Halal Cosmetics Supply Chain - A Conceptual Model: January 2016
Halal Cosmetics Supply Chain - A Conceptual Model: January 2016
Halal Cosmetics Supply Chain - A Conceptual Model: January 2016
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All content following this page was uploaded by Bahman Hajipour on 04 June 2018.
Abstract---Increasing of Muslim population around the world players are important factors of this study. The current
will build a huge Islamic market by 2030. Since the origin of research goal is to determine the controller elements of
most cosmetics products are non-Muslim companies, the Halal quality and the effects of Halal policy on the
control of Halal quality products according of Islamic different parts of Halal cosmetic supply chain, to find out
standards is a big issue for Muslims. The current research
how the product quality assurance could attain consumers’
goal is to determine the controller elements of Halal quality
and the effects of Halal policy on the different parts of Halal trust and raise their motivation towards the purchase of
cosmetic supply chain stages and players. Use of Halal policy these products and help in development of the Halal
traceability showed that with help of this system, high halal products In Islamic markets.
quality cosmetics can provide and attract the consumer
confidence to develop these products in Islamic markets.
Therefore, Halal quality assurance by different supply chain 2. Literature review
players becomes an important subject.
2.1 Halal cosmetics
Keywords--- Halal cosmetics, Halal policy, Halal A complete definition of cosmetic product by [7] is as
cosmetics supply chain. Traceability systems, follow:
Development of Halal products, Islamic markets
[…cosmetic products refer to any substance or preparation
intended to be placed in contact with various external
parts of the human body (epidermis, hair system, nails,
1. Introduction lips, and external genital organs) or with teeth and mucous
Halal as a Quranic term applies to allowed, legal products membranes of the oral cavity, with a view exclusively or
according to the Islamic thoughts. Halal cautious mainly to cleaning them, perfuming them, changing their
consumers have a high attention towards Halal concept, appearance and/or correcting body odors and/or protecting
and they try to adapt their behavioral traits decision them in good condition…]
making with it [1], [2]. Halal should also take into
consideration the immaterial needs of the Muslim In the consumption world context [4], commitment and
consumers [3] and Islamic values [4]. Halal comprise religious beliefs direct follower’s attitude towards a range
different aspects such as animal slaughtering, storage, of products, such as food, financial, cosmetics and
display, preparation, hygiene and sanitation, in addition, it pharmaceutical products [8], [9], [10]. In this regard [11] ,
[12] identified that according to the MS 2200:2008
includes food as well as non-food products [5].
Islamic Consumer Goods, animals, plants and
Todays, Muslim provide one of the biggest consuming microorganisms (all on land or water), alcohol and
markets in the world with value of about billion dollars of synthetic materials are the five main sources of Halal
foods products in Europe, North America, China and cosmetics and personal care products.
It is [13] argued that increasing knowledge about animal
foods products in Europe, North America, China and
and functional ingredients of non-food products such as
India [6] and same consumption level of cosmetics and
cosmetics among the Muslims in the Middle East, US and
health care products in Middle east [48]. Europe, cause the growing demand for Halal cosmetics
Since the origin of most Halal products are non-Muslim and personal care products [13]. It seems that Halal
cosmetics industry is going to be center of attention for
manufacturers, the Halal quality of finished products are a
many cosmetic companies, as [13] confirmed it by some
big issue for Muslims. Therefore Halal quality assurance
reasons, such as increasing number of the Muslim people
or Halal quality maintenance by different supply chains in the world, looking for the natural and safe products by
consumers, increasing demand for Halal component
International Journal of Supply Chain Management products by more knowledgeable and educated consumers
IJSCM, ISSN: 2050-7399 (Online), 2051-3771 (Print) and finally growing of global market segment by
Copyright © ExcelingTech Pub, UK (http://excelingtech.co.uk/) increasing of women incomes, which all together create a
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 5, No. 1, March 2015
great business opportunity for more investment in the in producing Halal cosmetics products demands three
cosmetics industry. In addition, a research by World Halal successful activities including quality planning; quality
Forum Secretariat, showed the amount of USD 2.3 trillion assurance and quality control and improvement [22].
(excluding banking) for global Halal products which in Development of complete Halal integrity across an
details have been USD 1.4 trillion, 506 billion and 230 integrated supply chain system with positive Halal
billion belong to the foods, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics ingredient list, procurement, certified manufacture
sectors respectively [14]. The concept of Halal cosmetics, procedure and tracking system of supply chain called
in other words, also covers all aspects of the management HALQ, converging GMP, HACCP, Halal, and Toyyibaan
system and formulation and the quality of Halal cosmetic into a single set of procedures addressed by [23].
products should completely comply with the Islamic In this study, since the Halal cosmetic consumers, as last
demands and the requirements of National Pharmaceutical player in the supply chain tend to receive high quality
Control Bureau (Ministry of Health Malaysia), in addition, products, the maintenance of Halal quality by all involved
the Halal cosmetics should be safe with high quality that players throughout all the stages became an important
can be improved by Toyyiban ( means highest quality in issue that can be provided by the Halal policy tracing in
the Halal concept) which should be applied by any the supply chains. As the traceability systems currently
organization and/or manufacturer [7]. Anyway, the non- used for the integrating of foods such as Halal meat [24]
food products started to capture the world Halal markets and usually the supply chains for consumables products
[12]. Todays, many Muslim and non- Muslim people also are similar to each other; it seems that this system is also
look for Halal cosmetics and personal care products. A applicable to Halal cosmetics.
market research [15] shows that these products got
considerable acceptance by other communities because of
their safety, high quality, hygienic preparation procedures 2.3 Traceability systems
and integrity maintenance throughout the production What exactly a traceability system mean? Traceability is a
stage. simple trace back system which provides product identity
and quality assurance across the supply chain [25]. These
systems have two main functions of tracking and tracing,
2.2 Halal cosmetics supply chains tracking means ability to follow an item from beginning of
Any product should be allowed for consumption by the supply chain to the end and tracing is ability to
Islamic thought or Shari’ah, such as meat, poultry, raw recognize the origin of an item/ items with moving
food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, hospitality, insurance, backward from end to beginning [26]. In another words,
finance, banking, tourism, supply chain and many more the traceability systems are defined as the capability to
[12]. In field of Halal foods, [16] argued that the current explore a unique batch of products and its raw ingredients
Halal standards regulate food production, preparation, and tracing it across the production and/ or distribution
handling and storage to some degree but does not manner to the immediate customer [27]. It can support
guarantee the Halal quality of products at the point of product’s origin and quality labeling [5], [28]. It is
consumption. He emphasized that Halal logistics has remarked that traceability is an important requirement for
critical role on the Halal integrity of the supply chain from the strong cosmetics’ supply chain at its first step because
farm to fork [17]. Conversely due the lack of consumer’s this industry relies on the source of ingredients and
knowledge about the cross-contamination across the component and global manufacturing [29].
supply chains [48] and according the Arabian supply In food arena, traceability is the ability to trace food and
chain, for the maintenance of Halal food integrity, a Halal its ingredients along all stages of the supply chain which
supply chain is required [18] and for keeping its integrity, includes product manufacturing, processing and
the Halal policy should be applied in the supply chains. A distributing [30]. In cosmetics field, it is almost same, as
complete definition for Halal policy provided [19] as the expert groups [31] reported that in traceability
follow: systems, all the supply chain players should be capable to
trace back and track the direct supplier and the direct
[…the responsibility of the organization in protecting the recipient of traceable items respectively. They added, this
Halal integrity along the supply chain; the scope of Halal system can collect information from far down to upstream
certification; the level of consumer or costumer assurance of the supply chain such as the retailers to the
(the promise); and the method of assurance (control manufacturers or importers; in addition, this system is
mechanism; covering aspects like Halal committee, Halal useful for the manufactured products that distribute by
compliance officer and inspections).] scheduled delivering such as childcare and cosmetics.
According to ISO 9000:2000 guidance, traceability is the
In the field of cosmetics supply chain, there is limited capability to trace the history, application or location of an
study especially in Halal arena. The basic requirements for item [32], [33].
Halal cosmetic products, based on Islamic Shariah, shall An international standard system for the products
be fulfilled by the Halal cosmetic industry during all the traceability is GS1 systems. Implementation of traceability
stages of cosmetic supply chain including receiving, systems by GS1 systems is approved by academic
preparing, processing, storing, and packing, labeling, community as an efficient global commerce facilitator that
controlling, handling, transporting and distributing [20]. can develop recording and exchanging of traceability data
From Muslim point of view, the clean and hygienic between stakeholders in the supply chain [26]. According
products should have integrated supply chain [21]. In to the GS1, traceability is the identification ability of
other hand, the existing concept of effective management products’ history in the past or now, quick determination
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 5, No. 1, March 2015
of defective or unsafe products’ location such as foods, or Halal food supply chains can also apply for these
pharmaceuticals and cosmetics to recall them from products, then some of this research hypothesis brought up
markets and reduce the negative economic impacts on by help of food studies.
consumer’s trust about the quality of products and helping The use of fast and reliable system for traceability along
validation of the presence or absence of important product the food supply chain helps to provide high quality and
attributes such as organic farming methods, Kosher foods, safe products [26]. It is argued that the Halal cosmetics
non-allergic cosmetics or sugar free products [51]. In this focus on some elements which one of them is Halal
system all partners should accomplish internal and ingredients [37], and the main reason of low awareness of
external traceability across the supply chain [29]. GS1 cosmetics consumers about Halal cosmetics belongs to the
emphasizes that tracing implementation within a supply availability of these products in the markets [12]. They
chain requires the involvement of all trading and non- mentioned that to get Halal certified cosmetics, their raw
trading partners, physical flow of traceable items and materials should also get certified by Halal standards. In
information flows of traceability data [34]. addition, in the Halal cosmetic supply chain, monitoring
Although the advantages of traceability such as health, of ingredients before production stage seems vital because
quality, safety and control make consumers to be the Halal products need Halal ingredients according to the
confident about products [28], [35], but technically, Islamic thoughts and standards. Based on Irish medicine
product safety and quality is enumerated as the first board [38], the conditions and storage temperature for
intentions of product traceability [30]. The business each ingredient should be controlled too, and use of some
manner tries to raise the information connectivity through ingredients such as CMR materials (Carcinogenic,
the supply chain and the quality of product traceability Mutagenic or toxic for Reproduction) in cosmetic can be
could be affected by the degree of network transparency acceptable if they confirmed by the Scientific Committee
[35]. Storing the essential information of related inputs on Consumer Safety [39]. According to the above studies,
and outputs of the food products in the supply chain is two hypotheses can be brought up.
another advantage for all the stakeholders [36] and finally H1: Tracing Halal policy in row material selection has a
according to the report of expert group, traceability is not positive impact in Halal cosmetic manufacturing.
only an important help for authorities to get required H2: Tracing Hall policy in row material selection has a
information about products and different actors of supply positive impact on the Halal cosmetic quality assurance.
chains but also organized traceability of whole supply
chain can be advantageous to economic players, Raising of efficient logistics procedures and tracking
authorities and end consumers such as identification of products flow along production stage and the supply chain
economic operators and physical products for effective by use of traceability systems argued by [40],[33]. The
product recalls and withdrawals from markets [31]. Halal cosmetics focus on production, manufacturing
procedure and storage [37] and control of product’s flow,
their quality and the processing factors along production
stage is a useful method to perform and avouch about
safety and quality and traceability of products [36].
According to the law of FDA [46] there is a need to
evaluate the food safety hazards during manufacturing,
processing, packing or storing to focus on preventing
contamination rather than responding to it although,
packing procedures should sufficiently be checked to
minimize the risk of mix-ups of Halal and non-Halal
products [38]. Myo Min [41] remarked that the available
information on products’ label does not always direct
more reliance, and then for clear data about the quality of
food through the supply chain, there is a need for modern
Figure 1- Research model (First conceptual model) traceability system.
H3: Tracing of Halal policy in production, labeling and
packing has positive impact in Halal quality assurance of
cosmetic products.
3. Methodology H4: Tracing of Halal policy in packing has positive impact
3.1 Hypothesis and research model on storing quality of Halal cosmetic products.
According to the research model (figure1), the seven H5: Tracing Halal policy in storing methods has positive
independent variables considered for this study were raw impact on Halal quality assurance of cosmetic products.
materials, production/packaging/labeling, storing, H6: Tracing Halal policy in storing conditions, has
distribution, retailers, consumers and Halal quality positive impact on maintenance of the Halal cosmetic
assurance of cosmetic products. In the research model, we quality provided to the products distribution.
applied the traceability systems for tracing of Halal policy
along the cosmetic supply chain to control all chain Halal products after production and storing stages are still
activities and partners according the Islamic standards. vulnerable. It is argued that improper storage conditions
Since the word of Halal related to the quality and safety of (usually temperature abuse) during product distribution
products and Halal cosmetics is almost new topic in the cause many outbreaks, and traceability systems can point
supply chain arena, the most of the studies in field of food to the origin of raw materials, the records of product
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 5, No. 1, March 2015
processing, the distribution and exactly the location of a relationship between two or more variables. The main data
product after delivery [41]. Generally, use of readable data collection tools were the study of existing documents,
such as barcodes enables data capturing from interview and questionnaire. The studied documents were
manufacturing through distribution and retail and provides books, scientific articles published in journals and
better interoperability of all actors in the supply chain conferences and reputable websites. The questionnaire
[31], traceability shows that the packing is considered as a was divided into two parts, respondents demographic and
unique critical point in production and distribution stages five-point Likert-type scale about research hypotheses, the
[40]. data collected from wholesalers/ retailers of cosmetics-
H7: Tracing of Halal policy in distribution methods has healthcare products of United Arab Emirates- Dubai as a
positive impact on Halal quality assurance of cosmetic secondary Islamic market with the majority of Muslim
products. population where the use of Halal logo on products
H8: Tracing Halal policy in distribution methods has supplied to the market is essential. A pilot ran with 35
positive impact on maintaining the Halal cosmetic quality respondents that were excluded from the 194 useful
for delivering cosmetics to the retailers collected questionnaires from the main centers,
department and local stores. Interviews are done with
The food safety risks can happen in different stages of the expert people and informed respondents at the time of
supply chain, and then all actors such as producers, questionnaires filling. The hypotheses tested by Partial
processors, distributors, retailers and even consumers Least Square regression (PLS) and then with the help of
must take responsibility [41]. This idea can also be useful objective observation and the results of interviews, the
for cosmetic products. Tracing became an important issue final model, was provided.
for the consumers and multiple retailers which provide the
consumer needs, the retailers have found that they can
achieve their commercial advantage through product 4.1 Demographic analysis
approvals [42]. As mentioned above, the statistical population of this
H9: Tracing Halal policy in Halal cosmetic products study was selected from wholesalers or retailers of
purchase by the retailers has positive impact on the Halal cosmetics and healthcare products. The demographic data
product consumer’s satisfaction and motivation (table1) included field of respondents’ activity, level of
H10: Tracing of Halal policy by retailers has positive Halal knowledge, their religion and level of education.
impact on Halal quality assurance of cosmetic products. Totally about 63.4 percent of respondents were active in
sales and 36.6 percent in addition to sales were active in
Quality attributes can affect the consumers by product other fields, about 64 percent of the cosmetics/ healthcare
value, it can refer not only to the properties but to the products supply centers managed by non-Muslim people,
ways that these properties can be obtained [43]. In other and 43.3 percent of the total respondents had low or no
hand, traceability has been known as a safety and quality knowledge about Halal cosmetics, so this figures reflect
informant system to the safety development of food chain the vulnerability of these products in Dubai Market.
and consumer confidence [44]. It can also exist as an Quantitative analysis of the impact of level of Halal
assurance tool for quality of products and consumer’s trust cosmetics knowledge and educational level of respondents
to the products [41]. He stated that from consumer view, on their responses to the questions are available in the
this system can help to build confidence and raise trust appendix.
towards the food system. According to the author, this
Table 1- Demographic results
idea is applicable for other product categories such as
cosmetics; therefore the last hypothesis developed is:
H11: Halal quality assurance has positive impact on the Characteristics percentage Characteristics percentage
consumer trust in products consumption. The field of Halal
And finally increase in consumer confidence on Halal cosmetics cosmetics
product quality and raising their tendency to purchase activity knowledge
these products will lead to the development of Halal Retailer 63.4 Never heard 32.5
cosmetics in Islamic markets. Distribution 23.7 Low 10.8
H12: Halal quality assurance of cosmetic products has production 12.4 Average 23.7
positive impacts on development of these products in the Packing 0.5 High 33
Islamic markets.
Religion Education
In addition to the hypotheses, two research questions Christian 53.1 Bachelor 77.8
related to the purpose of the study were developed: and less
RQ1: What is the role of Halal policy in Halal cosmetic Muslim 35.6 Master and 22.2
quality assurance? higher
RQ2: What is the role of using traceability system on Hindu 6.2
Halal quality assurance of cosmetic products? Buddhist 3.1
Others 2
4. Data Analysis
This study is a kind of Correlation/Regression Analysis 4.2 Hypotheses analysis
which involves determining the strength of the
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 5, No. 1, March 2015
In first step, according the sample volume more than 30 quality assurance could strongly explained by the all
and central limit theorem, the normal distribution used for independent variables; and since F square index indicates
the analysis. The chosen test value of 3 (from the 5 point the extent of estimation of each variable that was entered
Likert-type scale) and 95% of confidence interval showed into the model by other independent variables, the F2
that the probability of less than 0.001 and positive t-values results (table5-next page) showed that the raw material,
of single-sample T-test (table2) indicate that the mean of retailer, production and distribution were important
test variables of raw materials, manufacturing/ packing/ independent variables respectively to estimate the
labelling, storing, distributing, retailing and consumers dependent variable of quality assurance in the model. For
have significant difference and confirmed the importance example with elimination of raw material variable, the
role of these variables in the population. variance of quality assurance extremely will decrease;
therefore this variable has important impact on estimation
Table 2- The Single-sample T-test
of quality assurance in the model.
these variables should eliminate from the model, then in well, and demographic result which showed that 23.7
percent of total respondents were distributer and retailer at
Table 5- Direct, Indirect, Total path Coefficients of the conceptual research model
third step in accordance with: the same time, the variables of distributing and
retailing can merged together.
1- the positive direct impact of distributing on retailing Since the retailer has been the second important variable
variables with p-value less than 0.001, to predict the quality assurance variable, with help of its
2- the positive indirect impact of distributing on quality positive direct impact on the quality assurance can cover
assurance with p-value less than <0.01, the both variables of storing and distribution. By this way,
these variables may show their indirect positive impact on
3- strong goodness-of-Fit impact between distributing and Quality assurance without elimination from the model and
retailing with F index= 1.95 which shows that the retailer therefore, the final conceptual model can provide by
variable can be estimated by the distribution variable very figure 2.
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 5, No. 1, March 2015
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