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The world’s

most advanced
body sculpting
Onda is making
waves in cellulite
reduction, fat loss
and skin tightening
for clinics across the

in partnership with
Meet Onda

Onda is the world’s first

and only treatment to
use the revolutionary
Coolwaves™ technology
for non-surgical cellulite
reduction, fat loss, skin
tightening and body

• Regenerates cellulite
• Remodels and
tightens lax skin
• Reduces local fat deposits
• Treatment of the
face and body
How do Coolwaves™ work? What does an Onda
treatment feel like?
Onda Coolwaves™ is a revolutionary
treatment using microwave Treatment is virtually painless. Due
technology for body sculpting. to the skin presenting less resistance
to high microwave frequencies,
When Coolwaves™ technology
Coolwaves™ are able to pass through
penetrates the skin, it passes straight
the skin more readily than other
through the top layers of skin to
technologies, focusing energy only
concentrate its effective action
where it is needed (for example, in
on the subcutaneous fat layer to
the subcutaneous adipose tissue in
smooth, sculpt and tighten.
the event of localised fat deposits).
What areas on the body can be This then results in less heating and
treated with Onda Coolwaves™? discomfort on the skin surface.

Treatment with Onda Coolwaves™ is How long does a treatment take?

particularly effective on stubborn areas
Treatment is very quick and it is
of fat on the stomach, underarms, love
an easy procedure to deliver, with
handles, thighs, saddlebags, back and
treatment times varying depending
upper arms. We can target cellulite
on area size. To help put treatment
on the thighs, buttocks, stomach
times into perspective, the Onda
and arms alongside skin laxity on
device is capable of treating a typical
the knees, stomach and more. With
abdomen in 10 - 20 minutes.
Onda Coolwaves™ we can also treat
stubborn areas of fat and skin laxity in
Who is suitable for treatment?
the submental area (under the chin).
Most people are suitable for
treatment. With the Onda we can
treat all skin types. We recommend
a consultation to ascertain if the
treatment will be successful for you.

Up to 90% of women
have cellulite, with
Onda Coolwaves™ we
can reduce, remodel
and regenerate
stubborn areas of
cellulite. Smoother
skin is on its way...

• Regenerates cellulite
• Remodels and
tightens lax skin
• Reduces local fat deposits
• Treatment sessions are
fast and comfortable
How do Coolwaves™ How many sessions will I need?
target cellulite?
Treatments are carried out every 4
Extensive scientific evidence concludes to 6 weeks and typically between 3
that up to 90% of women and 10% and 6 treatments are recommended
of men suffer from cellulite. For for best results. Thereafter, top-up
cellulite, Onda performs in two ways: sessions are performed as required,
1. The septa becomes fibrotic and less but usually once or twice a year.
elastic due to cellulite. Coolwaves™
technology regenerates the elastin How long will it take for
fibres of collagen. The final result is me to see results?
a visible improvement of the orange Clinical studies show that clients have
peel appearance through the seen outstanding results in as little as
release of constricted fat lobules. two sessions, however, we recommend
2. By reducing the volume of booking a course of treatments.
adipocytes (fat cells), with the
Who is suitable for treatment?
targeted action of Onda’s
smart handpieces, there is less Most people are suitable for treatment.
outward pressure on the skin, We recommend a consultation with
leading to improved circulation, your clinician to ascertain if the
lymphatic drainage and treatment will be successful for you.
therefore less water retention.

How does the treatment feel?

Treatment is not painful but can
be mildly uncomfortable. Most
people describe the discomfort
as moderate and acceptable, not
unlike a deep tissue massage.
Fat Loss

Onda Coolwaves™ is the

go-to treatment for men
and women wishing
to eliminate stubborn
pockets of fat. Reduce,
refine and tighten your
body shape with Onda.

• Regenerates cellulite
• Remodels and
tightens lax skin
• Reduces local fat deposits
• Treatment sessions are
fast and comfortable
How do Coolwaves™ How many sessions will I need?
cause fat loss?
Treatments are carried out every 4
Coolwaves™ acts on fat cells to to 6 weeks and typically between 3
produce the following effects: and 6 treatments are recommended
for best results. Thereafter, top-up
1. By targeting the fat cells, we sessions are performed as required.
cause them to oscillate and
heat up, affecting the integrity
How long will it take for
of their outer membranes.
me to see results?
2. This activates a mechanism called
“blebbing”, which releases the Clinical studies show that clients have
contained quantity of fat. seen outstanding results in as little as
two sessions, however, we recommend
3. As the membrane loses booking a course of treatments.
structural integrity, the cell
membrane ruptures, and the fat Who is suitable for treatment?
cell is destroyed (lipolysis).
Most people are suitable for treatment.
4. The smart handpieces
We recommend a consultation with
ensure the skin stays cool
your clinician to ascertain if the
for maximum comfort.
treatment will be successful for you.
5. The release of fat stimulates
an influx of macrophages from
the blood, to collect the fat.

6. Once the macrophages have

cleared the excess fat, they
migrate to the lymphatic system
to be drained away. The fat is
then eliminated from the body.

How does the treatment feel?

Most people describe the treatment

as moderate and acceptable, not
unlike a deep tissue massage.
Skin Tightening

As you age, your body’s

supply of collagen,
elastin, and hyaluronic
acid-the essential
building blocks of skin-
With Onda Coolwaves™
we can tighten, firm and
lift loose skin on the

• Regenerates cellulite
• Remodels and
tightens lax skin
• Reduces local fat deposits
• Treatment sessions are
fast and comfortable
How do Coolwaves™ How long will it take for
cause skin tightening? me to see results?

Skin tightening treatments increase Clinical studies show that clients have
the growth of new collagen and seen outstanding results in as little as
strengthen the skin’s elastin fibres in two sessions, however, we recommend
the treated area. After the treatment, booking a course of treatments.
natural collagen regeneration makes
the skin softer, tighter and smoother. Who is suitable for treatment?
For skin tightening, Onda® performs by Most people are suitable for treatment.
generating heat. The heat caused by We recommend a consultation with
Coolwaves™ causes the immediate your clinician to ascertain if the
shrinkage of collagen fibres in the treatment will be successful for you.
dermis. The consequence of this is
the tightening of flabby skin. The final
effect is an improvement in skin laxity.

How does the treatment feel?

Treatment is not painful but can

be mildly uncomfortable. Most
people describe the discomfort
as moderate and acceptable, not
unlike a deep tissue massage.

How many sessions will I need?

Treatments are carried out every 4

to 6 weeks and typically between 3
and 6 treatments are recommended
for best results. Thereafter, top-up
sessions are performed as required,
but usually once or twice a year.
Fitness Guide

Get the best

results from
your Onda
Congratulations on Regular exercise in the lead-up
to your treatment will help you to
starting your Onda achieve the best results, as this will
Coolwaves™ journey! allow you to reduce body fat as
much as possible naturally, whilst
Onda Coolwaves™ utilises building a healthy exercise routine.
revolutionary and clinically proven
technology to smooth cellulite, Exercising during and after your
encourage fat loss and tighten the course of treatment encourages lipids
skin. To experience the full benefits (fats) to leave the fat cells and be
of this treatment, we recommend released from the body through the
you maintain a balanced, healthy body’s natural detoxification process.
diet and exercise regularly. Regular exercise alongside a balanced
diet throughout and post your Onda
The following HIIT workout has Coolwaves™ journey increases
been designed for use before, the maintenance of your results.
during and after your course
of treatments and can be done
anywhere, without any equipment.
“ Success is the
If you are concerned about
the following, please consult
sum of small efforts-
with your doctor: repeated day-in
• You have a chronic or and day-out.”
unstable health condition
such as heart disease Robert Collier
• Asthma or another
respiratory ailment

• High blood pressure

• Osteoporosis

• You have diabetes

• You have dizzy spells or are

taking medication that makes
your feel dizzy or drowsy
The Benefits

5 benefits of
exercise into
your Onda
The benefits of exercise aren’t 4. Get a healthier mind
just about losing weight. In fact
Exercise isn’t just about improving
there are dozens of reasons to get how your body looks and feels. It’s
active. Here are some of the best also a well-known way to keep your
benefits of exercising, to help you mind in shape. Keeping active as
part of a healthy lifestyle can make
back on your way to a fitter you.
you mentally sharper and less prone
to conditions such as depression,
1. Psychological benefits
anxiety and stress. It can also lower
When you exercise your body your risk of dementia later in life.
produces natural, feel-good
chemicals called endorphins, which
5. Improve your health
make you feel happy, energised Any exercise that raises your heart
and act as natural stress busters, rate and increases your circulation
leaving you better equipped improves your respiratory and
to face life’s challenges. 20 - 30 circulatory systems whilst also
minutes of exercise a day is all boosting your metabolism.
you need to get a natural buzz.
According to the National Health
2. Sleep better Service, exercise can boost your
immune system. For example, those
Exercising during the day is known who take exercise as part of their
to help you get a good night’s sleep. normal routine can reduce the risk of
It helps you to release the tension heart disease, stroke, diabetes and
you carry in your body, lets you cancer by up to 50%. This is a massive
de-stress and leaves you feeling bonus when you consider all the
relaxed when it comes to bed time. other great benefits to exercising!

3. Look good and feel good

If you want to look your best, keeping

active is key. A regular gym workout,
run, cycle or walk will help you to look
and feel more ‘toned’. To increase fat
loss, exercise is key as it builds lean
muscle, improves bone density and
strength, boosts your metabolism and
helps to lower the risk of disease.
Before you get started

The Warm Up
Warming up activates your
muscles, mobilises the joints
and prepares your body to
stabilise itself during movement.
This reduces the risk of injury
and allows you to perform the
exercises with good form.
4 Exercises

1 minute
per exercise
Exercise 1 | 1 Minute Per Exercise
Bear Crawls

1. Start on all fours and lift your knees so they’re at a 90-degree angle and
hovering an inch off the ground.
2. Move one hand and the opposite foot forward an equal distance while
staying low to the ground.
3. Switch sides, moving the opposite hand and foot.
4. Repeat the movement while alternating sides.

Exercise 2 | 1 Minute Per Exercise

Jumping Jacks

1. Stand upright with your legs together, arms at your sides.

2. Bend your knees slightly, and jump into the air.
3. As you jump, spread your legs to be about shoulder-width apart.
Stretch your arms out and over your head.
4. Jump back to starting position.
5. Repeat.
Exercise 3 | 1 Minute Per Exercise

1. Assume a push-up position but bend your arms at your elbows so

your weight rests on your forearms.
2. Tighten your abs, clench your glutes and keep your body straight
from head to heels.
3. Hold as long as you can.

Exercise 4 | 1 Minute Per Exercise

Duck Walks

1. Start standing with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

2. Crouch into a squat, as close to parallel with the floor as you can.
3. Keep your weight in your heels as you take small steps forward.
4. Make sure your knees don’t bow inwards or outwards.
Let’s get started
Before you get started
The Workout
The Warm
There are 4 exercises which you
will complete in 5 rounds. Each
exercise lasts 40 seconds, followed
by a 20-second recovery time,
so up activates
you will need your
a timer to hand.
After each round,
muscles, 30-60
take athe
mobilises joints
second recovery time. Your heart
and prepares your body to
rate should still be raised when
you itself
start the nextduring
round. Ifmovement.
This feel
don’t reduces
like youthe
need risk
thisof injury
andfeel free to
allows youcontinue straight the
to perform
to the next round with minimal
exercises with good form.
5 Exercises

1 minute
per exercise

4 Exercises
40 seconds per
6 rounds
40 Seconds Per Exercise- 20 Seconds
Exercise 1

1. Stand upright with a strong posture, feet shoulder-width apart

and your core tight.
2. Breathing in, take a long step forward, plant your foot and bend your knees to
lower yourself towards the floor. Keep your body upright and your front knee
back behind your toe.
3. Breathing out, press up through your heel and move back to the start point,
standing with an upright posture.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 on the other leg.
5. Continue to alternate legs until you have completed the set.

Exercise 2

1. The burpee begins from a standing position. From the standing position,
move into a squat, moving your hands down with your hips as you prepare to
jump back into a plank.
2. Shoot your legs back and enter into a plank. From the plank, you’ll complete a
full push-up then extend back up into a plank.
Modification: Instead of jumping down into the plank and push-up position,
simply take a step back and lower yourself down with control.
3. Jump your feet back in towards your hands. Then, press yourself back up into
a full squat jump with your arms overhead. Focus on a soft landing.
Modification: Instead of jumping your feet in towards your hands, step your
feet in. You can also skip the squat jump and press yourself up to standing.
40 Seconds Per Exercise- 20 Seconds
Exercise 3
Bicycle Crunches

1. Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground (pull your navel
in to also target your deep abs).
2. Put your hands behind your head, then bring your knees in towards your
chest and lift your shoulder blades off the ground. Be sure not to pull
on your neck.
3. Straighten your right leg out to about a 45-degree angle to the ground while
turning your upper body to the left, bringing your right elbow towards the left
knee. Make sure your rib cage is moving and not just your elbows.
4. Now switch sides and do the same motion on the other side to complete one rep.

Exercise 4

1. Stand with your head facing forward and your chest held up and out.
2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Extend your hands
straight out in front of you to help keep your balance. You can also bend the
elbows or clasp the fingers.
3. Sit back and down like you’re sitting into an imaginary chair. Keep your head
facing forward as your upper body bends forward a bit. Rather than allowing
your back to round, let your lower back arch slightly as you descend.
4. Lower down so your thighs are as parallel to the floor as possible, with your
knees over your ankles. Press your weight back into your heels.
5. Keep your body tight, and push through your heels to bring yourself back to
the starting position.
Tips on maintaining

Fat Loss
6 tips to help
you stay on
track and fit
Tips on maintaining yo
Plan ahead
Without a plan, it’s easy to miss a workout or two, so creating
a monthly plan allows you to build exercise into your daily
routine. Decide what you are going to do in advance, get into
your workout gear and do it. Whether it’s a walk, run, a workout
or if you haven’t planned a workout in advance, it’s easy to

Exercise anywhere
You don’t need to hit the gym to achieve a great workout, a
reasonable goal to set is 30 minutes of movement everyday. That
could mean going for a walk, practising yoga or doing a home
workout instead of watching TV.

Make exercise fun

Another way to make exercise more enjoyable is to make it a
social affair. If you’re looking for motivation, getting someone
else involved can give you something to look forward to. With
friends, you have made a commitment, so you’re less likely to
back out of it. If you’re exercising with friends, you can give each
other support, guidance, motivation, swap ideas and keep each
on track to reach your goals.
ng your new lifestyle
Keep things interesting
If you get bored easily, make sure to keep your workouts varied
and try something new. Book into a new class at the gym or
find a free workout on YouTube. Having variety keeps your
mind engaged, interested and focused on something new.
A challenge also keeps your body guessing, and focused on
completing the task.

Map out your goals

If you’re leading a busy life, it can be hard to keep focused on
exercise. This is where goals play an important role. If you’re not
focused on your reasons to exercise, the chances are you’ll lose
interest and struggle to keep consistency. Map out your goals
(there are lots of good templates online), make sure they matter
to you, then try to be consistent in reaching them on a daily basis.

Exercise doesn’t have to be expensive

You can achieve your goals on a low budget. There are plenty of
free or low-cost exercise options. YouTube is just one fantastic
free resource available online. Swimming, running, cycling
and walking all require little or no equipment and are easily
accessible for most people. Local leisure centres often offer
cheap one-off sessions, classes and memberships. Check out
the facilities in your local area.
Nutrition Guide

Eat well to get

the best results
from your Onda
Nutrition plays a big Wholegrain versions such as wholemeal
bread and wholemeal pasta retain most
role in helping you of their fibre, vitamins and minerals.
transform your body The fibre in starchy carbs helps keep
– 80% to be exact. our digestive systems healthy.

Eating well and exercising regularly Recommended Serving Sizes:

will boost the success of your Onda One serving should be 150g
treatments. Here’s just a few tips on of cooked pasta, rice, noodles,
how you can integrate a healthy and couscous or other grains
balanced diet into your lifestyle. 30g wholegrain breakfast cereal
Fruit and Vegetables 180g potato

Forget processed foods and choose 1 or 2 slices of wholegrain bread.

fruits and vegetables. They are low in fat If you are prioritising losing weight, make
but high in fibre, vitamins and minerals. your portions a little smaller still and make
These qualities make them an ideal choice up the space on your plate with extra veg.
for living a healthy lifestyle. Integrate
at least five servings into your day. Alternatively, eat one portion of carbs
after your daily exercise, keeping your
Recommended Serving Sizes: other two main meals low in carbs.
One serving of fruit and vegetables
should be 80g (roughly one piece of fruit) Dairy and Alternatives
30g serving of dried fruit, one
heaped tablespoon. Dairy foods such as milk, cheese, yoghurt
and plant-based dairy alternatives, are rich
in many nutrients, including bone-friendly
Starchy Carbs
calcium and protein. It is the protein
Carbohydrates have a bad reputation that helps us feel fuller for longer. For a
but eating the right carbs in the right healthy diet, choose low-fat or reduced
quantities is crucial to staying healthy. fat versions. Products high in saturated fat
Starchy foods like potatoes, wholemeal are linked to high cholesterol and heart
pasta, brown rice, wholegrain bread disease. You should also opt for natural
and cereals should make up a third or unsweetened dairy-free yoghurt rather
of your diet. They’ll keep you fuller than flavoured or sweetened varieties
for longer (putting a stop to extra containing added sugar. Instead, add fresh
snacking), they contain very little fat, are fruit for sweetness and to boost fibre.
low-calorie and bursting with fibre. Recommended Serving Sizes:
Eat them three times a day - 3 heaped Have two to three servings a
tablespoons of brown rice, cous day, one serving is 200ml.
cous or wholemeal pasta is just right.
Boost Omega-3 Fats may sometimes mistake hunger for
thirst and find yourself consuming
Open your plate up to oily fish, more calories than you need. Tea and
rapeseed, walnut oil, walnuts, coffee in moderation are fine – but
flaxseeds and chia seeds to help stick to a maximum of two cups a day.
boost Omega-3 fats. These items
Recommended Serving Sizes:
are loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids,
which are good for your brain, heart 8 glasses of water a day
and skin. However, if you don’t eat Two cups of tea or coffee
many of these foods and think you
may be lacking in Omega-3, consider When hunger hits, try one
taking Omega-3 supplements. these twenty healthy snacks:

Recommended Serving Sizes: 1. Mixed nuts

Aim to get around a 140g 2. Greek yoghurt and
portion of oily fish per week. mixed berries
3. Apple slices with peanut butter
Good Fats 4. Celery sticks with cream cheese
Proceed with caution with saturated 5. Cucumber slices with hummus
fats (in foods like hard cheese, butter, 6. A piece of fruit
pastry and cream). Unsaturated
7. Hard-boiled eggs
fats from nuts, seeds, coconut oil,
olive oil and avocado are high in 8. Whey protein shake
nutritional benefits, such as improving 9. Protein balls
cholesterol and keeping you trim. 10. Caprese avocado toast
High fat foods are those that contain
11. Carrots and avocado dip
20g unsaturated fat or more per 100g.
With saturated fats, avoid anything 12. Sweet trail mix
with more than 5g per 100g. 13. Healthy granola
Serving Sizes: 14. Egg on toast
1 tablespoon serving size, providing 15. Edamame with sea salt
120 calories and 14g of fat 16. Avocado chocolate mousse
17. Popcorn
18. Fruit salad
Make sure you’re staying hydrated 19. Crunchy mixed salad
by drinking eight glasses of water a
20. Chunky vegetable soup
day. Not only will it help you avoid
headaches and general fatigue, you
How to get started on 4. Eat mindfully
Studies show that we consume more
your food journey... calories when we eat mindlessly. Pay
attention to every mouthful, sit at a
1. Keep a food diary table, use a plate and cutlery, avoid
Write down the food or beverage as screens and chew your food.
soon as you consume it. Don’t wait
5. Move away from ‘all
until the end of the day because
or nothing’ thinking
your recollection is likely to be less
accurate. A smartphone app like If you slip up on your healthy eating
MyFitnessPal can support your efforts. and exercise, don’t dwell on it.
These apps also offer information Instead, think of what you have
on calories and other nutrients. achieved and get back on track.
2. Be SMART about your goals 6. Think positively
Specific. Rather than simply saying, Don’t think about all the food you
“I’m going to exercise more,” can’t have but rather the food you
you’ve got specify how much can enjoy. Make your meals exciting
exercise you are going to do each and delicious by adding spices,
week and the type of exercise. trying something new or by simply
Measurable. Put a measurement next adding more of your favourite
to your goal e.g. I want to lose 1 stone. fruits and vegetables to them.
Attainable. Set a measurable
7. Avoid missing meals
goal. E.g. Exercise a minimum of
4 days a week in tandem with a Studies show that when we skip
balanced diet 7 days a week. meals we can end up overeating
Relevant. Exercising 4 days a week and it’s also harder to absorb
is relevant to weight loss and all the nutrients we need.
maintaining a healthy lifestyle! So
exercising more or increasing the 8. Exercise
intensity of your workouts fits into
To boost the success of healthy eating,
your larger weight loss plan.
a combination of cardio and strength
Time-bound. This is your goal for this exercises are effective for boosting
week. It’s easier to commit to a goal your metabolism, so that you burn
if you do it for a set amount of time. more calories even when resting.
3. Ditch the ‘diet’ mentality
9. Don’t Smoke
Forget going on a diet and shift this
As well as increasing the risk
mentality into living a healthy lifestyle
of numerous health problems,
that you are able to maintain for the
smoking is estimated to age the
long-term to achieve greater success
skin by up to 20 years. Speak to
in your Onda Coolwaves™ journey.
your GP for help in quitting.
Breakfast Recipe...
This easy Strawberry Banana Smoothie Bowl is a simple and
sweet treat! It’s a healthy vegan breakfast or snack made with
only a few ingredients, and you can add whichever toppings your
heart desires to customise to your tastes. This recipe serves 1.

For the Smoothie Bowl
1 banana, frozen
1½ cups frozen strawberries
½ cup frozen raspberries
½ cup silk unsweetened coconut milk

For the toppings

Fresh bananas, sliced
Chia seeds
Or any healthy toppings of your choice
Lunch Recipe...
This homemade Buddha bowl is highly nutritious: It is packed with
nutrition because of the balanced proportions of food groups in it. This
delicious healthy Chicken Buddha Bowl combines Thai grilled chicken,
spinach, quinoa, chickpeas, cucumber, tomatoes and avocado with the
option to add a simple Greek yoghurt dressing. This recipe serves 1.

Thai Chicken Marinade 1/4 avocado
4 cloves garlic, minced 1 tablespoon of chickpeas
2 tablespoons chilli paste 1 tablespoon of edamame beans
2 tablespoons rice vinegar 2 tablespoons of cucumber chunks
2 tablespoons olive oil 35g of quinoa
1 teaspoon sesame oil The Dressing
1 tablespoon fresh grated ginger 1 clove garlic, minced
2 tablespoons lime juice 1/3 cup Greek yoghurt or a
dairy-free alternative
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 chicken breast
1 tablespoon lime juice
Bowl Contents
1/2 teaspoon dried dill
1 cup baby spinach
4 cherry tomatoes Pinch of fresh cracked black pepper
Dinner Recipe...
Instead of calling the Indian takeaway, make your own easy
chicken jalfrezi. This curry is also healthy, with two of your
5-a-day and a dose of vitamin C. This recipe serves 4.

For the Sauce 1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp turmeric
½ large onion, roughly chopped
½ large onion, sliced
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1 green chilli, finely chopped 1 red pepper, chopped
Vegetable oil, for frying 2 red chillies, finely chopped (optional)
400g can plum tomatoes 2 tsp garam masala
1 tbsp. ground coriander Handful of fresh, chopped
1 tbsp. ground cumin coriander leaves
1 tsp. turmeric 200g cooked basmati rice, portioned
into 50g servings for 4 people.
For the Meat & Vegetables
2-3 chicken breasts, diced
1 tsp ground cumin
Onda Coolwaves™- The Results

Before After

Courtesy of Pardis Nejad, M.D.

Before After

After 2 Onda Treatments | Courtesy of Paolo Bonan M.D. and Federica Coli

Before After

After 2 Onda Treatments | Courtesy of Paolo Bonan M.D. and Federica Coli

in partnership with
Before & After Gallery

Before After

After 2 Onda Treatments | Courtesy of Glo-Philippines

Before After

After 4 Onda Treatments | Courtesy of L’Aquila Italy

Before After

After 4 Onda Treatments | Courtesy of Benedetta Salsi M.D. Reggio Emilia

in partnership with
Before & After Gallery

Before After

After 2 Onda Treatments | Courtesy of The Cosmetic Clinic Poole

Before After

After 3 Onda Treatments | Courtesy of Paolo Bonan M.D.

Before After

After 4 Onda Treatments | Courtesy of Benedetta Salsi M.D. Reggio Emilia

in partnership with
As Seen In...

in partnership with

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