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The relation between velocity, wavelength and frequency can be given as _________
a) λ = c / r
b) λ = c / f
c) λ = c / h
d) λ = h*c / f
Answer: b
Explanation: Photons are the main constituent particles in the electromagnetic energy. The relation between
velocity, wavelength and frequency is determined as λ = c / f, where λ represents wavelength, f is the
frequency of the wave and c represents the velocity of the wave, which is equal to speed of light.
2. Remote sensing uses which of the following waves in its procedure?
a) Electric field
b) Sonar waves
c) Gamma- rays
d) Electro-magnetic waves
Answer: d
Explanation: Electro-magnetic waves are used in case of remote sensing. The different waves present in this
spectrum enables us to use a variety of waves based on the condition present and can be able have a better
3. Which among the following waves is having less wavelength range?
a) 0.03mm
b) 0.03nm
c) 0.03m
d) 0.03km
Answer: b
Explanation: A wide range of waves are present in case of electromagnetic spectrum, off which the gamma-
rays are having a nano level wave length capacity i.e., less than 0.03nm.
4. Polar orbiting satellites are generally placed at an altitude range of __________
a) 7-15km
b) 7000-15000km
c) 700-1500km
d) 70-150km
Answer: c
Explanation: Polar orbiting satellites are also known as sun-synchronous satellites, which are generally
placed at an altitude range of 700-1500km from the ground level. These are able to deliver accurate
information about the object which we need access to.
5. GIS uses the information from which of the following sources?
a) Non- spatial information system
b) Spatial information system
c) Global information system
d) Position information system
Answer: b
Explanation: Among the various information sources available, GIS chose spatial information system as its
source for obtaining the required information for developmental process. This spatial information system
serves as a base for different type of works done by the use of GIS.
6. Which of the following formats can be used for GIS output?
a) DXF
b) PDF
c) GIF
Answer: c
Explanation: GIS output can be handled with a wide range of formats available. Among them, the most
commonly used are GIF, JPEG, TIFF etc., usage of the format depends upon the software used in computer
and also its bit performing capacity.
7. Which among the following is a server based hardware platform of GIS?
a) Autodesk Revit
b) STAAD Pro
c) Arc GIS
d) Google-maps
Answer: d
Explanation: GIS is a place based information derivative platform, which can have a spatial feature not
related to location. There are certain platforms which can have the ability to access the GIS interface. Here,
Google Maps is a server based platform and remaining are offline applications.
8. 9. Determine the scale of the map if the distance on the map is given as 2cm which is equal to
1km on the ground.
a) 1: 50000
b) 1: 5000
c) 1: 100000
d) 1: 500
Answer: a
Explanation: The scale of a map can be determined by taking a ratio of the distance on the map to distance
on the ground i.e., 2 / 100000 = 1: 50000.
9. The entire earth surface is divided into zones in which type of map projection?
a) Poly conic projection system
b) Cylindrical projection
c) UTM projection
d) Lambert- Azimuthal equal area projection
Answer: c
Explanation: UTM projection is developed by US. It is capable of dividing the entire earth surface into zones
with 6 dimensions, so that accurate location can be made by subdividing the classes.
10. In which of the following ways, meridians are projected in cylindrical projection?
a) Mathematically
b) Geometrically
c) Horizontally
d) Vertically
Answer: b
Explanation: A cylindrical projection involves in the generation of map in a cylindrical shape. Latitudes are
prepared on hollow cylinder. Meridians will be projected geometrically on the cylindrical surface whereas
the latitudes are projected mathematically.
1. Data that describe the characteristics of spatial features.
a. Coverage
b. Data Exploration
c. Geospatial Data
d. Attribute data
2. Spatial features that exist between observations.
a. Continuous features
b. Dynamic segmentation model
c. Georelational data model
d. Discrete features
3. An ESRI data format for topological vector data.
a. coordinate system
b. Coverage
c. Segmentation model
d. None of the above
4. Data-centered query and analysis is known as .
a. Discrete Structure
b. GIS modeling
c. Data exploration
d. Attribute data
5. Spatial features that do not exist between observations, form separate entities, and are
individually distinguishable.
a. GIS modeling
b. Data exploration
c. Attribute data
d. Discrete features
6. A data model that allows the use of linearly measured data on a coordinate system.
a. Dynamic segmentation model
b. Geodatabase data
c. GPS data
7. Model that is object-based.
a. Attribute data
b. Geodatabase data model
c. Spatial Data
d. Raw Data
8. A computer system for capturing, storing, querying, analyzing, and displaying geographically
referenced data.
a. GPS
b. MIS
c. GIS
d. DSS
9. A vector data model that uses a split system to store spatial data and attribute data.
a. Geospatial data model
b. Spatial data model
c. MIS data model
d. Georelational data model
10. Data that describe both the locations and characteristics of spatial features on the Earth's
a. Geospatial data
b. Spatial data model
c. MIS data model
d. Georelational data model
11. The process of using GIS in building models with spatial data.
a. DSS modeling
b. GIS modeling
c. Data modeling
d. MIS modeling
12. A data model that uses objects to organize spatial data and stores spatial data and attribute
data in a single system.
a. Vector based data model
b. Raster based data model
c. Object-based data model
13. One type of map projection that retains certain accurate directions. OR
It also refers to one type of map projection that uses a plane as the projection surface.
a. Conformal projection
b. Central lines
c. Cylindrical projection
d. Azimuthal projection
14. The central parallel and the central meridian. Together, they define the center or the origin of a
map projection.
a. Central lines
b. Conic projection
c. Vector lines
d. Datum
15. A ground-measured spheroid, which is the basis for the North American Datum of 1927
a. Datum
b. Clarke 1866
c. WMS
d. None of the above
16. One type of map projection that preserves local shapes.
a. Clarke 1866
b. NAD27
c. Conformal projection
d. Conic Projection
17. One type of map projection that uses a cone as the projection surface.
a. Azimuthal
b. Cylindrical projection
c. Parallel projection
d. Conic projection
18. One type of map projection that uses a cylinder as the projection surface.
a. Cylindrical projection
b. Parallel projection
c. Conic projection
d. All of the above
19. The basis for calculating the A geographic coordinates of a location. A spheroid is a required
input to the derivation of a datum.
a. WMS
b. Datum
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above
20. A measurement system for longitude and latitude values such as 42.5°.
a. Datum
b. WMS
c. Decimal degrees (DD) system
d. All of the above
21. A measuring system for longitude and latitude values such as 42°30'00", in which 1 degree
equals 60 minutes and 1 minute equals 60 seconds.
a. Datum
b. WMS
c. Decimal degrees (DD) system
d. Degrees-minutes-seconds (DAIS) system
22. A model that approximates the Earth. Also called spheroid.
a. Ellipsoid
b. Equivalent projection
c. Equidistant projection
d. All of the above
23. One type of map projection that maintains consistency of scale for certain distances.
a. Ellipsoid
b. Equidistant projection
c. Equivalent projection
d. Both b & c
24. One type of map projection that represents areas in correct relative size.
a. Decimal degrees (DD) system
b. Ellipsoid
c. Equivalent projection
d. None of the above
25. A value applied to the origin of a coordinate system to change the .r-coordinate readings.
a. Geodetic coordinates
b. Geographic coordinate system
c. Spatial
d. False tasting
26. A value applied to the origin of a coordinate system to change the y-coordinate readings.
a. False northing
b. False tasting
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
27. Geographic coordinates that are based on a spheroid.
a. Quadratic system
b. Geodetic coordinates
c. Vector data
d. Raster Data
28. A location reference system for spatial features on the Eanh's surface.
a. Quadratic system
b. Geodetic coordinates
c. Geographic coordinate system
d. All of the above
29. A satellite-determined spheroid for the Geodetic Reference System 1980.
a. GPS80
b. NAD80
c. NAD87
d. GRS80
30. A common map projection, which is the basis for the SPC system for many states.
a. Lambert conformal conic projection
b. Azimuthal Projection
c. Parallel projection
d. Cylindrical Projection
31. The angle north or south of the equatorial plane.
a. Globe
b. Latitude
c. Equator
d. Meridian
32. The angle cast or west from the prime meridian.
a. Equator
b. Meridian
c. Longitude
d. Earth
33. A systematic arrangement of parallels and meridians on a plane surface.
a. Meridians
b. Equator
c. Surface
d. Map projection
34. Lines of longitude that measure locations in the E-W direction on the geographic coordinate
a. Meridians
b. Map projection
c. Equator
d. Surface
35. North American Datum of 1927, which is based on the Clarke 1866 spheroid and has its center
at Meades Ranch, Kansas.
a. NAD88
b. NAD27
c. NAD97
d. NAD1927
36. North American Datum of 1983, wind) IS based on the GRS80 spheroid and has its origin at the
center of the spheroid.
a. NAD88
b. NAD1983
c. NAD83
d. None of the above
37. Lines of latitude that measure locations in the N-S direction on the geographic coordinate
a. Perpendicular
b. Intersects
c. Crosses
d. Parallels
38. Same as the scale of the reference globe. Projected coordinate system: A plane coordinate
system that is based on a map projection.
a. Principal scale
b. Projection
c. Spatial Scale
d. Vector Scale
39. The process of transforming the spatial relationship of features on the Earth's surface to a flat
a. Intersection
b. Projection
c. Rotation
d. Translation
40. A reduced model of the Earth, from which map projections are made. Also called a nominal or
generating globe.
a. Projection globe
b. Parallel globe
c. Reference globe
d. All of the above
41. Projection of spatial data from one projected coordinate system to another.
a. Projection globe
b. Parallel globe
c. Reference globe
d. Reprojection
42. Ratio of the local scale to the scale of the reference globe. The scale factor is 1.0 along a
standard line.
a. Scale factor
b. Vector
c. Raster
d. None of the above
43. A model that approximates the Earth. Also called ellipsoid.
a. Circle
b. Spheroid
c. Paralleloid
d. All of the above
44. Line of tangency between the projection surface and the reference globe.
a. Simple line
b. Tangent line
c. Standard line
d. All of the above
45. Standard line that follows a meridian.
a. Middle line
b. Tangent line
c. Parallel line
d. Standard meridian
In ________ type of remote sensing, the Sun is primary source of energy.

(a) Active
(b) Passive
(c) Both A and B
(d) Cannot say
Answer: Option (b)

------- are devices on which camera or sensors are mounted for viewing earth to get image
or photographs.
(a) Plate forms
(b) Mounting
(c) Radio antenna
(d) None of the above
Answer: Option (a)
______________ types of orbit matches with the earth rotation inclined at some angle w.r.t.
equator of earth, generally not more than 45˚.
(a) Sun synchronous
(b) Geo synchronous
(c) Far Earth
(d) None of the above
Answer: Option (b)

_________________ is capacity with which the sensor can sense smallest possible object
with reasonable accuracy.
(a) Spatial resolution
(b) Spectral resolution
(c) Radiometric resolution
(d) None of the above
Answer: Option (a)

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