CCIL Quality Manual

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Asphalt and Aggregate Laboratory and Technician

Certification Programs
This document has been issued by the CCIL Certification Office and has been approved by the
Asphalt and Aggregates Certification Program Administration Committees (CPAC).

Any inquiries about the document can be directed to:

Certification Program Manager

3410 South Service Road, Suite 104
Burlington, ON
L7N 3T2
Tel: 289.337.8888
Fax: 289.337.8889


The CCIL Certification Office holds the copyright of this document, and it may not be copied for

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Approved by: CPAC
Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Background ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Reference Material2 .......................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Definitions ........................................................................................................................ 5
1.4 Laboratory Categories ....................................................................................................... 6
2.0 Responsibilities of the CCIL Board of Directors ................................................................. 6
3.0 Responsibilities of the Executive Committee of the CCIL Board of Directors ................... 6
4.0 Certification Program Administration Committees (CPACs) ............................................. 6
4.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 6
4.2 Duties and responsibilities of CPAC ................................................................................ 6
4.3 Composition of the Asphalt and Aggregates CPAC(s)..................................................... 7
5.0 Certification Program Manager (CPM) ................................................................................. 7
5.1 General Duties .................................................................................................................. 8
5.2 Certification Decisions..................................................................................................... 8
5.3 Annual Inter-laboratory Correlation Testing Program ..................................................... 8
5.4 Laboratory Inspection Program ....................................................................................... 9
5.5 Confidentiality of the Certification Programs .................................................................. 9
5.6 Conflicts of Interest: ........................................................................................................ 9
6.0 Requirements for Certification ............................................................................................ 9
6.1 Specific Laboratory Certification Requirements ............................................................. 9
6.2 Laboratory Compliance Report...................................................................................... 10
6.3 Organization, Management & Personnel ....................................................................... 10
6.4 Quality Management Systems ....................................................................................... 11
6.5 Equipment, Records, and On-site Checks...................................................................... 11
6.6 Facilities & Environment ............................................................................................... 11
6.7 Calibration and Traceability .......................................................................................... 11
6.8 Sub-contracting .............................................................................................................. 12
6.9 Guidelines for Responsibilities and Duties of the Laboratory ....................................... 12
6.10 Annual Report ................................................................................................................ 12
6.11 Laboratory Re-location or Sale of Facilities .................................................................. 13
8.0 Laboratory Technician Certification Programs ................................................................... 14
8.1 Background ..................................................................................................................... 14
8.2 Responsibilities and Duties ............................................................................................. 15
8.3 Specific Technician Certification Requirements ............................................................ 15
8.4 Loaning of Certified Technicians ................................................................................... 15
9.0 Complaints ......................................................................................................................... 15
10.0 Use of the CCIL Logo........................................................................................................ 15

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Approved by: CPAC
A-1 Certification Program Requirements List of Appendices 16
A-2 Asphalt Mix Compliance Laboratories - Marshall Method (Type B) 17
A-3 Asphalt Mix Compliance Laboratories - Superpave Method (Type B) 20
A-4 Asphalt Mix Design Laboratories - Marshall Methods (Type A) 23
A-5 Asphalt Mix Design Laboratories - Superpave Methods (Type A) 27
A-6 Penetration Testing of Recovered Asphalt Cement (Type E) 31
A-7 Performance Graded Asphalt Cement Laboratories (Type F) 33
A-8 Aggregate Quality Control Laboratories (Type C) 35
A-9 Aggregate Physical Property Laboratories (Type D) 38
A-10 Asphalt and Aggregate Technician Certification 41

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Approved by: CPAC
CCIL Asphalt and Aggregate Laboratory and Technician Certification Programs

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.1.1 The overall objective of inspecting and testing asphalt pavement materials i.e., Hot
Mix Asphalt (HMA) and granular base is to determine whether their characteristics and
qualities as used in construction, comply with applicable standards and specifications.

1.1.2 In response to an ever-increasing demand for reliability and reproducibility of test

results in assuring the quality of asphalt pavements, the Canadian Council of Independent
Laboratories (CCIL) manages and operates the CCIL Asphalt and Aggregates Laboratory
and Technician Certification Programs.

1.1.3 The CCIL certification programs are open to all bituminous and aggregate testing
laboratories providing design and/or quality control services for road construction
through confirmation of laboratory conformance to the certification program
requirements. Laboratories will be charged an annual fee to cover the overall costs

1.2 Reference Material2

• ISO/IEC 17025 – General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration
laboratories. 2
• ISO/IEC Guide 2 Standardization and Related Activities - General Vocabulary

1.3 Definitions
• Laboratory: an organization that can perform testing, calibration and/or sampling
associated with subsequent testing or calibration.
• Permanent Laboratory: a laboratory located in a non-moveable structure on a fixed
• Mobile Laboratory: a laboratory located in a moveable trailer capable of being relocated,
without a fixed foundation and usually connected to on-site utilities.
• Certification: an independent assessment and attestation that a laboratory has met the
specified requirements as identified by CCIL Certification Program Administration
Committee (CPAC) and CCIL Laboratory Certification documents.

1 The annual fees are determined by the CCIL Board of Directors

2 To obtain referenced documents or information pertaining to National and International
Standards, contact:
Standards Information Services
Standards Council of Canada
55 Metcalfe Street, Suite 600, Ottawa, ON K1P 6L5 Canada

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Approved by: CPAC
1.4 Laboratory Categories
• Asphalt Mix Design - Type A (Marshall Method and/or Superpave Method)
• Asphalt Mix Compliance – Type B (Marshall Method and/or Superpave Method)
• Penetration of Asphalt Cement Recovered from Hot Mix – Type E
• Performance Graded Asphalt Cement – Type F
• Aggregate Quality Control - Type C
• Aggregate Physical Properties – Type D
(Please see list in Appendix A-1)

2.0 Responsibilities of the CCIL Board of Directors

The Board of Directors (BOD) of CCIL is responsible for
• The overall management of CCIL and approval of corporate wide procedures and
• The appointment of the Certification Program Manager (CPM), ensuring the CPM
is qualified and a Professional Engineer.

3.0 Responsibilities of the Executive Committee of the CCIL Board of Directors

The Executive Committee is a four-member committee composed of the CCIL President, Vice
President, Secretary/Treasurer, and the board member responsible for the certification program.
The committee is responsible for the overall administration of the asphalt and aggregates
laboratory and technician certification programs and handling all disputes that arise from
decisions on appeals. The Executive Committee is responsible for approval of the members of
the Asphalt and Aggregates Certification Program Administration Committees (CPACs) and for
determining the annual fees assessed to applicant and the certified laboratories. The Executive
Committee, in consultation with the CPAC,shall have final judgement on all cases of potential
conflicts of interest that have been referred to the Executive Committee by CPAC.

4.0 Certification Program Administration Committees (CPACs)

4.1 General
4.1.1 The Asphalt and Aggregates CPACs report to the Executive Committee and provide
technical support for the operation of the Asphalt and Aggregate Laboratory and
Technician Certification Programs. Membership of the CPAC as well as changes in the
existing CPAC membership are approved by the Executive Committee and reflects the
geographic aspect of the program.

4.1.2 The mandate of the CPACs is to establish and direct the technical elements of the
Certification Programs. The operations and management of the Asphalt and Aggregate
Laboratory and Technician Certification Programs is administered by CCIL’s CPM. The
CPACs provide technical direction to the CPM for delivering the programs.

4.2 Duties and responsibilities of CPAC

4.2.1 The Asphalt and Aggregates CPAC is responsible for the approval of all policies and
procedures related to the technical requirements of the Asphalt and Aggregate laboratory
and Technician Certification Programs.

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4.2.2 The Asphalt and Aggregates CPACs address all potential conflicts of interest as
identified by the CPM and refer the issues to the Executive Committee as necessary.

4.2.3 The Asphalt and Aggregates CPACs are responsible to convene a subcommittee to
hear any appeals by laboratories on certification decisions made by the CCIL Certification

4.2.4 The Asphalt and Aggregates CPACs monitor an on-going laboratory inspection
program as conducted by the CPM. The Asphalt and Aggregates CPACs reviews the
reports from the CPM including actions taken by the CPM in cases of a laboratory’s non-
conformance to certification requirements. In cases of continued non-conformance by the
laboratory resulting from an on-site inspection or a complaint, a recommendation for
withdrawal of certification is made by the CPM for approval by the CPACs.

4.2.5 The Asphalt and Aggregates CPACs are responsible to discuss and approve the
recommendations of the CPM for the mini correlations to various laboratories, as

4.2.6 The Asphalt and Aggregates CPACs are responsible to discuss and approve the
recommendations of the CPM for the laboratories to carry out the preparation of the
correlation samples.

4.3 Composition of the Asphalt and Aggregates CPAC(s)

4.3.1 The general structure of the Asphalt and Aggregates CPAC consists of the
• Three (3) CCIL members (including the chair),
• Two (2) Provincial Road Builder Association members,
• One (1) Ministry of Transportation representative
• One (1) Municipal Engineers Association representative

4.3.2 The CPM and/or his/her designate attend the CPAC meetings, however, are non-
voting. CCIL members and the road builder association members must be from firms that
have construction materials testing laboratories and who have a responsibility in the
operation of these laboratories. Separate CPAC committees can exist for Asphalt and
Aggregates. Where separate Asphalt and Aggregate CPAC’s exist, the road builder
members should be from the division or allied association dealing specifically with
Asphalt and Aggregates.

5.0 Certification Program Manager (CPM)

The CPM is retained by the CCIL. In carrying out his/her duties, the CPM represents the CCIL
and is responsible to the CPACs for the following tasks:

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5.1 General Duties
The CPM has overall responsibility for the delivery of the certification programs
administered by CCIL including the following:
• Manage the operation of the laboratory and technician certification programs.
• Provide reports to the CPACs on the Certification Programs
• Provide technical support and consultation to certified or applicant laboratories.

5.2 Certification Decisions

5.2.1 The CPM is responsible for the decisions to carry out the Asphalt and Aggregates
Certification Programs including those for granting or modifying certifications and
suspension of certification. The CPM is also responsible for making recommendations for
withdrawal of certification to the CPACs.

5.2.2 The CPM carries out his/her responsibilities in accordance with the certification
program policies and procedures including “CCIL Procedure for Suspension, Withdrawal,
Appeals and Disputes of Certification” and “CCIL Procedure for Handling Complaints”

5.3 Annual Inter-laboratory Correlation Testing Program

The CPM:
a. prepares the terms of reference and specifications for annual correlation sample
b. evaluates and recommends the selection of laboratories to carry out the preparation of
the correlation samples, to CPAC;
c. oversees correlation sample preparation to ensure that it is in conformance with the
d. oversees the quality assurance testing of the correlation samples to ensure that the
samples are suitable for distribution to the applicant laboratories;
e. oversees the distribution of the correlation samples to the applicant laboratories;
f. provides a report to the CPAC of all aspects of the annual correlation sample
preparation including comments from the laboratories, which participated in the
preparation of the samples;
g. receives, records, summarizes, evaluates, and publishes the results of annual correlation
testing program;
h. based on the results of the annual correlation testing program, makes a decision
regarding the certification of applicant laboratories;
i. evaluates and recommends mini correlation testing where appropriate;
j. issues the mini correlation notifications to various laboratories as appropriate after
discussion and approval by CPAC; and
k. receives, records, summarizes and evaluates the results of mini-correlation testing and
makes a decision regarding the certification of applicant laboratories.

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5.4 Laboratory Inspection Program
5.4.1 An individual qualified in inspections and audits and reporting to the CPM carries out
laboratory inspections in accordance with the requirements established by the CCIL
Certification Office. The requirements for the selection, training, approval and monitoring
of inspectors are contained in the document “CCIL Procedure for the Selection, Training,
Approval and Monitoring of Inspectors”.

5.4.2 Following the laboratory inspection, the CPM or his/her designate prepares a written
report for each laboratory confirming conformance or non-conformance with CCIL
Laboratory Certification Program.

5.5 Confidentiality of the Certification Programs

5.5.1 All information pertaining to the Asphalt and Aggregates Laboratory and Technician
Certification Program, except for the laboratory and technician certification information
published on the CCIL website, shall be in strict confidence between the laboratory
involved, CCIL personnel, and the members of the Board of Directors and various CPACs
Committees that may have access to confidential information through their activities in the
certification process, such as Appeals and Disputes. All CCIL Board and Committee
members that have access to proprietary and confidential information must agree to comply
with the CCIL Confidentiality and Impartiality Policy by signing the CCIL
“Personnel/Contractor Confidentiality and Impartiality Declaration Form” Appendix C,
before access to such information is provided.

5.5.2 The CPM shall ensure that the confidentiality of the program is always maintained.
Specifically, the CPM shall ensure that the identities of the laboratories under discussion
by the CPACs or Executive Committee are not known to the committee members. If a
laboratory chooses to challenge a certification decision, through appeals or dispute
mechanism, the committees addressing the appeal or dispute will be required to have
access to sufficient information to make an informed decision.

5.6 Conflicts of Interest:

The CPM brings all potential conflicts of interest to the attention of the CPACs at the
earliest opportunity. The Chairs of the Asphalt and Aggregates CPACs will keep the
Executive Committee apprised of all cases of reported conflicts of interest.

6.0 Requirements for Certification

Laboratories shall satisfy the various requirements as established by the CCIL Certification

6.1 Specific Laboratory Certification Requirements

The specific requirements for the various laboratory certification categories are provided in
the Appendices as listed below:
Asphalt Mix Compliance Laboratory - Marshall Method (Type B): Appendix A-2
• Asphalt Mix Compliance Laboratory-Superpave Method (Type B): Appendix A-3
• Asphalt Mix Design Laboratory - Marshall Method (Type A): Appendix A-4
• Asphalt Mix Design Laboratory - Superpave Method (Type A): Appendix A-5
• Penetration Testing of Recovered Asphalt Cement (Type E): Appendix A-6
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• Performance Graded Asphalt Cement (Type F): Appendix A-7
• Aggregate Quality Control Laboratory (Type C): Appendix A-8
• Aggregate Physical Property Laboratory (Type D): Appendix A-9
• Technician Certification: Appendix A-10

6.2 Laboratory Compliance Report

6.2.1 The laboratory shall agree to biennial laboratory inspections or as required by the
CCIL CPM or his/her designate. The laboratory inspections verify conformance of
laboratory operations with the program requirements. The operations reviewed in the
laboratory inspection include, but are not limited to the following:
• Organization, management & personnel
• Internal quality management systems
• Equipment
• Traceability & calibration
• Facilities and environment
• Demonstrations of all or selected test methods
• Review of reports
• Sub-contracting

6.2.2 Inspections will take place when the laboratories are in operation. Disruption will be
kept to a minimum and adequate notice will be provided to ensure that all key management
and technical personnel are available, and that testing can be viewed in progress. At the
completion of the inspections, the Inspectors will provide the laboratories with a
Compliance Report that outlines the results of the inspection.

6.2.3 Laboratory inspections are scheduled to provide inspection for all new applicants as
soon as possible in the first year with a minimum requirement of one inspection or
subsequent inspection for all participants every two calendar years. A satisfactory
inspection is required prior to certification.

6.2.4 Laboratories to be inspected are scheduled by the CPM or on the recommendation of

the Asphalt and Aggregates CPAC.

6.3 Organization, Management & Personnel

6.3.1 Organization
The laboratory shall be organized and operated in such a way that its designated
permanent or mobile facilities meet the requirements of this document.

6.3.2. Management
The laboratory shall have available qualified management and technical staff in
conformance with the appropriate sections of this document. This will include
responsible engineering or equivalent management, supervisory personnel, and
technicians. Previously submitted staff resumes will be verified during the inspections to
ensure that they correspond to the personnel identified by management and that they are
up-to-date. The CPM must be advised within 30 days of any equipment or staff changes
during the certification period to allow verification that the Certificate of Conformance is
still valid.
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6.3.3 Personnel
Laboratories shall submit, prior to their inspection date, an organizational chart for their
firm identifying the key personnel for their testing section. CCIL certified laboratories are
required to have at least one appropriately CCIL certified laboratory technician in the
laboratory while it is in operation. More than one certified technician may be required by
some agencies. A list of active technicians must be verified during biennial inspections.

6.4 Quality Management Systems

The laboratory shall demonstrate the methods of ensuring on-going competence of its
testing services by means of a Quality Management System that is aligned with the
principles of ISO/IEC 17025.
The laboratory shall maintain a Quality Manual which, as a minimum, includes details of
management policy and commitment; organization structure; management and laboratory
personnel; training of technicians; inventory of test equipment; procedures for the
maintenance and calibration of equipment; maintaining an up-to-date record of standards,
specifications and test methods; control of documents and data; control of test samples;
control of non-conforming product; corrective and preventative actions and
improvements; laboratory certification documentation; and internal audits. The
laboratory shall conduct an internal audit not less frequently than once a year of its
operations and the Quality Manual by a person, or persons, not responsible for the
original test results.

6.5 Equipment, Records, and On-Site Checks

6.5.1 Equipment
The laboratory shall demonstrate that the equipment in use conforms to the requirement
of the test methods and is appropriately calibrated for use.

6.5.2 Records
Records of maintenance and calibration will be required where appropriate and available
on-site for inspection.

6.5.3 On-Site Checks

The laboratory shall permit the CPM and/or CCIL Inspectors to carry out random on-site
checks of scales, ovens, and other equipment to verify accuracy and calibration.

6.6 Facilities & Environment

Adequate space, lighting, heating, ventilation, power source and good housekeeping will
be considered where the quality of testing may be affected by these factors. Particular
attention in this regard, will be paid to mobile laboratories.

6.7 Calibration and Traceability

6.7.1 Calibration
All measuring and testing equipment, having an effect on the accuracy of tests, shall be
checked and/or verified/calibrated before being put into service. The laboratory shall have
up-to-date certificates available to CCIL for any equipment calibrated by outside
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6.7.2 Traceability
Laboratory measurements shall, where applicable, be traceable to national standards.
Where such standards are not applicable, the laboratory shall provide satisfactory
evidence of correlation via the Inter-laboratory Correlation Test Program.

6.8 Sub-Contracting
6.8.1 Where a laboratory sub-contracts any part of the testing specified in CCIL LC-101,
the work shall be performed by a laboratory currently certified for those specific tests.
The quality manual of the laboratory must demonstrate how the quality of the
subcontracted laboratory testing will be maintained and verified. As a minimum, the
laboratory sub-contracting the testing must itself have the equipment listed in the test
method and employ a certified technician for all the test methods for which the laboratory
is certified. This requirement does not apply to additional tests or exceptions listed in the

6.8.2 The laboratory shall demonstrate that the sub-contractor is competent to perform the
tests in question and uses appropriate test methods and procedures. In no case shall an
integral part of a test procedure be sub-contracted.

6.9 Guidelines for Responsibilities and Duties of the Laboratory

The laboratory shall subscribe to the following general guidelines for responsibilities and
6.9.1 Guidelines
It shall be the responsibility of the laboratory to ensure that it performs only inspections or
tests for which it is fully equipped and staffed and that its employees perform only
inspections and tests for which they are properly trained.

6.9.2 Responsibilities and Duties

The following duties are required of the testing laboratory:
• perform all testing operations in accordance with appropriate standards;
• call to the immediate attention of the proper authority, any irregularity or
deficiency; and
• submit promptly to the proper authority formal reports of all tests that indicate
compliance or non-compliance with the specifications. The reports shall be
complete and factual, citing methods used in the tests performed, the specified
values for the measured characteristics, the values obtained, the identification of
the work involved and similar pertinent data.

6.10 Annual Report

6.10.1 The CCIL Certified Laboratory is required to file a report (questionnaire) with the
CPM, on an annual basis, to verify that qualified technical personnel are employed, the
equipment is well maintained and where appropriate, calibrated and CCIL certification
requirements have been met.

6.10.2 This report is to be digitally signed and submitted by the professional engineer, or
equivalent manager, responsible for the laboratory.
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6.10.3 New laboratories must complete and submit the Questionnaire to the CPM before
CCIL can issue certification.

6.11 Laboratory Re-location or Sale of Facilities

When a certified laboratory is to be moved from its location or sold to another corporate
entity, the CPM shall be advised in writing not less than 30 days in advance of the move or
transfer of ownership.

6.11.1 When a certified mobile laboratory is moved from one location to another,
re-inspection and re-certification are not required.

6.11.2 For the relocation of a permanent facilities, a re-inspection by a CCIL Inspector

designated by the CPM shall be undertaken at the new location. The timing of the re-
inspection is left to the discretion of the CPM. During the interim period, the Certification
of the laboratory shall remain in force.

6.11.3 When a CCIL certified laboratory is purchased by a corporate entity that owns one
or more CCIL certified laboratories, the laboratory which changed ownership will be
deemed to continue to be certified pending a re-inspection by a CCIL Inspector designated
by the CPM. Timing of the re-inspection is left to the discretion of the CPM.

6.11.4 When a CCIL certified laboratory is purchased by a corporate entity that does not
own a CCIL certified laboratory, the CPM will determine, based on continuity of location,
equipment, and staff, whether certification will continue pending re-inspection or will be
revoked. Where certification is revoked, the laboratory will be considered as a new
laboratory by CCIL and the new owner must initiate the certification process by filing an
appropriate application. The laboratory will be inspected at the earliest opportunity and
must complete all requirements before a new certificate will be issued.

6.11.5 Information on the application and certification processes can be found on the CCIL
website ( and the CCIL portal (

7.0 Suspension and Withdrawal of Certification and Appeals and Disputes of Certification
7.1 The certification of any laboratory or laboratory technician found not to comply with the
requirements of the certification program may be suspended or withdrawn until corrective
action, acceptable to the CPM, has been taken. The suspension or withdrawal can be based
on an on-site inspection or as a result of an investigation of a complaint. Any suspension or
withdrawal of certification will follow CCIL Certification Procedure for the Suspension,
Withdrawal, Appeals and Disputes of Certification.

7.2 Suspension or withdrawal of certification may also be invoked by the CPM for
administrative reasons such as lack of timely payment of outstanding fees, or failure of a
laboratory to comply with the CCIL Memorandum of Understanding. CCIL Certification
Procedure for the Suspension, Withdrawal, Appeals and Disputes of Certification also
applies in these situations.
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7.3 The laboratory has the right to appeal certification decisions, such as those for the
suspension or withdrawal, within five (5) business days of being advised of the decision, in
person or by appropriate telecommunications to the CPM. The appeal process shall be in
accordance with Section 5 of the CCIL Certification Procedure for the Suspension,
Withdrawal, Appeals and Disputes of Certification. The laboratory will be notified in
writing on the decision of the subcommittee within five (5) business days of the appeal

7.4 If after reviewing the appeal and supporting information, this subcommittee decides that
certification should be restored, the certification status will be re-instated and, if necessary,
a certificate will be issued, and the company’s name will appear on the CCIL certified
laboratory list. If not, the laboratory will be advised that a second level final appeal (dispute
mechanism) is available.

7.5 If the appeal does not result in re-instatement of the laboratory’s certification, the
laboratory may initiate a dispute to be presented in writing to the Executive Committee
within five (5) business days of the date of notification of denial. The dispute process shall
be in accordance with Section 6 of the CCIL Certification Procedure for the Suspension,
Withdrawal, Appeals and Disputes of Certification. The Executive Committee will set a
time and date within thirty (30) days of the date the dispute was received to study the
appeal of the laboratory as well as the decision of the CPAC.

7.6 All costs related to the appeal and dispute mechanisms will be borne by the laboratory.

7.7 Withdrawal of certification will not preclude a laboratory from applying for certification at
a future date.

7.8 CCIL and the Certification Office staff, contractors and committees shall not be liable for
damages, of any nature or kind, howsoever caused, because of suspension or withdrawal of
certification of a laboratory or technician.

8.0 Laboratory Technician Certification Programs

8.1 Background
8.1.1 As a complement to the laboratory certification program, CCIL provides Laboratory
Technician Certification Programs with the objective of further improving reliability and
reproducibility of test results through the standardization of fundamental knowledge and
skills of personnel involved in the testing of hot mix asphalt and aggregates.

8.1.2 The Technician Certification programs are open to all CCIL Certified Laboratory
employees involved in providing testing services for road construction. The program is
self-supporting with fees to be established on the basis of the number of participants and
course material cost.

8.1.3 Participants successfully meeting the program requirements will be issued an

Identification Card by CCIL. The card will show the name of the laboratory/company of
employment as well as the name of the technician. This card is the property of CCIL (i.e.
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to be retrieved by the company when the employee leaves that company on a permanent
basis). A new card will be issued by CCIL to the technician via the new company of
employment. In the event of such changes the five-year duration of the certification
starting from the initial date of certification will remain in effect. Responsibility for
reporting such changes to CCIL resides with both the laboratories/companies and the
technician involved in this process.

8.2 Responsibilities and Duties

It shall be the responsibility of the Laboratory Technician to ensure:
• that he/she performs only tests for which he/she is certified/qualified to perform.
• perform all testing in accordance with appropriate standards.

8.3 Specific Technician Certification Requirements

The specific technician certification requirements are provided in Appendix A-10.
All Technicians shall keep up with any changes to the methods and procedures pertinent to
the work for which the laboratory is certified.

8.4 Loaning of Certified Technicians

A certified asphalt technician working for a CCIL-certified laboratory may be loaned to
another certified laboratory, or a new laboratory seeking certification, without any
changes to the status of his/her certification. If the loaned technician holds a higher
certification than that of the laboratory acquiring him/her, the technician’s certification is
limited to the test methods for which the laboratory is certified. If the laboratory
acquiring the loaned technician has a different corporate entity than the loaning
laboratory, the acquiring laboratory shall advise the CCIL Certification Office in writing
of this arrangement. The notification must include the planned duration of the loan. The
work performed by the loaned technician shall be under the supervision of the
supervisor/manager of the acquiring laboratory.

9.0 Complaints
An individual or corporate identity may file a complaint relating to CCIL practices or the
activities of a certified laboratory or a certified technician in accordance with the
procedures described in the document “CCIL Procedure for Handling Complaints”.

10.0 Use of the CCIL Logo

The CCIL Certification Office has established policies and procedures for the correct use of
the CCIL Certification logo. Certified laboratories requesting the use of the CCIL logo
must enter a Memorandum of Understanding with the CCIL Certification Office prior to its

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Appendix A-2 - Asphalt Mix Compliance Laboratories - Marshall Method (Type B)

Appendix A-3 - Asphalt Mix Compliance Laboratories - Superpave Method (Type B)

Appendix A-4 - Asphalt Mix Design Laboratories - Marshall Methods (Type A)

Appendix A-5 - Asphalt Mix Design Laboratories - Superpave Methods (Type A)

Appendix A-6 - Penetration Testing of Recovered Asphalt Cement (Type E)

Appendix A-7 - Performance Graded Asphalt Cement Laboratories (Type F)

Appendix A-8 - Aggregate Quality Control Laboratories (Type C)

Appendix A-9 - Aggregate Physical Property Laboratories (Type D)

Appendix A-10 – Asphalt and Aggregate Technician Certification

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Appendix A-2

Requirements for Asphalt Mix Compliance Laboratory

Marshall Method (Type B)
1.0 General
These requirements apply to Asphalt Mix Compliance Laboratories involved in the testing of
asphalt mixes using the Marshall Method to check for compliance with specifications such as:
gradation, Asphalt Content (AC), compaction, bulk relative density of compacted samples,
theoretical maximum relative density, stability, flow, air voids and voids in mineral aggregate
(often termed Marshall Compliance check). The laboratory may be either permanent or mobile.
The laboratory must have the necessary general equipment for sampling, transportation, storage,
and re-heating of samples, if necessary, without adverse effect. The laboratory must have the
capability to support the specific testing involved.

2.0 Staff
2.1 The general testing services of an Asphalt Mix Compliance Laboratory will be under the
direction and control of a person charged with engineering-management responsibility. This
designated person shall be a Professional Engineer (or equivalent as approved by the CPM) and a
full-time employee of the company/organization and have at least three years’ experience in the
inspection and testing of construction materials.

2.2 The direct testing services of an Asphalt Mix Compliance Laboratory will be supervised by a
supervisory laboratory technician with at least three years’ experience performing tests on
construction materials. This designated person shall be able to demonstrate the ability to perform
all tests required in the manner stipulated under governing procedures. This person shall keep up
with developments in asphalt technology and have C.E.T. designation (or equivalent approved by
the CPM).

2.3 Technicians employed in an Asphalt Mix Compliance Laboratory shall have the necessary
experience to complete the required tests under the direct supervision of the supervisory
laboratory technician. There shall be at least one CCIL certified laboratory technician, who has
met the requirements of the CCIL Asphalt Technician Certification Program, working in the
laboratory while the laboratory is in operation. During the training period of a technician, the test
report shall include the name of the certified technician responsible for the testing, and the name
of the trainee.

2.4 The supervisory laboratory technician or the engineering manager will be responsible for
reporting the test results to clients.

3.0 Equipment, Manuals and Reporting Procedures

3.1 A Marshall Asphalt Mix Compliance Laboratory must have the necessary equipment,
manuals and reporting procedures to perform compliance checks on bituminous mixes in
accordance with the test methods specified in Table 1 for the specific provincial

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Table 1 – Asphalt Mix Tests

Test Method
(Note 3)

Preparation of Marshall Specimens D6926/LS-261

Determination of Bulk Relative Density of Compacted

Bituminous Mixes Using Saturated Surface-Dry Specimens D2726/LS-262

Bulk Relative Density of Compacted Bituminous Mixes Using

either Coated Specimens or Using Automatic Vacuum Sealing D1188/LS-306 or
Equipment (if required) D6752

Marshall Stability and Flow of Bituminous Mixtures (if required

See Note 1)

Theoretical Maximum Relative Density of Bituminous Paving

Mixtures, (if required see Note 1)

Percent Air Voids in Compacted Dense Bituminous Pavement

Mixtures (if required see Note 1)

Voids in Mineral Aggregate (V.M.A.) in Compacted Bituminous

AI MS-2/LS-266
Mixtures (See Note 2)

Percent Compaction of Compacted Bituminous Paving Mixtures

(if required see Note 1)
Quantitative Extraction of Asphalt Cement from Bituminous
Paving Mixtures
- Using either Solvent Methods and/or
- Ignition Furnace
Sieve Analysis of Extracted Aggregates

Note 1: Some provincial jurisdictions may not require this capability.

Note 2: The laboratory may be supplied with aggregate densities to determine the V.M.A.
Note 3: Test Methods are publications of the following organizations:
• “C” or “D” are ASTM,
• “LS” is MTO,
• “AI” is Asphalt Institute,
• “ATT” is Alberta Transportation, and
• “T” is AASHTO
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Approved by: CPAC
3.2 The laboratory must keep up with any changes to these methods and procedures and update the
laboratory manuals and procedures when necessary.

3.3 In addition to these tests, an Asphalt Mix Compliance Laboratory should be able to complete or
have documented access to a CCIL certified laboratory able to complete the testing in Table 2.

Table 2 – Additional Tests

Method (Note 3)

Penetration of Bituminous Materials D5/LS-200

Kinematic Viscosity of Asphalt D2170/LS-202
Resistance to Stripping of Asphalt Cement in Bituminous
Effect of Heat and Air on a Moving Film of Asphalt (Rolling
Thin-Film Oven Test)
Accelerated Aging of Asphalt Binder Using a Pressurized Aging
Vessel (PAV)
Determining the Flexural Creep Stiffness of Asphalt Binder
Using the Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR)
Determining the Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binder Using
a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR)
Viscosity Determination of Asphalt Binder Using Rotational
Viscometer (RV)

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Appendix A-3

Requirements for Asphalt Mix Compliance Laboratory – Superpave Method

(Type B)
1.0 General
These requirements apply to Asphalt Mix Compliance laboratories (Type B) involved in the testing
of asphalt mixes using the Superpave method to check for compliance with specifications such as:
gradation, AC content, compaction, bulk relative density of compacted samples, theoretical
maximum relative density, air voids and voids in mineral aggregate. The laboratory may be either
permanent or mobile. The laboratory must have the necessary general equipment for sampling,
transportation, storage, and re-heating of samples, if necessary, without adverse effect. The
laboratory must have the capability to support the specific testing involved.

2.0 Staff
2.1 The general testing services of an Asphalt Mix Compliance Laboratory will be under the
direction and control of a person charged with engineering-management responsibility. This
designated person shall be a Professional Engineer (or equivalent as approved by the CPM) and
a full-time employee of the company/organization and have at least three years’ experience in
the inspection and testing of construction materials.

2.2 The direct testing services of an Asphalt Mix Compliance Laboratory will be supervised by
a supervisory laboratory technician with at least three years’ experience performing tests on
construction materials. This designated person shall be able to demonstrate the ability to
perform all tests required in the manner stipulated under governing procedures. This person
shall keep up with developments in asphalt technology and have C.E.T. designation or
equivalent (as approved by the CPM).

2.3 Technicians employed in an Asphalt Mix Compliance Laboratory shall have the necessary
experience to complete the required tests under the direct supervision of the supervisory
laboratory technician. There shall be at least one CCIL certified laboratory technician, who has
met the requirements of the CCIL Superpave Asphalt Technician Certification Program,
working in the laboratory while that laboratory is in operation. During the training period of a
technician, the test report shall include the name of the certified technician responsible for the
testing, and the name of the trainee.

2.4 The supervisory laboratory technician or the engineering manager will be responsible for
reporting the test results to clients.

3.0 Equipment, Manuals and Reporting Procedures

3.1 An Asphalt Mix Compliance Laboratory using the Superpave method must have the
necessary equipment, manuals and reporting procedures to perform compliance checks on
bituminous mixes in accordance with the test methods specified in Table 1 for the specific
provincial jurisdiction/owner.

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Table 1 – Asphalt Mix Tests

Test Method
(Note 2)
Preparing and Determining the Density of Hot Mix Asphalt Specimens
by Means of the Superpave Gyratory Compactor T312/LS-313

Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Asphalt Mixes Using Saturated

Surface-Dry Specimen D2726/LS-262

Bulk Relative Density of Compacted Bituminous Mixes Using either

Coated Specimens or Using Automatic Vacuum Sealing Equipment (if D1188/LS-306 or
required) D6752

Theoretical Maximum Relative Density of Bituminous Paving

Percent Air Voids in Compacted Dense Bituminous Pavement
Voids in Mineral Aggregate (V.M.A.) in Compacted Bituminous
AI SP-2/LS-266
Mixtures (if required See Note 1)

Percent Compaction of Compacted Bituminous Paving Mixtures ATT-67/LS-287

Quantitative Extraction of Asphalt Cement from Bituminous Paving

- Using either Solvent Methods and/or
- Ignition Furnace
D5444/LS 282/LS
Sieve Analysis of Extracted Aggregates

Note 1: The laboratory may be supplied with aggregate densities to determine the
Note 2: Test Methods are publications of the following organizations:
• “C” or “D” are ASTM,
• “LS” is MTO,
• “AI” is Asphalt Institute,
• “ATT” is Alberta Transportation, and
• “T” is AASHTO

3.2 The laboratory must keep up with any changes to these methods and procedures and
update the laboratory manuals and procedures when necessary.

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3.3 In addition to these tests, an Asphalt Mix Compliance Laboratory using Superpave methods
shall be able to complete or have documented access to a CCIL certified laboratory able to
complete the testing in Table 2.

Table 2 – Additional Tests

Method (Note 2)

Penetration of Bituminous Materials D5/LS-200

Kinematic Viscosity of Asphalt D2170/LS-202

Resistance to Stripping of Asphalt Cement in Bituminous


Effect of Heat and Air on a Moving Film of Asphalt (Rolling

Thin-Film Oven Test)
Accelerated Aging of Asphalt Binder Using a Pressurized Aging
Vessel (PAV)
Determining the Flexural Creep Stiffness of Asphalt Binder
Using the Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR)
Determining the Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binder Using
a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR)
Viscosity Determination of Asphalt Binder Using Rotational
Viscometer (RV)

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Appendix A-4


1.0 General
1.1 These requirements apply to Asphalt Mix Design Laboratories (Type A) involved in
designing and testing Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) using the Marshall Method. The laboratory must
have the capability to support the specific testing involved. In addition, Asphalt Mix Design
laboratories using the Marshall Method must also be CCIL certified for Type B asphalt mix
compliance requirements, as specified in Appendix A-2.

2.0 Staff
2.1 An Asphalt Mix Design Laboratory using the Marshall Method will be under the direction
and control of a person charged with engineering-management responsibility. This designated
person shall be a Professional Engineer (or equivalent as approved by the CPM) and a full-time
employee of the asphalt laboratory and have at least five years of experience in the inspection and
testing of construction materials. All Marshall mix designs submitted to clients shall be approved
by this person.

2.2 The direct Marshall design services of an Asphalt Mix Design Laboratory (i.e. Marshall
design activities) will be supervised by a supervisory laboratory technician with at least five years
of experience performing tests on construction materials. This person shall keep up with
developments in asphalt technology and have C.E.T. designation (or equivalent as approved by
the CPM).

2.3 Technicians employed in a Mix Design Asphalt Laboratory shall have the necessary
experience to complete the required tests for Mix Design laboratories under the direct supervision
of the supervisory laboratory technician. There shall be at least one CCIL certified laboratory
technician, who has met the requirements of the CCIL Asphalt Technician Certification Program,
working in the laboratory while that laboratory is in operation. During the training period of a
technician, the test report shall include the name of the certified technician responsible for the
testing, and the name of the trainee.

2.4 The supervisory laboratory technician or the engineering manager will be responsible for
reporting the test results to clients.

3.0 Equipment, Manuals and Reporting Procedures

3.1 An Asphalt Mix Design Laboratory involved in designing and testing Hot Mix Asphalt
(HMA) using the Marshall Method must have the necessary equipment, manuals and reporting
procedures to perform compliance checks on bituminous mixes in accordance with the test
methods specified in Table 1 for the specific provincial jurisdiction/owner.

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Table 1 – HMA Tests (Marshall Method)
Test Method
(Note 1)
Preparation of Marshall Specimens D6926/LS-261
Determination of Bulk Relative Density of Compacted Bituminous
Mixes Using Saturated Surface-Dry Specimens
Bulk Relative Density of Compacted Bituminous Mixes Using either D1188/LS-306 or
Coated Specimens or Using Automatic Vacuum Sealing Equipment D6752
(if required)
Marshall Stability and Flow of Bituminous Mixtures D6927
Theoretical Maximum Relative Density of Bituminous Paving
Percent Air Voids in Compacted Dense Bituminous Pavement
Voids in Mineral Aggregate (V.M.A.) in Compacted Bituminous
AI MS-2/LS-266
Percent Compaction of Compacted Bituminous Paving Mixtures
Quantitative Extraction of Asphalt Cement from Bituminous
Paving Mixtures
- Using either Solvent Methods and/or
- Ignition Furnace
D5444/LS 282/LS
Sieve Analysis of Extracted Aggregates
Dry Preparation of Aggregates for Determination of Physical

Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates C136/LS-602

Material Finer than 75 m Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Washing C117/LS-601

Relative Density and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate C127/LS-604

Relative Density and Absorption of Fine Aggregate C128/LS-605

Determination of Percent Crushed Particles in Coarse Aggregate D5821/LS-607

Percent Flat and Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate D4791/LS-608

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Note 1: Test Methods are publications of the following organizations:
• “C” or “D” are ASTM,
• “LS” is MTO,
• AI is Asphalt Institute,
• ATT is Alberta Transportation, and
• “T” is AASHTO
3.2 The laboratory must keep up with any changes to these methods and procedures and update
the laboratory manuals and procedures when necessary.

3.3 Asphalt Mix Design Laboratory designing and testing Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) using the
Marshall Method must be able to complete or have documented access to a CCIL certified
laboratory able to complete, any additional tests required by the provincial jurisdiction/owner that
are part of their Marshall Mix Design protocol. Examples of such tests are listed in Table 2.

Table 2 – Additional Tests

Test Method
(Note 1)
Penetration of Bituminous Materials D5/LS-200
Kinematic Viscosity of Asphalt D2170/LS-202

Resistance to Stripping of Asphalt Cement in Bituminous Mixtures D4867

Stripping by Static Immersion LS-285

Soundness of Aggregate by Use of Magnesium Sulphate C88/ LS-606
Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate LS-609
Resistance of Coarse Aggregate to Degradation by Abrasion in the
Micro-Deval Apparatus
Resistance of Fine Aggregate to Degradation by Abrasion in the
Micro-Deval Apparatus
Effect of Heat and Air on a Moving Film of Asphalt (Rolling
Thin-Film Oven Test)
Accelerated Aging of Asphalt Binder Using a Pressurized Aging
Vessel (PAV)
Determining the Flexural Creep Stiffness of Asphalt Binder
Using the Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR)
Determining the Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binder Using
a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR)
Viscosity Determination of Asphalt Binder Using Rotational
Viscometer (RV)
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3.4 An Asphalt Mix Design Laboratory designing and testing Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) using
the Marshall Method must only complete Marshall designs to variations in the Marshall
method as requested (Transport Canada, etc.) if the laboratory has the necessary additional
and/or modified equipment, manuals and reporting procedures.

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Appendix A-5

Requirements for Asphalt Mix Design Laboratory

Superpave Method (Type A)
1.0 General
These requirements apply to Asphalt Mix design laboratories involved in designing and testing Hot
Mix Asphalt (HMA) using the Superpave Method. The laboratory must have the capability to
support the specific testing involved. In addition, Type A asphalt mix design laboratories using the
Superpave method must also be CCIL certified for Type B Superpave asphalt mix compliance
requirements, as specified in Appendix A-3.

2.0 Staff
2.1 An Asphalt Mix Design Laboratory using the Superpave Method shall be under the direction
and control of a person charged with engineering-management responsibility. This designated
person shall be a Professional Engineer (or equivalent as approved by the CPM) and a full-time
employee of the asphalt laboratory and have at least five years of experience in the inspection and
testing of construction materials. All Superpave mix designs submitted to clients shall be
approved by this person.

2.2 The direct design services of an Asphalt Mix Design Laboratory using the Superpave method
shall be supervised by a laboratory technician with at least five years of experience performing
tests on construction materials. This person shall keep up with developments in asphalt
technology and have C.E.T. designation (or equivalent as approved by the CPM).

2.3 Technicians employed in an Asphalt Mix Design Laboratory using the Superpave method
shall have the necessary experience to complete the required tests under the direct supervision of
the supervisory laboratory technician. There shall be at least one CCIL certified laboratory
technician who, has met the requirements of the CCIL Superpave Asphalt Technician
Certification Program, working in the laboratory while the laboratory is in operation. During the
training period of a technician, the test report shall include the name of the certified technician
responsible for the testing, and the name of the trainee.

2.4 The supervisory laboratory technician or the engineering manager will be responsible for
reporting the test results to clients.

3.0 Equipment, Manuals and Reporting Procedures

3.1 An Asphalt Mix Design Laboratory using the Superpave method must have the necessary
equipment, manuals and reporting procedures in accordance with the requirements of the specific
provincial jurisdiction/owner.

3.2 The laboratory shall have the capability to conduct the tests and/or determinations as defined
in Table 1.

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Table 1 – Asphalt Mix Design Tests
Test Method
(Note 2)
Superpave Volumetric Mix Design LS-309/R35
Mixture Conditioning of Hot Mix R30
Preparing and Determining the Density of Hot-Mix Asphalt
(HMA) Specimens by Means of the Superpave Gyratory T312/LS-313
Bulk Relative Density of Compacted Bituminous Mixes Using
D1188/LS-306 or
either Coated Specimens or Using Automatic Vacuum Sealing
Equipment (if required)
Resistance of Compacted Asphalt Mixtures to Moisture-Induced D4867/T283/LS-
Damage 283
Theoretical Maximum Relative Density of Bituminous Paving
Percent Air Voids in Compacted Dense Bituminous Pavement
V.M.A. in Compacted Bituminous Mixtures AI SP-2/LS-266
Draindown Characteristics in Uncompacted Asphalt Mixtures (if
required, see Note 1)

Percent Compaction of Compacted Bituminous Paving Mixtures ATT-67/LS-287

Quantitative Extraction of Asphalt Cement from Bituminous

Paving Mixtures
- Using either Solvent Methods and/or
- Ignition Furnace
D5444/LS 282/LS
Sieve Analysis of Extracted Aggregates
Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates C136/LS-602
Dry Preparation of Aggregates for Determination of Physical
Material Finer than 75 m Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by
Relative Density and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate C127/LS-604

Relative Density and Absorption of Fine Aggregate C128/LS-605

Determination of Percent Crushed Particles in Coarse Aggregate D5821/LS-607

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Percent Flat and Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate D4791/LS-608

Uncompacted Void Content of Fine Aggregate C1252/LS-629

Sand Equivalent/Clay Content of Fine Aggregate D2419/

Note 1: This capability is only required for testing/design of SMA and open-graded
Note 2: Test Methods are publication of the following organizations:
• “C” or “D” are ASTM,
• “LS” is MTO,
• “AI” is Asphalt Institute,
• “ATT” is Alberta Transportation, and
• “T”, “R” and “M” are AASHTO

3.3 An Asphalt Mix Design Laboratory using the Superpave method must be able to complete or
have documented access to a CCIL certified laboratory able to complete any additional tests,
required by the provincial jurisdiction/owner that are part of their Superpave Mix Design
protocol. Examples of such tests are listed in Table 2.

Table 2 – Additional Tests

Test Method
(Note 2)

Soundness of Aggregate by Use of Magnesium Sulphate C88/LS-606

Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate LS-609

Resistance of Coarse Aggregate to Degradation by Abrasion
in the Micro-Deval Apparatus
Resistance of Fine Aggregate to Degradation by Abrasion in
the Micro-Deval Apparatus
Effect of Heat and Air on a Moving Film of Asphalt (Rolling Thin-
Film Oven Test)
Accelerated Aging of Asphalt Binder Using a Pressurized Aging
Vessel (PAV)
Determining the Flexural Creep Stiffness of Asphalt Binder
Using the Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR)
Determining the Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binder Using
a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR)
Viscosity Determination of Asphalt Binder Using Rotational
Viscometer (RV)

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3.5 An Asphalt Mix Design Laboratory using the Superpave method must keep up with any
changes to these methods and procedures, update the laboratory manuals and procedures when
necessary and only complete designs to variations in the Superpave methods as requested
(Transport Canada, etc.) if the laboratory has the necessary additional and/or modified
equipment, manuals and reporting procedures.

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Approved by: CPAC
Appendix A-6:

Requirements for Laboratories Carrying out Penetration Testing of

Recovered Asphalt Cement (Type E)

1.0 General
These requirements apply to Type E laboratories that conduct tests to check for compliance with
specifications for penetration of recovered asphalt cement. The laboratory may be either
permanent or mobile. The laboratory must have the necessary general equipment for sampling,
transportation, storage, and re-heating, if necessary, without adverse effect. A Type E laboratory
must also be CCIL certified as an Asphalt Mix Compliance and/or Design (Type A or Type B)
laboratory, as specified in Appendices A-2, A-3, A-4 and/or A-5.

2.0 Staff
2.1 The testing services will be under the direction and control of a person charged with
engineering-management responsibility. This designated person shall be a Professional Engineer
(or equivalent as approved by the CPM) and a full-time employee of the Asphalt Laboratory and
have at least three years’ experience in the testing of construction materials.

2.2 The direct testing services of the Laboratory will be supervised by a supervisory laboratory
technician with at least three years’ experience performing tests on construction materials. This
designated person shall be able to demonstrate the ability to perform all tests required in the
manner stipulated under governing procedures of the specific provincial jurisdiction/owner. This
person shall keep up with developments in asphalt technology and have C.E.T. designation (or
equivalent as approved by the CPM).

2.3 Technicians employed in the Laboratory shall have the necessary experience to complete the
required tests under the direct supervision of the supervisory laboratory technician. There shall be
at least one CCIL certified laboratory technician, who has met the requirements of the CCIL
Asphalt Technician Certification Program, working in the laboratory at all times that the
laboratory is in operation. During the training period of a technician, the test report shall include
the name of the certified technician responsible for the testing, and the name of the trainee.

2.4 The supervisory laboratory technician or the engineering manager will be responsible for
reporting the test results to clients.

3.0 Equipment, Manuals and Reporting Procedures

A Type E Laboratory must have the necessary equipment, manuals and reporting procedures to
perform test specified in Table 1, for the specific provincial jurisdiction/owner.

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Table 1 – Penetration Tests on Recovered Asphalt Cement
Test Method
(Note 1)

Penetration of Bituminous Materials D5/LS-200

Recovery of Asphalt from Solution by Abson Method (see Note 2) D1856


Recovery of Asphalt from Solution by Rotary Evaporator D5404/LS-284

Note 1: Test Methods are publications of the following organizations:

• “D” is ASTM,
• “LS” is MTO.
Note 2: Some provincial jurisdictions may not accept the Abson method of recovery, e.g. ON

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Approved by: CPAC
Appendix A-7


1.0 General
These requirements apply to Type F Performance Graded Asphalt laboratories that conduct tests to
check for compliance with specifications for Performance Graded Asphalt Cement (PGAC) (also
known as PG binders). The laboratory must have the necessary general equipment for sampling,
transportation, storage, and sample preparation without adverse effect. Unless the laboratory is
dedicated to binder testing only, it must also be CCIL certified as a Type A and/or Type B
laboratory. The laboratory must have the capability to support the specific testing involved.

2.0 Staff
2.1 The testing services will be under the direction and control of a person charged with
engineering management responsibility. This designated person shall be a Professional Engineer
(or equivalent as approved by the CPM) and a full-time employee of the PGAC Laboratory and
have at least three years’ experience in the testing of construction materials.

2.2 The direct testing services of the Laboratory will be supervised by a supervisory laboratory
technician with at least three years’ experience performing tests on construction materials. This
designated person shall be able to demonstrate the ability to perform all tests required in the
manner stipulated under the governing procedures. This person will keep up with developments
in asphalt technology and have C.E.T. designation (or equivalent as approved by the CPM).

2.3 Technicians employed in the Laboratory shall have the necessary experience to complete the
required tests under the direct supervision of the supervisory laboratory technician. During the
training period of a technician, the test report shall include the name of the certified technician
responsible for the testing, and the name of the trainee.

2.4 The supervisory laboratory technician or the engineering manager will be responsible for
reporting the test results to clients

3.0 Equipment, Manuals and Reporting Procedures

3.1 A Type F Performance Graded Asphalt laboratory must have the necessary equipment,
manuals and reporting procedures to perform compliance checks on PGAC in accordance with
the test methods specified in the Table 1 for the specific provincial jurisdiction/owner.

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Approved by: CPAC
Table 1 – PGAC Tests
Test Test Method
(Note 1)

Grading or Verifying the Performance Grade of an Asphalt Binder R29

Effect of Heat and Air on a Moving Film of Asphalt (Rolling Thin-

Film Oven Test)
Accelerated Aging of Asphalt Binder Using a Pressurized Aging
Vessel (PAV)
Determining the Flexural Creep Stiffness of Asphalt Binder Using
the Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR)
Determining the Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binder Using a
Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR)
Viscosity Determination of Asphalt Binder Using Rotational
Viscometer (RV)

Note 1: Test Methods are publications of the following organizations:

• “D” is ASTM,
• “LS” is MTO
• “R” and “T” are AASHTO

3.2 The laboratory must keep up with any changes to these methods and procedures and update
the laboratory manuals and procedures when necessary.

3.3 The laboratory must be able to complete or have documented access to a CCIL certified
laboratory able to complete, any additional tests required by the provincial jurisdiction/owner that
are part of their binder testing protocol. Examples of such tests are listed in Table 2.

Table 2 – Additional PGAC Tests

Test Test Method

(Note 1)
Determining the Fracture Properties of Asphalt Binder in Direct
Tension (DT)
Multi Stress Creep and Recovery (MSCR) of Asphalt Binder
Using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer
Determination of Asphalt Cement’s Resistance to Ductile
Failure Using Double Edge Notched Tension Test (DENT)
Determination of Performance Grade of Physically Aged
Asphalt Cement Using Extended Bending Beam Rheometer LS-308
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Approved by: CPAC
Appendix A-8

Requirements for Aggregate Quality

Control Laboratories (Type C)
1.0 General
These requirements apply to Type C aggregate quality control laboratories involved in the standard
quality control testing of aggregates to verify compliance with provincial jurisdiction/customer
specifications using the standard test methods listed in Table 1 below. The laboratory must have the
necessary general equipment for sampling, transportation, testing and storage of samples. The
laboratory must have the capability to support all the testing specified by the specific provincial

2.0 Staff
2.1 The general testing services of an Aggregate Quality Control Laboratory will be under the
direction and control of a person charged with engineering-management responsibility. This
designated person shall be qualified by education and experience and be a full-time management
employee of the Owner of the aggregate laboratory.

2.2 The direct testing services of an Aggregate Quality Control Laboratory will be supervised by a
supervisory laboratory technician with at least three years’ experience performing tests on
construction materials. This designated person shall be able to demonstrate the ability to perform
all tests required in the manner stipulated under various procedures. This person shall keep up with
developments in aggregate technology and have C.E.T. designation or equivalent experience and
training as approved by the CPM. This person shall also be certified by CCIL as being proficient
at aggregate testing (Type C technician).

2.3 Individuals lacking the three years’ experience required for a supervisory technician may apply
to the CPM for consideration of past education and work experience. A written examination
demonstrating proficiency in all areas of aggregate testing may be administered by the CPM in
lieu of the completion of the three years’ work experience.

2.4 A supervisory technician may supervise more than one laboratory operation and does not need
to be physically on-site, at all times. However, the supervisory technician must make frequent
visits to the laboratory and shall review all test results before they are issued. All certified
laboratories where the laboratory supervisor supervises multiple locations shall employ at least
one other CCIL certified laboratory technician at each laboratory location. The technician shall
have satisfied the requirements of the CCIL Aggregate Technician Certification Program and
must work in the laboratory at all times while the laboratory is in operation.

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2.5 Technicians employed in the laboratory shall have the necessary training and experience to
complete the required tests under the direct supervision of the supervisory laboratory technician.
All technicians performing Type C testing in a laboratory shall be certified (Type C) as proficient
in performing the designated Type C tests on the laboratory certification. During the training
period of a technician, the test report shall include the name of the certified technician
responsible for the testing, and the name of the trainee. Certification of the trainee should be
scheduled at the earliest available date following completion of the training. All Aggregate
Type C laboratories shall employ at least one Type C certified technician who is a permanent
staff at the laboratory location. All aggregate testing performed under the CCIL certification
program must be performed by CCIL certified aggregate technicians.

2.6 Once the laboratory technicians have passed the practical and written exams, the CCIL
inspector provides the technician with a signed and dated copy of the front page of the tests to
indicate the successful completion of the qualification requirements. Subsequently, technician
cards, signifying technician certification, shall be issued by the CCIL Certification office and shall
include an expiry date which will be five years from the date of issue appearing on the temporary
card. This card is the property of CCIL (i.e. to be retrieved by the company when the employee
leaves that company on a permanent basis). A new card will be issued by CCIL to the technician
via the new certified company of employment. In the event of such changes, the five-year duration
of the certification starting from the initial date of certification will remain in effect. Responsibility
for reporting such changes to CCIL resides with both the laboratories/companies and the
technician involved in this process.

2.7 The supervisory laboratory technician or the engineering manager will be responsible for
reporting the test results to clients.

3.0 Equipment, Manuals and Reporting Procedures

3.1 The Aggregate Quality Control Laboratory must have the necessary equipment, manuals and
reporting procedures to perform aggregate testing, in accordance with the standard test methods as
specified in Table 1 and as required by the specific provincial jurisdiction/owner.

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TABLE 1: Type C Aggregate Quality Control Test Methods
ASTM Standards MTO Laboratory Testing Manual
Reducing Samples of Dry Preparation of
Aggregate to Testing Aggregates for
Size C702 C702 Determination of Physical LS-600
Material Finer than Material Finer than 75µm
75µm (No. 200) in in Mineral Aggregates by
Mineral Aggregates by C117 C117 Washing LS-601

Sieve Analysis of Fine Sieve Analysis of

and Coarse Aggregates C136 C136 Aggregates LS-602

Determining the Determination of Percent

Percentage of Fractured Crushed Particles in
D5821 D5821 LS-607
Particles in Coarse Processed Coarse
Aggregate Aggregate
Flat Particles, Determination of Percent
Elongated Particles or of Flat and Elongated
Flat and Elongated D4791 Particles in Coarse LS-608
Particles in Coarse Aggregate
Determination of the
Not Not Amount of Asphalt-
Coated Particles in LS-621
Applicable Applicable
Coarse Aggregate

3.2 The laboratory must keep up with any changes to these methods and procedures and update the
laboratory manuals and procedures accordingly.

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Appendix A-9

Requirements for Aggregate Physical Property

Laboratories (Type D)
1.0 General
1.1 These requirements apply to Type D aggregate laboratories that carry out some or all the
aggregate physical property test procedures listed below in Tables 1, 2 and 3. The laboratory must
have the necessary general equipment for sampling, transportation, testing and storage of samples
for each of the tests for which it wishes to be certified. The laboratory must have the capability to
support the specific testing involved at the location for which it is requesting certification. The
certification is specific for only those tests that meet the certification requirements including the
proficiency testing requirements, where applicable. Unless the lab is dedicated to Soils Physical
Properties only, Aggregate physical property laboratories (Type D) must also be certified as Type
C laboratories and meet the requirements specified in Appendix 8 for Aggregate Quality Control

1.2 For an aggregate laboratory to be certified for Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate,
LS-609, the laboratory must be Type C certified and meet Type D certification requirements for
LS-609, including proficiency testing and inspection, and the laboratory must have direct access
to the services of CCIL certified Petrographic (PN) Analyst. The Petrographic Analyst may be
an employee of the lab or a consultant under contract with the laboratory.

2.0 Staff
2.1 The general testing services of an Aggregate Physical Property Laboratory will be under the
direction and control of a person charged with engineering management responsibility. This
designated person shall be a Professional Engineer, or equivalent, as determined by the CPM, and
a full-time employee of the aggregate laboratory, and have at least five years of experience in the
inspection and testing of construction materials.

2.2 The direct testing services of the laboratory will be supervised by a supervisory laboratory
technician with at least five years of experience performing tests on construction materials. This
designated person shall be able to demonstrate the ability to perform all tests required in a Type
D Aggregate Laboratory, in the manner stipulated under various procedures. This person shall
keep up with developments in aggregate technology and have CET designation or equivalent
training and experience as determined by the CPM. This person shall also be certified by CCIL as
being proficient at aggregate testing (Type C technician).

2.3 Technicians employed in an Aggregate Physical Property Laboratory shall have the necessary
experience and training to complete the required tests under the direct supervision of the
supervisory laboratory technician. All technicians performing Type C testing in a laboratory shall
be certified (Type C) as proficient in performing the designated Type C tests on the laboratory
certification. During the training period of a technician, the test report shall include the name of
the certified technician responsible for the testing, and the name of the trainee. Certification of
the trainee should be scheduled at the earliest available date following completion of the
training. All Aggregate Type D laboratories shall employ at least one Type C certified
technician who is a permanent staff at the laboratory location. All aggregate testing performed
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under the CCIL certification program must be performed by CCIL certified aggregate

2.4 The supervisory laboratory technician or the engineering manager will be responsible for
reporting the test results to clients.

3.0 Equipment, Manuals and Reporting Procedures

3.1 In addition to the requirements for Aggregate Quality Control certification, the laboratory
must have the necessary equipment, manuals and reporting procedures to perform aggregate
testing, in accordance with the standard test methods specified in Tables 1, 2 and 3.

Table 1 – Aggregate Physical Property Tests

Test Test Method
(Note 1)
Scaling Resistance of Concrete Surfaces Exposed to Deicing Chemicals C672/LS-412
Resistance to Degradation of Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and C131 & 535/LS-603*
Impaction in the Los Angeles Abrasion Machine
Relative Density and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate C127/LS-604*
Relative Density and Absorption of Fine Aggregate C128/LS-605*
Soundness of Aggregate by Use of Magnesium Sulphate C88/LS-606*
Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate LS-609**
Organic Impurities in Sands for Concrete C40/LS-610
Determination of Insoluble Residue of Carbonate Aggregates D3042/ LS-613
Freezing and Thawing of Coarse Aggregate A23.2-24A/LS-614*
Determination of Potential Alkali-carbonate Reactivity of Carbonate A23.2-26A/LS-615
Rocks by Chemical Composition
Determination of Percent Particles with Two or More Crushed Faces LS-617
and Uncrushed Particles in Processed Coarse Aggregate (Only for
Ontario labs)
Micro-Deval Abrasion Testing of Coarse Aggregate D6928/LS-618*
Resistance of Fine Aggregate to Degradation by Abrasion in the Micro- D7428/LS-619*
Accelerated Mortar Bar Test A23.2-25A/LS-620***
Resistance of Concrete to Rapid Freezing and Thawing C666

3.2 The Superpave Aggregate Consensus Properties tests are listed in Table 2.

Table 2 - Superpave Aggregate Physical Property Tests

Test Test Method
(Note 1)
Determination of the Percentage of Fractured Particles in Coarse D5821*
Uncompacted Void Content of Fine Aggregate C1252/LS-629*
Flat and Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate D4791*
Plastic Fines in Graded Aggregates and Soils by Use of the Sand D2419
Equivalent Test

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3.3 Laboratories conducting Soils Physical Properties Tests are evaluated for tests specified in
Table 3.

Table 3 – Soils Physical Property Tests

Test Test Method
(Note 1)
Particle Size Analysis of Soils T88/LS-702*
Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index D4318/LS-703 &
Specific Gravity of Soils D854/LS-705*
Compaction Characteristics of Soils-Standard Effort (referred to D698/LS-706*
in Ontario as Moisture-Density Relationship)
Compaction Characteristics of Soils-Modified Effort (D1557 is D1557
not applicable to ON labs)
Determination of Permeability of Granular Soils T215/LS-709

Note 1: Test Methods are written by the following organizations:

• “C” and “D” are ASTM,
• “LS” is MTO
• “R” and “T” are AASHTO
• ”A” is CSA
Note 2: The asterisks indicate:
* Proficiency testing and laboratory inspection are required. No asterisk indicates only
laboratory inspection is required.
** Proficiency testing, laboratory inspection and a CCIL certified PN Analyst are required
*** Proficiency testing and laboratory inspection are required for Ontario laboratories.
Laboratories outside Ontario require laboratory inspection only.
Note 3: Labs seeking certification for LS-702 must also participate in both: LS-703, 704 and

3.4 The Aggregate Physical Property Laboratory must keep up with any changes to these test
methods and procedures and update the laboratory manuals and procedures accordingly.

3.5 A Type D Aggregate Physical Property Laboratory certified for A23.2-26A/LS-615

Determination of Potential Alkali-carbonate Reactivity of Carbonate Rocks by Chemical
Composition must be able to complete or have documented access to a laboratory able to
complete the chemical analysis including the SRM analysis certificate, as referenced in the test

4.0 Proficiency Sample Testing

Where proficiency testing is required, the laboratory must participate and attain CCIL approved
satisfactory ratings, annually, in the Aggregate Proficiency Sample Testing Program, for the tests
for which it wishes to be certified. Proficiency testing must be carried out using equipment
installed in the permanent or mobile laboratory facility for which certification is being sought.

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Appendix A-10

Requirements for Asphalt and Aggregates Technician Certification

1.0 Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Laboratory Technician
1.1 General The “Certified Asphalt Technician” is the generic title given to the asphalt
technician that includes a basic knowledge and hands-on experience in hot mix asphalt
laboratory testing methods.

1.2 QualificationThe minimum academic qualification and experience required are based on
the criteria listed in Table 1.

Table 1: Academic Qualification and Experience Criteria

Academic Qualifications Experience (Years) *

High School Diploma** 3

College/University, non-technical Diploma 2

College/University Technology Diploma 1

 Number of seasons in construction with a minimum of 6 months continuous
hands-on related experience in each category
** Previous work experience will be considered for applicants who do not possess a
High School Diploma

1.2.1 Asphalt technicians applying for certification must have documented hands-on
experience in various hot mix asphalt laboratory testing methods while meeting minimum
qualifications listed in Table 1.

1.2.2 The Certified Asphalt Technician must participate in the required inter-laboratory
proficiency testing program as well as the required testing during the laboratory

1.3 CCIL Certified HMA Laboratory Technician Types

1.3.1 CCIL offers three types of certified HMA technicians, depending on laboratory of
employment certification:
Type 1. HMA Certified Marshall and Superpave Laboratory Technician
Type 2. HMA Certified Marshall Only Laboratory Technician
Type 3. HMA Certified Superpave Only Laboratory Technician

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1.3.2 New Technicians employed by CCIL Certified Marshall and Superpave laboratories
must apply for Type 1.

1.3.3 New Technician employed by CCIL certified Marshall ONLY laboratories can only
apply for Type 2.

1.3.4. New technicians employed by CCIL certified Superpave ONLY laboratories can
only apply for Type 3.

1.3.5 New technicians seeking certification must pass all practical and written

1.3.6 New technicians seeking certification for Marshall or Superpave only who attend the
CCI HMA Technician Certification Program must participate in the certification program
in its entirety. However, participation in the practical and written examinations will be
focused only on Marshall or Superpave related topics.

Note: The CCIL HMA technician certification program (only offered in Ontario) includes
comprehensive examinations both practical and written in all related Marshall and
Superpave test procedures. The written component also includes in part calculations
pertaining to the various test methods. As this is not an asphalt training course, CCIL does
not supply reference notes, books, test standards or any other related printed materials.
Technicians participating in the CCIL HMA certification program are encouraged to take
Marshall and/or Superpave training course(s), if needed, for skill enhancement prior to
participation in the CCIL HMA certification program.

1.3.7 A technician employed at a CCIL certified asphalt laboratory and currently holding
valid card may renew the card as usual through successful participation in the written
examination overseen by CCIL personnel every 5 years.

1.3.8 A certified technician that has been loaned or transferred to a laboratory from another
certified laboratory shall only perform tests that he/she is qualified to perform. The loaned
technician shall not participate in any CCIL proficiency testing that may be required of the
acquiring laboratory.

1.4 Certification Requirements

1.4.1 The Type 1 Asphalt Technician must complete certification examinations and obtain
passing grades on procedures listed in CCIL LC 101, Appendices A-2 through to A-5, as
well as demonstrating proficiency in the test procedures in Table 2.

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Table 2: Practical Examination Requirements

Test Method
(Note 1)
Sample Preparation C702, LS-600

Preparation of Marshall Specimens D6926/LS-261

Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Asphalt Mixes Using

D2726 /LS-262
Saturated Surface-Dry Specimen
Theoretical Maximum Relative Density of Bituminous
Paving Mixtures
Marshall Stability and Flow of Bituminous Mixtures D6927
Percent Compaction of Compacted Bituminous Paving
ATT-67/ LS-287
Quantitative Extraction of Asphalt Cement from Bituminous
Paving Mixtures
D2172/LS-282 and/or
• Using either Solvent Methods and/or
• Ignition Furnace

Sieve Analysis of Extracted Aggregates D5444/LS-282/LS-292

Preparing and Determining the Density of Hot Mix Asphalt

T312/LS-313 (Note 2)
Specimens by Means of the Superpave Gyratory Compactor

Note 1: Test Methods are publications of the following organizations:

• “C” and “D” are ASTM,
• “LS” is MTO
• “T” is AASHTO
• “ATT” is Alberta Transportation
Note 2: This test does not apply for Type 2 Asphalt Technician Certification

1.4.2 The Type 2 Asphalt Technician employed by Marshall only laboratories must
complete certification examinations and obtain passing grades on procedures listed in
CCIL LC 101, Appendices A-2 and A-4. This technician type must also demonstrate
proficiency in all the test procedures in Table 2 except for Sample Preparation using
Gyratory Compactor as per Note 2.

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2.0 Aggregate Laboratory Technician
2.1 Qualification
Certification as an aggregate laboratory technician is available to any person who has been trained
in the applicable tests in Table 3 and all persons who carry out aggregate laboratory testing on a
regular basis are to be certified.

2.2 Certification Requirements

The technician must complete certification examinations and obtain passing grades as well as
demonstrate proficiency in the Type C test procedures in Table 3 in the presence of a CCIL

Table 3: Practical Examination Requirements


ASTM Standards MTO Laboratory Testing Manual
Reducing Samples Dry Preparation of
of Aggregate to Aggregates for
C702 C702 LS-600
Testing Size Determination of Physical
Material Finer than
75µm (No. 200) in Material Finer than 75µm
Mineral Aggregates C117 C117 in Mineral Aggregates by LS-601
by Washing Washing

Sieve Analysis of
Fine and Coarse Sieve Analysis of
C136 C136 LS-602
Aggregates Aggregates

Determining the
Percentage of Determination of Percent
Fractured Particles Crushed Particles in
D5821 D5821 LS-607
in Coarse Processed Coarse
Aggregate Aggregate

Flat Particles,
Elongated Particles
or Flat and Determination of Percent
Elongated Particles Not of Flat and Elongated
D4791 LS-608
in Coarse Applicable Particles in Coarse
Aggregate Aggregate

Not Applicable Amount of Percent

Asphalt-Coated Particles

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3.0 Petrographic Analyst Technician
3.1 Qualifications
Certification as a petrographic analyst technician is available to any person who has been
trained by an expert in the field and carries out the LS-609 “Procedure for Petrographic Analysis
of Coarse Aggregate”: on a regular basis. The technician must meet the Certification
Requirements listed below.

3.2 Certification Requirements

CCIL Certification of a Petrographic Analyst Technician requires:
1. Declaration of education supported by copies of University/College diplomas OR transcripts
2. Resume of employment training and practical experience
3. On-going participation in the annual MTO Aggregate and Soil Proficiency Sample Testing
Program for LS-609 “Procedure for Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate”:
4. Submission of a completed CCIL “Petrographic Analyst Application and Qualification
Criteria” form, which can be downloaded from CCIL’s website at under
“Petrographic Certification”
5. For new applicants and for certified petrographic analysts that are required to do so by the
CPM, full participation in the CCIL Petrographic Analysis Certification Workshop.
Participants must obtain passing grades on the written exams and for the analysis of
reference samples.

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Approved by: CPAC

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