Astartes Power Armour
Astartes Power Armour
Astartes Power Armour
History: Used by the earliest Astartes warriors during the Emperor's early campaigns to pacify Terra and
the Sol system Thunder armour is crude by any standard, being at best partially powered and lacking
many of the advanced systems of current Power Armour such as life support systems, inertial navigation,
waste recycling, integrated narthecium, magnetic boots etc. Nonetheless Thunder Armour must be
considered a success, providing protection and mobility equal to anything on the battlefields of the time
and playing a key part of the Emperor's campaigns to bring order to the Sol system.
Notes: Known as 'Thunder Armour' due to frequent use of 'thunderbolt' insignia on greaves and chest,
the thunderbolt was the original symbol of the Emperor.
Mk.II 'Crusade' Armour
• Life Support - Basic, armour is completely enclosed and capable of short term operation in harsh
environments (i.e. space)
• Protection - Moderate, similar to Sororitas pattern armour protection in most areas. Achieves this
through the use of overlapping bands of armour rather than single plates of armour. Inferior to
more modern Astartes patterns.
Head - Enclosed helmet with basic autosenses
Torso - Multi-part 'banded' design, exposed power/cooling cabling proved to be a weakspot
Arms - Overlapping armoured plates, 'glove' type hand protection
Legs - 'Banded' armour plates over powered leg systems
• Power - Back pack unit improved from Mk.I enabling entire suit to be powered, resulting in
increased load capacity, mobility and allowing enhanced protection
• Integrated Systems:
Life Support - Basic, allows use in hostile environments (including vacucum) for limited periods
AutoSenses - Basic autosense systems for sight & sound included in helmet design, protects user
from dangerous noise/light bursts
Sense Enhancement - Ultra-violet and infra-red vision available via autosenses, audio senses also
given small boost by filters and enhancers
History: Used by the Astartes warriors during the Emperor's Great Crusade. Replaced towards the end of
the Great Crusade by Mk.IV armour, Mk.II suits see limited use amongst Imperial Space Marine Chapters
of today in ceremonial circumstances. A huge leap forward over Mk.I armour Crusade Armour is the first
true powered armour available to the forces of Mankind. Enhancing a Marine's strength, protection and
senses the suit allowed the Astartes to prosecute war in virtually any environment thus paving the way
for the reclamation of many otherwise unassailable worlds during the Great Crusade.
• Known as 'Crusade Armour' as it equipped the Space Marine Legions during the greater part of
the Great Crusade.
• The first power armour suit to enhance the strength of the wearer, Mk.II armour offered an
increase in strength of some 130% of the user. Later marks offer even greater strength
amplification, for example Mk.VII grants the user a capacity in the region of 250% greater than
his own strength. For these later marks this translates both into increased upper body strength
and greater speed and jumping ability, making Marine both quicker and more deadly in combat.
• Life Support - Basic, armour is completely enclosed and capable of short term operation in harsh
environments (i.e. space)
Protection - Little improvement over the Mk.II armour, increased frontal protection at the
expense of rear protection
Head - Enclosed helmet with autosenses, slightly more wedge shaped than Mk.II to deflect
incoming fire
Torso - Multi-part 'banded' design, exposed power/cooling cabling proved to be a weakspot. In
order to improve protection during frontal assaults Iron armour was given reinforced armour at
the front and reduced rear facing armour.
Arms - Overlapping armoured plates, 'glove' type hand protection
Legs - 'Banded' armour plates over powered leg systems
• Power - Same as Mk.II
• Integrated Systems:
Life Support - Basic, allows use in hostile environments (including vacuum) for limited periods
AutoSenses - Basic autosense systems for sight & sound included in helmet design, protects user
from dangerous noise/light bursts
Sense Enhancement - Ultra-violet and infra-red vision available via autosenses, audio senses also
given small boost by filters and enhancers
History: Iron Armour was designed for use in frontal assaults in close quarters where it excelled for a
number of years until replaced with the more formidable Tactical Dreadnought Armour systems. Like
Crusade armour some Mk.III suits still soldier on, mostly in a ceremonial role, but they are revered as a
link to a time when the Emperor himself walked the galaxy.
Notes: Iron armour led to the development of modern Terminator armour which was designed to fill the
shortcomings of the Mk.III suit, being equipped with even more protective systems, capable of being
fitted with more potent weaponry and having much improved life-support systems.
• Life Support - Good, armour is completely enclosed and capable of long term operation in harsh
environments (i.e. space), includes waste recycling systems etc.
• Protection - Good, exchanging multiple plates of armour for rigid cast plates with flexible joints
and using newly rediscovered manufacturing techniques the Mk.IV represented a huge
improvement in armour protection for Astartes warriors. In particular the addition of ceramite
and adamantium to the plasteel armour of earlier marks increased armour protection, especially
from plasma and other energy based weapons whilst making the suit lighter and more agile.
Head - Enclosed helmet with autosenses
Torso - Single piece torso allows for easier maintenance and repair of damaged armour, fewer
exposed cables
Arms - Improved protection, especially for lower arms/hands
Legs - 3 piece leg protection replaces the banded protection of earlier marks, improved materials
make armour more streamlined and stronger
• Power - Markedly different from earlier power units, believed to be the first power plant to utilise
a sub-atomic core for increased power production and providing essentially infinite fuel to power
the unit
• Integrated Systems:
Standard Life Support - allows use in hostile environments (including vacuum) for extended
AutoSenses - Autosense systems for sight & sound included in helmet design, protects user from
dangerous noise/light bursts. Autosenses are augmented by a basic onboard auspex system.
Sense Enhancement - Ultra-violet and infra-red vision available via autosenses, audio senses also
given small boost by filters and enhancers, olfactory pick ups added to helmet
Communications - Basic in-built comms function for short ranged voice/data transmission
Mobility - Magnetic soles added to allow easier operation in low or zero gravity environments
History: Issued in the final years of the Great Crusade Mk.IV armour was a mainstay of both sides
during the Heresy. The armour's advanced systems, multi-component armour plates and in-built machine
spirit meant that it was tricky to manufacture and difficult to maintain and repair. It was soon replaced in
production by the simpler to manufacture and repair Mk.V Heresy armour but remains the prized
possession of many a Marine today.
Notes: Designed as the ultimate Marine armour the Mk.IV Maximus suit was a tremendous leap forward
when it entered production. Incorporating recycling systems, unlimited power generation, a powerful
machine spirit and basic medicae functions the Mk.IV enhances a Marine's fighting and survival
capabilities manyfold.
History: The result of a crash program to replace the complicated Mk.IV armour with an easier to
manufacture and repair suit Heresy Armour combined the most important advances of Mk.IV armour,
such as the improved power pack, medicae and comms systems with a simple, robust design. Mk.V
armour components were also interchangeable with Mk.II/III suits making repair and replacement much
easier when the wearer was at the end of an extended supply line.
Notes: Though hastily designed and manufactured, Mk.V armour proved immensely durable and easy to
repair ensuring it remained in production and use for a considerable time.
Mk.V armour was also used heavily by the Traitor Legions, being scavenged from fallen Loyalists or
stolen from Imperial supply convoys during the Heresy, even today it is not uncommon to see corrupted
Astartes outfitted in the distinctive studded armour.
• Life Support - Excellent. Armour is completely enclosed and capable of long term operation in
harsh environments (i.e. space, deathworlds), includes advanced waste recycling systems etc. In
the wake of widespread use of nuclear, chemical, viral and toxin weapons during the Heresy
Mk.VI armour provided much greater levels of protection against these weapons. This was
achieved through the use of better suit seals, more resilient materials in vulnerable areas, such
as flexible joints and improved integrated medicae equipment that automatically dispensed anti-
virals and the like to the wearer.
• Protection - Excellent. Achieved Mk.IV levels of protection with reduced use of exotic and hard to
obtain materials, this was achieved through the use of recently recovered advanced
manufacturing techniques such as cold plasma forging. Early examples often used studded
reinforcement plates on the shoulders and even legs to maximise protection whilst minimising
resource use, though after the end of the Heresy this became much less common.
Head - Enclosed helmet with advanced autosenses
Torso - Notable for the redundancy of systems the torso plates of Mk.VI armour bear both
armoured cables on the outside as well as back-up cables protected inside the armour itself. Use
of the back up cables degrades efficiency somewhat but does allow the wearer to continue
fighting, unlike earlier designs where cable damage could immobilise the wearer entirely.
Arms - Much more streamlined than earlier Marks of armour, the Mk.VI suit provides an excellent
mix of protection, flexibility and ease of use for the wearer's arms.
Legs - Much cleaner than earlier Marks, Mk.VI leg armour buries all the required cables and
wiring deep inside the armour for maximum protection. Also notable for the inclusion of
gyroscopic stabilisers which allowed Marines to move more quickly and surely across uneven or
unstable terrain.
• Power - Moderately improved Mk.IV back packs form the basis for the Mk.VI power plant. Better
cooling, together with greater redundancy provided greater reliability and improved maintenance
for this type of backpack. The most notable addition was the return of solar panels and
associated batteries which allowed Marines to power down the sub-atomic core but still remain
active, this made Marines much harder to detect using auspex instruments increasing their
efficiency in ambushes as well as escape and evasion.
• Integrated Systems:
Life Support - allows use in hostile environments (including vacuum) for extended periods,
includes more advanced medicae equipment
AutoSenses - Autosense systems improved over earlier Marks, providing more detailed
information and being more resilient to counter measures. Onboard auspex systems are slightly
upgraded from Mk.IV suits.
Sense Enhancement - Ultra-violet and infra-red vision available via autosenses, audio senses
were greatly improved by new filters and enhancers, improved olfactory pick ups are also housed
in the elongated nose
Communications - Improved comms function for short-medium ranged voice/data transmission,
some suits are fitted with long range communications gear via an upgraded backpack and
machine spirit
Mobility - Fitted with magnetic soles, retractable boot spikes (useful for stability, climbing and in
an emergency as a close combat weapon) and gyroscopic stabilisers Mk.VI armour is considerably
more mobile and agile than earlier Marks.
History: Designed towards the end of the Heresy to replace the stop-gap Mk.V suit Corvus armour
merged the lessons learnt on the brutal battlefields of the Heresy with the latest recovered technology
the TechnoMagi of Mars had to offer. Corvus armour has come to be associated with the Siege of Terra
due to the extensive use of Mk.VI armour by the Blood Angels, White Scars and Imperial Fists during that
dark time. In particular Mk.VI armour with the studded shoulder pad symbolises the sacrifice of the
Astartes in the face of Horus and his minions, many older Chapters today are still equipped with a
handful of suits from the Siege of Terra and each is treated as a relic by those warriors lucky enough to
bear it.
• Named 'Corvus' for the beak like nose of the helmet, Mk.VI armour is occasionally referred to as
'Beakie' armour.
• Although efforts were made to shift production to safe locations on Terra many suits of Mk.VI
armour were produced for the Traitor Legions by captured manufactoriums. Traitor stocks of
Mk.VI armour were also boosted by their practice of stripping dead Loyalists of their arms and
armour, thus it is not uncommon to see large forces of corrupted Astartes protected by
desecrated suits of Corvus armour.
• Life Support - Excellent. Armour is completely enclosed and capable of long term operation in
harsh environments (i.e. space, deathworlds), includes advanced waste recycling systems. Mk.VII
armour life support systems also include the improvements made to Mk.VI suits to increase
protection against chemical, viral and atomic weapons.
• Protection - Excellent. As with the Mk.VI suits Imperator armour provides protection similar to
Maximus class armour whilst being easier to manufacture and maintain.
Head - Enclosed helmet with advanced autosenses. The redesigned helmet is very similar to Mk.V
and TDA helmets and provides superior armour protection to the wearer at the cost of slightly
decreased sensor and comms abilities.
Torso - Redesigned chest plastron ensures that almost all cabling is encased by armour, the suit
still retains the redundant systems protection offered by Mk.VI armour as well. Cabling is still
unavoidably exposed on the abdomen of Imperator suits but it is heavily reinforced, as well as
duplicated via smaller, less efficient cables inside the armour, making Imperator armour
extremely difficult to disable by cutting power to the extremities.
Arms - Virtually identical to Mk.VI Corvus arm plates.
Legs - Mk.VII armour incorporates the redesigned knee that equipped late model Corvus suits,
the redesigned knee increases flexibility and protection at the cost of a minor weight increase.
• Power - Whilst externally different to the Mk.VI power pack, the Mk.VII power pack provides
almost identical power to the earlier version. A redesigned layout allows for slightly more efficient
cooling and for the bearer to be equipped with larger shoulder pads for increased protection, thus
doing away with the studded pads common on Mk.V and Mk.VI suits.
• Integrated Systems:
Life Support - Allows use in hostile environments (including vacuum) for extended periods,
includes advanced food processing, water recycling and medicae equipment
AutoSenses - Almost identical to Mk.VI equipment, Mk.VII helmets trade extra protection for a
minor range reduction in autosenses
Sense Enhancement - Ultra-violet and infra-red vision and targeting available via autosenses,
audio senses have improved Mk.VI style filters and enhancers, olfactory pick ups are also housed
Communications - Includes comms equipment for short-medium ranged voice/data transmission,
some suits are fitted with long range communications gear via an upgraded backpack and
machine spirit
Mobility - Fitted with the magnetic soles, retractable boot spikes (useful for stability, climbing and
in an emergency as a close combat weapon) and gyroscopic stabilisers of Corvus armour is
considerably more mobile and agile than earlier Marks.
History: Imperator armour was the result of continued research into methods to improve the Corvus
suit, being designed by TechnoMagi teams hastily moved from Mars to Earth when it became apparent
the forces of the Arch-Traitor Horus would take Mars before laying siege to Terra. Going into production
during the Siege of Terra itself and still in production today Mk.VII armour is the most common Astartes
uniform on today's battlefields. Imperator armour has been battle-proven across the galaxy, from the
Cleansing that followed the Heresy to Abaddon's most recent Black Crusade and everything in between it
has protected the Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes and will do so for millennia to come.
• Imperator Armour is also known as Eagle armour due to the Aquila, or Imperial Eagle, that most
Mk.VII suits bear across the chest. The Aquila was added to the design during the Heresy to allow
Loyalists to identify each other rapidly in the confused and vicious combats that characterised the
Siege of Terra.
• It is unusual to see Traitor Astartes equipped with Mk.VII armour as production facilities have, for
the most part, remained in Imperial hands over the millennia. When worn by the Traitor Legions
Imperator armour is almost invariably desecrated in the vilest ways, the Aquila symbol in
particular is frequently defamed.
• Mk.VII armour shares more than 95% of its components with Mk.VI armour and virtually all the
major parts (such as helmets, backpacks, torsos, legs etc.) are interchangeable. It is not
uncommon to see mixed Mk.VI/VII suits on the battlefield where damaged or failed parts from
one system have been replaced with working sections of the other.
• Life Support - Excellent. Armour is completely enclosed and capable of long term operation in
harsh environments (i.e. space, deathworlds), includes advanced waste recycling systems.
Mk.VIII armour life support systems also include the improvements made to Mk.VI/VII suits to
increase protection against chemical, viral and atomic weapons.
• Protection - Excellent. Imperator armour has few flaws but they have been addressed by a series
of minor upgrades to Errant Armour. These include the raised collar, modified helmet and
increased fixed plate armour in the torso, these elements are designed to provide greater
protection against area effect weapons and to prevent 'shell traps' being formed in the neck/head
Head - Very similar to the Imperator helmet, the Errant helmet has been modified to fit within
the raised collar of the Errant Armour to ensure greater protection for the vulnerable neck/head
Torso -The Mk.VIII continues the attempts to protect the power cables and now with reinforced
chest armour, all primary and secondary cables are enclosed within the armour
Arms - Virtually identical to Mk.VII arm plates.
Legs - Virtually identical to Mk.VII armour plates
Power - Uses the Mk.VII armour power pack
Integrated Systems:
Life Support - Allows use in hostile environments (including vacuum) for extended periods,
includes advanced food processing, water recycling and medicae equipment
AutoSenses - Mk.VIII helmets have redesigned autosense systems cater for the raised neck collar
which can degrade the performance of earlier helmets if used in Mk.VIII armour. Autosense
performance is almost identical to earlier marks despite this change.
Sense Enhancement - Ultra-violet and infra-red vision and targeting available via autosenses,
audio senses are Mk.VI/VII standard, olfactory pick ups are also housed in helmet
Communications - The Mk. VIII features a superior voxcaster system compared to the Mk. VII,
particularly in data transfer abilities
Mobility - Following on from the great enhancement of Mk.VI/VII armour to mobility, Mk. VIII
features refined syntho-ligament actuators to further enhance the suit's surprising agility.
History: Errant Armour is the first serious change to Astartes pattern armour since the time of
the Heresy, as such many Chapters, not to mention many of the Mechanicus, view the armour
with some suspicion, preferring the battle tried and tested MkVI/VII suits to the newer type,
combined with the current slow production rate this means Errant armour is rarely seen. Most
frequently Mk.VIII armour is found in the hands of younger Chapters who are less entrenched in
their ways and more open to change. Those Chapters which are utilising the armour have noted
that the improved communications suite is most effective in the hands of officers and sergeants
and as such the armour has become a symbol of rank within many of these Chapters.
• Mk. VIII armour is rarely seen as a complete suit. As with both Corvus and Imperator suits Errant
armour is designed to be compatible with as many components of other marks as possible. When
seen the Mk.VIII helmet almost always accompanies the torso armour as Mk.VI helmets do not fit
and even Mk.VII helmets require extensive modification to function properly.
Power Armour
From Lexicanum
Power Armour is worn primarily by the Space Marines, Sisters of Battle and the Chaos Space
Marines. It is a completely enclosed suit of armour, made of thick ceramite plates. The armour
would be heavy and cumbersome to wear but for the electrically motivated fibre bundles within the
armour that replicates the wearer's movement and enhances his strength.
Power armour is fully sealed, isolating the wearer from the outside environment and protecting him
from gas weapons and harsh atmospheres. It also commonly includes numerous auxiliary systems
such as communicators, auto-senses, etc.
Space Marines go through an arduous process where they receive various implants culminating with
the implantation of the Black Carapace which allows the Marine a direct and instinctual interface
with the armour, making it in effect a second skin. The advanced systems of Space Marine power
armour also monitor the Marine's biological functions, feeding the medical information to the
The backpack contains the main power plant, environmental system and additional stabilizers.
Whilst power armour is most commonly associated with the Adeptus Astartes, the Sisters of Battle
and many Inquisitors also use powered armour of one sort or another. Typically however these
armours may not contain the same strength enhancing properties or life-support functions of Space
Marine power armour nor do they provide the same amount of armour.
Power armour has been in use since before the Age of the Imperium, from the techno-barbarians of
Earth to the original Space Marines created by the Emperor. Over the history of the Imperium,
power armour has developed into many different forms. Need, circumstances and recovery of new
materials and technology has shaped the armour's evolution.
This early armour was produced on a completely local basis. There was no standard design,
individual suits varied heavily and their exact designs were often a matter of personal taste.
The main part of the armour is the massive powered torso which encloses the chest and arms.
Coiled energy cables beneath the armour plating transmit power from the power pack on the back to
the arms, greatly increasing physical strength. Since fighting on Earth during the period was
primarily close-quarters, the strength of a warrior's chest and arms was of paramount importance.
The legs of this armour are not power-armoured at all, but are enclosed in tough padded breaches.
Although uncommon, the best equipped warriors sometimes wore armoured greaves and armoured
The Crusade Armour is fully plated, and the legs are also power armored. The plates are arranged
into articulated hoops, for increased maneuverability. The chest coils, which were kept on the
outside of the armour plating on Mark 1 armour for cooling purposes, have now been placed on the
inside of the chest plates, so that they are better protected, thanks to more efficient cooling
mechanisms. The back pack is roughly the same size as that on the mark 1 armour, but is much
more efficient, and also includes extra life support, air recycling and fluid recovery equipment, as
well as automated medical devices that have remained a part of space marine armour ever since.
The helmet is fitted with automatic sensory devices developed on Mars, this allows the wearer to
see and hear as though not wearing a helmet, and, since all information is transmitted to a computer
in the helmet before being transmitted directly to the wearer's brain via neural link, blinding lights
and deafening noises can be muted so that they don't harm the wearer. The wearer is also able to see
in the infra-red and ultra-violet spectrum, and images can be zoomed in and magnified.
Mk II Crusade Armor by Forge Ultramarine Mark 2 Crusade Mark 2 Crusade
World Armour Armor
Mark 3 was never intended to replace the previous Mark but to provide a specialized suit with
heavier protection. It has more frontal protection than the Mark 2 Armour, but the weight of the rear
armour was lessened to compensate. The suit uses a heavy armoured helmet with sloping plates
designed to deflect shots to the left and right. The helmet inspired the Mark 4 and 6 helmet designs.
While successful in the conditions it was designed for - particularly, tunnel fighting and boarding
actions - the armour is too clumsy and uncomfortable for conventional fighting. As the most
visually brutal of all Marine armour, it is sometimes worn by ceremonial guards.
It is commonly called the Iron Suit or Armorum Ferrum in recognition of its great strength.
Mk. III Iron Armor by Forge World Ultramarine Mark 3 Iron Mark 3 Iron
(company) Armour Armor
At the Mark 4 stage of the power armour development, Space Marine armour began to take on an
appearance recognizable as contemporary power armour, its most main change being the
abandonment of the separate abutting plates in favour of larger inflexible armour casings
incorporating flexible joints. This marginally reduced mobility but was far easier to produce and
Technical secrets recovered on newly conquered worlds allowed Mars to develop the more efficient
armour, improving the quality of protection and reducing the suit's weight at the same time.
Improved armouring of the power cables allowed the main arm and chest supply to be safely
relocated to the exterior of the armour, while the use of new material reduced the size and number
of cables.
The helmet was a completely new design, the basic shape inspired by the sweeping front of the
Mark 3. In Mark 3 and later versions the helmet is no longer fixed, but moves with the wearer's
head. This represented the constructors increasing experience with neural connector gear and the
new materials which flooded into the Martian workshops as the Crusade progressed.
Mk. IV armour was envisioned at the time to be the ultimate and final type of Space Marine armour,
able to offer the best protection in a variety of conditions. Many of the Space Marine Legions were
entirely or partially re-equipped with it.1 As a result of its widespread production and use prior to
and during the Horus Heresy, Mk. 4 suits are the most common of the pre-Heresy armour Marks
still in service during the 41st Millennium.
This armor is sometimes known as "Beakie Armor" due to the beak-like shape of the helmet.
Mk. VI Corvus Armor by Forge World UltramarineMark 6 Corvus Armor Mark 6 Corvus Armor
Parts of the Mark 6 Corvus Armor
While the final battle for Mars was underway, the Imperium realised the planet would eventually be
lost. Armour development teams were transferred to Earth to continue, incorporating their latest
work into the armour type that would become Mark 7. As Mars fell to Horus, the new armour began
reaching the Space Marines on Earth and Luna.
Mark 7's main improvement is the newly designed chest plastron which covers the chest and arm
cabling. The chest bears the Imperial Eagle, giving the armour its common name of Armorum
Impetor, or Eagle Armour. This mark abandons the studded shoulder armour plate, and replaces the
helmet. As Mark 7 is a development of Mark 6, both have a great deal in common, and parts from
one mark are readily interchangeable with parts from the other.
Mark 8 armor has only seen limited production thus far, and is seen in limited numbers on the
battlefields of the 41st millennium. Often, it is worn by officers or squad leaders as a symbol of
Ultramarine Mark 8 Errant Armor
Mark 8 Errant Armor
Aegis Armour
Grey Knights wear Aegis Armour, power armour that is incredibly well crafted; anointed and
inscribed with prayers and wards, ritually consecrated and psychically charged. The suits are
generally based on components from Mk. 6, 7 and 8 power armour designs, with a modified helmet
design that is reminiscent of the Mk. 3.
• White Dwarf 129, Space Marine Armor by Rick Priestley, reprinted in Warhammer 40,000:
• How to Paint Space Marines (images)
• Codex: Space Wolves (5th Edition) p61 by Phil Kelly
• Codex: Witch Hunters