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These are a
< Many metal carbonates, such as copper(l|) carbonate, exist as basic carbonates.
Combination of the metal carbonate and a base of the metal.
gravimetric experiment to see
Abottle is labelled copper() carbonate, CuCO,. You will carry outa
whether the formula given is correct.
CuCO,(s) ’ CuO(s) + CO,(g)
FB 3 is copper(ll) carbonate and may have the formula CuC0,
(a) Method

Weigh a crucible with its lid. Record the masS.

Add 1.50-1.80 gof FB 3 to the crucible.
Weigh the crucible and lid with FB 3. Record the mass.
crucible, with the lid on, gently for
Place the crucible on the pipe-clay triangle. Heat the
approximately 1minute and then strongly for another minute.
Remove the lid. Heat the crucible strongly for about 4 minutes.
least 5 minutes.
Replace the lid and leave the crucible and residue to cool for at
on Question 3.
wnile the crucible is cooling you may wish to begin work
Reweigh the crucible and contents with its lid. Record the mass.
Calculate and record the mass of FB 3added to the crucible.
Calculate and record the mass of the residue obtained.
Keep the residue for use in 2(d).


Mass of cruicble +id 6-97

Mass of cruicble+lid+ fB3 4-66
Mas of crwciblelid+résidue 42.20
Mas bf FB3
Mass af esidue


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(b) Calculations

(0) The residue obtained in (a) is copper(l1) oxide.

Calculate the amount, in mol, of copper(llI) oxide formed on heating.
123 : 0.0155 mal
79.5 O-0/55
amount of CuO= mol [1]

(0) Calculate the mass lost on heating the copper carbonate.

1-69-| 23 =
mass lost = ...!. H6.........g
amount, in mol, of carbon dioxide
ASSuming the formula for FB 3 is CuCO.. calculate the
lost on heating.

amount of CO,=...0:Ol0+....nol

the formula of FB 3 is CuCO,

() Use your answers to (b)(i) and (b)(ii) to explain whether
.focrsa,..because..a, ....... nsles. [1]

carbonate but part of the
(C) Another bottle of copper(II) carbonate was labelled basic copper(II)
label giving the formula had been torn and only showed 'CuCO,-Cu....
Suggesta formula for basic copper(II) carbonate.
One possible formula for basic copper(Il) carbonate is Cuco,CuO. [1]

(d) () It is possible that FB 3did not decompose fully on heating in (a).

Explain how you would change the method used to ensure decomposition was complete.


(i) Selecta reagenttouse to test whether your sample of FB 3has decomposed completely.
reagent ..Selfurie..cid
Carry out your test on theresidue from (a). Record your observations. State your concusion.
[Total: 11]

©UCLES 2022 9701/34/OINI22

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