Ty Sem - Vi Syllabus
Ty Sem - Vi Syllabus
Ty Sem - Vi Syllabus
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
1. Recall the compiler phases and compiler construction tools like LEX and YACC.
2. To design and implement Lexical Analyser for a simple language.
3. To design and implement Syntax analyser for a simple expression.
4. To apply Syntax directed translations and Syntax Directed definitions to generate intermediate
5. To identify appropriate code optimizing transformation for the given code.
6. To explain concept of code generation.
1. Compilers, Phases of a compiler, Compiler construction tools, cousins of 5
the compiler.
Lexical Analysis:
Role of a Lexical analyzer, input buffering, specification and recognition
2. of tokens, finite automata implications, designing a lexical analyzer 6
Syntax Analysis:
Role of Parser, Writing grammars for context free environments, Top-
3. 7
down parsing, Recursive descent and predictive parsers (LL), Bottom-Up
parsing, Operator precedence parsing, LR, SLR and LALR parsers
Syntax Directed Translation and Intermediate Code Generation:
Syntax directed definitions, construction of syntax tree, S-attributed
4. 7
definitions, L-attributed definitions, Intermediate languages, assignment
statements, back patching.
Shivaji University, Kolhapur
Code Optimization:
5. Principle sources of optimization, optimization of Basic Blocks, loops in 5
flow graphs, Peephole optimization
UNIT 6- Code Generation:
Issues in design of a code generator and target machine, Run time storage
6. management, Basic blocks and flow graphs, Next use information and 6
simple code generator, Issues of register allocation, code generation from
Term Work
Minimum of 10 to 12 experiments should be carried out based on the following experiments based
on following list.
Practical List
Minimum of 10 to 12 experiments should be carried out based on the following experiments.
1. Design of preprocessor for C program.
2. Design a complete lexical analyzer for C language.
3. Program to create a symbol table generator.
4. Design a syntax analyzer for simple expression in c language using top down parsing.
5. Program to create a syntax tree for simple expression in c language using recursive descent
6. To implement intermediate code generator for Boolean expression in three address code format.
7. Implement intermediate code generator for the conditional statements in three address code format.
8. Implement any one bottom up parsing [LR, SLR, LALR, Operator precedence] technique.
9. To implement a program for code generator from labeled tree.
Text Books
Reference Books
Course Objectives
1. To understand UNIX kernel, its architectural components like file subsystem, process control
subsystem, memory management.
2. To understand a concrete way (UNIX i-nodes) of organizing a file system on a physical storage
3. To maintain UNIX directories, files, manage processes, manipulate data with proper use of
pipes and file redirection, UNIX filters.
4. To implement and handle various UNIX system calls.
5. To explain the principles of paging, virtual memory (VM) and describe the data structures and
components (both hardware and software) that are necessary to implement it.
6. To perform shell programming involving decision control, looping and control flow statements
on UNIX based machines.
Introduction and buffer cache:
General Overview of the System - History, System
Structure, User Perspective, Operating System Services,
1. Assumptions About Hardware, Architecture of the UNIX
OS, Introduction to System Concepts, Kernel Data 10
Structure, System Administration.
Buffer Cache: - Buffer Headers, Structure of the Buffer
Pool, Scenarios for Retrieval of a Buffer, Reading and
Writing Disk Blocks, Advantages and Disadvantages of
Buffer Cache.
Internal Representation of Files:
I-nodes, Structure of the Regular File, Directories, Conversion of
2. 8
a Pathname to I-node, Super Block, I-node Assignment to a New
File, Allocation of Disk Blocks, Other File Types.
System Calls for File System:
Open, Read, Write, File and Record Locking, Adjusting the
Position of FILE I/O-LSEEK, Close, File Creation, Creation
3. of Special Files, Change Directory and Change Root, Change 6
Owner and Change Mode, Stat and FStat, Pipes, Dup,
Mounting and Un-mounting File Systems, Link, Unlink, File
System Abstractions, File System Maintenance.
The Structure of Processes:
4. Process States and Transitions, Layout of System Memory, The 8
Context of a Process, Saving Context of a Process, Manipulation
of the Process Address Space.
Process Control and Scheduling:
Process Control: - Process Creation, Signals, Process
Termination, Awaiting Process Termination, Invoking Other
5. Programs, The User ID of a Process, The Shell, System Boot 8
and the Init Process.
Process Scheduling: - Process Scheduling, System Calls for
Time, Clock.
Memory management and I/O Subsystem:
Swapping, Demand Paging, A Hybrid System with Demand
6. 8
Paging and Swapping.
Driver Interfaces, Disk Drivers, Terminal Drivers, Streams.
Term Work
It should consist of minimum 10-12 experiments based on the above topics and
covering the following list of assignments. (Reference book – Linux System
Programming by Robert Love may be referred for the assignments listed below.)
Text Books
Title Author(s) Name Publication & Edition
Linux System
1 Robert Love SPD, O’ REILLY
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
UNIT Name and Contents
Database System Applications, Purpose of Database Systems,
View of Data, Database Languages, Database Users &
1. 8
Administrators, Structure of Relational Databases, Database
Schema, Keys, Schema Diagrams, Relational Query Languages,
Relational Operations.
[E-R Model: Text Book 1] [Normalization: Text Book 2]
E-R Model: The Entity-Relationship Model, Mapping
Constraints, Keys, Entity-Relationship Diagrams, Reduction to
2. Relational Schemas, Extended ER features-Specialization, 10
Generalization, Aggregation.
Normalization: Data Redundancies & Update Anomalies,
Functional Dependencies. Canonical Cover, The Process of
Normalization, First Normal Form, Second Normal Form, Third
Shivaji University, Kolhapur
Term Work
Text Books
Reference Books
Course Objectives
1. To understand Machine Learning Aspects.
2. To understand primitives in learning process by Computer.
3. To understand nature of problems solved with Machine Learning.
Course Outcomes
Introduction to Machine Learning:
Introduction to Probability and Statistics,
Machine Learning: Definition, Terminology, Types of
1. 06
learning, Machine Learning Problem categories, Machine
learning architecture, process, Lifecycle, Performance
measures, tools and framework, data visualization.
Simple regression – hypothesis, cost function, parameter
learning with gradient descent, learning rate, Gradient Descent
2. for linear regression, examples, simple regression in matrix form. 06
Multivariate Linear Regression – Multiple features, hypothesis
functions, Gradient Descent for multiple variables, Feature
scaling, polynomial regression
Classification- logistic regression & Naïve Bayes :
Logistic Regression – Definition, Hypothesis representation,
decision boundary, cost function, Gradient Descent for Logistic
Regression. Multiclass Classification,
3. Regularization - Over fitting &Under fitting, cost function, 07
Regularized Linear Regression, Regularized Logistic Regression,
Conditional probability and Naïve Bayes Classifier.
Instance-based classifier – K- Nearest Neighbor Classifier,
Bayesian Network, Hidden Markov Model.
Classification- Decision trees and Support Vector Machine:
Decision trees: definition, terminology, the need, advantages,
and limitations. Constructing and understanding Decision trees,
4. common problems with Decision trees, Decision tree algorithms, 06
random forest, examples.
Support Vector Machine: What is SVM, Kernel Trick, Cost
Function, Decision Trees vs. Support Vector Machine.
Unsupervised learning :
5. Clustering, K Means clustering, Hierarchical clustering, 04
Association Rule mining.
Neural Network & Recommendation System:
Neural Networks- Neuron representation and model, Hypothesis
for neuron, cost function, solution of a problem using single
neuron. Gradient descent for a neuron.
6. Neural network, Multiclass classification with neural network. 07
Learning in neural network-back propagation algorithm
Recommendation System: Popularity based recommender
engines, Content based recommendation engines, Classification
based recommendation engine, Collaborative filtering.
Term Work
Text Books
Reference Books
PHI 2nd
2 Introduction to Machine Learning EthemAlpaydin 1,2
3 http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com/ 6
Course Objectives:
1. To get the knowledge about business advantages of the e-commerce and digital marketing and its
3. To get introduced with various digital channels, business tools in social networking
Course Outcomes:
1. Students will be able to identify the importance of the e-commerce and digital marketing for business
2. Students will be able to create a digital marketing plan, starting from the SWOT analysis and defining a
target group
3. Students will be able to identifying digital channels, business tools used in social networking
4. Students will be able to demonstrate the optimization of web site using business tools.
Introduction to E-commerce, frameworks & architectures (4)
1. Introduction: The term “E-Commerce”, Business models related
to E-Commerce, Technical and economic challenges
Frameworks and architectures: Actors and stakeholders,
Fundamental sales process, Technological elements
B2C business, B2B business (5)
B2C Business: The process model and its variants, The pricing
challenge, The fulfillment challenge, The payment challenge, B2C-
business and CRM, B2C software systems
2. B2B business: The process model and its variants, B2B software
Text Books:
Reference Books:
It should consist of assignments on following topics within group of 4-5 students & its evaluation will be
considered for CIE
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, student will be able to
1. Explain the cyber security concepts.
2. Describe the cyber security vulnerabilities and prevention techniques.
3. Explain the different rules and regulations under I.T. ACT.
4. Explain the concepts of digital forensics & incident management
Computer and Network Security 06
Introduction to Computer Security - Introduction, How Seriously
Should You Take Threats to Network Security?, Identifying Types
of Threats, Basic Security Terminology, Concepts and
Approaches, Online Security Resources Networks and the Internet
: Introduction, Network Basics, How the Internet Works, Basic
Network Utilities , Advanced Network Communications Topics
I.T. ACT: 06
Introduction, Cyber Security Regulations, Roles of International
Law, the state and Private Sector in Cyberspace, Cyber Security
Standards. The INDIAN Cyberspace, I.T. Act
Introduction to Forensics: 06
Introduction, General Guidelines, Finding Evidence on the PC,
Finding Evidence in System Logs , Getting Back Deleted Files,
6. Operating System Utilities, Operating System Utilities, Mobile
Forensics: Cell Phone Concepts
Text Books:
1. Computer Security Fundamentals - Chuck Easttom, Pearson, third edition.
Reference Books:
1. Jason Luttgens, Matthew Pepe, Kevin Mandia, Incident Response & Computer Forensics, McGraw-Hill
Osborne Media, 3 rd edition , 2014.
2. Keith J. Jones, Richard Bejtlich, Curtis W. Rose, Real Digital Forensics: Computer Security and
Incident Response, Paperback – Import, 2005.
3. John Sammons, the Basics of Digital Forensics: The Primer for Getting Started in Digital Forensics
Paperback, February 24, 2012.
4. Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secrets & Solutions, Stuart McClure, Joel Scambray and
George.Kurtz, McGraw-Hill, 2005.
5. Ethical Hacking, Thomas Mathew, OSB Publisher, 2003.
7. Dave Shackleford, Virtualization Security: Protecting Virtualized Environments, John Wiley & Sons,
8. BRAGG, Network Security: The Complete Reference, McGraw Hill Professional, 2012
Course Objectives
1. Understand code solutions and compile C# projects within the .NET framework
2. Demonstrate knowledge of object-oriented concepts using C#.NET application
3. Create and manipulate GUI components in C# and interact with database using ADO.NET in window based
4. Create network based and multithreaded applications using C#
5. Creating ASP.Net applications using standard .net controls
6. Maintain session and controls related information for users in multi-user web applications
Course Outcomes
1. Students will be able to develop correct, well-documented programs using the C# programming language.
2. Students will be able to learn to develop object-oriented programs using C# classes and objects
3. Students will be able to learn to use Windows Forms and WPF to create GUI-based programs
4. Students will be able to build networking and multithreading based programs using C#
5. Students will be able to design web applications using ASP.NET using ASP.NET controls in web applications.
6. Students will be able to debug and deploy ASP.NET web applications and create database driven ASP.NET
web applications.
.Net architecture and C# Basics:
.Net Architecture: The Relationship of C# to .NET, The Common
Language Runtime, A Closer Look at Intermediate Language,
Assemblies, .NET Framework Classes, Namespaces, 3
C# basics: Predefined data types, The Main () Method, More on
Compiling C# Files, Console I/O, Using Comments# Programming
Guidelines, Dynamic variables, DLL creation & calling.
Term Work
1. It should consist of 10 to 12 experiments based on the above syllabus covering following list of
2. 50% of the experiment should be console based & 40 % experiment should be windows form
application. and 10% should be web-based application
Practical List:
1. Language Introduction (Includes console-based application, creation of DLL, running a program
without IDE) calling a method from another program.
2. OOPS concepts in C#-Class, Implementation Inheritance, Extension methods (Use any application).
3. Develop DLL file and use it in application program. (Use Any application)
4. Implementation of Interface Inheritance (Use Any Application).
5. Implementation of Multidimensional & Jagged array (Use Any application).
6. Use of properties in any application.
7. Implementation of Operator overloading (Any application).
8. String manipulation using String & String builder(Any application)
9. Develop program to use Regex. Matches method and Regular Expression pattern matching.
10. Design a Windows Form based application for different controls.(Any application)
11. Design a Windows Form based MDI application with different controls.(Any application)
12. Design a Windows Form based application for field validation.(Any application)
13. Design a any Windows Form based application with Database connectivity with all field
validation.(Any application)
14. Develop a Win1dows Form application that performs SELECT, INSERT, UPDAE & DELETE
queries and also displays the List of Books available in a Library System by fetching the details from
a database. The C# application must also contain the filter capability.
15. Implement console-based networking application to obtain information of network & detect changes
in network.
16. Design a Windows form application to download file & process it using stream.
17. Simple ASP.NET web application deployment in IIS server
18. Design simple login and registration page using client-side validation controls in ASP.NET
19. Do the server-side validation by using database connectivity for above problem and display all the
records of database when successfully logged in using ASP.NET.
Text Books
Reference Books
Sr. Publication
Title Author(s) Name
No. & Edition
Course Objectives
1. To expose the students to use engineering approach to solve domain specific real time problem.
2. To use the appropriate and newer technologies while developing the project.
3. To learn the skills of team building and team work.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to –
1. Identify specific problem statement from a selected domain.
2. Analyze the problem and prepare SRS and design document.
3. Write code and carry out testing.
4. Write a report covering details of the project and give presentation on a project.
The students should form group of 4 to 5 students and every group is supposed to choose a
specific domain (preferably from Smart India Hackathon problem statement) to do the mini
project. Further the group should identify the relevant problem in the selected domain and
propose the solution, which can be implemented as a mini-project using suitable technology.
The mini-project work should be evaluated by a team of teachers appointed by the department.
The evaluation and marking should include Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) and
Semester End Examination (SEE) during which the group should give presentation and
demonstration of their work done. Care should be taken to avoid out-sourcing of the work.