Armor Modifactions Expanded 1.2

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Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Armor Modifica ons

Name Cost Avail. Used With
Defensive Modifica ons
Abla ve 600 Scarce Any Flak, Carapace, or Power Armor
Ceramite Pla ng 600 Scarce Any Flak, Carapace, or Power Armor
Chain Loinguard 200 Common Any Leg Armor
Deflec ve Construc on 300 Common Any Flak, Carapace, or Power Armor
Flame Retardant 400 Common Any Basic Armor
Hexagramma c Warding 3,000 Rare Any Flak, Carapace, or Power Armor
Impact Gel 400 Rare Any Flak, Carapace, or Power Armor
Pentagrammic Warding 14,000 Exo c Any Armor
Raised Gorget 500 Scarce Any Flak, Carapace, or Power Armor
Refractory 1,000 Rare Any Flak, Carapace, or Power Armor
Support Modifica ons
Auto-Injectors 800 Rare Any Flak, Carapace, or Power Armor
Auto-Senses 2,000 Rare Any Flak, Carapace, or Power Armor
Head Armor Slot
Cameleoline Coa ng 1,200 Rare Any Armor
Devo onal Braziers 300 Common Any Armor with a Helmet or
Devo onal Iconography 400 Common Any Armor
Enviro-Sealed 1,500 Rare Any Flak, Carapace, or Power Armor
Gun-Lock 500 Common Any Shield
Insulated 200 Common Any Armor
Lumen Heraldry 300 Scarce Any Basic Armor
Nightshroud Layer 300 Scarce Any Armor that covers All Loca ons
except Power Armor
Nightworld Ba le Livery 100 Common Any Armor
Noise Dampening 100 Common Any Armor
Power-Assisted 3,500 Rare Flak or Carapace Armor that covers
Body, Arms, Legs
Preysense Mask 2,000 Rare Any Basic Armor
Sanc fica on X2 Rare Any Armor
Thermal 600 Common Any Armor
Tool-Mount 400 Common Any Armor
Trophy Rack 300 Common Any Armor
Truesilver Filigree 2,500 Rare Any Armor
Offensive Modifica ons
Spikes 150 Common Any Flak, Carapace, or Power Armor
Targeter Array 2,000 Rare Any Armor w/ Auto-Senses

Abla ve:

Abla ve pla ng is constructed from thin layers of material designed to burn or break off when struck as
it absorbs the impact or energy of the a ack. This is especially popular in chest and shoulder pla ng.
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Abla ve materials provide +3 AP to the armour upgraded. However, every hit against the armour
reduces the AP by one, un l the armour is reduced to its standard AP, as if it was being a acked by a
Rending weapon.


Common with penal regiments, slave-gladiators, and chem-warriors, these upgrades can be controlled
either by the wearer or are a small remote-control device kept in the hands of the wearer's superior.

The wearer may carry ten doses of up to two separate substances at once (most commonly Frenzon,
Slaught, S mm, or De-Tox). Injec ng one or both of these is an Ac on and the effects are instant.
Depending on the nature of the rig, it may be triggered either by manual control or by remote control by
some other individual.


These sensi ve devices augment their wearer’s hearing and sight enormously making the blackest night
as bright as midday, as well as providing superior protec on for these augmented senses

So long as the bearer is wearing their helmet, they gain the ability to see in the Dark, and are immune to
the Blinded condi on.

Cameleoline Coa ng:

This coa ng mimics the colours surrounding its user, just like the cloak of the same name, but is
integrated into an armoured surface.

The armor gains all the benefits of a Cameleoline cloak.

Ceramite Pla ng:

This heat-resistant pla ng offers excellent resistance to heat-based weapons such as flamers or las

Ceramite Pla ng acts as if 2 Armor Points higher against any damage from Las and Flame weapons.
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Chain Loinguard:

Worn around the waist, this protec ve garment helps defend the legs from a ack, allowing the wearer
to stay mobile.

Any Cri cal Effect to the legs is reduced by 2.

Deflec ve Construc on:

The shape of this armour is oddly smooth, mimicking the rounded sides and curves of the armour of the
Adeptus Astartes. This armour deflects blades and blasts through the odd angles and curves of its

Deflec ve Construc on counts as 2 Armor Points higher against any Bolt weapon or Melee weapons that
would have blades.

Devo onal Braziers:

A common item among Ecclesiarchy priests, Sisters of Ba le, and devoted Inquisitors of the Ordo
Here cus, braziers serve li le prac cal purpose, but act as beacons of inspira on for the faithful

A brazier must be affixed to a backpack, helmet, or similarly worn item. Se ng it aflame requires an
Ac on and it can burn for 2 hours. Whilst alight, it acts as a glow-globe and grants a +30 bonus to all
Rapport and Leadership tests, a +10 bonus to In mida on tests, and a -40 penalty to all stealth tests. If
the wearer is ever knocked prone whit it is lit, they must pass an Ordinary (+10) Agility tets to avoid
se ng themselves Ablaze.

Devo onal Iconography:

Devo onal iconography takes many forms, including sanc fied scrolls, purity seals, large metal halos,
and even en re suits of armour covered in barely visible micro-etching.

The wearer gains a +10 bonus to all Social Skill tests when dealing with the faithful of their devo onal
iconography, but suffers a -10 penalty when dealing with those with enmity towards their fac on.

Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

This armour has been modified with seals around joints, and has a helmet rebreather and self-contained
air supply.

Characters with Enviro-Sealed upgrades to their armor can survive in a vacuum for 6 hours without
suffering adverse effects. A er that me, they run out of oxygen and suffocate. Addi onally, the wearer
gains a +20 bonus to resist the Irradiated quality.


Commonly worn by promethium miners, refinery workers, and arsonists (sanc oned or otherwise),
these materials range from naturally heat-resistant hides of beasts from volcanic worlds to ar ficial
weave cra ed by servo-looms en masse on many a hive world

The character gains a +10 to tests to avoid the Ablaze quality and +20 to ex nguish the flames a erward.


A simple change to the structure of a shield, this is o en seen on shields used by Arbites to wield both a
ranged weapon and also protect themselves against aggressors.

The wielder of a shield with this modifica on may use Long Gun ranged weapons or two-handed spear-
like melee weapons while holding the shield.

Hexagramma c Warding:

Powerful wards, null-psy la ce circuits and prayers of protec on are woven into armour carrying this
upgrade, o en visually represented by ornate carvings and graven icons embellishing its surface

Armor with this upgrade provides its wearer with a +20 bonus on tests made to resist any direct psychic
a ack or manipula on used against them. Addi onally, the armor provides double the Armor Points
against a acks of psychic force or warp-energy that deal damage.

Impact Gel:

Durable cells of impact-dispersing gel are concealed within the structure of the armour, spreading the
shock of impact more evenly, reducing its influence upon the armours wearer.
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Impact Gel counts as 2 Armor Points higher against any Solid Projec le weapon or blunt melee weapons.


This armour has been modified with cooling regulators and fluid dispersal tubes under the plates, to
allow for greater survivability in adversely hot environments.

Characters with this armor modifica on do not need to take tests to resist hot temperatures or
environments (within reason, this won't protect against the extreme heat of lava or the sun.)

Lumen Heraldry:

The surface of the armour is covered in shi ing, dynamic pa erns of luminescent colour, crea ng shapes
and images that flow as the wearer moves and fights

The imagery on the armor grants the wearer a +10 bonus to In mida on and Leadership tests, but also
imposes a -30 penalty on Hide tests. The heraldry contains a power source, which must be recharged
a er 5 days of use (if the armor already has a power source, it can be connected to that instead with no
no ceable drawback).

Nightshround Layer:

Cra ed in a similar way to Night Cloaks this armour’s surface absorbs almost all ambient light, while the
undersuit contains almost all the wearer’s body heat.

Armor with this upgrade grants the user a +30 bonus to hide tests when in the dark. The heat contained
within the armor means that it swi ly becomes unbearable to wear, forcing the wearer to pass a
Challenging (+0) For tude (Endurance) test or suffer the Fa gued condi on every hour the user wears
the armor.

Nightworld Ba le Livery:

In certain circumstances, a character may be permi ed to make use of variant livery on their armour,
pain ng it with different designs specific to an individual campaign or engagement

While their armor is painted in this way, the wearer gains a +10 to Hide tests. If sufficiently soaked or
rained upon, the GM should feel free to say the Ba le Livery smudges off the armor.
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Noise Dampening:

As simple as cloth rags stuffed or ed between armour plates, this modifica on is a very simple one.
While it may give something of a ragtag look and is largely looked down upon by force commanders as
primi ve, its effec veness is undeniable, and it is a widely used prac ce among guardsmen who are
assigned to reconnaissance regiments.

Armor with these modifica ons reduces the penal es to Stealth by one step. If the character is ever set
Ablaze, they lose the benefit of this modifica on (though their screaming would likely call more
a en on).

Pentagrammic Wards:

One of the Ordo Malleus’s most closely guarded secrets, these wards come about through a complex
and arcane process of occult rituals, holy symbology, and the applica on of lost aerythme cal formulae.
When complete, pentagrammic wards block warp en es, and are o en so potent that even
approaching one is enough to damage or banish a daemon.

Whenever a Daemon type enemy becomes engaged in melee with the warded armor’s wearer, or begins
their turn engaged with the wearer, that character must make a Hard (-20) Willpower test. If the
Daemon fails, they suffer 2 + SL Difference damage (ignoring armor). If the Daemon scores at least +4SL
on the test, however, the pentagrammic wards sha er and the armor loses the upgrade.


The armours weight is carried by a complex array of supports and servos, which boost the wearer’s
strength and allow him to carry weigh er loads.

Armor with this upgrade adds +5 to the wearer's Strength characteris c and reduces encumbrance to 0.
However, the armor requires a power supply normally carried in a backpack. A standard power supply
lasts for 1d5 hours before it needs to be replaced or recharged. A suitable power supply should never
cost less than 300 Solars.

Preysense Mask:

Ar sans can add the fine mesh of cooling capillaries and the necessary circulatory system to a set of
armour. While visual masking will confound sentries and simple scans, o en one’s own body heat will
give you away to an auspex with thermal capability.
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

This masked armor provides a +20 bonus to Hide tests when opposed by infrared sensors or creatures
whose sight is based on heat.

Raised Gorget:

A simple modifica on, designed to protect one’s head, or more specifically, their neck. This is essen ally
a reinforced collar that covers up the neck en rely, o en going up to just under one’s nose.

Every me an a ack hits the wearer’s head, roll a d10. On a result of 8, 9 or 10, the a ack counts as
hi ng the body instead.


Reflec ve or Refractory armour coa ngs can redirect and dissipate laser bolts through layers of
microscopic crystals embedded in its surface. Highly expensive and hard to maintain (something as
simple mud can render it useless), it is also decora ve and easily disguised as an ornamental affecta on.

Refractory counts as 3 Armor Points higher against any Las weapons.

Sanc fica on:

Blessed by an Imperial priest, consecrated with holy oils, and invested with hours of litanies of protec on
this armour has been made to vouch-safe its wearer’s soul against the preda on of the Warp and all its

Armour with this upgrade provides gains the Sanc fied trait.


These wicked talons of metal or bone are o en affixed to armour, both for ornamenta on and to inflict
vicious strikes against any foe that would dare get too near the wearer.

Anyone a emp ng to make a melee a ack against the wearer who fails in an opposed Melee test to hit
the wearer suffers 1 + SL Difference damage to the body. In addi on, so long as the upgraded armor
covers the wearer's arms, the wearer counts as being armed with a knife in melee.
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Targeter Array:

This array is an augmenta ve imaging system that compliments auto-senses by aiding the user’s `aim
and makes avoiding their shots quite hard to dodge.

A Targeter Array has the effects of a Red-Dot Laser Sight. In addi on, the sophis cated target-lock system
makes evading a shot from a weapon guided by it extremely difficult. A empts to Dodge ranged a acks
from a character equipped with a Targeter suffer a -10 penalty.


These extra layers of cloth or electrically-powered heaters fi ed under regular armour allow the user to
be er survive in arc c loca ons.

Characters with thermal upgrades to their armour do not need to take tests due to cold temperatures or
environments (within reason, as this will not protect against the extreme cold of a liquid nitrogen sea, for


Many voidmen and pirates make use of an array of tools, and to save space and give easier access, many
of those tools end up mounted on voidsuits, engine-plate and other suits of armour.

A tool allows up to 4 small tools or weapons with the Compact modifica on to be fi ed onto the outside
of the armor. Using a tool like this gives the wearer +1SL on any test u lizing one of those due to the
convenience of always having them at hand. Equipping any tool or weapon on the tool mount is an
any me Free Ac on.

Trophy Rack:

“Trophy rack” is a catch-all term for the personal adornments with which champions of mar al prowess
display the remains of those who dared challenge them. These come in many shapes and sizes, from
spikes with heads mounted upon them, to braces of preserved hands, to bandoleers of gold-dipped
skulls, to cla ering fe shes made from knuckle-bones

For each trophy gained (from a worthy foe, as determined by the GM) the trophy rack provides a +5 to
In mida on Tests and a -5 to all Stealth Tests to a maximum of +20 and -20, respec vely. Addi onally for
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

each trophy mounted on it the trophy rack gives enemies in melee range a -5 to Weapon Skill Tests, up to
a maximum penalty of -20.

Truesilver Filigree:

Woven through armour, Truesilver filigree is much more than decora on. Light that reflects off of the
ar ul carvings can cause Daemons to flinch, opening them up to crippling countera acks.

Armor with this upgrade provides its wearer with a +10 bonus on tests made to resist any direct psychic
a ack or manipula on used against them. When engaged in melee with a Daemon, the Daemon suffers
a penalty on Weapon Skills tests equal to 5 mes the wearer's Willpower Bonus.

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