(COMPLETE) What Do You Fight For

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What Do You Fight For?

A Subclass Mini-Collection for D&D 5e

There are no pictures. I’m sorry in advance.
Additional apologies for the sheer amount of text in
the following pages. There’s no turning back.

Thank you to The Homebrewery for the

wonderful and intuitive formatting tools!

I hope you enjoy :) Feedback is welcome and appreciated!

- Darren (hi!)
Table Of Contents
Welcome! Please enjoy <3
Artificer, Magicarpenter 2
Magicarpenter Infusions 3
Barbarian, Path of the Mystical Form 6
Bard, College of Tranquility 8
Cleric, Dragon Domain 9
Druid, Circle of Civilization 11
Fighter, Defensive Specialist 12
Monk, Way of Kinetic Interface 13
Paladin, Oath of Conservation 14
Ranger, Elemental Scavenger 15
Rogue, Silver Serpent 16
Sorcerer, Waking Dream 17
Warlock, The Faceless 18
Pact of the Brush 19
Eldritch Invocations 20
Wizard, School of Liminality 21
Magicarpenter Constructed Animation
Artificers are often sought after to make weapons of By 5th level, you can use your action to touch any Large
battle or concoctions for subterfuge. However, many or smaller piece of nonmagical furniture and give it free
arcane engineers bring their expertise to the domestic animation. The furniture piece must not be attached to a
life. These magical carpenters share intimate surface or carrying a living creature in order to be
knowledge of how to create a better daily living animated in this way. A piece of animated furniture uses
experience. They may seem docile and harmless, but the living furniture stat block below. When used in
enemies of magicarpenters can never trust any building combat, these furniture pieces act on your initiative, but
they walk into – not even their own home. after your turn, and you can use your bonus action to
issue commands to them. If you give no commands,
Home Improvement they remain inert.
When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you
learn how to craft furniture with special, arcane
properties. You gain access to bonus artificer infusions,
detailed later in this subclass page, and you know two of
them. The Magicarpenter Infusion you choose counts as
an infusion for you, but it does not count against the
number of infusions you know. You must choose this
extra infusion from the Magicarpenter Infusions. These
infusions can be bestowed onto existing nonmagical
items, or you can craft them yourself. If an infusion
requires a miniature, it must be no smaller than a 3-inch
cube and no larger than a 1-foot cube.
When you gain another level in artificer, you can
replace any of the Magicarpenter Infusions you know
with other infusions in the same list. The number of
Magicarpenter Infusions you know increases as you
gain levels in this class: three at 10th level and six at
18th level. You can also infuse one extra item with a
Magicarpenter Infusion at 3rd level, two at 10th level,
and three at 18th level.
Magicarpenter Spells
Additionally at 3rd level, you always have certain spells
prepared after you reach particular levels in this class,
as shown in the Magicarpenter Spells table. These
spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t
count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.
Magicarpenter Spells
Artificer Level Magicarpenter Spells
3rd Earth Tremor, Tenser’s Floating Disk
5th Find Traps, Knock
9th Leomund’s Tiny Hut, Plant Growth
13th Galder’s Speedy Courier, Hallucinatory Terrain
17th Awaken, Passwall

You can only keep one piece of furniture animated in

this way, and only for one minute. If you use this ability
while it is active, the first piece of furniture reverts to its
nonmagical state, and the new piece animates. This
ability also ends early when you end it as a bonus
action, when you drop to 0 hit points, or when you are


Bruised and Calloused
When you reach 9th level, your wayward experimental
furniture has helped you become a bit sturdier. While
you are wearing armor, you gain resistance to
nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
damage. When making an Intelligence (Investigation)
check to search for traps or secret passages indoors,
you can roll with advantage.
Home Invasion
At 15th level, you are adept at giving life to your
furniture and keeping multiple pieces active. You can
animate a number of furniture equal to your proficiency
bonus, and the duration increases to 1 hour. If multiple
pieces of nonmagical furniture are within 5 feet of you,
you can animate them all in one action.
Furthermore, the damage dice for the slam attacks
becomes a d8. Each Living Furniture makes its attacks
with advantage if you or another piece of Living
Furniture is within 5 feet of it.
Magicarpenter Infusions
Awakening Mirror
Prerequisite: 6th level artificer
Item: A hand mirror worth at least 250 gp
Showing a beast or plant its reflection in this mirror
places it under the effect of the awaken spell, though it
increases the creature’s Intelligence score to 12 instead.
Upon use, the reflective surface of the mirror shatters,
and the mirror cannot be used in this way again.
Chomping Chair
Item: A foldable chair with a seat and back
When you enter combat with the chair stowed away,
you can use your bonus action to speak a command
word, causing it to unfold and assist you in combat. It Creeping Bridge
acts on your initiative, but it goes directly after you. It Item: A miniature of a bridge
uses the chomping chair stat block.
With no action required, you can issue commands to When placed on an edge, the bridge grows and
the construct. If you are reduced to 0 hit points, are expands forward until it hits another stable surface. It
incapacitated, or knocked unconscious, the chair aims has a width of 10 feet and can expand up to 200 feet,
to protect your body from hostile creatures. and it moves at a speed of 20 feet per round. Each 10
foot square has an armor class of 10 and has 15 hit
points. You can use your action to say a command word,
causing the bridge to retract into whichever end you
designate. It moves at the same speed when doing so. If
the bridge is damaged and has not been repaired or
patched in some way, it retains this damage when


Expanding House Skeletons animated in this way get a hit point bonus
Prerequisite: 10th level artificer equal to your artificer level, while zombies gain an
Item: A handcrafted miniature of a house (requires armor class bonus equal to your proficiency bonus.
attunement) Magical Microscope
When this miniature is placed on the ground, you can Prerequisite: 6th level artificer
use your action to speak a command word, causing it to Item: A spyglass or telescope
grow and expand into a house with two stories 15 feet This item has 5 charges. You can look through the
high each, with a 400 square foot base (20 feet on each spyglass at a magical item and expend a charge to cast
side). Stairs connect the two floors, and the top floor
contains four bedrooms, each room able to comfortably the identify spell on your chosen target. If you expend a
host two creatures. The bottom floor is furnished to the charge while looking at a spell or magical effect, you
creator’s liking, though it can only contain mundane learn its school of magicand whether it is naturally
furniture. If the item is reattuned to a different creature, ocurring or is being cast by a creature. If the casting
the house’s appearance remains the same. creature is within 100 feet, you learn its location and
The house can shrink back down when you say a creature type, but not its identity. Upon using its last
command word. If there are any creatures still in the charge, roll a d20. On a 1-5, the item breaks. On a 16-
house when you do so, the house remains its larger size. 20, it regains 1d4 + 1 charges.
Flickering Lantern Noisy Pillow
Item: A lantern Item: A pillow
This lantern can provide unreliable light. Normally, This pillow screams at inoppurtune times. You can
the flame within sheds bright light for 20 feet and dim use your bonus action to throw the pillow up to 40 feet.
light an additional 30 feet. You can use your bonus When it makes contact with a surface, it screams
action to cause the flame to flicker wildly, dissipate, and horribly until returned to your hands or destroyed. It has
alight again every few seconds. It provides no beneficial an armor class of 10 and has 1 hit point. The scream
light when used in this way. The button can be located can be heard up to 100 feet away.
by a creature if you show it to them or if they succeed on If this pillow is used during a short or long rest, it
an Intelligence (Investigation) check against your begins to scream in the middle of the rest, interrupting
artificer spell save DC. the rest process for the user and any creatures within
10 feet of it. Creatures that can’t hear are immune to
Flying Carpet this effect.
Prerequisite: 10th level artificer Portable Platform
Item: A carpet or rug worth at least 500 gp (requires Item: A brick, stone, or wood disc
When standing on the 10-foot by 20-footcarpet, you When placed against a vertical surface or in the air,
can use your action to cause it to fly. It can hold two the disc expands to a 5-foot diameter circle that can
Medium creatures or one Large creature, and it hold up to 500 pounds. The disc can also be thrown up
supports up to 1000 pounds. It has a flying speed of 60 to 30 feet, causing it to expand and hover 5 feet above
feet. It doesn’t use your movement speed, though you the ground at the end of its trajectory. A creature can
can spend your movement to allow the carpet to move push, pull, or carry the platform if it is strong enough to
an extra 30 feet. It has an armor class of 13 and has 20 lift whatever is on the platform. You can touch the
hit points. platform as your bonus action to shrink it down again.
Living Tombstone Portable Wall
Prerequisite: 6th level artificer Item: A brick, stone, or wood square
Item: An openable miniature of a coffin When placed against the floor or ceiling, the square
When a dead creature’s bones or flesh is placed in the expands to a 10-foot by 10-foot square that is 2 inches
coffin, you can use your action to speak a command deep. It can provide cover to creatures and can be
word. The animate dead spell is cast on the remains pushed, pulled, or lifted if a creature succeeds on a DC
placed within. The spell is cast at its lowest level and 11 Strength (Athletics) check. You can touch the wall as
can only maintain one skeleton or zombie at a time. your bonus action to shrink it down again.
After being used, this infusion can’t be used again until
next dawn.


Restful Bed
Prerequisite: 14th level artificer
Item: A bed, cot, or bedroll
Sleeping in this bed provides the benefits of a short
rest in 10 minutes or a long rest in one hour. It can only
hold two Medium creatures or one Large creature, and
it can only bestow this benefit once per day.
Sentient Stairs
Prerequisite: 6th level artificer
Item: A miniature set of stairs
Using your action, you can place these stairs on the
ground and designate a creature or space you can see
within 300 feet. It expands toward the target at a speed
of 50 feet per round, changing altitude as needed. The
stairs are 5 feet wide, and each subsequent step is
either 6 inches above or below the last, assuming they
aren’t on the same elevation.
Trick Table
Item: A desk or worktable (requires attunement)
This table has several locks and secret
compartments. If you are attuned to it, the locks unlock
as you reach for them, and you can effortlessly navigate
its secret compartments. Any other creature must
succeed on an Intelligence (Investigation) check against
your artificer spell save DC to unlock one of the locks or
find a specific secret compartment.
If the table is destroyed, everything contained within
spills out onto the floor.
Truesight Window
Prerequisite: 14th level artificer
Item: A shard of glass (requires attunement)
As an action, you can hold the glass and speak a
command word, causing the shard to expand to a
circular window with a 15-foot radius, hovering two
inches above the ground. As you move around it, it
revolves to keep you on the magical side of the window.
All creatures on your side of the window the effect of the
true sight spell. You can use your bonus action to speak
its command word again, causing the window to shrink


Path of the Mystical The familiar uses your proficiency bonus and can
speak, read, and understand all the languages you
Form know. Its Intelligence score is 10. Additionally, its hit
Contrary to popular belief, a barbarian’s rage is not point maximum increases by twice your proficiency
necessarily inspired by anger. By choosing this path, bonus.
you often fuel your rage out of sheer love for your The familiar acts on your initiative, and you can use
companions and the desire to protect them, causing you your bonus action to give it commands. It can grant
to take an entirely new form. Inexperienced enemies of the Help action from up to 10 feet away. If you give it
these barbarians often take this kindness for weakness. no commands, it uses its movement and gives the
Seasoned adventurers and dead men alike know the nearest ally the Help action, taking the Dodge action
truth: love can be a powerful, reckoning force. if no allies are within range.
When your familiar deals damage, it instead deals
Mystical Affinity the damage type of your Mystical Affinity. If your
When you choose this path at 3rd level, the magic that familiar is reduced to 0 hit points, all creatures
constantly surrounds you grants you a specific type of within 5 feet of it take your Mystical Affinity damage
protection. Choose one of the following damage types: equal to your proficiency bonus. If it dies, it fades
acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, poison, or thunder. The into mist, and you can resummon it after seven days
damage type you pick will be used for future abilities in through a 1-hour ritual (this can be completed during
this class and cannot be changed without your DM’s a short or long rest).
discretion. If you can cast spells, your familiar can cast any
cantrips you know while you are raging, using your
spell save DC and spell attack modifier. If the cantrip
Mystical Transformation deals damage, you can choose if it deals its normal
Additionally at 3rd level, your rage becomes damage type or the type of your Mystical Affinity.
supernaturally transformative in nature. Your rage now
takes your action instead of your bonus action, but you Restorative Love
gain the following benefits while you are raging: Beginning at 10th level, the bond you have with your
You gain resistence to the damage type you chose for comrades keeps you fighting. If you are reduced to 0 hit
your Mystical Affinity. points while you are raging and are within 30 feet of an
Once per turn, when you deal damage with a weapon ally you can see that isn’t incapacitated, you can use
attack, you can deal additional damage equal to your your reaction to instead drop to 1 hit point and grant
Charisma modifier (minimum 0). This damage type that ally a number of temporary hit points equal to your
is the same as your Mystical Affinity. rage damage bonus + your barbarian level. You can use
When a creature within 30 feet of you that you can this ability once every long rest.
see takes damage of your Mystical Affinity type, you Additionally, if you haven’t made an attack or taken
can use your reaction to give it resistance to that damage since your last turn, you can maintain your rage
damage until the start of your next turn. You can if an ally within 10 feet of you has less than half of its
grant this resistance a number of times equal to your maximum hit points but isn’t incapacitated or
proficiency bonus every rage. unconscious.
While you’re raging, your form also changes slightly. Menacing Mentor
This can manifest in many ways: an ostentatious outfit, At 14th level, your familiar can take on a form more
a different hairstyle, an identity-shielding mask, or some suited for combat. When you rage, your familiar’s size
combination of the three and any other similar methods. becomes Large, and its Strength and Dexterity scores
Your transformation does not change your size, increase by 2, up to a maximum of 20. You or any
movement speed, abilities, or other features. designated ally can use half of their movement to mount
your familiar, and giving it commands while mounted
Miniature Mentor takes no action from the rider. It has resistance to your
At 6th level, the mystical forces at work grant you a chosen Mystical Affinity type.
small familiar. Choose a beast with a size at least one As an action, your familiar can force a creature within
size smaller than yours. This beast becomes your 15 feet of it to make a Wisdom saving throw. If it fails, it
familiar, uses its normal statistics, and has the following is frightened for 1 minute or until it moves at least 60
traits: feet away from your familiar. It makes this saving throw
at disadvantage if you are within 5 feet of your familiar.
Your familiar reduces back to its usual size when your
rage ends.


Power of Friendship
Also at 14th level, the love shared between you and your
companions bolsters everyone involved. Once per rage,
you can use your bonus action to shout words of
encouragement to allies, bestowing one of the following
Emboldening Love. All allies within 15 feet of you are
immune to being charmed or frightened and they make
all Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throws
(your choice) at advantage. This benefit lasts for 1
minute, and a creature must be able to see or hear you
to gain it.
Healing Love. Choose a number of creatures equal to
your rage damage bonus within 30 feet of you that can
see or hear you. You restore a number of hit points
equal to your barbarian level to each creature.
Reviving Love. If an ally within 30 feet of you has
been reduced to 0 hit points or died within the last
round, you can use this ability to restore a number of hit
points equal to half of their hit point maximum. If you or
your familiar are within 5 feet of them, you can bring
them to their feet as part of this bonus action.
Regardless of which facet of this ability you use, the
targets gain resistance to your Mystical Affinity damage
type until your rage ends. Additionally, once per turn
while they have this resistance, the target can deal
additional damage equal to your rage damage bonus
after making a weapon or spell attack. This damage is
the same type as the weapon or spell’s damage.


College of Tranquility Agitating Anti-Charm
Bards that study under this college value the inherent At 6th level, you learn how to sap the peace from a
niceties of peace and tranquility, and they know how to creature, causing them to act recklessly. As an action on
bring those emotions forth during a performance. your turn, choose a number of creatures up to your
Perhaps what makes them formidable is their ease in proficieny bonus that you can see within 60 feet of you.
manipulating such an aspect to incite a hateful rampage Those creatures make a Wisdom saving throw against
or lull unsuspecting victims into a false sense of your spell save DC. Creatures that fail take 4d4 psychic
security. Students of tranquility are sought after for damage, and they spend their turn moving toward you
many reasons, whether for a relaxing ambience for a and attacking you. They have disadvantage on attacks
public place or to alleviate morale loss after a battle. on creatures other than you, and each affected creature
can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its
Calming Aria turns and the first time it takes damage in each round. If
Beginning at 3rd level, your Bardic Inspiration becomes it passes the initial Wisdom save, it takes half as much
a source of calmness. When you give an ally Bardic psychic damage and suffers no additional effects.
Inspiration, the creature can use it to end one effect You can use this ability a number of times equal to
causing it to be charmed, frightened, or stunned. your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), and you regain
Alternatively, you can touch a creature and expend a use all uses after a long rest. A creature is immune to this
of Bardic Inspiration for the same effect as a bonus effect if it is immune to being charmed or if it cannot
action. hear you.
Melodious Serenity Tranquil Transposition
Also at 3rd level, you can perform a soothing song that By 14th level, you are able to bring peace wherever you
relaxes bodies and minds. If you perform for at least 1 go. If you have any uses of your Bardic Inspiration left,
minute, you can expend one Bardic Inspiration use to creatures of your choice within 10 feet of you that you
enact one of the following effects: can see are immune to being charmed or frightened.
Recovering Song. Your soothing tunes welcome
Creatures cannot gain this benefit if they cannot hear
healing. Affected creatures can roll any amount of their you, if you are incapacitated, if you are unconscious, if
hit dice to regain hit points. If the creature has spell you are reduced to 0 hit points, or if you become
slots, it regains one spell slot, the level for which can be charmed or frightened. When you are subjected to a
a maximum of half of your bard level (rounded down). If saving throw that would charm or frighten you, you can
the creature has ki points, it recovers a number of ki choose to attempt a saving throw instead of
points equal to half its proficiency bonus (rounded automatically succeeding due to your aura. If you
down). succeed the saving throw, roll one of your Bardic
Reflective Song. Your soulful sounds offer
Inspiration dice (it is not expended). On an even
introspection. Affected creatures can add your number, the target falls asleep. On an odd number, the
Charisma modifier to their Intelligence checks when target is paralyzed. Regardless of the condition, it is
trying to recall something. They can also add your affected for 1 minute or until it takes damage.
proficiency bonus to their Charisma (Persuasion) You can also cast the spell heroes’ feast at the start of
checks made to convince someone that can hear this a short or long rest without consuming the material
song. component, though the component must still be
Relaxing Song. Your cozy melody wards off stress
provided. The effects activate as described, but all
and invites comfort. Affected creatures are placed under affected creatures also increase their hit point
the lesser restoration spell. The creature’s body also maximum by two rolls of your Bardic Inspiration dice,
relaxes and releases tension. It makes Wisdom and they gain that many hit points. You can cast the
(Perception) checks at disadvantage, and it has a spell in this way once every ten days.
penalty to its passive perception equal to your Charisma
modifer (minimum penalty of 0). A creature immune to
being charmed is immune to this effect.
A creature must be within 60 feet of you to be under
the effect you choose. Also, you must be able to see it, it
must be able to hear you, and you can only affect a total
number of creatures equal to one roll of your Bardic
Inspiration die. Any ongoing effects end if you stop
playing or are silenced.


Dragon Domain Draconic Blessing
You’ve always considered it a fool’s errand to kill a At 6th level, you can leverage your devotion to protect
dragon. After all, why slay that which you can serve, your allies as well as yourself. When you take damage of
thereby granting you power beyond your wiles? The the same type chosen for your Draconic Devotion, you
quest instead should be, “Which dragon do I pledge my can use your reaction to gain resistance to that damage
life and loyalty to, and how do I carry out their desires?” for 1 minute. Choose an ally you can see within 30 feet
Clerics that devote themselves to associations that of you. That creature also gains this resistance. This ally
worship draconic deities stand behind the ideals of the loses this resistance if you use this reaction again and
deity itself. This worship might be in search of power, choose a different target. You also gain a permanent
control, ancient secrets, or any other number of boon as your service to your dragon deepens. Choose
draconic domains. With the draconic support you find, one of the following benefits to receive.
you are likely to find allies in even the most dangerous Breath Weapon. As a bonus action, you can force all
places. creatures in a 15 foot line in front of you to make a
Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC. On a
Dragon Domain Spells failure, they take 3d8 + your Wisdom modifier in your
Draconic Devotion damage, or half as much on a
Cleric Level Spells
success. If you only target one creature with this ability
1st Beast Bond, Cause Fear
and it fails the Dexterity saving throw, you can push the
3rd Dragon’s Breath, Warding Wind
creature up to 10 feet in a straight line backwards. After
5th Fly, Tiny Servant
you use this ability, roll a d8. On a 7-8, you can use this
7th Dominate Beast, Elemental Bane
ability next turn. On a 1-6, you roll this d8 at the start of
9th Control Winds, Summon Draconic Spirit
each of your turns until you roll a 7 or 8, at which point
Draconic Devotion the ability recharges.
Claws and Fangs. You gain two new melee weapon
When you choose this domain at 1st level, choose a attacks. Your claws deal slashing damage equal to 2d8
damage type associated with the dragon you devote + your Dexterity modifier on a hit, and your bite deals
yourself to: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison. Once per piercing damage equal to 2d10 + your Strength modifier
round, when you take damage of this type, you can use on a hit. Both of these attack options have a range of 5
your reaction to take half damage instead. feet and count as magical for the purpose of overcoming
Additionally, you can speak, read, and write Draconic, resistance and immunity. You are proficient with both of
and you have darkvision up to a range of 30 feet. If you these attacks.
already have darkvision, it extends 30 feet farther. Miniature Wings. You sprout a small pair of wings,

Channel Divinity: Flight of

granting you a fly speed equal to half of your movement
speed. When you use your Channel Divinity: Flight of
Fury Fury, you now have a +2 bonus to your Armor Class,
Beginning at 2nd level, you can use your Channel and your total flying speed now equals one and a half
Divinity to speed through enemy lines and deliver quick, times your movement speed.
devastating damage.
As an action, you grow sturdy dragon wings from your Draconic Wrath
back, granting you a +1 bonus to your Armor Class and By 8th level, you are blessed with the destructive power
giving you a flying speed equal to your movement speed of dragons. Once per turn, when you hit a target with a
until the start of your next turn. When you move within weapon or spell attack, you can choose to deal the
5 feet of a creature with this flying speed, you can damage of your Draconic Devotion instead of the
choose to make a melee spell attack to deal 2d8 + your attack’s usual damage type. When you apply this
Wisdom modifier in your Draconic Devotion damage. change, you also deal additional damage equal to your
You can attempt an attack on a number of creatures cleric level of the same type. You can use this ability a
equal to your proficiency bonus. If you end your turn in number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and
the air, you harmlessly float down to the nearest you regain all expended uses after a long rest.
unoccupied space.


Here Be Dragons
When you reach 17th level, you can emulate features of
your devoted dragon. Once every long rest, you can use
your bonus action to cast draconic transformation on
yourself without expending a spell slot or material
components. When you cast the spell in this way, each
creature of your choice within 60 feet that can see you
must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell
save DC. If half or more of the creatures fail, all of the
creatures become frightened of you for 1 minute. If
more than half succeed, all of the creatures take
damage equal to your cleric level in your Draconic
Devotion type. This damage cannot be reduced in any
way. In this form, you also have advantage on all
Charisma checks and Wisdom saving throws, as well as
all Constitution saving throws made for the purpose of
maintaining concentration on this spell.


Circle of Civilization Civic Bloom
All druids have an innate connection with nature, but When you reach 10th level, your Civic Bond ability can
nature can be found anywhere. Is the every day human, target two additional creatures, for a maximum total of
tiefling, and giant not a product of nature, after all? And you and three other creatures. Moreover, the range
perhaps the most natural disposition of a living creature extends to 50 feet. Each affected creature instead gains
is the desire for social connection. You believe that a temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier +
civilization is the culmination of such establishment, each other creature’s proficiency bonus (minimum 2-4
whether it be a contintent-spanning kingdom or a small temporary hit points, depending on how many creatures
group of nomads. You know how to draw the natural are affected). The other benefits still apply.
from anywhere, no matter how stomped out and
processed. A bustling city can be just as dangerous as Under My Watch
the deepest jungles, after all, and there’s nature in every At 14th level, you are able to magically protect the
living being. people of an area of your choosing. You must draw a
circle around the area you choose. It must have no less
People Person than a 10-foot radius and no more than a 25-mile radius,
Starting at 2nd level, your life as a social creature and all circles extend 250 feet high upon activation. The
makes you adept at conversation. You make all circle must be completed within one day, and it has to
Charisma checks with advantage while talking with go through, over, or under obstacles in its path. More
other humanoids, and you can use the Help action as a than 1 foot of obstruction causes the circle to fail,
bonus action with a range of 15 feet. though objects, creatures, or other substances on top of
You also learn the charm person spell. It counts as a a line you have already drawn are not considered
druid spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the obstruction, and the lines can only be erased magically.
number of druid spells you know. If the creature Circles with at least a 5-mile radius cause you to take
succeeds on the saving throw, you do not expend a spell one level of exhaustion, and you gain another level of
slot. If it fails, it must make an Intelligence check exhaustion for each 5-mile increment, up to a maximum
against your druid spell save DC to know it was of five levels of exhaustion for a 25-mile radius circle.
charmed by you. You take these levels of exhaustion when you complete
the circle.
Civic Bond When the circle is complete, you can expend a spell
Additionally at 2nd level, you can imbue yourself with slot of 4th level or higher to activate the circle for 8
the mutual trust of your allies. As a bonus action, you hours. When a creature other than those you designate
can choose one ally you can see within 30 feet of you. tries to enter or exit the circle, it must succeed on a
You and that ally gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC, or
Wisdom modifier + the creature’s proficiency bonus else they take 6d6 force damage and cannot pass
(minimum 2 temporary hit points). While at least one of through the circle. On a success, the creature takes half
you has these temporary hit points, restoring hit points as much damage and can traverse through the area, and
to one of you restores half as many hit points to the you learn the creature’s type and exact location if you
other as well if you are within 30 feet of each other. You are within the circle. The creature must still make this
can use this feature twice, and you regain all expended saving throw if it tries to pass through by magical
uses after a short or long rest. means, such as by teleportation or interplanar travel. If
you gained the assistance of a number of humanoids or
Social Stealth domestic beasts equal to your druid level to draw the
At 6th level, you are adept at blending into your circle, creatures make the Charisma saving throw at
surroundings, even if there’s no typical hiding place. disadvantage. For each level spell slot above 4th
You can make a Dexterity (Stealth) check to hide in expended, the force damage increases by 1d6.
plain sight by blending in with the community, such as At the end of the duration, you can expend a spell slot
taking up conversation, getting lost in a crowd, or sitting of any level to increase the duration of the circle. This
on a park bench and reading a gazette. When you hide causes the circle to stay activated for one hour per level
in this way, you can add your Wisdom modifier spell slot. The circle deactivates early if you are reduced
(minimum 0) to the roll. to 0 hit points, if you die, or if you use your action to
Moreover, you become proficient in Wisdom (Insight) deactivate it, though you can reactivate it again if it has
checks. If you are already proficient, you can double been less than one minute and you still have the
your proficiency bonus. required 4th level spell slot.


Defensive Specialist Improved Interception. When a creature you can see
Valued as bodyguards, knights, and trainers alike, hits a target, other than you, within 5 feet of you with an
fighters that train under the Defensive Specialist attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage
technique are almost unstoppable. The sharpest of the target takes by 2d10 + your proficiency bonus. If you
swords break on your shoulders, and not even the most are wielding a shield, you can instead reduce the
potent spells can find the gaps of your armor. damage by 2d10 + twice your proficiency bonus.
Improved Protection. When a creature you can see
Assassinations foiled, battles won, and prize fights attacks a target other than you that is within 10 feet of
dominated – when it comes to shrugging off blows, you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage
these martial experts have no equal. on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield or a
Offensive Defense
simple or martial weapon to use this ability.
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you further Body Block
your expertise with all types of armor. You gain When you reach 10th level, you are willing and able to
proficiency in all armor, if you aren’t already proficient, suffer attacks for your allies. When an ally within 30 feet
and it takes you half as much time to don and doff of you takes damage from a weapon attack, you can use
armor. You can ignore the Strength requirements of your reaction to move your movement speed to an
armor, and you can apply your full Dexterity modifier to unoccupied space within 5 feet of your ally and take the
armor that would usually limit the number you can add. hit instead. Make a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
Furthermore, you gain a new attack option. If you (Acrobatics) check to beat a DC equal to the initial
take the Attack action while you are wielding a shield, attack roll. If you succeed, you take no damage. If you
you can throw your shield as a ranged weapon attack fail, you take all of the damage, and your ally takes half
that you are proficient with. Whenever you make this of the damage. Whether or not you succeed, you gain
attack, you can choose if you use your Strength or resistance to the attack’s damage type until the start of
Dexterity modifier. It has a range of 20/80, and it deals your next turn at the end of your reaction. You can use
2d8 bludgeoning or slashing damage (depending on the this ability a number of times equal to your Strength
thickness and material of your shield). You can draw a modifier (minimum 0), and you regain all expended uses
weapon as part of this attack, and the shield falls to the after a short or long rest.
ground at the space in front of your target. Moreover, you can use your body to provide
protection to a creature close to you. As a bonus action
Unarmored Defense on your turn, choose a creature within 5 feet of you. The
Additionally at 3rd level, you have innate protection target gains 3/4 cover until the start of your next turn.
even if you are not wearing armor. When you are not The creature can take the Hide action on its turn to gain
wearing armor or wielding a shield, your armor class is total cover instead. You can only provide this benefit to
equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Strength one creature at a time.
Walk it Off
Arcane Protection By 15th level, taking hits barely fazes you. You can use
At 7th level, you learn how to channel magic to protect your Second Wind three times per short or long rest. If
yourself and your allies. You can cast the shield spell you can cast spells, you can add your Strength modifier
without expending a spell slot. When you cast the spell to Constitution saving throws made to maintain
in this way, you can instead choose one creature within concentration.
15 feet of you. That creature gains the benefit of this
spell instead of you. You can use this ability a number of Fortress Form
times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1), At 18th level, almost nothing can touch you, let alone
and you regain all uses after a long rest. hurt you. When you take damage, you can use your
reaction to halve that damage, and you gain immunity to
Improved Protection that damage type until the end of the attacking
Also at 7th level, you gain more ways to block blows. creature’s next turn. You can use this ability a number
Choose one of the following improved fighting styles. If of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum
you choose the improved version of a fighting style you 1), and you regain all uses after a long rest.
already know, you can replace that fighting style with its
improved version and choose a new fighting style from
the fighter class fighting style list.
Improved Defense. While you are wearing armor, you
gain a +2 bonus to AC.


Way of Kinetic Interface make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the
Monks that follow the Way of Kinetic Interface have an target becomes blinded, deafened, frightened, or
intimate knowledge of ki. This knowledge is so poisoned (your choice) until the end of your next turn.
extensive that it allows you to manipulate the life energy Alternatively, you can expend 3 ki points to force it to
in beings much more freely and flexibly, even allowing make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the
them to regain ki or open a person’s aura nodes for a target loses access to its ki and its spellcasting until the
short amount of time. These monks tend to watch over end of your next turn.
trainees in monasteries, though many others travel the Strike of the Soul
world in search for people with the potential to wield ki At 17th level, you learn how to conserve and manipulate
in advantageous and effective ways. ki with mastery. You can use your Flurry of Blows
Ki Conservation without expending ki, and your unarmed strikes can
Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd lvel, you deal radiant damage instead of bludgeoning damage.
learn how to maximize use of minimal ki. Whenever you Moreover, you can now expend up to 10 ki points for
expend ki, you can make a Constitution check against your Flowing River ability, opening access for one hour
your own ki save DC + the amount of ki points per ki point spent. Creatures under this effect can
expended. If you succeed, you instead expend no ki regain ki points during a short or long rest, but they still
points. You can use this ability an amount of times equal lose access at the end of the duration.
to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended Open the Channel
uses after a long rest. Also at 17th level, you can open the aura nodes of a
Living Gift creature for an extended period of time. If you have your
Also at 3rd level, you can gift your ki to another person. maximum amount of ki points, you can use an action to
As a bonus action, you touch a willing creature of your touch a willing creature and expend all of your ki, giving
choice, giving them 1 ki point that they can use to the creature open access to ki for an amount of days
emulate a Flurry of Blows, Step of the Wind, or Patient equal to your half your monk level (rounded down). The
Defense. If this ki is not used within 1 minute, it creature can use Flurry of Blows, Step of the Wind,
disappears into the atmosphere. Ki expended in this Patient Defense, Deflect Missiles, Slow Fall, Stunning
way cannot be reduced by Ki Conservation. Strike, and the movement aspect of Flowing River. The
creature has a nunber of ki points equal to its
proficiency bonus, which are regained after a long rest.
Flowing River The creature uses your monk level and your ki save DC
At 6th level, you learn how to temporarily open the aura when determining values for Deflect Missiles, Slow
nodes of a creature that is usually unable to use ki. As a Fall, and Stunning Strike. If a creature’s aura nodes are
bonus action, you touch a willing creature of your choice kept open for 1 year due to this feature, it gains a
and expend 1 to 5 ki points. The creature gains an permanent flow of ki and is under this ability’s effect
amount of ki equal to your monk level that can be used until it dies.
to emulate a Flurry of Blows, Step of the Wind, Patient You lose access to this feature while it is active on a
Defense, or Deflect Missiles (using their Dexterity creature. You can end this access early as a bonus
modifier and your monk level). This access to ki lasts for action by touching the creature again. If they have their
1 to 5 minutes, one minute for each ki point spent. maximum amount of ki points when you touch them,
When this effect ends, the aura nodes in the creature’s you regain an amount of ki equal to your Constitution
body close again, halving the creature’s speed and modifier + your Wisdom modifier (minimum 2). If a
disabling its ability to take reactions until the end of its creature gains permanent aura access through this
next turn. feature, that creature no longer counts as a target on
You can also expend ki as part of your movement to which this ability is active, and you can use this feature
increase your speed by 5 feet per ki point spent. This on other targets.
benefit lasts until the start of your next turn.
Ki Flood
By 11th level, your proficiency with ki empowers your
attacks. When you make an unarmed strike as part of a
bonus action, you also add your Wisdom modifier
(minimum 1) to the damage roll.
Once per turn, you can also overload a creature’s aura
nodes to cause harm. When you hit a creature with an
unarmed strike, you can expend 2 ki points to force it to
Oath of Conservation Aura of Preservation
The Oath of Conservation is one meant to save and At 7th level, you emit an aura that minimizes refuse
protect the world’s resources, whether mundane or while you aren’t incapacitated. Whenever you expend a
magical. When a you take this oath, you swear to be the spell slot, creatures of your choice within 10 feet of you
savior of that which can be lost so easily. You are gain a number of temporary hit points equal to twice the
vigilant against the unnecessary waste of materials, and level of the spell slot used.
you seek to restore that which is lost. Paladins under At 18th level, this aura increases to 30 feet.
this oath know, perhaps better than most, that the world
is limited, and they do all they can to save it. Timely Restoration
By 15th level, you are able to channel your healing will
Tenets of Conservation to those that need it in times of need. When a creature
A paladin who assumes the Oath of Conservation you can see within 40 feet of you regains hit points, you
dedicates themselves to the betterment of society can use your reaction to heal another creature you can
through the saving of resources and reduction of refuse see within 40 feet. That target regains a number of hit
before such waste can terrorize life as we know it. points equal to your Charisma modifier + your
Stop the Waste. Those that commit acts of waste – proficiency bonus (minimum 1 hit point). You can use
whether material, arcane, or divine – must be punished this ability twice between each long rest.
for their carelessness.
Save Resources. The world is limited. We can only Body of Permanence
siphon so much from it before we siphon ourselves. At 20th level, your physical form is efficient, almost to a
When I take action, I try to do so efficiently. ruthless degree. You gain the following benefits:
Aid in Preserving Life. Life is precious, and I will see
this through to all I meet. A life well-spent is not a waste You no longer require food or drink to survive.
of resources, though it can feel that way sometimes. The first time each day you use a 1st-level spell slot
for a divine smite, the spell slot is not expended.
Oath Spells Once per turn, when you deal damage to an enemy,
To help keep energy in your divine resevoirs, you gain you can select a number of dice you rolled equal to
oath spells at the paladin level listed. your Charisma modifier (minimum 0) and reroll
them. You can choose which rolls you use.
Oath of Conservation Spells You have advantage on saving throws against having
your form change against your will, such as by
Paladin Level Spells polymorph.
3rd Sanctuary, Sleep
5th Continual Flame, Healing Spirit
9th Animate Dead, Mass Healing Word
13th Fabricate, Stone Shape
17th Animate Objects, Swift Quiver

Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the two
following Channel Divinity options.
Abjure Wounds and Illness. As an action, you can use
your Lay on Hands ability to a range of 30 feet. You
must be able to see the target for them to receive the
benefits from this ability.
Arcane Maintenance. As a reaction, when a creature
within 30 feet of you fails a saving throw to maintain
their concentration on a spell or other magical effect,
you can cause the creature to succeed instead. You
must be able to see the target or otherwise know where
they are.


Elemental Scavenger Primordial Strike
Few rangers can claim to be explorers of the elemental Also at 7th level, you are able to channel the power of
planes, experts of elementals, and witnesses of the air, earth, fire, and water into your strikes. Once on each
outer Elemental Chaos. You, however, are all of the of your turns, you can add 1d6 to the damage roll of a
above and more. Not many can match your wit and weapon attack you make. You can choose if the damage
resilience, tested in the Inner Elemental Planes and type is bludgeoning, cold, fire, or thunder. This damage
honed even further in the borders of the Outer Planes. ignores resistances, but not immunities. This damage
Any Elemental Scavenger worth their silver is a survival die increases to 2d6 at 11th level and 3d6 at 15th level.
expert in even the strangest situations. Friends All Around
Planar Communication When you reach 11th level in this class. You learn the
When you choose this conclave at 3rd level, you learn to spell summon elemental. It doesn’t count against the
read, speak, and write Primordial if you don’t know it number of ranger spells you know, and you can cast it
already. Moreover, if a spell or other magical effect once without material component and without
normally impedes you when you and the target are on a expending a spell slot. You regain the ability to do so
different plane (such as contact other plane), you can when you finish a long rest.
ignore this property if you or the target is on one of the
Elemental Planes. Elemental Chaos
By 15th level, you can further impede targets damaged
Elemental Scavenger Magic by your Primordial Strike. After you decide which type
Additionally at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell of damage the creature takes, you can impose the
when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in related effect below. When the target must make a
the Elemental Scavenger Spells table. The spell counts saving throw, it is against your ranger spell save DC.
as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the Frigid Strike. If your Primordial Strike deals cold
number of ranger spells you know. damage, it must make a Dexterity saving throw. If it
fails, it is knocked prone and incapacitated. The target
Elemental Scavenger Spells can make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each
of its turns to end the incapacitated condition on itself.
Level When it succeeds on ending this condition, the target
can take its next turn as normal, but cannot use
3rd Ice Knife
reactions until the start of its next turn.
Igniting Strike. If your Primordial Strike deals fire
5th Flame Blade
9th Erupting Earth
damage, it must make a Dexterity saving throw. If it
13th Storm Sphere
fails, anything flammable it is wearing or carrying
17th Cone of Cold, Control Winds, Immolation, or
Transmute Rock (your choice) immediately catches fire, and the creature takes 3d6 fire
damage at the start of each of its turns until it or
Hardened Survivor another creature within 5 feet of it uses an action to
By 7th level, you use your experience in the Elemental douse the flames.
Sinkhole Strike. If your Primordial Strike deals
Planes to navigate and survive in the worst of bludgeoning damage, the target must make a Strength
conditions. You ignore difficult terrain, and you are saving throw. If it fails, it sinks into the ground and is
immune to effects brought on from extreme restrained. The creature can repeat this save at the end
temperatures and environments. of each of its turns. Whether or not the target succeeds
You also gain resistance to one damage type of your on the initial saving through, the spaces within 10 feet
choice: bludgeoning, cold, fire, or thunder. You can gain of it are considered difficult terrain until the target
resistance to one of the other listed damage types when moves out of the spaces.
you finish a short or long rest. When you do so, you lose Sky Strike. If your Primordial Strike deals thunder
resistance to the previous damage type. damage, the target must make a Constitution saving
Furthermore, you are able to use elemental energy to throw. If it fails, it takes an extra 3d6 lightning damage
protect yourself. You can cast shield without expending and is deafened for 1 minute. The creature can repeat
a spell slot. When you do so, it takes the appearance of this save at the end of each of its turns.
centralized gusts of wind, plumes of flame, clods of dirt Whichever effect you choose, the target suffers no
or stone, or shards of ice. You can cast the spell in this additional effects but still takes the normal Primordial
way a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier Strike damage if it passes the saving throw. You can use
(minimum 1), and you regain all expended uses after a this ability an amount of times equal to your Wisdom
long rest. modifier, and you regain all uses after a long rest.


Silver Serpent miss, the attacking creature has disadvantage on all
Snakes inspire fear and admiration in equal regard, so Wisdom checks and Wisdom saving throws until the
much so that a sect of rogues devote themselves to start of its next turn. This ability cannot be used on
emulating this dangerous creature. With poisons, creatures that are already attacking with disadvantage.
versatility, and tenacity, you can make deadly serpentine You can use this ability an amount of times equal to
strikes or inflict wounds so painful that victims will wish your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), regaining all
they died after the first hit. expended uses after a short or long rest.
Improved Venom
Practice in Poison By 13th level, the venom you harvest is even more
When you pick this archetype at 3rd level, you gain potent. The duration of your Viper’s Venom increases to
access to potent toxins and venoms and the knowledge 10 minutes, and you have one additional sneak attack
to handle them. You gain proficiency with the poisoner’s die while it is active. When you hit a creature with a
kit, and you have resistance to poison damage. You also weapon under the Viper’s Venom effect, you can forgo
learn the poison spray cantrip and can cast it with a there of your total sneak attack dice to impose one of
range of 30 feet. the following effects. The DC is equal to 10 + your
Dexterity modifier (minimum 1).
Viper’s Venom Venom Flood. The creature makes a Constitution
Also at 3rd level, you can coat your weapons in deadly saving throw. On a failure, it is poisoned until the end of
poisons. As a bonus action on your turn, you can imbue your next turn as venom overtakes its bloodstream. If it
a weapon you’re holding with poison. If you choose to succeeds, the creature is not poisoned and is immune to
imbue a weapon that requires ammunition, all being poisoned in this way for 1 hour.
projectiles fired from the weapon gain this benefit. This Sting of Death. If you reduce a creature to 0 hit points
effect lasts for one minute. While your weapon is with an envenomed weapon, it makes a Constitution
poisoned in this way, your sneak attack deals poison saving throw. On a failure, it immediately fails a death
damage. You can use this feature a number of times saving throw. If the creature succeeds, it is immune to
equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all this effect for 1 day.
expended uses after a long rest. Toxic Shock. The creature makes a Strength saving
throw. On a failure, the creature’s speed is reduced to 0
Serpentine Body until the end of your next turn and it falls prone as the
When you reach 9th level, you can mimic the movement toxin causes the target’s muscles to lock. If the creature
of a snake to travel faster and with less difficulty. Your succeeds, it maintains its speed and footing, and its
movement speed increases by 5 feet, and difficult speed cannot be reduced nor can it be knocked prone in
terrain doesn’t reduce your movement speed when you this way for 1 hour.
use the Dash action.
You also gain limited telepathic communication with Venemous Perfection
any snakes and serpents within 20 feet of you. You can At 17th level, you are immune to poison damage and the
communicate simple messages and ideas to them, and poisoned condition. You can also cast polymorph on
you understand how to read their body language, yourself without expending a spell slot or material
though they don’t hold any particular allegiance to you if components. When you cast the spell in this way, you
you aren’t friendly already. become a giant constrictor snake. You keep all of your
Moreover, your body begins to reflect your snakelike game statistics, but you assume the snake’s armor class
abilities. You gain the following characteristics if you and hit point maximum. You don’t need to maintain
don’t have them already: a forked tongue, patches of concentration on the spell, and you can apply your
smooth scales, slitted eyes, and one other serpentine sneak attack to the snake’s Bite attack if the usual
characteristic of your choice (such as a cobra hood, requirements for sneak attack are met. You can use this
rattlesnake rattles around your wrists, or hooked fangs). transformation once per long rest.
When exhibiting these features, you have advantage on Furthermore, whenever you score a critical hit with a
Charisma (Intimidation) and Charisma (Persuasion) weapon under the Viper’s Venom effect, you can add
checks. your sneak attack dice even if they had already been
used this turn. After you roll the damage, you can
Basilisk Visage choose a number of sneak attack dice equal to your
Also at 9th level, you can instill fear in the heart of Dexterity modifier and treat them as if they rolled their
attackers. When you or a creature within 30 feet of you maximum value instead.
that you can see is hit by a weapon attack or spell
attack, you can use your reaction to impose
disadvantage on the roll. If this causes the attack to


Waking Dream Nightmare Lullaby
Your magic manifests itself from the realm of the At 6th level, you can manipulate and conjure a creature
sleeping subconscious – that which awakens only when of terror. If you touch a sleeping creature, you learn
all else slumbers. Perhaps an ancestor of yours was a what it has nightmares about, and you perfectly retain
Vox Phantasma, the material voice of the dreaming this knowledge for a number of days equal to your
world. Maybe you yourself are a creature of Mementos, sorcerer level. As a bonus action, you can expend 3
the collective unconscious. Or possibly an erruption of sorcery points to hum a haunting tune to summon a
magic from Dal Quor, the plane of dreams, emerged bogeybeast. It uses the stat block of the blink dog, but
into the material plane at just the right time to grant you with the following changes:
these powers. You could even be the descendant of The bogeybeast understands any languages you
Hypnos, Morpheus, or the Sandman. Whatever the know, but cannot speak them.
source, you are always suffused with the thought, fear, It is classified as a monstrosity instead of a fey.
desire, and impossibility native to dreams, and neither The bite attack deals 2d6 + your proficiency bonus in
waking nor sleep holds sway over you. psychic damage.
Dreamer’s Aspect Its hit point maximum increases by a number equal
At your option, you can choose or randomly roll for a to your sorcerer level.
minor manifestation of your magic. The bogeybeast acts at the end of your turns and
appears in an unoccupied space within 30 feet of you.
d8 Aspect When summoned, all creatures within 50 feet of where
1 You always have dark circles around your eyes, like you’ve it is summoned must make a Wisdom saving throw
never rested a day in your life. against your spell save DC. Creatures that fail are
2 Your eyes have deep pupils that show scenes from your frightened of the nightmare. If the bogeybeast is within
dreams if someone stares long enough. line of sight of the creature whose fears you read, that
3 You are always completely lucid during your dreams. creature automatically fails the saving throw. Any
4 When relaxed, even light sleepers seem to fall asleep targets frightened by the summoned creature can repeat
rather easily around you.
the save at the end of each of its turns, ending the
5 You have an uncanny knack for guessing what people
condition on itself as a success. The bogeybeast
dreamed of during the previous night.
disappears after 1 minute, if it is reduced to 0 hit points,
6 People find it difficult to sleep with you near, like you’re
if you are knocked unconscious or incapacitated, or if
constantly exuding an ethereal pressure.
you dismiss it early (no action required).
7 You can command sleeping people to start or stop
Moreover, when you cast sleep, you can roll another
snoring, or to continue or stop moving in their sleep.
d8 by spending a sorcery point. You can spend any
8 Those affected by your magic hear comforting music,
tempting them to fall asleep. number of sorcery points for this feature.
Hush and Scream Slumbering Messenger
Beginning at 1st level, you learn the spell sleep. It By 14th level, your power over the subconscious realm
counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count allows you to communicate through dreams. You learn
against the number of sorcerer spells you know. When the spell dream. It counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but
you cast the spell, you add your spell attack modifier to it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells
the total, and you can expend 1 sorcery point to target a you know. During a short or long rest, you can cast this
specific creature within range instead of starting with spell once without expending a spell slot.
the creature with the lowest number of current hit
points. Awakened Sleepwalker
At 3rd level, expending 2 sorcery points allows you to When you reach 18th level, you are fully aware of your
cast dissonant whispers as a bonus action on a sleeping material and Ethereal surroundings while you sleep.
creature. It makes its saving throw at disadvantage and During a short or long rest, you can sleep or enter a
uses its reaction upon waking if it fails. trance to detach your mind from your body. You become
incorporeal, you gain a 60-foot fly speed and can hover,
Selective Sleeper you can see and hear normally, and you can travel up to
Also at 1st level, you cannot be magically put to sleep 1 mile from your body during this rest. Creatures with
against your will, and you have advantage on saving truesight and creatures that can see into the Ethereal
throws against magical effects classified under the plane can see you, but you remain invisible to everything
enchantment school of magic. Moreover, if you suffer else. If you end this state before reattaching to your
more than one level of exhaustion, you can heal one of body, your mind is wrenched back to your body, and you
those levels by taking a short rest. take 5d8 psychic damage after the rest ends.


The Faceless throw against this effect. For 1 hour, the creature is
Your patron is shrouded in arcane mystery. Its form is under the effects of the disguise self spell, disguised as
ever changing, its mind ever growing, and its desires the owner of the stolen face regardless of body structure
ever complex. The Faceless does not appear but is and using your spell save DC if they are closely
instead felt in the unseen but unmistakble flux of its investigated.
servents’ magic as it commands from a haven between If the disguised creature was a willing creature, it can
planes. Some theorize that this creature – whether it be end the spell early, no action required. If the disguised
deity, monstrosity, or some other powerful sort – may be creature was unwilling and failed its Charisma saving
older than even time itself. Whatever its origins, throw, the spell lasts for the duration. You can store a
warlocks that serve the Faceless are adept at number of faces equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier
enchanting, beguiling, and confusing to advance the (minimum 1), and you lose your least recently gained
goals of their shifting patron. They inspire nightmares, face if you store a new one while you are at maximum
campfire stories, and urban legends almost as terrifying capacity.
as the Faceless itself. The amount of the necrotic damage increases as you
gain levels in this class: 2d10 at 6th level, 3d10 at 10th
Expanded Spell List
level, and 4d10 at 14th level.
The Faceless lets you choose from an expanded list of Face Hunter
spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following When you reach 6th level, your patron allows you to
spells are added to the warlock spell list for you. copy and use the faces you remove as you see fit. When
Faceless Expanded Spells
you use your Face Stealer ability, you can force your
target to make a different Constitution saving throw. On
Spell Level Spells a failure, the creature is blinded, deafened, and silenced
1st Chaos Bolt, Disguise Self as you peel off its face and send it into extradimensional
2nd Alter Self, Blur space for your patron to analyze. Its face reappears after
3rd Blink, Slow 1 minute, if you end the effect as a bonus action, if you
4th Confusion, Polymorph drop to 0 hit points or die, or if remove curse or a
5th Creation, Modify Memory restoration spell is cast on the target. If it succeeds, it
suffers no additional effects and automatically succeeds
Shifting Attitudes this attack’s saving throws for 1 day, and it takes half
At 1st level, you learn the thaumaturgy cantrip. It counts damage from your Face Stealer attacks. You can
as a warlock cantrip for you, but it doesn’t count against impose this saving throw a number of times equal to
your number of cantrips known. For you, it has a range your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), and you regain
of 60 feet, and you can also use it to cause the features all expended uses after a long rest.
of your face to shift and move around your head or up to
5 feet away from you. Your face returns to normal when Memory Mold
the spell ends, regardless of where your facial features Starting at 10th level, you become adept at rearranging
are. the narrative of events around you. You can cast the
Furthermore, you gain proficiency in Charisma spell gift of gab without expending a spell slot or
(Deception) and Charisma (Intimidation) if you didn’t material components a number of times equal to your
already have it. proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses of this
feature after a long rest. Additionally, you have
Face Stealer advantage on saving throws against being charmed,
Also at 1st level, you can use your action to steal the frightened, and any effects that would alter or read your
face of a creature. Make a melee spell attack against a memory (like the modify memory or detect thoughts
target within 5 feet of you. On a hit, it takes 1d10 + your spell). If a spell like gift of gab would alter your memory
Charisma modifier in necrotic damage. If the attack hits, without a saving throw, you can make a Wisdom saving
you can impose a Constitution saving throw against throw against the caster’s spell save DC.
your spell save DC. On a failure, you can store a copy of
its face in your mind. A creature automatically succeeds
on this saving throw if it doesn’t have a face. If it has
more than one face, you choose which face you steal.
You lose the faces in your memory if you drop to 0 hit
points or if you die.
You can use your action to apply this face to yourself
or a different creature you can see within 5 feet of you.
An unwilling creature can make a Charisma saving


Unknowable Being Pact of the Brush
At 14th level, you can use your action to ask your patron You can use your action to summon your Creator Brush.
to produce one of the following effects for you: It can appear as a paintbrush, pen, chalk piece, or any
False Mind. You gain control over a creature’s psyche other similar artistic utensil. If the form you choose
and mold it as you see fit. You touch a creature and typically requires paint, ink, or any similar substance,
impose an Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving your brush does not require it to function. If it is lost or
throw against your spell save DC. If it fails the destroyed, you can perform a 1 hour ritual to summon a
Intelligence saving throw, you can see and freely modify new one, causing the old one to implode and disappear.
any of its memories from the past 24 hours. If it fails the The brush also implodes if you die. You also gain
Wisdom saving throw, you can perceive through the proficiency in calligrapher’s supplies, cartographer’s
creature’s senses for the next 24 hours as long as you tools, or painter’s tools (your choice).
are both on the same plane of existence (the creature is You can use your Creator Brush as a spellcasting
unaware of this effect). If it fails the Charisma saving focus. Additionally, you learn one 1st-level spell from the
throw, you assert your influence directly into the target’s Illusion or Conjuration school of magic. You can cast
psyche, slightly influencing how the target behaves the this spell without expending a spell slot, though you
next 24 hours; maintains free will but carries out your can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. The spell
orders and suggestions to the best of its ability, and it you learn through this pact boon does not count against
does not know or remember being controlled by you in the number of warlock spells you know, but it does
this way. count as a warlock spell for you.
Mundane Facelessness. Your physical form becomes You gain the ability to imbue and store magic into art.
unrecognizeable by normal means for 1 hour. Any Using your Creator Brush, you can paint a tattoo onto a
creature that sees you must make an Intelligence willing creature. Choose a spell you know. You must
(Investigation) check against your spell save DC to expend a Pact Magic spell slot and spend 1 hour
remember your face, body, and voice. You appear meticulously grafting the magic onto the creature. The
invisible and sound garbled to cameras and recordings. spell you choose must be of a level for which you have
While in this form, you can use your action to force a Pact Magic spell slots. At the end of this hour, the
creature to make a Constitution saving throw against creature can cast the spell without expending a spell
your spell save DC. On a failure, it becomes paralyzed slot or material components. If the spell requires it, the
until the end of your next turn or petrified starting the tattoo uses your spell save DC and spellcasting ability
end of its next turn until it succeeds another modifier instead of the creature’s. The tattoo can be no
Constitution saving throw (your choice). You can trigger smaller than 6 inches by 6 inches and no larger than 2
this saving throw a number of times equal to your feet by 2 feet, and you decide the tattoo’s appearance.
Charisma modifier. The creature can cast this spell through the tattoo an
Unsightly Vision. The Faceless shows itself in the amount of times equal to its proficiency bonus, and each
mind of a target. Choose a target you can see within 60 creature can only harbor one tattoo at a time. The tattoo
feet to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell harmlessly disappears after 1 day or when the caster
save DC. If it fails, it is stunned and incapacitated for 1 uses the tattoo the maximum amount of times allowed,
hour as it reels and rambles from seeing the whichever happens first. Whenever the tattoo
unknowable visage of your patron. On a success, it takes disappears, roll a d20. On a 1-3, the tattoo leaves a scar
8d8 psychic damage and its speed is halved. Whether in the shape of what you painted. You can only have an
the target succeeds or fails, it briefly sees but cannot active tattoo on a number of creatures equal to your
communicate by any means the appearance of the Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
You can use this ability safely once per long rest. If
you use it again before completing a long rest, roll a
d20. On a 1-5, you take 10d4 psychic damage instead.
On a 6-16, you get no response. On an 17-20, you are
granted the ability once more. Each time you attempt to
use the ability after failing the check, the range of taking
damage increases by 2, to a maximum of 1-19.


Eldritch Invocations
Corruptive Touch
(Prerequisite: 9th level, Faceless Patron)
When you use your Face Stealer attack, you can
make two attacks as your action.
Creator’s Blessing
(Prerequisite: Pact of the Brush feature)
You can empower spells cast with your Creator
Brush. When you cast a spell that deals damage or
restores hit points while using your Creator Brush as a
spellcasting focus, you can add 1d4 to the damage or
healing roll. You can add this d4 once per turn, and the
number of d4 increases as you gain warlock levels: 2d4
at 7th level, 3d4 at 12th level, and 4d4 at 18th level.
Endless Inkwell
(Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact of the Brush feature)
With your practice, you gain the ability to keep more
tattoos active at once. You can maintain a number of
tattoos equal to your Charisma modifier + your
proficiency bonus (minimum 2 tattoos)
Forceful Brush
(Prerequisite: Pact of the Brush feature)
You can use your Creator’s Brush as a weapon,
causing it to expand to the size of a quarterstaff. When
you take the attack action, you can make a melee
weapon attack with your brush. It deals 1d8 + your
Strength modifier in force damage and has the reach
and versatile (1d10) properties.
Mist Ball
(Prerequisite: Eldritch Blast cantrip)
Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature
with your eldritch blast, you can cause a cloud of mist to
appear around the target. This mist cloud lightly
obscures a 10-foot radius around the creature and
spreads around corners. Creatures outside of the mist
see into and through it as normal. The mist dissipates
when you use this invocation again or after 1 minute.
Quick Worker
(Prerequisite: Pact of the Brush feature)
You are adept at creating tattoos with your Creator
Brush. The tattoo process only takes 1 minute, and it
can be any size larger than 1 inch by 1 inch. The tattoo
also has no chance of leaving a scar when it disappears
unless you explicitly will it to do so.
Tattoo Savant
(Prerequisite: 12th level, Pact of the Brush feature)
You can create tattoos on yourself as an action. When
you do so, you can choose to cast the spell as an action
or bonus action (your choice), regardless of its usual
casting time.


School of Liminality You can summon your Infinity Room a number of
Scholars of liminality tread and explore the space times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1),
between reality and ethereality. With an intersection of and you regain all expended uses after a long rest. You
illusion, conjuration, and enchantment magic that warps can also summon your Infinity Room by expending a
space, time, and perception, wizards under this school spell slot of 3rd-level or higher.
are masters of amiguity, disorientation, and transition, Psychopompic Affliction
existing as guides between borders of being. By 10th level, you can aid in the transition between life
Disorienting Sight and death. When a creature that you can see within 20
When you choose this tradition at 2nd level, you gain feet of you is reduced to 0 hit points, you can use your
the ability to cause unease and unsureness in your reaction to cause it to immediately succeed or fail a
enemies. As your action, you can cause an illusory death saving throw. You can use this ability a number of
reality to congeal and shift around a creature you can times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all
see within 30 feet of you to disorient and slow them. expended uses after a long rest.
This creature’s Armor Class has a -2 penalty and it Backroom Basement
makes its attack rolls with disadvantage until the end of Additionally at 10th level, you gain a new utilization of
your next turn. The number of times you can use this your Infinity Room. As an action, you can magically
ability each short or long rest increases as you gain trace a shimmering blue trapdoor in an unoccupied 5-
levels in this class: twice at 2nd level, five times at 6th foot by 5-foot square you can see within 50 feet of you. A
level, eight times at 10th level, and twelve times at 14th creature must succeed an Intelligence (Investigation)
level. check against your spell save DC to see the trap. The
Infinity Room trapdoor disappears after 1 minute, if it is dispelled, or
At 6th level, you gain access to a demiplane within the when it is activated. When a creature enters this space
Border Ethereal catered to your needs. As a 1-minute for the first time, you can use your reaction to activate
ritual, you can trace a 10-foot square door in the air in the trap and force the creature to make a Wisdom
front of you. A number of creatures that you designate saving throw. On a failure, the creature falls through the
equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) can trapdoor and into the Backroom Basement. Flying and
enter the room with ease. Any other creature needs to hovering creatures, creatures from the Ethereal Plane,
succeed on an Intelligence (Arcana) or Strength and creatuers with an Intelligence score of 6 or lower
(Athletics) check against your spell save DC to enter. automatically succeed on this saving throw.
Even if they don’t succeed, they can still see into and out While trapped in the Backroom Basement, a creature
of the room while the door is open. Attacks and spells must make an Intelligence saving throw at the start of
can’t travel through the doorway. The door magically each of its turns as it blindly tries to navigate the
closes and disappears behind you after you enter it. endless labrynthine hallways. On a success, the
Time moves at the same rate in this room as it does on creature’s Intelligence score is increased by 4. On a
the material plane. The room can be kept open for a failure, it is instead reduced by 4. When the creature’s
maximum amount of hours equal to half your wizard Intelligence score is reduced to 0 or raised to 20, or
level (rounded down). when the creature fails or succeeds three consecutive
The first time you summon this room, you decide its saving throws, the creature is returned to the material
appearance and contents. If it has windows, the view plane at an unoccupied space nearest to where it fell. If
outside is the space around the door you drew, viewed it failed, the creature is temporarily mentally locked into
in shades of grey. Any doors that lead out of the Infinity this transitional space, causing it to be stunned for 1
Room are nonfunctional. The room is 50 feet long, 50 minute and prone. It also cannot be reduced below 1 hit
feet wide, and 40 feet high. It cannot create any point for this duration. If it succeeded, it can take its
weapons or magical substances, but it can create any turn as normal, though it has disadvantage on all
furniture, refreshments, and nonmagical items you have Wisdom checks and saving throws for 1 minute.
seen in the past year and are familiar with. Creatures Whether it succeeds or fails, the creature’s Intelligence
are considered to be on a different plane while they are score returns to normal when it returns to the material
in this room. The Infinity Room stays active until the plane.
end of the duration, at which point all creatures and The Backroom Basement cannot be activated while
objects that entered with you appear where they entered your Infinity Room is active, and you can only have one
through the material plane in the nearest unoccupied creature trapped in this way at a time. You can summon
spaces. The Infinity Room ends early if it is dispelled, if your Backroom Basement a number of times equal to
you are incapacitated, if you drop to 0 hit points, if you your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) each long rest.
die, or if you willingly end it early (no action required).


Liminal Form
Beginning at 14th level, your body constantly walks the
border between real and ethereal. When you sleep, you
don’t dream unless you explicitly choose to do so. You
can spend your action to enter your Infinity Room
without tracing a door, though you cannot bring any
creatures with you it can only stay active for a number of
rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1
round), forecefully shunting you back to reality and
causing you to take 4d4 force damage at the end of the
You can willfully exit your Infinity Room again using
your action, safely depositing you in an unoccupied
space of your choice within 15 feet of where you left.
While you are in your Infinity Room in this way, the
walls are transparent and you instead see the area you
left, as if the point you left is the center of the room. You
can enter your Infinity Room in this way a number of
times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1),
and you regain all expended uses after a long rest. In
whatever way you enter your Infinity Room, you now
gain a 60-foot flying speed as you remain in this room.
Additionally, as a bonus action, you can quickly reach
into your Infinity Room to grab an item deposited or
created there that you can carry.
As a reaction, after tracing a door for Infinity Room or
trapdoor for Backroom Basement, you can cause the
door to burst open and fire a blast of condensed arcane
confusion. Each creature within a 15-foot line in front of
the door or a 10-foot radius of the trapdoor must make a
Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC. On a
failure, the creature takes 6d10 force damage and must
now make a Charisma saving throw. On a success, it
takes half damage and does not make a Charisma
saving throw. If it fails the following Charisma saving
throw, the creature is charmed by or frightened of a
creature of your choice for 1 minute. You can use this
ability a number of times equal to your Intelligence
modifier (minimum 1) each long rest. After being used
in this way, the door or trapdoor disappears. If there are
any creatures in your Infinity Room when the door
disappears in this way, all creatures within are
deposited in an unoccupied space nearest to the door
and take 8d4 force damage.


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