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Name of Patient: ____________________________________________________ Age: _______ SEX: ________

Home Address: _____________________________________________________ Diagnosis: ______________________________________________________
Chief Complaint: _________________________________________________ Attending Physician: ______________________________________________

Name of Drug Classification /Action Indication Contraindication Side Effects
Generic Name: Drug Class: Atorvastatin is indicated, in Active liver disease or -Feeling sick (nausea) or -Monitor the
Atorvastatin Statins combination with dietary unexplained persistent indigestion patient’s lipid levels
modifications, to prevent serum transaminase
Brand Name: cardiovascular events in elevation. Pregnancy
-Headaches -Monitor the
Liptor patients with cardiac risk and lactation.
patient’s vital signs
factors and/or abnormal lipid Concomitant use with
profiles.2 glecaprevir/pibrentasvir
combination, systemic -Monitor patient’s
Dose is individualized according to
baseline LDL-C levels, the goal of therapy, Atorvastatin can be used as a fusidic acid or within 7 -Sore throat LDL-C Levels
and patient response. Primary preventive agent for days of stopping fusidic
It works by slowing the production of
prevention: Initially, 10 mg daily. Higher myocardial infarction, stroke, acid treatment, -Cold-like symptoms, such -Medicine can be
cholesterol in the body to decrease the amount
doses may be required to attain LDL-C revascularization, and angina, telaprevir, ciclosporin, as a runny nose, blocked taken with or
of cholesterol that may build up on the walls of
levels according to current guidelines. in patients without coronary and tipranavir/ritonavir nose or sneezing without food
the arteries and block blood flow to the heart,
heart disease but with combination.
brain, and other parts of the body
Frequency: multiple risk factors and in
-Constipation or farting
Once a Day, Daily patients with type 2 diabetes
without coronary heart
disease but multiple risk
Route: -Diarrhoea
Form: %20is%20in%20a%20class,other
Tablet %20parts%20of%20the%20body.

Reference: Significant: Myalgia, - Patient with myositis, myopathy; predisposing
drug/info increased serum factors for
transaminase, serum rhabdomyolysis
creatine kinase, HbA1c and (e.g.
fasting blood sugar levels. hypothyroidism,
Rarely, immune-mediated personal or family
necrotising myopathy history of
(IMNM), interstitial lung hereditary
disease, worsen or muscular disorders,
precipitate myasthenia history of muscular
gravis. toxicity with statin
or fibrate), history
Potentially Fatal: of liver disease,
Rhabdomyolysis (with or recent stroke or
without acute renal failure TIA.
secondary to
myoglobinuria), hepatic

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