Grapes and Eyesight M

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Grapes are good for True / False

our eyesight 1) The article says most people know carrots are
good for our eyesight. T / F
19th October 2023 2) The researchers are from a university in
Singapore. T / F
Everybody knows
3) Researchers say 10 grapes a day will help our
that eating carrots is
eyesight. T / F
good for our eyesight. A
new study suggests that 4) The article says most people don't like carrots.
grapes are also good for T/F
our eyes. Researchers
5) Sixteen people took part in an experiment for
from the National
34 weeks. T / F
University of Singapore
have found that eating 6) Test participants didn't know if a snack or
just a few grapes a day grapes were being tested. T / F
can improve our vision.
7) People who ate grapes developed stronger
This is especially so for people who are older. Dr
muscles in their eyes. T / F
Eun Kim, the lead researcher, said: "Our study is
the first to show that grape consumption 8) Damaging red light comes from computer
beneficially impacts eye health in humans, which is screens. T / F
very exciting, especially with a growing, ageing
population." Dr Kim added that, "grapes are an
easily accessible fruit that studies have shown can
Synonym Match
have a beneficial impact" on our eyesight. This is (The words in bold are from the news article.)
good news for people who don't really like carrots. 1. eyesight a. effect
The study is published in the journal "Food & 2. found b. showing
Function". Thirty-four adults took part in a series of
experiments over 16 weeks. Half of the participants 3. especially c. advantage
ate one-and-a-half cups of grapes per day; the
other half ate a placebo snack. Dr Kim did not tell 4. benefit d. discovered
the participants or the researchers whether she was 5. impact e. tests
testing the grapes or the snack. She thought that
not revealing this information would give better test 6. took part f. vision
results. She found that people who ate the grapes
7. experiments g. safeguards
had improved muscle strength around the retina.
The retina passes information about light to the 8. revealing h. particularly
brain via electrical signals. It protects the eyes from
damaging blue light. A lot of blue light comes from 9. protects i. harmful
computer and smartphone screens, and from LED
10. damaging j. participated

Sources: / /

Discussion – Student A
Writing a) What do you think about what you read?
b) What do you think of grapes?
We should all eat grapes or carrots every day.
Discuss. c) Would you like to read the journal article?
d) Can you eat one-and-a-half cups of grapes a
Chat day?
Talk about these words from the article. e) What do you know about the human eye?

carrots / eyesight / grapes / vision / older people f) What do you know about blue light?
/ researcher / health / humans / g) Should we limit our screentime?
study / journal / experiment / snack / information
/ muscle / strength / blue / light h) What questions would you like to ask the

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BreakingNewsEnglish - Many online quizzes at URL below

Phrase Match
1. A new study suggests a. for people who are older
2. just a few grapes b. placebo snack
3. This is especially so c. series of experiments
4. a growing, ageing d. damaging blue light
5. good news for people who e. a day
6. Thirty-four adults took part in a f. population
7. one-and-a-half g. strength
8. the other half ate a h. that grapes are also good
9. improved muscle i. don't really like carrots
10. protects the eyes from j. cups of grapes per day

Discussion – Student B Role Play

a) How healthy are carrots? Role A – Grapes
b) What can we do to take care of our eyes? You think grapes are the best fruit. Tell the
others three reasons why. Tell them what is
c) What's your eyesight like? wrong with their fruit. Also, tell the others which
d) Will you now eat more grapes? is the least tasty and useful of these (and why):
apples, bananas or blueberries.
e) What other food is good for our eyes?
Role B – Apples
f) What do you think of grapes?
You think apples are the best fruit. Tell the
g) What is your favourite fruit and why? others three reasons why. Tell them what is
wrong with their fruit. Also, tell the others which
h) What happens to our eyes as we age?
is the least tasty and useful of these (and why):
grapes, bananas or blueberries.
Spelling Role C – Bananas
1. A new study ugssegts that You think bananas are the best fruit. Tell the
others three reasons why. Tell them what is
2. rpmoive our vision wrong with their fruit. Also, tell the others which
is the least tasty and useful of these (and why):
3. the lead aserehcrer
apples, grapes or blueberries.
4. grape nmsupcitoon Role D – Blueberries
You think blueberries are the best fruit. Tell the
5. an easily csescibale fruit others three reasons why. Tell them what is
wrong with their fruit. Also, tell the others which
6. have a niefecibal impact is the least tasty and useful of these (and why):
apples, bananas or grapes.
7. The study is published in the ournjal

8. a esires of experiments Speaking – Fruit

9. Half of the ritiapapcnts Rank these with your partner. Put the best fruit at the top.
Change partners often and share your rankings.
10. not averlieng this information • Grapes • Pineapples
• Apples • Strawberries
11. ucsmle strength around the retina
• Bananas • Cherries
12. It rotecpts the eyes • Kiwis • Blueberries

Answers – True False

Answers – Synonym Match
1. f 2. d 3. h 4. c 5. a 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 F 6 T 7 T 8 F
6. j 7. e 8. b 9. g 10. i Answers to Phrase Match and Spelling are in the text.

LOTS MORE at COPYRIGHT Sean Banville 2023

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