RNR Portfolio 1

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The First Catholic Elementary School in Pili

San Antonio, Pili, Camarines Sur
S/Y 2022-2023


Enos Troy V. Corporal


Tyler “Jason” A. Ecal

Retreat and Recollection
Main Facilitator/In-charge
The First Catholic Elementary School in Pili
San Antonio, Pili, Camarines Sur
S/Y 2022-2023

Recollections are contemplations of former encounters or occurrences, frequently

done in an effort to bring closure, understanding, or newfound insight. They help people

learn from their experiences, make meaning of their feelings, and make decisions about the

future. They are a tool for personal development. Memories are important because they help

people become more self-aware, recover, and build stronger relationships with others by

bringing up shared experiences.

In my experience working with the many schools where we have conducted

Recollections, the Binanuaanan Highschool has excelled in terms of accommodations, as

evidenced by their kind treatment of us facilitators. Throughout my RNR Immersion, I have

only assisted two schools; nonetheless, BNHS was the more accommodating of the two.

Good accommodation doesn’t necessarily mean equal enjoyment, I enjoyed

facilitating and documenting the entire event for both schools. Still, the activities at PNHS

were rather more ceremonious and bountiful. Maybe it had to do with the high amount of

participants. Nonetheless, I enjoyed facilitating both recollections. This allowed me to further

broaden my understanding of the unique individuals we met in these schools.

The First Catholic Elementary School in Pili
San Antonio, Pili, Camarines Sur
S/Y 2022-2023

The most charming experience I had during my time facilitating was the recollection

of section Ikigai with my other co-facilitator James Longares and the talk given by Bro.

Martin R. Plopenio Jr. at Pili National High School

During Bro. Martin’s talk, I had this itchy sensation, whereas I was so eager to go in

front and be the section's talk giver for even a short period of time. That uneasy, itchy feeling

at the back of your throat, but I can’t seem to scratch it due to me unwanting the possibility

that I might come off a bit disrespectful with a sudden intrusion, bro. Martin’s talk. So I simply

waited for any opportunity to insert my thoughts and insights regarding his talk.

I was well knowledgeable about the talk he was giving, so I was confident enough to

speak my mind and share what wisdom I had to say. Throughout the entire session 1, I had

no luck inserting myself. Despite this, I was still persistent in speaking. When part of session

2 came, he instructed the entire class to bring out a piece of paper, and to my surprise, it

was the activity in which we folded the paper and cut pieces of it, folded it multiple times, and

then when you open it, it shows a cross.

I was ecstatic and wanted to be the one who talked regarding this game, but I pa-

tiently waited for Bro. Martin finished, curious as to how he would execute the activity and

what lessons he was going to share. When he finished explaining, it was rather anticlimactic

since he only exclaimed that God is the way, in correlation to the cross. This is, of course,

correct, but I expected an elaboration or explanation regarding each fold of the paper. Due

to this, I finally took my shot to talk. I asked, bro. Martin, I want to give a brief speech as to

the lesson I have accumulated from the activity.

As I began my little talk, I told the students that think of the piece of paper as

themselves, brought into this world of ours without flaws, a blank piece of paper as pure as

its whiteness. The piece of paper represents every individual in that room. Pure as white,

and untouched containing no imperfections. But as we grow up the piece of paper begins to
The First Catholic Elementary School in Pili
San Antonio, Pili, Camarines Sur
S/Y 2022-2023

be folded, its form becoming imperfect, those folds represent the experiences we face as it

begins it change us, either good or bad. During the folding process it begins to form a house,

representing the very starting point we grow as individuals, but the house doesn’t

necessarily represent the building or place you grew up in, but the home you grew up with.

We are shaped by the foundations of our home, by the family we are with and friends

we make along the way. Those that we surround ourselves with have a great impact on how

we become as we grow. I showed the students the paper, and how it looked nothing like

before due to the many folds. But this so-called imperfections, are what makes us unique.

With the last few remaining folds, I cut two pieces from the paper and explained that

the pieces I cut were the sins we had made. If we do so, the paper then looks like a candle. I

then asked the students to close their eyes as they tried to open the folds of the paper. Now

all they see is darkness, and I told them to imagine themselves in a tunnel. Searching for a

way out, finding anyway out, yearning for that bright light at the end of the tunnel.

Then, while you keep walking, you finally see it. The light gets bigger and bigger as

you get closer, and when you finally get out of the tunnel, you see freedom. Then they finally

unfolded the paper, showing a cross.

Now, as we search for that big light, that wish, we always pray to Jesus Christ. We

sometimes forget the candle he gave us. The very candle we were holding from the very be-

ginning of the tunnel. That small blessing he gives us every day that we sometimes disre-

gard. From your mother making you breakfast in the morning or the support you get from

loved ones. Sometimes we yearn so much for the big light at the end of the tunnel that we

underappreciate the light we have now.

The First Catholic Elementary School in Pili
San Antonio, Pili, Camarines Sur
S/Y 2022-2023

Retreat and Recollection Immersion Portfolio

Name: Group Name: Date: March 14, 2024

Team Leader: Group 11 – Mary Mother
Enos Troy V. Corporal of Faith

Schools Retreat and Recollection BINANUAANAN NATIONAL HIGHSCHOOL

Theme: Disconnect to Reconnect
Orientation What are the
- Prayer ( Lead me Lord )
- Getting to know each other (Kamusta ka )
- Expectation Settings ( Wall of Expectation )
- Discussion of the activity (RNR)
Bro. Tyler explained and disccusesd it to the students
Phase1: Laying and Clarifying the -Objectives :
Context S- silence
T- truth
O- openness
P- pray
Phase 2:Designing Retreat and House Rule (Do’s and Don’t’s)
Recollection Programs - Keep silence at all times
- Any Gadgets are not allowed during the session
- Be active always listen
S- silence
T- truth
O- open
P- pray

-God’s Invitation
6:00 am Arrival
7:00-9:00 am Presentation of Facilitators, animation
9:00-11:30 pm First Session
11:30-12:45pm Lunch
12:45-3:00pm Second Session

3:00-5:00 Third session

The First Catholic Elementary School in Pili
San Antonio, Pili, Camarines Sur
S/Y 2022-2023

Phase 2.2 Recollection Module Recollection Proper and Instruction every session.

SESSION 1 : Disconnect to Reconnect


Godwin Howard Jaen began the first class with a prayer and
then facilitated a structured conversation to make sure the
pupils understood. The students were divided into groups of
six and given time to share their answers with their peers
after he asked them a thought-provoking question following
the discussion: "If they were given the opportunity to go
back in time to fix something, what would it be and why?"
After that, numerous students raised their hands and
answered the question, giving out the issues they have face.


During the second session, an activity was conducted

initiated by Godwin Howard Jaen. Me, Mica, and Marielle
Facilitated the activity while Adrian Relles was documenting
its entirety. The entire class was grouped in 6 and was given
multiple magazines, glue, and a scissor. Then they were
instructed to use and cut any parts of the magazine and
then use them to glue them together to form a new human

Students' delight and sorrow were reflected in their eyes,

and they felt a spectrum of emotions, some sobbing and
others smiling. Finally, all six groups were told to form a
circle, and a facilitator was assigned to each group to help
them share for the duration of the session.


For the finale, everyone formed one giant circle. Then

everyone was given a candle to hold, soon they lit the
candles then Godwin lead the closing prayer.
The First Catholic Elementary School in Pili
San Antonio, Pili, Camarines Sur
S/Y 2022-2023

Retreat and Recollection Immersion Portfolio

Name: Group Name: Date: March 15-16, 2024

Team Leader: Group 11 – Mary Mother
Enos Troy V. Corporal of Faith

Schools Retreat and Recollection PILI NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL

Theme: Disconnect to Reconnect
Orientation What are the
-Prayer ( Invocation )
-Getting to know each other ( Kamusta ka )
- Expectation Settings ( Wall of Expectation )
- Discussion of the activity (RNR)
Bro. Tyler explained and disccusesd it to the students
Phase1: Laying and Clarifying the -Objectives :
Context S- silence
T- truth
O- openness
P- pray
Phase 2:Designing Retreat and House Rule (Do’s and Don’t’s)
Recollection Programs - Any Gadgets are not allowed during the session
- Keep silent at all times
- Always apply and remember the word
S- Silence
T- truth
O- open
P- pray

-God’s Invitation
12:30 pm Arrival
1:00-2:00 pm Catechism about confession and mass
2:00-3:30 Confession
3:30-4:30 Eucharistic mass
4:30-5:30 Presentation of Facilitators, Getting to know
each other, House rules and Animation.
The First Catholic Elementary School in Pili
San Antonio, Pili, Camarines Sur
S/Y 2022-2023

5:30-7:00 First Session

7:00-8:00 Dinner
8:00-9:30 Second Session
9:30-10:00 Health break
10:00-11:30 Third session
10:30 Onwards Plenary for Praise and Bonfire

MARCH 16, 2024

5:00 AM Wake up Call
5:30-7:30 AM Shibashi and Awarding
7:30 AM Breakfast
Phase 2.2 Recollection Module Recollection Proper and Instruction every session.

SESSION 1: Disconnect to Reconnect


Bro. Martin Plopenio Jr. initiated the first session with a

prayer, followed by a structured discussion to ensure better
understanding for the students. He gave a lengthy
discussion about our values as individuals in a sense that
helps us further understand ourselves and our worth.


During the second session, an activity was conducted under

the guidance of Bro. Martin Plopenio Jr. Each student was
given a piece of paper, then they were instructed to fold the
paper, with each step slowly forming into a cross. After he
conducted the activity, I gave a brief talk regarding the
deeper meaning of the activity, it’s purpose and it’s lesson
to the audience.


At the end, everyone gathered into one enormous circle.

Everyone was then given a light to hold, and after the
candles were lit, each student started to share, heavy
baggage that was left unchecked, problems that needed to
be spoken, and untold feelings that were best to reveal.
After that Bro. Martin Plopenio Jr. led the closing prayer.

Submitted by:
The First Catholic Elementary School in Pili
San Antonio, Pili, Camarines Sur
S/Y 2022-2023

Enos Troy V. Corporal

Student Facilitator

Noted by:
Mr. Tyler “Jason” A. Ecal
Work Immersion In-charge

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