line PQ. If both the inclines are identical and
their angles are equal to  then what is the least count of Q.15 The time period of oscillation of a simple pendulum is
the instrument. given by T = 2 l / g The length of the pendulum is measured
as l = 10 ± 0.1cm and the time periods as T = 0.5 ± 0.02 s.
Determine percentage error in the value of g.
Q.16 A physical quantity P is related to four observables A,
B, C and D as P = 42A3B2 ( C D) The percentage error of
P the measurment in A, B, C and D are 1%, 3% and 2%, 4%
l respectively. Determien the percentage error & absolute error
Q in the quantity P. Value of P is calculated 3.763.

394,50-Rajeev Gandhi Nagar Kota, Ph. No. : 93141-87482, 0744-2209671

IVRS No : 0744-2439051, 52,53, www. motioniitjee.com, info@motioniitjee.com
ERRORS Page # 17

Q.17 A glass prism of angle A = 60º (exact) gives minimum

angle of deviation  = 30º with the max. error of 1º when a
beam of parallel light is passed through the prism during an
experiment.Find the maximum permissible percentage error
in the measurment of refractive index  of the material of the
Q.18 In a vemier calipers the main scale and the vernier
scale are made up different materials. When the room
temperature increases by TºC, it is found the reading of
the instrument remains the same. Earliner it was observed
that the front edge of the wooden rod placed for measurment
crossed the Nth main scale division and N + 2 msd coincided
with the 2nd vsd. Initially, 10 vsd coincided with 9 msd. If
coefficient of linear expansion of the main scale is 1 and
that of the vermier scale is 2 then what is the value of 1/2
? (Ignore the expansion of the rod on heating)
(A) 1.8 / (N) (B) 1.8 / (N + 2)
(C) 1.8 / (N – 2) (D) None

394,50 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar Kota, Ph. No. : 93141-87482, 0744-2209671

IVRS No : 0744-2439051,52, 53, www.motioniitjee.com, info@motioniitjee.com

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