Genenv PPAH

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As of April 30 2007, this document is NO LONGER IN

Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook

USE by the World Bank Group. The new versions of
the World Bank Group Environmental, Health, and Effective July 1998
Safety Guidelines are available at:

General Environmental Guidelines

The World Bank Group may finance commercial key steps that will contribute to minimizing the
and industrial projects for which no specific en- impact of the project on the environment.
vironmental guidelines have been written. In
such cases, the general environmental guidelines Emissions Guidelines
outlined in this chapter can be used, but, depend-
ing on the project, the requirements contained
Emissions levels for the design and operation of
here may need to be supplemented by additional
each project must be established through the en-
vironmental assessment (EA) process on the ba-
Projects must comply with World Bank Group
sis of country legislation and the Pollution Prevention
policies and guidelines, which emphasize pollution
and Abatement Handbook, as applied to local con-
prevention, including the use of cleaner produc-
ditions. The emissions levels selected must be
tion technologies. The intent of the guidelines is to
justified in the EA and acceptable to the World
minimize resource consumption, including energy
Bank Group.
use, and to eliminate or reduce pollutants at the
The guidelines given below present emissions
source. For ease of monitoring, maximum permit-
levels normally acceptable to the World Bank
ted emissions limits are often expressed in concen-
Group in making decisions regarding provision
tration terms—for example, milligrams per liter
of World Bank Group assistance. Any deviations
(mg/l) for liquid effluents and, for air emissions,
from these levels must be described in the World
milligrams per normal cubic meter (mg/Nm3),
Bank Group project documentation.
where ”normal” is measured at one atmosphere
All of the maximum levels should be achieved
and 0° Celsius. The focus, however, should continue
for at least 95% of the time that the plant or unit
to be on reducing the mass of pollutants emitted to
is operating, calculated as a proportion of annual
the environment. Dilution of effluents and air emis-
operating hours.
sions to achieve maximum permitted values is unaccept-
able. Occasionally, emissions limits are specified in
mass of pollutants per unit of production or some Air Emissions
other process parameter. In such cases, the limits
include leaks and fugitive emissions. Most of the air emissions from commercial and
Pollution control systems may be required in general industrial facilities originate with the fuel
order to meet specified emissions limits. These used for heating purposes or for generating steam
systems must be well maintained and operated for process purposes. Particular emissions that
and must not be fitted with overflow or bypass may originate in the process are addressed case
devices unless such devices are required for emer- by case. Concentrations of contaminants emitted
gencies or for safety purposes. from the stacks of significant sources with an
The following sections contain requirements equivalent heat input of more than 10 million
for air emissions, liquid effluents, hazardous British thermal units per hour (Btu/hr), includ-
chemicals and wastes, and solid wastes. Sections ing boilers, furnaces, incinerators, and electrical
on ambient noise and monitoring requirements generating equipment, should not exceed the lim-
are included. The final section summarizes the its presented in Table 1.

General Environmental Guidelines 437

Table 1. Air Emissions Limits for General • Alternatively, stack emissions can be moni-
Application tored for specified contaminants. The monitor-
(milligrams per normal cubic meter) ing must be sufficiently frequent to demonstrate
Pollutant or parameter Limit continued compliance with the guidelines.
Table 2 may be used to determine equivalent
PM 50 for units with ≥ 50 MWe input
100 for units with < 50 MWe input source sizes.
Nitrogen oxides, The World Bank’s “Pollution Prevention and
as NO2 Abatement Guidelines for Thermal Power Plants”
Coal fired 750 (260 ng/J) apply to sources larger than 50 MWe or with an
Oil fired 460 (130 ng/J) equivalent heat input greater than 170 million
Gas fired 320 (86 ng/J) Btu/hr. Sources with an equivalent heat input of
Sulfur dioxide Not to exceed 2,000
10 million Btu/hr are generally not subject to the
Note: MWe, megawatts electricity; ng/J, nanograms/joule. above limits. However, the World Bank Group
may in particular cases specify emissions limits
for such sources to protect the local environment.
The project sponsor is required to demonstrate To ensure that ambient air conditions are not
compliance with the emissions limits specified compromised, concentrations of contaminants,
in Table 1. The following methods may be used measured immediately outside the project prop-
to demonstrate compliance: erty boundary, should not exceed the limits
shown in Table 3.
• For sources less than 100 million Btu/hr, com- Pollutants such as dioxins and furans, toxic
pliance with the guidelines for particulate mat- organics, and toxic metals should not exceed risk-
ter may be demonstrated by maintaining the specific doses or reference air concentrations at
stack emissions opacity below 20%. Opacity the receptor end. The dioxin emissions level for
can be determined visually by a qualified ob- 2,3,7,8-TCDD equivalent should be less than 1
server, with a continuous opacity meter, or nanogram per normal cubic meter.
with a mobile light detection and ranging
(LIDAR) system.
Table 2. Equivalent Source Sizes
• The sulfur content of fuels may be used to
demonstrate compliance with the sulfur diox- In millions In tons
ide (SO2) emissions guidelines. The guidelines of Btu/hr of steam/hr In MWe
are met by the use of liquid fuels with a sulfur
10 4.2 2.9
content of 0.5% or less or of solid fuels with a 50 21.0 14.5
sulfur content of 0.8% or less and a heat con- 100 42.0 29.0
tent of 7,000 kilocalories per kilogram (kcal/kg). 200 84.0 58.0
The use of solid fuels burned in underfired-
feed stoker units meets the SO 2 emissions
guideline if the sulfur content of the solid fuel Table 3. Ambient Air Conditions at Property
is 1.0% or less. The sponsor must maintain Boundary, for General Application
records of fuel analyses to demonstrate that (micrograms per cubic meter)
the sulfur content of the fuel is at or below the Pollutant Concentration
specified levels.
• Manufacturers’ performance guarantees can Particulate matter
be used to demonstrate that the emissions Annual arithmetic mean 50
guidelines for nitrogen oxides (NOx) are met. Maximum 24-hour average 70
The performance guarantees must be verified Nitrogen oxides
by conducting an initial performance test af- Maximum 24-hour average 150
ter the equipment has been commissioned. The
Sulfur dioxide
sponsor must maintain records to demonstrate Annual arithmetic mean 50
that the equipment is operated within manu- Maximum 24-hour average 125
facturers’ specifications.

Liquid Effluents discharged to surface waters. Where there is a

leachate from a solid waste disposal site, the toxic
Process wastewater, domestic sewage, and con- metals contained in the leachate should not ex-
taminated stormwater and runoff must meet the ceed the levels shown in the table for pollutants
maximum limits shown in Table 4 before being in liquid effluents. Pollutants of concern for a
project that are not included in Table 4 will be
specified by the World Bank Group. Levels of pes-
Table 4. Limits for Process Wastewater, ticides, dioxins, furans, and other toxics, such as
Domestic Sewage, and Contaminated polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), in
Stormwater Discharged to Surface Waters, effluent discharges should not exceed either 100
for General Application times the WHO guidelines for drinking water or
(milligrams per liter, except for pH, bacteria, and temperature)
0.05 mg/l.
Pollutant or parameter Limit Liquid effluent may be discharged to a public
or private central wastewater treatment system.
pH 6–9 Where this is the case, information from the lo-
BOD 50
cal authority or private central wastewater treat-
COD 250
Oil and grease 10 ment company is to be provided to confirm that
TSS 50 the treatment system has the capacity and is
managed to adequately treat the project’s liquid
effluents. The World Bank Group may require
Heavy metals, total 10
Arsenic 0.1
pretreatment prior to such discharge.
Cadmium 0.1
Chromium Hazardous Materials and Wastes
Hexavalent 0.1
Total 0.5
Copper 0.5 Sponsors shall, whenever possible, use nonhazard-
Iron 3.5 ous instead of hazardous materials. All hazard-
Lead 0.1 ous wastes, process residues, solvents, oils, and
Mercury 0.01 sludges must be properly disposed of. Leachates
Nickel 0.5 that contain hazardous pollutants must not ex-
Selenium 0.1 ceed the liquid effluent levels given in Table 4.
Silver 0.5
The following management measures for han-
Zinc 2.0
dling hazardous wastes and materials should be
Cyanide implemented:
Free 0.1
Total 1.0 • All hazardous (ignitable, reactive, flammable,
radioactive, corrosive, and toxic) materials
Ammonia 10
Fluoride 20
must be stored in clearly labeled containers or
Chlorine, total residual 0.2 vessels.
Phenols 0.5 • Storage and handling of hazardous materials
Phosphorus 2.0 must be in accordance with local regulations
Sulfide 1.0 or international standards and appropriate to
Coliform bacteria < 400 MPN/100 ml their hazard characteristics. Storage and liq-
uid impoundment areas for fuels, raw and in-
Temperature increase < 3°Ca process materials, solvents, wastes, and
finished products should be designed with sec-
ondary containment (e.g., dikes and berms) to
prevent spills and the contamination of soil,
Note: MPN, most probable number.
a. The effluent should result in a temperature increase of no more groundwater, and surface waters.
than 3° C at the edge of the zone where initial mixing and dilution • Fire prevention systems and secondary con-
take place. Where the zone is not defined, use 100 meters from tainment should be provided for storage fa-
the point of discharge.
General Environmental Guidelines 439

cilities, where necessary or required by regu- Solid Wastes

lations, to prevent fires or the release of haz-
ardous materials to the environment.
Project sponsors are to implement the following
New installations or manufactured products practices for managing solid wastes generated in
should not contain unbonded asbestos fibers. The the course of operating the facility:
need to remove asbestos and asbestos-contain-
• Recycle or reclaim materials where possible.
ing materials (ACMs) from existing applica-
• If recycling or reclamation is not practical,
tions shall be evaluated case by case. Disposal
wastes must be disposed of in an environmen-
of removed asbestos and ACMs should be car-
tally acceptable manner and in compliance
ried out in accordance with host country require-
with local laws and regulations.
ments or following internationally recognized
best practices.
Other Environmental Requirements:
Formulations containing chromates should not
Ambient Noise
be used in water treatment processes.
Transformers or equipment containing poly-
Noise abatement measures should achieve either
chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) or PCB-contami-
the levels given below or a maximum increase in
nated oil should not be installed. Existing
background levels of 3 decibels (measured on the
equipment containing PCBs or PCB-contami-
A scale) [dB(A)]. Measurements are to be taken
nated oil should be phased out and disposed of
at noise receptors located outside the project
in a manner consistent with the requirements of
property boundary.
the host country or internationally recognized
best practices.
Maximum allowable log
Several chemicals classified as ozone-depleting
equivalent (hourly
substances (ODSs) are scheduled for phase-out measurements), in dB(A)
under the Montreal Protocol on Substances That Day Night
Deplete the Ozone Layer. They include chloro-fluo- Receptor (07:00–22:00) (22:00–07:00)
rocarbons (CFCs); halons; 1,1,1-trichloroethane
(methyl chloroform); carbon tetrachloride; Residential,
hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs); hydrobromo- institutional,
fluorocarbons (HBFCs); and methyl bromide. educational 55 45
These chemicals are currently used in a variety of
commercial 70 70
applications, including domestic, commercial, and
process refrigeration (CFCs and HCFCs); domes-
tic, commercial, and motor vehicle air condition- Monitoring
ing (CFCs and HCFCs); manufacturing of foam
products (CFCs); solvent cleaning applications Liquid effluents should be sampled and mea-
(CFCs, HCFCs, methyl chloroform, and carbon sured weekly, or as agreed between the borrower
tetrachloride); aerosol propellants (CFCs); fire pro- and the World Bank Group, for common param-
tection systems (halons and HBFCs); and crop fu- eters such as BOD, suspended solids, pH, oils and
migants (methyl bromide). No systems or grease, and flow. The World Bank Group will
processes are to be installed using CFCs, halons, specify sampling frequencies for project-specific
1,1,1-trichloroethane, carbon tetrachloride, methyl pollutants that are present in the effluent.
bromide, or HBFCs unless it can be shown that no Leachates from solid waste disposal sites should
alternative exists. (There are few applications be sampled and tested monthly, using strategi-
worldwide that require any of these chemicals.) cally located sampling points. The parameters to
HCFCs should be considered only as interim or be tested will depend on the nature of the poten-
bridging alternatives, since they too are to be tial leachate and will be specified by the World
phased out. Bank Group.

The World Bank Group will specify the fre- Key Issues for Environmental Control
quency and method for monitoring pollutants in
the stack discharge. The key production and control practices that will
assist in meeting emissions requirements can be
Recordkeeping and Reporting summarized as follows:
• Where feasible, choose energy-efficient and
The project sponsor is required to maintain
environmentally sound processes.
records of air emissions, effluents, and hazard-
• Ensure that control, treatment, and monitor-
ous wastes sent off site, as well as significant en-
ing facilities are properly maintained and that
vironmental events such as spills, fires, and other
they are operated according to their instruc-
emergencies that may have an impact on the en-
tion manuals.
vironment. The information should be reviewed
and evaluated to improve the effectiveness of the
environmental protection plan.

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