Yafet Report
Yafet Report
Yafet Report
ID NO: - UGR/22800/13
An overall view that shows about what I have been doing. A report about the
internship experience that successes I have achieved during the period of the
program in Bamacon Engineering plc.
This report gives detail information about site and office activities carried for
building project. The contents of the report have been divided into four chapter. In
the first chapter of my report, I briefly described about the back ground of my
internship hosting company including the description, mission and services of the
organization. The second chapter of my report describes over all internship
experience. In the third chapter of the report briefly explains about benefit of the
internship. the fourth chapter of my report contain about, conclusion and
recommendation for my host company. To help anyone reading this report better
understands for the discussed topics and ideas.
Final Internship Report
First, I would like to thank my almighty god for his merciful and endless guidance
through my life.
next to god I would like to thank my beloved families for their great support and
being beside me in all aspects. and next to this I would like to thank ADAMA
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY of civil engineering department
for providing this kind of internship program for us. And i would also like to thank
BAMACON ENGINEERING PLC for their genuine hospitality and continued
effort to educate, supervise and foster my technical and professional skills
throughout the whole internship program.at last but not the least I would like to
express my heartfelt appreciation to Eng. ENDALKACHEW, all employees in the
site and other internship students for their encouragement and endless cooperation
throughout my stay in the internship programs.
Final Internship Report
Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGMENT........................................................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 BACK GROUND OF THE COMPANY............................................................................................ 1
1.2.1 History of the company ................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Vision .................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.4 Mission................................................................................................................................................ 2
1.5 MAIN PRODUCTS AND SERVICES............................................................................................... 3
1.6 PAST AND PRESENT PRODUCT AND ITS USERS ..................................................................... 3
1.7 OVERALL ORGANIZATION AND WORK FLOW ....................................................................... 5
chapter 2: OVERALL INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE ................................................................................. 6
2.1 HOW DID I GET INTO BAMACON ENGINEERING PLC? ......................................................... 6
2.2 DESCRIPTION ABOUT THE PROJECT ......................................................................................... 6
2.3 MY INTERNSHIP EXPERIANCE .................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1 Office work ................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.2 Site work ...................................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Working procedures on the site .......................................................................................................... 9
2.3.3 FORMWORK ............................................................................................................................ 10
2.4 SPACER, CONCRETE COVER (CLEAR COVER) ....................................................................... 13
2.5 REINFORCEMENT BAR WORKS ................................................................................................ 14
2.5.1 Beam reinforcement bar ............................................................................................................. 14
2.5.2 Slab reinforcement bar ............................................................................................................... 15
2.5.3 Staircase reinforcement bar ........................................................................................................ 15
2.5.4 Column and shear wall reinforcement bar ................................................................................. 16
2.6 CONCRETE WORK ........................................................................................................................ 17
2.6.1 Cement: ...................................................................................................................................... 17
2.6.2 Aggregate: .................................................................................................................................. 17
2.6.3 Water:......................................................................................................................................... 18
Final Internship Report
Final Internship Report
Internship is a two months practice program for university or other higher-level
students, in my case a construction engineering practice program on construction.
This program is to give students a better knowledge on practical work and also can
be referred as preparation program before students are graduated and go for job
During my internship I have managed to grasp so many knowledge on the practical portion of the
construction job. I have learned about the construction industry and how the construction
industry works, practical work procedures, about deferent construction works starting from their
terminology up to its execution, about management of materials, human resource and also the
most important management of the site.
This internship program, building construction at BamaCon Engineering PLC has helped me to
apply the knowledge is get from my class at the university on the site. My hosting company,
which is a leading real estate developer helped me to see how the construction industry is the
backbone of our country economy. In my two months’ internship program at the company I can
say that I have got a very important knowledge witch i can say is it thought me how to be a best
constriction engineer and a good competitor on my future.
In the thirteen years of its growth, the firm has always believed that capacity depends more on
organizational and human resource development than on equipment and finance.
In this belief, the firm has invested a significant portion of its time and money on:
Final Internship Report
➢Training and motivating its technical staff, from the craftsmen to the senior engineers, to
achieve and maintain high standards.
➢Devising and continuously improving on a system of operation that is guided by written head
office and project guide lines, both of which were the result of the combined efforts of
professionals of high standards and the result has been a firm with a work force that can take on
any challenge in the form of a construction job.
With respect to capacity in terms of equipment, while acquisition of major machinery has been
dictated by the need to satisfy the regulatory body’s (ministry of infrastructure’s) capacity
requirements, special emphasis on equipment that are specifically appropriate to Bamacon
Engineering’s own method of construction were also sought and acquired.
Hitherto, financial capacity has always been commensurate to the cash flow requirements of the
This has been partly due to the firm’s good credit record with clients, insurance companies,
banks and construction material suppliers perhaps the most important creditors to any
construction firm.
Looking back, the path Bamacon Engineering PLC traveled over the last years seems to be a
path of initiation for the competitive challenges of the third millennium.
1.3 Vision
Our vision is to become a successful contractor participating in road construction projects,
bridge construction projects and building construction projects and to maximize company
1.4 Mission
➢To design, build and deliver quality buildings that provide exceptional construction, affordable
pricing, and an opportunity to discover beauty blended with functionality.
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➢To develop the capacity of the company, in addition to fulfill construction needs doing all
construction works throughout the country.
✓Residential Houses
✓Office Building
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1 MIXED-USE Ato Alemayehu 18,539,481.45 460 days Mar.
Tameru 2008
1 APARTEMENT Ene Tsehaye 38,637,542.12 300 days Aug.
Zemui 2012
1 FACTORY IHRAK Int PLC 12,267,547.56 240 days Sept.
2 FACTORY(Sub- STEELY RMI 15,147,267.48 120 days Jan.
str.Only) 20012
Final Internship Report
Bamacon Engineering PLC has an excellent blend of qualified engineers, more than 30 in all,
most of them have longer than five years of experience in different civil and industrial projects in
the country. The group is committed to keep its brand and dedicates its time and effort to the
development of the company and the wellbeing of its employees.
Qualified construction technicians support the engineering staff. Individuals with the right
experience and educational background attend finance, administration and procurement
divisions. Full secretarial and office support is provided by means of modern facilities such as
copiers, laptop and desktop computers, fax machine, etc.
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Building Type:- Block-A is B+G+12, Block-B from lift and right is B+G+8 and Block- C is
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This site has three main purposes which are used for Office on Block-A, Block-B, meeting hall
on the last floor of Block-A and car parking since it has ground Block C stories.
Figure 2-1 the final building project this Block-A, Block-B from the lift and right.
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Preparing bar schedule is the process of analyzing number, diameter, length, location and
shape of placement of the bar from the structural drawing of the given project and putting in
the bar schedule in their respective place provided.
The necessary steps to do bar schedule for the given work are:
➢Identify the type, shape and diameter of the bar for the specified location on the drawing of
given work.
➢Then by using center to center spacing and the length on which these bars are placed
calculate the number of bars per member present for the given work.
➢State numbers of same members which contain the specified bar on the drawing.
➢Then multiply number of bars per member with number of the same members to find total
number of bars.
➢Then calculate the total length by multiplying the total number of bars with the length of
single bar.
3. Writing daily site activities report:- it’s technical report writing form we write
daily activity by using reading drawing and write by using section to section of drawing and
floor activities with human resource and material used on activity.
Final Internship Report
and speed of work was required. Checking the alignment, perpendicularity and strength of
formwork components was another activity.
During the overall internship period; I have observed and participated in major working
procedures used in the construction site. The construction process involves the various working
procedures mainly comprising the form work preparation, bar bending work, conduit work
(installation), concrete work, demolishing and removal of formworks, chiseling and plastering
works in their respective order.
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Then I was sow composite wood and steel form work which is depending the shape of the
construction work. The formwork is temporary construction material used as a mold for
structure with required size and shape while controlling its position and alignment to support and
form concrete members. It can be mainly made up of timber plywood steel and aluminum
material of any desired shape mostly rectangular. It also treated with oil or releasing agent to
prevent sticking of formwork with concrete. Thus, In our site the formworks that we preferred to
see are column, beam and slab formwork.
When the concrete has reached the strength, the formwork is no longer needed and is removed.
The operation of removing formwork is called striping. After stripping the removed formwork is
reused for another structural element.
A. Column formworks
The columns in this building has different dimensions, I have observed eight different
rectangular column groups by a name given on drawing C1 (column one)-C8 (column eight).
And even the same column groups shows a change in dimension (reduce) as the floor increases,.
Wooden panels with metal components are used to prepare these formworks.
The step by step activities for this work are the followings:
➢ The foreman checks whether or not the reinforcements are properly placed and erected with
the appropriate dimension, length and spacing. The stirrups will also be checked for proper
spacing and orientation.
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➢ The panels of required dimension are tied with the small woods .by using wires followed by
the oiling of their surfaces in order to prevent adhesion of the concrete at the time of casting.
➢ The formworks are erected and close the reinforcement prepared in rectangular or circular
shapes needed. The formworks will be strengthened by nailing small pieces of wood (kerebat)
along its sides from bottom to top.
➢ Next comes ensuring the vertical alignment of the formwork by using plumb bob (tumbi)
suspended on the sides of the formwork.
➢ The formwork is then fixed in position by using long wooden members connected with the
form work at the top with the horizontal wooden structure (mager) at the bottom it’ known as
➢ Column form work preparation will be finalized by preparing supports and ladder like
component for easier and safe upward movement of workers when the concrete is poured in to
the formwork.
The following procedures were employed in formwork preparation of slabs and beams:
➢ scaffolding is erected along the length of the slab
➢ The next step involves the preparation of beam formworks. The bottom portions of the
beam formwork are laid over the scaffolding prepared previously.
➢ After finishing the bottom beam formworks; the sides of the formwork are placed and
nailed which provide the three dimensions of the final beam structure.
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➢ Horizontal members which are the main components of the slab formwork called plywood
are fitted with the sides of the beam formwork.
C. Scaffoldings
The scaffolding provides a working platform without obstructing the space below it. The
scaffolding consists of vertical posts fixed to common sole (leg) piece at their base and to a head
piece at the top. Joists are supported overhead piece and lastly decking beams are placed on top
of the head piece. After this, the formworks (plywood’s) or “foundo” are placed on the decking
beams end to end covering the area of the slab and some additional for working space.
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Mostly in our site we use different length of spacer for different structure.
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➢Top bar; the main purpose of top bar is to resist compression stress and used to hang stirrups.
In our site most of the time 20mm dia. Top bars are used and in some sections 16mm and 24 mm
are used.
➢Bottom bar; used to resist bending stress and tension cracks. 20 mm and sometimes 16mm dia.
Bottom bars are used in the site.
➢Positive bar; this bars resist positive bending moment. They are placed at the bottom of the
beam in L/8 position.
➢Negative bar; the use of this bars is to resist negative bending moment which are developed at
the end of the beam. They are placed in the top of the beam as a span length of L/3.
➢Stirrups; help the beam in preventing shear, flexural and torsional cracks. They are 8mm in
diameter and densely arranged around the end sides of the beam.
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inverted L shape bars were arranged along the length of the tread which is 1.4 m and the re-bar
dia. is 8mm
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Figure 2-10 column reinforcement bar
2.6.1 Cement:
Cement is a material that develops binding forces due to a reaction with water. Portland cements
are hydraulic cements, meaning they react and harden chemically with the addition of water.
Cement should not be stock above six months in store (this can be done by using the method first
in first out). To avoid dampness cement should be stored in a position of 10-20 cm above the
store floor.
PPC (Portland Pozzolana Cement) is used in our site. The most important effects accompanying
the use of PPC in Concrete Construction Work are:
➢Improved workability
Cement is a material that develops binding forces due to a reaction with water. Portland cements
are hydraulic cements, meaning they react and harden chemically with the addition of water.
Cement should not be stock above six months in store (this can be done by using the method first
in first out). To avoid dampness cement should be stored in a position of 10-20 cm above the
store floor.
PPC (Portland Pozzolana Cement) is used in our site. The most important effects accompanying
the use of PPC in Concrete Construction Work are:
2.6.2 Aggregate:
Aggregate is a granular material, such as sand, gravel, crushed stone or iron-blast furnace slag.
They generally occupy 65% -75% of the volume of concrete. Hence Considerable care should be
taken in their selection and proportioning to provide the best aggregates available. In Ethiopia
the great majority of aggregates used for concrete are obtained fromnatural sources, either in the
form of rock, which is crushed to obtain the desired maximum size or gravel, which is processed
by crushing or screening oversized materials. All material that passes through #4(4.75 mm
Final Internship Report
openings) is conventionally referred to as fine aggregate or sand, while all material that is
retained on the #4 sieve is referred to as coarse aggregate, gravel or stone.
Aggregate classified in to two categories based on size and here are some qualification
aggregates should satisfy:
A. Coarse aggregate:
1. The aggregate should be clean since dirt or clay sticking to the aggregates will weaken the
bond between paste and aggregates.
2. They need to be tested for their quality such as abrasion test and crashing value test
3. It should be chemically inactive so that the aggregates don’t react with the cement.
4. It should be also manufactured by crasher machine because; the size and the shape of the
aggregate are the key factor for the strength of the concrete.
5. It should have different size (well graded) i.e. 0.2, 0.3 . . . This well graded aggregate in
concrete mix is essential in order to a good workability and to secure economy in the use of
cement. Well graded aggregates with a range of sizes will fit together well to give a strong and
dense concrete. Rounded aggregates give a more workable mix. Angular aggregates make
concrete harder to place, work and compact, but can make concrete stronger.
Sand should be free from clay material, organic matters and other bad material. The grains
should be sharp, angular and coarse. It shall be natural or crushed gravel or stone, clean sharp
coarse grit, pit or river sand. In Ethiopia mostly river sand is used. Sand should be free from
impurities which reduce the strength of concrete. So the silt content should be checked before
use, because if the silt content is high it creates a cra
2.6.3 Water:
It should be clean and protected from contamination. Water used to undergo chemical reaction
with cement to make concrete workable. 50 kg bag of cement requires approximately 12.5 liter
of water for complete chemical reaction.
We should be careful about the amount of water because mostly on site water is added without a
measurement. So if it’s excess it causes segregation and if it’s not adequate it creates a void.
Admixture: -unlike cement, aggregate and water are not an essential component of the concrete
mix, but they are important and increasingly widespread component that are used to improve
certain properties of concrete. An admixture can be defined as chemical product which is added
to the concrete mix in qualities no longer than 5% by mass of cement during mixing operation
Final Internship Report
prior to the placing of concrete for achieving specific modification to normal properties of
Type of admixture
1) retarder: - used to increase the initial setting time of concrete, mostly used in transportation
process when the concrete plan Bach is far from construction site.
2) accelerators: - used to decrease initial setting time concrete, mostly used in pile casting
process when it has underground water table appear.
3) air entries
4) 4 plasticizers: - used to reduce amount of water that present in mixed concrete large enough.
5) 5 super-plasticizers: - used to form concrete to jelly property during pumping process of
On my site, used concrete making materials are: OPC type of cement, well graded coarse
aggregate, with good quality of sand and clean water.
In our site concrete comes from company by F transportation concrete mixer truck.
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➢avoid delays in placing of concrete (long delays can result in the formation of construction
➢each layer should be fully compacted before placing the one, and each subsequent layer should
be placed whilst the underlying layer is still plastic so that monolithic construction is achieved;
➢Collision between concrete and formwork or reinforcement which can damage or move the
formwork and reinforcement should be avoided. For deep section a long down pipe or termite
ensures accuracy of location of the concrete and minimum segregation
The main objective of placing is to deposit the concrete as close as possible to its final position
so that the segregation is avoided and the concrete can be fully compacted. We shall start placing
of concrete from the corners of the formwork or, in the case of a sloping site, from the lowest
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concrete is more dense, strong and durable. During compaction concrete settles, filling all the
space in the forms. Compaction must be done as concrete is placed, while it is still plastic.
If there is no proper compaction voids are created with in the concrete. The voids increase the
permeability of concrete. Loss of impermeability creates easy passage of moisture, oxygen,
chlorides, and other aggressive chemicals into the concrete. This causes rusting of steel and
disintegration of concrete i.e., loss of durability
Over compaction creates the problem of segregation in which the denser aggregates settle to the
bottom while the lighter cement paste tends to move upwards. Over vibration brings excess paste
to the surface, leading to extra bleeding, and causes loss of entrained air.
Method of compaction by vibration (by needle vibrator) is the used on the site for any structural
element. On vibration by setting the particles in motion the internal friction between the
aggregate particles reduces, resulting in entrapped air to rise to the surface. On losing entrapped
air the concrete gets denser.
There are different methods of curing concrete such as water sprinkling, wet covering,
membrane curing, sheet curing , hot mixing method etc…
Final Internship Report
Initial setting time;- is a time that takes for Mixing, discharging, transporting and casting period
required up to (30-45min).
Final setting time: - is a time that found b/n after cast of concrete to starting period of curing, so
it takes a minimum time of (10hr or 600min).
The concrete slump test measures the consistency of fresh concrete and water cement ratio
before it sets. it is performed to cheek the workability of fresh made concrete. it can also be used
as an indicator of an improperly mixed batch. The tools (cone) has an internal diameter of 10cm
at the top and 20cmat the bottom with height of 30cm.
4. remove the excess concrete and level the surface with trowel.
5. raise the cone from the concrete immediately and slowly in vertical direction.
6. measuring the distance from the top of the slumped concrete to the level of the top of the
slump cone. medium workability mixes with slump 60-90mm are typically used for normal
reinforced concrete placed.
Note. if there no thumping roads we use bar its length 60cm and its diameter 16mm.
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3.Fill the concrete in molds by three-layer approximal 5cm thick and blows 25 times by tamping
4.Level the top surface and vibrate by table vibrator in this case vibrator used for avoiding air.
6. After 7,21,28 days we break this concrete cube by compression testing machine
3 45
21 85
28 >95
When I was start the internship the building is on super structure parts.
2.7.1 .COLUMN
Columns are reinforced structures which transmit the axial loads to the foundations. It is used to
Carry and transfer loads from slabs, roofs and beams to the foundation. Columns vary in size and
shape. There are different type of column known as circular column, rectangular columns and
square column in shape, the circular column have higher required reinforcement than rectangular
and esthetically beautiful.
In our site the type of column we use square shape column (0.5*0.5)m and elevation height was
As we know theoretically column has longitudinal (resist lateral load and axial load with aid of
concrete) and lateral reinforcement /stirrups (prevent buckling and tie the longitudinal
Final Internship Report
➢The form work will be fixed with “kravat” and “stanga” and it should be checked for
the actual position by suspending “plumb bob” in two opposite sides of column and
➢Remove the form work on the next day and curing it with wet cover.
2.7.2 .BEAM
Beam is horizontal structural members of the building used to carry loads of wall, slab, roofs and
transfer these loads to the supporting elevation column. Generally, we have 3 types of beam.
These are grade beam, intermediate beam and top tie beams. The intermediate beam and the top
tie beams are part of super structure. The shape of beams may be inverted T_shape beam,
L_shape or normal beam and casted with or isolated to slab.
In our site, the shape of beam was normal and the concrete was casted in the same time with the
slab. The depth was 40 cm.
In our site, the staircase was structurally connected with the building. It is constructed with the
other super structure. The total flight was 24 and had 12 landing. The number of steps in each
flight was 11 with length of flight 3.30m, width of one flight 1.99m ,width of tread(going)30cm
and depth of riser 15 cm.
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➢After those two strings are tied to the landing and ground floor (upper) maintain the width and
inclination of the flight.
➢Soffit is placed along the flight. The soffit boards are supported under Neath by scaffolding
woods and its position is checked with strings.
➢Side formworks are than placed to prevent the concrete from failing during pouring
➢Then placing of reinforcement 90-degree bended bars for riser on the soffit according to the
detail plan.
➢After step bars (riser bars) were placed formwork for riser are nailed to side formwork.
➢Modena‟ was laid at the top of exacted props before plywood or steel panel lay.
➢Before placing reinforcement bar burnt oil is painted over the form work
➢After the bar got their position electric installation conduit was placed as per the dra
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Under this combined loading conditions, tensional and flexural strain, resulting in complicated
internal stress distribution. In this way, loads are transferred vertically to the buildings
2.7.6 . STIRRUP
Stirrups used to ➢ To resist sheer force
➢ To improve ductility …
➢Unwillingness of some professional persons to share their experience and practical knowledge.
➢During at the time of working on the site there are lacks safety which may endanger health.
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➢The office workers were busy, and they don't have time to help us, especially quantity
surveyor and to show Bill of quantity as well as general office works.
➢Freezing of the project, because of shortage of material in the site when perform my tasks.
➢Creating relation with Forman and site supervisor and I asked them. After that I became
familiar with every work and understood well.
➢I asked carpenters and other daily laborers, through time I became familiar with all the site
➢I asked the foreman and he answered me “this is a new and temporary office. Therefore, we
will try to fulfill every facility for future. “Therefore, I did all office works manually.
➢When I move here and there on the site I moved with great care. As a result, I finished the
tasks safely without any danger.
➢I convince my self that I can adopt all site conditions such as the discrepancy of the or ethical
learning and practical work .
➢I have tried to come with my handouts daily and concerning with each other activity, in
addition to, using cape to solve rainy related problems.
Final Internship Report
chapter 3:
Internship program is a method of letting the students to assume themselves as a potentially
responsible workman for a particular work by assigning them to actively participating in
construction company. In this internship that means within these two months I observed what the
site construction looks like more than what I used to know when I was at school. At school I
learned or took many theoretical lessons even difficult to understand theoretically. Because those
things which were theoretically difficult to understand, were not that much hard to understand
when I faced it practically.
The overall benefits of the internship are not limited to the practical skill only. I would like to
group the overall benefits in terms of different categories such as:
Final Internship Report
On the site I have practiced the works of various structural parts by following the procedures
utilized for each specific categories of work. In this respect the concrete works, bar bending,
formwork preparation, and demolishing, chiseling and plastering works were included. Another
practical activity I have obtained was the skill of supervision which includes controlling,
commanding and leading a group of workers in performing a task.
And also the first thing I have get from my internship experience is practical skill.
Practical skill: -means skill performed by hands or with human intervention using equipment,
tools or technology requiring guidance, force or movement.
I have theoretical knowledge from my 6 semester classes, thus this internship investigation helps
me to compare and contrast my theoretical knowledge with the practical.
I get knowledge from this practice compared with theoretical knowledge before are the
➢I get a knowledge about how my structural designs will apply on real construction, and their
purpose on buildings.
➢I get technical knowledge about how structural members and components of a structure
construct and methods of construction.
➢I get a knowledge about construction materials and equipment’s with their techniques and
methods of application.
➢I get a knowledge about reading, understanding and implementing working of detail
➢I get a knowledge about how reinforcement bars arranged and how it becomes structural
➢I get knowledge ways of taking measurements on the construction site.
➢I get knowledge about how formwork is constructed for a temporary mold and its techniques
of construction.
➢I get a knowledge about how concrete works are done.
➢I get a knowledge about mixing ratio of concrete materials at desired grade of concrete. And
sizes of boxes.
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➢I get knowledge about site language of a construction materials and construction equipment’s
and their site names
➢I get a knowledge about types of construction machines and their methods of operations on
➢I get a knowledge about how quality of construction materials checked and standards of
material which are available at the market.
➢I get method consultants form of writing every day to day site activities report by reading on
each section of drawing.
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In addition to these we were able to have a good communication with our friends from different
campuses. The students which were participating in the internship program were from different
campuses. From, Arba Minch, AASTU, DDU, ASTU. And these variety of students have their
own life experience, so that, this occasion was a good time for cultural exchange and experience
sharing by site language.
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Generally, I can improve team-playing skill very well. This is the main skill have to be improved
in our daily life, so I got this experience for
If there is a good leadership throughout the whole construction work, the following things done
Generally, the internship time helps me to get and improve the skills to be a leader. Some of
them are good speaking ability, to have the ability to listen to others, to be decisive, good
management skills and to know the subject one is working on thoroughly.
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to conduct ones work effectively. There is labour discipline that each worker should observe and
respect. These could relate to norms, mode of carrying out a work, protection of the property and
means of working and managing activities.
From the intern ship gained good work ethics by taking experience from the workers. These are:-
Office disciplines: - in work place you don’t have to disturb the working atmosphere. For
example abstain from opening loud voice, loud music, songs and things which disturb others
workers working mood or style.
These challenges and problem that have taken are the following.
Difficult words
Some of the words that I have in mind are: Keblito, gancho – anchor,stafa, stanga, karvat, etc
Lack of skilled labor
For economical purpose, we had to take labors from around the rural area of the environment.
Labor disagreement with regard to fee
There were some disagreements between the labors and the employers about payment. Because
the labors that works on site would need for daily purpose.
The disagreement between consultant and contractor
There is much disagreement between consultant and contractor about quality of material they use
on site, the design of building they work and the time they use to construct the building and so
Final Internship Report
Since I was far from my home to the site, therefore i started to move to site at 6:00AM, and some
times I have not get taxi emidetly. When I was performing my internship, I have been facing a
lot of challenges.
The major and the most difficult problems that I faced during the practical attachment session
Some courses were not given prior to internship:
Even though we had taken most of the courses, in my opinion, some of the courses such as
Quantity Surveyor and RC2 must be taken before internship. I overcome this challenge by asking
help and trying to work with other engineers. And it’s difficult to them how to tell about that
things to understanding me.
Understanding site language:
For me, learning site language is heavier than learning civil engineering principles, I have spent
days trying to learn equipment names and technical words. As I heard from workers, most of the
names and technical words came from Italian language.
To overcome such challenges I used notebook for writing the words and their meanings.
Safety problems
For problems related to construction safety wears take many measures like wearing our own hard
shoes, not entering to risky area of the site and walking properly.
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chapter 4:
4.1 Conclusions
My internship hosting company has been eager to give a chance for me to take my internship
career there and providing me with a supervisor who had a major part in helping and learning me
in all my activities. This shows that Bamacon Engineering PLC. Has been cooperative and
helpful in giving chances for conducting the internship activities by maintaining good working
I think it would be fair to say the internship program has been a helpful experience in exposing
us to the real engineering work. It can also be expressed as an exciting even depending upon how
excited one really is to put his theoretical knowledge into practice.
Also, this program creates an opportunity to think in what way we should learn and what type of
knowledge should we have to gather before we leave. For the students the program opens the
space to have some relation with some personnel and company. Which in turn minimize the
number of idles in the country. These days the technology of construction industry has been
improved. Consequently, modern and new construction techniques and material usage is in
practice. This has greatly required the improvement of the work methodology. As a result, the
supervision work shall also be improved. So, it is clear that the supervisor has a big role to
improve the time quality and cost controlling in the construction industry. To implement these
parameters (time, cost and quality) the experience of the supervisor shall be carefully determined
by the consultant depending on the size and complexity of the project. Additional to the above
having this internship in this time helps us to know what will be expected from us as civil
engineers. Such us ➢Being practically rich
➢Being confident in theoretical knowledge
➢Team working ability
➢Creativity and problem-solving ability ...
Generally, the purpose of this Internship (apparent) program was to introduce students
with working condition and mostly it helps students to grasp knowledge from practicing the
theory which they have been learning in the class. This program gave us good practical skills and
made us familiar to the outside real construction world. Most the theoretical things we been
leaned got illustrated here in this program, which develops more our confidence in the theoretical
Final Internship Report
During my internship experience period I have seen some positive and negative sides about the
internship hosting company and area of improvement of the internship program. So, I want to
raise my personal opinion to improve the internship for future students. In this part of my report I
will try to suggest some ideas for my internship hosting company and my department.
The following are the recommendations that I made to solve the problems and I hope they might
help the company:
➢ Necessary safety materials and first aid should be prepared for workers and site visitors.
➢Poor Handling of steel (rebar) on the site the problem with drawing should be corrected.
Because each and everything must have done with only the design given unless and otherwise it
must be design again.
➢Slump test and silt content test should be conducted on the site.
➢Carelessness of using spacer, on keeping/storing construction materials and on batching,
mixing, pouring, placing and vibration of concrete should be stopped.
➢All construction rules should be respected in day to day activities to avoid or reduce different
➢this might not be obligation but it would be nice if the company give pocket money to the
internees cause I didn’t get any I heard other companies pay for students which will motivate to
word every day with passion.
Final Internship Report