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Definition:- Curve may be defined as arc, with finite radius, provided between intersecting straights to change the
direction of motion safely, smoothly & comfortably. It is generally used in highways & railways.
Types of Curves


Horizontal Curves Vertical Curves

Valley or Sag Curves Summit Curves

Transition Curves Circular Curves

Simple Curves Compounds Curves Reverse Curves Broken back Curves

Simple circular curve: - A curve, connecting two straights having a constant radius throughout, is known as simple
circular curve.
Compound circular curve:- When two or more simple circular curves of different radius turning in same direction and
join two straight then the resultant curve is known as compound circular curve.
Reverse curve: - It is the curve which consists of two circular arcs of same radius or different radius, having their
centers to different sides of common tangent
Broken back curves:- It is the curve which have two circular curves having their centers on same side and connected
with short tangent length. This curve is not used now days because it is not suitable for high speed.
Elements of circular curve:-


T1 T2


R Δ/2 Δ/2 R

O (Fig 1)

AT1 = Back tangent

V T1 = V T2 = Tangent length
Ө = Angle of intersection
Δ = Deflection angle
T1 D T2 = Long chord
T1 C T2 = Length of curve
V C = Apex distance
C D = mid ordinate
V = P.I. = point of intersection
T2 B = Forward tangent.
Apex or summit of curve: - It is middle point ( C ) of the curve.
Mid ordinate: It is the ordinate joining middle point of curve & long chord (CD)
Apex distance: - It is the distance between point of intersection and apex of the curve. (VC)
Back tangent: - The tangent previous to curve is called back tangent or first tangent.(AT1)
Forward tangent:-The tangent following the curve is known as forward tangent. (T2B)
Point of intersection:-The meeting point of two tangent or straight is known as point of intersection. (V)
Point of curve or beginning of curve:-it is beginning of the curve where the alignment changes from a tangent to
curve. (T1)
Point of tangency or end of the curve:-It is the end of the curve where alignment changes from curve to tangent.(T2)
Intersection angle:- It is internal angle made by two intersecting straights.(Ө)
Deflection angle:-It is the external angle made by intersecting straight. (Δ)
Deflection angle to any point:-The deflection angle to any point on the curve is the angle at beginning of curve(B.C.)
between back tangent & chord from B.C. to point on curve.
Tangent length:-It is the distance between B.C or E.C. to P.I.
Length of curve:-It the total length of curve between T1 & T2
Long chord:- It is the chord joining T1 & T2
Normal or Full chord:-A chord of curve between two consecutive regular stations (stations at chain length) on it, is
called normal or Full chord. Any chords other than this, shorter in length, are known as sub chords.
Right hand curve:-If curve deflect to right of the direction of progress of survey then it is known as right hand curve
and vice versa is known as left hand curve.
From above figure
In triangle OVT1
Tan Δ/2 = V T1/R

V T1 = R X Tan Δ/2 Expression for tangent length

In Triangle OD T1

Sin Δ/2 = T1 D/R

T1D = R Sin Δ/2

T1D =2 R Sin Δ/2 Expression for long chord

In Triangle OVT1

Cos Δ/2 = R/OV = R/(OC+VC) = R/(R+VC)

Or R Cos Δ/2 + VC Cos Δ/2 = R
Or R (1 - Cos Δ/2) = VC Cos Δ/2

VC = R (Sec Δ/2 – 1) Expression for apex distance

From arc definition

R Δ = T1 C T2
Or T1 C T2 = R Δ x π/180

T1 C T2 = (π R Δ) /180 Expression for length of curve

In Triangle ODT1
Cos Δ/2 = OD/R = (OC-CD)/R = (R-CD)/R
Or R-CD = R Cos Δ/2
Or R(1- Cos Δ/2) = CD

CD = R(1- Cos Δ/2) Expression for mid ordinate

Designation of Curve:-The sharpness of curve is designated either by radius(in feet, meter, or chain) or in degree of
curve or curvature.
The former system is adopted in UK & Australia; where as later system is adopted in USA, Canada, France, India
& Nepal etc.
Degree of curvature can be defined on the basis of arch or chord.
Arch definition:-
The degree of curve is defined as the central of the curve that is subtended by an arch of 100 feet or
30m or 20m length. It is generally used in highway practice.
Chord definition:- It is generally used in railway practice. According to this definition, degree of curve is the
central angle of the curve subtended by its chord of 100 feet or 30m or 20m length.
Relationship between degree & radius of curve:-

100 ft or 30m or 20m

100 ft or 30m or 20m

D° D°

Arch definition Chord definition


Let Radius = R
Arc length = 30m
D° = Degree of curve
(R D° π)/180 = 30

R = 1718.9/(D°)

Similarly, If arc length = 20m If arc length = 100 feet then

R = 1146/(D°) R = 5730/(D°)


Sin (D°/2) = 15/R

Or R = 15/(Sin (D°/2))
Or R = 15/(D°/2) for small angle sin is neglected.
Or R = 30/D°
Or R = (30 x 180)/(π x D°)

R = 1718.9/(D°)

Similarly for 20m chord For 100 feet chord

R = 1146/(D°) R = 5730/(D°)

Nu 1 A circular curve has a 200m radius & 65° deflection angle. Also Calculate different elements of circular curve.
What calculate its degree by chord & arch definition.
Ans: - LOC = 226.89m, T L = 127.41m, LOCr = 214.92m, AD = 37.13m, MO = 31.32 m & D O C = 8.595°
Peg interval:-To make the ease in calculation & setting out, it is essential that pegs on the curve are at regular interval
from beginning to the end. Such intervals are known as peg interval & chord joining two such adjacent pegs is known
as Full chord or normal chord. The length of normal chords is generally taken as 20m or 30m or 100 feet so that angle
subtended by normal chord at centre will be equal to degree of curve. The stations having the chainage in the
multiple chain lengths are known as full stations. The distance between the point T1 & first peg will be less than the
length of normal chord so that first peg may be full station. Thus first chord joining the point T1 & first peg on the
curve will be initial sub chord. Similarly last chord, joining last full station on the curve & tangent point T2 will be
known as final sub chord.
Let chainage of T1 = 1545.5m
Length of the curve = 540m
Peg interval = 20m
Now to make first point on the curve as full station, a multiple of 20m next to chainge of 1545.5m i.e. 1560m will be
selected. Therefore
Length of initial sub chord = 1560 – 1545.5 = 14.5m
Remaining length of curve = 540 – 14.5 = 525.5m
Now number of fell chord = 525.5/20 = 26.275 = 26 (No.)
Length of final sub chord = 0.275 * 20 = 5.5m
Setting out simple circular curve:-
1) Linear method
a) Offset from long chord
b) Perpendicular offset from tangent
c) Radial offset from tangent
d) Successive bisection of arcs
e) Offset from the chord produced or Deflection distance method
2) Angular method
a) Rankin’s method of deflection.
b) Two Theodolite method
c) Tachometric method
Linear method:- This method is used to set out circular curve when high degree of accuracy is not required & curve is
short. In linear method, only chain or tape is used for setting out curve.
Location of tangent point by linear method


T1 D T2

Procedure:- O
1) Produce two straight to meet at V(Point of intersection)
2) Select two inter visible point E & G on the two straights equidistant from V.VE & VG should be as long as
3) Join EG, measure it & bisect it at F. Join VF & measure it

Now from similar triangles VEF & VT1O


VT1 = T = (VE * R)/EF

Hence tangent point T1 & T2 can be located by measuring VT1 & VT2 each equal to T along the straight
Offset or ordinate from long chord:-

T1 F D T2


R = Radius of curve
OO = Mid ordinate (CD)
OX = Ordinate at distance X from the mid pint of long chord
L= Length of long chord
Other notation keeps as usual meaning
From triangle OT1D
(OT1)2 =( T1 D)2 + (DO)2
R2 = (L/2)2 + (CO-CD)2 = (L/2)2 + (R - OO)2

OO = R – SQRT {(R2 – (L/2)2}

From above figure

OX = EF = E1D
= E1 O – OD
= [SQRT {(EO) 2 – (E E1) 2}] – (CO- CD)
Expression to set out curve.
OX = (R2 – X2) – (R - OO)

Long chord is divided into an even number of equal parts.

Approximate expression
OX = {X (L – X)}/ 2 R
Curve setting by deflection distance method ( Or Offset from the chore produced) :-
This is the best method for setting out long curve in absence of Theodolite. This method is usually used in setting out
of highway curve
Procedure ( See figure given in next page) :-
From Point T1, a length equal to first sub chord C1(T1’a) is taken. The perpendicular offset aa ’ is set out, thereby
getting point ‘a’ on the curve. Now T1a is joined & produced by distance C2 (Full chord length). The second offset
O2(bb’) is set out to get point ‘b’ on the curve. Now point a & b is joined & produced further by distance C3(Full
chord length), the third point O3(CC’) is set out to get point C on the curve. The process is continued in same manner
till complete curve is set out.

V b’

a’ δ1 Q
a c’
a” C2 δ2 b
C1 C3

2δ1 2δ2 2δ3

a a’ = O1
b b’ = O2
cc’ = O3
From above figure
∟ a’ T1 a = δ1 = Deflection angle of first chord
O1 = T1a * δ1 = C1 * δ1 ……..1)
∟T1Oa = 2 *∟a T1 a’
= 2 * δ1
Again, 2δ1 = T1a/ T1 O = /R
δ1 = C1 /2R ………………….. 2)
From equation 1) & 2)
δ1 = (C1)2 /2R

For computing O2, draw a tangent PQ from point a & is produced both ways.
a b’ = a b = C2
O2 = b’Q + Q b ……… 3)
b’Q = ab’* δ1 = C2 * δ1 = (C1 C1)/2R
Q b = C2 δ2 = (C2 * C2)/ 2R = (C2)2/2R

O2 = (C1 C1)/2R + (C2)2/2R

O2 = C2/2R (C1 + C2)

Similarly, third offset O2 = C3/2R (C2 + C3)

On = Cn/2R (Cn-1 + Cn) General expression to calculate offset

Field procedure:-
1) Locate T1 & T2
2) Calculate the chainage of T1 by subtracting tangent length from the chainage of point of intersection.
Calculate the length of initial sub chord so that first peg on the curve is full station.
3) Calculate the length of curve & find out number of normal chord and length of final sub chord.
4) Calculate the all off set from O1 to On.
5) Put the zero mark of the chain or tape along the tangent T1V. Take a length T1a’(Length of initial sub chord)
& swing the chain such that arc a’a = O1. Now the first point a on the curve is fixed.
6) Pull the chain along T1a produced to the point b’, so that ab’ = C2(normal chord). Put the zero end of chain at
a & swing the chain with radius ab’(C2). Cut off b’b equal to offset O2. The second point b is obtained.
7) Pull the chain along ab to the point C’ till,as discussed in step (6), point of tangency T2 is reached. The last
point so fixed must coincide with T2. If the error is more than 2m then re set the curve. If the error is less, it
should be distributed among all points by shifting them parallel to the closing error by an amount
proportional to the square of the distance from P.C. i.e. T1
Angular method of curve setting:-
h) Rankin’s method of deflection.



δ1 δ2 δ 3 T1

2 δ1 2δ2 2δ3

A deflection angle to any point on the curve is the angle at P.C. between the back tangent & chord from P.C.(T1) to
that point.
Rankin’s deflection method is based on the principle that the deflection angle to any point on the circular
curve is measured by one half the angles subtended at the centre by arc from P.C to that point
T1V = Rear or beck tangent.
T1 = P.C. = Point of curve
δ1 , δ2 , δ3 = Tangential angles or the angles which each of successive chords T1a, ab, bc etc. makes with
respective tangent at T1, a, b etc.
Δ1, Δ2, Δ3 etc are the deflection angles to a point a, b, c etc.
From yhe properties of circle that angle subtended by chord at the center is twice the angle between the
tangent & the chord then,
∟T1Oa = 2 *∟V T1 a = 2 δ1
Or 2 δ1 = T1a/R = C1/R
Or δ1 = C1/2R Radian
= (C1/R) * 180/π Degree
= (C1/R) * 180/π * 60 minute

δ1 = 1718.9 X (C1/R)

δ2 = 1718.9 X (C2/R)

δ3 = 1718.9 X (C3/R)
δn = 1718.9 X (Cn/R)

Δ1 = δ1
Δ2 = δ1 + δ2 = Δ1 + δ2
Δ3 = δ1 + δ2 + δ3 = Δ2 + δ3
Δn = Δn-1 + δn
Check :-
∟ V T1 T2 = Δn = Δ/2
Field procedure:-

1) Locate P.C.( T1), P.T.( T2) & P.I.(V)

2) Set up the Theodolite exactly at T1 & make its temporary adjustment.
3) Set the vernier to zero & bisect the P.I. and clamp the horizontal circle reading.
4) Set horizontal angle equal to Δ1 .The line of sight is thus directed toward T1a.
5) Hold the zero of tape at T1 , take distance C1(T1a) & swing the tape with an arrow till is s bisected by
Theodolite. This establishes the first point ‘a’ on the curve.
6) Set the deflection angle Δ2 on the scale so that the line of sight is now directed toward T1b.
7) With zero of tape held at ‘a’ & an arrow at other end (chord distance= ab), swing the tape about ‘a’ till the
arrow is bisected by the Theodolite at ‘b’. This establishes the second point ‘b’ on the curve.
8) The steps are repeated till the last point T2is reached.
Vertical Curve
A curve is required whenever two different grade lines of highway or railway meet or intersect each other & such
curves are known as vertical curves. It smoothens out the changes of alignment in the vertical plane just as circular
curves & transition curves do in horizontal plane. If the vertical curve is convex upward, it is called summit curve & if
it is concave upward, it is known as valley or sag curve.
An abrupt or sudden introduction of curvature into vehicle may cause following effects depending upon the
types of curve.
 In Valley curve, weight of the vehicle & centrifugal force both will act downward which will increase pressure
on the tire, suspension system etc.
 In summit curve, centrifugal force act upward which reduces the force of gravity. Due to this vehicle tends to
separate from rail surface or road surface.
F = Centrifugal force
W = Weight of the vehicle

A vertical curve may be circular or parabolic. The later one i.e. parabolic is preferred & invariably used because of
following reasons
 It is flatter at the top & hence provides a longer sight distance.
 Rate of change of grade is uniform thought & hence produce best riding condition.
 It is simple in computation.
General equation of parabola is given by
y = a x2 + b x + c … I
dy/ dx = 2 a x + b …… II
At x = 0, dy/dx = g1 then equation II slope of curve at any point on it.
Again d2y/dx2 = 2 a = Constant which represents the face that rate of change of grade is constant thought & hence
produce a smooth riding condition.
- g2 %
+ g1

Grade of Vertical curve:
 The gradient or grade may be defined as a proportional rise or fall between two points along a straight line.
 It is expressed either as a percentage (i.e. 1%, 2%, 5% etc.) or as a ratio (i.e. 1 in n).
 The grades are classified into two categories:
1. Upgrade or +ve grade these classifications depend upon the direction of
2. Down grade or –ve grade movement of vehicles.

Up grade:
o If elevations along the grade line increases, it is said to be upgrade or +ve grade.

Down grade:
o If elevations along the grade line decreases, it is said to be down grade or –ve grade.
 An upgrade becomes a down grade if the direction of motion of the vehicle is reversed.

Types of Vertical curves

a) Summit curve
b) Sag or Valley curves
Summit curve:-
Summit curve is provided in either of the following cases
i) When upgrade is followed by down grade

iii) When a steeper upgrade is followed by a milder upgrade.

iv) When a milder downgrade is followed by a steeper down grade.

Sag or valley curves

Valley curves are provided in either of the following cases
i) When downgrade is followed by upgrade.
ii) When the steeper downgrade is followed by milder downgrade.
iii) When milder upgrade is followed by steeper upgrade.
Length of vertical curve:-
It is given by
Total change of grade (N)
Permissible rate of change of grade (r)
If g1 = 1.2 %, g2 = -0.9 % and r = 0.1 % per 30m chain then
L= X 30 = 630 m

Vertical Curve geometry:-

V - g2%

X2 +g1% h2 M
X1 h1 H

Actual axis Neglected axis in setting out
Let T1 T2 = 2 l
1) VH (vertical from intersection) bisect chord T1 T2 at H.
i.e. T1H = HT2
2) Vertical curve bisect VH
3) The curve is so flat that length of vertical curve T1 MT2 is taken equal to length of long chord T1 HT2 .
4) V T1= T1M = T1H = l
5) The offset from tangent V are proportional to the square of distance from A(T1). The offsets should be measured
perpendicular to the tangent but for the flat gradient, they may be measured vertically.
Setting out Vertical curve

+g1% -g2%
T1 T2
T1T2 = 2 l
R.L. of T1= R.L. of V – (g1/100) * l
R.L. of T2= R.L. of V – (g2/100) * l
R. L. of H = (R.L. of T1 + R.L. of T2)/2
Length of VH = R.L. of V – R.L. of H & VM = VH/2
Methods of calculation of ordinate to set out curve :- There are two methods
a) Tangent correction method
b) Chord gradient method
Tangent correction method:-
The equation of parabola can be written as
y = a x2 + bx ….1)( parabola passing from origin of Cartesian coordinate)
dy/dx = 2 a x + b
at x = 0, dy/dx = g1
g1 = 0 + b
b = g1
Now equation becomes
y = a x2 + g1 x …………………….. 2)

g1% P


x R

Now from above figure

PQ = PR – QR = g1x – y = g1x -(ax2 + g1x)
PQ = h = - ax2 = Cx2 , where c = -a

h = Cx2
Thus the difference in elevation between a vertical curve & tangent to it, varies as the square of the horizontal
distance from point of tangency. This difference in elevation is known as Tangent correction.
(Note: The offset are measured vertically, although theoretically they should be measured parallel to the axis of the
parabola to obtain the true curve. When grades are equal, the axis is vertical but when grades are unequal, the axis is
slightly tilted. Hence there will be slightly distortation but it is neglected)
Value of ‘C’:-

The value of ‘C’ is found out in the way described below.


g1% h -g2%
T1 y H T2


n Chord n Chord

Let ‘n’ be the number of 30 m chord on either side of the apex or ‘2 L’ be the total length of vertical curve.

Analysis by length:-

A T2 = AB + B T2
= L g1+ (-L g2)
h = L (g1 – g2) …………………… 1)
Horizontal distance of last station T2 on the curve is L +L = 2 L length & its vertical distance is AT2 from T1VA

h = C x2 = C (2 L)2 = C * 4 L2 ………. 2)

From equation 1) & 2)

L (g1 – g2) = C * 4 L2
C = (g1 – g2)/ 4 L

C = (g1 – g2)/ 400 L

Analysis by chord:-

A T2 = AB + B T2
= n g1+ (-n g2)
h = n (g1 – g2) …………………… 1)
Horizontal distance of last station T2 on the curve is n +n = 2 n chords & its vertical distance is AT2 from T1VA

h = C x2 = C (2 n)2 = C * 4 n2 ………. 2)

From equation 1) & 2)

n (g1 – g2) = C * 4 n2

C = (g1 – g2)/ 4 n

Procedure to find elevation of point on curve by tangent correction method (Considering length as well as chord)
By considering Chord By considering Length
1 Let length of curve on the either side of (V) be ‘n’ 1 Let length of curve on the either side of (V) be ‘2L’
chord of equal length ‘l’ (say 30m) then Chainage of T1 = Chainage of V – L
Chainage of T1 = Chainage of V – n l Chainage of T2 = Chainage of V + L
Chainage of T2 = Chainage of V + n l

2 Calculate the elevation of starting point T1 & that of 2 Calculate the elevation of starting point T1 & that of
point T2 point T2
Elevation of T1 = elevation of V ± n g1 Elevation of T1 = elevation of V ± L g1
Elevation of T2 = elevation of V ± n g2 Elevation of T2 = elevation of V ± L g2

3 Calculate the tangent correction from h = C x2 for the 3 Calculate the tangent correction from h = C x2 for
various point on the curve the various point on the curve. Let length of curve
Where, x = 1, 2, 3,……..,n be 200 m & peg interval 20 m then
h1 = C * 12 = C Where, x = 20(x1),40(x2),60 (x3)……..,200 & find out
different value of h using different value of x
h2 = C * 22 = 4C
h3 = C * 32 = 9 C similarly for others
4 Calculate the elevation of corresponding point on Calculate the elevation of corresponding point on
tangent T1VA tangent T1VA
Elevation of any point/station on the tangent = Elevation of any point/station on the tangent =
Elevation of T1 + n’ g1 Elevation of T1 + g1 xi
Where n’ = the number of station from T1 Where i = 1 to n (x1, x2, x3 ……….)
5 Determine elevation of station on curve e.g. 5 Determine elevation of station on curve e.g.
Elevation of third station on curve = elevation of third Elevation of third station on curve = elevation of
station on tangent ± h3 third station on tangent ± h3

Elevation calculation by Chord gradient method:-

In this method, successive differences in elevation between the points on the curve are computed. The
differences are being called chord gradient.


g1 % Q g2%
P Q3 T2
P2 Q2

From above figure

P P 2 = P 1 P 2 - P 1 p = g1 – h 1
First chord gradient (P P2 ) = g1 – C (from equation h = C x2, x = 1)
Where C = (g1 – g2)/ 4 n

Q1 Q2 = 2 g1, Q1 Q = C X 22 = 4C
Q2 Q 3 = P P 2 = g 1 – C
Second chord gradient (Q Q3) = Q1 Q2 – Q Q1 - Q2 Q3
= 2 g 1 – 4 C – g1 + C
= g1 – 3 C

Similarly third chord gradient = g1 – 5 C

Hence nth chord gradient = g1 – (2 n – 1) C

Now, Elevation of 1st station on curve = elevation of T1 + 1st chord gradient
Elevation of 2nd station on curve = elevation of first station + 2 nd chord gradient.

Transition Curve:
 It is the curve introduced between a straight and a circular curve having varying decreasing radius from infinity to
the radius of circular curve.
 It is introduced to provide super elevation gradually from zero at the point of commencement of curve and full
amount at the junction of transition curve and circular curve
 It is also required to introduce extra width of pavement at curve.
 It also increases the aesthetical view of road.

Necessity of Transition Curve:

Introducing of transition curve has the following advantages:
1. It enables to introduce super elevation in proportion to the rate of change of curvature.
2. It avoids the danger at the point of curve if full amount of super elevation is suddenly applied at the point.
3. It avoids overturning and side slipping of the moving vehicles.
4. It eliminates discomfort caused to the passengers while negotiating a curve.
Elements of Transition Curve:
 The transition curves are introduced at both the ends of a circular curve by shifting the main curve inwards.
Let AK and KC be two straights,
∆ be the angle of deflection,
t1, t2 be the points of tangency of the original curve,
T1, T2 be the point of tangency of the transition curve,
E, F be the junction points of transition curve with the circular curve,
R be the radius of circular curve,
S be the shift of the circular curve,
EN be the tangent at E meeting back tangent AK at N,
Φ be the spiral angle,
O be the centre of the main circular curve,
Drop EM ┴ Ot1 and ED ┴ AK
1. Spiral angle:
o The angle between the back tangent and tangent at the junction of the transition curve with the circular
curve is called spiral angle.
From ∆ EMO,
< MOE = 900 - < MEO [ :. ME || t1D i.e. opposite angle]
= < MEN = < END = Φ
2. Shift:
o The distance through which the main circular curve is shifted inward to accommodate the transition
curve is known as shift.
24 R
Assume T1, the point of commencement as origin of the co-ordinates, back tangent as Y – axis and a perpendicular
to the back tangent as X- axis.
Let, DE = X and T1D = Y
Prolong the shifted circular curve beyond E up to B.
< DNE = < NEM = < EOM = Φ
:. Length of arc, EB = R . Φ
L L/2
= R. [ R. ( )]
2R R
[Since EG is approximately equal to EB and shift t1B bisects the transition curve at G,
EG = L/2.]
Shift, S = t1B
= t1M – BM
= DE – (OB –OM)
= X – (R – R Cos Φ)
= X – R (1- Cos Φ)
= X – R * 2sin2 Φ/2
Or, S = X – 2R * (Sin Φ/2)2
= X – 2R * (Φ/2)2 [since Φ/2 is very small]
L3 L
Substituting the value of X = and Φ =
6 RL 2R
S= - 2R * (L/4R)2
6 RL
L2 L2
= 
6 R 8R
24 R
i.e shift of the main curve is directly proportional to the square of the length of the transition curve and inversely
proportional to the radius of the circular curve.
3. Tangent length of the combined curve:
Total tangent length = T1K = T1t1 + t1K
t1 k = (R + S) tan ∆/2
T1t1 = L/2 [since are length  tangent length]
:. Total tangent length, T1K = (R+S) Tan ∆/2 + L/2
4. Length of combined curve:
Central angle for circular curve = ∆ - 2Φ
 R (  2 )
:. Length of circular curve =
:. Total length of combined curve
 R (  2 )
=L+ +L
 R (  2 )
= + 2L
180 0
5. Chainage of main points of curve:
a. Chainage of point of commencement (T1) of the combined curve
= chainage at point K – total tangent length
b. Chainage at the first junction E = chainage at T1 + L
 R (  2 )
c. Chainage at second junction F = chainage at E + length of circular curve [i.e. ]
d. Chainage at point of tangency T2 = chainage at F + L
Transition curve


A transition curve may be defined as a curve of varying radius from infinity (∞) at the beginning to a fixed value
(Radius of circular curve) at the end.

Objective of transition curve

1) It enables to introduce super elevation gradually from zero at tangent point to specified amount on circular

1. It avoids danger of overturning & side slipping of moving vehicle.

2. To introduce extra-widening at desirable rate
3. To enable the driver to turn his vehicle slowly & comfortably
4. To maintain constant proportion between super- elevation & rate of change of curvature.
5. To fit the road alignment in a given topography & to improve the appearance of road.
Type of transition curve

The essential requirement of a transition curve is that its radius of curvature R should decreases gradually
from infinity at the tangent point to the radius of circular curve (Rc) at its end. various curves which satisfy the above
requirement may be used for this purpose. Following three types of curves are generally used in highway

1. cubic spiral (clothoid)

2. cubic parabola
3. Bernoulli's Lemniscates
1. Spiral: - this is a curve of radius of which varies inversely as its length

R ∞ 1/S or R*S = C when, R- Radius of curve

S = Length of curve

C = constant of spiral

(2) Cubic parabola: - This is a curve the radius of choice varies inversely on its abscissa

RC X = constant


(3) Lemniscates

This is a curve whose radius varies inversely as its length of chord.

R * Lc = C or Rc * Lc = C

Among these curves spiral or clothoid is considered as best transition curves in highway because of the
following reasons.

 It satisfy the ideal transition condition

 Geometrical property of spiral curve is such that calculation & setting out of curves in the field is easy &
 Though in all curves radius decrease as the length increases, the rate of change of radius along the length of
curve in case of spiral curve is constant.

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