Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan: The Great Commission

I. Audience: Nganh Thieu Nhi

II. Objectives: To stress the importance of spreading the word of God and worshipping God

III. Preparation (materials, setting): Notecards for telephone game, set classroom so discussion is easy
preferably a circle.

IV: Reference/Resources: the Bible

V. Presentation:

Main Point Activities

1. Introduction ~ 15 minutes Prayer: Dear God, thank you for this day. I hope
Goal Opening Prayer/Icebreaker that we are able to have a wonderful lesson where
Opening prayer: to set the tone for the lesson and we learn to become better disciples of faith under
ease cac em into the atmosphere for learning your guidance. Amen.

Icebreaker Activity: Telephone Game Directions for Icebreaker:

Purpose: to grab cac em’s attention from the Move students so that they are all sitting/standing
beginning with a fun activity. together in a connected line. Provide a set of
notecards to the first student and instruct them to
pick ONE. The first student will read the card and
whisper what was written on the card to the
student directly behind them. Then that student
will repeat what they have heard and repeat it to
the student behind them as well and it will
continue until they reach the end. The last student
will say out loud what they have heard, and
hopefully it will be identical to the original
message. [Repeat 2x more, may vary depending on
2. Main Discussion/Fact Finding Lesson type: Open discussion
Goal  For cac em to understand the main points Q. Has there ever been a moment where
of the gospel somebody at school has asked you what do you
Part 1: Open discussion believe in? How did your respond to it? Did you
Part 2: Discuss gospel and orientate it so that ever feel ashamed about what you believed in?
they can apply it to their lives [encourage students to answer the questions, start
simple and slowly encourage them to think a little
bit more deeply about their answers]
G. Ask volunteers to read the gospel
D. Our job as Catholics is to spread the good news
of the gospel of Jesus and teach others to ‘obey all
that Jesus has commanded us’
We should feel compelled to share the good news
as a ‘gift’ to others
[link information back to discussion]
When people ask us what we believe in we should
be more than happy to tell them, don’t feel
ashamed to spread the word of god and be a
proud Catholic.

Discussion/Activity: Depending on time do more

rounds of the telephone game! Connect that to
the gospel. [spreading the word of God and
overcome obstacles to the good news]

3. Summary Recap: Summarize main points, the gospel, the

Goal  Recap/Closing Prayer importance of the gospel and how it can connect
Recap: to our lives.
Homework: To give students a way to remember
the lesson during the week Homework: To do the sign of the cross in front of
Closing Prayer: friends at school during lunch time, if you already
to this, great! Maybe do Nguyen Sinh now!

Closing Prayer: Ask a student to volunteer, if no



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