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Men sleep better than True / False

women, study finds 1) Treatment for sleep disorders should be the
same for men and women. T / F
6th May 2024 2) Insomnia is 15% more common in women
than in men. T / F
A new study has
3) Women have a shorter circadian rhythm than
discovered that men may
men. T / F
sleep better than
women. Researchers say 4) A researcher said mothers with children find it
that because of this, difficult to sleep well. T / F
sleep disorders
5) A good night's sleep is getting easier for most
experienced by the sexes
people around the world. T / F
need to be treated
differently. Insomnia is 6) It takes most people forty minutes to fall
about 1.5 times more asleep. T / F
common among women
7) A lack of sleep can lead to diabetes. T / F
than men. The
researchers say that one reason for this is our 8) There is a very small link between psychiatric
circadian rhythms – our body clock. Women's disorders and insomnia. T / F
circadian cycles are about six minutes shorter than
men's. This means women physically have less time
in which to rest. Another reason is motherhood,
Synonym Match
which places unequal strains and burdens on (The words in bold are from the news article.)
mothers. Doctor Alaina Tiani said: "It's almost like 1. study a. a nap
their brain was half-listening out for their children in
2. disorders b. struggles
the middle of the night, in case they needed
something." 3. common c. inadequate
4. strains d. impoverishment
People worldwide are finding it increasingly
harder to get a good night's rest. The stress and 5. needed e. conditions
pressures of day-to-day life mean more of us are 6. forty winks f. link
struggling to get forty winks. It is estimated that 7. deprivation g. required
around 30 per cent of the global population is
experiencing sleep deprivation. This is having 8. detrimental h. research
adverse effects on our health. A lack of sleep can 9. insufficient i. harmful
lead to detrimental and often life-threatening health 10. correlation j. prevalent
conditions. These include diabetes, heart disease,
and hypertension. Insufficient sleep can also
negatively impact our powers to concentrate, and Discussion – Student A
lead to a deterioration in mental health. Neurologist
Dr Eric Sklar said: "There is a high correlation with a) What do you think about what you read?
underlying psychiatric disorders and insomnia." b) What increasing pressures are you facing in
Sources: / /
c) How can governments get us to sleep better?
Writing d) How might a lack of sleep affect our mental
We all need lessons on how to sleep better. health?
Discuss. e) What do you know about diabetes and
Chat f) How do you feel when you do not get enough
Talk about these words from the article. sleep?
g) Does counting sheep help us get to sleep
study / researchers / sleep disorders / insomnia /
more quickly?
circadian rhythms / burden / brain /
stress / getting forty winks / diabetes / heart h) What questions would you like to ask the
disease / concentrate / mental health researchers?

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Phrase Match
1. sleep a. day-to-day life
2. our body b. time in which to rest
3. women physically have less c. on mothers
4. unequal strains and burdens d. clock
5. their brain was half-listening e. in mental health
6. People worldwide are finding it increasingly f. disorders
7. The stress and pressures of g. correlation
8. This is having adverse h. out for their children
9. lead to a deterioration i. effects on our health
10. There is a high j. harder

Discussion – Student B Role Play

a) How are your sleeping patterns? Role A – Tiredness
b) Do you think men sleep better than women? You think tiredness is the worst effect of a lack of
sleep. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them
c) Do you ever have problems sleeping? why their things aren't as bad. Also, tell the others
d) What can people do to get to sleep? which is the least worrying of these (and why):
poor memory, a tired-looking face or bad mood.
e) What do you know about our body clock?
Role B – Poor Memory
f) What things can stop us from sleeping? You think poor memory is the worst effect of a lack
g) What different stresses do men and women of sleep. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell
have? them why their things aren't as bad. Also, tell the
others which is the least worrying of these (and
h) How do you deal with stress? why): tiredness, a tired-looking face or bad mood.
Role C – Tired-looking Face
Spelling You think a tired-looking face is the worst effect of
a lack of sleep. Tell the others three reasons why.
1. sleep dorrdssie
Tell them why their things aren't as bad. Also, tell
2. nioimnsa is about 1.5 times more common the others which is the least worrying of these (and
why): poor memory, tiredness or bad mood.
3. circadian hmtsryh Role D – Bad Mood
4. women plyiyalchs have less time You think bad mood is the worst effect of a lack of
sleep. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them
5. unequal ntssiar why their things aren't as bad. Also, tell the others
which is the least worrying of these (and why):
6. rndbues on mothers poor memory, a tired-looking face or tiredness.

7. sleep driptioeavn
Speaking – Lack of Sleep
8. endreltmait and often life-threatening health
Rank these with your partner. Put the worst effects of a
conditions lack of sleep at the top. Change partners often and share
your rankings.
9. edebaist, heart disease, and hypertension
• Tiredness • Mistake-making
10. impact our powers to aencnotcret • Poor memory • Non-stop yawning
11. There is a high norrloticae • Bad mood • Tired-looking face
• Stress • Reduced alertness
12. underlying scrhyitacpi disorders
Answers – True False
Answers – Synonym Match
1 F 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F 6 F 7 T 8 F
1. h 2. e 3. j 4. b 5. g
Answers to Phrase Match and Spelling are in the text.
6. a 7. d 8. i 9. c 10. f

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