CAO - Imp Que (2023)
CAO - Imp Que (2023)
CAO - Imp Que (2023)
Unit : I ,II,III,IV,V
CO1 Explain and illustrate basic functional units, operational concepts of a computer system and apply assembly
language programming.
CO2 Illustrate various instruction formats and interpret axecution of complete instruction in the processing unit,
control unit and sequencing.
CO3 Analyze and apply logic circuits for implementing arithmetic operation.
CO4 Compare and analyze various memory system including semiconductors, ROM,RAM, Cache and Virtual Memory.
CO5 Explain computer peripherals, classify advance processor and Processor families system.
a) Write and explain the control sequence for an unconditional Branch instruction.
5M CO1
5 b) Explain straight line sequencing in detail. What is the function of MAR, MDR,
a) What is the drawback of Link register in subroutine linkage? How is it removed? 5M CO1
b) Explain the role of stack in subroutine call implementation with example. 7M
a)Explain different instruction formats of IBM - 360 / 370.
b)Write control sequence execution of instruction "ADD contents of memory location
4M CO2
1 addressed in absolute mode to register R". Identify all the actions required for
of above instruction.
a)Explain the limitations of short word length machines.
b)What is horizontal and vertical μ-instruction format? Explain grouping of control 5M CO2
signals 7M
with suitable example.
a) Write and explain the control sequence for execution of complete instruction. 8M CO2
b) Explain the various branching techniques used in microprogramming. 4M
a)Write short note on Micro instruction with next address field. 6M CO2
b)Write control sequence for execution of SUB ( R1 ) +, 1000 . 7M
a)What are guard bits? State their necessity. How they are removed? 5M CO3
b)Multiply 47x (-3) using Booth's multiplication. 5M
a)Explain how Booth's algorithm different from bit pair recording method. 5M CO3
b)Solve the following using Booth's algorithm.13 x (– 6) 5M
a) Solve 1010 DIV 0101 using non - restoring division algorithm. 5M CO3
b) Write short note on how arithmetic operations are performed in floating point numbers. 5M
a) Explain how virtual address is translated into physical address in virtual memory
technique. 4M CO4
b) Draw and Explain the operation of static DRAM memory cell. 8M
a) Consider a direct mapped cache of size 16 KB with block size of 256 bytes. The size of
main memory is 128 KB. 7M CO4
1. Find number of bits in tag 5M
2. Find tag directory size
b) State & Explain ROM types in details
a) Consider a direct mapped cache of size 512 KB with block size 1 KB. There are 7 bits in the
tag. Find- 1)Size of main memory 2)Tag directory size
7M CO4
b) Explain with the help of neat sketch the structure of dynamic RAM cell. Also discuss its
advantages over static RAM cell.
a) Consider a direct mapped cache with block size 4 KB. The size of main memory is 16 GB
and there are 10 bits in the tag. Find-1)Size of cache memory 2)Tag directory size
b) With respect to cache memory explain the following. 7M
i) Locality of referenceiii) Write-back or copy-back protocol iii) Write-through protocol
a) Explain the various mapping techniques used in Cache memory along with their
7M CO4
5 advantages & disadvantages.
b) Differentiate between RAM and ROM.
a) Explain how virtual address is translated into physical address in virtual memory 7M
6 technique. 6M