Anuual Exam 2021-22
Anuual Exam 2021-22
Anuual Exam 2021-22
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class –VII Subject:- Science M.M:-80
4. Fill in the blanks.
a) The waste produced in household is called ______ waste.
b) The ______ of plant hold the soil.
c) The boiling point of water is ______ and the melting point of ice is _____.
d) There are ______ colour bands in the rainbow.
e) Heavy rainfall causes _____.
5. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false.
a) Open drainage is advantageous. [ ]
b) Afforestation is cause of soil erosion. [ ]
c) Ground water is usually free from suspended impurities. [ ]
d) White light is composed of seven colours. [ ]
e) No earthquakes occur in India. [ ]
6. Tick ( ) the correct answer.
i) The water day is celebrated every year on-
a) 22 May [ ] b) 22 March [ ]
ii) Tea and coffee are called
a) Spices [ ] b) Beverages [ ]
iii) A medicinal plant is
a) Neem [ ] b) Tomato [ ]
iv) The purest source of water is:
a) Rain water [ ] b) Seawater [ ]
v) Natural source of light is-
a) Star [ ] b) Lamp [ ]
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class –IV Subject:- English M.M:-80
9. Match the following. (2)
Animal of the desert cart
A beautiful animal car
It is pulled by bullocks camel
A vehicle cat
10.Write comparative and superlative degrees. (2)
Small, short, kind, hard
11.Write their opposite words. (2)
after, sweet, happy, cold
12.Write their synonyms.(2)
respect, war, correct, murder
13.Circle the correct conjunctions. (2)
i)Bhavna and Arti are good friends.
ii) My brother is short, but my sister is tall.
14.Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions. (4)
a) I saw something ______ television. (on,at)
b) There’s a man sitting ______ the bus. (in,on)
c) They ran _____ the hill. (in,up)
d) The necklace is _____ my neck. (at,around)
15.Turn the following adjective into adverbs. (4)
Quiet, tidy, careless, loud
16.Change their gender. (2)
Poet, fox, witch, peacock
17.Write their plural. (2)
Brush, class, kite, box
18.Write an application:- (10)
a) Sick leave b) Play a friendly match against your school team.
19.Write an essay: Newspaper or animals in danger. (10)
Time:- 2 2 hrs . Class –II Subject:- English M.M:-80
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class –Nursery Subject:- Hindi M.M:-80
1-v ls .k rd fy[kksaA
n u
/k i
u n
i /k
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class –L.K.G Subject:- Hindi M.M:-80
1- v ls K rd fy[kksA
2- fp= ns[kdj igyk v{kj fy[kksA 10
4-tksM+dj fy[kksaA
Hk $ x $ r ¾ d $ y$ e ¾
u $ ;$ u ¾ l $ Mñ $ d ¾
5- rksM+dj fy[kksaA
Hkou ¾ gou ¾
dey ¾ “kgn ¾
exj ¾ egy ¾
7- Ukdy djksaA
jke Qy p[k dj j[k
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class –U.K.G Subject:- Hindi M.M:-80
Class –I Subject:-MATHS
Name:__________________ Roll No:-__________________ Date:-_________
1. Add the following.
3 4 6 1 4 2 5 9 2 7
+2 6 + 1 6 +6 1 7 +4 1 3
3. Divide .
6)42( 9)63( 9) 8 1 ( 5) 3 5 (
13 14 15
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class –NURSERY Subject:-ENGLISH M.M:-80
Instructions:- i. All the questions are compulsory.
ii. Writing should be neat and clean
4. See and write .
Dog Cat Cow Ox Goat
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class –U.K.G Subject:-ENGLISH M.M:-80
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class –L.K.G Subject:-ENGLISH M.M:-80
1. Write the alphabets a to z in cursive .
j l n p r
3. See the pictures and encircle the correct letter:
a b f n m o t s u
f m n o p q c g e
4. Match the pictures with letters. 10
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class –I Subject:-English M.M:-80
3. Write true or false. (10)
a) Zoo is the place of several birds and animals. [ ]
b) The parrot was inside the big cage. [ ]
c) The naughty monkey was eating a banana. [ ]
d) Amit forget to stamp letter. [ ]
e) Amit is very fond of writing letters. [ ]
4. Tick ( ) the correct answer. (8)
i) What did station master see in the chimney.
a) a nest [ ] b) leaves [ ]
ii) How many trains were there in total at the station.
a) There [ ] b) Two [ ]
iii) Children went to the zoo on:
a) Sunday [ ] b) Holiday [ ]
iv) When children entered in to the zoo, they were very:
a) Thrilled [ ] b) Sad [ ]
5. Write the meaning of the following words. (6)
Nest __________ sneeze ___________ cage ___________
Dust __________ soft ___________ ill ___________
6. Arrange the following letters and make meaningful words. (4)
iehwt ____________ elittl ____________
ttleer ___________ dnour___________
7. Write the jumbled names of animals correctly. (6)
erde ____________ tgeri ____________ bare____________
koymen___________ shroe____________ noli_____________
8. Write the words below that sound the same. (8)
two ____________ no ___________ see ___________
son _____________ our _____________ their ____________
9. Match the following opposite words. (10)
Big right
Go rest
Work small
Wrong lose
Find stop
10. Circle the odd word out. (4)
a) apple banana orange chair
b) plane jet cat helicopter
c) Day stars moon sun
d) Sunday winter rain spring
11. Make some new words from these words. (4)
a) Grand (father / room) ____________________
b) Match (pin / box) ____________________
c) Grass (play / hopper) ____________________
d) Star (fish / fly) _____________________
12. Fill in the blanks. (3)
a) A baby cow is called a ___________
b) A baby lion is called a ___________
c) A baby dog is called a ___________
d) A baby sheep is called a __________
13. Write an essay on :The cow (8)
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class –III Subject:-English M.M:-80
Birds are some of the most amazing animals on the earth. Birds live in nests. They have
wings, feathers, beaks and claws. Birds eat fruits, grains, worms, insects etc. The
smallest bird is humming bird and the biggest bird is the ostrich. The birds live in flocks
and they are social too. Birds like peacocks have beautiful and colourful feathers. The
crow and cuckoo are black in colour. While the swans and doves are white in colour.
The duck, the stork and the swan are water birds. The cuckoo and the nightingale are
singing birds. Some birds are reared by man for entertainment like parrot, dove etc.
i) Answer the questions based on the passage given above.
a) What do birds eat?
b) Which are the water birds?
c) Why do people rear birds?
ii) Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the passage.
a. The biggest birds is __________.
b. The smallest birds is __________
2. Answer the following questions. (16)
8. Fill in the blanks with ‘a’ or ‘an’. (3)
a) Jasmine has ___ pet.
b) ____ elephant has ____ big trunk.
c) Manav eats _____ apple ____ day.
9. Write opposite words. (2)
small, hat, sky, come
10. Encircle the verbs. (1.5)
a) Monu and Sonu are going to school.
b) Manu was crying loudly.
c) Sunny sings very well.
11. Read and answer these riddles. (4)
a) We write on it.
b) They twinkle at night.
c) We cut it on our birthday.
d) It gives light at night.
12. Underline the adjective. (1.5)
a) Mohan is a foolish boy.
b) Meena is a beautiful girl.
c) The fox is a cunning animal.
13. Fill the collective noun. (2)
a) A ______ of lions.
b) A ______ of monkeys.
14. Choose the adverbs. (2)
a) Raju drive the car carefully.
b) The sun shore brightly.
15. Write an application for sick leave or urgent work. (5)
16. Write an essay a) Diwali or b) Computer. (5)
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class –V Subject:-HINDI M.M:-80
1-fuEufyf[kr vifBr xn~;ka”k dks i<+dj fups fn, x, iz”uksa ds mRrj fyf[k,A
गुरुकु ल में पढ़ने वाले छात्रों की पढाई पूरी होने पर एक दिन गुरूजी ने सभी छात्रों को मैदान में इकट्ठा होने
के लिए कहा। सभी शिष्य मैदान में आकर खड़े हो गए। गुरूजी ने उनसे कहा, प्रिय शिष्यों मैं चाहता हूँ कि
यहाँ से जाने से पहले आप सब एक बाधा दौड़ में भाग लें। इस दौड़ में आपको एक अँधेरी सुरंग से गुजरना
होगा। सभी शिष्य सुरंग से गुजरे जहाँ जगह-जगह नुकीले पत्थर पड़े थे। दौड़ पूरी होने पर गुरूजी ने कहा,
कु छ शिष्यों ने दौड़ जल्दी पूरी क्र ली और कु छ ने बहुत अधिक समय लगा दिया, भला ऐसा क्यों? कु छ
शिष्यों ने जवाब दिया कि रस्ते में नुकीले पत्थर थे जिन्हें हम चुनकर जेब में रखते जा रहे थे ताकि पीछे
आने वालों को पीड़ा न हो। गुरूजी ने उन सभी शिष्यों को बुलाया जिन्होंने चुने थे और जिन्हें तुम पत्थर
समझ रहे, वे वास्तव में बहुमूल्य हीरे हैं जिन्हें मैंने सुरंग में डाला था। ये हीरे तुम सबका उपहार है क्योंकि
तुमने दूसरों की पीड़ा को समझा। यह दौड़ जिंदगी की सच्चाई को बताती है कि सच्चा विजेता वही है जो
इस दौड़ती दुनिया में दूसरों का भला करते हुए आगे बढ़ता है।
15- foLe; lwpd fpg~u dk iz;ksx dgkW gksrk gSA mnkgj.k nsdj fy[kksaA
16- fe= dks lQyrk ij c/kkbZ i= ;k tqekZuk ekQh gsrq iz/kkukpk;Z dks i=
fy[kksaA 10
17- fuac/k fy[kksa & esjk fiz; fe= ;k iznw’k.kA
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – VI Subject:- HINDI M.M:-80
1-fuEufyf[kr vifBr xn~;ka”k dks i<+dj fups fn, x, iz”uksa ds mRrj fyf[k,A
समय का आदर करना ही उसका सदुपयोग करना है। जो व्यक्ति समय की सही कीमत जान लेता है, वही
जीवन में सफलता प्राप्त कर पाता है। यह धन से भी अधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण है। धन खोने पर वापस पाया जा
सकता है परंतु बिता हुआ समय नहीं लौटाया जा सकता। छात्रों के जीवन में इसका अधिक महत्त्व है। जो
छात्र इस उम्र में समय की कद्र करना सीख जाते हैं, वह भविष्य में तरक्की की ऊं चाईयों को छू लेते हैं।
चाणक्य, गाँधी जी, अशोक आदि ने समय का सदुपयोग क्र अपने पैरों के निशान छोड़ दिए। जीवन का
प्रत्येक क्षण भविष्य का निर्माता है। जो लोग इसके महत्त्व को नहीं समझ पाते, वे के वल हाथ मलते रह
जाते हैं। हम चाहे विश्राम कर लें परंतु समय कभी विश्राम नहीं करता। समय के प्रति सजगता मानव
जीवन के लिए उपयोगी है। अतः छात्रों को समय की कीमत पहचानकर इसका सार्थक उपयोग करना
21 23 25
27 8 31
3. What comes before ?
7 15 21
23 25 31
12 30
15 25
20 24
25 12
30 15
24 20
8. Count and write.
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – L.K.G Subject:- MATHS M.M:-80
1. Write 51 to 100 .
24 61 65
71 75
3. What comes before?
82 16 88
94 98
21 23 72 74 75 77
78 80 45 47
5. Add (+)
2 4 6 4 3
+2 +4 +2 +1 +2
100 90 80 70 60 2 3
91 81 71 61 51
1. Add.
3 2 4 6 8 7
+ 5 4 +7 3 + 4 2
2. Subtract.
8 5 4 7 7 9
- 4 3 -2 3 - 6 3
3. Multiply.
6 8 5 7
x 4 x2 x6 x5
4. Table dodging.
3 × 6 = ________, 5 × 8 = ________, 4 × 2 = _________
3×1 3 6×1 6 10 × 1 10
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – VIII Subject:- HINDI M.M:-80
डॉ. कलाम दृढ़ इच्छाशक्ति वाले वैज्ञानिक थे। वे भारत को विकसित देश बनाने का सपना संजोए हुए थे। उनका
मानना था कि भारतवासियों को व्यापक दृष्टि से सोचना चाहिए। हमें सपने देखने चाहिए। सपनों को विचारों में
बदलना चाहिए। विचारों को कार्यवाही के माध्यम से हकीकत में बदलना चाहिए। डॉ. कलाम तीसरे ऐसे वैज्ञानिक हैं,
जिन्हें भारत का सर्वोच्च सम्मान ‘भारत रत्न’ दिया गया। उन्हें ‘पद्मभूषम’ तथा ‘पद्मविभूष्ण’ से भी सम्मानित
किया गया। भारत को उन पर गर्व है। इतनी उपलब्धियाँ प्राप्त करने के बावजूद अहंकार कलाम जी को छू तक नहीं
पाया। वे सहज स्वभाव के एक भावुक व्यक्ति थे। उन्हें कविताएँ लिखना, वीणा बजाना तथा बच्चों के साथ रहना
पसंद था। वे सादा जीवन उच्च विचार में विश्वास रखते थे। कलाम साहब का जीवन हम सभी के लिए प्रेरणादायक
है। कलाम जी तपस्या और कर्म ठता की प्रतिमूर्ति हैं। राष्ट्रपति पड़ की शपथ लेते समय दिए गए भाषण में उन्होंने
कबीरदास जी के इस दोहे का उल्लेख किया था – ‘काल करे सो आज कर, आज करे सो अब’।
3- fuEufyf[kr “kCnksa ds vFkZ fy[kksaA
uhao] lkehI;] vo”ks’k] fxUUrsa] ;kpd] ?k`.kk] iFk] ?kk=h
4- fuEufyf[kr iz”uksa ds mRrj nhft,A 14
d- vkRelaLdkj ds fy, D;k vko”;d gS\
[k- nksuks HkkbZ dq,¡ dh ikV ij cSBs D;ks jks jgs Fks\
x- dc gekjk ladYi {kh.k vkSj izKk ean iM+ tkrh gS\
?k- tc lsB th dks irk pyk fd va/kh fHk[kkfju dk iq= mudk gh iq= gS] rks
mUgksus D;k fd;k\
M- lqesjk ds eu esa D;k ckr iRFkj dh ydhj ?kj dj xbZ Fkh\
p- tyjk”kh ds lac/k esa t;”kadj izlkn us D;k fy[kk gS\
N- d`f=e >hy fdls dgrs gS\
5- lgh foDyi ds lkeus ¼ ½ dk fu”kku yxkb,A 4
1- egk”osrk nsoh }kjk fy[kh xbZ iqLrd gS%
xksnku ( ) >kalh dh jkuh ( )
2- egk”osrk dks esxlsls iqjLdkj dc feyk\
1887 esa ( ) 2001 esa ( )
3- Loiu ds gkFk esa gksrh gS%
Ckk.k ( ) ryokj ( )
4. l`f’V dk Ldqj.k fdlds gqvk%
Tky ls ( ) ok;q ls ( )
6- ,d “kCn esa mRrj fyf[k,A
1- lH;rk dk fodkl dgk¡ gqvk gS\
2- pk¡n us fdls vuks[kk tho dgk¡ gS\
3- va/kh us vius /ku dh gk¡Mh dgk¡ vkSj fdlds ikl j[kh\
4- Lora=rk dh /kk=h fdls dgrs gS\
5- Hkkjr igq¡pus okyk igyk ukfod dkSu Fkk\
7- mfpr leqPp;cks/kd fy[kdk okD; iwjs djs% 6
¼ dh vkSj] ds lkFk] ds fdukjs] ds ikl] ds uhps ½
15- okD; fdls dgrs gS \ blds fdrus vax gksrs gS\
16- fdz;k fdls dgrs gS \ mnkgj.k nsdj le>kvks\
17- fuEufyf[kr esa dksbZ ,d fuac/k fy[kksaA d- vuq”kklu dk egRo [k- vknZ”k
f”k{kd 5
18- fe= dks pk; ij fuea=.k ds fy, ;k vodk”k ds fy, izkFkZuk i= fy[kksaA
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – VI Subject:- ENGLISH M.M:-90
The profession of carpenter is very different most of time it is outdoor.
Carpenters endure climbing bending and heavy labourious work. Often they put
themselves at a risk of injury because they work with sharp tools and in areas
where they can fall or slip.
a. What work does a carpenter do?
b. Is carpentry an outdoor profession or an indoor one?
c. Describe the work of carpenters using three adjectives.
d. Why are carpenters at risk while they work?
Section-‘B-writing skill’
2. Write a letter to a friend thanking him for a gift he has sent you. (5)
3. You have lost your lunch box in a school play ground.Write a notice to be put up on
copy. (5)
5. Write a short paragraph on ‘Animals in danger’. (5)
Section-C ‘Grammer’
2. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions. (1.5)
a) He listened ____ the music.
b) Mohan sleep ____ the night.
c) The begger is hard ____ hearing.
3. Change the following sentences into negative. (1.5)
a) Mayank work hard.
b) They play cricket.
c) The cow gives us milk.
5. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions. (1.5)
a) He listened ____ the music.
b) Mohan sleeps ____ the night.
c) This belong _____ me.
6. Circle the conjuctions. (1.5)
a) I will not see him he comes.
b) I don’t agree with you.
c) He is slow but he is sure.
7. Change the following sentences into passive voice. (3)
a) Radha reads book.
b) The cows give milk.
c) the police caught the thief.
8. Match the following.(3)
Full stop ,
Question mark ;
Comma !
Colon -
Semi-colan :
Exclamation mark ?
Hyphen .
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – VIII Subject:- ENGLISH M.M:-90
The cactus is a plant which grows in very hot, dry places. They do not have leaves. Instead,
they Have spiny needles which stick out of their stems. There are many shapes of the
cactus. Some are small and round. Others are tall like columns or pillars. Some are shaped
like tubes or bells. Some are shaped like wheels. Some grow as trees or shrubs. Others grow
as ground cover. Cactus flowers are big, and some of them bloom at night. Their flowers
come out at night because they are pollinated by insects or small animals that come out at
night. Insects and small animals carry pollen from one cactus to another. Most cacti live in
North and South America. Others live in Africa, Madagascar, and Sri Lanka. Cacti do not
have very large leaves because large leaves would allow the water to evaporate. When
water evaporates, it changes from a liquid to a gas. When it becomes a gas, it is light
enough to move through the air. That would be bad for the cactus because the cactus needs
the water to live. Some cacti have waxy coatings on their stems, so that water will run down
the stem to the roots. Cacti can absorb water from fog in the air, since it does not rain very
much in the desert. Most cacti have long roots which can spread out close to the surface so
they can absorb a lot of water on the occasions when it rains.
Section-‘B-writing skill’
Section-C ‘Grammer’
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – U.K.G Subject:- Ev.s M.M:-80
3. 4.
2. Write any four class room’s things
1. 2.
3. 4.
3. Write four drawing’s room things.
1. 2.
3. 4.
5. Write any four bedroom’s things.
1. 2.
3. 4.
a) 7 ) 21 ( b) 3 ) 9 3 6 (
5. Write in words.
4 9
a) ) 8 ___________________ b) 12 ___________________
10. Multiply .
a) 75 × 10 = b) Rs. 12.40 × 5 =
11. Convert into grams.
a) 8 kg = b) 7 kg 400g =
12. Arrange the following in columns and add :
a) 725 km 620 m and 105 km 287 m =
13. Arrange the following in columns and subtract
a) 625 kg 280 g from 780 kg 125 g =
14.Write the time as shown in given clocks.
a) b)
Rectangle , circle, triangle, cube, cuboid, cone, cylinder
24. The following pictograph shows the number of girls in school A,B,C,D,E
One = 25 girls
Read the pictograph and answer the questions given below:
a) Which school has the higest number of girls?
b) How many girls are there in school C?
c) Which school has the lowest number of girls?
d) How many girls are there in all these five schools?
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – V Subject:- Ev.s M.M:-80
h) Who built the Charminar?
2. Fill in the blanks. (10)
a) Some substances float on_______ and some sink.
b) The _______ is situated on the bank of the river Yamuna in Agra.
c) _______ is an eco-friendly fuel.
d) Coal, petroleum and natural gas are _____.
e) ______ is also called kushti.
3. Give two examples.
a) Alternative fuels, b) Vehicle without fuel. c) Biodegradable waste
4. Write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’: (10)
a) Whales and dolphins are mammals. [ ]
b) Fish breathe through lungs. [ ]
c) Duckweed is a floting plant. [ ]
d) Crabs live in water. [ ]
e) Iron nails flot in water. [ ]
5. Write the fuel used in the following types of vehicle. (12)
Bus _________, Car _________, Motorbike _________, Autorikshaw _________
6. Tick ( ) the correct option. (10)
i) Which of these is also called blackgold?
a) Petroleum [ ] b) Coal [ ]
ii) A fuel used for running steam engine is ______
a) CNG [ ] b) Coal [ ]
i)Mahatma Gandhi was an ______ person.
a) ordinary [ ] b) Extraordinary [ ]
ii) Which of these is a team game?
a) Hockey [ ] b) Chess [ ]
iii) What is the name of the local game of Kerala?
a) Vallamkali [ ] b) Thang-TA [ ]
iv) Aqua means_______
a) Water [ ] b) Air [ ]
v) Whales breathe through________.
a) Gills [ ] b) Lungs [ ]
5. Match the following. (10)
a) i) Movable house
Name-________________Class – IV Subject:- Maths
1. Write in words.
a) 0.6 b) 18.25
2. Convert into decimals.
5 23
a) 10 b) 100
3. Convert in to fractions.
a) 0.8 b) 60.855
4. Change into paise.
a) Rs. 12 b) Rs. 45
5. Arrange in columns and add.
a) 85.59 and 17.95 b) 11302 + 34163 + 12011
6. Arrange in columns and subtract . (4)
a) 4.044 from 9.667 b) 8278 – 7046
7. Find the product. (4)
a) 557 by 10 b) 956 by 10000
8. Divide
a) 47857 ÷ 10 b) 6832 ÷ 1000
9. Convert into metres.
a) 88 km b) 5km 46 m
10. The cost of a radio set is Rs. 1600. How much do 30 radio sets cost?
11. The cost of a cooking pan is Rs. 36. How many cooking pans can be bought
for Rs. 5472?
12. Which of the following are odd and even numbers?
18, 9, 21, 28, 40, 553, 74, 844, 499
e) What is evaporation?
f)What is map?
g) What are four main directions?
h) What is cartography?
i)Name some games played at hojme.
j)What is an occupation?
k) What are coins made of?
2. Fill in the blanks.
a) We should ______ the animals well.
b) All living things need to _____ survive.
c) Rain is the main ______ of water.
d) The four main major directions are _____, ____ , _____ and ____.
e) A _____ flies an aircraft.
f)A ____ cook food.
g) An _____ is huge body of water .
h) This water vapour rises up to the ____.
3. Write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’:
a) We should feed the animals well. [ ]
b) Camels are used for joy rides. [ ]
c) Elephants are useless animlas. [ ]
d) We should share work at home. [ ]
e) To earn money we need to work. [ ]
4. Find out two names of each.
Lake, sea, waterfall, ocean and river
5. Tick ( ) the correct option.
i) Which of these diseases is caused due to polluted water?
a) Cholera [ ] b) AIDS [ ]
ii) Which animal is used in the desert?
a) Horse [ ] b) Camel [ ]
iv) Tonga is pulled by a
a) Horse [ ] b) Cow [ ]
v) Which source water can be taken out by______
a) Sea [ ] b) River [ ]
vi) A book of maps is called an_______
a) Atlas [ ] b) Dictionary [ ]
iv) The games should not be played ______
a) On the street [ ] b) In the playground [ ]
v) Which bird has a talon?
a) Eagle [ ] b) Crow [ ]
6. Look and write parts of a plant.
Instructions:- i. All the questions are compulsory.
ii. Writing should be neat and clean.
1. Draw the shapes of the following given name. (6)
a) Circle b) Rectangle c) Cuboid
4. Divide. (12)
8)32( 9)72( 15 ) 4 5 (
5. Read the following clocks and write the correct time. (4)
8. Add the following. (6)
a) 5 4 b) 7 2 5 c) 3 1 9
+4 8 +1 7 5 +2 5 6
2 1
4 2
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – V Subject:- G.K. M.M:-80
Instructions:- i. All the questions are compulsory.
ii. Writing should be neat and clean.
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – I Subject:- HINDI M.M:-80
Name:__________________ Roll No:-__________________ Date:-_________
uksV % LkHkh iz”u djus vfuok;Z gSa A LoPNrk ij fo”ks’k /;ku
1- fuEufyf[kr “kCnksa ds vFkZ fy[kksaA
ialn ckdh tkj
flQZ chekfj;ks vkaun
4- lgh dFku ds lkeus ¼ ½ vkSj xyr ds lkeus ¼ × ½ dk fu”kku yxkvksaA
1- ekSlh tkSuiqj ls vkbZA ¼ ½
2- xkSjh us xktj dk gyok cuk;kA ¼ ½
3- ukSdj nkSyriqj dk FkkA ¼ ½
4- lkSjHk cktkj ls ikS/ks yk;kA ¼ ½
5- fuEufyf[kr iz”kuksa ds mRrj nksaA
1- D;k ns[kdj ccyw ds eu esa ykyp vk x;k\
2- ek¡ us ccyw dks D;k le>k;k\
3- ?kj esa cuk Hkkstu dSlk gksrk gS\
3- Lkksukyh dks D;k [kkuk ilan Fkk\
5- eqUuh D;k ns[kdj epyh\
6- tkj esa ls ccyw dk gkFk D;ksa ugh fudy jgk Fkk\
6- leku vFkZ okys “kCnksa dk feyku djksaA
?kj Hkkstu
[kkuk nqcZy
rkdr xzg
detksj fgEer
13- i;kZ;okph “kCn fy[kksaA
14- iafDr;k¡ iwjh djksA
Yks cPpks
jax fcjaxs
yky gjs
dqN dls
15- fdlus dgk%
1- Þpyks usgk [kkuk [kk yks Þ usA
2- ÞeSa QwyxksHkh dh lCth yk;k gWwÞ usA
3- ÞlHkh esjk nw/k ihrs gSÞ usA
4- Þesjs nksLr ehdw dks er [kkvksÞ usA
15- fuac/k fy[kks& Þikyrw tkuoj ?kksM+kÞA
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – II Subject:- HINDI M.M:-90
3- lHkh dh #i ls lsok djksA
4- fdzlel dk lcls cM+k R;ksgkj gSA
6- lgh dFku ds lkeus ¼ ½ vkSj xyr ds lkeus ¼ ½ dk fu”kku yxkvksaA
1- Tkkiku daI;wVj ugh cukrk A ¼ ½
2- Tkiku esa Hkwdai vf/kd vkrs gSA ¼ ½
3- pSjh ,d lCth dk ikS/kk gSA ¼ ½
4- [kks&[kks tkiku dk izfl) [ksy gSA ¼ ½
7- ,d “kCn esa mRrj fy[kksaA
1- jks”kuh dk R;ksgkj fdls dgrs gS\
5- gekjk jk’Vªh; ioZ dkSu&dkSu ls gS\
6- tgk¡ [kkuk idk;k tkrk gS\
7- iwtk djus dk LFkkuA
8- Hkkjr dh jkt/kkuh dk uke fy[kkssaA
13- chekjh ds dkj.k iz/kkukpk;Z th dks izkFkZuk i= fy[kksaA
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – VI Subject:- MATHS M.M:-80
17. Find the area of a rectangle whose length is 500 m and breadth is 125 m.
18. The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 2:3:4. Find the angles of the triangle.
19. Find the supplementary angles : a) 1000 b) 900
23. The numbers of soaps sold by a shopkeeper during the 7 days of a week are
given below. Represent it by a pictograph:
24.Read the follwoing table that shows the number of pens sold by a shopkeeper
in six days of a week:
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – VII Subject:- M.M:-80
Instructions:- i. All the questions are compulsory.
ii. Writing should be neat and clean.
1. Answer the following questions. (5)
a) What are capital towns?
b) Who was Tipu Sultan?
c) What was the position of woman during the Mughal period?
d) Who defeated Humayun at Chausa in 1539?
e) Who was the Mughals?
f)What was mosque?
2. Fill in the blanks. (5)
a) _______ was the king of Mewar.
b) _______ was the first Peshwa.
c) Harappa was a _______ town.
d) Surdas and ______ were saint poets.
e) Kabir was a ______ by birth.
3. Match the following. (10)
Ain-i-Akbari Jahangir
Subedar Marwar
Mansab Governor
Mangol Rank
Nurjahan Uzbeg
Shishodia Rajput Abul Fazl
Rathor Rajput Mewar
4. Tick the correct option.
a) Kabir was a :
i) Weaver [ ] ii) Trader [ ]
b) Tulsi Das wrote:
i) Mahabharat [ ] ii) Ramcharit Manas [ ]
1. Answer the following questions. (10)
a) Define Market .
b) What is a chain of market?
c) What is Right To Information?
d) What is the utility of weeklky markets?
2. Fill in the blanks. (3)
a) The neighbourshood _______ are useful.
b) Poor people _______ from these shops.
c) ______ is impossible without a free press.
3. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements: (3)
a) Media plays a vital role in socialization. [ ]
b) Media is a medium of mass communication. [ ]
c) The Governor is appointed by the presedent for the term of 5 year.[ ]
4. Match the following. (4)
Media should not restore to media
Media plays an interface between Bias
It plays great role in modern democratic country Sensationalion
Media should give news without any Public and Government
5. Tick ( ) the correct option.(4)
i) Media has basic functions
a) one [ ] b)four[ ]
ii) Who rules in democracy?
a) Government [ ] b) People [ ]
NAME-_______________Class – III Subject:- Ev.s
1. Answer the following questions.
a) What is communication?
b) What is land transport?
c) What is air transport?
d) Why do we need water?
e) What are the sources of water?
f) Write the name of four directions.
g) Who grows crops in the field?
h) What is health?
i) Why do animals need home?
j) What are the types of feathers?
2. Write the names of these means of transport.
a) b) c)
b) ii)
c) iii)
d) iv)
7. Tick ( ) the correct options.
i) In earlier times _________ were used to send messages.
a) Sparrow [ ] b) Pigeons [ ]
ii) A scooter has ________ wheels.
a) One [ ] b) Two [ ]
iii) Which is the main source of water?
a) Rain [ ] b) River [ ]
iv) Who stitches our clothes?
a) Tailor [ ] b) Farmer [ ]
v) Who teaches in school?
a) Students [ ] b) Teacher [ ]
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – VII Subject:- Computer M.M:-60
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – VII Subject:-Sanskrit M.M:-60
v. Surface area of cube = __________
vi. Surface area of a cuboid= ____________
vii. Volume of cuboid =____________
viii. Volume of cylinder =____________
ix. Colume of cube = _____________
x. How many vertices of cuboid = ____________
2. The four angles of a quadrilateral are in the ratio of 4 : 5 : 6 : 9. Find the measure of each
3. Find the side of a square having area 8100 sq. m.
4. A rectangular water tank is 90 cm wide and 40 cm deep. If its capacity is 576 litre of
water,find its length.
5. Find the volume of a cube whose side are:
a) 10 cm b) 14 cm
6. Find the Find the volume of a cuboid
a) Length=6 cm, breadth= 5cm, height= 9cm
7. Find the surface area of a cuboid:
a) Length=9 cm, breadth= 5cm, height= 3cm
8. Find the value of :
Newspapers Indian Express Times of India Hindustan Times Pioneer Economic times
Daily circu. 40 55 60 25 20
24. The following table shows the daily circulation of newspaper in Delhi. Construct a
bargraph for the given data :
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – VIII Subject:-G.K. M.M:-80
d) He was the great Indian king who defeated Seleucus Nicator of Greece.
1. Colour the following clearly.
2.Colour the following clearly. 40
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – VI Subject:-G.K. M.M:-80
c) Rocket, Plane, _________________, Bicycle.
Hour [ ] Train [ ]
3. Quotable quotes.
a) “ A child is the father of man”. ______________________
b) “A thing of beauty is a joy forever”.__________________
c) “I came, Isaw, Iconquered”. ______________________
d) Hate the sin, love the sinner.” ______________________
4. Identify these famous newspapers of India:
a) It is a Hindi language daily newspaper. It was started in 1928 from Agra.______________
b) It is a Hindi language daily newspaper. It ranks No. 1 among the dailies._______________
c) It si an English newspaper started in 1924._____________________.
5. Choose the opposites to the given words.
i) Busy a) Repel [ ] b) conceal [ ] c) Indolent [ ]
ii) Bitter a) sweet [ ] b) demand [ ] c) claim [ ]
iii) Polite a) rude [ ] b) ugly [ ] c) help [ ]
iv) Kind a) service [ ] b) produce [ ] c) cruel [ ]
v) Hard a) Soft [ ] b) delay [ ] c) vain [ ]
6. Write any five famous women singers.
i)_________________ ii)_________________ iii) _________________
iv)________________ v)_________________
7. Cities and rivers.
City Country River
a) Baghdad Iran ___i___ ___ i___
b) Berlin Germany S___r___ ___
c) Lahore Pakistan ___a___ i
d) Haridwar India G___n___a
8. Write dates of the following world’s important days.
a) World Health Day _______________
b) World Red cross Day _______________
c) World Population Day _______________
d) World Heart Day _______________
e) World Food Day _______________
9. Write the country name which these military awards belongs.
a) Victory Medal ______________ b) Victoria Cross ______________
c) Param Vir Chakra______________ d) Medal of Honor ______________
10. Match the following advertisements
Swad Zindagi Ka Pepsi
Har Ghar Kuch Kehta Hai Surf
Desh Ka Namak Dairy milk
Daag Acche Hai Asian Paint
Yehi Hai Right Choice Baby Tata salt
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – VII Subject:-G.K. M.M:-80
3. Write the collective nouns.
a) A collection of grapes __________
b) A collection of fish __________
c) A collection of books __________
d) A number of soldiers __________
4. Match the following books to their authors:
Books Authors
The Blind Beauty Kautilya
Arthashastra Boris Pasternak
War and peace Jawaharlal Nehru
Jungle book Leo Tolstoy
Discovery of India Rudyard Kipling
5. Write five names of female singers.
a)___________________ b)___________________ c)__________________
d)___________________ e)___________________
6. Identify the logo and name the country to which it belongs:
7. Identify and write the name of the national flower and country name.
c) World Polio Day __________________
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – II Subject:-Computer M.M:-80
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – IV Subject:-Computer M.M:-80
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – II Subject:-G.K M.M:-80
3. Tick ( ) the one that matches the picture:
a) b) c) d)
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – I Subject:-Ev.S. M.M:-80
a) Sun [ ] b) Earth [ ]
iv) The ________ twinkle at night.
a) Stars [ ] b) Moon [ ]
7. Match the following.
Holi Ravana
Diwali Colours
Dusshera Light
Eid Santa Claus
Christmas Sewai
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – II Subject:-Ev.S. M.M:-80
2. Tick ( ) the correct option.
i) We want to ___________ in life.
a) Enjoy [ ] b) Play [ ]
ii) Holi is the festival of ____________
a) Colours [ ] b)Light [ ]
iv) We eat, drink and feel _________ on festival.
a) Happy [ ] b) Angry [ ]
v) We should always use _________ water.
a) Clean [ ] b) Fresh [ ] c) Both [ ]
b) What is tall when it is young and short when it is sold?
c) Which is the longest word in the dictionary?
d) What belongs use it more than you do?
2. Solve the puzzles.
a) SP + =_______________ b) + N = ________________
c) B + UL = _____________
3. Write the gender of animals.
a) Mare :_____________________ b) Bitch: ___________________
c) Vixen :_____________________ d) Tigress:__________________
e) Cow: ______________________
4. Write the full form:
a) STD:_________________________________
b) VIP:_________________________________
c) AIR:_________________________________
d) WHO:________________________________
e) PTO:_________________________________
5. Write the abbreviations of the following full forms:
a) Member of Legislative Assembly: _____________
b) United States of America: _____________
c) State bank of India: _____________
d) Indian Police Service: _____________
6. Write the suitable similes:
a) As busy as a ______________
b) As proud as a _____________
c) As brave as a _____________
d) As blind as a ______________
e) As faithful as a ____________
7. Name the following famous cartoons.
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – VII Subject:- ENGLISH M.M:-90
A. Read the following passage carefully:
Food can maintain or save life: it can destroy life as well. Proper food serves the purpose
of medicine while improper food works as poison and causes diseases .We may take pride
in calling ourselves civilized; but we have started to flout all the norms about the quality
and quantity of food .Attractive to material pleasures we have become slaves to our
tongues.We mostly eat processed food and refined sugar.In start, we have drifted away
from mother nature , thereby giving rise to the incidence of diabetes .According to a
survey diabetes was rare in the native of Canada a few years ago.With the advent of
processed and junk foods, the incidence of diabetes shoot up within a very short time.By
offering chocolates, cakes and ice-creams too often to our children and by attending
parties every other day, we in fact invite obesity and diabetes.
A-1 Answer the following questions. 5
i) What can food do ?
ii) What the effect of improper food is ?
iii) What kind of food we eat mostly ?
iv) Pick out the word for being fat.
v) We have become ______ to our tongues.
Section-‘B-writing skill’
13. Fill in the blanks with can, could, may, might: (1.5)
a) ______ you be safe from dangers.
b) I_____ lift this weigh easily.
c) She ______ stand first.
14. Fill in the blanks with adverb from the word gives in the brackets.(1.5)
a) We ______ know each other. (hard)
b) I ran ______ to save her. (quick)
c) She talks to everyone _____. (polite)
Section-D ‘Literature’
15. Answer the following questions .(14)
a) What did the old woman tell coyate?
b) What did he see inside the cave?
c) Which tree did Bishal Mahato want to be cut down and why?
d) How was Ajay in his studies?
e) Why was fond of his Dadi?
f) What did the dragon do after waking up?
g) Why all the people in the village were worried?
16. Fill in the balnks: (6)
a) A woman was crawing along on the _______.
b) The giant’s teeth were closing on _______.
c) Mohini was the wife of ________.
d) Ketu could earn only four ______ at the end of the day.
e) It had not _____ in the valley for a long time.
f) The favourite playing sport of the children in the valley was______.
17. Write true or false.(6)
a) The dragon sneezed and people flew away. [ ]
b) The dragon never woke up and the valley dried up. [ ]
c) Bishal Mahato called Ketu for the job of votes. [ ]
d) Shabars has been indentified as santhalas in the census record. [ ]
e) Coyate wanted to kill the giant with a stick. [ ]
f) Lava was actually giant’s blood. [ ]
18. Write the meaning of the following words. (4)
Merrily, huge, offence, reverie, fugitive, glum, scampered, twitched
19. Tick ( ) the correct option:
i) The whale village had scanty of –
a) Water [ ] b) Palnts [ ] c) tree[ ]
ii) He used to top his class:
a) Ajay Sharma [ ] b) Ajay Saxena [ ] c) Ajai Sharma [ ]
iii) On his way, coyote met-
a) An old woman [ ] b) A gaint [ ]
iv) ______ had a dream, it seems.
a) Diga [ ] b) Ketu [ ]
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – VI Subject:- M.M:-80
e) The Rigveda is the oldest ______
3. Match the following. (10)
Sangam Small landowner
Arikamedu a literaturte
Barygaza Bharuch
Grihapati a port
Yavanpriya Indian pepper
4. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements: (5)
a) There were iron mines in Magadha. [ ]
b) Gautama Budddha was born in Kapilavastu. [ ]
c) Small landowners were known as Karmakara. [ ]
d) The Arthashatra was written by Megasthenes. [ ]
e) Early coins are known as punch marked coins. [ ]
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – V Subject:- MATHS M.M:-80
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – VIII Subject:- Computer M.M:-80
3. Write any five places where the computer used ?
4. Write any three input devices.
5. Write any three output devices .
7. Tick the correct options.
i) To view and change the current formatting for selected objects or text ,you should use.
a) Files panel [ ] b) Property inspector [ ]
ii) A ______ is a collection of similar objects.
a) Method [ ] b) class [ ]
iii) A java program is entered into the computer using
a) Dos prompt [ ] b) Open office writer [ ]
iv) _____ is used to add 1 to the value of a variable.
a) - - [ ] b) + + [ ]
v) A custumer enters his/her personal and financial information through a ______
a) Secure web [ ] b) Inscure tab [ ]
8. Write true or false.
a) A secure website has ‘https’ instead of ‘http’ in web address. [ ]
b) Custumers cannot compare the price if items easily in E-commerce. [ ]
c) Java programming code is case sensitive. [ ]
d) A numeric value is never enclosed with quotes. [ ]
e) The printIn method displays the output on the printer. [ ]
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – VIII Subject:-Sanskrit M.M:-60
2- bZ”oj% ;r~ djksfr ------------------- djksfrA
3- egkekR;! ------------------- nq’Vks∙flA
4- dFk; -------------------- ro bZ”oj%A
4- lqesy dhft, A
“kjhje~ :X.k%
LoPN% bfUnz;fuxzg%
vLoLFk% jksx%
O;kf/k% xkr%
la;e% fueZy%
5- fuEu “yksd dk vFkZ fy[kksaA
ÞvkinFkZ /kua j{ksrA´
Uk`i% bfr JqRok vkeR;e~ vi`PNr~&
ÞJherkHkkin% dqr% \
6- lgh fodYi ds lkeus ¼ ½ dk fu”kku yxkb,A
1- loZO;kid% d% vfLr\
d½ u`i% ¼ ½ [k½ bZ”oj% ¼ ½
2- egkekR;% ------------------ vklhr~A
d½ bZ”ojHkDr% ¼ ½ [k½ u`iL; ¼ ½
3- ,dnk u`i% ------------------ouexPNr~
d½ O;kikjk; ¼ ½ [k½ vk[ksVk; ¼ ½
4- d% n”k fnukfu ;q)e~ vdjksr\
d½ d.kZ ¼ ½ [k½ Hkh’e ¼ ½
5- d% pdzO;wgHksnue~ vdjksr~\
d½ Hkhe ¼ ½ [k½ vfHkeU;q%¼ ½
7- lR; dFku ij ¼ ½ rFkk vlR; dFku ij ¼×½ yxkb,A
1- jko.k% ckY;knso dq”kkxzcqf)% ohj%] ekr`&fir`HkDr% p vklhr~A ¼
2- r= iapoV~;k jko.k% lhrk;k% vdjksr~A ¼ ½
3- vfLeu~ ,o ?kksjs ;q+)s jke% jko.ka cks.ksu groku~A ¼ ½
4- iqjk v;ks/;k;ke~ &}kS u`ikS vkLrke~A ¼ ½
8- mnkgj.k vuqlkj fjDr LFkkuksa dh iwfrZ dhft,A
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – I Subject:- Computer M.M:-60
6. Draw a mouse.
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – I Subject:- G.K. M.M:-80
Sunita Willams
Barack Obama
Anil Ambani
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – IV Subject:- G.K. M.M:-80
But a bow you see in the sky is a _________ bow.
b) There ‘s an arrow that means ‘mark’.
But an arrow that can fly is a ______________arrow.
c) There is a key that opens a lock.
But a key that has a long tail is a ______________ key.
d) There’s a den where a lion lives.
But a den where you see flowers is a _______________ den.
2. Write the groups of the following animals.
a) A _________________ of ducks.
b) A_________________ of pride.
c) A__________________ of owls.
d) A__________________ of crows.
e) A __________________ of snakes.
3. Match the following phobias.
Ophidiophobia Fear of Mirrors
Arachnophobia Fear of cats
Pediophobia Fear of Hair
Ichthyophobia Fear of Frogs
Batrachophobia Fear of fish
Chaetophobia Fear of Dolls
Gettophobia Fear of spiders
Esoptrophobia Fear of Snakes
b) Zakir Hussain _______________
c) Johny Lever _______________
d) Pt. Ravi Shankar _______________
e) Bismillah Khan _______________
6. Write the following sports name to which icons belong.
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class –VI Subject:- Science M.M:-80
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class –VIII Subject:- Science M.M:-80
i) What is the SI unit of frequency?
j) Name two percussion intstrumets.
2. Write short answers for the following questions.
a) What do you mean by ‘Eutrophication’?
b) Why is earth called a unique planet?
c) State the functions of iris, cillary muscles, crystalline lens and optic nerve.
d) What do you mean by ‘audible’ and ‘inaudible’ range of sound.
e) What is lightning?
3. Name the following.
a) The wealth of life on the earth.
b) A fossil fuel that is crerated from the remains of plants.
c) Planet is called ‘morning’ and ‘evening’ star
d) Name the plantes that have rings around them.
e) Name the constellation that is in the shape of a hunter.
4. Fill in the blanks.
a) Forest help in building _______.
b) The study of ____ , _____ is called astronomy.
c) _______ is the star closest to the earth.
d) ______ is a luminous object.
e) Images which can be taken on a screen are called ______ images.
f)Protons have _____ charge.
g) Chemical formula for a molecule of water is ______.
h) We hear sounds with frequencies between _____ Hz and _____Hz.
5. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false.
a) Trees help to keep temperature high. [ ]
b) Loss of soil happens due to floods. [ ]
c) All plastics are made from coal. [ ]
d) Luminous objects do not give out light. [ ]
e) Rain is not a natural phenomenon. [ ]
6. Tick ( ) the correct answer.
i) Air is a mixture of many-
a) Gases [ ] b) Fuels [ ]
ii) Fossil fuels produce-
a) Nitrogen [ ] b) Oxygen [ ]
iii) Water that is fit to drink is called
a) Potable water [ ] b) Pond water [ ]
iv) Trees help to keep temperarture -
c) Low [ ] b) High [ ]
v) A group of stars which forms a patter is called
a) Planet [ ] b) Galaxy [ ]
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – VI Subject:-Computer M.M:-60
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – III Subject:-Computer M.M:-60
a) Ribbon [ ] b) Backstage view [ ]
vii) The keyboard shortkey Ctrl+S is for_______
a) Opening a document [ ] b) Saving a document [ ]
viii) We use ________ tool to draw straight lines.
a) Magic [ ] b) Open [ ]
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – V Subject:- ENGLISH M.M:-80
Instructions:- i. All the questions are compulsory. ii. This paper consists of four
sections-A- Reading section, B-Writing skill, C-Grammar section &
D- Literature section.
Section-A ‘Reading’
Accumulated literature for corruption and superstition had accumulated very speedily
upon the pure and simple teaching for great Indian master.
A-1 Answer the following questions: (5)
i. Why did Ashoka give up war?
ii. What measures did Ashoka take for the welfare of the people?
iii. When was Kalinga war invaded?
iv. What had gone wrong with the teaching of Buddhism?
v. What was Kalinga war invaded?
Fill in the blanks. (2)
a) He invaded Kalinga in __________BC.
b) He made provision for the education of ________. P.T.O
Section-‘B-writing skill’
iii) Suddenly, the balloon-man sneezed_______ times.
a) Three [ ] b) Four [ ] c) Five [ ]
iv) The Nightingale was very _____
a) Dull [ ] b) Charming[ ] c) Good looking [ ]
v) The plane looks very ______ in the sky.
a) Large [ ] b) Tiny [ ] c) can’t see [ ]
16. Match the following.(7)
Familier rare
Base impossible
Quickly few
Several build
Possible unfamiliar
Common top
Destroy slowly
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class –VII Subject:- MATHS M.M:-80
5. Add.
a) 2a + 5b + 7; 8a - 3b + 3 ; -5a - 7b - 6
b) 4a + b ; 5a + 2b ; 4a – b
6. Change into percentage.
4 9
a) 5 b) 20
7. Find the area of the parallelogram :
a) Base= 12 cm, Altitiude = 4 cm
8. Find the area of a circle whose radius is
a) 2.8 cm
8. Find the profit or loss
a) C.P = Rs. 9098 , S.P = Rs. 9543 b) C.P = Rs.637 , S.P = Rs. 743
9. Find the circumferences of the circle, whose radius are :
a) 14 cm b) 2.1 cm
10. Find the mode and range of the following data:
a) 9, 3, 8, 8, 6, 19, 42, 11, 11, 9, 12, 13, 3, 12, 13, 18, 25, 11
11. Find the median
a) 4,9,7,5,12,3,8,10,8
12.Construct the following right triangles.
a) PQR, P = 600, Q = 600, and PQ = 3 cm
13. A rectangular shaped wire has length 40 cm and breadth 22 cm. It is rebent in the shape
of square. Find the side of the square.
14. How many times a wheel of radius 28 cm must rotate to go 352 m?
15. The area of a circle is 154 cm2 .Find the radius of the circle.
16. A coin is tossed 120 times at random in which head is obtained 80. Find the probability
of getting.
a) Head b) Tail
17. A dice is thrown 150 times and the outcomes are noted as given below:
Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency 24 25 28 21 33 19
24. The following table shows the sports 200 students of a school of a school. Present
the data by a bar graph.
17. Simplify
a) (23)2 b) (53)2
18. Change in to power notation.
5 5 5 5
a) 6
× × ×
6 6 6 b) 10 × 10 ×10 ×10 × 10
19. Multiply
−8 48 25 98
a) −12
6 b) 14
5 c) 0.3614 × 100 d) 42.337 × 10
20. Divide.
21 −30 −7 −3
a) 36
44 b) ÷
8 −12 c) 8.17 ÷ 10 d) 20.101 ÷ 1000
21. Add.
7 13 27 1 5
a) 3 + 3 + 3 b) 3 + 6
18. Solve on the number line
a) + 7 + (-10) b) 4 – (-9)
2 3
19. The cost of a book is Rs. 15 3 and that of a notebook is Rs. 4 4 .Which
1-fuEufyf[kr vifBr xn~;ka”k dks i<+dj fups fn, x, iz”uksa ds mRrj fyf[k,A
पहाड़ी गाँवों में अक्सर बाघ का डर बना रहता है। जंगल कटने के कारण शिकार की तलाश में बाघ कभी-
कभी गाँव तक पहुँच जाता है। गेंवली गाँव में एक बार यही हुआ। एक बाघ ने गाँव में घुसकर एक गाय को
मार डाला। सुबह होते ही यह खबर पूरे गाँव में फै ल गई। गाँव के लोग डरे कि यह बाघ कहीं फिर से आकर
दूसरे पालतू जानवरों और किसी आदमी को ही अपना शिकार न बना ले। गाँव के लोग गोपाल आश्रम गए
और उन लोगों ने मीरा बहन को अपनी चिंता बताई।गाँव के लोगों ने अंत में तय किया कि बाघ को कै द
कर लिया जाए। उसे कै द करने के लिए उन्होंने एक पिंजड़ा बनाया। पिंजड़े के अंदर एक बकरी बाँधी।
योजना यह थी कि बकरी का मिमियाना सुनकर बाघ पिंजड़े की तरपफ़ आएगा। पिंजड़े का दरवाजा इस
प्रकार खुला हुआ बनाया गया था कि बाघ के अंदर घुसते ही वह दरवाजा झटके से बंद हो जाए।शाम होने
तक पिंजड़े को ऐसी जगह पर रख दिया गया जहाँ बाघ अक्सर दिखाई देता था। यह जगह मीरा बहन के
गोपाल आश्रम से ज्यादा दूर नहीं थी। रात बीती। सुबह की रोशनी होते ही लोग पिंजड़ा देखने निकल पड़े।
उन्होंने दूर से देखा कि पिंजड़े का दरवाजा बंद है। वे यह सोचकर बहुत खुश हुए कि बाघ जरूर पिंजड़े में
फँ स गया होगा लेकिन जब वे पिंजड़े के पास पहुँचे तो क्या देखते हैं पिंजड़े में बाघ नहीं था!
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – VI Subject:-Sanskrit M.M:-80
v= vusds vkuUna Hkofr
j{kkcU/kuL; egksRlok% vk;ksT;Urs
j{kkcU/kua ijLija vfr egRoa
Name:__________________ Roll No:-__________________ Date:-_________
Instructions:- i. All the questions are compulsory.
ii. Writing should be neat and clean.
1. Write the palindromes.
a) A woman that lives in a convent. ______________
b) A baby dog. _____________
c) An organ that helps us to see. ________________
d) A word used for 12 O’ clock. ________________
2. Write correct spelling.
a) brige-_______________ b) computor-_____________
c) zeebra-______________ d) fourty-________________
3. Complete the similes.
a) As brave as a ______________
b) As easy as _____________
c) As faithful as a _____________
d) As black as __________
4. Write full form
a) kg-_________________ b) ATM-________________________
5. Riddles:
a) What comes down but never goes up? __________________
b) What is tall when it is young and short when it is old? _______________
c) How many months have 28 days. _______________
6. Special countries.
a) Which country is famous for its food, electrnic and cheap item? ____________
ANNUAL EXAM (PT-3/4)-2020-21
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class –V Subject:-G.K. M.M:-80
Time:- 2 2 hrs . Class –U.K.G Subject:- Drawing M.M:-80
Time:- 2 2 hrs . Class –L.K.G Subject:- Drawing M.M:-80
Time:- 2 2 hrs . Class –U.K.G Subject:- Drawing M.M:-50
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class – VII Subject:- G.K. M.M:-80
5. Olympic history.
a. The first modern Olympics when doves were released to symbolize peace._________
b. Women competitors participated in Olympics for the first tme.__________________
c. The first parade of athletes with national flages._____________________
d. Olympic flag raised for the first time._____________________
6. Fill in the blanks.
a. ______________ is the lightest ,simplest and most commonly found chemical
element in the universe.
b. Solid carbon dioxide is also called___________________
c. An acid mixture that dissolves gold is called __________________
7. Write answer.
a. Which metal is as hard as diamond?______________________
b. One who provides commentary on an event._________________________
c. Who was the co-founder of Google?______________________________
d. Name three parts of centre processing unit.__________________________________
e. Where are web pages store?______________________________
f. Who developed the world wide web?__________________________
g. What substance is used to make computer chips?_______________________
i. Which part of the computer handles data processing?____________________
8. Write true/false.
a. The molecules in a gas move in only one direction. [ ]
b. Air is an element. [ ]
c. Nitrogen Oxide is also known as laughing gas. [ ]
d. Steel is the most used metal in the world. [ ]
Time:- 2 2 hrs .Class –VIII Subject:- M.M:-80
Section-‘C’ Civics