IV B.Tech. I Semester Supplementary Examinations November 2023

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Hall Ticket Number :

Code: 19A371T
IV B.Tech. I Semester Supplementary Examinations November 2023
(Mechanical Engineering)
Max. Marks: 70 Time: 3 Hours
Answer five questions by choosing one question from each unit ( 5 x 14 = 70 Marks )
Marks CO BL
1. a) Briefly explain the conventional process of the product
cycle in conventional manufacturing environment. 9M CO1 BL2
b) Write short notes on i) Stroke writing ii) Raster Scan 5M CO1 BL2
2. What is meant by Concatenation Matrix? Demonstrate
how translation; scaling and rotation operations can be
performed simultaneously on a graphic element using
Concatenation Matrix. 14M CO1 BL3
3.. a) Differentiate between solid modeling and surface
modelling methods. 7M CO2 BL2
b) With the help of neat sketches, describe the most
commonly used solid entities. 7M CO2 BL3
4. a) What do you mean by blending function? Explain
reparameterization of a surface. 7M CO2 BL3
b) Why the sweep representations are useful in creating
solid models of 2D objects? 7M CO2 BL3
5. a) List and give the meaning of any five G and M codes
functions. 7M CO3 BL2
b) Explain the principle of CNC system with a block diagram. 7M CO3 BL2
6. a) Write the procedure for writing computer assisted part
programming? 7M CO3 BL2
b) Discuss any two types of statements used in APT part
programming 7M CO3 BL3

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Code: 19A371T
7. a) What are the main objectives of MRP (Manufacturing
Resource Planning)? Explain them briefly. 7M CO4 BL3
b) Write a short note on Retrieval type and Generative type
of CAPP. 7M CO4 BL2
8. a) Discuss how part classification is done in the context of
GT. What are the essential attributes such a coding
system should take care of? 7M CO4 BL2
b) Elaborate briefly the MICLASS system of codification. 7M CO4 BL2
9. Describe any two methods of non-contact type of
computer aided testing. 14M CO5 BL3
10. a) Mention the objectives of CAQC. Explain the different
computer aided inspection methods. 7M CO5 BL2
b) Summarize the enterprise resource planning and
capacity requirements planning? 7M CO5 BL3
*** End ***

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