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IS 800-2007


( Third Revision)

1.1.1 Determine the design forces in the members Let us assume that no access is provided to the
of a Fink type roof truss shown in Fig. roof. The live load is reduced by 20 N/m2 for each
Ex. 17.1 (a), for an industrial building for the one degree above 10° slope.
following data. Also find the reactions. Live load = 750 - 20 × (26.566-10) = 418.68 N/m^2
The load on each intermediate panel =418.68 ×8×2 =
Overall length of the building 48 m 6698.88 N= 6700 N= 6.7 kN
Overall width of the building 16.5 The load on each end panel point =6700/2 =3350 N
Width (c/c of roof columns) 16m = 3.35 kN
c/c spacing of trusses 8m
Rise of truss ¼ of span Wind Loads
Self weight of purlins 318 N/m Let us assume the life of the industrial building to
Height of columns 11m be 50 years and the land to eb plain and surround-
Roofing and side coverings -dead weight 171 ed by small buildings.
N/m2 K1 = 1.0
The building is located in industrial area Naini, K2 = 0.96
Allahabad, and is surrounded by closely spaced K3 = 1
obstructions generally up to 10 height.Use steel of K4 = 1
grade E250. V_b = 47 m/s

1.1.2 Design wind speed V = k1k2k3k4V_b= 1.0 × 0.962

× 1.0 × 1.0 × 47 = 45.21 m / s
Truss configuration Pz. = 0. 6 (V_z)^2 = 0.6×45.212 = 1297.3 N/m^2 =
Let alpha be the inclination of the roof with the 1.226 kN/m
horizontal Kd = 1, Ka = 0.95, Kc = 0.9
Tan (α) = 4/8 = 1/2 Pd = KdKaKcPz= 1.0 ×0.95 ×0.9 × 1.226 = 1.048 = 1.05
α=26°34'= 26.566° kN/m^2

Length Of Rafter= √ [((16/2)^2)+4^2] = 8.94m Height of building column above ground level, h=
12 m
Length of each panel L0U1,U1U2, U2U3, U3U4 = Width of building, w= 16 m
8.94/4 = 2.235 m h/w = 0.75

Loads on panel points The wind force is given by

(i) Dead Load F = (C_pe - C_pi) (P_d)(A)

Assume weight of bracing = 12 N/m^2 The critical wind load on panel points from the
Dead weight of AC sheets = 171 N/m^2 above table for windward sides are -18.77kN = -18.8
kN and on leeward side are —174.8 = - 17.50 kN
Self-weight of roof truss = [( span/3)+5] × 10= The calculation of critical wind loads on panel
[(16/3)+5] × 10 = 103.33 N/m^2 almost 110 N/m^2 points are as follows.
Self-weight of purlin = 318 N/m => 318 × 8 = 2544 (i) Windward side
N F_1 = (-0.8 - 0.2) × 1.05 × ( 8× 2.235 ) = - 18.77 = - 18.8
Panel length = 2.235 m kN (Intermediate panel points)
The panel length in plan =2.235 cos 26°34= 2.00 m F_2 = - 18.8/ 2 = -9.4 kN (End panel points)

Load on each intermediate panel due to dead load (ii)Leeward side

= (12+171+110) × (8×2)+2544 = 7232 N = 7.4 kN F_3= (-0.731 - 0.2)×1.05×(8×2.35)= -17.48 = -17.5 kN
Load on end panel points of the rafter = 7.4/2 = 3.7 (Intermediate panel points)
kN F_4= 17.5/2 = -8.75 kN (End panel points)
(ii) Live load
α = 26o 34'= 26.566°

By symmetry R_lo = R_Ls = 29.6 kN

IS 800-2007

Dead load reaction Design compressive load = 165 kN

Taking moments about Lo, Rafter panel length =2.235 m
7.4 x 2 + 7.4 x 4 + 7.4 x 6 + 7.4 x 8 + 7.4 x 10 + 7.4 Effective length of the rafter panel, about z-axis
x 12 + 7.4 x 14 +3.7 x 16 = R_Ls X 16 =0.85 L=0.85 ×2.235 = 1.8997 m= 1899.7 mm
R_Ls = 29.6 kNLive load reactions, Taking
moments about Lo, Effective length of the rafter panel about y-axis =
6.7 x 2 + 6.7 x 4 + 6.7 x 6+6.7 x 8 + 6.7 x 10 + 6.7 × 1L= 1× 2.235 = 2.235 m = 2235 mm
12+ 6.7 x 14 + 3.35 × 16 = R_L5 × 16
R_LS = 26.8 kN Cross-sectional area required = (1650.0 ×10^3)/107 =
By symmetry, 1542.1 mm^2
R_L = 26.8 kN
A= 1634 mm^2, r_z = 20.2 mm,
Components of resultants Force
For 12 mm thick gusset plate, r_y = 21.95 mm
70.0 kN: (by interpolation: for t = 10 mm, r_{y} = 21.1mm for
Vertical component = 70.0 cos 26.566° = 62.60 kN t = 14mm , r_{y} = 22.8 mm
(up) l_{z}/r_{z} = 1899.7/20.2 = 94.04
Horizontal component = 70.0 sin 26.566° = 31.30 kN l_{y}/r_{y} = 2235/21.95 = 101.82 < 180
(left) which is all right.

Force 75.2 kN: The slenderness ratio l_{y} / r_{y} is critical.

Vertical component = 75.2 cos 26.566° = 67.26 kN For l_{y}/r_{y} = 101.82 f_{y} = 250MPa
Horizontal component = 75.2 sin 26.566° = 33.63 kN
(left) Design compressive stress, f_cd = 104.74 N/mm^ 2
Net horizontal component = 33.63 - 31.30 =2.33 kN
Horizontal force at each shoe = 2.33/2 = 1.165 kN Section classification, epsilon = 1, b/t = 65/8 = 8.12 <
15.7 (ε = 1)
To find vertical component of reactions at support, Hence, the section is semi-compact. Since the
take moments about either shoe, section is not slender, the full section will be
Take a moment about Ls . Design compressive strength,
R_lo ×16 =70.0 ×(4.472 +5.367) +75.2 ×4.472 P_d =A_e (f_cd) = 1634 x 104.74 x 10^-3 = 171.14 kN
R_lo =64.04 kN > 165kN

Take moment about Lo which is sufficient,

R_L5 x 16 = 70.0 × 4.472 +75.2 × (4.472 +5.367)
R_L5 =65.80 kN Tensile strength of the section due to gross section
1.1.3 Design the principal rafter of a fink type
roof truss for the following data. Design also its T_dg = (f_y) (A_8)/(Y_m0) = 250*1634*10^-3/1.10 =
connection using 20 m diameter bolts. 371.36 kN > 60.0 kN
Design compressive load 165 kN (due ot D.L and which is all right.
L.L) Connection, 20 mm diameter bolts are to be used.
Design tensile load 60 kN (due to D.L and W.L) Diameter of hole, d_{0} = 22mm Section to be
Length of rafter panel 2.235 m connected with 12 mm thick gusset plate is double
Grade of steel E 250 angle ISA 65 * 45 * 8 mm.
Grade of bolts 4.6 Design force = 165.00 kN

For steel of grade E250, F_u. = 410 MPa, F_y = 250 Strength of bolt in double shear,
MPa V_dsb = 2 x A_nb x [f_ub/(√3 Ymb)] = 2 x 245
Partial safety factors: Y_mo = 1.10, Y_mb = 1.25 x[400/(√3 x 1.25)] x 10^-3 = 90.52 kN
For bolts of grade 4.6: F_ub = 400 MPa
Stress area of 20 mm diameter bolt = 245 mm^2 Strength of bolt in bearing, V_dpb = 2.5 k_b d t
(f_u/ Y_mb)
ε = √(250/f_{y}) = √(250/250) = 1

IS 800-2007

Let us assume, pitch of bolts = 50 mm, edge optimization of member lengths based on their
distance = 33 mm k_{b} will be least of; roles in tension or compression. Pratt trusses are
preferred because their design naturally places
e/(3 x d_{0}) = 33/(3 * 22) = 0.5; p/(3 x d_{0}) - 0.25 longer members, such as diagonals, in tension due
= 50/(3 * 22) - 0.25 = 0.5 to gravitational forces. Conversely, in Howe
trusses, the longer members are subjected to
f_ub / f_u = 400/410 = 0.975 and 1.0 compression. This distinction is crucial because
longer compression members in Howe trusses
Hence, k_b = 0.5 result in increased costs for the same span and
V_dpb = 2.5 x 0.5 × 20 × 12 × 410/1.25 x 10^-3 = 98.4 load conditions. Therefore, the inherent
kN tension-oriented configuration of Pratt trusses
makes them more structurally efficient and
Hence, strength of the bolt = 90.52 kN cost-effective compared to Howe trusses.

Number of bolts required for making connection, How are Pratt truss, Howe truss and Warren truss
n = 165.00/90.52 = 1.82 = 2 different from each other

Provide 2, 20 mm diameter bolts of grade 4.6. Pratt truss, Howe truss, and Warren truss each
boast unique characteristics that set them apart
Describe a pitched roof truss, and the nature of structurally. In a Pratt truss, diagonal members
stresses in its constituent members. What are the (excluding the end diagonals) slant downwards
probable loads that are considered in its design towards the center of the bridge span. This
arrangement results in tension being induced in
A pitched-roof truss forms a triangular frame- the diagonal components while the vertical mem-
work with sloping rafters converging at the ridge bers experience compressive forces when external
and a primary tie connecting their bases, supple- loads are applied.
mented by internal bracing elements. These
internal members, named struts (compression Conversely, the Howe truss exhibits the opposite
parts) and ties (tension components), are also configuration. Its diagonal members slant away
triangularly arranged to minimize buckling risks, from the middle of the truss span, leading to
ideally with longer segments under tension and compressive forces within these diagonals under
shorter ones under compression. The internal gravitational loads. This design makes the Howe
bracing layout primarily relies on the truss-span. truss particularly adept at handling uplift loading,
Rafters, serving as key compression components, with its diagonals primarily experiencing tension.
are typically segmented into equal-length sections.
Trusses provide support for various loads, includ- As for the Warren truss, it features a series of
ing the roof's weight, purlins, live loads, and wind isosceles or equilateral triangles. Within this
loads. Purlins, laid lengthwise across the rafters to framework, truss members alternate between
secure the roof covering, are ideally supported at tension and compression. This alternating pattern
joints to subject the rafters solely to axial forces. of forces contributes to the overall stability and
However, practical considerations such as purlin load-bearing capacity of the Warren truss.
spacing, roof covering type, truss span, and truss
spacing may necessitate support away from panel What are the possible reasons for secondary
joints, requiring rafter members to accommodate stresses in roof trusses
both bending and axial force.
Primary stresses are developed in members of a
roof truss due to the axial forces in the truss
members when the loads are placed on the node
Why are the Pratt trusses structurally better than points and all the joints are pinned. However,
Howe trusses these conditions are seldom realized in practice
and the additional stresses generated are known as
Pratt trusses outshine Howe trusses structurally secondary stresses. These stresses are because of:
for several reasons. One key aspect is the (1) Pinned connection assumption-implies one bolt
in the end connection, while more than one bolt is
always provided developing fixity.

IS 800-2007

(2) The purlins transferring roof loads may be Area of bearing plate, A = (200 * 10 ^ 3)/9 =
placed on the panel lengths developing moments 2222.2m * m ^ 2
in the rafter and consequently bending stresses.
The secondary stresses in roof trusses due to end Width of bearing plate = width of concrete pedes-
fixity are not significant and may be neglected. tal = thickness of wall = 250 mm
But considerable secondary stresses may develop Length of bearing plate b, b_{l} = 22222.2/250
due to placement of purlins on panel lengths and, =88.88 mm or 210
therefore, must be given due consideration while Provide 210mm * 250 mm bearing plate.
designing the truss members. Area of plate provided = 250 * 210 = 52500m * m ^

Thickness of plate, t = sqrt((2.75R * n ^

What is the correct orientation of placement of 2)/(A*f_{y}))
channel-section purlins over roof trusses?
n = b_{i}/2 - t_{w}/2 - R_{1} = 210/2 - 12/2 - 20
The channel-section purlins should be placed with = 79 mm
flanges facing the apex of the truss. It can be
explained with the shear flow inside the channel t = sqrt((2.75 * 200 * 10 ^ 3 * 79 ^ 2)/(52500 * 250))
section (Fig. CQA 1). The vertical shear is trans- =16.17 mm simeq18 mm
ferred at the node while the horizontal shears will
form a couple that will create instability (tend to Provide bearing plate 250 mm * 210 mm * 18 mm.
overturn) if channel flanges are not pointing
towards the apex of the truss.
Fig. CQA 1 Correct placement of purlins over roof

How is the buckling of the principal rafter


The principal rafter of roof truss has buckling

tendency in both xy and xz planes. In the xy
plane, the truss members provide restraint at the
nodes and limit the buckling to individual panel
length. Whereas in the xz plane, there will be no
restraint and the entire rafter will buckle. Howev-
er, purlins, when placed at the nodes, provide
restraint in the xz plane, limiting the buckling to
individual panels. This also necessitates rafter
sections to have the same moments of inertia
about both zz and yy-axes

5.1.8 Design a bearing plate at the support for a

roof beam ISMB 600 @ 1202.71 N/m resting on a
concrete pedestal masonry wall 250 mm thick for
the following data: Reaction = 200 kN
Grade of concrete: M20

5.1.9 For E 250 grade of steel: f_{y} = 250N / m * m

Bearing pressure from concrete: f b =0.45f ck
=0.45*20=9 N/mm^ 2
The relevant properties of ISMB 600 @ 1202.71
N/m are:
Width of flange, b_{f} = 210mm
Thickness of flange, t_{f} = 20.8mm
Thickness of web, t_{w} = 12mm
Radius at root, R_{t} = 20mm

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