D10 - U5 - Extra Reading
D10 - U5 - Extra Reading
D10 - U5 - Extra Reading
Unit 5
1 Read the text quickly and decide which of these statements summarises it best.
1 The text mostly talks about the good side of the online 3 The text talks about the good side of the online gig
gig economy. economy and then the bad side.
2 The text mostly talks about the bad side of the online gig 4 The text talks about the bad side of the online gig
economy. economy and then the good side.
2 Read the text again and decide if these statements are true (T) or false (F).
1 The ‘gig economy’ is really just ‘the freelance economy’ 4 When an offer of service sector work is posted online, the
managed through apps. T number of people who bid for the work is very large. T
2 Service sector work is too complicated to be broken up 5 In an Oxford University study, online gig workers
into tasks that can be offered as short-term, temporary reported that they work shorter hours than employees
jobs. F with regular jobs, which gives them time to look after
3 The ‘human cloud’ is where freelancers all over the world children or elderly relatives. F
can connect with each other and compare rates of pay 6 Politicians are actively promoting the online gig
and leave feedback on good and bad employers. F economy as it is an easy way to get money from taxation.
3 Choose the best meaning (a or b) for the phrases in bold according to the text.
1 Everyone can see how the gig economy has transformed the traditional employment relationship.
a the way that employers find and pay staff b the way that a boss talks to an employee
2 The gig economy is moving more and more into the service sector.
a a department in a company that deals with customers b an area of business activity
3 The work done is done remotely.
a by robots and artificial intelligence b in a different location to where the employer is based
4 Global mobility is changing.
a the way that employees work for companies all over b the way that companies relocate to countries with
the world cheap labour
5 Workers place bids to do the work.
a make an offer to do a job in exchange for a particular b fill out an online application form to do a job
6 This unlocks human potential that may otherwise be wasted.
a allows companies to use employees more efficiently b allows people to develop their abilities
7 There was an oversupply of labour due to growing access to freelance employees.
a too many workers in relation to the amount of work b too much work in relation to the amount of workers
available available
8 You will see fifty proposals have been submitted.
a requests for more information about the work b offers to do work at a certain price
Unit 5 - Extra Reading