Quranic Summaries

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3rd Edition

To our beloved parents and teachers who strove so hard to teach us the Quran, May
Allah have mercy on them as they showed us mercy, and to our beloved children,
May Allah guide them to follow the guidance of the Quran and dedicate their lives to
conveying its message.


This is a DRAFT copy and in no form or shape is it implied that this is a final product.
The purpose of distributing this DRAFT is to receive feedback and suggestions to
improve it and bring it up to a standard worthy of being republished in future.

Please provide feedback where possible.


One of the ways in which to make use of this resource is to use it to guide the reader
while reading Quran, e.g. to read the summary of a surah and then recite the relevant
ayaat of the Quran with meaning.

It is essential to read the translation and tafsir of every ayat to not misunderstand the
Quran and to not view it out of context.

When in doubt, ask a person of knowledge.


Please make use of this resource especially as a preparation for and during Ramadan
and make dua that Allah guides us to benefit from this and develop this further for
the benefit of the ummah. (Ameen).


First Draft: Dhul Qa’dah 1438 / August 2017

Second Draft: Rajab 1439 / April 2018

Third Draft: Shaban 1440 / April 2019

London UK

To provide feedback please email: mmkhan24@yahoo.co.uk


This booklet has 2 main sections:

Section 1: Quranic Overview Summary

This two paged section provides you with an overview of the entire Quran by dividing the Quran
into 6 Groups of Surahs around a central theme as follows:

Group. Surahs. Central Theme.

1 Al-Fatiha - Al-Maidah Shariah

2 Al-An’aam - At-Tauba Prophetic Methodology of Achieving the Vision

3 Yunus - An-Nur Motivation: Glad tidings of the Domination of Haq over Baatil

4 Al-Furqan - Al-Ahzaab Risalah (Messengerhood): Evidences and Expectations

5 As-Saba - Al-Hujurath Tawheed (Oneness of Allah): Evidences and Expectations

6 Qaf - An-Nas Akhirah (Hereafter): Evidences and Expectations

Section 2: Quranic Summaries for each Surah in bullet points

This section provides you with a bullet point summary of the main topics in each surah.


STEP 1: Section 1
Study Section 1 to familiarise yourself with the 6 main central themes of the Quran and to gain a
holistic overview of the entire Quran.

STEP 2: Section 2
a. Keep in mind the central theme for the group of surahs you are about to study.

b. Study each surah summary by going through the bullet points for each surah and reading the
relevant ayaat in Arabic accompanied by the translation.

c. Make a note of the main ideas you understand, noting down any questions and/or reflections
you may have.

Guidance (Hidayah - !"‫ا‬$%) : Fitrah > Revelation > Tawfeeq > Sirath

( Al-Fatiha- Al-Maidah)
- Al-Maidah)

1. Al-Baqarah: A framework / scaffolding of the Shariah

i. Eman: Allah: Fitrah - Gratitude (164) - Immense Love and Reverence (165)
Messengerhood / Risalah: Guidance and direction
Hereafter / Akhirah: Absolute Certainty (yaqeen)

ii. Islam: Enter into complete submission (208)

Pillars: Salah - Zakah - Sawm - Hajj
Guidance regarding family, social, economic and financial systems

VISION: Objective of the formation of the ummah: (143) Shahadah alan naas

iii. Infaaq: Objective (195) - Spiritual & psychological prep (268) - Reward/motivation (245, 261)

iv. Jihad: Objective (193) - Spiritual & psychological prep (155, 214, 216) - Reward/motivation (154)

Last ayat: Dua to ask for help and victory in achieving the vision.

2. Al-e-Imran: Unity of the ummah - Prerequisites for achieving the vision

Taqwa - Holding fast to the Quran - Not being divided (102-103)

3. An-Nisa: Family and Societal Level of shariah

Humanity as a single family (1)
Nikah & roles and responsibilities of husband and wife to achieve the vision (34)
Uniting hearts & minds of the ummah: Love and obedience of the messenger (59, 65, 80,115)

4. Al-Maidah: State and National Level of shariah

Completion of the deen (3) & expectation to implement the guidance (48)
Climax & end of a lengthy series of interactions & invitation to the people of the book (15,18)

GROUP2 2- Prophetic
GROUP - PropheticMethodology
(al-An’aam- At-Tauba)
- At-Tauba)

Al-An’aam and Al-A’raaf: Itmam ul Hujjah : Reminding others of the signs in: Creation - Inner self - History

Al-Anfaal and At-Tauba: Consequence of denial: Azaab in periodic / gradual phases

GROUP3 3- Glad
GROUP - GladTidings
(Yunus- An-Nur)
- An-Nur)

Haq vs baatil:
i. Allah is ‘Haq’ and His creation is purposeful and with consequence (Yunus : 5)
ii. Quran is ‘Haq’: Preservation and challenge (Al-Hijr : 9, Al-Isra : 105, An-Nur : 39)
iii. Haq vs baatil deeds (Ibraheem : 18)
iv. Victory of Haq over baatil (Al-Isra : 81, Al-Anbiya : 18 & 44, Ar-Ra’d : 41)

Allah’s promise is Haq and shaithan’s promise is baatil: (Ibraheem : 22)

Similitudes for contrasting haq vs baatil: (Ar-Ra’d : 17, Ibraheem : 27)

Characteristics of the followers of haq:

• Individual level: Mominoon : 1-9
• Collective level: An-Nur

GROUP 4 - Risalah ( Messengerhood): Evidences and Expectations (Al-Furqan - Al-Ahzaab)

The Quran’s eternal challenge (Al-Furqan : 4-6, As-Sajdah : 3)
The Prophet’s noble character and life (Al-Ankabut : 48, Ar-Rum : 2-3)
The continuity of the message of the previous prophets (Ash-Shuara : 108)
The fruits of the prophetic teachings: Refined character of the Ibaad-ur-Rehman (Al-Furqan : 63-76)

The rights of the Quran & the prophet’s complaint regarding abandonment of the Quran (Al-Furqan : 30)
Trials and tests (Al-Ankabut : 2-3)
A loving and spiritual relationship with the messenger : Love, role model, obedience, consequence of the
seal of prophethood, sending prayers and salutations (Al-Ahzaab : 6,21,36,40,56)

GROUP 5 - Tawheed ( Oneness of Allah): Evidences and Expectations (As-Saba - Al-Hujurath)

Evidences: Fitrah > Shukr > Al-Humd > Rabb > Ilah > Hakm
i. Fitrah > Shukr > Al-Humd (Saba :1)
ii. Rabb (Faatir : 3)
iii. Ilah and Hakm : Ilah in the sky is also the Ilah on the earth. (Zukhruf:84; Jathiyah:37)

Pure Tawheed (Khalis/Sincere) Shirk : The Greatest Injustice

i. Condition for acceptance of dua (Ghafir : 14) i. Allah’s Essence (Zukhruf : 15)
ii. Sincerity in all aspects of the deen (Az-Zumar : 1-3) ii. Allah’s Creation/ruboobiyah (Faatir : 40)
iii. Mukhlis leads to mukhlas (Sad : 46, 82-83) iii. Allah’s Guidance (Ash-Shura : 15)
iv. Reward for steadfastness with ikhlas (Fussilat : 30) iv. Allah’s Legislation (Zukhruf : 51)
v. Supplication/dua (Faatir : 14)

Expectations: Infaaq (Muhammad : 38) ; Collective submission (Al-Hujurat : 1)

GROUP 6 - Akhirah ( Hereafter): Evidences and Expectations (Qaf - An-Nas)

i. Creation: (Qaf : 9-11)
ii. Our inner self: Nafs-e-lawwamah (Al-Qiyamah : 2)
iii. Stages of man’s creation (Al-Qiyamah : 36-40)
iv. Allah’s absolute knowledge necessitates accountability
v. Daleel khitaabee (Oratory impact) (Az-Zariyath : 5-6, At-Taghabun : 7 , Al-Qiyamah : 1)
vi. Purpose of life ( Al-Mulk : 2)

Characteristics of those who have absolute certainty (yaqeen) in the hereafter

Surah Al-Asr : Eman - Amal us saalih - Tawasaw bil huq - Tawasaw bis sabr

Stages of the akhirah

i. Death (individual end) (Al-Qiyamah : 26-30) ; Qabr , ajdaath, marqad
ii. The hour ( universal end) (Al-Qariah : 1-5)
iii. Resurrection (Al-Infitar : 4)
iv. Accountability and weighing of scales (Al-Qariah : 6-9)
v. Sirath and light (Al-Hadeed : 12)
vi. Jannah and jahunnum ( Al-Ghashiyah : 1-10)
Quranic Summaries

Juzz 1: Surah al-Fatiha - Surah al-Baqarah: 1-141

Surah al-Fatiha
• Teaches us how to make dua (supplication) to Allah and ask for the most important blessing
i.e. ‘Hidayah’ (guidance).
• Ayat 5: ‘ You alone do we worship and You alone do we ask for help’ is the essence of the
Quran - The rest of the Quran is a response to this dua and hence provides guidance

Surah al-Baqarah 1-141

Ayaat 1 - 39:
• 3 attitudes towards the guidance: Mo’min, kaafir and munaafiq (3-20)
• All humanity is called to worship Allah (ibadah) (21)
• The Quran’s challenge (23-24)
• Creation of Adam as a khalifah, the battle against iblees to remain guided and tauba (30-39)

Ayaat 40 - 141:
Learn lessons from the previous ummah i.e. Bani Israeel, and invitation to them to follow this
• They were blessed with Allah’s favours and they were given the status and responsibility to
obey Allah and His messenger Musa, as role models of the shariah (40-46)
• Their mischief and crimes have been listed e.g. calf worship, preferring this world to the
hereafter, changing the scripture, disobeying Musa, partial obedience of the scripture etc.
As a result they suffered from humiliation, inactivity and the anger of Allah (51-86)
• Bani Israeel are invited to do tauba (122-123)
• Prophet Ibraheem mentioned as the one who passed all tests and made dua for the coming
of the last messenger, so follow his way! (124-141)

Juzz 2: Surah al-Baqarah:142-252

Surah al-Baqarah 142 - 252
• Collective Vision: Role and responsibility of this ummah is to bear witness unto mankind by
conveying the message (143)
• Change of ‘qibla’ symbolises the transfer of this role from Bani Israeel to this ummah
• Methodology of the Prophet: Tilawat ul ayaat, Tazkiyah, Ilm ul kitaab and Hikmah (151)
• The essence of eman: Believers love Allah the most (165)
• Concept of Birr: Relationship between the form and spirit of ibadah (177)
• Pillars: Hajj, salah, sawm and zakah
• Sabr: Infaaq and jihad - ‘liyakun uddeen u lillah’ (193) - Battle between Talut and Galut
• Enter into Islam fully so you can fulfill your role (208)
• Ahkaam: Khamr, maysir, nikah, haydh, talaq etc

Juzz 3: Surah al-Baqarah: 252 - End & Surah al-e-Imran 1-92

Surah al-Baqarah 252 - End
• The greatest ayat: Ayat ul Kursi (255) - Eman in Allah
• Infaaq and its adaab (etiquettes) (261-274)
• Riba (social exploitation) vs sadaqah (social welfare) (275-281)
• Loans - write them down and take witnesses (282)
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Quranic Summaries

• Dua to make it easy to carry out the role of shahadah alan naas (bearing witness unto
mankind) (285-286)

Surah al-e-Imran 1-101 (Addresses the People of the Book)

• Introduction to giving dawah to Christians - ayaat muhkamaat and muthashabihaat (7)
• Invitation to the People of the Book (POB) - Deen with Allah is only Islam so follow the
Messenger (19 & 85))
• Story of Hannah, Zakariyyah, Maryam and Eesa alaihim as salaam (35-63)
• Beware of the plots by some of the POB (64)
• Invitation to believe in the Haneefiyah of prophet Ibraheem (65-69)

Juzz 4: Surah al-e-Imran 102-End and Surah an-Nisa 1-23

Surah al-e- Imran 102 - End (Addresses the Muslim Ummah)
• Advice to the Muslim ummah to be able to convey the message: Taqwa, hold fast to the
Quran and do not be divided (102-103)
• Obligation of the ummah: Enjoin ma’roof (good) and forbid munkar (evil) (104)
• You are the best ummah as you benefit people by enjoining good and forbidding evil (110)
• People of the book are not all the same, so beware (113)
• Battle of Uhud: Lessons for the ummah until the end of time (121-175)
• Sunnah of Allah: Differentiates between true believers and munaafiqoon (179)
• Characteristics of the people of understanding - Ulul Albaab (190-195)
• 4 qualities for success: Sabr, saabiroo, raabitu and taqwa (200)

Surah an-Nisa 1- 23: How to build a unity from the ground up

• One Creator! One mankind! (1)
• Rights of the weak sections of society: Orphans, women, etc (2)
• Inheritance: Limits set out by Allah - do not transgress them! (7-14)
• Tauba (17-18)
• Nikah and those who are muharramaat (forbidden for marriage) (22-23)

Juzz 5: Surah an-Nisa 24 -147

Surah an-Nisa 24 - 147 (Basis for a healthy society)
• Muhsanaat (24)
• Role of husband and wife; nikah and talaq (34-35)
• Shahadah alan naas - The Prophet’s concern (41)
• Crimes of the POB, an invitation to them and warning (46-48)
• Fulfill trusts and mutual contracts (58)
• Obedience of Allah, the messenger and those in authority (59, 64, 65, 69, 80, 115)
• Munaafiqoon and their attitude towards jihad and obeying the messenger (77-83)
• Establish justice in society even if it is against yourself and do not blindly follow hawa
(desires) (135)
• Munaafiqoon: Deceive themselves and are neither here nor there, pray in a lazy state -
warning of the deepest part of jahannum - but tauba can save them (142-146)

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Quranic Summaries

Juzz 6: Surah an-Nisa 148-176 End and Surah al-Maidah 1-81

Surah an-Nisa 147-End (Basis for a healthy society)
• Real disbelief is to distinguish between Allah and the messengers i.e. follow some and not
others (150-151)
• Hujjah (clear proof ) is established by having sent the books and the messengers (165)
• The reality of what happened to Eesa ibn Maryam as opposed to speculations (171-172)
• People of the book repeatedly encouraged to rethink their stance regarding the message

Surah al-Maidah 1-81 (Completion of the structure of the shariah and invitation to the POB)
• First and foremost: uphold your agreements and promises (1)
• Completion and perfection of the deen and Allah’s greatest favour (3)
• Ahkaam of wudhu, tayammum, halal/haram, and theft etc (6, 38 etc)
• Be just and stand up for justice (8)
• People of the book reminded of their refusal to obey Musa (20-26)
• The sanctity of life in the story of Habeel and Qabeel (27-33)
• The requirement for the followers of a messenger’s shariah to live by it (43-50, 66,68)
• Convey the message and Allah will protect you (67)

Juzz 7: Surah al-Maidah 82-120 End and Surah al-An’aam 1-110

Surah al-Maidah 82 - 120 End (Completion of the structure of the shariah and invitation to the
• POB listened to the Quran; they wept and believed (83)
• Miscellaneous ahkaam: Oaths, khamr, maysir, kaaba as ‘haram’ and wills etc (89-91, 97)
• Warning against excessive questioning (101)
• Questioning of the messengers by Allah regarding their responsibility of conveying the
message (109)
• Prophet Eesa: The Maidah (table spread) and Allah questioning Eesa ibn Maryam (110-120)

Surah al-An’aam 1-110 (Itmaam ul hujjah: Signs of Allah’s Oneness and Greatness in His
Creation and His blessings)
• Allah is Creator and Sustainer of all and He knows and sees everything - so worship Him
alone (1-3)
• Akhirah is the manifestation of Allah’s justice (12)
• Signs shown: They recognise you as their sons; Allah’s creation around you (20 etc)
• Consoling the believers to remain steadfast (32-34)
• The mushrikeen’s demand for miracles and Allah’s reply (35)
• Prophet Ibraheem’s reflection in Allah’s creation and conclusion (74-79)

Juzz 8: Surah al-An’aam 111-206 End & Surah al-A’raaf 1- 87

Surah al-An’aam 111-206 End
• The attitude of the disbelievers to the signs (111)
• Negation of shirk regarding legislation - Following the desires of the masses (116 & 119)
• Criminal leadership of Quraysh likened to the dead (122)
• Summary of the 10 commandments vs fabricated legislation (150-53)
• Invitation to believe in Ibraheem’s religion and declaration by the Prophet of his devotion to
it (161-163)

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Quranic Summaries

Surah al-A’raaf 1-87 (Itmaam ul hujjah: Signs from history when Allah decided the fate of
• Sunnah of Allah: Many cities were destroyed, messengers and nations will be questioned &
judged (4-6)
• Creation begins: Adam and iblees; importance of libaas, tauba vs arrogance (11-36)
• Creation resurrected and judged: Scales, dialogue, and ashaab ul A’raaf (44-51)
• History of 4 of the 6 previous nations: Nations of Nuh, Hud, Saleh and Lut (59-84)

Juzz 9: Surah al-A’raaf 88-206 End and Surah al-Anfaal 1-40

Surah al-A’raaf 88 - End
• History of 2 of the 6 previous nations: Nations of Shuaib (85-102) and Musa (103-171)
• Fitrah: Allah’s address to mankind: ‘Am I not your Lord?’ (172)
• Inability of those associated with Allah vs Allah’s absolute power (188)
• Negation of shirk and affirmation of tawheed (191-198)
• Guidance to the believers on how to remain steadfast (199-205)

Surah al-Anfaal 1- 40 (First confrontation with baatil and punishment for the rejectors)
• Distribution of the anfaal (spoils of war/booty) (1)
• Characteristics of the ‘true believers’ (ً "#%$ َ')
• Commentary on the battle of Badr (5-23)
• Obey Allah and His messenger and respond to their call (24)
• Justification of the punishment of the Quraysh (34-37)
• Objective of fighting: Removal of fitnah and making deen only for Allah (39)

Juzz 10: Surah al-Anfaal 41-75 End and Surah at-Taubah 1-92
Surah al-Anfaal 41-End ( First confrontation with baatil and punishment)
• Division of the anfaal (41)
• Allah decided for Badr to take place for the truth to be evident from the falsehood (42)
• Shaitan and his followers (48)
• Rules related to warfare and peacemaking (60-62)
• Allah’s favour: He placed affection in your hearts (63)
• Characteristics of the ‘true believers’ (ً "#%$ َ')

Surah at-Tauba 1-92 (Final warning for the Mushrikeen and the launch of the second phase of
the Prophet’s mission)
• Declaration of disassociation from the mushrikeen and a final chance and warning (1)
• Allegiance is with Allah and His messenger (16, 23-24)
• People of the book given the option to pay jizyah (29)
• The deen will prevail despite the insignificant efforts of those who hate it (32-33)
• Consequence of abandoning the struggle against evil (39)
• Tabuk & the Munaafiqoon : Excuses, lies, ridicule and hindering others etc (42,45,49,58 etc)
• Tabuk & the Mo’minoon : Submit and carry out infaaq (99)

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Quranic Summaries

Juzz 11: Surah at-Taubah 93-129 End , Surah Yunus and Surah Hud 1-5
Surah at-Tauba 93-129 End
• The first and foremost in faith (100)
• Allah has bought the believers’ lives and properties for jannah - Rejoice ! (111-112)
• The 3 companions that stayed behind and whose tauba was accepted (118)
• Importance of organisation and specialisation (122)
• The Prophet’s concern for this ummah (128)

Surah Yunus 1-End

• Haqq (truth): Allah, His creation, and the resurrection (3-5)
• The cry of the fitrah when in distress (12 & 22)
• The Prophet is haqq: He has remained amongst you for over 40 years (16)
• Who has more ‘haqq’ to be obeyed than Allah ‘The Haqq’ who has guided to the ‘haqq’ (35)
• Quran is haqq: A challenge to bring a surah like it (37-38)
• Quran: The greatest favour - so rejoice! (57-58)
• Remain steadfast by following the Quran (104-106 & 109)

Juzz 12: Surah Hud and Surah Yusuf 1-53

Surah Hud
• One of the surahs that made the Prophet’s hair turn grey
• Invitation to the ibadah of Allah alone (2-3)
• Quran as a challenge: Bring 10 surahs like it if you claim it has been fabricated (13-14)
• Actions without real eman are baatil (false/null and void) (16)
• Stories of 6 Messengers: All called to the ibadah of Allah alone and to do istighfaar; they and
their followers were saved from the punishment and the wrath of their enemies (25-103)
• Remain steadfast through: salah, doing more good as it will remove evil, and sabr (113-115)
• These stories strengthen your resolve, so continue in your ibadah and tawakkul (120)

Surah Yusuf 1-53

• Narration of this story is a proof of the truthfulness of the Prophet (3)
• The story mirrors the life of the Prophet
• Warns Quraysh of the fact that the tables are going to turn - signs are there if you are willing
to see (7)

Juzz 13: Surah Yusuf 53-End, Surah ar-Ra’d and Surah Ibraheem
Surah Yusuf 53 - End
• Lesson: Remain steadfast and have high moral character under all circumstances
• Allah elevated the status of Yusuf due to his sabr
• Haqq always prevails and Allah saves the messengers and the believers from their enemies
• The mercy shown by Yusuf to his brothers is a great lesson for us all

Surah ar-Ra’d
• Quran is haqq and calling upon Allah is Haqq while calling upon others is baatil (14)
• Similitude of haqq and baatil (17)
• Characteristics of the people of understanding - Ulul Albaab: Fulfill covenants, join relations,
fear Allah, have sabr, pray, give charity, and prevent evil with good (19-22)
• Haqq is steadily prevailing and the Quraysh’s influence in the land is diminishing (41)
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Quranic Summaries

Surah Ibraheem
• Quran is the light that takes one out of the darknesses (1)
• Lessons from the history of the past nations: Musa and firaun (5-9)
• Signs within one’s ‘self’: How can you have any doubt regarding Allah? (10)
• Baatil actions: No reward in the hereafter - like ashes blown away by the wind (18)
• Shaitan’s final address to humiliate his followers: ‘Don’t blame me! Blame yourselves!’ (22)
• Similitude of a pure word (kalima tayyiba) and an impure word (kalima khabeetha) (24-27)
• Prophet Ibraheem’s dua (35-41)
• Allah will fulfill His promise (47)
• Guidance and motivation: Convey this message and warn the people of understanding (52)

Juzz 14: Surah al-Hijr and Surah an-Nahl

Surah al-Hijr
• Quran is haqq: Protected by Allah - believe or bear the consequence (9)
• Signs in creation: Stars, earth, mountains, balance, winds etc (16-22)
• Knowledge of Allah - Necessitates accountability (24-25)
• Signs in our ‘self’: Struggle between good and evil (28-40)
• Signs from previous nations - Recompense (51-84)
• Guidance: Al-Fatiha - seven oft repeated ayaat (87)
• Do not be selective regarding the Quran (91)
• Show mercy to your companions and carry on announcing and inviting to the truth (94-99)

Surah an-Nahl
• Signs in Allah’s creation (4-17)
• Leaders of shirk will also carry the burdens of their followers (25)
• Punishment of the mushrikeen and reward of the believers (28-32)
• Prophet has been sent to explain the revelation (44)
• Signs in the creation of the bee (68-69)
• Shahadaa alan naas - Bearing witness unto mankind (89)
• 3 Commands: Justice, do good and give to your relatives (90)
• 3 Prohibitions: Indecency, evil and transgression (90)
• Prophet Ibraheem is the example to be followed (120-123)
• Guidance: Invite with wisdom, be fair and have sabr (125)

Juzz 15: Surah al-Isra and Surah al-Kahf

Surah al-Isra
• Isra and Mi’raj - Allah raised the morale at the most difficult time after the visit to Taif (1)
• Principles for the Muslim community to be saalih (righteous) (23-39)
• Everything is doing tasbeeh (44)
• Resurrection will take place - have no doubt! (49-52)
• Iblees’s overwhelming plan (61-65)
• Istifzaaz vs glad tidings that you will return (76)
• Salah, tahajjud, and Quran & dua for hijrah (78-79)
• Haqq has come and baatil will vanish (81)
• Quran’s challenge (88)
• Example of Musa and Firaun - Istifzaaz (103)

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Quranic Summaries

Surah al-Kahf
• Hamd, abd, warning, grief of the Prophet (1-6)
• Purpose of life - earth and its attractions as a test (7)
• Test of eman: people of the cave stood up for haqq (9-25)
• Do not rely on matter - the real meaning of tawakkul (26)
• Strengthen yourselves through Quran and good company (28)
• Emphasis on amal saalih (good deeds) in this surah (30-31,46)
• Test of wealth and property (tawakkul) (32-42)
• Disbelievers argue using batil (56)
• Allah’s promise is haqq (58-59)
• Test of knowledge, belief in ghayb, and sabr: Musa & Khidhr (60-82)
• Test of power and authority: Dhul Qarnayn (83-98)
• Greatest loser in terms of deeds (103-106)
• Do good deeds based on tawheed (110)

Juzz 16: Surah Maryam and Surah TaHa

Surah Maryam: Invites the Christians to the tawheed preached by Prophet Eesa
• Zakariyyah’s dua for Yahya - despite the extreme unlikelihood of having children (2-15)
• Maryam and Eesa: His address in the cradle: “I am the servant of Allah” (16-36)
• Ibraheem (as) invited to tawheed, forbade worship of shaitan and migrated for Allah (41-50)
• All the prophets invited to tawheed and established prayer - their evil successors neglected
prayer (55 & 59)
• Belief in Allah leads to more guidance and good deeds (76)
• Warning to the Quraysh leaders (77-87)
• Allah’s anger regarding shirk (88-95)

Surah TaHa: Invites Bani Israeel to the tawheed preached by Musa and Harun (as)
• Greatness of Allah Who revealed this book (2-8)
• Musa & Firaun: Allah’s favours on Musa and Bani Israeel (9-79)
• Baatil: Worship of the calf (87-88)
• Outcomes of the wrongdoers vs the believers (111-112)
• Turning a blind eye to the guidance in this life will result in blindness in the hereafter
• Remain steadfast through salah! (130-132)

Juzz 17: Surah al-Anbiya and Surah al-Hajj

Surah al-Anbiya
• Haqq - the hour is nearing, but they turn away in heedlessness (1-2)
• Creation is not mere play (16)
• Haqq smashes the baatil to bits (18)
• If there was more than one ilah ... fasaad! (22)
• Bring your evidence if you have any! (24)
• Signs: Big Bang and life from water, mountains, sky as a roof and planets in orbit (30-33)
• Reducing the land from around the disbelievers: Haqq vs baatil (44)
• Scales - haqq (47)
• Prophet Ibraheem: Haqq vs baatil: Smashed the Idols and was protected in the fire (51-70)

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• All the prophets were one ummah (92)

• Yajuj Majuj and the promise of haqq (96-97)
• Last Prophet: Mercy for all worlds (107)
• Dua: Allah decide between us with Haqq! (112)

Surah al-Hajj
• The hour and its terror (1-2)
• Creation of man in stages and resurrection (5-7)
• Baatil argues without knowledge, guidance or a clear book (8)
• Crime of Baatil: stopping from worship in the sanctuary i.e. ‘Haram’ (25)
• Haqq: Objective of jihad (39-41)
• Tawheed and taskheer (65-66)
• Beautiful similitude of haqq vs baatil (73-74)
• Shahada alan naas (78)

Juzz 18: Surah al-Mo’minoon , Surah an-Nur and al-Furqan 1- 20

Surah al-Mo’minoon
• Characteristics of the believers who will be successful in inheriting paradise (1-11)
• Signs in man’s creation and Allah’s favours (12-16)
• All prophets were One Ummah: They all called to tawheed and asked for Allah’s help (52)
• If the haqq followed the ‘desires’ - mischief (71)
• Faculties of hearing, sight and thinking should lead to shukr (78)
• Repel evil with good (96)
• Haqq vs useless and purposeless creation (115)
• The disbelievers will not be successful (117)
• Dua to ask for Allah’s forgiveness and mercy (118)

Surah an-Nur
• Zina and its punishment (1-2)
• Slander and its punishment (4-25)
• Etiquette of entering homes (27)
• Modesty and a socially responsible attitude - lowering of the sight and dress: Head scarf etc
• A beautiful example: Light vs darknesses (35-40)
• Status of the Prophet (47-52 & 63)
• Promise of Allah to establish the true believers in the land (55)
• Ahkaam of entering rooms at 3 specific times (58-59)
• Etiquette of social gatherings (62)

Surah al-Furqan: 1-20

• Objective of risalah: Basheer and nazeer (1)
• Allegations against the Prophet and response (4-20)

Juzz 19: Surah al-Furqan 21- End, Surah ash-Shu’ara and an-Naml 1- 55
Surah al-Furqan 21- End:
• Baatil deeds (23)
• Abandoning the Quran (30)
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• Wisdom behind revealing the Quran in stages (32-33) & Quran is the instrument for the
greater struggle (52)
• An invitation to become the servants of The Merciful (63-75)

Surah ash-Shu’ara
• Concern of the Prophet for those who are turning away from the signs (3)
• Signs in nature (7-9)
• Stories of the Prophets: Musa, Ibraheem, Nuh (called majnoon)
• All the prophets said: “Have taqwa of Allah and follow me”
• After each sign we are reminded: Your Lord is All-Mighty All-Merciful: Make your choice!
• The Quran is revelation, it is not the handiwork of shaithan nor is it poetry (192-227)

Surah an-Naml 1-55

• Leaders denied the truth after recognising it (14)
• Prophets Dawud and Sulaiman were grateful (shakir) leaders (15)
• Influence of the power and civilization of Prophet Sulaiman on the queen of Saba (44)
• Prophet Saleh: The disbelievers’ plan to kill him lead to their own destruction (50)

Juzz 20: Surah an-Naml 56-End, Surah al-Qasas and Surah al-Ankabut 1-45
Surah an-Naml 56-End
• Prophets given ‘salaam’ (59)
• Can there be an ilah with Allah who created all this? (60-63)
• Main issue is their denial of ‘akhirah’ (66)
• Reassurance to the Prophet and encouragement to keep inviting (76-92)

Surah al-Qasas
• This true narration of the life of prophet Musa is evidence of the truth of the Messenger (3)
• Prophet Musa: Childhood, early years, travel to Madyan, his return to Egypt and firaun’s
destruction (4-43)
• Invitation to bring a book which is better in guidance and the following of desires (49-51)
• You cannot guide those who you love - Only Allah can guide (56)
• The real fear of the Quraysh: losing their status and power (57-58)
• Qaroon and his demise (76-82)
• Allah’s promise to the Prophet to return him to Makkah and the akhirah (85)

Surah al-Ankabuth 1- 45
• Trials are inevitable: they sift the true believers from the munaafiqoon (1-11)
• History of trials: Nuh (950 years), Ibraheem, etc (14-40)
• The spider web: Do not rely on false and feeble idols and ideas (41-42)

Juzz 21: Surahs al-Ankabut 46 - End, ar-Rum , Luqman , as -Sajdah & al-Ahzaab 1-30
Surah al-Ankabuth 46 - End
• Proofs of Risalah: The prophet could neither read nor write (48-49)
• Migration and a promise of provision (Abyssinia) (56)
• Promise and reassurance of help and guidance after hijrah (69)

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Surah ar-Rum
• Proofs of Risalah: Prediction of the Romans defeating the Persians within a few years (1-5)
• Signs in nature: Dust - pairs - thunder - sky and rain - alternation of night and day (20-25)
• Fitrah: Allah’s created fitrah remains the same (30-34)
• Cause of fasaad on the earth and sea: man’s wrongdoings (41)
• Command to turn to Allah alone (43)
• Remain steadfast! Allah’s promise is definite! Do not let the disbelievers in akhirah,
underestimate you (60)

Surah Luqman
• Quran is a guide for those who: pray, give charity and have certainty in the hereafter (1-5)
• Luqman’s advice based on sound fitrah: Shirk vs Allah’s rights, parents, belief in akhirah,
dawah, sabr, & rights of creation (12-19 & 32)
• Taskheer - Allah subjected everything to you so worship Him alone (20-21)
• Allah’s power - to recreate all of you is as easy as creating one of you (28)
• 5 things only Allah knows: The hour, rainfall, wombs, future actions and place of death (34)

Surah as-Sajdah
• Quran is the proof that he is the Prophet (1-3)
• Sign in man’s creation: Physical creation and rooh (7-9)
• Signs in our morality: Can the believer be the same as the wrongdoer? (18)
• Signs in history and Allah’s sustenance (26-27)
• Warning: It will be of no benefit if you believe on that day (29-30)

Surah al-Ahzaab 1-30

• Obey Allah and follow the Quran and have tawakkul in Allah (1-3)
• The battle of Ahzaab: Attitude of the believers compared to the betrayers ( 9-13,22)
• Requirements of belief in the messenger: Love him more than your selves, obey him, take
him as role model, obey him, send salam upon him, and continue his mission as he is the
seal of prophets (6,21,36,40,56)
• Beware of the munaafiqoon and traits of nifaaq (48)

Juzz 22: Surah al-Ahzaab 31-73, Saba, Faatir, and Yaseen 1-27
Surah al-Ahzaab 31-73
• Status of the wives of the Prophet (30-35)
• Dress for women: Jilbaab - outer garment (59)
• Amanah given to mankind (82-83)

Surah Saba
• Alhumdolillah - Allah has knowledge of everything (1-2)
• Akhirah: Daleel khitaabee: “It will definitely come to you”! (3)
• Shukr of prophet Dawud and Sulaiman vs Kufr of the people of Saba (10-13 & 15-17)
• Prophet sent as basheer and nazeer for all mankind - you need to continue his role (28)
• Reconsider your stance regarding him - think individually and in pairs (46)

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Surah Faatir
• Allah is the Provider! (1-3)
• Shaitan is a plain enemy so be on your guard (5-6)
• Signs of tawheed: Rain gives life; kalima tayyibah and good deeds are accepted (9-13)
• False idols will not help in the akhirah (14)
• Take heed of your purification (tazkiyah) (18)
• Difference between mo’min & faasiq: darknesses & light , shade & heat , alive & dead (19-22)
• Importance of having knowledge to fear Allah (28)
• Reward of believers vs punishment of disbelievers (29-35 & 36-37)
• Partners have no power to create or sustain (40)
• Those who plot against Allah are plotting against their own selves (43)

Surah Yaseen 1-27

• Quran is proof of the Prophethood (1-7)
• Story of a supporter of the messengers (13-27)
• Forgiveness and reward for those who follow this reminder and fear Allah (28)

Juzz 23: Surah Yaseen 28-End,, as-Saafaat, Saad, az-Zumar 1-31

Surah Yaseen 28-End
• Resurrection: Reward and punishment (51-65)
• The prophet was not given knowledge of poetry (69)
• Quran is a warning for the ‘living’ (70)
• Allah can easily recreate: When He intends a matter He simply says: Be! and it is. (81-83)

Surah as-Saaffaat
• Allah’s uloohiyyah and ruboobiyyah highlighted (1-5)
• Mukhlas: Rewards for those who are sincerely devoted to Allah and punishment for the
mushrikeen (38-71)
• All prophets remained steadfast on tawheed (72-148)
• Messengers and believers will be victorious (171-182)

Surah Saad
• They are against ‘la ilaha illa Allah’ due to their arrogance (kibr) and haughtiness (1-2)
• Warning given of azaab (3)
• Do tauba frequently, like the prophets used to (17,19,24,30,34,44)
• Mukhlas (chosen by Allah): because they choose the akhirah over this duniya (46)
• Shaitan cannot misguide the mukhlas (82-83)
• The Prophet only wants to remind you for your benefit and salvation (86-88)

Surah az-Zumar 1-31

• Worship Allah making your worship sincerely and purely for Him (mukhlis) (1-3)
• Signs in the creation of the universe and the 3 darknesses in the mother’s womb (5-6)
• The Prophet has also been commanded to be mukhlis to Allah alone (11-14)
• Comparison between the disbelievers in jahannum and believers in jannah (15-20)

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Juzz 24: Surah az-Zumar 32-End, Ghafir and Fussilat 1- 46

Surah az-Zumar 32-End
• Invitation: Do not lose hope in Allah’s mercy (53)
• They did not estimate Allah appropriately (67)
• People of kufr and the muttaqoon will be driven to their final destinations (70-75)

Surah Ghafir
• Allah’s might, and the prayer of the angels for the believers (1-3 & 7)
• Make your deen for Allah alone and then make dua to Him alone - be mukhlis (14)
• Warning of qiyamah - Who will have power on that day? (16-18)
• The invitation of a believer amongst the people of firaun and his reliance on Allah (28-30)
• Signs in Allah’s ruboobiyyah should lead one to be mukhlis in his worship of Allah (61-62)
• Dua is responded to by Allah if a person is mukhlis to Allah (60 & 65)
• O believers! Remain steadfast indeed the promise of Allah is true - you will be victorious!
(51,55 & 77)

Surah Fussilat 1- 46
• Worship Allah alone and remain steadfast (istiqamah) and do istighfaar (6)
• Signs in the creation of the universe and destruction of previous nations (9-14)
• Azaab of the disbelievers: Body parts testify and they wish to trample those who misguided
them (19-23)
• Propaganda: Do not listen to the Quran and cause distractions when it is recited (26)
• Reward of the steadfast believers who called to the purity of Allah’s worship (30-36)
• Quran: Baatil cannot approach or harm it (42)

Juzz 25: Surah Fussilat 47-End, ash-Shuura, Zukhruf, ad-Dukhan and al-Jathiyah
Surah Fussilat 47-End
• Man’s attitude during easy and difficult times regarding supplication and remembering
Allah (49-51)
• We will definitely show them signs on the horizons and in their selves which will separate
the truth from the falsehood (53)

Surah ash-Shuura ( Tawheed fi zat and Tawheed Hakimiya)

• Angels pray for the believers (5)
• Allah is Owner and King and nothing is like Him (11-12)
• Shariah given for you to establish it in your lives and invite to it (13-15)
• Partners have given no shariah; they follow desires (hawa) (21)
• Reward of believers and their qualities: Eman, tawakkul, avoid major sins & immorality,
forgive when angry, respond to Allah, pray, justice, decide collective affairs through mutual
consultation (shuura), forgive and spend in the cause of Allah (36-38)
• Disbelievers’ punishment (44-46)
• Respond before it’s too late (47)
• 3 modes of Revelation: Inspiration; through an angel or from behind a screen (51)

Surah az-Zukhruf
• Quran is with Allah (1-4)
• Dua for travel (13-14)
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• Shirk fi zat: Associated partners by making creation part of Allah (15-16)

• Prophet Ibraheem’s dawah (26-28)
• Those who turn away will follow the shaitan to their destruction (36-39)
• Remain steadfast with the Quran (43-44)
• Firaun: Shirk fil hakimiyya (51)
• Muttaqoon will be with each other on that day (67)
• The One Who is the ‘ilah’ in the sky is also ‘ilah’ on the earth so obey Him alone! (84)

Surah ad-Dukhan
• Quran revealed in the blessed night (1-3)
• Musa invited firaun who was haughty on the earth (17-19)
• Creation has a purpose - it is not mere play (38)
• Punishment of the deniers (43-50)
• Rewards for the righteous (muttaqoon) (51-57)
• Quran made easy to remember and remind others through (58-59)

Surah al-Jathiyah
• Quran gives you all the signs to consider (1-6)
• Attitude of the arrogant to these signs: istikbaar (7-9)
• Justice in the hereafter: Good for good, bad for bad (15)
• O Prophet follow the shariah and not their desires (18)
• The concept of ‘Desire worship’ (23)
• Hereafter: On their knees (28-29)
• To Allah belongs all praise and all greatness (kibriya) (36-37)

Juzz 26: Surah al-Ahqaaf, Muhammad, Fath, Hujurat, Qaf, adh-Dhariyat 1-30
Surah al-Ahqaaf
• Teaches tawheed and uses evidence based criticisms of idolatry; the false deities do not
hear, see, cause good/harm or accept dua (1-6)
• Allah rejects the disbelievers’ reservations regarding the Quran (7-12)
• Parable of a pious and wicked son shows the importance of raising children with eman
• Encourages patience and presents four Messengers as supreme role models (21-35)

Surah Muhammad
• A criteria is set to separate a believer from a non believer: Following falsehood or truth (1-3)
• There will always be a struggle between the followers of the truth and falsehood (4)
• The surah teaches us the etiquette of combat and post-combat manners and rights of
• Presents jihad as a litmus test for eman; warning us: ‘If you turn away we will superimpose
upon you another nation who will not be like you’ (35-38)

Surah al-Fath
• It teaches us to reflect on events intelligently - Hudaybiyyah was the start of the victories to
follow until the last day (1-10)
• The surah declares the virtue of the sahaba

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• Shows us how to please Allah and gain His aid in the most desperate of times; by full
submission (20)
• Hypocrites flee from their responsibility - the acts of such and other disbelievers are null
and void (12-16)
• Purpose of the messengerhood: to dominate all other systems despite the disbelievers
hating it (28)

Surah al-Hujurat
• O believers! Do not put your opinion before that of Allah and His messenger (1-2)
• Teaches us societal etiquette; first towards the prophet and then wider community (1-13)
• It shows us how to ‘fact check’ and not spread ‘fake news’; by verifying narratives (6)
• It teaches us not to be neutral bystanders if there is hostility between believers (9)
• Common societal ills that cause hostility (9)
• Allah warns us explicitly that race has no value in His sight. Taqwa is the ONE criterion for
value! (13)
• Allah promises us that our deeds would not be wasted if we obey Him and His Prophet (14)

Surah Qaf
• Teaches us basic beliefs and to be reflective of creation and accountable as the angels will
record our deeds and then we will be held to book (1-18)
• Teaches patience in the face of ridicule and hostility whilst calling to Allah by celebrating
His praise and worshipping Him (39)
• Flags up a very important attribute of the daee: You are NOT an enforcer but an advisor, so
advise through the Quran (45)

Surah al-Dhariyat: 1–30

• Resurrection and accountability are fact - ‘What you have been promised is real’ (1-6)
• It teaches us how to try to reach a higher status of eman: do good deeds, sleep little at
night, repent and seek forgiveness in the last part of the night, and give charity (15-19)
• It teaches us to be generous, especially as daees, as was prophet Ibraheem to his stranger
guests (24-28)

Juzz 27: Surah at-Tur - Surah al-Hadeed

Surah at-Tur
• Declares explicitly: ‘Your Lord’s punishment is coming, it cannot be put off’ (1-7)
• It shows the effects of the Quran on the hearts of the people (33-35)
• Allah challenges to produce the like of the Quran if they claim it was authored by the
Prophet (34)
• Allah sets a question to the disbelievers: ‘Were they created without any agent? Were they
the creators? Did they create the heavens and the earth? They certainly do not
believe’ (35-36)
• For a daee the Prophet is a model of forbearance and continuity (48-49)

Surah an-Najm
• It affirms the Prophet’s nobility and soundness of mind (1-4)
• It informs us of the Isra and Mi’raj
• To be in the ranks of the muttaqoon we must abstain from major sins & shameful deeds (32)
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• Warning: ‘If you turn away we will replace you with another nation who will not be like
you’ (36-54)
• Each person is responsible for their actions and none will carry anyone else’s burden of guilt
• Teaches us how to behave and relate to the Quran (59-62)

Surah al-Qamr
• It shows us that there are some people that will never believe; Allah tells us to refrain from
‘wasting time’ with them (1-6)
• Reminds us many times ‘How was my punishment and the warning?’ and ‘We have indeed
made the Quran easy to learn lessons from: so will anyone take heed?’ (15-16)
• We are told that everything has been created uniquely and with purpose, design and
wisdom (49)

Surah ar-Rahman
• Allah’s greatest favour is to teach us the Quran, and no favour comes close (1-2)
• Allah asks us 31 times ‘then which of your Lord’s favours will you deny?’ (13)

Surah al-Waqia’
• It teaches us how the hour will approach and humanity will be divided into 3 groups (1-7)
• It gives evidence for Allah’s being and his Power, thereby establishing the proof for
resurrection (57-74)
• It teaches us the status of the Quran in Allah’s standing: ‘Truly it is a Noble Book’ (75-77)

Surah al-Hadeed
• Orders us to spend (infaaq) in Allah’s path knowing that everything is His anyway (7-10,18)
• It also uses infaaq, implicitly, to sift the hypocrites from the body of true believers (11-15)
• Allah warns believers not be enamoured or deluded by the world; or hearts would be
hardened (16)
• Mentions the formation of iron on earth and its various uses and benefits (25)
• Condemns the introduction of extreme practices such as monasticism as unsanctioned
innovations (27)

Juzz 28: Surah al-Mujadala - Surah ath-Tahreem

Surah al-Mujadala
• Gives women a very important legal right (1-4)
• Teaches etiquette of public speaking and sitting; warns us not to accompany hizb-ush-
shaitan (8-12, 14-22)

Surah al-Hashr
• Warns us not to cause our own downfall, as happened with the Bani Nadheer in Madinah (2)
• Teaches us a very important economic principle that leads to wealth creation (7)
• Emphasises the status of the Prophet’s authority to legislate (7)
• Finally it warns us not to forget Allah or else He will cause us to forget our ‘selves’ (19)

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Surah al-Mumtahana
• Asks Muslims not to take the enemies of Allah as close friends (1)
• It sets the parameters for relations with those disbelievers who have not harmed the
believers (8-9)
• Shows the intelligence of the Prophet in concluding the treaty of Hudaybiyyah (10)

Surah as-Suff
• Teaches us that we must be true to our oaths and promises and warns us to do what we say
• Allah gives news of the Prophet’s advent through prophet Esa, and that His deen will be
dominant (6)
• Teaches us how to trade with Allah, and achieve eternal success (10-13)
• Finally it orders Muslims to stand up to aid the deen (14)

Surah al-Jumua’
• States the role of the Prophet as a ‘reciter, purifier, teacher of the Book and Wisdom’ (2)
• Warns us not to be like Bani Israeel with this deen; carriers but not benefiters (5)
• It teaches us the basic fiqh of Jumua’ and the obligation to attend Jumua’ (9-11)

Surah al-Munaafiqoon
• We are told the attributes of the hypocrites so that we can assess ourselves and be on our
guard (1-5)
• It orders us not to forget Allah and become deluded by the duniya (9)
• We are advised to spend for Allah, before death approaches and we regret (10)

Surah at-Taghabun
• People are of two kinds; grateful and ungrateful (2)
• Qiyamah will come whether we like it or not (7)
• It will be a day of mutual loss for both believers and disbelievers (9)
• Teaches us to be conscious of our wealth and families lest they divert us and pull us into
trials (14-15)
• Presents charity as an antidote to the trials (16-17)
Surah at-Talaq
• Presents the fiqh of divorce and iddah (waiting period after divorce) (1-4)
• Repeatedly urges taqwa in matters concerning women
Surah at-Tahreem
• Warns against DIY ijtihad (1)
• Tells us to save ourselves and our families from the fire by making sincere tauba (6-8)
• Teaches us that accompanying someone pious cannot save us from Allah’s punishment if
we are not pious ourselves (11)
Juzz 29: Surah al-Mulk - Surah al-Mursalat
Surah al-Mulk
• Purpose of life: To test who is best in good deeds (2)
• Deniers of the resurrection and their regret on that day (6-10)
• Signs in Allah's creation bring us closer to Him (14-25)
• Allah has the Absolute Power to do anything (28-30)
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Surah al-Qalam
• Emphasises the importance of education (1)
• The Prophet is above even the highest level of morality and good character (4)
• Do not be stingy - the poor also have a right on your wealth (17-33)
• Justice - Shall we treat the Muslims as the criminals? (35)
• Obey Allah through doing sajda now while you have a chance (42)
Surah al-Haqqa
• The last day is the inevitable reality! (1-3)
• Do not disobey the messenger or you will be punished (4-12)
• The book in the right hand vs the left hand (13-37)
• The Quran is not poetry, soothsaying or fabrication (38-47)
• Carry on glorifying Allah’s perfection (52)
Surah al-Ma’arij
• The hour is nearer than you think (6-7)
• That day people will abandon even those closest to them (11-14)
• Hell invites those who turn away from the reminder and prefer the duniya (17-21)
• Characteristics of a mo’min (22-30)
Surah Nuh
• This surah asks believers to exhaust all ends for dawah (5-20)
• It impresses the absolute necessity of istighfaar for success here & hereafter (4,7,10,28)
Surah al-Jinn
• The jinns testified to the truth of this Quran and the Prophet (1-3)
• The Prophet is just a warner so follow in his footsteps (20-28)
Surah al-Muzzammil
• Importance of the night prayer and devotion to internalise the Quran (1-4)
• Exhibit beautiful patience (10)
• Teaches us to not over burden our bodies as they have a right on us (20)
Surah al-Muddaththir
• Rise to go forth and fulfill your mission (1-7)
• Allah will deal with the evil plotters (11-26)
• Every person will be held responsible for their actions (37,48)
Surah al-Qiyamah
• The reproaching soul (nafs al-lawwaamah) is proof of the resurrection (1-2)
• Allah is All Powerful - He can recreate you in every aspect of detail (3-4)
• Allah has preserved the Quran for our complete guidance (16-19)
• Signs in man’s creation of Allah’s Might and Power (36-40)
Surah al-Insan
• Man is free to choose shukr (graditude) or kufr (ingratitude), but there is a consequence (3)
• Characteristics of the righteous (5-22)
• Love of the immediate is the main reason for their denial of the truth (27)

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Surah al-Mursalat
• The resurrection will take place! (1-7)
• Signs in history and in man’s creation (20-28)
• Reward for the muttaqoon (41-44)
• Repeatedly informs us of the destruction of the liars
Juzz 30: Surah an-Naba - Surah an-Nas
Surah an-Naba
• Allah will establish qiyamah as He has established the earth and all that it contains (1-17)
Surah an-Naziat
• This surah follows the same theme as surah an-Naba; the reality of resurrection and
qiyamah (1-14)
• It teaches us the importance and relativity of time (42-46)
Surah Abasa
• Teaches us to always pay more respect to a poor disabled believer than to a well heeled
disbeliever (1-12)
• Teaches us to act in this world as we will on the day of qiyamah i.e. worry about our own
selves (37)
Surah at-Takwir
• Teaches us how to respond to accusations made against the Prophet (19-25)
• Allah again stresses that guidance is by His Will and so we must seek tawfeeq to gain
guidance (28-29)
Surah al-Infitar
• It asks us in a very benevolent style to question ourselves as to ‘what has deluded you from
your Lord most Generous?’ (6)
• Allah reminds us that we are being recorded, so don’t be deluded (10-12)
Surah al-Mutaffafin
• Asks Muslims not to cheat in transactions in particular and in other affairs, in general (1-3)
Surah al-Inshiqaq
• Teaches that the day of judgment has many stages and each stage is more severe than the
previous (1-19)
• Shows the way to make the stages easier; have eman and do good deeds (25)
Surah al-Burooj
• It bears a warning not to cause trouble or persecute the believers (10)
• It also urges us to practice patience at the time of calamities (11)
Surah at-Tariq
• Teaches us that Allah has set over everyone a guardian angel that records and protects (4)
Surah al-A’la
• Commands us to do tasbeeh of Allah (1)
• It tells us to give dawah via the Quran (9)
• It highlights a common thread in all previous scriptures: self-purification, remembrance of
Allah and giving preference to the Hereafter and not this life - you will be successful (18-19)

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Surah al-Ghashiya
• Compares the believers and disbelievers on the day of judgment (1-16)
• Teaches us to strive with correct belief and knowledge (17-20)
• Teaches us how to give dawah; convey the message and leave the outcome to Allah (21-22)
Surah al-Fajr
• Teaches us that trials are a test and must be met with shukr (15-16)
• Urges us to recognise Allah’s favours on us and give to the poor (17-20)
Surah al-Balad
• We have been created to strive, both in this life and the hereafter until we enter jannah (4)
• Teaches us to be pure in intention when giving sadaqah (6)
• Encourages the freeing of slaves and feeding the destitute as great acts of sadaqah (13-16)
Surah ash-Shams
• Success lies in purification, and failure to do so corrupts the soul (9-10)
• Teaches us that all humans have the capacity to do good and bad, should they choose (8)
Surah al-Layl
• Urges us to spend in Allah’s way and not to be miserly (5-11)
• Following on from the previous surah it tells us that whichever path we choose, good or
bad, Allah will make that path easy for us
Surah ad-Duha
• Urges us to give dawah with the full belief that Allah is with us (3)
• Informs us that facing hostilities in dawah is a fleeting moment; the end would be
everlasting good (4-5)
• It urges us to be kind to the orphan, to the beggar and to recognise Allah’s favours
vociferously (9-11)
Surah al-Insharah
• It shows us that if we are sincerely working in Allah’s way then He will provide insharah as-
sadr (1)
• It teaches us that dawah is difficult at first but it is followed by ease (5-6)
• It orders us to be fully engulfed in Allah, even in our spare time (7-8)
Surah at-Teen
• Tells us that we are created perfect; both internally and externally - Our evil deeds change
that complexion and we become lowly (4-6)
Surah al-Alaq
• The beginning of the recital of the Quran by the Prophet
• Orders us to recite in the name of Allah (1)
• Teaches us that Allah is Generous; He gives us knowledge and wealth (3-5)
• Warns us not to be arrogant with knowledge and wealth but to use it to submit & worship
Allah (9-19)
Surah al-Qadr
• It emphasises that the laylatul qadr is blessed due to the revelation of the Quran, and
encourages us to seek it for worship; a night better than 1,000 months (1-5)

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Surah al-Bayyanah
• Warns us against nationalism & racism; reasons why people rejected an Arab prophet
• Teaches us that the Prophet is a clear proof and evidence
Surah al-Zilzal
• Prophesises the coming of qiyamah and its signs; one of them being earthquakes (1)
• Teaches us that the ground will bear testimony to that which took place on it (2-5)
• Every good and bad deed will be shown and accounted for (6-8)
Surah al-Adiyat
• Shows that at times animals are more loyal to their master than humans to the Creator (1-6)
• Teaches us not to become enslaved by the acquisition of wealth (8)
Surah al-Qariah
• Teaches us again how qiyamah will unfold (1-5)
• Tells us that at the end what will matter most is the weight of good and bad deeds (6-9)
Surah at-Takathur
• Severely criticises those who make wealth acquisition, until they die, their sole purpose (1-2)
• Teaches us that at the time of death they will soon realise the reality of existence (3-4)
• We are warned that we will be accountable for every favour from Allah (8)
Surah al-Asr
• Teaches us the value of time and the destructive outcome of time wasting (1-2)
• Teaches us the formula for salvation: Eman, good deeds, exhorting to the truth and to
patience (3)
Surah al-Humaza
• Teaches us social etiquettes
• It warns us against time wasting through fault finding, backbiting and ridiculing (1)
Surah al-Feel
• Teaches to rely purely on Allah; even as the mushrikeen of Quraysh did (1-2)
• It acts as a stern warning for the enemies of Allah not to invite Allah’s wrath
Surah al-Quraysh
• It teaches us to thank Allah for the favour of food and safety (1-2)
• It teaches us to turn to Allah in worship for these two favours (3-4)
Surah al-Maoon
• Teaches us of an inextricable link between good deeds and eman; charity, compassion and
• Warns us not to oppress the vulnerable members of society; the orphans and the poor (1-3)
• Tells us to have a pure intention in matters of ibadah and daily interactions (4-7)
Surah al-Kawthar
• Declares that the true believers will turn to prayer the more Allah gives them (1-2)
• It also tells us that the more Allah gives the more they sacrifice for His sake (2)
• It teaches us a historical fact; that in Allah’s sunnah the criminal is cut off and the believers
prosper (3)

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Surah al-Kafiroon
• Teaches us never to compromise with falsehood on matters of the shariah (2,4)
• It also makes it clear that tawheed has a practical daily aspect to it
• Sets a beautiful rule in engaging with disbelievers; ‘To you your deen and to me mine’ (6)
Surah an-Nasr
• It informed the Prophet that his time to return to His Lord was close
• It is a lesson to the ummah on how to celebrate victory and the approach of death; make
tasbeeh, hamd, istighfaar and have hope in His forgiveness (3)
Surah al-Lahab
• Teaches us that closeness of relations to a pious person, be it the Last Messenger is no
guarantee for success
• This surah also warns us not to become deluded by wealth and offspring; so-much-so that
we cannot recognise the truth (2,4)
Surah al-Ikhlas
This is the only surah in the Quran whose name is not found in the surah
• It in a nutshell closes all doors to shirk of tawheed regarding asma wa sifat (1-4)
• It illustrates the theoretical aspects of tawheed, just as surah al-Kafiroon illustrates the
practical aspects of tawheed
Surah al-Falaq (These 2 surahs are the best means of gaining Allah’s protection)
• First of the Muawwadhatayn surahs (through which you seek Allah’s protection)
• Teaches us how to seek Allah’s protection in our physical matters (1-5)
• This surah is comprehensive in the seeking of protection by addressing four areas
Surah an-Nas
• Second of the Muawwadhatayn surahs
• Teaches us how to seek Allah’s protection in our spiritual matters (1-6)

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