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Bipolar Transistor Biasing

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Bipolar Transistor Biasing

Bipolar transistor amplifiers must be properly biased to operate correctly. In circuits made with individual devices (discrete circuits), biasing networks consisting of resistors are commonly employed. Much more elaborate biasing arrangements are used in integrated circuits, for example, bandgap voltage references and current mirrors. The operating point of a device, also known as bias point, quiescent point, or Q-point, is the point on the output characteristics that shows the DC collectoremitter voltage (Vce) and the collector current (Ic) with no input signal applied. The term is normally used in connection with devices such as transistors. Bias circuit requirements: Signal requirements for Class A amplifiers: For analog operation of a Class A amplifier, the Q-point is placed so the transistor stays in active mode (does not shift to operation in the saturation region or cut-off region) when input is applied. For digital operation, the Q-point is placed so the transistor does the contrary - switches from "on" to "off" state. Often, Q-point is established near the center of active region of transistor characteristic to allow similar signal swings in positive and negative directions. Q-point should be stable. In particular, it should be insensitive to variations in transistor parameters (for example, should not shift if transistor is replaced by another of the same type), variations in temperature, variations in power supply voltage and so forth. The circuit must be practical: easily implemented and cost-effective. Thermal considerations: At constant current, the voltage across the emitterbase junction VBE of a bipolar transistor decreases 2 mV (silicon) and 1.8mV (germanium) for each 1 C rise in temperature (reference being 25 C). By the EbersMoll model, if the baseemitter voltage VBE is held constant and the temperature rises, the current through the baseemitter diode IB will increase, and thus the collector current IC will also increase. Depending on the bias point, the power dissipated in the transistor may also increase, which will further increase its temperature and exacerbate the problem. This deleterious positive feedback results in thermal runaway.[1] There are several approaches to mitigate bipolar transistor thermal runaway. For example, negative feedback can be built into the biasing circuit so that increased collector current leads to decreased base current. Hence, the increasing collector current throttles its source. Heat sinks can be used that carry away extra heat and prevent the baseemitter temperature from rising. The transistor can be biased so that its collector is normally less than half of the power supply voltage, which implies that collectoremitter power dissipation is at its maximum value. Runaway is then impossible because increasing collector current leads to a decrease in dissipated power; this notion is known as the half-voltage principle.

The circuits below primarily demonstrate the use of negative feedback to prevent thermal runaway. Types of bias circuit for Class A amplifiers: The following discussion treats five common biasing circuits used with Class A bipolar transistor amplifiers: 1. Fixed bias 2. Collector-to-base bias 3. Fixed bias with emitter resistor 4. Voltage divider bias 5. Emitter bias Fixed bias (base bias)

Fixed bias (Base bias) This form of biasing is also called base bias. In the example image on the right, the single power source (for example, a battery) is used for both collector and base of a transistor, although separate batteries can also be used. In the given circuit, Vcc = IBRB + Vbe Therefore, IB = (Vcc - Vbe)/RB For a given transistor, Vbe does not vary significantly during use. As Vcc is of fixed value, on selection of RB, the base current IB is fixed. Therefore this type is called fixed bias type of circuit. Also for given circuit,

Vcc = ICRC + Vce Therefore, Vce = Vcc - ICRC The common-emitter current gain of a transistor is an important parameter in circuit design, and is specified on the data sheet for a particular transistor. It is denoted as on this page. Because IC = IB we can obtain IC as well. In this manner, operating point given as (Vce,IC) can be set for given transistor. Merits: It is simple to shift the operating point anywhere in the active region by merely changing the base resistor (RB). A very small number of components are required. Demerits: The collector current does not remain constant with variation in temperature or power supply voltage. Therefore the operating point is unstable. Changes in Vbe will change IB and thus cause RE to change. This in turn will alter the gain of the stage. When the transistor is replaced with another one, considerable change in the value of can be expected. Due to this change the operating point will shift. For small-signal transistors (e.g., not power transistors) with relatively high values of (i.e., between 100 and 200), this configuration will be prone to thermal runaway. In particular, the stability factor, which is a measure of the change in collector current with changes in reverse saturation current, is approximately +1. To ensure absolute stability of the amplifier, a stability factor of less than 25 is preferred, and so small-signal transistors have large stability factors.[citation needed] Usage: Due to the above inherent drawbacks, fixed bias is rarely used in linear circuits (i.e., those circuits which use the transistor as a current source). Instead, it is often used in circuits where transistor is used as a switch. However, one application of fixed bias is to achieve crude automatic gain control in the transistor by feeding the base resistor from a DC signal derived from the AC output of a later stage. Collector-to-base bias

Collector-to-base bias: This configuration employs negative feedback to prevent thermal runaway and stabilize the operating point. In this form of biasing, the base resistor RB is connected to the collector instead of connecting it to the DC source Vcc. So any thermal runaway will induce a voltage drop across the RC resistor that will throttle the transistor's base current. From Kirchhoff's voltage law, the voltage across the base resistor Rb is

By the EbersMoll model, Ic = Ib, and so

From Ohm's law, the base current

, and so

Hence, the base current Ib is

If Vbe is held constant and temperature increases, then the collector current Ic increases. However, a larger Ic causes the voltage drop across resistor Rc to increase, which in turn reduces the voltage across the base resistor Rb. A lower base-resistor voltage drop reduces the base current Ib, which results in less collector current Ic. Because an increase in collector current with temperature is opposed, the operating point is kept stable. Merits:

Circuit stabilizes the operating point against variations in temperature and (i.e. replacement of transistor) Demerits: In this circuit, to keep Ic independent of , the following condition must be met:

which is the case when

As -value is fixed (and generally unknown) for a given transistor, this relation can be satisfied either by keeping Rc fairly large or making Rb very low. If Rc is large, a high Vcc is necessary, which increases cost as well as precautions necessary while handling. If Rb is low, the reverse bias of the collectorbase region is small, which limits the range of collector voltage swing that leaves the transistor in active mode. The resistor Rb causes an AC feedback, reducing the voltage gain of the amplifier. This undesirable effect is a trade-off for greater Q-point stability. Usage: The feedback also decreases the input impedance of the amplifier as seen from the base, which can be advantageous. Due to the gain reduction from feedback, this biasing form is used only when the trade-off for stability is warranted. Fixed bias with emitter resistor

Fixed bias with emitter resistor: The fixed bias circuit is modified by attaching an external resistor to the emitter. This resistor introduces negative feedback that stabilizes the Q-point. From Kirchhoff's voltage law, the voltage across the base resistor is VRb = VCC - IeRe - Vbe. From Ohm's law, the base current is

Ib = VRb / Rb. The way feedback controls the bias point is as follows. If Vbe is held constant and temperature increases, emitter current increases. However, a larger Ie increases the emitter voltage Ve = IeRe, which in turn reduces the voltage VRb across the base resistor. A lower base-resistor voltage drop reduces the base current, which results in less collector current because Ic = IB. Collector current and emitter current are related by Ic = Ie with 1, so increase in emitter current with temperature is opposed, and operating point is kept stable. Similarly, if the transistor is replaced by another, there may be a change in IC (corresponding to change in -value, for example). By similar process as above, the change is negated and operating point kept stable. For the given circuit, IB = (VCC - Vbe)/(RB + (+1)RE). Merits: The circuit has the tendency to stabilize operating point against changes in temperature and value. Demerits: In this circuit, to keep IC independent of the following condition must be met:

which is approximately the case if ( + 1 )RE >> RB. As -value is fixed for a given transistor, this relation can be satisfied either by keeping RE very large, or making RB very low. If RE is of large value, high VCC is necessary. This increases cost as well as precautions necessary while handling. If RB is low, a separate low voltage supply should be used in the base circuit. Using two supplies of different voltages is impractical. In addition to the above, RE causes ac feedback which reduces the voltage gain of the amplifier. Usage: The feedback also increases the input impedance of the amplifier when seen from the base, which can be advantageous. Due to the above disadvantages, this type of biasing circuit is used only with careful consideration of the trade-offs involved.

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