EST102-QP-FN - July 2021

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F 01EST102052001 A Pages: 2

Reg No.:_______________ Name:__________________________

Second Semester B.Tech Degree Examination July 2021 (2019 scheme)

Course Code: EST102

Course Name: PROGRAMMING IN C (Common to all programs)
(FN Session)
Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours
Answer all Questions. Each question carries 3 Marks Marks
1 Differentiate between system software and application software. (3)
2 Differentiate between complier and interpreter. (3)
3 What is the importance of precedence and associativity? Write the table for (3)
operator precedence.
4 Differentiate between ‘break’ and ‘continue’ statements. (3)
5 Explain any 3 string handling functions using examples. (3)
6 Write a C program to find the occurrence of each element in an array. (3)
7 Define formal parameters and actual parameters. Illustrate with an example. (3)
8 With examples show how: (3)
(i) an array is passed as argument of a function.
(ii) individual elements of an array is passed as argument of a function.
9 Write any three file handling functions in C. (3)
10 Differentiate between address operator(&) and indirection(*) operator. (3)
Answer any one Question from each module. Each question carries 14 Marks
11 a) Explain different types of memory used in a computer. (7)
b) Write an algorithm to find sum of digits of a number. (7)
12 Explain bubble sort with an example. Draw a flowchart and write pseudo code (14)
to perform bubble sort on an array of numbers.
13 a) Explain different data types supported by C language with their memory (7)
b) Write a C program to check if a number is present in a given list of numbers. If (7)
present, give location of the number otherwise insert the number in the list at
the end.

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14 a) Write a C program to find the sum of first and last digit of a number. (7)
b) What is type casting? Name the inbuilt typecasting functions available in C (7)
language. What is the difference between type casting and type conversion?
15 a) Write a C program to perform linear search on an array of numbers. (7)
b) Write a C program to reverse a string without using string handling functions. (7)
16 a) Write a C program to find the transpose of a matrix. (7)
b) Write a C program to print number of vowels and consonants in a string. (7)
17 a) What is the purpose of function declaration and function definition and function (7)
call? With examples illustrate their syntax.
b) Write a C program to : (7)
(i) Create a structure containing containing the fields: Name, Price,
Quantity, Total Amount.
(ii) Use separate functions to read and print the data
18 a) What are different storage classes in C? Give examples for each. (7)
b) Write a C program to find sum and average of an array of integers using user (7)
defined functions.
19 a) Explain the different modes of operations performed on a file in C language. (7)
b) Write a program in C to copy the contents of one file into another. (7)
20 a) Explain how pointers can be passed to functions in C. (7)
b) Explain any 5 file handling functions in C? (7)

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