👉👉👉👉👉👉 👉👉👉👉 👉
CA prostate peripheral zone and Posterior lobe + Metastasize to Vertebraal column and
brain by Anterio Intervertebral venous plexous BPH median lobe and transitional zone
Breast has 15-20 lacterous tubules + medial side (internal thoracic ) upper outer quadrant
(Anterior / pectoral )
Becks Triad (Cardiac temponade) Muffled HS, Hypotension and Raised JVP
Max absoprtion of water and salts+ Aldosterone independent water absorption + passive sodium
absorption Jejunum
Aldosterone dependent water absoprtion + Active sodium absorption+ Max efficiency of water
absoprtion. colon.
Duodenum calcium + iron absorption in Fe+2 (ferrous form in heme )
Liquefactive brain
Silicosis upper lobe of right + EGG SHELL CALCIFICATION + sandblasting , foundaries and mines
+ Increasead risk of TB +
HLA used for graft + graft rejection + identical twins have similar HLA
SLE sensitive is ANA + specific is anti Smith and anti ds DNA RA morning
Stiffness + HLA B4
Glomerulosa aldosterone
Fasciulata (under control of ACTH )
Cortisol ( cortisol regulates lymphocytes production turn over )
Reticularis androgens
Superior rectal vein + left Gastric + paraumblical veins + esophageal veins part of portal system
cause immobilization
Early wound healing + granulation tissue Type 3 collagen
Diet having complete absence of fruits and vegetables Decreased collagen synthesis..
The distance where two stimuli are perceived to be different is Maximum at back of scapula
Regarding mengitis :
Anterior duodenum perforation right paracolic gutter > Right iliac fossa > right post
subphrenic space
EBV Nasopharyngeal CA
Oropharyngeal HPV
Primary ameonorrhea + webbed neck + short height In a female turner syndrome (45X0)
Absent uterus on scan + well developed breast and normal height Androgens insensitivity
(46XY )
Blind vagina + absent uterus testicular feminization /adrogenital syndrome Single Palmer
Most Hypertonic CT
Nitrates Weak anesthetic + strong analgesia + Decreased preload + given in MI for pain relief
High first pass effect ( Sub- lingual)
Regarding Embryogy :
Remnant of gubernaculum scrotal ligament (male ) + Round ligament of uterus and ovarian
ligament (females )
Germ cells arise in yolk sac 3rd week from EPIBLAST / ECTODERM
Partial resection of pancreas leads to loss of exocrine function, what finding will present Absent
trypsin in dudeneal fluid
Hemorrhage due to perforation of lesser curvature of stomach , artery involved Left gastric
Pt has painless red purple lesion, oral thrush and diarrhea . what causes the red purple painless
Main function of cerebellum Coordination of agonist and antagonist muscles Hepatic adenoma
OCPs + anablic steroids
HCC aflatoxins
Liver malignancy secondary Metastasis is more common than primary CA
Landmark for dissection of neck + landmark for neck traingles Scalene anterior Landmarks for
Diabetics CRVO
Vesicles HSV 2
Pre-malignant lesion on face which must be excised Actinic keratosis (caused by UV light )
Cimetidine (H2 blockers ) cytochrome P-450 inhibitor and Increases effects of most of the drugs
and Decreasing their clearance from liver + Inhibits sucralfate getting absorbed
Side effects :
Protamine hypotension
Penicilllin bronchospasm
Chlorpromazine dystonia
Pyrazinamide Hyperuricemia
Ptosis+Mydriasis CN 3
Forceful expiration internal intercostal + abdominal muscles (external oblique and rectus
abdominus )
Laboured breath during stab wound when abdomen is moving more External oblique
Hemodynamics :
Osteoporosis thin and wide trabeculae + long term use of steroid is the cause
Osteogenesis osteoclasts in howhship lacunae
Blood supply of spinal cord Anterior + Posterior spinal arteires > VERTEBRAL
Conduction deafness defect of external or middle Ear + Weber lateralized to affected Ear +
negative Reine test
Micuturition reflex sacral segments of spinal cord through pelvic splanchnic nerves S2_S4
Sitting to standing (by glutues maximus --inferior gluteal nerve) Decreased venous return +
increasead venous tone + increasead HR
Trendelenburg test if standing on right leg then it's right superior gluteal nerve (gluteus MEDIUS
Claw hand ulnar nerve (SUPPLIES MEDIAL 1 AND HALF FINGER and hypothenar Eminence )
Carpal tunnel Syndrome ( thenar atrophy ) median nerve (thenar Eminence + lateral 3 and half
fingers )
Vertebrae 33
Blood loss and then GFR is Decreased due to Decreased atrial blood flow
CD15 and CD 30 cells Hodgkin lymphoma (nodular Sclerosis is most common + lymphocytic
predominant has better prognosis ) Young age + blast cells + immature lymphocytes ALL
Abdominal angina superior messenteric artery (supplies till middle 3rd of transverse colon )
Newborn having yellow diaper stained biliary atresia ( drooling of saliva ) Child having
C6 thumbs
T4 Nipples
T7 xiphiod process
T10 umbilicus
L1 Inguinal Ligament
L4 patella
Hyoid bone C3
Xiphiod process T9
Esophagus T10
Muscle arising from femur and stablizing Knee joint vastus lateralis Stablizing Patella vastus
Thymic hypoplasia + absent germinal centres + all 3 infections bacterial , viral and fungal SCID (
cause is adenosine deaminase defficency )
Bruton A-gammaglobinema only igG defficency most common Chance of pyogenic (bacterial )
infection in this
Leprosy nasal bone deformation ( initially nasal scrapings are done ) Soldier returning from
Man at height felt dyspnea suddenly HAPE ( height associated Pulmonary edema )
Metaplasia multiparity
Blood Hep C
Pain in peptic ulcer + supra renal gland + peritoneal irritation (GIT till
pulmonary fibrosis
Heat loss Depends upon Core body Temperature (if not present choose
Temperature of External environment )
Marathon running and having excessive sweating Heat exhaustion > DEHYDRATION
Arteries in rectum :
Glans penis and corpora deep Inguinal lymph nodes ( if not present choose Superficial inguinal )
fastest )
Trigone mesoderm
lesser omentum contains PORTAL TRIAD ) Tail of pancreas lies in linorenal Ligament
Radial artery pulsations between Brachioradialis and flexor carpi radilis Facial Artery
palpable at the anteroinferior angle of the masseter muscle against the bony surface of the
Axillary vein basilic vein + vena comitantes brachial veins ( parallel to brachial artery in arm )
Thoracic ducts drain at the union of left Subclavian and left internal jugular
Burns risk for DIC + Hyperkalemia > Hyponatremia + Decreased albumin causing edema +
contracture formation occurs
Old age Decreased wound healing Hormonal and endocrinological changes Old man fell and
fractured his bone and delayed wound healing Decreased blood supply
Fracture of femur in old age long term complication is avascular necrosis (watershed areas )
In old age high BP only 1 reading + sleep disturbance isolated Systolic HTN of old age ( due it
increased vascular Stiffness )
Most common Secondary cause of HTN Renal artery stenosis ( atherosclerosis proximal to it )
Erb's palsy a paralysis of the arm caused by injury to the upper group of the arm's main nerves,
specifically the severing of the upper trunk C5–C6 nerves.
1)Protien and glucose normal + increasead lymphocytes viral meningitis 2)Glucose Decreased
(>50)+ increasead lymphocytes + Proteins decreasead or maybe normal + clear /straw colored
TB meningitis
3)Glucose Decreased (>40)+ increasead Protein + increased Neutrophils
) metaphysis
Osteoblastoma vertebrae
Rheumatic heart disease pansystolic murmur (MS ) + given penicillin and gentamicin
X- linked recessive Duchene muscular dystrophy ( absent dystrophin gene + Positive Gower sign
) + familiar occurrence
Knee extensor and hip flexors QUADRICEPS MUSCLES (rectus femoris + vastus medialis + vastus
lateralis + vastus intermedius )
Athletes (tennis players ) having severe pain + echymosis / Swelling over ankle
○ pregnant female + foul smelling discharge + dead fetus delivery premature Treponema
Floor 1 % hypochromic
Instruments 2% gluteraldhyde
Specific protection against a specified diasease ( giving vit D to childens or giving folate to
mothers ) Cardiology :
Irregular R-R interval + irregularly irregular pulse atrial fibrillation
Wise pulse pressure difference + increasead EDV + Diastolic murmur Aortic Regurgitation
During extra systole Decreased pulse pressure due to Decreased stroke volume
First heart sound isovolumetric contraction ( closure of mitral and tricuspid valve ) + felt at
mitral area
Second heart rate isovolumetric relaxation ( closure of aortic and Pulmonary valve ) + felt at
left upper sternal border
Third heart sound rapid ventricular filling + best at apex + normal in childens, pregnancy and
Fourth heart sound Non- compliant left Venticle + best at apex + due to increasead atrial
Posterior interventricular groove middle cardiac vein + posterior inventricular artery ( RCA)
Covering of Peripheral Nerve :
Endoneurium --- individual nerve fiber perineurium ----
bundle of nerve fibers Epineurium --- entire Nerve
Nodes Ranvier contains Na+ channels
○ Blood supply of scalp External carotid artery ( three branches Superficial temporal + Posterior
auricular + occipital )
---> blood supply is in dense connective tissue layer > loose alerolar layer
○Right side weakness + double vision on seeing left MIDBRAIN (involved in movement of eyes
+ auditory and visual processing )
Lower face weakness ( face deviation)+ contralateral spastic hemiplegia of both upper and lower
○Astereognosis is inability to recognize objects while eyes closed associated with lesions of the
PARIETO- TEMPORO-OCCIPITAL lobe (posterior association areas) of either the right or left
hemisphere of the cerebral cortex
○Wernicke aphasia sensory aphasia + fluent + area 22+ superior temporal gyrus
○Global aphasia both Wernicke and brocoa aphasia + arcuate fasciculus ○Anomic aphasia
mild fluent aphasia + failure of word retrieveal + angular gyrus
○Type A pressure
Type B .Hypoxia
Type c .Anesthesia
○fusiform gyrus (TEMPORAL LOBE ) FACIAL RECOGNITION (unable to recognize face called
propognosia )
○Hippocampus short term memory + recollection in long term memory ( long term memory
formed by new Protein synthesis )
○spinal nerves mixed nerves ( both sensory and motor fibers ) + formed in intravertebral
Foramina + exit intervetebral Foramina
○Ruffini nerve endings sustained pressure ( SLOW ADAPTATION ) ○meckle nerve endings
position + deep touch + secrete serotonin
○centre for direct autonomic reflexes Hypothalamus ( only OLFACTION does not relay here )
negative predictive value includes persons who had negative screening test and are truly
Pie chart different percentages given ( famous example of CPSP that 20% postmenoupausal
females need HRT, 40% don't need HRT and 40% are absolutely normal )
Data are individual pieces of factual information recorded and used for the purpose of
analysis. It is the raw information from which statistics are created.
Effect to cause
E.g ==> Two groups having lung cancer
Then relating the lung cancer to its cause of risk factor such as smokers and non smokers
(retrospective study) ..!
cause to effect E.g ==>
two groups :
1---> CHD and associated risk factor
2---> CHD and no risk factor
E.g==> association of smoking with lung cancer
Double blind Both doctorr and Patient don't know about the efficacy of drug
Standard deviation Mean and it's standing error on both sides of normal distribution curve
Regarding Hb ===>