Session 4
Session 4
Session 4
Course Coordinator:
Widya Indriani, S.T.P., M.Sc. (MedSci)
Course outline:
• Naturally occurring dietary fat
▪ Dietary fats altered during food processing
• Digestion, absorption and transport of fat
• Recommended intake of dietary fat
• Health effects of dietary fat
Naturally occurring dietary fats
Fats and their role in the body
Fats are a group of compounds that dissolve in organic solvents but are
usually insoluble in water.
Fats are a major source of energy that can be stored for a prolonged period.
• Fats stored in the adipose tissue can act as body insulation.
Some fats are essential nutrients
• Include some fat-soluble vitamins
Fats are required for a range of metabolic and physiological processes
• To maintain the structural and functional integrity of all cell membranes.
Naturally occurring dietary fats
dairy products
Naturally occurring
dietary lipids are
derived from animal
and plant sources;
Animal source Plant source visible or non-visible.
inside the meat also has fat (non-visible) coconuts, legumes, nuts (peanuts), seeds
Fatty Acids
Saturated Unsaturated
Monounsaturated Polyunsaturated
Omega-6 Omega-3
Lauric acid
Myristic acid Linolenic acid
Oleic acid Linoleic acid
Palmitic acid EPA
(Omega-9) Arachidonic acid
Stearic acid DHA
Naturally occurring dietary fats
Glycerides and fatty acids
• Fatty alcohols
• Gangliosides
Dietary fats • Sulphatides
may also • Cerebrosides
contain small
quantities of • Vitamin A
other lipids, • Vitamin E (tocopherols, tocotrienols)
such as: • Carotenoids (α- and β-carotene, lycopene,
and xanthophylls)
• Vitamin D
Naturally occurring dietary fats
Dietary fats altered during food processing
Trans-fatty acids behave like saturated fatty acids rather than as cis-unsaturated
fatty acids
Most trans-fatty acids now are hidden on processed foods such as cakes,
biscuits, pies, pastries, and crackers.
• Currently, margarines are produced using inter-esterification and blending
processes to avoid trans-fatty acids.
Trans-fatty acids are associated with increases in serum total- and low-density
lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and reduce high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
cholesterol --- increasing the risk of coronary heart disease.
Major sources of various lipids
absorption and
transport of fat
Mouth and salivary glands
Fat hydrolysis by lingual lipase (small effect for most
fats, better result on milk fats).
Hydrolysis by gastric lipase but only a small amount
of fat.
Small intestine
Hormone CCK stimulates the release of bile.
Formation of emulsified fat.
Pancreatic and intestinal lipase hydrolyse the
emulsified fat into monoglycerides, glycerol, and
fatty acids.
Large intestine
Some fat and cholesterol are trapped in fiber and
are excreted.
Digestion and absorption of dietary lipids
• To reduce saturated fat intake to less than 10% of energy intake
and trans- • To limit trans-fatty acids intake to less than 1% of energy intake
fatty acids
Health effects of dietary lipids
• Are associated with excessive intake of dietary saturated
diseases, obesity, fatty acids or total energy intake from fat
and cancers
• Lipids are a group of compounds that dissolve in organic solvents but are
usually insoluble in water.
• Lipids are available in various forms, i.e., glycerides and fatty acids,
phospholipids, sterols, and others. Triglycerides make up the bulk of dietary
• Food processing may alter dietary fats to give desired food texture and
shelf-life but may also pose health consequences (in the case of trans-fatty
• In adults, dietary fat intake is at least 15% of total energy intake (for women,
20%) and 2% of total energy in the form of ω-6 and at least 0.5% energy
from ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
• Mann J and Truswell AS. (2017). Essentials of Human Nutrition (5th Edition).
Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-107793-7.
• Stanfield, C. (2012). Principles of human physiology. Pearson Education.