Alternative Investments
Alternative Investments
Alternative Investments
Leveraged buyouts
Assets are used as collateral for debt, and future cash flows will finance debt.
Formative financing
Pre-seed capital/Angel investing: idea formation
Seed-stage: product development
Early stage: between operation and production+sales
Venture capital
Later-stage financing
Between production+sales and IPO
Initial or major expansion
Growth capital: minority investment in mature companies looking for capital to expand or
Other investing strategies
Private equity
Private investment in public companies (PIPEs)
Private capital
Recapitalization: allow PE investors to pull out money from the company, releverages when
Exit strategies
interests are low, and PE fund still maintains control over portfolio company.
Direct investment
Investment methods
Diversification benefits
Risk & return
Standard deviations and correlations with equity returns are biased downward.
Due Diligence for Fund Investing, Direct Investing, and Co-Investing
Direct lending
General partner (GP)
Partnership structures
Mezzanine debt: private debt subordinated to senior debt, unsecured, and may require
special features. Limited partner (LP)
Venture debt: lending to venture firms, often convertible into common stock. Management fee
Private debt
Distressed debt: buying debt of mature firms with financial difficulties Compensation structure Hurdle rate
Hard (only applies performance incentives on the excess between actual return and
Performance/Incentive fee
hurdle rate)
Other private debt strategies Soft (applies performance incentives on total return as long as hurdle rate is passed)
Commercial real estate European style (whole-of-fund): LPs receive all distributions until they have received 100% of
initial investment plus the hurdle rate (typically after all investments have been sold).
Mortgage REIT: risk & return similar to fixed income
Investment clauses, provisions, and contingencies Waterfall American style (deal-by-deal): profits are distributed as each fund investment is sold and
Equity REIT: uses leverage, return = rental income - debt servicing shared according to partnership agreement
Favors GP because incentive fees are paid before 100% of LPs' original investment plus
Real estate investment trust (REIT) hurdle rate is returned to them.
Indexes: Real estate
Appraisal index: understates volatility due to infrequent appraisals
Repeat sales (transaction-based) index: sample selection bias Clawback provisions (mostly for American style waterfall): if GP accrues or receives incentive
Types of alternative investments Alternative Investments payments on gains that are subsequently reversed as the partnership exits deals, LPs can
REIT index: may not represent actual properties
recover previous excess incentive payments.
Long-term returns from sale and leases, diversification benefits, and inflation hedge.
Common approaches Sortino ratio
Risk & return
Expenses may increase unexpectedly and leverage magnifies risks.
Calmar ratio and MAR ratio
Revenue different from expectation, leverage creating Issues in performance appraisal Redemptions may require liquidating positions and incur transaction costs.
financial risk, operational risk, construction risk
Hedge funds Fund of funds may offer more redemption flexibility than direct investment in hedge funds.
Futures price > Spot price => Commodity forward curve is upward sloping
=> Prices in Contango
Market prices liquid => (Bid + Ask)/2
Futures price < Spot price => Commodity forward curve is downward sloping Natural resources
=> Prices in Backwardation Market prices illiquid => consider liquidity discount or haircut
Valuation issues Reported NAV is based on quoted price
Agricultural and Timber land
Trading NAV includes haircut
Diversification benefits and inflation hedge, but high volatility.
Fee structure
Equity hedge
Activist Strategies
Special situations
Diversification benefits (but may still have high correlation with traditional investments
during times of crisis)
Survivorship bias
Risk & return
Backfill bias
Appraisal values less volatile than market values => Standard deviation and correlation of
fund returns with traditional investments may be biased downward.