B.Tech Biotechnology - Revised Syllabus

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Bachelors of Technology - Biotechnology

Programme Structure

Curriculum & Scheme of Examination


B.Tech Biotechnology
Course Course Title Lectures (L) Tutorial (T) Practical (P) Total
Code Hours Per Week Hours Per Hours Per Credits
Week Week
BTE2101 Biomathematics – I 3 1 - 4
BTE2102 Applied Physics - I Fields & Waves 2 1 - 3
BTE2103 Applied Chemistry 2 1 - 3
BTE2104 Introduction to Computers & 2 1 - 3
Programming in ‘C’
BTE2105 Basics of Life Sciences 3 - - 3
BTE2106 Electrical Science 2 1 - 3
BTE2107 Applied Physics- I Lab - - 2 1
BTE2108 Introduction to Computers & - - 2 1
Programming in ‘C’ Lab
BTE2109 Applied Chemistry Lab - - 2 1
BTE2110 Electrical Science Lab - - 2 1
ENV2151 Environmental Studies* 2 - - 2
CSS2152 English I * 1 - - 1
BEH2151 Understanding Self for Effectiveness* 1 - - 1
LAN2151 Foreign Language – I* French - I 3 - - 3
LAN2152 German - I Spanish - I Russian - I
LAN2153 Chinese - I Portuguese – I
Total hours 21 5 8

Course Course Title Lectures (L) Tutorial (T) Practical (P) Total
Code Hours Per Week Hours Per Hours Per Credits
Week Week
BTE2201 Biomathematics – II 3 1 - 4
BTE2202 Applied Physics - II –Modern 2 1 - 3
BTE2203 Object Oriented Programming in 2 1 - 3
BTE2204 Cell Biology & Genetics 3 - - 3
BTE2205 Object Oriented Programming in - - 2 1
C++ Lab
BTE2206 Engineering Graphics lab - - 2 1
BTE2207 Applied Physics- II Lab - - 2 1
BTE2208 Cell Biology & Genetics Lab - - 2 1
Open Electives
CSS2252 English II * 1 - - 1
BEH2251 Problem Solving and Creative 1 - - 1
ENV2252 Environmental Studies* 2 - - 2
LAN2251 Foreign Language – II* French - II 3 - - 3
LAN2252 German - II Spanish - II Russian - II
LAN2253 Chinese - II Portuguese – II
Total Hours 17 3 8
Course Course Title Lectures (L) Tutorial (T) Practical (P) Total
Code Hours Per Week Hours Per Hours Per Credits
Week Week
BTE2301 Microbiology 3 - - 3
BTE2302 Biochemistry 3 - - 3
BTE2303 Database Management System 3 - - 3
BTE2304 Environmental Biotechnology 3 - - 3
BTE2305 Bioanalytical Methods 3 - - 3
BTE2306 Microbiology Lab - - 4 2
BTE2307 Biochemistry Lab - - 2 1
BTE2308 Database Management System Lab - - 2 1
BTE2309 Environmental Biotechnology Lab - - 2 1
Concentration Electives 3
BTE2310 Molecular Modelling 3 - -
BTE2311 Food & Nutrition 3 - -
BTE2312 Plant Physiology 3 - -
BTE2313 Human Physiology 3 - -
BTE2331 Term Paper - - - 2
BTE2332 Project (with Presentation & - - - 3
BTE2333 Workshop / Certification (Discipline - - - 1
Specific) (1credit per workshop)
BTE2334 Study Abroad (12 days) - - - 3
Open 4*+3
CSS2151 Effective Listening* 1 - - 1
BEH2351 Group Dynamics and Team 1 - - 1
LAN2351 Foreign Language – III * French - III 2 - - 2
LAN2352 German - III Spanish - III Russian -
LAN2353 III Chinese - III Portuguese – III
Minor Track 3 3
Total Hours 25 10
Course Course Title Lectures (L) Tutorial (T) Practical (P) Total
Code Hours Per Week Hours Per Hours Per Credits
Week Week
BTE2401 Molecular Biology 3 - - 3
BTE2402 Data Structure & Algorithms 2 - - 2
BTE2403 Enzyme Technology 3 - - 3
BTE2404 Bioinformatics and Computational 3 - - 3
BTE2405 Fundamental of Biochemical 3 - - 3
BTE2406 Molecular Biology Lab - - 4 2
BTE2407 Data Structure & Algorithms Lab - - 2 1
Enzymology & Enzyme Technology - - 2 1
BTE2408 Lab
BTE2409 Bioinformatics and Computational 2 1
Biology Lab
Concentration Electives 3
BTE2410 Marine Biotechnology 2 1 - 3
BTE2411 Medical Microbiology 2 1 - 3
BTE2412 Nanobiotechnology 2 1 - 3
BTE2413 Drug design & development 2 1 - 3
BTE2414 Stem cell & Regenerative Medicines 2 1 - 3
BTE2431 Term Paper - - - 2
BTE2432 Project (with Presentation & - - - 3
BTE2433 Workshop / Certification (Discipline - - - 1
Specific) (1credit per workshop)
BTE2434 Study Abroad (12 days) - - - 3
Open Electives 4*+3
CSS2251 Presentation Skills* 1 - - 1
BEH2451 Stress and Coping Strategies* 1 - - 1
LAN2451 Foreign Language – IV* French - IV 2 - - 2
LAN2452 German - IV Spanish - IV Russian -
LAN2453 IV Chinese - IV Portuguese –IV
Minor Track 3 3
Total Hours 23 1 8
Course Course Title Lectures (L) Tutorial (T) Practical (P) Total
Code Hours Per Week Hours Per Hours Per Credits
Week Week
BTE2501 Immunology & Immunotechnology 3 - - 3
BTE2502 Biophysics 3 - - 3
BTE2503 Plant Biotechnology 3 - - 3
BTE2504 Metabolic regulation & engineering 3 - - 3
BTE2505 Immunology & Immunotechnology - - 2 1
BTE2506 Plant Biotechnology Lab - - 4 2
BTE2535 Summer Internship I (Evaluation) - - - 3
Concentration Electives 3
BTE2507 Biofuel and Green Technology 2 1 - 3
BTE2508 Food Biotechnology 3 - 3
BTE2509 Cancer Biology 3 - - 3
BTE2510 Java-I 2 - 2 3
BTE2531 Term Paper - - - 2
BTE2532 Project (with Presentation & - - - 3
BTE2533 Workshop / Certification (Discipline - - - 1
Specific) (1credit per workshop)
BTE2534 Study Abroad (12 days) - - - 3
Open Electives 4*+3 4*+3
CSS2351 Reading Comprehension* 1 - - 1
BEH2552 Personality, Nationalism and Human 1 - - 1
LAN2551 Foreign Language – V* French- V 2 - - 2
LAN2552 German- V Spanish- V Russian- V
LAN2553 Chinese – V Portuguese –V
Minor Track 3 3
Total Hours 23 8
Course Course Title Lectures Tutorial (T) Practical (P) Total
Code (L) Hours Hours Per Hours Per Credits
Per Week Week Week
BTE2601 Recombinant DNA Technology 3 - - 3
BTE2602 Bioprocess technology 3 - - 3
BTE2603 Genomics & Proteomics 3 - - 3
BTE2604 Animal Biotechnology 3 - - 3
BTE2605 IPR, Biosafety & Bioethics 3 - - 3
BTE2606 Animal Biotechnology Lab - - 4 2
BTE2607 Recombinant DNA Technology Lab - - 4 2
BTE2608 Genomics & Proteomics Lab - - 2 1
Concentrati 3
on Electives
BTE2609 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 3 - - 3
BTE2610 Enterprenuership in Biotechnology 2 1 - 3
BTE2611 Agricultural Biotechnology 3 - - 3
BTE2612 Quality Control Management in 2 1 - 3
BTE2613 Java II 2 - 2 3
BTE2631 Term Paper - - - 2
BTE2632 Project (with Presentation & Evaluation) - - - 3
BTE2633 Workshop / Certification (Discipline - - - 1
Specific) (1credit per workshop)
BTE2634 Study Abroad (12 days) - - - 3
Open Electives 4*+3 (minor track)
CSS2451 Corporate Communication * 1 - - 1
BEH2651 Interpersonal Communication and 1 - - 1
Relationship Management*
LAN2651 Foreign Language – VI* French VI German 2 - - 2
LAN2652 VI Spanish VI Russian VI Chinese VI
LAN2653 Portuguese VI
Minor Track 3 3
Total Hours 25 10
Course Course Title Lectures (L) Tutorial (T) Practical (P) Total
Code Hours Per Week Hours Per Hours Per Credits
Week Week
BTE2701 Industrial Biotechnology 3 - - 3
BTE2702 Biostatistics 3 1 - 4
BTE2703 Research Methodology & Report 3 - - 3
BTE2704 Frontier in Biotechnology 3 - - 3
BTE2705 Industrial Biotechnology lab - - 4 2
BTE2706 Biostatistics lab 2 1
BTE2735 Summer Internship II (Evaluation) - - - 3
Concentration Electives 3
BTE2706 Bioreactor Designing 3 - - 3
BTE2707 Molecular medicine and diagnosis 3 - - 3
BTE2708 Biopharma QA Regulatory Affairs 2 1 - 3
BTE2709 Bioenergy engineering 3 - - 3
BTE2731 Term Paper - - - 2
BTE2732 Project (with Presentation & - - - 3
BTE2733 Workshop/ Certification (Discipline - - - 1
Specific) (1credit per workshop)
BTE2734 Study Abroad (12 days) - - - 3
Open Electives 4*+3 4
CSS2551 Employability Skills* 1 - - 1
BEH2751 Relationship Management* 1 - - 1
LAN2751 Foreign Language – VII* French VII 2 - - 2
LAN2752 German VII Spanish VII Russian VII
LAN2753 Chinese VII Portuguese VII
Minor Track 3 3
Total Hours 22 6

Course Course Title Lectures (L) Tutorial (T) Practical (P) Total
Code Hours Per Week Hours Per Hours Per Credits
Week Week
BTE2837 Dissertation / Project Report - - - 20
Presentation / Viva Voce
TOTAL - - - 20
Examination Scheme: Amity Institute of Biotechnology, AUM

Theory Examination Scheme: Total 100 marks

Components CT CP Assignment/ EE

Weightage (%) 15 5 10 70

CT: Class test, CP: Class performance, EE: External exam

Practical Examination Scheme: Total 100 marks


Class Test Mid Class Major Minor Practical Viva

(Practical Term performance Experiment Experiment/Spots Record
Based) Viva

15 10 05 35 15 10 10
In case if​ In case if Spots are kept the Minor can be of 10 marks and spots 5 marks

IA: Internal Assessment EE: External Exam



Course Code: BTE2101 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
The knowledge of Mathematics is necessary for a better understanding of almost all the Engineering and Science
subjects. Here our intention is to make the students acquainted with the concept of basic topics from Mathematics,
which they need to pursue their Engineering degree in different disciplines.

Course Contents: 40 Lectures

Module I: Calculus (Differentiation): (10L)
Introduction (Mathematics as a language, Need of learning mathematics, Applications of mathematics in Biology),
Graphs and functions (​Linear function, Quadratic function, Exponential function, Periodic functions, Combination
of simple functions, Examples from Biology), ​Functions and derivatives (Logarithmic function, Slope of curves,
Idea of derivative, Derivatives of simple functions, Derivative of exponential function, Derivative of sum of two
functions), ​Differentiation and its application in ​Biology (Product rule in differentiation, Derivatives of Sine and
Cosine functions, plotting derivatives, Differential calculus to understand actin polymerization, Enthalpy and
Entropy of a chemical reaction, Growth curve, Idea of curvature, Free energy, Energy of spring- like protein,
Maxima and Minima of a function, : Force and energy, DNA unzipping, Plotting mathematical functions).

Module II: Successive and Partial Differentiation​: ​(10L)

Successive Differentiation, Leibnitz’s theorem (without proof), Mean value theorem, Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s
Theorem, Asymptote & Curvature, Curve tracing, Partial Differentiation, Euler’s Theorem, Maxima and Minima

Module III: Calculus (Integration) (10L)

Fundamental theorems, Methods of Integration: Integration by Substitution, By Parts, Partial Fraction and its
Properties, Reduction formulae, Differentiation under integral sign. applications to length, area, volume, surface of
revolution, improper integrals, Multiple Integrals, Applications to areas, volumes.

Module IV: Differential Equations: (10L)

Formation of ODEs, Solution of Differential Equation of First order simple differential equations (Examples:
Polymerizing and depolymerizing filaments, Cell growth, Concentration gradient, Second order differential
equations. Motion of an object under external force) Separation, Homogeneous Differential Equations, Linear
Differential Equations, Exact Differential Equations, General Linear ODE of Second Order, Solution of
Homogeneous Equation, Solution of Simple Simultaneous ODE

1. Differential Calculus by Shanti Narayan
2. Integral Calculus by Shanti Narayan
3. Grewal B.S, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publications, 38th Edition

1. Mathematics for Biological Scientists, M. Aitken, B. Broadhursts, S. Haldky, Garland Science (2009)
2. Introduction to Mathematics for Life Scientists, E. Batschelet, Springer Verlag, 3rd edition (2003)
3. Calculus for Life Sciences, R. De Sapio, W. H. Freeman and Co. (1976)

Course Code: BTE2102 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
Aim of this course is to introduce the students to fundamentals of graduate level physics, which form the basis of all
applied science and engineering

Course Contents: 40 Lectures

Module I: Electrostatics (8L)
Brief introduction of Vectors, gradient of a scalar field, divergence and curl of vector field, Electric flux, Gauss‟s
law, Statements of Gauss divergence and Stokes theorem

Module II: Relativity(8L)

Michelson-Morley experiment, Inertial & non-inertial frames, Special theory of Relativity, Relativistic space-time
transformation, Transformation of velocity, Variation of mass with velocity, Mass-energy equivalence

Module III: Oscillations & Waves(8L)

Simple harmonic motion – equation and energy conservation, superposition of two SHMs, Lissajous figures,
damped and forced oscillations – equations, amplitude and frequency response, LCR Circuit, resonance, sharpness
of resonance, equation of motion for plane progressive waves, superposition of waves

Module IV: Wave Nature of Light(8L)

Interference: Conditions of interference, division of wavefront, Fresnel‟s biprism, division of amplitude,
interference due to thin films, Newton‟s rings. Diffraction: Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction, Fraunhofer
diffraction at a single slit, Transmission grating and its resolving power. Polarization: Birefringence, Nicol prism,
Production and analysis of plane, circularly and elliptically polarized light, Half and quarter wave plates, Optical

1. Waves & oscillation, A. P. French
2. Physics of waves, W. C. Elmore & M. A. Heald
3. Introduction to Electrodynamics, D. J. Griffith
4. Electrodynamics, Gupta, Kumar & Singh
5. Optics, A. K. Ghatak
6. Engineering Physics, Satya Prakash

Course Code: BTE2103 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
Chemistry is essential to develop analytical capabilities of students, so that they can characterize, transform and use
materials in engineering and apply knowledge in their field. All engineering fields have unique bonds with
chemistry whether it is Aerospace, Mechanical, Environmental and other fields. The makeup of substances is always
a key factor, which must be known.The upcoming field of technology like Nanotechnology and Biotechnology
depends fully on the knowledge of basic chemistry. With this versatile need in view, the course has been designed in
such a way so that the student should get an overview of the whole subject starting from the very basic bonding
mechanism to the application of materials.

Course Contents: 40 Lectures

Module I: Chemical Bonding (8L)
Types of bond: Ionic, Covalent and Coordinate bond; Fajan‟s rule; Hybridisation; H- bonding; Valence bond and
Molecular orbital theory for diatomic molecules.

Module II: Organic Mechanism(8L)

Electronegativity and dipole moment; Electron Displacement Effects: Inductive Effect; Mesomeric Effect;
Electromeric Effects; Fission of covalent bonds; Intermediates of Organic reactions; Carbonium , Carbanion, Free
Radical and Carbene; Types of organic reactions; Substitution , Elimination, Addition.

Module III: Thermodynamics (8L)

Introduction; Terminology; First Law; Heat Capacity; Calculation of thermodynamic quantities; Adiabatic and
Isothermal Process; Reversible and Irreversible Process; Second law of Thermodynamics; Standard State; Gilbb‟s
Helmholtz equation; VantHoff Isotherm and Isochore; Maxwell Relation; Third law of Thermodynamics; Chemical
Potential; Activity and Activity Coefficient; Coupled Reactions.

Module IV: Chemical Equilibrium(8L)

Introduction ; Le Chatelier‟s Principle; Equilibrium constant from Thermodynamic Constants; Acid-Base Concept;
Weak acid and Weak base and their salts; Solubility Product; pH and pOH, Buffer Solution, Buffer Action.

Module V: Polymers(8L)
Introduction; Polymerization; Addition and Condensation Polymerization; Thermosetting and Thermoplastic
Polymers; Molecular Weight of Polymer; Rubber, Plastic and Fiber; Preparation, Properties and uses of PMMA,
Polyester, Epoxy Resins and Bakelite, Silicone Polymers.

1. Engineering Chemistry Jain & Jain
2. Engineering Chemistry Sunita Rattan
3. Engineering Chemistry Shashi Chawla
4. Organic Mechanism, Morrison and Boyd
5. Physical Chemistry, Puri Sharma and Pathania
6. Organic Chemistry Vol-I , IL Finar
7. Organic Chemistry Vol-II, IL Finar
8. Physical Chemistry, Atkins Peter, Paula Julio
9. A guide to mechanism in organic chemistry, Peter Sykes.

Course Code: BTE2104 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
The objective in this course module is to acquaint the students with the basics of computers and its architecture. It
also includes coverage of the basic language i.e. C.

Course Contents: 40 Lectures

Module I: Introduction (7L)
Overview of Computer organization and historical perspective computer applications in various fields of science and
management. Data representation: Number systems, character representation codes, Binary, hex, octal codes and
their interconversions. Binary arithmetic, Floating-point arithmetic, signed and unsigned numbers. Basic Operating
Systems Concepts: Multiprogramming, Multitasking, Multiprocessing, Timesharing, Study of Operating Systems
e.g. DOS, Windows Concepts of the finite storage, bits, bytes, kilo, mega and gigabytes. Concepts of character
representation. Input, Output Devices. Storage devices: Primary, Secondary

Module II: Introduction to Programming (7L)

Concept of algorithms, Flow-charts, Data Flow diagrams etc. Concepts of structured, modular and object oriented
programming. Merits and demerits. Program coding and compilation. Linking and execution. Different types of

Module III: Programming using C (8L)

Example of some simple C program. Dissection of the program line by line. Concept of variables, program
statements and function calls from the library (Printf for example) C data types, int, char, float etc.C expressions,
arithmetic operation, relational and logic operations. C assignment statements, extension of assignment to the
operations. C primitive input output using getchar and putchar, exposure to the scanf and printf functions.

Module IV: Fundamental Features in C (8L)

C Statements, conditional executing using if, else. Optionally switch and break statements may be mentioned.
Concepts of loops, example of loops in C using for, while and do-while. Optionally continue may be mentioned.One
dimensional arrays and example of iterative programs using arrays, 2-d arrays Use in matrix computations.Concept
of Sub-programming, functions Example of functions. Argument passing mainly for the simple variables.

Module V: Advanced features in C (10L)

Pointers, relationship between arrays and pointers Argument passing using pointers Array of pointers. Passing arrays
as arguments. Strings and C string library.Structures and Unions. Defining C structures, passing strings as arguments
Programming examples.File Handling.

1. Yashwant Kanetkar, 2001. “Let us C”, BPB Publications, 2nd Edition,
2. V.Raja Raman, 1995. “Computer Programming in C”, Prentice Hall of India
3. Herbert Schildt, 2002. “C:The complete reference”, Osborne Mcgraw Hill, 4th Edition
4. Kernighan & Ritchie, “C Programming Language”, The (Ansi C Version), PHI, 2nd Edition.
5. J.B.Dixit, Fundamentals of Computers and Programming in „C‟.

Course Code: BTE2105 Credit Units: 03

The objective of the course is to provide students an understanding of the basic molecules of life-DNA,RNA,
proteins, and how these molecules, when form further complex molecules like carbohydrates, vitamins and lipids,
then functioning of the body takes place. Since technology is advancing in every field, emphasis is also given on the
understanding of application of some biotechnological concepts and an introduction to bioinformatics.

Course Content: 40 Lectures

Module I: Molecules of Life (Part I) (7L)
Axioms of Life; Water-Structure, properties and physiological importance. Carbohydrates: Classification, structures,
properties and functions, biological importance of carbohydrates; Lipids: Classification, nomenclature, structure of
fatty acids, Chemical properties and functions of phospholipids, biological significance of lipids.

Module II: Molecules of Life (Part II) (8 L)

Amino acids-classification based on polarity, structure and properties, essential and nonessential amino acids.
Proteins: functional classification, peptide bond, protein structure-primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary,
biological importance; Enzymes: classes and functions; Nucleic acids: Structure of purines, pyrimidines, nucleoside,
nucleotide, DNA and RNA, Biological importance.

Module III: Cell Structure (8L)

Chemical nature of cells; Structure of Cells: Prokaryotic – Bacteria and Archaebacteria, Eukaryotic- fungal, plant
and animal; Viruses – Structure and classification; Ultra structure of Cell membrane and Cell wall: Chemical
Composition, Models and their functions; Ultra structure of Cytoplasm and Cytoplasmic organelles: Golgi bodies,
Endoplasmic reticulum, Mitochondria, Ribosomes, Lysosomes, Peroxisomes, Nucleus, Cytoskeleton, Cilia, Flagella
and Chloroplast.

Module IV: Introduction to Cell Physiology (5 L)

Transport of substances through the cell membrane: Osmosis, Diffusion and its types; Active transport
(Sodium-Potassium pump) and Passive transport; Membrane potential: measuring membrane potential, action

Module V: Concept of Biotechnology (7 L)

Biotechnology as an interdisciplinary science; Microbial Biotechnology: introduction to bioprocess and fermentation
technology, GM microbes: superbugs, applications; Animal Biotechnology: introduction to cell culture, Use of cell
culture for production of - regulatory protein, hormone; Use of stem cell cultures for treatment of genetic disorders,
gene therapy, GM animals: animal models of disease, applications. Agricultural Biotechnology: Applications of
biotechnology in agriculture, GM plants: need, applications, stress tolerant plants.

Module IV: Introduction to Bioinformatics (5 L)

Biological database and their types; information retrieval from biological database; NCBI introduction: PubMed,
Entrez, Blast, OMIM, Books, Taxonomy, Structure.

1. Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry, G.S.Sodhi, Narosa Publishers.
2. Introduction to Environmental Pollution, B.K Sharma, H.Kaur, Goel Publishers.
3. Biochemistry Styrier.
4. Cell Biology, C B Pawar.
5. Biochemistry, Lehninger

Course Code: BTE2106 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
The objective of the course is to provide a brief knowledge of Electrical Engineering to students of all disciplines.
This Course includes some theorems related to electrical, some law‟s related to flow of current, voltages, basic
knowledge of Transformer, basic knowledge of electromagnetism, basic knowledge of electrical networks.

Course Contents: 40 Lectures

Module I: Electrical Quantities (7L)
Definitions: Force, Energy, Power, Charge, Current, Voltage, Electric Field Strength, Magnetic Flux Density,
Magnetic Flux, Electrical Power and Energy. Circuit Components: Resistance, Inductance and Capacitance. Energy
Sources: Ideal Source, Independent Source and Controlled Source.

Module II: Network Analysis Techniques(7L)

Circuit Principles: Ohm‟s Law, Kirchoff‟s Current Law, Kirchoff‟s Voltage Law Network Reduction: Star–Delta
Transformation, Source Transformation, Nodal Analysis, Loop analysis.

Module III: Alternating Current Circuits (5L)

Peak, Average and RMS values for alternating currents, Power calculation: reactive power, active power, Complex
power, power factor, impedance, reactance, conductance, susceptance Resonance: series Resonance, parallel
resonance, basic definition of Q factor & Band-width.

Module IV: Network Theorems (5L)

Superposition theorem, Thevenin‟s Theorem, Norton‟s theorem and Reciprocity theorem.

Module V: Electromagnetism(8L)
Magnetic Induction: Faraday‟s law, Lenz‟s law, Hysteresis, magnetic Circuits, Excitation of magnetic circuits,
Energy stored in magnetic circuits

Module VI: Transformers(8L)

Transformer Operation: Construction, Voltage relations, Exciting current, current relations, Linear circuit models,
Transformer as two port networks, open circuit test, short circuit test, Transformer performance: Efficiency and
voltage regulation.

1. R.J. Smith, R.C. Dorf: Circuits, devices and Systems
2. B.L. Thareja: Electrical Technology: Part -1 & 2
3. V.Deltoro: Electrical Engineering fundamentals
4. Schaum‟s Series: Electrical Circuits

Course Code: BTE2107 Credit Units: 01

Course Contents:
1. Wavelength of sodium light using Newton‟s rings.
2. Dispersive power of material of prism.
3. Specific rotation of sugar by polarimeter.
4. Temperature coefficient of platinum wire of Platinum resistance thermometer using Callender and Griffith
5. e/m of electron by Thomson‟s method
6. Variation of T with l for a bar pendulum – value of g.
7. Resistance and specific resistance of a given wire - Carey Foster‟s bridge.
8. Velocity of ultrasonic waves in a given liquid (kerosene oil)
9. Width of a single slit by diode laser.
10. Variation of magnetic field along the axis of a circular coil carrying current by using Stewart & Gee‟s
tangent galvanometer – radius of the coil.
11. Planck‟s constant and photoelectric work function of the material of the cathode using a photoelectric cell.

Course Code: BTE2108 Credit Units: 01

Software Required: Turbo C/C++

1. DOS commands
2. Creation of batch files
3. C program involving problems like finding the nth value of cosine series, Fibonacci series.
4. C programs including user defined function calls
5. C programs involving pointers, and solving various problems with the help of those.
6. File handling

Course Code: BTE2109 Credit Units: 01

1. To determine the percentage composition of a given mixture of NaCl and NaOH , 8 gms of which is
dissolved per liter of the solution.
2. Determination of acidity of the given industrial effluent water titrimetrically.
3. Determination of the amount of NaCO3 and NaHCO3 in a mixture of NaCO3 and NaHCO3
4. To determine the number of water molecules of crystallization in Mohr‟s salt (ferrous ammonium sulphate)
provided standard potassium dichromate solution (0.1N) using diphenylamine as internal indicator.
5. To determine the ferrous content in the supplied sample of iron ore by titrimetric analysis against standard
K2Cr2O7 solution using potassium ferricyanide [K3Fe(CN)6] as external indicator.
6. (a) To determine the surface tension of a given liquid by drop number method.
(b) To determine the composition of a liquid mixture A and B (acetic acid and water) by surface tension
7. Preparation of Urea-formaldehyde polymer.
8. Determination of molecular weight of a polymer (polystyrene) by using viscometric method.
9. a) Determination of heat capacity of a calorimeter.
b) Determination of heat of neutralization of hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide.
10. To determine the Rf Value of plant pigments using paper chromatography.

1. Theory and Practices in Chemistry- Narula & Virmani
2. Experiments in Applied Chemistry- Sunita Rattan, Kataria & Sons
3. Experimental Chemistry-Shashi Chawla, Dhanpat Rai Publications
4. Comprehensive Experimental Chemistry, V. K. Ahluwalia, New Age Publication, Delhi

Course Code: BTE2110 Credit Units: 01

1. To verify KVL & KCL in the given network.
2. To verify Superposition Theorem.
3. To verify Maximum Power Transfer Theorem.
4. To verify Reciprocity Theorem.
5. To verify Thevenin‟s Theorem.
6. To verify Norton‟s Theorem.
7. To perform OC & SC Test on I phase transformer.
8. Transient response of RLC Ckt.
9. To perform ratio & polarity test on I phase transformer.
10. Power & Power Factor measurement by 2- wattmeter method.


Course Code: BTE2201 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
The knowledge of Mathematics is necessary for a better understanding of almost all the Engineering and Science
subjects. Here our intention is to make the students acquainted with the concept of basic topics from mathematics,
which they need to pursue their Engineering degree in different disciplines.

Course Contents: 40 Lectures

Module I: Linear Algebra (08L)
Definition of a Matrix, Operations on Matrices Determinants, Elementary Operations, Reduction of a Matrix to
Row Echelon Form, Rank of a Matrix, Consistency of Linear Simultaneous Equations, Gauss Elimination and Gauss
Jordan – Method, Eigen values and Eigen Vectors of Matrix, Caley-Hamilton theorem, similar matrices,
Diagonalization of a matrix, Derogatory and non-derogatory matrices, Functions of square matrices.

Module II: Complex Number (08L)

Definition of Complex Number, Equality, Conjugate and Modulus of a Complex Number, Polar form of a Complex
Number, De-Moivre’s Theorem, Powers and Roots of a complex number, Exponential and Circular function of a
Complex Number, Hyperbolic Functions and Inverse Hyperbolic functions. Separation of real and imaginary parts.

Module III: Vectors (08L)

Physical quantities like position and force as vectors, Attracting and repelling charges, Vector addition, Calculation
of forces in a system of charges, Calculation of magnitude and direction of a vector, Unit vectors, Calculation of
resultant force, Dot product and cross product, Polar coordinate system, Gradient of a scalar, Geometrical meaning
of Gradient of scalar point function, Directional derivative, Divergence and Curl, Identities involving Grad-curl-div,
Physical Interpretation of Divergence and Curl, Second order differential operator.

Module IV: Fourier series, Fourier transform and Z transform (08L)

Introduction to Fourier series, Fourier coefficients, Calculation of Fourier series for simple functions, Sum of
periodic functions, Fourier coefficients with more examples, Calculation of Fourier series for square wave- like
function, Learning Fourier series by plotting functions Introduction to Fourier transform, Fourier space, Inverse
Fourier transform, Application of Fourier transform: X- ray crystallography, structure studies of proteins, Z

Module V: Numerical Methods (08L)

Solution of linear and nonlinear algebraic equations, Bisection method, the Iteration method, Newton Raphson
method, Integration of trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule, Single step methods for differential equations.

1. Grewal B.S, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publications, 38th Edition
2. Grewal B S, “Numerical methods in Engineering and Science”, Khanna Publishers, Delhi
3. Higher Engineering Mathematics by H.K. Das

Course Code: BTE2202 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
Aim of this course is to introduce the students to fundamentals of graduate level physics, which form the basis of all
applied science and engineering.

Course Contents: 45 Lectures

Module I: Wave Mechanics (15L)

de-Broglie matter waves, wave nature of particles, phase and group velocity, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, wave
function and its physics interpretation, Operators, expectation values. Time dependent & time independent
SchrÖdinger wave equation for free & bound states, square well potential (rigid wall), Concept of step potential.

Module II: Atomic Physics (15L)

Vector atom model, LS and j-j coupling, Zeeman effect & Paschen-Back effect, Bragg’s law, X-ray spectra and
energy level diagram, Laser – Einstein coefficient, population inversion, condition of light amplification, He-Ne and
Ruby laser

Module III: Solid State Physics (15L)

Sommerfield’s free electron theory of metals, Fermi energy, Energy bands in solids, physics of semiconductors,
doping, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, Depletion layer, characteristics of PN junction, Forward and reverse
biasing, Breakdown voltage, Superconductivity, Meissner effect, Introduction to Nanomaterials

1. Concept of Modern Physics, A. Beiser
2. Applied Physics II, Agarawal & Goel
3. Solid State Physics, S. O. Pallai
4. Physics of Atom, Wehr & Richards

Course Code:BTE2203 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
The objective is to introduce object oriented programming as a different approach to programming. The various
features of object oriented programming like Inheritance; polymorphism etc. is explored through C++. Importance is
given on the programming skills which includes the techniques of object oriented programming. Students should be
able to find it different from procedural programming and get the importance of creation of objects in programs.

Course Contents: 40 Lectures

Module I: Introduction (8L)
Review of C, Difference between C and C++, What is Object Oriented approach and its Principals like Abstraction,
Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism. Characteristics of Object-Oriented Languages. Introduction to
Object-Oriented Modeling techniques (Object, Functional and Data Modeling).

Module II: Classes and Objects (8L)

Abstract data types, Object & classes, attributes, methods, C++ class declaration, State identity and behavior of an
object, Constructors and destructors, instantiation of objects, Default parameter value, Copy Constructor, Static
Class Data, Constant and Classes, C++ garbage collection, dynamic memory allocation.

Module III: Inheritance and Polymorphism (8L)

Inheritance, Types of Inheritance, Class hierarchy, derivation – public, private & protected, Aggregation,
composition vs classification hierarchies, Polymorphism, Type of Polymorphism – Compile time and runtime,
Method polymorphism, Polymorphism by parameter, Operator overloading, Parametric polymorphism, Generic
function – template function, function name overloading, Overriding inheritance methods .

Module IV: Files and Exception Handling (8L)

Persistent objects, Streams and files, Namespaces, Exception handling, Generic Classes.
Standard Template Library: Standard Template Library, Overview of Standard Template Library, Containers,
Algorithms, Iterators, Other STL Elements, The Container Classes, General Theory of Operation, Vectors.

Module V: AutoCAD (8L)

Use of Drawing & Editing Properties: Modify Object Properties and a know how of layers, colors and prototype
drawing. Draw line (Poly line, multi line, linear line), polygon, ellipse, circle, arc, rectangle and use cross hatching,
regions, boundary, spline, donut, fillet and extent command Dimensioning commands, styles, control scale
factors, drawing set-up, grip editing objects snaps, utility command Projection of points, lines and solids, Section
of Solid Development and Intersection of Surface Isomeric Projections

1. A.R.Venugopal, Rajkumar, T. Ravishanker “Mastering C++”, TMH, 1997
2. R. Lafore, “Object Oriented Programming using C++”, BPB Publications, 2004.
3. Schildt Herbert, “C++: The Complete Reference”, Wiley DreamTech, 2005.
4. Mark Middlebrook, “Autocad 2004 for Dummies”, Pustak Mahel Prakashan, 2000.
5. .Parasons, “Object Oriented Programming with C++”, BPB Publication, 1999.
6. Steven C. Lawlor, “The Art of Programming Computer Science with C++”, Vikas Publication, 2002.
7. Yashwant Kanethkar, “Object Oriented Programming using C++”, BPB, 2004
8. Omura, “Mastering Autocad 2000 for Mechanical Engineers” BPB Publications, 2​nd​ Edition, 1998

Course Code: BTE2204 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective
Cell biology connects different fields of biotechnology by incorporating elements of biology, maths, physics and
chemistry. The objective of the course is to understand the structure and function of cellular and subcellular
components of cells and tissues. It also focuses on the understanding of basic principles of genetics, incorporating
the concepts of classical, molecular and population genetics. Compilation is required for recent advances in genetic
principles for a strong foundation in Biotechnology.

Course Contents: 40 Lectures

Module I (7 hrs)
Cell theory, precellular evolution, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Cell cycle: molecular events (Cell cycle
checkpoints), control of cell number and cell size. Cell division - mitosis and meiosis. Introduction to Cancer -
Types of cancer, etiology of cancer, metastasis, cytological role of p53 and p21 genes in cancer development.
Introduction to Apoptosis.

Module II (6 hrs)
Structure and Function of cytoskeleton: Intermediate filaments, Microtubules, Actin Filaments and Muscle
contraction. Structure and function of cilia and flagella. Transport of small molecules across cell membranes –
diffusion, osmosis, active and passive transport.

Module III (7 hrs)

Cellular signaling –general principles: Endocrine, Paracrine, Synaptic & Contact Dependant. Cell signalling
molecules – Hormones, Local mediators, Neurotransmitters, contact dependent signal molecules. Structures and
working of the various types of receptors: Ion Channel coupled receptors, G protein Coupled receptors and Enzyme
Coupled receptors. Signal Transduction Pathways - c-AMP pathway, phospholipids and calcium ions, MAP kinase

Module IV (7 hrs)
Genetics: classical and molecular genetics, Mendelian principles of inheritance, human genetics. Extension of
Mendelism: Allelic variations, influence of environment on expression, penetrance and expressivity, epistasis,
pleiotropy. Chromosomal basis of inheritance; linkage, crossing over and chromosome mapping.

Module V (6 hrs)
Mutation and mutagenic agents, Types of mutations – Insertion, Deletion, Point mutation, Frame shift, Missense,
Nonsense and Silence mutation. Numerical and structural changes in chromosomes with emphasis on human
syndromes/plant breeding and genetic counselling, Economic importance of mutation.

Module VI (7 hrs)
Classical and modern concept of gene - pseudoallelism, position effect, intragenic crossing over & complementation
(cistron, recon & nutron), Conjugation in Bacteria, Transduction (Generalized and Specialized), Benzer’s work on
rII locus in T​2​ bacteriophage. Genetics of Population: Hardy- Weinberg Law and its deviations.

1. Cell and Molecular Biology, Gerald Karp, John Wiley and Sons Inc.
2. Cell and Molecular Biology, DeRobertis, B.I. Publication Pvt. Ltd.
3. Genetics, P.K. Gupta, Rastogi Publication
4. Concepts of Genetics (Sixth Edition), William S. Klug and Michael R, Cummings, Pearson Education.
5. Cell in Development and Inheritance, E.B. Wilson, Macmilian
6. Developmental Biology, S.F. Gilbert, Sinauer Associates Inc.
7. Essential Cell Biology : An Introduction to the Molecular Biology of the Cell, B. Alberts, D. Bray, A.
Johnson, J. Lewis, M. Roff, K. Robert, P. Walter and K. Roberts, Garland Publishing Company
8. Molecular Cell Biology, H.Lodish, A.Berk, S.L. Zipursky, P. Matsudaura, D. Baltimore and J. Danell,
W.H. Preeman and Company.
9. Genetics, M.W. Strickberger, Prentice Hall College Division
10. Genetics, P.J.Russell, Benjamin/Cummings
11. Principles of Genetics, E J Gardner, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
12. Genetics, R. Goodenough, International Thomson Publishing
13. Introduction to Genetic Analysis, A.J. F. Griffiths, W.H. Freeman and Company
14. Principles of Genetics, D.P. Snustad & M.J. Simmons, John Wiley and Sons Inc.
15. Molecular Biology of the Gene (Fifth Edition), J.D. Watson, A.M. Weiner and N.H. Hopkins, Addison
– Wesley Publishing

Course Code:BTE2207 Credit Units: 01

Course Contents:
1. To determine the frequency of an electrically maintained tuning fork by Melde’s method.
2. To determine the acceleration due to gravity (g) by Kater’s reversible pendulum.
3. To find the wavelength of the prominent lines of mercury spectrum using plane transmission grating.
4. To find the energy band gap of semiconductor (Ge) crystal using four-probe method.
5. To determine the frequency of A.C. mains using sonometer and electromagnet.
6. To determine the thickness of the given wire using wedge method.
7. To study the V-I characteristics of forward and reversed biased p-n junction diode.
8. To study the characteristics of a solar cell and find the fill factor.
9. To study the characteristics of a photo-cell and verify the inverse law of radiation.

Course Code:BTE2205 Credit Units: 01

Software Required: ​Turbo C++ and AUTOCAD 2001
Course Contents:
1. Creation of objects in programs and solving problems through them.
2. Different use of private, public member variables and functions and friend functions.
3. Use of constructors and destructors.
4. Operator overloading.
5. Use of inheritance in and accessing objects of different derived classes.
6. Polymorphism and virtual functions (using pointers).
7. File handling.
8. Different type 2D and 3D problems.

Course Code: BTE2206 Credit Units: 01

Course Objective:
This course will provide students concepts on the drawings of different curves like straight line, parabola, ellipse etc.
After completion of this course, students will be able to draw different figures manually and will be capable of using
various instruments involved in drawings.

Course Contents:
Module I: General
Importance, Significance and scope of engineering drawing, Lettering, Dimensioning, Scales, Sense of
proportioning, Different types of projections, Orthographic Projection, B.I.S. Specifications.

Module II: Projections of Point and Lines

Introduction of planes of projection, Reference and auxiliary planes, projections of points and Lines in different
quadrants, traces, inclinations, and true lengths of the lines, projections on Auxiliary planes, shortest distance,
intersecting and non-intersecting lines.

Module III: Planes other than the Reference Planes

Introduction of other planes (perpendicular and oblique), their traces, inclinations etc., Projections of points and
lines lying in the planes, conversion of oblique plane into auxiliary Plane and solution of related problems.

Module IV: Projections of Plane Figures

Different cases of plane figures (of different shapes) making different angles with one or both reference planes and
lines lying in the plane figures making different given angles (with one of both reference planes). Obtaining true
shape of the plane figure by projection.

Module V: Projection of Solids

Simple cases when solid is placed in different positions, Axis faces and lines lying in the faces of the solid making
given angles.

Module VI:​ ​Development of Surface

Development of simple objects with and without sectioning. Isometric Projection

1. M.B. Shah & B.C. Rana, Engineering Drawing, Pearson Education, 2007
2. PS Gill, Engineering Drawing, Kataria Publication
3. ND Bhatt, Engineering Drawing, Charotar publications
4. N Sidheshwar, Engineering Drawing, Tata McGraw Hill
5. CL tanta, Mechanical Drawing, “Dhanpat Rai”

Course Code: BTE2208 Credit Units: 02

Course Content
1. Microscopy: Light microscopy, Bright field, Phase contrast.
2. Monochrome Staining & Gram Staining
3. Mitosis and Meiosis
4. Study of gene interaction; chromosomal translocation in Rhoeo discolor
5. Study of chromoplasts,
6. Study of chloroplast in plant cell
7. Study of permanent slides of types of cancer
8. Study of apoptosis
9. Study of physical and chemical mutagens on growth of ​E. coli
10. PTC test.

Course Code: BTE2301 Credit Units: 03
Course Objective:
The course imparts the knowledge of different types of microorganisms that are invisible to our naked eyes.
Discovery origin and evaluation of different forms of bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses constitute the basics of

Course Contents: 45 Lectures

Module I : Introduction to microbiology (3L)
History & Discovery of the microbial world, controversy over spontaneous generation, Theory and practice of
sterilization – definition of sterilization, dry and moist heat, pasteurization, tyndallization, radiation, filtration.
Physical and chemical methods of sterilization, disinfection, sanitation, antisepsis sterilants and fumigation.

Module II: Classification and identification of microorganisms (8L)

Classification and identification of microorganisms, microscopic examination- stains and staining methods –
auxochrome, chromophores, dyes, mechanisms of staining – monochrome staining, differential staining – gram
staining, acid fast staining, Special staining- capsule staining, endospore staining, flagella staining. Cell inclusions-
capsule, surface appendages, cytoplasm and cytoplasmic inclusions.
Archaebacteria: Archaea earliest life forms, thermophiles, psychrophiles, halophiles, alkaliphiles, acidophiles,
hyperthermophiles. Cyanobacteria that live in extreme conditions
Systematics and taxonomy - new approaches to bacterial taxonomy, classification including ribotyping, ribosomal
RNA sequencing, characteristics of primary domains, taxonomy, nomenclature and Bergey's manual.
Module IV: Eukaryotic microbiology (7L)
Fungi – importance, characteristic, morphology , reproduction, cultivation and classification
Algae – importance , characteristics of algae
Protozoa – ecology, importance, morphology, reproduction, classification
Viruses: Reproduction and life cycle of RNA and DNA viruses; bacteriophages, Plant & animal viruses. Viroids and

Module IV: Nutrition, cultivation and enumeration of microorganisms & metabolism (10L)
Principles of microbial nutrition: nutritional requirements : Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus,
sulphur and growth factors. Classification of different nutritional types of organisms. Classification on basis of
oxygen requirement
Design of nutritional media – solid & liquid media, complex , defined, differential, selective, enriched, transport.
Pure culture techniques, Methods of isolation. The definition of growth, mathematical expression of growth, growth
curve, Diauxic growth, synchronous growth, continuous culture,
Enumeration of Microorganisms- Direct and Indirect methods. culture collection, maintenance and preservation of

Module V: Microbial ecosystems (7L)

Microbial ecosystems : Terrestrial and Aquatic
Microbial symbiosis: Plant- microbes interactions - legume-root nodule, agrobacterium & crown gall disease,
mycorrhizae, Animal/Humans-microbes interactions - mammalian gut, ruminating animals, human microbiome

Module VI:Medical Microbiology (10L)

Host-parasite relationship -Normal microflora of body Entry of pathogens into the host, types of toxins (Exo, endo,
entro) and their mode of actions,
Microbial pathogenesis -Disease reservoirs; Epidemiological terminologies; Infectious disease transmission;
Sexually transmitted disease including AIDS, Food and water- borne diseases; pathogenic fungi
Mode of action of: antibacterial agents, antifungal agents, antiviral agents.
Diagnostic methods for identification - Growth dependent & growth independent methods
1. General Microbiology, R.Y. Stanier, J.L. Ingraham, M.L.Wheelis and P.R. Painter, Macmillian
2. Microbiology VI Edition, M.J. Pelczar, E.C.S. Chan and N.R. Kreig, Tata McGraw Hill Microbiology by
3. The Microbial World, Roger Y. Stanier, Prentice Hall
4. Microbiology, Tortora, Funke and Chase, Benjamin & Cummings
Course Code: BTE2302 Credit Units: 03
Course objectives:
The course aims on understanding the relationships between structure and function in the major classes of
biopolymers. It augurs understanding of the central metabolic process and the role of enzymes in modulating
pathways. The theoretical background of biochemical systems helps to interpret the results of laboratory

Course contents: 40 Lectures

Module I: Basics of Biochemical concepts (5L)
Properties of water; acids, bases and buffers; covalent and Non-covalent interactions in biological systems;
Bioenergetics: First and second law, concept of free energy standard free energy, determination of ΔG for a reaction
and chemical equilibrium, ATP-ADP cycle.

​Module II: Structure & Function of Biomolecules (10L)

Sugars and Polysaccharides- concept of ring structures and straight chain structure of common carbohydrates;
classification, structure, function and significance of lipids- biological membranes, lipoproteins, phospholipids,
sphingolipids, glycolipids; classification, chemical and physical properties of amino acids: structures, pK –
isoelectric point, essential & non-essential amino acids, colour reaction of amino acids. structure and function.
Structure of protein: globular, fibrous (helix & placated sheet) Glycoproteins: structure and function. nitrogenous
bases, nucleotides, structure and properties of nucleic acids

Module III: Carbohydrates & Lipids (8L)

Carbohydrate metabolism: glycolysis and its regulation, Glycogen breakdown, synthesis, Regulation;
Gluconeogenesis, glyoxylate pathway, Pentose phosphate pathway.Lipid metabolism: digestion, absorption and
transport; fatty acid metabolism: β-oxidation, biosynthesis and regulation; ketone bodies; Cholesterol and
Arachidonic Acid metabolism. Rancidity, sap value, Iodine value & hydrogenation.

Module IV: Nitrogen metabolism (7L)

Amino acid metabolism: deamination, urea cycle, biosynthesis and breakdown non-essential amino acids
(asparagine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, proline, serine, Tyrosine); Specialized
Products of Amino Acids

Module V: Integration of Carbon, Lipid & protein metabolism (3L)

Citric acid cycle and its regulation, amphibolic nature of Citric acid cycle;Electron transport System, oxidative
phosphorylation and control of ATP production

​ itamins & Co-enzymes (3L)

​Module V:​ V
structure and function of fat and water soluble vitamins, sources, RDA, physiological role, deficiency
manifestations, structure and function of coenzymes (NAD, NADP, FAD, FMN) .

Module VI : Nucleic acids (4 L)

Nucleotide Metabolism: metabolism of purines and pyrimidine, biosynthesis of nucleotides, ; Catabolism of heme
and clinical significance of bilirubin.
1. Harper‟s Biochemistry, K. Robert, M.D. Murray, D.K. Granner, P.A. Mayes and V.I. Rodwell,
McGraw-Hill/Appleton and Lange.
2. Biochemistry, L. Stryer, W.H. Freeman and Company
3. Tools of Biochemistry, T.G. Cooper, John Wiley and Sons Inc.
4. Cellular Biophysics I & II, Thomas F. Weiss 1995, MIT Press
5. Biochemical calculations, I.H. Segal. Publisher, John Wiley and Sons
6. Biochemistry, C.K. Mathews, K.E. Van Holde and K.G. Ahern, Benjamin / Cummings.
7. Devlin‟s Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical correlations, John Wiley and Sons Inc.
8. Principles of Biochemistry, A.L. Lehninger, D.L. Nelson, M.M. Cox, Worth Publishing

Course Code: BTE2303 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
It enables the students to access biological information networks and databases in order to understand the different
techniques of biotechnology to build detection systems especially in the prevention and treatment of human

Course Contents: 40 Lectures

Module I:​ ​Overview and historical perspective (8L)
File systems vs. DBMS, advantages of DBMS

Module II:​ ​Describing and storing data in DBMS (10L)

Levels of abstraction and data independence; Data models and their comparison; Entity relationship model
-concepts, design, keys and features; Relational model -introduction, structure of the relational databases, integrity
constraints, Relational algebra and calculus -selection and projection, set operations, renaming, Joins, Division etc.

Module III:​ ​SQL and Perl (6L)

Module IV:​ ​Database design (10L)

Functional dependencies, Normal forms; Concurrency control and database discovery -concept of transaction:
atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability, transactions and schedules, concurrent execution of transactions,
Lock based concurrency control, Database recovery

Module V:​ ​Current trends (3L)

Distributed databases and multimedia databases;

Module VI:​ ​Data warehousing and Data Mining​ ​(3L)

1. Data Mining: Concept and techniques, J. Han and M. Kamber, Morgan Kaufman.
2. Database Management, P.C. Desai.
3. Introduction to Database Systems, C.J. Date, Addison Wesley Publishing.
4. Data Mining, A.K. Pujari, Sangam Books Ltd.
5. Principles of Database and Knowledge Based systems, J.D. Ullman, Computer Science Press.
6. The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit, John Wiley and Sons Inc.
7. The Data Warehouse Toolkit, R. Kimball et al, John Wiley and Sons Inc.

Course code: BTE2304 Credit Units: 03

Course Objectives:
To introduce the students to generate a clean environment using biotechnology as the key tool and provide them the
insight for an eco-friendly approach along with the concept of sustainable development.

Course Contents: 40 Lectures

Module 1: Energy resources (5L)
Renewable (sun, wind, waves, geothermal) and Non-renewable (fossil fuels- coal, petroleum, and natural gas)
energy resources, Biofuels: Bioethanol, Biodiesel, Biogas and Algal Fuels

Module II: Solid & Liquid wastes (10L)

Solid-waste Pollution: Types, sources and consequences. Classification of wastes –
(Domestic, Industrial, Municipal, Hospital, Nuclear, Agriculture), Transfer and transport,
Recycle, Reuse, Recovery, Conversion of solid wastes energy / Manure, Disposal methods & management methods
- Sanitary land filling, Recycling, Composting, Vermicomposting, Incineration, energy recovery from organic waste

Module III: Pollution & Remediation (5L)

Sources, generation, classification of pollution- natural and anthropogenic sources of pollution, primary and
secondary pollutants, Effect of pollutants, Treatment of pollutants by standard EPA & APHA methods,
environmental quality standards. Bioremediation and Biodegradation of major environmental pollutants- heavy
metals, pesticides, textile dyes and hydrocarbons, Biomineralization- Use of microbes for mining of metals from

Module IV: Biofertilizers & Biopesticides (5L)

Concept of N2-fixation, nodule formation, azolla, cyanobacteria, rhizobium,VAM- phosphate solubilizers,
Biopesticides- types, and IPM

Module V: Environmental laws & Sustainability (7L)

International Environmental Laws: Evolution and development of International Environmental laws; Environmental
laws in India: Environmental Policy and laws. Constitutional and statutory laws in India: Sustainable Development:
Definition and concepts of sustainable development, Integration of: a. Economic, Social and Environmental
sustainability, biodiversity and availability of natural resources in development.

Module VI: Environmental toxicology (8L)

Toxic chemicals in the environment (air and water): their effects and biochemical interactions.Biochemical aspects:
of arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, carbon monoxide, ozone and PAN pesticide; Mode of entry of toxic substance,
its breakdown and detoxification; biotransformation of xenobiotics; Insecticides / Pesticides in environment, MIC
effects. Local, state & international case studies.

1. Textbook of Biotechnology, RC Dubey/ PK Gupta
2. Environmental Biotechnology, Pradipta Kumar Mohapatra
3. Biotechnology- Expanding Horizons, BD Singh
4. Introduction to Environmental Biotechnology, Milton Wainwright
5. Waste Water Engineering, Metcalf and Eddy
6. Environmental Biotechnology- Concepts and Applications, Hans-Joachim Jordening and
7. Josef Winter
8. Environmental Microbiology- Methods and Protocol, Alicia L, Ragout De Spencer, John FT Spencer
9. Principles of Environmental Engineering, Gilbert Masters
10. Agricultural biotechnology, SS Purohit
11. Environmental Science- Working with the Earth, G Tyler Miller Jr

Course Code:​ ​BTE2305 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective: ​The students will be exposed to basic concepts related with techniques and instrumentation
widely used in Biotechnology.

Course Contents: 40 Lectures

Module I: Solutions and buffers (2L)
Solution and Buffers Preparation of solutions, concept of pH and buffer, types of buffers and their preparation, pH

Module II: Centrifugation and separation techniques (2L)

Centrifugation Principle of centrifugation, rotors, different types of centrifuges, preparative and analytical
centrifugation, ultra-centrifugation. Cell Disruption techniques, ultra-filtration, dialysis and reverse osmosis.

Module III: Microscopy (8L)

Principle, working and application: Microscopy Optical microscopy, Bright field, Dark field, phase contrast and
fluorescence microscopy. Electron microscopy: Transmission and scanning electron microscopy, Atomic force

Module IV: Electrophoretic techniques (4L)

Principle, working and Applications: Gel electrophoresis, SDS-PAGE, isoelectric focusing, two-dimensional
electrophoresis, immunoelectrophoresis, capillary electrophoresis

Module V: Chromatography and spectroscopy (16L)

Principle, working and Applications: Paper, TLC, gel filtration, ion-exchange chromatography, affinity
chromatography, HPLC and GLC; UV and visible spectroscopy, Infrared and Atomic absorption spectroscopy,
fluorescence spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry, MALDI TOF, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Module VI: Radioisotope techniques (8L)

Principle, working and application: Radioisotope techniques Study of radioisotopes in biological samples,
proportional and GM counter, scintillation counters, autoradiography, radio–immunoassay.

1. Principles of Physical Biochemistry, K.E. Van Holde, Prentice Hall.
2. Essentials of Biophysics, P. Narayanan, New Age International Publishers
3. Advanced Instrumentation, Data Interpretation, and Control of Biotechnological Processes, J.F. Van Impe,
Kluwer Academic
4. Crystal Structure Analysis, J.P. Glusker and K.N. Trueblood, Oxford University Press
5. Crystallography made Crystal Clear, G. Rhodes, Academic Press
6. Modern Spectroscopy, J.M. Hollas, John Wiley and Son Ltd.
7. NMR Spectroscopy: Basic Principles, Concepts and Applications in Chemistry, H. Gunther, John Wiley
and Sons Ltd.

Course Code: BTE2306 Credit Units: 02

Course Contents:
1. Set up of microbiology laboratory
2. Plugging & sterilization of flask, test tubes, wrapping & sterilization of pipettes
3. Aseptic techniques and preparation of media – Nutrient broth & agar, potato dextrose broth & agar
4. Study of air flora- gravity settling method
5. Isolation of bacteria by streak plate method, study of colony characteristics (including gram staining &
motility), maintenance of pure culture, preservation of bacteria
6. Study of growth of bacteria on differential media – Macconkey, EMB, ENDO, Salt Mannitol agar etc.
7. Biochemical characterization of bacteria – IMViC test, TSI slant, Catalase, urease, Oxidase, starch &
Casein hydrolysis.
8. Special Staining techniques : Endospore staining, capsule staining,
9. Enumeration of microorganism by serial dilution – Pour plate, spread plate.
10. Enumeration of microorganism from soil/food/ water samples.
11. Growth curve measurement of bacterial population by turbidimetry.
12. Effect of temperature, pH, carbon and nitrogen sources on growth of bacteria.
13. Study of fungi – by lactophenol cotton blue, Slide culture method .
14. Permanent slides of Algae, Blue green algae, protozoa

1. Microbiology: A laboratory Manual, Seventh Edition, by: Cappuccino and Sherman
2. Bergey's Manual® of Systematic Bacteriology - Volume 2 - Part c

Course Code: BTE2307 Credit Units: 02

Course Contents
1. Study of Laboratory Instruments - pH meter, Centrifuge, Colorimeter, Spectrophotometer, balance, Pipettes
2. Preparation of solution of given Normality and preparation of Buffers
3. Colorimetric determination of sugars: (Molisch's test, iodine test, Seliwanoff test, Fehling's test, Benedict's
test, Bial's test).
4. Quantitative estimation of sugar by DNSA method
5. Quantitative estimation of Cholesterol in serum
6. Determination of free fatty acids in ghee
7. Determination of iodine number in fats and oils
8. Qualitative estimation of proteins (Ninhydrin test, Biuret test)
9. Quantitative estimation of protein by Folin Lowry method
10. Estimation of DNA and RNA by UV absorption method ,
11. Determination of purity of nucleic acids ,
12. Quantitative estimation of DNA by Diphenylamine method
13. Quantitative estimation of RNA by Orcinol method

Course Code: BTE2308 Credit Units: 01

Course Contents:
1. Database creation using DDL and DML.
2. Defining the primary and secondary keys.
3. Implementation of selection, projection and joins (internal and external) with SQL and Perl .
4. Normalization of databases with SQL and Perl
5. Implementation of transactions and schedules.
6. Detection of association rules and knowledge recovery.

Course code: BTE2309 Credit Units: 01

Course Contents:
1. Air Quality: Sampling and SPM determination using filter paper method
2. Chemical analysis of water- chlorides, sulphates, alkalinity, Total dissolved Solids
3. Biological analysis of water- Total microbial count, Coliform test
4. Determination of BOD in waste water sample by titrimetric method
5. Determination of COD in waste water sample by titrimetric method
6. Chemical characterization like moisture, pH, carbonate content, salinity of contaminated soil by titrimetric
7. Vermicomposting
8. Preparation of biofertilizers (Azotobacter, cyanobacteria, Rhizobium) and testing its efficiency
9. Isolation of microbes from contaminated soil and test their bioremediation efficiency.
10. Phytotoxicity & Cytotoxicity of pollutants and their degraded products

1. Microbial Methods for Environmental Biotechnology: Grainer, J.M. and Lynch, J.M. 1984. Academic
2. An Introduction to environmental toxicology: Michael H.Dong.
3. Environmental biotechnology: Alan Scragg
4. Remote Sensing and GIS: Basudev Bhatta

Course Code: BTE2310 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
The students should be able to understand and work on the following topics: various levels of structural
organizations in bio-molecules; representation of the 2D and 3D structures: coordinate systems & modeling;
bioinformatics approaches for structure analysis and structure predictions; conformations & analysis of

Course Contents:40 Lectures

Module I: Coordinate systems (7L)
Internal and external coordinate system; Generation of coordinates of biopolymers in Cartesian and cylindrical polar
coordinate System.

Module I: Anatomy of Biomolecules (7L)

Proteins: Ramachandran plot; Secondary structures; Motifs; Domains; Tertiary and quaternary structures; Fold
recognition; Methods for Comparison of 3D structures; DNA: A, B, Z DNA, DNA bending etc.; RNA structure;
Structure of Ribosome

Module III: Analysis of Structural data banks (7L)

Protein Data Bank, Cambridge small molecular crystal structure data bank; Calculation of conformational energy for
bio-macromolecules; Developing the energy functions & Force fields; Charge calculation methods

Module VI: Molecular optimization techniques (6L)

Newton Rahpson, Conjugate Gradient, Genetic algorithms, simulated annealing applied to Biomolecules.

Module V: 3D Structures (6L)

Methods to predict three dimensional structures of nucleic acids, rRNA, tRNA, and proteins

Module VI: Molecular Mechanics (7L)

Molecular mechanics & dynamics of oligopeptides, proteins, nucleotides and small molecules; Conformational
Searches; Simulation of molecular mechanics and dynamics; Simulations of Free Energy changes; Electrostatics of

1. Conformations of Biopolymers, Vol. 2. Edited by G.N.Ramachandran.
2. Ramachandran, G.N. and Sasisekharan, V. (1968) Conformation of polypeptides and proteins. Adv. Prot.
Chem., 23, 283.
3. Creighton, T. E. (Ed.); Protein Structure: A Practical Approach (1989).
4. Creighton, T.E.: Proteins: Structure And Molecular Properties. 2nd Edition. New York. W. H.
5. Freeman and Company, (1993).
6. Creighton: Protein Folding, (1992).
7. JA McCammon & S.Hervey: Molecular Dynamics of Protein & Nucleic acids, (1989).
8. Sternberg, M.J.E.: Protein structure prediction: a practical approach, (1996)
9. Pain, R.G.: Mechanisms of protein folding, (1994)
10. Leach.A.R: Molecular modelling: principles and applications

Course Code: BTE2311 Course Credits: 03

Course Objective:
Students should be able to classify foods on the basis of major dietary components; evaluate the dietary sources,
roles and functions of key nutrients; evaluate the role of digestion, absorption and metabolism of nutrients in human
health; compare food needs of individuals at different stages of the life cycle.

Course Contents: 40 Lectures

Module I: Human Nutrition (Part I) (8L)
Concept and definition of terms-Nutrition, Malnutrition and Health: Scope of Nutrition. Minimum Nutritional
Requirement and RDA - Formulation of RDA and Dietary Guidelines with reference to man and woman, adult
consumption unit. Energy in Human Nutrition: Idea of Energy and its unit, Energy Balance, Assessment of Energy
Requirements: deficiency and excess, Determination of Energy in food, B.M.R. and its regulation, -S.D.A. Growth
& development from infancy to adulthood: Somatic, physical, brain and mental development, puberty, menarche,
prepubertal and pubertal changes, Factors affecting growth and development. Importance of Nutrition for ensuring .
adequate development. Growth monitoring and promotion: Use of growth charts and standards, Preventions of
growth faltering.

Module II: Human Nutrition (Part II) (8L)

Nutrition During Pregnancy Factors (non-nutritional) affecting pregnancy outcome, importance of adequate weight
gain during pregnancy, antenatal care and its schedule, Nutritional requirements during pregnancy and modification
of existing diet and supplementation, Deficiency of nutrients, energy, iron folic acid, protein, calcium, iodine.
Common problems of pregnancy and their management, specially - nausea, vomiting, pica, food aversions,
pregnancy induced hypertension, obesity, diabetes. Nutrition during Lactation: Nutritional requirements during
lactation, dietary management, food supplements, galactogogues, preparation for lactation. Care and preparation of
nipples during breastfeeding.

Module III: Human Nutrition (Part III) (8L)

Nutrition during Infancy: Infant physiology relevant to feeding and care, Breastfeeding colostrum, its composition
and importance in feeding, Initiations of breast feeding. Advantages of exclusive breastfeeding. Basic principles of
breastfeeding. Introduction of supplementary foods, initiation and management of weaning, Baby-led weaning.
Bottle feeding-circumstances under which bottle feeding is to be given. Care & sterilization of bottles. Preparation
of formula. Mixed feeding, breastfeeding and artificial feeding. Management of preterm and low birth weight
babies. Nutritional needs of toddlers, preschool, school going children and adolescents - Dietary management.

Module IV: Food Science (Part I)(5L)

Basic concept on Food. Nutrients. Nutrition. Classification of Food. Classification of Nutrients. Carbohydrates -
Sources, daily requirements, functions. Effects of too high - too low carbohydrates on health. Digestion &
Absorption. Blood glucose and effect of different carbohydrates on blood glucose. Glycemic Index. Functional role
of Sugars in food, Fermentation of Sugar.

Module V: Food Science(Part II)​ ​(5L)

​Proteins - Sources, daily requirements, functions. Effect of too high - too low proteins on health. Digestion &
absorption. Assessment of Protein quality (BV, PER, NPU). Factors affecting protein bio-availability including
anti-nutritional factors. Lipids - Sources, daily requirements, functions. Digestion & Absorption. Role & nutritional
significance of PUFA, MUFA, SFA, W-3 fatty acid.

Module VI: Food Science (Part III)​ ​(6L)

Dietary Fibre - Classification, sources, composition, properties & nutritional significance. Minerals & Trace
Elements, Biochemical and Physiological Role, bio-availability & requirements, sources, deficiency & excess
(Calcium, Sodium, Potassium Phosphorus, Iron, Fluoride, Zinc, Selenium, Iodine, Chromium). Vitamins -
Biochemical and Physiological Role Physiological role, bio-availability and requirements, sources, deficiency &
excess. Water - Functions, daily requirements, Water balance. 5. Elementary idea of Probiotics, Prebiotics, Organic
1. B. Srilakshmi : Nutrition Science, New Age International Publishers. 2. Sunetra Roday : Food Science &
Nutrition, Oxford University Press. 3. Mann and Truswell: Essentials of Human Nutrition, Oxford
University Press.
2. B. Srilakshmi: Dietetics, New Age International Publishers.
3. Guthrie, A. H.: Introductory Nutrition, 6th Ed. The C. V. Mesby Company.
4. Robinson, C. H. Lawler, M. R.; CheiToweth, W. L. and Garwick, A. E. : Normal and Therapeutic
Nutrition. 17th Ed. Mac Millan Publishing Co.
5. Swaminathan, M. : Essentials of Foods and Nutrition, Vols -1 and II. Ganesh and Co. Madras.
6. Gopalan, C. etal : Nutritive value of Indian Foods, Indian Council of Medical Research.
7. Indian Council of Medical Research : Nutrient Requirements and Recommended-Dietary Allowance for
Indians, New Delhi.
8. FAO/WHO/UNO : Technical Report Series, 724 (1985). Energy and Protein Requirement, Geneva.
9. WHO Technical Reports Series for different Nutrients.
10. Ghosh, S. : The Feeding and Care of Infants arid Young Children, VHAI. 6th Ed. Delhi.
11. WHO : A growth chart for International use In Maternal and Children Health Care, Geneva.
12. Mann and Truswell : Essentials of Human Nitration, Oxford University press. 6
13. King, M. H.; King, P.M.A.; Morley, D; Burgess, A.P. : Nutrition for Developing Countries, ELBS Oxford
University Press.
14. Indian National Code for Protection of Breast Feeding; Govt. of India. Ministry of Social Welfare, New
Delhi. 1983.
15. S. Davidson and R. Passmore etal. Current Edition. Human Nutrition and Dietetics.

Course code: BTE2312 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective: Course objective to provide the knowledge about plant physiology that should be useful to
understand and apply different concepts of biotechnology

Course Contents:​ ​45 Lectures

Module I​: ​Water and mineral transport (8L)
Water relation, Ion and solute transport, Mineral nutrition and deficiency, Translocation in the phloem,
Module II​: ​Photosynthesis (8 L)
Photosynthesis, Light absorbing pigments, photochemical reaction, photophosphorylation and carbon fixation
pathways: C3, C4 and CAM pathways.

Module III​: ​Respiration (8L)

Respiration, electron transport chain, oxidative phosphorylation, photorespiration, chemiosmotic theory and ATP

Module IV​: ​Plant Growth (7L)

Growth and differentiation, Plant growth and development, growth regulators (physiological effect), Hormonal
concept of growth and differentiation, Apical dominance, senescence, fruit growth, abscission, photoperiodism and
flowering, vernalization and senescence.

Module V: Stress Physiology (7L)

Physiological stress, biotic and abiotic stress, effects of stresses on plants, types of stresses, Water stress, Cold
stress, Freezing stress, Heat stress, Light stress, Salt stress.

Module VI​: ​Nitrogen metabolism (7L)

Nitrogen metabolism: Inorganic nitrogen species (N2, NO3 and NH3) and their reduction to amino acids, protein
synthesis and nucleic acids.

1. Principles of Plant Nutrition by Konrad Mengel
2. Devlin R.M. (1983) - Fundamentals of Plant Physiology (Mac. Millan, New York)
3. Dutta A.C. (2000) A Classbook of Botany (Oxford University Press, UK)
4. Ganguli, Das Dutta (2011) – College Botany Vol I, II and III (New Central Book Agency, Kolkata)
5. Levetin−McMahon: Plants and Society, Fifth Edition
6. Lincoln Taiz and Eduardo Zeiger, Plant Physiology, 3rd ed
7. Salisburry & Ross
8. Teiz & Ziger
9. Devlin & Withan

Course code: BTE2313 Credit Units: 3

Course Objective: ​The main objective of this course is to introduce human physiology and role of different
enzymes in maintaining the body balance.

Course Contents: 45 Lectures

Module I: Physiology of Digestive System (8L)
Overview of Digestive System, Layers of GI tract, Composition and function of saliva, Mechanical and chemical
digestion, Functions of pancreatic juices and biles, Absorption and distribution of food.
Module II: Overview of Cardiovascular System​ ​(8L)
Overview of heart anatomy, Cardiac Cycle and its regulation, components and function of Blood, Blood Groups and
Blood Transfusion.

Module III: Physiology of Cardiovascular System (8L)

Formation of Blood cells, erythropoiesis , Formation and destruction of red Blood cells, WBC, Blood Clotting,

Module IV: Physiology of Neuromuscular System (8L)

Physiology of Neuromuscular System Contraction and relaxation of muscle, Sarcomere, Cori‟s cycle, Organization
of Nervous System, Neuron, Nerve Impulse, Synaptic Transmission, Neurotransmitters.

Module V: Endocrine Physiology (8L)

Endocrine gland in mammals, general account of thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary, pancreatic islets,

Module VI: Urinogenital System (7L)

Kidney functions, Glomerular filtration, hormonal regulation of spermatogenesis, ovulation, fertilization and

1. Jordan E.L. and P.S. Verma 1995. Chordata Zoology and Elements of Animal Physiology. S. Chand and
Co., New Delhi.
2. Guyton, A.C. and Hall, J.E. Textbook of Medical Physiology. XI Edition. Hercourt Asia PTE Ltd. / W.B.
Saunders Company.
3. Tortora, G.J. and Grabowski, S. Principles of Anatomy & Physiology. XI Edition John Wiley & sons, Inc.
4. Ganong, H, Review of Medical Physiology 14th edition, Appleton &Lange Publisher, New York
5. Shier, D., Butler, J. and Lewis, R., Hole‟s Human Anatomy and Physiology, (10th Edition) 2003.
WCB/McGraw Hill, Boston.

Course Code: BTE2401 Credit Units: 03
Course Objective:
The aim is to extend understanding of the molecular mechanisms via which genetic information is stored, expressed
and transmitted among generations in Prokaryotes as well as Eukaryotes.

Course Contents: 40 Lectures

Module I: DNA Replication and Repair Mechanisms (7 L)
DNA replication in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes: replication origin. DNA polymerases: composition and features,
replication factors and the mechanism of replication, leading strand and lagging strand synthesis. Replication of
single stranded DNA, M13 viral DNA. DNA damage: types and their repair mechanisms; excision-repair,
miss-match repair, SOS repair system.

Module II: Transcription (10 L)

Concept of Gene: Genome sizes, family of genes. Gene structure: Structural organization of prokaryotic and
eukaryotic genes-regulatory elements of genes. Transcription in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes: RNA polymerase,
subunits and their functions; Mechanism of Transcription: initiation, elongation and termination.

Module III: Post transcriptional Processing of RNA (5 L)

Pre-mRNA processing: structural features of introns and exons; Processing of pre-mRNAs; 5’ Capping and
polyadenylation: enzymes and the mechanism involved in Poly (A) addition, importance of poly (A) tail. Splicing:
Concept of splicing, Mechanism of splicing. Pre-mRNA editing. Nuclear export of mRNA and mRNA stability.

Module IV: Translation (6 L)

Translation in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes: Translation apparatus; ribosomal subunits, initiator-tRNAs,
aminoacyl-tRNAs, initiating factors, elongation factors, termination factors; mechanism of chain initiation,
elongation and termination. Post-translational modifications of proteins in eukaryotes.

Module V: Regulation of Gene Expression (7 L)

Concept of regulons, stimulons, operons, global regulators. Regulation of Lac operon, Tryptophan operon,
Arabinose-operon. Lambda phage: Regulation of lytic and lysogenic pathway in lambda phage, cI-repressors, cro
repressors, transcriptional terminators and antiterminator, early and late genes, their expression and regulation.

Module VI: Antisense, Ribozyme and RNAi technology (5 L)

Molecular mechanism of antisense molecules, inhibition of splicing, polyadenylation and translation, disruption of
RNA structure and capping, Biochemistry of Ribozyme; Hammerhead, hairpin and other ribozymes, strategies for
designing ribozymes; Introduction to RNA interference: shRNA, mi RNA, siRNA; siRNA vector design,
applications of antisense, ribozyme and RNAi technologies.
1. Concepts of Genetics, W.S. Klug, and M.R. Cummings 2004, Pearson Education
2. Genome, T.A. Brown, John Willey & Sons Inc.
3. Molecular Biology of the Cell. B. Alberts, D. Bray, J. Lewis, M. Raff, K. Roberts and J.D. Watson,
Garland Publishing
4. Gene VIII, Benjamin Lewin 2005, Oxford University Press
5. References:
6. Molecular Cell Biology, H. Lodish, A.Berk, S. Zipursky, P Matsundaira, D.Baltimore and J.E. Barnell,
W.H. Freeman and Company.
7. Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual ( 3-Volume set), J. Sambrook, E.F. Fritsch and T. Maniatis, Cold
spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
8. Molecular Biology of the Gene, J.D. Watson, A.M. Weiner and N.H. Hopkins, Addison-Wesley

Course Code: BTE2402 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
It helps the students to utilize the information acquired through electronic media to access biological information
networks and databases in order to understand biological functions and then to evaluate genetic diseases, their
causes and risks related to human kind.

Course Contents: 35 Lectures

Module I: Introduction and Programming strategies (4L)
Objects and ADTs with example, Constructors and destructors, Data structure, methods, Pre and postconditions, C
conventions, Error handling, Some programming language notes.

Module II: Data structures (4L)

Arrays; lists; stacks and stack frames; Recursion -Recursive functions with example of factorial, Queue, Dengue.

Module III: Searching (4L)

Sequential and binary search, Trees, binary search tree, complexity.

Module IV: Queues (4L)

Priority queues and heaps

Module V: Sorting (4L)

Bubble, Heap, Quick, Bin, Radix

Module VI: Searching revisited (4L)

Red-Black trees, AVL trees, general n-ary trees, hash tables; Hashing and collision resolution

Module VII: Dynamic algorithm (4L)

Fibonacci numbers, binomial coefficients, optimal binary search trees, matrix chain multiplication, longest common
subsequence, optimal triangulation.

Module VIII: Graphs (4L)

Minimum spanning tree and Djkstra‟s algorithm

Module IX:​ Huffman encoding, FFT, Hard or intractable problems ​(3L)

Eulerian or Hamiltonian paths, Travelling salesman problem.

1. Data Structures and Algorithms, A.V. Aho, J.E. Hopcroft and J. Ullman, Addison-Wesley Publishing
2. Database Design, Development and Deployment with Student CD, P. Rob and E. Semaan,
3. Schaum‟s Outline of Data Structures with C++, J.R. Hubbard, McGraw Hill Trade.
4. References:
5. Database system concepts, A. Silberschatz, P.B. Galvin and G. Gagne, John Wiley and Sons Inc.
6. Introduction to Data Structures and Application, J. Tremblay and P.G. Sorensen, McGraw Hill College

Course Code: BTE2403 Credit Units: 03

Course objectives: The course aims to provide an understanding of the principles and application of proteins,
secondary metabolites and enzyme biochemistry in therapeutic applications and clinical diagnosis. The theoretical
understanding of biochemical systems would certainly help to interpret the results of laboratory experiments.

Course contents: 40 Lectures

Module I: Introduction (3L)
Introduction, scope and historical background, Nomenclature and Classification of Enzymes

Module II : Nature & Application (8L)

Protein nature of enzymes and Non protein enzymes - Ribozymes and DNAzymes. Metalloenzymes and metal
activated enzymes. Isozymes, Abzymes, Synzyme. Application of enzymes- in clinical, diagnostic, recombinant DNA
technology, as biosensors

Module III : Active site (8L)

Criteria of purity of enzymes- Specific activity. Enzyme units-Katal and IU. Enzyme Substrate models-Lock & Key,
Induced fit. Specificity of enzyme action, monomeric and oligomeric enzymes, Enzyme inhibition.

Module IV: Kinetics (8L)

Single substrate steady state kinetics; Michaelis Menten equation, Lineweaver Burke plot, Linear plots,
King-Altman‟s method; Inhibitors and activators; Multisubstrate systems; ping-pong mechanism, Alberty equation,
Sigmoidal kinetics and Allosteric enzymes

Module V: Immobilization (5L)

Immobilization of Enzymes; Advantages, Carriers, adsorption, Types- covalent coupling, cross-linking and
entrapment methods, Micro-environmental effects.

Module VI: Reactors (8L)

Reactors for batch/continuous enzymatic processing, choice of reactor type; idealized enzyme reactor systems,
Physical parameters, reactor operational stability. Mass transfer in enzyme reactors: Steady state analysis of mass
transfer and biochemical reaction in enzyme reaction. Large scale extraction, production and purification of

1. Biotechnological Innovations in Chemical Synthesis, R.C.B. Currell, V.D. Mieras, Biotol Partners Staff,
Butterworth Heinemann.
2. Enzyme Technology, M.F. Chaplin and C. Bucke, Cambridge University Press.
3. Enzymes: A Practical Introduction to Structure, Mechanism and Data Analysis, R.A. Copeland, John Wiley
and Sons Inc.
4. Enzymes Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Clinical Chemistry, Trevor Palmer
5. Enzyme Kinetics: Behavior and Analysis of Rapid Equilibrium and Steady State Enzyme Systems, I.H.
Segel, Wiley-Interscience
6. Industrial Enzymes & their applications, H. Uhlig, John Wiley and Sons Inc.

Course Code: BTE2404 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
The objective is to describe relational data models and database management systems with an emphasis on how
molecular data can be used to construct a phylogenetic tree and characterize the rates and causes of nucleotide
substitutions. The aim is also to explain how a gene/protein family arises and the mechanisms which underlie
evolution at the molecular level.

Course Contents: 45 Lectures

Module I:​ ​Introduction (6L)
Introduction and overview NCBI data model; sequence databases, sequence retrieval, sequence file formats,
submitting DNA and protein sequences; classification of biological databases

Module II:​ ​Tools for alignment (8L)

Sequence alignment Global and local alignments, statistical significance of alignments, scoring matrices and gap
penalties, position specific scoring matrices, programs and methods for Pairwise and multiple alignment, pattern
searching programs, family and superfamily representation - Pfam, hidden Markov models

Module III:​ ​Phylogenetic prediction (8L)

Phylogenetic analysis, Evolutionary Models, Character and distance based Tree building methods; tree evaluation,
phylogenetic analysis, parsimony, maximum likelihood trees; Trees-splits and metrices on trees, tree interpretation,
Distance – additive, ultrameric and nonadditive distances

Module IV: Predictive methods using DNA and protein sequences (7L)
ESTs – construction, databases, clustering, gene discovery and identification, and functional classification. Protein
identification tools, physical properties, motifs and patterns, structure, folding classes, structure classification
databases – Scop and Cath;

Module V: Structure databases (8L)

PDB and MMDB, structure file formats, Secondary and tertiary structure prediction methods in proteins, Internal
and external coordinate system, software to visualize secondary and tertiary structural information in protein.
Potential energy calculations using semiempirical potential energy function, Electrostatic energy surface generation,
three dimensional structure using dynamic programming methods, Molecular mechanics and dynamics, Docking of
Molecules, Molecular Design, structure similarity searching; structure prediction in proteins

Module VI: Comparative genome analysis (8L)

Reconstruction of metabolic pathways; Genome analysis, genome anatomy, genome rearrangements with
inversions, signed inversions, gene identification, gene expression, expression analysis, gene identification and
functional classification.

Text & References:

1. Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis, D.W. Mount, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
2. Introduction to Computational Biology: Maps, Sequences and Genomes, M. Waterman, Chapman and Hall
3. Introduction to Bioinformatics, T. Attwood and D. Parry-Smith, Prentice Hall
4. Algorithms on Strings, Trees, and Sequences: Computer Science and Computational Biology, D. Gusfield,
Cambridge University Press
5. Biocomputing hypertext coursebook at http://www.techfak.unibielefeld.de/bcd/Curric/welcome.html/
6. Bioinformatics: A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins, A.D. Baxevanis and B.F.F.
Ouellette, Wiley-interscience.
7. Computational Modeling of Genetic and Biochemical Networks, J.M. Bower and H. Bolouri, MIT Press
8. Computational Molecular Biology: An Algorithmic Approach, P.A. Pevzner, MIT Press

Course Code: BTE2405 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective: The course material on the kinetics of microbial growth, substrate utilization and product
formation etc. may help the students to understand the various principles involved in instrumentation and control of

Course Contents:​ ​40 Lectures

Module I: Enzyme Kinetics (8L)
Kinetics of microbial growth, substrate utilization and product formation; Immobilized Enzymes: effects of intra and
inter-phase mass transfer on enzyme kinetics. Kinetics of Receptor-Ligand Binding;

Module II: Bioreactor (8L)

Sterilization of air and medium; Various methods used for sterilization of bioreactors and related vessels; Design,
Analysis and Stability of Bioreactors.

Module III: Microbial Growth (8L)

Batch, continuous and fed batch reactors; mass and energy balance in microbial processes. Receptor-mediated
Endocytosis. Multiple Interacting Microbial Population: Prey-Predator Models.

Module IV: (8L)

Mass transfer in Biological reactions; Scale-up principles; Instrumentation and control of bioprocesses.

Module V:(8L)
Bio-product Recovery & Bio-separations; Manufacture of Biochemical Products.

Text & References:

1. Biochemical Engineering- Kinetics, Mass Transport, Reactors and Gene Expression, W F Weith, John
Wiley and Sons Inc
2. Biochemical Engineering, S Aiba, A E Humphery and N F Millis, University of Tokyo Press
3. Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals, J E Baily and D F Oillis, McGraw Hill
4. Bioprocess Engineering Principles, P Doran, Academic Press
5. References:
6. Chemical Engineering, J M Coulson, and J F Richardson, Butterwirth Heinemann
7. Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook: Principles, Process Design, and Equipment, HC
Vogel, CL Todaro, CC Todaro, Noyes Data Corporation/Noyes Publications
8. Process Engineering in Biotechnology, A T Jackson, Prentice Hall

Course Code: BTE2406 Credit Units: 02

1. Rapid extraction of genomic DNA from Cheek cells by simple method of cell lysis and nucleic acid
2. Isolation of genomic DNA from plant tissue samples by CTAB method.
3. Isolation of Genomic DNA from bacterial culture.
4. Isolation of genomic DNA from human blood samples using phenol - chloroform extraction method.
5. Quantification (UV spectrometry) and Agarose gel electrophoresis of genomic DNA isolated from Cheek
cells, plant tissue and bacterial cultures.
6. Isolation and quantification of plasmid DNA.
7. Isolation of RNA from plant tissue.

Course Code: BTE2407 Credit Units: 01

1. Stack implementation through arrays, link list
2. Programs for recursion functions
3. Implementation of queues and leap structures
4. Application of binary trees in pre-order, post-order and in-order evaluation
5. A VL tree implementation
6. Optimal matrix multiplication

Course Code: BTE 2408 Credit Units: 01

Course Contents:
1. Isolation of enzymes from plant sources.
2. Isolation of enzymes from microbial sources.
3. Enzyme assay; activity and specific activity – determination of amylase/ nitrate reductase/ cellulase/ protease.
4.​ ​Purification of Enzyme by ammonium sulphate fractionation and dialysis- determination of specific activity
5. Enzyme Kinetics: Effect of varying substrate concentration on enzyme activity, determination of
Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) and Maximum Velocity (Vmax.) using Michaelis Menten curve &
Lineweaver-Burk plot.
6​. ​Effect of Temperature on enzyme activity
7. Effect of pH on enzyme activity
8. Effect of inhibitors on enzyme activity
9. Effect of reaction time on enzyme activity
10.​ ​Immobilization of Enzyme (invertase, urease) and / cell (yeast, fungi)
11. Efficacy of immobilized enzyme & immobilized cell

1. Enzyme by Palmer (2001); Horwood publishing series.
2. Fundamental of Enzymology by Price and Stevens (2002): Oxford University Press.
3. Enzyme technology by Helmut uhling (1998): John Wiley
4. A. L. Lehringer, d.L. Nelson, M.M Cox- “Principle of Biochemistry “ by Werth publishers, 2000.
5. L. Stryer, J.M. Berge, J.L. Tymoezko-“Biochemistry” W.H. freeman & Co. 2002
6. Introduction to protein structure by B randen and Tooze(1998): Garland publishing group.

Course Code: BTE2409 Credit Units:02

1. Nucleotide databases- ncbi embl
2. Protein databases - swissprot, pdb
3. Metabolic pathway databases - kegg, Brenda
4. Pairwise sequence alignment – BLAST, Needle-Wunch
6. Multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis
7. Gene prediction tools
8. Secondary structure prediction
9. 3D structure prediction and molecular modeling
10. Molecular docking

1. https://genome.ucsc.edu
2. http://vina.scripps.edu/
3. http://mgltools.scripps.edu/documentation/links/autodock-vina
4. http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/namd/
5. http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/

Course Code: BTE2410 Credit Units: 03

Course objectives: ​The objective of this course is to provide information about the microbes available in aquatic
environment, their role and interaction with the marine environment

Module I: Available Marine Resources and its uses (8L)

Sea as resource - Economically important marine animals – finfishes, shrimp, crab, edible oysters and pearl oysters.

Module II: Toxins and their action (8L)

Marine toxins from animals – sources and pharmacological potentials of tetrodotoxins, conotoxins and ciguatera

Module III: Potential bioactive compounds (8L)

Bioactive compounds from the sea - source and benefits of antioxidants, collagen, gelatin, heparin, chitosan, omega
3 fatty acids and carotenoids.

Module IV - Oil and solid waste degradation (8L)

Oil spillage – methods of degradation in coastal waters, Algal blooms- Biodegradation of pesticides and heavy
metals discharged coastal waters- Management of solid wastes disposed into coastal waters.

Module V - Disease and water quality management (8L)

Diseases associated with cultured shrimps and fishes-disease management - antibiotics, Immunostimulants,
diagnostic kits. Water quality management in hatcheries and grow out ponds.

1. Marine Biotechnology II (Advances in Biochemical Engineering Biotechnology) by Yves Le Gal, Roland
2. New Developments in Marine Biotechnology ​[1 ed.]​ by Arthur Kornberg, Y. Le Gal, H.O. Halvorson
3. Handbook of Marine Biotechnology ​[1 ed.]​ by Se-Kwon Kim

Course Code: BTE2411 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
The course imparts the knowledge of different types of microbial interactions in humans, their beneficial & harmful
effects. It helps understand the diagnostic methods of diseases & its antimicrobial therapy

Course Contents: 45 lectures

Module I: Normal Human Microbial flora (5L)
Normal Human – Microbial Interactions: Beneficial Microbial Interactions with Human , Normal microflora of -
Skin, oral cavity, Gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, urino-genital tract

Module II : Harmful Microbial Interactions with Human (10L)

Entry of microorganisms into the host, Mechanism of bacterial pathogenicity, invasion, infection, colonization and
growth, Host cell damage, Virulence, Virulence factors – exotoxins, enterotoxins, endotoxins, neurotoxins.,
Pathogenic properties of viruses

Module III: Infectious diseases & Epidemiology (5L)

Etiology and classification of infectious diseases . Patterns of Disease, spread of disease. Nosocomial infections.
Definition, Principles of epidemiology, Current infectious diseases & epidemics. Measures for prevention of
epidemics global health consideration, Emerging and reemerging infectious diseases Biological warfare and
biological weapons.

Module IV: Microbial Diseases (10L)

Classification, pathogenicity, pathogenesis, symptoms, laboratory diagnosis, prophylaxis & treatment of diseases
related. Enteric pathogens (E.coli, Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, Vibrio) Streptococcal & staphylococcal
diseases, Corynebacterium and Diphtheria, Bordetella and Whooping cough, Mycobacterium-Leprosy and
Tuberculosis, Staphylococcus, Helicobactor pylori and Gastric ulcers, Hepatitis viruses Sexually transmitted
diseases : Gonorrhea and syphilis, AIDS and HIV Arthropod transmitted disease: Rickettsia, Malaria, Plague,
Animal transmitted disease : Rabies, Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome

Module V: Antimicrobial chemotherapy (5L)

Definition and Characteristics of antimicrobial drugs, structure and mode of action. Assay of antibiotics, antibiotic
spectrum, naturally produced drugs. Antibacterial drugs, antifungal drugs, antiviral drugs, antiprotozoal drugs,
Probiotic therapy, Antibiotics produced by bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi used in chemotherapy. Drug toxicity,
Drug resistance – chromosomal mutation and plasmid-borne multiple drug resistance.

Module VI: Diagnostic Microbiology (10L)

Safety In laboratory, Healthcare associated diseases, Identification of microorganisms from specimens, Growth
dependent identification methods (Differential media, Biochemical test, Kit based methods), Antimicrobial Drug
susceptibility testing, Growth independent diagnostic methods : Immunoassays- serological, Antibody titres, skin
test, Agglutination, immunofluorescence, Enzyme immunoassays, Rapid test, immunoblots, Nucleotide
amplification, Bacteriophage typing.

1. Textbook of Microbiology Ananthanarayan and Panicker
2. Prescott's Microbiology Christopher J. Woolverton, Joanne Willey, and Linda Sherwood
3. Brock Biology of Microorganisms Daniel H. Buckley, David A. Stahl, John M. Martinko, Kelly S. Bender,
and Michael T. Madigan
4. Microbiology: an introduction, Tortora, Funke and Case

Course code: BTE2412 Credit: 03

Course Objective:
To evolve a detailed understanding into the application of nanotechnology in the field of biological sciences.

Course Contents: 45Lectures

Module I: Nanoparticle synthesis (8L)
General Methods available for the Synthesis of Nanostrutures: precipitative, reactive, hydrothermal/solvothermal
methods; Synthesis of metallic, semiconducting and oxide nanoparticles – homo- and hetero-nucleation growth
methods; Thermodynamics of Phase Transitions; Controlling Nucleation & Growth, Size Control of the Nanometric
State; Stability of Colloidal Dispersions; Spontaneous Condensation of Nanoparticles: Homogeneous Nucleation;
Other undesirable Post-Condensation Effects; Nanoparticles’ morphology; Characterization of Nanoparticles.

Module II: Nanotechnology in Biomedical Science (6L)

Nanoparticles in bone substitutes and dentistry – Implants and Prosthesis - Reconstructive Intervention and Surgery
– Nanorobotics in Surgery – Photodynamic Therapy.

Module III: Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food Technology (7L)

Nanotechnology in Agriculture -Precision farming, Smart delivery system – Insecticides using nanotechnology –
Potential of nano-fertilizers - Nanotechnology in Food industry - Packaging, Food processing - Food safety and
biosecurity – Contaminant detection – Smart packaging

Module IV: Nanotechnology in Textile and Cosmetics (8L)

Nanofiber production - Electrospinning – Controlling morphologies of nanofibers – Tissue engineering application –
Polymer nanofibers - Nylon-6 nanocomposites from polymerization - Bionics– Swim-suits with shark-skin-effect, -
Nano finishing in textiles (UV resistant, antibacterial, hydrophilic, self-cleaning, flame retardant finishes) – Modern
textiles (Lightweight bulletproof vests and shirts, Colour changing property, Waterproof and Germ proof)
Cosmetics – Formulation of Gels, Shampoos, Hair-conditioners (Micellar self-assembly and its manipulation) –
Sun-screen dispersions for UV protection using Titanium oxide – Color cosmetics

Module V: Nanotechnology in Diagnostics (8L)

Introduction -Nanodiagnostics -Rationale of Nanotechnology for Molecular Diagnostics -Nanoarrays for Molecular
Diagnostics . NanoProTM System -Nanofluidic/Nanoarray Devices to Detect a Single Molecule of DNA-Self
Assembling Protein Nanoarrays -Fullerene Photodetectors for Chemiluminescence Detection on Microfluidic Chips
Protein Microarray for Detection of Molecules with Nanoparticles Protein Nano Biochip.
Nanoparticles for Molecular Diagnostics -Gold Nanoparticles -Quantum Dots for Molecular Diagnostics Magnetic
Nanoparticles -Use of Nanocrystals in Immunohistochemistry -Imaging Applications of Nanoparticles Study of
Chromosomes by Atomic Force Microscopy-Applications of Nanopore Technology for Molecular Diagnostics
DNA–Protein and DNA–Nanoparticle Conjugates.

Module VI: Nanotechnology in Pharmaceutics (8L)

Introduction -Nanobiotechnology for Drug Discovery -Gold Nanoparticles for Drug Discovery -Use of Quantum
Dots for Drug Discovery -Nanolasers for Drug Discovery -Cells Targeting by Nanoparticles with Attached Small
Molecules -Role of AFM for Study of Biomolecular Interactions for Drug Discovery Nanoscale Devices for Drug
Discovery -Nanotechnology Enables Drug Design at Cellular Level Nanobiotechnology-Based Drug Development
Dendrimers as Drugs- Fullerenes as Drug Candidates -Nanobodies.
Nanobiotechnology in Drug Delivery -NanoscaleDelivery of Therapeutics -Nanosuspension Formulations Viruses
as Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery -Nanoparticle-Based Drug Delivery -Trojan Nanoparticles -Self-Assembling
Nanoparticles for Intracellular Drug Delivery -Nanoparticle Combinations for Drug Delivery Liposomes
Liposome–Nanoparticle Hybrids-Nanospheres-Nanotubes -Nanocochleates.-Nanomolecular Valves for Controlled
Drug Release -Nanomotors for Drug Delivery.
1. C. N. R. Rao, A. Mu¨ller, A. K. Cheetham, The Chemistry of Nanomaterials :Synthesis, Properties and
Applications, Volume 1, Wiley-VCH, Verlag GmbH, Germany (2004).
2. C. Bre´chignac P. Houdy M. Lahmani, Nanomaterials and Nanochemistry, Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
Germany (2006).
3. Guozhong Cao, Nanostructures & Nanomaterials Synthesis, Properties G;Z: Applications, World Scientific
Publishing Private, Ltd., Singapore (2004).
4. Zhong Lin Wang, Characterization Of Nanophase Materials, Wiley-VCH, Verlag GmbH, Germany (2004).
5. Carl C. Koch, Nanostructured Materials: Processing, Properties and Potential Applications, Noyes
Publications, William Andrew Publishing Norwich, New York, U.S.A (2002).
6. Kewal K. Jain ,‖ The Handbook of Nanomedicine ‖Humana Press, (2008).
7. Zhang, ‖Nanomedicine: A Systems Engineering Approach” 1st Ed., Pan Stanford Publishing, (2005).
8. Robert A. Freitas Jr., ―Nanomedicine Volume IIA: Biocompatibility‖, Landes Bioscience Publishers,

Course Code: BTE2413 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
The above course will be aimed to identify and design drugs that could be potentially useful in the identification of
the candidate drugs, which have efficacy in cell culture or animal models, and thus the most effective compounds
could be employed based on the above results for being moved through preclinical studies to clinical trials.

Course Contents: 40 lectures

Module I: Drug Design & Discovery (7L)
Introduction to drug, concept of drug design and discovery, process or drug design pipeline, Classical approach and
novel approaches, general pharmacology (Concepts of Bio availability, Process of drug absorption, Pharmacokinetic
processes, Timing for optimal therapy,), basics of Medicinal chemistry

Module II: Drug targets classification (8L)

DNA, RNA, post-translational, processing enzymes, metabolic enzymes involved in nucleic acid synthesis,
G-protein coupled receptors (monomeric transmembrane proteins), small molecule receptors, neuropeptide
receptors, ion channels (monomeric multi-transmembrane) proteins, ligand-gated ion channels (oligomeric
transmembrane proteins), transporters (multi-transmembrane proteins).

Module III: Target discovery and validation strategies (5L)

Genomics (new target discovery), biological activity directed and other types of screening, natural products,
combinatorial chemistry; General overview of validation techniques.

Module IV: Drug design strategies (5L)

Structure based drug design, ligand based drug design, case studies, De-novo approach
Bio-phoric/pharmacophoric mapping (receptor mapping & ligand mapping), lead identification & optimization,
combinatorial libraries and new strategies and recent technologies in drug design.

Module V: Cheminformatics and HTS techniques (8L)

Force fields (AMBER, CHARMM..) COMFA, COMSIA, docking analysis, SAR QSAR analysis, Hansch
equation(2D, 3D QSAR), NAMD & Gromac simulations, lead to drug concept

Module VI: Drug delivery systems & Clinical trials (7L)

Introduction to drug delivery systems, NDDS (Novel drug delivery systems), gene therapy, pharmacogenomics,
Nanotechnology drug applications Introduction to clinical trials (stages of clinical trials)

1. Essentials of Pharmacotherapeutics: F. S. K. Barar
2. Foye’s Principles of Medicinal Chemistry, Thomas L. Lemke, David A. Williams, Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins, 2008
3. Introduction to Biophysical Methods for Protein and Nucleic Acid Research, J.A. Glasel and M.P.
Deutscher, Academic Press.
4. Side Effects and Drug Design, E.J. Lien, Marcel Dekker.
5. The Anticancer Drugs, W.B. Pratt, R.W. Ruddon, W.D. Ensminger, and J. Maybaum, Oxford
University Press.

Course Code: BTE2414 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
The above course will be aimed to understand the basics of stem cells technology and its application in the human
health sector.

Module I (6 L)
Stem Cells – Basics, Properties and Classification, Types of Stem cells – Hematopoietic Stem Cells, Mesenchymal
Stem Cells, Embryonic Stem Cells, Fetal Stem Cells, Stem cells from adult organs. Isolation and characterization of
stem cells.

Module II (5 L)
Principles of Tissue Culture, Culture Methods: Extracellular Matrices, Three-Dimensional Cell Culture, Organ
Culture, Organotypic Culture, Bioreactor Design

Module III (6 L)
Morphogenesis and Tissue Engineering Mechanochemical Regulation of Cell Behaviour, In Vitro and In Vivo
Synthesis of Tissues and Organs, Micro-Scale Patterning of Cells and their Environment

Module IV (6 L)
Introduction to Biomaterials and their applications in tissue engineering, Three-Dimensional Scaffolds and 3D

Module V (6 L)
Tissue Engineering and Transplantation Techniques, Immunoisolation Techniques, Modes of Cell and Tissue

Module VI (6 L)
Stem Cell and Tissue engineering in Bone Regeneration, Bioartificial pancreas, Liver, Heart. Regulatory and Ethical
Considerations of stem cell

Recommended Books:
1. R. Lanza, J. Gearhart et al (Eds), Essentials of Stem Cell Biology. (2009), Elsevier Academic press.
2. R. Lanza and I. Klimanskaya, Essential Stem Cells Methods. (2009), Academic Press
3. J. J. Mao, G. Vunjak-Novakovic et al (Ed): Translational Approaches in Tissue Engineering &
Regenerative Medicine 2008, Artech House, INC Publications.
4. Robert Lanza et al. Principles of Tissue Engineering, 3rd Edition. Academic Press; 3 edition (August 21,
5. Stein et al. Human Stem Cell Technology and Biology: A Research Guide and Laboratory
Manual.Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition (January 4, 2011)
6. Lanza et al. Handbook of Stem Cells, Two-Volume Set: Volume 1-Embryonic Stem Cells; Volume 2-Adult
& Fetal Stem Cells (v. 1).Academic Press (September 28, 2004)


Course Code: BTE2501 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective: ​Role of antibody engineering in biomedical applications and the importance of immuno genetics
in disease processes, tissue transplantation and immune regulation are some of the areas of attributes of this course
which can help the students to understand the biotechnology related to human kind.
Course Content: 40 Lectures
Module I: Introduction to Immunology (6 L)
Phylogeny of Immune System, Innate and acquired immunity, clonal nature of Immune Response. Organization and
structure of lymphoid organs Nature and Biology of antigens and superantigens Antibody structure and function;
Types of immunity- innate, acquired, active and passive.

Module II: Immune System (6 L)

Major Histocompatibility MHC, BCR and TCR, generation of antibody diversity, Complement system

Module III: Cells of Immune System (4 L)

Hematopoiesis and differentiation, lymphocyte trafficking, B-Lymphocytes, T -Lymphocytes, macrophages,
dendritic cells, natural killer, lymphokines and lymphokine activated killer cells, eosinophils, neutrophils and mast

Module IV: Regulation of immune response (12 L)

Antigen processing and presentation, activation of B and T lymphocytes, cytokines and their role in immune
regulation, T cell regulation and MHC restriction, immunological tolerance​. ​Cell mediated toxicity Mechanism of T
cell and NK cell mediated lysis and macrophage mediated cytotoxicity.

Module V: Autoimmunity and Vaccines (6 L)

Hypersensitivity; Autoimmunity; Tumor immunology; Immunity to infectious agents; Transplantation Immunology;
Vaccines: General consideration, ideotype network hypothesis, Synthetic vaccines

Module VI: Immunotechnology (6 L)

Immunological Techniques Immuno-diffusion, immuno-electrophoresis, ELISA, RIA, fluorescence activated cell
sorter. Hybridoma technology and its applications Fusion of myeloma cells with lymphocytes

1. Kuby, J. Immunology. W.H. Freeman and Company, New York. 2002
2. Abul K. Abbas, Andrew K. Lichtman & Jordan S. Pober (Eds.). Cellular and Molecular Immunology. 3rd
Edn. W.B. Saunders Company, 2001
3. Ivan Roitt,Essential Immunology, 10th Edn. Blackwell Scientific Publication, , 2002,
4. Weir DM and Stewart, J., Immunology, 10th Edn. Churchill Livingston, New York, 2000.
5. Brudce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts and James D Watson (Eds.)
Molecular Biology of the Cell (5th Edn), 2000,.
6. Ivan Roitt, Jonathan Brostoff, David Male (Eds.).,Immunology, 5th Edn., Mosby Publication, 2002.

Course code: BTE2502 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective: ​This paper is designed for better understanding of cell behaviour. Students are expected to learn
and understand the cell with respect to the fundamentals of Physics. The influence of the environment on the cell is
the stress point of this course.
Course Content: 45 lectures
Module I: Biophysical Principles (7 L)
Diffusion: Principles and mechanism, Diffusion across membranes. Osmosis: Principles and mechanism,
Osmoregulation in plants. surface tension: Principle and mechanism, Biological importance in living cells and
human body. Ultrafiltration: Principle & mechanism, Biological importance in body. Hydrophobic effect.

Module II: Electrical properties of cell and Organs (7 L)

The resting potential of a cell, its origin and properties; origin and propagation of action potential on the cell
membrane; methods of measuring electrical properties of cells and tissue.

Module III: Biological Macromolecules (8 L)

General principles: Configuration & Conformation, Interaction of biomolecules with water, Stabilising interaction.
The structure of proteins: Helical symmetry, H bonding in secondary structures. Effect of peptide bond on protein
conformation, Ramachandran plot. The structure of nucleic acid: Helical structure of Polynucleic acid, Base pairing,
base stacking and torsional angles.

Module IV: Thermodynamics & Biophysics (8 L)

Laws of thermodynamics and living organisms, Living body as a thermodynamic system, Biosphere as a
thermodynamic system, Evolution as a thermodynamic process

Module V: Membrane Biophysics (7 L)

Membrane Structure: Lipid bilayer, Micelle, Physico chemical properties of membrane, Modification of cell
membrane and change in biophysical properties, Conformational/Dynamic properties of membranes.

Module VI: Biophysical Methods (8 L)

Microscopy: Light, Phase contrast, Fluorescence and electron; their uses in biosciences. X-ray diffraction and
protein structure determination, Multidimensional NMR, molecular force measurements.

1. A textbook of biophysics, R.N.Roy, New Central Publication, 1st edition.
2. Elementary biophysics. P.K.Srivastava Narosa Publication, 1st edition.
3. Biophysical Chemistry.Upadhyay & Nath, Himalaya publications 3rd edition.
4. Biological thermodynamics.Donald T.Haynie,Cambridge University Press, 1st edition.
5. Principles of Physical Biochemistry.Kensl E.van Holde, W.Curtis Johnson, P.Shing Ho, Pearson Prentice
Hall,2nd edition.
6. Biophysical chemistry Part I: The conformation of biological macromolecules. Cantor and Schimmel,
W.H.Freeman and Company, 10th edition.
7. Biophysical chemistry Part III: The behavior of biological macromolecules. Cantor and Schimmel,
W.H.Freeman and Company, 10th edition.

Course code: BTE2503 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective: With increasing application of biotechnology in the Agriculture, it has become important for the
biotechnology students to know the technical advancements in the improvement of crops and plant related products.
The objective of this course is to well verse the students about the methods used to improve crops and related

Course Content: 40 Lectures

MODULE I: Introductory Plant Biotechnology and plant tissue culture (6 L)
Introduction and historical perspective, Methods and techniques in plant tissue culture, sterilization methods:
explant, media, glassware etc., laboratory organization.

MODULE II: Plant Regeneration Technologies (6 L)

Organ culture, cell suspension, organogenesis, somatic embryogenesis, micropropagation, anther and ovary
culture-haploid production, embryo culture and rescue, protoplast culture, somatic hybridization and cybrids.

MODULE III: Transgenic Plants Technology (7 L)

Genetic Transformation, Methods for gene transfer in plants, Molecular mechanism of Agrobacterium mediated
transformation. Selectable markers, Reporter gene and Promoters used in plant transformation vectors. Selection of
transgenic (verification of transgene and agronomic traits). Marker free transgenics

MODULE IV: Somaclonal and gametoclonal (7 L)

Somaclonal and Gametoclonal Variations. Induction & Utilization of Somatic Variants; somaclonal variation, its
genetic basis and application in crop improvement

MODULE V: Plant bioreactors (6 L)

Types of plant cell reactors. Comparison of reactor performances. Novel design concepts. Elicitation and
immobilization techniques. Reactors for production of secondary metabolites, primary metabolites and therapeutic

MODULE VI: Industrial and Agricultural Application (8 L)

Biotic stress tolerance; insect, pest and pathogen resistance. Abiotic stress tolerance; salt, water and drought
tolerance. Herbicide tolerance.Molecular farming and industrial and pharmaceutical products. Present status of
transgenic plants and its ethical and regulatory consideration.

1. Plant Biotechnology: The Genetic Manipulation of Plants. A. Slater, N. W. Scott and M. R. Fower.2008.
Oxford University Press
2. Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: AraKirakosyan and Peter B. Kaufan. 2009. Springer
3. Plant Tissue Culture: Theory and Practice. S.S. Bhojwani and M.K.Razdan. Elsevier Health Science
4. An Introduction to Plant Tissue Culture. M.K. Razdan. Oxford and IBH Publishing.

Course code: BTE2504 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective: The objective of the course is to understand the regulation and production of commercially and
therapeutically important metabolites and bioproducts like enzymes, recombinant proteins, secondary metabolites

Course Contents: 40 Lectures

Module I: Introduction and Applications of Metabolic Engineering (6 L)
Basic concepts of Metabolic Engineering – Overview of cellular metabolism; Different models for cellular reactions,
Jacob-Monod model, Differential regulation by isoenzymes: regulation with enzymes, various modes of regulation.
Applications in pharmaceuticals, chemical bioprocess, food technology, agriculture, environmental bioremediation
and biomass conversion.

Module II: Production of Primary and Secondary Metabolites (10 L)

Production of commercially important Organic acids; Amino acids; and Alcohols. Processes for production of
secondary metabolites: Antibiotics, semi synthetic antibiotics, vitamins, pigments, alkaloids, phenols, vaccines and
steroids. Novel methods for handling of superbugs and emerging pollutant resistant strains.

Module III: Commercially Important Enzymes and Recombinant Proteins (6 L)

Sources, methods for elicitation and manipulation for proteins: Cellulases, Lipases, Amylases, Proteases, Isomerases
and other commercially important enzymes. Enzymes for the food and pharma; Production of recombinant proteins,
commercial production of plant growth regulators, manipulation for plant nutrient fixation for better cropping.

Module IV: Bioconversion for Remediation and Energy:​ ​(7 L)

Modes of bioremediation, their manipulation and regulation for sustainability and environmental protection;
Biotechnology for future energy requirements: Biomasses and types, 1​st​, 2​nd and 3​rd generation of biofuels; Methods
of bioconversion of various biomasses, limitations and future avenues, bioreactors for bioenergy.

Module V:​ ​Scale-up for​ ​industrial production (5 L)

Processes for industrial production (enzyme, pigments, hormones, vaccines etc.), pilot, fermentation and large scale;
strain selection, genetic improvement of strain, pathway manipulation, elicitation, repression and optimization.

Module VI: Metabolic Engineering with Bioinformatics: (6 L)

Pathways and algorithms for synthesis, metabolomics; methods for metabolomic magnitude measurement;
spectrophotometry; LC MS, GC MS, hybrid and high-end mass spectroscopy. Pathway prediction, NMR, etc.

1. Wang.D.I.C Cooney C.L., Demain A.L., Dunnil.P. Humphrey, “Fermentation and Enzyme Technology”,
A.E. Lilly M.D., John Wiley and sons, 1980.
2. Stanbury P.F.and Whitaker A., “Principles of Fermentation Technology”, Pergamon Press, 1984.
3. Zubay G., “Biochemistry, Macmillan Publishers”, 1989.
4. Gregory N.Stephanopoulos, “Metabolic Engineering Principles and Methodologies”- Aristos et al-Elsevier.

Course Code: BTH2505 Credit Units: 02

Course Contents:
1. Blood film preparation and identification of cells.
2. Isolation of serum, Purification of lgG through affinity chromatography
3. Lymphoid organs and their microscopic organization.
4. WIDAL Test
5. Radial Immunodiffusion Test;
6. Dot-Blot
7. Ouchterlony double immunodiffusion
1. Manual of Laboratory Immunology, Linda E. Miller; Editor-Linda E. Miller; Editor-Julia E. Peacock, ISBN
13: 9780812113198
2. Laboratory Manual on Immunology and Molecular Biology, Dwivedi Deepak, Singh Vinod; LAP Lambert
Academic Publishing

Course Code: BTE2506 Credit Units: 01

1. Tissue culture lab and organization.
2. Study of sterilization techniques.
3. Preparation of stock and media.
4. Surface sterilization of various explants.
5. Callus culture
6. Axillary Shoot bud proliferation
7. Shoot Tip culture for producing virus free plants just
8. Anther and embryo culture.
9. In vitro​ rooting and Hardening
10. Agrobacterium​ mediated transformation in tobacco leaves (Demo).

1. Plant Biotechnology: The Genetic Manipulation of Plants. A. Slater, N. W. Scott and M. R. Fower.2008.
Oxford University Press
2. Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: AraKirakosyan and Peter B. Kaufan. 2009. Springer

Course Code: BTE2535 Credit Units: 3

Course Objective:​The main objective of summer training is to familiarize students to the laboratory environment
and make them learn to handle equipment and softwares, design experiments and analyze the results. The File is the
principal means by which the work carried out will be assessed and therefore great care should be taken in its

In general, the File should be comprehensive and include

· A short account of the activities that were undertaken as part of the project;
· A statement about the extent to which the project has achieved its stated goals.
· A statement about the outcomes of the evaluation and dissemination processes engaged in as part
of the project;
· Any problems that have arisen that may be useful to document for future reference.

Report Layout

The report should contain the following components:

● Introduction
● Techniques performed with principle and method
● Result
● Application
● References

·1 inch Margin on left side & 1”each on other sides.

· Single side of the paper to be used.
·Times New Roman.

Font Size
· 12 (Bold for headings)
· 12 (Normal for Matter)
· 14 (for Chapter Names)
· 1.5 line spacing
· Numbering on the right hand Top of the page
· Numbers on pages before chapters to be done in Roman at the bottom of the page

This should include papers and books referred to in the body of the report. These should be ordered alphabetically
on the author's surname. The titles of journals preferably should not be abbreviated; if they are, abbreviations must
comply with an internationally recognised system.

For research article
Voravuthikunchai SP, Lortheeranuwat A, Ninrprom T, Popaya W, Pongpaichit S, Supawita T. (2002)
Antibacterial activity of Thai medicinal plants against enterohaemorrhagic​Escherichia coli​ O157: H7.
ClinMicrobiol Infect,​ ​8​ (suppl 1): 116–117.

For Book
Kowalski,M.(1976) Transduction of effectiveness in Rhizobium meliloti​. SYMBIOTIC
FIXATION PLANTS (editor P.S. Nutman IBP), 7: 63-67

· Scientific names in Italics

· Cover Page containing - Title, Students Name, Supervisors Name, University, Name (along with
logo), Course name & year of Submission in the prescribed format
· 2 copies to be submitted


Essentially, marking will be based on the following criteria: the quality of the report, the technical merit of
the project and the project execution. Evaluation will compose of two components -
Project report assessment and Viva - voce.
Project report assessment will be done by the two internal faculty members in respective fields. A
committee of three faculty members will conduct Viva-voce.
Technical merit attempts to assess the quality and depth of the intellectual efforts put into the project will
be assessed as per evaluation format.

Internship Report: 50 Marks

Internship Report Evaluation Marks


Format of the report Methodology Writing structure and style

(10 M) (30 M) (10M)

Viva Voce: 50 Marks

Internship Presentation Marks(50M)

Command Concept
Technical Data collection
Audibility over understanding PPT Viva
Confidence Knowledge & analysis
(5M) Language (5M) (10M) (10M)
(5M) (5M) (5M)

Course code: BTE2507 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective​: This course will acquaint the students with bioenergy resources, their properties, preparation,
processing along with the details of equipment utilized for the purpose.

Course Contents: 40 Lectures

Module I: Biomass Sources, Characteristics & Preparation (7 Lectures)
Biomass Sources and Classification. ​Chemical composition and properties of different biomass materials and
bio-fuels – Sugar cane molasses for fermentation ethanol;

Module II: Biomass Preparation (5 L)

Sources and processing of oils and fats for liquid fuels- Energy plantations -Preparation of woody biomass; Drying,
Storage and Handling of Biomass.

Module III: Biogas Technology (7 L)

Feedstock for biogas production, biodegradable organic matter, Operating parameters for biogas production, Dry
and wet fermentation

Module IV: Bio-Ethanol and Bio-Diesel Technology (7 L)

Production of Fuel Ethanol by Fermentation of Sugars. Trans-esterification of Oils to Produce Biodiesel.

Module V: Pyrolysis and Gasification of Biomass (7 L)

Thermo-chemical conversion of ligno-cellulose biomass - Pyrolysis of biomass,Thermo-chemical gasification

Module VI: Combustion of Biomass and Cogeneration Systems (7 L)

Combustion of Woody Biomass, Cogeneration in Biomass Processing Industries. Use of biogases for cogeneration.

1. Biogas Systems: Principles and Applications, K.M. Mital, New Age International Publishers (p) Ltd., 1996.
2. Biomass Energy Systems, P. Venkata Ramana and S.N. Srinivas, Tata Energy Research Institute, New
Delhi, 1996.
3. Fuels from Biomass and Wastes, D.L. Klass and G.M. Emert, Ann Arbor Science publ. Inc. Michigan,
4. Biogas Technology, Khandelwal K.C. and Mahdi, Tata McGraw-Hill pub. Co. Ltd.

Course code: BTE2508 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective: ​The objective of this course is to make the students understand food science and application of
biotechnology in various areas of food sciences.
Course Content: 40 Lectures
Module I: Food and Nutrition (7 L)
Basic terms used in study of food and nutrition, BMI and Nutritional Status, Understanding relationship between
food, nutrition and health. Dietary sources, RDA and factors affecting absorption of the following in brief:
Carbohydrates, lipids and proteins, Fat soluble vitamins, Water soluble vitamins, Minerals – calcium, iron, iodine,
fluorine, copper and zinc. Concept of Balanced Diet, Food Groups, Food Pyramid.

Module II: Food Microbiology (6 L)

Characteristics of Microorganisms in Food, Microbial Food Spoilage, Foodborne Diseases, need of Control of
Microorganisms in Foods, Trends in Food Microbiology: Rapid methods of detection. Microorganisms as
food-single cell protein.

Module III:​ ​Food Preservation Technology (7 L)

Principles of Food Preservation, microorganisms associated with foods- bacteria, yeast and mold, Importance of
bacteria, yeast and molds in foods. Food Preservation by Low Temperature, High Temperature, Moisture control,
Food Preservation by Irradiation.

Module IV: Technology in Dairy, Seafood and Meat (7 L)

Drying and salting of fish, water activity and shelf-life, salting process, Preservation by smoking. Canning of
seafood, Fermented fish products. Flow diagram of following milk products production: Butter, ghee, flavored milk,
yoghurt, dahi, shrikhand, ice-cream, condensed milk, milk powder, cheese (different types of cheese). Thermal
processing- canning of meat, RTE meat products, meat curing. Sausages-processing, types and defects.

Module V: Technology of Fruits, Vegetables and Plantation crops (6 L)

Canning and Bottling of Fruits and Vegetables, Processing of fruit juices (selection, juice extraction, deaeration,
straining, filtration and clarification), preservation of fruit juices. Principles use of jelling agents.

Modules VI: GMOs and GM Food (7 L)

Crop breeding and the introduction of GM crops for food production,GM crops currently in commercial production
Future trends in GM crops: Agronomic traits, Virus resistance, Altered nutrition and composition, Improved protein
content, Altered starch and fatty acid profile, Removing allergens and antinutrients, Increased antioxidant content.
Application of modern biotechnology to livestock. Food ingredients, processing aids, dietary supplements and
veterinary chemicals derived from GM microorganisms.

1. Stanbury, P.F., Allan Whitaker and S.J. Hall. 1997. Principles of Fermentation Technology. Aditya books
private Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Pederson, C.S. 1971. Microbiology of food fermentations, AVI Publishing company. Westport,
3. Biotechnology: Food Fermentation by V.K, Joshi and Ashok Pandey.
4. Banwart, G.J. Basic Food Microbiology. Van NoStrand Reinhold Publishers, New York.
5. King, R.D. and P.S.J. Cheethame. Food biotechnology. Elsevier Applied Science, New York. 1986. Gould,
G.W. New methods for food preservation. Blackie Academic & professional Chennai. 1996. Joshi S. A.
‘Nutrition and Dietetics’, New Delhi, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
6. Robinson ‘Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition’ New Delhi, Tata Mc Graw – Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
7. Crampton E.W. and L. E. Lloyd (1915), ‘Fundamentals of Nutrition’, San Francisco W. H. Freeman

Course code: BTE2509 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective: ​The objective of this course is to make the students well versed with the cause of Cancer and its
development. Cell cycle and its regulation is a focus in this course. At the end, importance is also given to diagnosis
of cancer and its therapeutics.

Course Content: 40 Lectures

Module I: Introduction to Cancer Biology (8 L)
Cancer etiology, incidence and mortality, Major agencies working on cancer, Cancer as a genetic disease, Cell cycle,
Regulation of Cell cycle, Apoptosis, and Role of p53, oncogenes and proto-oncogenes, role of diet, and environment
in cancer development, Mutations and DNA repair pathways, Different forms and sites of origin of cancer,
Hallmarks of cancer, Cancer grades and stages, Cancer stem cells.

Module II: Mutagens, Carcinogens and Carcinogenesis (7 L)

Mutagens and Carcinogens, Natural History of Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Carcinogenesis, Initiation, promotion,
progression, Two-hit hypothesis, Metabolism of Carcinogenesis, Principles of Physical and chemical
Carcinogenesis, DNA repair defects and their relationship to cancer.

Module III: Oncogene Activation and Signalling Pathways in Cancer (8 L)

Oncogenes, Identification of Oncogenes, Retroviruses and Oncogenes, Oncogenes/Proto Oncogenes activity. Role
of growth factors and receptors in carcinogenesis. RAS, NFkB, Wnt signaling in cancer, Sporadic and hereditary
cancers, p53, pRb, BRCA and other major genes, their discovery and significance, Epigenetics of cancer

Module IV: Angiogenesis and Metastasis (7 L)

Multi-step tumorigenesis, Clinical significance of angiogenesis and invasion, EMT theory, changes in extracellular
matrix, heterogeneity of metastatic phenotype, Metastatic cascade, Basement membrane disruption, evolution of

Module V: Cancer Diagnosis (5 L)

Cancer diagnosis and screening, Preventive oncology, Gold standard biopsy and histopathology, other diagnostic
techniques, Serum markers: PSA, CEA, CA125, Minimally invasive and non-invasive diagnosis.

Module VI: Cancer Therapeutics (5 L)

Different forms of therapy: surgery, Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, Immunotherapy. Major anti-cancer drugs:
paclitaxel, gemcitabine, cisplatin, trastuzumab, imatinib, Future scope of Cancer diagnosis and therapeutics.

1. Roitt I., Brostoff J. and Male D. Immunology, 6th ed. Mosby, 2001
2. Tannock I. and Hill. R.P. The basic science of oncology, 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill, 1998


Course Code: BTE2601 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
A complete understanding of molecular techniques can be obtained through the course. The successful application of
biotechnology largely depends on these advanced molecular techniques.

Course Contents: 45 Lectures

Module I: Enzymes used in RDT (7 L)
Restriction endonuclease, methyltransferase, ligase, polymerase, kinase, phosphatase, nuclease, transferase, reverse
transcriptase, linkers, adapters DNA, RNA and protein markers.

Module II: Cloning vectors (10 L)

Plasmids, bacteriophages (Lambda and M13), phagemids, cosmids, artificial chromosomes (YAC, BAC, PAC),
Shuttle vectors, expression vectors, PCR cloning vectors, transcribable vectors, Plant vectors. vector engineering
(fusion tags, antibiotic markers), codon optimization, host engineering

Module III: Nucleic acid amplification and its applications (4 L)

Basics of PCR, primer designing, Types of PCR, Applications.

Module IV: Cloning Techniques & Identification methods (8 L)

Basic cloning experiment: Design of cloning strategy and stepwise experimental procedure, Complementation,
colony and plaque hybridization, restriction, PCR, plus-minus screening, immunoscreening. Southern, Northern and
Western blotting techniques. Radioactive and non-radioactive probes.

Module V: DNA Libraries (8 L)

Purpose of constructing DNA libraries. Construction of cDNA and genomic libraries; DNA sequencing (Maxam
Gilbert, Sanger‟s and automated), Overview of Next generation sequencing, protein engineering.

Module VI: Application of RDT (8 L)

Molecular Diagnosis of genetic diseases; Gene therapy: somatic and germ line gene therapy; rInsulin commercial
production; Vaccines: Subunit Vaccines, Peptide Vaccines, Attenuated Vaccines-Cholera, Vector Vaccines-Vaccinia
virus, Genetic Immunization.

1. Principles of Gene Manipulation: An Introduction to Genetic Engineering, R.W. Old and S. B Primrose,
Blackwell Science Inc
2. Gene cloning & Analysis- TA Brown
3. Recombinant DNA, J.D. Watson et al, W.H. Freeman and Company
4. Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applications of Recombinant DNA, B.R. Grick and J.J.
Pasternak, ASM Press
5. Molecular and Cellular Cells Methods in Biology and Medicine, P.B Kaufman, W. Wu, D. Kim and C.J.
Cseke, CRC Press.
6. Gene Expression Technology, D.V. Goeddel in Methods in Methods in Enzymology, Academic Press Inc.
7. DNA Cloning: A Practical Approach, D.M. Glover and B.D. Hames, IRL Press.
8. Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, J. Sambrook, E.F. Fritsch and T. Maniatis, Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory Press

Course Code: BTE2602 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
The objective of the course is to apply the principles of biochemical engineering in large scale cultivation of
microorganism for production of important products.

Course Contents: 45 Lectures

Module I: (8 L)
Advantage of bioprocess over chemical process. Basic principle in bioprocess technology. Upstream: Media
formulation, Cell culture techniques; Inoculum development and aseptic transfers. Different type of bioreactors and
their application. Different types of pumps, valves, and line materials, piping conventions etc. used in Biochemical

Module II: Process Technology I (7 L)

Process technology for the production of primary metabolites, eg. biomass, ethanol, acetone-butanol, citric acid,
amino acids, polysaccharides and plastics.
Ethanol: ​production by batch, continuous and cell recycle adopted by various technologies practiced in Indian
distilleries using molasses and grains. Computation of fermentation efficiency, distillation efficiency and overall
efficiency of ethanol production, recovery, uses, glucose effect etc. Power alcohol – definition, uses, merits and
demerits of various technologies for its production.

Module III: Process Technology II (8L)

Amino Acid:​ Genetic Control of metabolic pathway.
Lysine: Indirect and direct fermentation – mechanism of ph of metabolic block in accumulation of L- lysine by
inhibition and repression mechanism.
Biomass: Bakers and distillers yeast production using various raw materials, “bios” factors for growth, Crabtree
effect, harvesting, different forms and uses.
What are mushroom, different forms of common mushroom production from agro based raw materials and uses.
Biofertilizers, biocompost and biopesticides

Module IV: Production of Secondary Metabolite I (8 L)

Production of secondary metabolites – penicillin, cephalosporins, streptomycin, tetracycline etc. Metabolites from
plant and animal cell culture
Penicillin: Classification, various penicillin as precursor and ‘R’ – side chain, penicillinase, 6-APA, penicillin
production, harvest and recovery, uses of various forms etc.

Module V: Production of Secondary Metabolite II (7 L)

Streptomycin: chemical structure, production, harvest and recovery, use by-product of streptomycin fermentation
Tetracycline:​ chemical structure, production, harvest and recovery, use by-product of tetracycline fermentation etc.

Module VI: Industrial Enzymes (7 L)

Microbial production of industrial enzymes – glucose isomerase, penicillin acylase, cellulase, amylase, lipase,
protease etc.

1. Biochemical Engineering- Kinetics, Mass Transport, Reactors and Gene Expression, W F Weith, John
Wiley and Sons Inc
2. Biochemical Engineering, S Aiba, A E Humphery and N F Millis, University of Tokyo Press
3. Bioprocess Engineering Basic Concepts, M.L. Shuler and F. Kargi, Prentice Hall
4. Bioprocess Engineering, B.K. Lydersen, K.L. Nelson, B.K. Lyderson and N. D’Elia, John Wiley and Sons
5. Bioprocess Engineering Principles, P Doran, Academic Press
6. Biotechnology. A Textbook of Industrial Microbiology, W. Crueger and a. Crueger, Sinauer Associates.
7. Principles of Fermentation Technology, P.F. Stanbury and A. Whitaker, Pergamon Press.

Course Code: BTE2603 Credit Units: 03

Course Objectives:
The course covers the basic principles that underlying the structure, function, expression and evolution of diverse
genomes and proteomes, by assessing contents of genomic /proteomic characterization and bioinformatics analysis.
This course introduces a comprehensive overview of analytical platforms, computational tools; experimental design,
analysis methods and databases intended to study DNA/protein sequences, characterization, gene expression and
genome evolution, remodeling as well as the implications of this research.

Course contents: 40 lectures

Module I - Introduction & Structural Genomics (7L)
Omics science, Concepts of Genes and Genomes, Genome size, Sequence complexity, genome organization in
diverse organisms (eukaryotes, prokaryotes, virus), and organelle genomes, genome evolution. Structural features of
the genome - Organization of single-copy sequences, Repetitive sequences (Tandem repeats, Copy Number
variations, duplications, Transposable elements)

Module II – Resources of Genome Study (6L)

Structuring genomic resources – Subdividing genomes, DNA markers, Genetic and Physical mapping,
Mapping populations. Genome Sequencing (eukaryotic and prokaryotic) – methods (chemical, chain termination)
and strategies (WGS, H-WGS, de novo), Human genome project (findings and impact). Next Generation
Sequencing technologies (Pyrosequencing, Virtual terminator sequencing, Ion torrent, nanopore). Genome finishing
– Annotation of genome (structural and functional- de novo, homology based).

Module III – Comparative and Functional Genomics (7L)

Overview of sequence analysis – methods, databases, genome browsers (NCBI, UCSC, ENSEMBL). Homologs,
paralogs, orthologs, synteny, collinearity and gene displacement. Implications of
comparative genomics – molecular evolution and multigene family evolution. Forward and reverse genetics (Tools
and Methods – mutagenesis, knock outs/ knock ins, RNAi, morpholino), genome wide expression analysis. Concept
of Epigenomics, Concepts of genome evolution (finding signatures of
function, remodeling and applications).

Module IV – Transcriptomics and Gene Expression (5L)

mRNA/ protein expression profiles, Transcriptomes (tools and resources), Gene expression profiling /
gene regulation (traditional to high throughput techniques- Northern, Subtractive hybridization, SAGE, Microarray)
(NGS system, differential expressions).

Module V – Fundamentals of Proteome & Metabolome (7L)

Proteome, Metabolome, significance of Proteome & Metabolome and its analysis, Proteomics Techniques (sequence
based and hybridization based techniques - 2D Gel Electrophoresis, HPLC, Mass Spectrometry, Protein/ peptide
arrays), Quantitative and Qualitative proteomics, Mining Proteomes, Computational approaches for studying
proteomes. Protein Mapping (expression and interaction mapping) techniques (Two hybrid methods and variations,
Phage display, Co-IP, Mass Spectrometry, labeled and unlabeled tagging), Data Analysis using bioinformatics tools,
Protein – (Protein/ligand) interaction networks.

Module VI – Proteomics & Metabolomics Techniques (8L)

High throughput proteome analysis (2D GE & MS, Microarray & MS; SAGE & Microarray), 3 D structure
determination (X-ray and NMR, PDB, Pfam, Modeller, SMART), structure to functional analysis (Fold comparison,
Threading, Functional sites, homology and ab initio modeling)
High throughput analysis, Activity and functional characterization, Post-translational modifications, Proteomic
workflows. Metabolome databases and metabolomic concepts(KEGG, BRENDA)

1.Essential of Genomics and Bioinformatics, C.W. Sensen, John Wiley and Sons Inc.
2. Functional Genomics – A Practical Approach, S.P. Hunt and R. Livesey, Oxford University Press
3. Statistical Genomics: Linkage, Mapping and QTL Analysis, B. Liu, CRC Press.
4. Introduction to Proteomics : Principles and applications, Nawin C. Mishra, Wiley Press 2010.
5. Protein and Proteomics : A laboratory manual, Richard J Simpson, CSHL, 2003.
6. Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis, D.W. Mount, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
7. Introduction to Proteomics : Tools for the new biology, Daniel C. Liebler, Humana Press

Course Code: BTE2604 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective: The application of Animal Biotechnology covers major areas related to commercial applications.
Importance will also be given to areas like in vitro fertilization, animal cell and tissue culture, hormone vaccine and
important enzyme production through animal biotechnology.

Course Contents: 40 Lectures

Module I (4L)
Historical perspectives, sterilization methods, instruments and apparatus, setting up animal tissue culture lab, basics
of animal handling, Introduction to model animals.

Module II (6 L)
Cell culture substrates, cultural media, natural and artificial media, initiation and maintenance of cell cultures, cell
culture products, cryopreservation techniques

Module III (10 L)

3D Culture, organ culture - culture techniques, plasma clot, raft methods, agar gel, grid method, immobilized
cultures, organ engineering, In vitro fertilization, Embryo transfer, Somatic cell hybridization, Hybridoma

Module IV (8 L)
Animal genetic engineering -vectors, gene transfer methods - microinjection, virus mediated and other methods of
gene transfer, Screening and selection (antibiotics, selectable markers), Gene editing methods Crispr

Module V (8 L)
Transgenic animals, Generation of new traits, Knock-outs, knock in, knock down, Animal cloning, Applications,
transgenic animals as bioreactors for producing pharmaceutically important compounds and therapeutics

Module VI (4 L)
Bioethical issues related to animal and cell handling, stem cells, cloning, transgenics and genetically
enhanced/modified organisms, Regulatory agencies, Institutional ethics committee

1. Cell Culture LabFAx, M. Butler and M. Dawson, Bios scientific Publications Ltd.
2. Cell Growth and Division – A Practical approach, R. Basega, IRL Press
3. Culture of Animal Cells, R.I Freshney, Wiley-Leiss
4. Comprehensive Biotechnology, Moo-Young, Alan T. Bullm Howard Dalton, Panima Publication

Course Code: BTE2605 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective
The aim of this course is to develop the understanding of relevance, business Impact and protection of Intellectual
Property along with the types of Intellectual Property Rights: Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, Industrial Designs,
Geographical Indications and International Conventions, Biosafety and Bioethics

Course Contents: 45 Lectures

​ asic Principles and Acquisition of Intellectual Property Rights (8L)
Module I:​ B
Basic Principles of Patent Law, Patent Application procedure, Drafting of a Patent Specification, Understanding
Copyright Law, Basic Principles of Trade Mark and Design Rights, International Background of Intellectual

​ wnership and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights (7L)

Module II:​ O
Patents-Objectives, Rights, Assignments, Defences in case of Infringement. Copyright-Objectives, Rights, Transfer
of Copyright, work of employment Infringement, Defences for infringement. Trademarks-Objectives, Rights,
Protection of goodwill, Infringement, Passing off, Defences. Designs-Objectives, Rights, Assignments,
Infringements, Defences of Design Infringement, Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights - Civil Remedies,
Criminal Remedies, Border Security measures, Practical Aspects of Licensing - Benefits, Determinative factors,
important clauses, licensing clauses.

Module III:​ ​Information Technology Related Intellectual Property Rights (8L)

Computer Software and Intellectual Property-Objective, Copyright Protection, Reproducing, Defences,
Patent Protection, Database and Data Protection-Objective, Need for Protection, UK Data Protection Act, 1998, US
Safe Harbor Principle, Enforcement. Protection of Semiconductor Chips-Objectives Justification of protection,
Criteria, Subject-matter of Protection, WIPO Treaty, Trips, SCPA. Domain Name Protection-Objectives, domain
name and Intellectual Property, Registration of domain names, disputes under Intellectual Property Rights,
Jurisdictional Issues, International Perspective.

Module IV: Biotechnology and Intellectual Property Rights (8L)

Biotechnology and the Law- ​Objective, Evolution, Basic Structure of Gene Techniques, Applications,
Commercial Potential of Biotech Inventions, Rationale for Intellectual Property Protection. Patenting Biotechnology
Inventions-Objective, Concept of Novelty, Concept of inventive step, Microorganisms, Moral Issues in Patenting
Biotechnological inventions. Plant Varieties Protection-Objectives, Justification, International Position, Plant
Varieties Protection in India Protection of Geographical Indications Objectives, Justification, International Position,
Multilateral Treaties, National Level, Indian Position.

Module V (7L)
Protection of Traditional Knowledge- ​Objective, Concept of Traditional Knowledge, Holders, Issues concerning,
Bio-Prospecting and Bio-Piracy, Alternative ways, Protectability, need for a Sui-Generis regime, Traditional
Knowledge on the International Arena, at WTO, at National level, Traditional Knowledge Digital Library.

Module VI (7L)
Biosafety and Bioethics Management-Key to environmentally responsible use of biotechnology. Cartagena Protocol
on Biosafety, Ethical implications of Biotechnological products and techniques.

Course Code: BTE2606 Credit Units: 02

1. Requirements for Cell culture laboratory- Layout, instruments, microscopes, incubators, Biosafety hood,
and other essential apparatus,
2. Ideal pipetting techniques and Sterilization methods, Fumigation of cell culture lab
3. Introduction to and preparation of glassware/reagents for mammalian cell culture, Preparation and
sterilization of culture media
4. Isolation of serum from blood
5. Procuring and transportation of cell lines, Maintaining repository of cell lines/tissue banking
6. Cell counting and viability, Inoculation and maintenance of cell lines
7. Sub-culturing/passaging of anchorage dependent and independent cell lines, Cryopreservation and storage
of cell lines
8. Isolation of single cells from tissues and initiation of culture
9. Toxicity assays (MTT and/or any other), Cell viability assays
10. Differential blood cell counting, Blood cell culture
11. Studies on chick embryo/angiogenesis
12. Theoretical understanding of rats, mice and other animal models.

1. Cell Culture LabFAx, M. Butler and M. Dawson, Bios scientific Publications Ltd.
2. Cell Growth and Division – A Practical approach, R. Basega, IRL Press
3. Culture of Animal Cells, R.I Freshney, Wiley-Leiss

Course Code: BTE2607 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
The laboratory experiments in Recombinant DNA Technology would certainly help to comprehend the theoretical
aspects of the subject.
Course Contents:
1. Restriction Digestion and Ligation
2. Construction of restriction map of plasmid DNA
3. Blotting techniques – Southern & Western
4. PCR amplification
5. Site directed mutagenesis
6. Cloning – Competent cell preparation & Cloning (GFP)

Course Code: BTE2608 Credit Units: 01

1. Homology based genome Annotation
2. Sequence analysis using ncbi ensembl
3. Microarray data analysis
4. Protein mapping
5. Protein ligand docking and interactions
6. Protein structure determination using Pfam pdb smart
7. Homology modeling
8. Expasy Server Analysis
9. Protein Simulations
10. Pharmacophoric Mapping & Docking Analysis

Course Code: BTE2609 Credit Units: 03

Course Content: 45 Lectures
Module I - Pharmaceutical Sciences (6 L)
Introduction to Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sources of drugs, Recombinant therapeutics, Micromeritic, Viscosity &
Rheology, Dispersion Systems, Diffusion & Dissolution, Kinetics and drug stability.

Module II - Biopharmaceutics (5 L)
Principles of dosage forms, Principles of drug delivery via dosage forms, (eg, liquid, solid, semi-solid, controlled
release, patches, and implants), development of biopharmaceuticals and biosimilars drug delivery system, genomics
& proteomics in drug discovery, Polymers, biopolymers and their Applications.

Module III - Pharmacodynamics & Pharmacokinetics (7 L)

Principles of pharmacodynamics, Role of time course of drug action in disease management,
Pharmacodynamic models and biomarkers, General principles of pharmacokinetics, Route and timing of
administration, Plasma concentration and its relationship to drug actions, Drug concentration at target site. Principles
of bioavailability/bioequivalence, Adverse drug reactions.

Module IV: Fermentation & Downstream Processes (DSP) (7 L)

Development of fermentation processes, commercial media, fermentation bioreactors and its type, eg: production of
antibiotics, therapeutic proteins: Insulin and MAb, commercial enzymes. Importance of DSP in biotechnology,
characteristic of bioproducts, basic principle of Isolation and purification technique; unit operations such as cell
disruption, extraction, filtration, membrane separation, centrifugation, precipitation, chromatography and

Module V: Physical Pharmacy (5 L)

Particulate Technology basic factors such as Particle Size; characteristic phenomenon such as Powder Flow and
Compaction; Unit Operations for particulate matter such as Size reduction, Size Separation, Mixing, Evaporation
and Drying

Module VI: Industrial Guidelines and layouts (5 L)

Materials of Pharmaceutical Plant Construction, Good Manufacturing Practice (GMPs), Good Lab Practices,

References -
1. Physical Pharmacy by Alfred Martin
2. Basic Principles of Biochemical Engineering by Raja Ghosh

Course Code: BTE2610 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective: ​To enable the students to understand the sources of innovation opportunities and development of
the skills to identify and analyze these opportunities for entrepreneurship and innovation. To develop personal skills
set for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship and specific concepts and tools for combining and managing
creativity in organization.

Course Content: 40 Lectures

Module I: Introduction​ ​(10 L)
Entrepreneur, Creativity & Entrepreneurial personality and Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology, pillars of
bio-entrepreneurship and major start-ups in Biotechnology, Concept and theories of Entrepreneurship,
Entrepreneurial traits and motivation, Nature and importance of Entrepreneurs, Government schemes for
commercialization of technology (eg. Biotech Consortium India Limited)

Module II: Project management​ ​(8 L)

Search for a business idea, concept of project and classification, project identification, project formulation, project
design and network analysis, project report, project appraisal.

Module III: Financial analysis​ ​(7 L)

Ratio analysis, Investment process, Break even analysis, Profitability analysis, Budget and planning process.

Module IV: Funding of Bio-business (4 L)

Funding of biotech business (Financing alternatives, Venture Capital funding, funding for biotech in India, Exit
strategy, licensing strategies, valuation).

Module V: Funding in India (4 L)

Support mechanisms for entrepreneurship (Bio-entrepreneurship efforts in India, difficulties in India experienced,
organizations supporting biotech growth, areas of scope, funding agencies in India, biotech policy initiatives)

Module VI: Biotech enterprises (7 L)

Desirables in start-up, Setting up Small, Medium & Large scale industry, Quality control in Biotech industries,
Location of an enterprise, steps for starting a small industry, incentives and subsidies, exploring export possibilities

1. The Business of Biotechnology: From the Bench of the Street: By Richard Dana Ono Published
Butterworth- Heinemann, 1991.
2. Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology: Managing for growth from start-up By Martin Gross Mann, 2003
3. Innovation and entrepreneurship in biotechnology: Concepts, theories & cases by D. Hyne & John
Kapeleris, 2006
4. Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management by Vasant Desai, Himalaya Publishing House,
5. Projects Planning Analysis, Selection, Implementation & Review by Prasannan.
6. Best Practices in Biotechnology Education: By Yali Friedman, Published by Logos Press, 2008.

Course Code: BTE2611 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
The agriculture plant biotechnology course basically meant for understanding the basic techniques of plant tissue
culture and genetic engineering in plants along with the latest ongoing research on the different aspects of plants and
its products to redefine agriculture priorities and produce human resource with academic, scientific and technical
expertise along with management or business experience.
Course Content: 45 Lectures
Module I: Agriculture in India and Agrometeorology (7 L)
Introduction to agriculture​: systems of agriculture, Indian agriculture system, Agro-meteorology: aim, scope and
development in relation to crop environment, composition of atmosphere, ​Environmental factors: soil, air, soil and
air temperature effects on plant processes, relative humidity, vapour pressure; ​Modification of plant environment:
artificial rain, heat trapping and shedding, protection from cold; ​Monsoon: ​monsoon and their origin, characteristics
of monsoon, onset and progress of monsoon, withdrawal of monsoon.

Module II: Agronomy of cereals, pulses and commercial crops (7 L)

Origin and history, area and production, classification, improved varieties, adaptability, climate, soil, water and
cultural requirements, nutrition, quality components, handling and processing of the produce for maximum
production of rice, wheat, maize, barley, sorghum, pearl millet, chickpea and pigeon pea, commercial
crops-sugarcane and potato.

Module III: Plant Regeneration and Transformation Technologies (8 L)

Introduction and historical perspective, organ culture, cell suspension, organogenesis, somatic embryogenesis,
micropropagation, anther and ovary culture-haploid production, embryo culture and rescue, protoplast culture,
somatic hybridization and cybrids. Genetic Transformation, Methods for gene transfer in plants, Molecular
mechanism of ​Agrobacterium m ​ ediated transformation. Selectable markers, Reporter gene and Promoters used in
plant transformation vectors.

Module IV: Breeding Designer Crops (7 L)

Breeding of crop ideotypes; Genetic manipulations through recombination breeding, genomics and transgenics for
physiological efficiency, nutritional enhancement, special compounds-proteins, vaccines, gums, starch and fats
Physiological mechanism of improvement in nutrient, water, osmotic adjustment, photosynthesis, stay green trait
and its significance in crop improvement. Improvement in yield potential under suboptimal conditions by
manipulating source and sink, plant-water relationships, effect of suboptimal conditions on cardinal plant growth
and development processes, enhancing input use efficiency through genetic manipulations. Breeding for special
traits ​viz​. oil, protein, vitamins, amino acids etc.;

Module V: Biopharming (6 L)
Concept of biopharming and development of varieties producing targeted compounds, nutraceuticals and industrial
products; Success stories in vaccines, modified sugars, gums and starch through biopharming. Biosafety
management, segregation and isolation requirements in designer crop production and post-harvest management

Module V: Industrial and Agricultural Application (7 L)

Biotic stress tolerance; insect, pest and pathogen resistance. Abiotic stress tolerance; salt, water and drought
tolerance. Herbicide tolerance. Molecular farming

1. Plant Biotechnology: The Genetic Manipulation of Plants. A. Slater, N. W. Scott and M. R. Fower.2008. Oxford
University Press
2. Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Ara Kirakosyan and Peter B. Kaufan. 2009. Springer

Course Code: BTE2612 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective: ​Students develop conceptual clarity and knowledge about systems which bring and guarantee
quality in products (Biopharmaceuticals, diagnostics and foods) manufactured for human use. The knowledge of
GMP and GLP requirements is critical for students who opt for careers in biomanufacturing.

Course Content: 40 Lectures

Module I: Biomanufacturing Principles (4 L)
Overview and design of biomanufacturing, quality by design approach, technical considerations, phases and scale
up: life cycle of manufacturing, raw material considerations, compliance and quality in manufacturing, lean

Module II: Process analytical technology (PAT) during biomanufacturing (4 L)

Background and need tools for data acquisitions (softwares in fermenters, flow filtration, chromatography, analysis
and design process analyzers, process control tools and continuous improvement and knowledge management.

Module III: SOP of Bio-Manufacturing (4 L)

Standard manufacturing operating procedures of biotechnology, including upstream and downstream processing of
proteins, and quality control of protein production, and final fill and finish of product. Two case studies to be
included at least: therapeutic protein, monoclonal antibodies, human vaccine.

Module IV: Quality Control Systems(4 L)

Introduction to quality system, main elements of a quality system. Essentials of quality system. Practical
implementation of a quality system. Structure of quality manual, correlation between GMP requirements (WHO)
and ISO 9001:2000

Module V: GMP (20 L)

Personnel, Premises, Facilities and Equipment, Pharmaceutical water, Qualification, Process Validation, Cleaning
Validation, Quality Risk Management, Production: Sanitation, personnel hygiene, production hygiene, sanitation
programme. environmental monitoring, GMP in the production process, Laboratory Controls. Research and
Development: development phases and GMP requirements, interfaces to GLP and GCP, manufacture and control of
clinical samples, documentation and recording of changes during development, development report, quality by
design (QbD). Inspections. Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients: Introduction, regulatory principles, marketing
authorisation documentation for active substances, GMP certificates, auditing active substance manufacturers,
chemical active substances, biotechnological active substances.


Information, national bodies and pharmaceutical associations. EU directives and guidelines, USA: CFR and FDA
guidelines, ICH-guidelines, PIC/S guidelines, GMP of other regions, WHO guidelines

1. Introduction to Biomanufacturing. By Northeast Biomanufacturing Center and collaboration, 2012.
2. Introduction to Biomanufacturing, by Mark Witcher. In Encyclopedia of Industrial Biotechnology.
3. Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceuticals (e-resource): A plan for total quality control. Sidney
Willig and James Stoker.
4. Biotechnology Operations: Principles and Practices; by John M. Centanni, Michael J. Roy; CRC press
5. Lean Biomanufacturing, 1st Edition; Author Nigel Smart; Woodhead Publishing
6. GMP manual; Publisher Maas & Peither America, Inc. GMP Publishing


Course Code: BTE2701 Credit Unit: 03

Course Objective
The syllabus will help the students to characterize the Bioproducts of biotechnological importance and to get
expertise in their downstream processing.

Course Contents: 40 Lectures

Module I - Fermentation Technology-An Overview (4L)
Development and overview of fermentation processes, Components of fermenters ,valves, pumps; Importance of
downstream processing in biotechnology; characteristics of bio-products and fermentation broth with Small and
large molecule

Module II (8L)
General mass-balance equation, Procedure For Material-Balance Calculations ,Growth Stoichiometry and Elemental
Balances ; Rheological Properties of Fermentation Broths; mass balance for batch, and continuous bioreactor

Module III (8L)

Transport phenomena in Fermentation technology ,Mechanism of Mixing in Fermenter Heat exchanger in
Fermenters; Mass Transfer in fermenters (Liquid -solid mass transfer, Liquid liquid, Liquid gas mass transfer),
Oxygen Transfer in Fermenters Bubbles; Design of heat and mass transfer equipment used in bioprocess industries

Module IV - Bioproduct Production – Small molecules and large molecules (4L)

Production of Antibiotics, Recombinant product, Industrial enzymes Insulin, MAb

Module V- Bioproduct Isolation (6L)

Cell disruption; Extraction; Filtration; Centrifugation; Precipitation; Calculation for different DSP based unit

Module VI - Purification and Polishing (10L)

Purification: Membrane Based Separation; Chromatographic methods of separation based on size, charge and
biological affinity, 1D, 2D gel electrophoresis Polishing: Crystallization; Drying and Formulations; Case studies*

1. Practical Biochemistry, Principles & Techniques, Keith Wilson and John Walker
2. Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals, J.E. Bailey and D.F. Ollis,McGraw-Hill
3. Biotreatment, Downstream Processing and Modelling (Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, Vol
56), T. Schepler et al, Springer Verlag
4. Protein Purification, MR Ladisch, RC Wilson, CC Painton, SE Builder, American Chemical Society
5. Principles of Fermentation Technology by P.F. Stanbury, A. Whitaker, and S.J. Hall, Aditya Books (P) LTD.
6. Industrial Microbiology by L.E.Casida, JR.New Age International (P) LTD.
7. Biotechnology, A Textbook of Industrial Microbiology, W. Crueger and A. Crueger, Sinauer Association.
8. Bioseparations: Downstream Processing for Biotechnology, P.A. Belter et al, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
9. Downstream Processing, J.P. Hamel, J.B. Hunter and S.K. Sikdar, American Chemical Society.
Michael L. Shuler, Fikret Kargi - Bioprocess Engineering_ Basic Concepts-Prentice Hall ;2001.
10. Pauline MDoran Bioprocess Engineering Principles. Academic Press, 1995.

​ Course Code: BTE2702 Credit units: 03

Course Objective: ​This course introduces tools and techniques used for biostatistics. It provides a platform to
students for the dissemination of research and future trends in the emerging discipline of statistics in biotechnology.

Course content: 40 Lectures

Module I: Descriptive statistics (10L)
Statistics and Biostatistics: Preliminary concepts; Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median, Mode, Measures
of Dispersion: Range, Standard deviation, Variance, moments.

Module II: Probability and Distributions (10L)

Random Experiments, Trial and Event, Sample Space, Mutually Exclusive or Disjoint Events, Mutually Exhaustive
Events, Equally Probable Events, Complementary Event, Classical definition of Probability, Statistical definition of
Probability, Axiomatic definition of Probability, Addition theorem, Multiplication theorem, Conditional
Probability, Bayes’ Theorem. Expectation, Discrete distributions (Binomial, Poisson) and continuous Distribution
-Normal Distribution, Properties of Normal distribution, Examples from biology: End to- end vector distribution of
DNA, Concentration distribution

Module III: Correlation and Regression (10L)

Bivariate distribution Correlation, Types of Correlation, Simple Correlation Coefficient for ungrouped data,
Properties and Interpretation of Correlation Coefficient, Coefficient of determination, Scatter diagram, Standard
Error, Probable error of Correlation Coefficient. Rank correlation, Some examples. Definition, Regression lines
and Regression Coefficients, Properties of Regression Coefficients, Method of least square: Fitting of straight line

Module IV: Sampling Theory (10L)

Introduction to the following Statistical terms
Parameter, Statistic, Null hypothesis, Alternative hypothesis, Critical region, Type1 Error, Type 11 Error, Level of
significance, P-value and its applications.
Test of Significance for Small samples: One sample t-test, Paired t-test, Degrees of freedom for t-test, F test for
equality of Population variances, Degrees of freedom for F-test.
Test of Significance for Large samples​: Normal test for sample mean and population mean, Normal test for two
sample means. Chi-square Test: Test of goodness of fit, Test of Independence of attributes, Degrees of freedom for
Chi-square test, Coefficient of contingency, Yates’ correction for continuity. Analysis of Variance: One way and
Two way (only Examples)

Text book:

1. Introduction to Biostatistics, Ronald N. Forthfer and Eun Sun Lee, Pu

2. Statistical Methodology, S.P. Gupta, Publisher: S. Chand & Co.
3. Fundamentals of Statistics, S.C. Gupta. Publisher: S.Chand & Co.

Course code: BTE2703 Credit Units: 03

Course Objectives: Research methodology is aimed to expose and inculcate the research spirit among the students.
The course is expected to impart in-depth understanding of various steps of research such as formulation of research
problems, construction of research design, data collection and generation of a research report. It will also develop
the skill of scientific writing.

Course contents: 40 Lectures

Module I: Objectives and types of research (5L)
Motivation and objectives – Research methods vs Methodology. Types of research – Descriptive vs. Analytical,
Applied vs. Fundamental, Quantitative vs. Qualitative, Conceptual vs. Empirical.

Module II: Research Formulation (8L)

Defining and formulating the research problem - Selecting the problem - Necessity of defining the problem -
Importance of literature review in defining a problem – Literature review – Primary and secondary sources –
reviews, treatise, monographs-patents – web as a source – searching the web - Critical literature review – Identifying
gap areas from literature review - Development of working hypothesis.

Module III: Research design and methods (7L)

Research design – Basic Principles- Need of research design –– Features of good design – Important concepts
relating to research design – Observation and Facts, Laws and Theories, Prediction and explanation, Induction,
Deduction, Development of Models. Developing a research plan - Exploration, Description, Diagnosis,
Experimentation. Determining experimental and sample designs.

Module IV: Data Collection and analysis (7L)

Execution of the research - Observation and Collection of data - Methods of data collection – Sampling Methods-
Data Processing and Analysis strategies - Data Analysis with Statistical Packages - Hypothesis-testing -
Generalization and Interpretation.

Module V: Reporting and thesis writing (8L)

Structure and components of scientific reports - Types of report – Technical reports and thesis – Significance –
Different steps in the preparation – Layout, structure and Language of typical reports – Illustrations and tables -
Bibliography, referencing and footnotes - Oral presentation – Planning – Preparation – Practice – Making
presentation – Use of visual aids - Importance of effective communication –.

Module VI - Application of results and ethics (5L)

Environmental impacts - Ethical issues - ethical committees - Commercialisation – Copyright – royalty - Intellectual
property rights and patent law – Trade Related aspects of Intellectual Property Rights – Reproduction of published
material – Plagiarism - Citation and acknowledgement - Reproducibility and accountability.

1. Garg, B.L., Karadia, R., Agarwal, F. and Agarwal, U.K., 2002. An introduction to Research Methodology, RBSA
2. Kothari, C.R., 1990. Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. New Age International. 418p.
3. Sinha, S.C. and Dhiman, A.K., 2002. Research Methodology, Ess Ess Publications. 2 volumes.
4. Trochim, W.M.K., 2005. Research Methods: the concise knowledge base, Atomic Dog Publishing. 270p.
5. Wadehra, B.L. 2000. Law relating to patents, trade marks, copyright designs and geographical indications.
Universal Law Publishing.

Course code: BTE2704 Credit Units: 03

Course Objectives: This course is designed for the students to know the latest developments in the various fields of

Course contents: 40 Lectures

Module I: Stem cell technology (8L)
Introduction to concepts in stem cell biology (renewal, potency, etc.); definition of terms; adult stem cells,
Embryonic stem cells. Representative stem cell types/organ system; Germline stem cells, Neuronal stem cells,
Muscle and bone stem cells, Hematopoietic stem cells, Epithelial stem cells (skin, intestine, breast), Prostate and
breast stem cells (segue into cancer). Stem cells and therapeutics. Ethical issues associated with stem cell

Module II: Gene therapy (8L)

Overview of Gene Therapy - advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of gene therapy, vectors in gene therapy.
Adenovirus and Adeno-associated Virus Mediated Gene Transfer - Herpes Virus-based Vectors, In vivo Gene
Delivery using HSV Vectors, Pox Virus-based Vectors, Retrovirus based vectors. Nonviral Approaches to Gene
Therapy - Gene therapy and clinical applications e.g. cancer. Design of SiRNA vectors and Gene silencing and

Module III: Bioremediation and Phytoremediation (4L)

Bioremediation of petroleum. Bioremediation of pesticide contaminated soil. Bioremediation of explosives.
Biological treatment of metallic pollutants and organic pollutants.

Module IV: Microarray Technology (6L)

Introduction to DNA microarray technology: design on glass slide, affymetrix microarray and detection data
acquisition. Protein microarray: protein arrays fabrication, principles and limitation, use and application in
antigen-antibody interactions, phage display libraries, etc. In vitro analysis of gene expression: identification of
differentially transcribed genes. Microarray technology application in agricultural research.

Module V: Whole Genome Sequencing and SNPs (8L)

WGS: Introduction, Next Gen Sequencers (NGS) for WGS, NGS data analysis. Detection of SNP using PCR based
methods, SNP typing using degenerate oligonucleotide primed –PCR – amplified products (DOP – PCR).

Module VII: Other Developments (6L)

For Nucleic acid variation detection: GOOD assay, AFLP genotyping, QADAV analysis. For Nucleic acid
Quantization: Real-time – PCR, SAGE, REAPS, Subtractive hybridization. For Sequencing: pyrosequencing,
octamers primed cycle sequencing. PNA: Introduction, Synthesis, PNA beacons, PNA clamping, production of PNA

Recommended Books:
1. Gene therapy for cancer-Hunt KK,Vorburger SA,Swisher SG,Humana press,2007
2. Gene therapy and gene delivery Schaffer DV,Zhou W,Springer publications
3. Stem cells Handbook-Sells,Humana Press.
4. Applied bioremediation and phytoremediation-Singh A,Ward OP,Springer Publications.
5. Microarray Technology through Applications: Editor, Falcini F,2007, Taylor and Francis group.
6. Protein Microarrays: Mark Schena Jones and Bartlett Publishers 2005
7. A Biologists guide to analysis of DNA microarray data: Steek Knudsen, 2002, Wiley-Liss, Wiley and sons, inc,
8. Microarray: Gene Expression data Analysis: 2004, Causton Helen, Quackerbush John, Brazma. Alvis., Blackwell
9. Functional protein microarray in Drug discovery. 2007 Paul. F. Predki, CRC Press.
10. PCR Technology: Current innovations: 2nd Edition, 2003, Griffin High and Annette Griffin, CRC press
11. PCR: 2007, Hughes and Moody, The method express series, Scion Publishing Limited
12. Whole genome Amplification: 2005, Hughes and R. Lasken, The Methods Express series, Scion Publishing
13. Peptide Nucleic acids: Protocols and amplification: 2nd Edition 2004, Nielsen Peter British Library
Cataloguing-in Publication

Course Code: BTE2705 Credit Unit:01

1. Isolation of industrially important microorganisms for microbial processes

2. Determination of growth curve of supplied microorganisms and determination of substrate degradation
profile and computation of specific growth rate and growth yield form the data obtained
3. Comparative studies of ethanol production using different substrates; Production of enzyme
4​. ​Product Isolation
5. Protein precipitation and recovery
6. Membrane-based separation
7​. ​Ion exchange chromatography
8. Gel Permeation chromatography
9. Poly-acrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE)

1. Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals, J.E. Bailey and D.F. Ollis, McGraw-Hill

Course code: BTE2706 Credit units: 01

Practicals based on A. Microsoft Excel and B. SPSS software:-
1. Diagrammatic presentation
2. Frequency Distribution-Continuous variable
3. Measures of Central Tendency
4. Measures of Dispersion
5. Discrete Probability Distribution
6.Binomial Probability Distribution
7. Poisson Probability Distribution
8. Normal Probability Distribution
9. Simple Correlation and Simple Regression
10.Statistical Inference

Course Code: BTE2735 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:​The main objective of summer training is to familiarize students to the laboratory environment
and make them learn to handle equipment and softwares, design experiments and analyze the results. The File is the
principal means by which the work carried out will be assessed and therefore great care should be taken in its

In general, the File should be comprehensive and include

· A short account of the activities that were undertaken as part of the project;
· A statement about the extent to which the project has achieved its stated goals.
· A statement about the outcomes of the evaluation and dissemination processes engaged in as part
of the project;
· Any problems that have arisen that may be useful to document for future reference.

Report Layout

The report should contain the following components:

● Introduction
● Techniques performed with principle and method
● Result
● Application
● References

·1 inch Margin on left side & 1”each on other sides.

· Single side of the paper to be used.
·Times New Roman.

Font Size
· 12 (Bold for headings)
· 12 (Normal for Matter)
· 14 (for Chapter Names)
· 1.5 line spacing
· Numbering on the right hand Top of the page
· Numbers on pages before chapters to be done in Roman at the bottom of the page

This should include papers and books referred to in the body of the report. These should be ordered alphabetically
on the author's surname. The titles of journals preferably should not be abbreviated; if they are, abbreviations must
comply with an internationally recognised system.

For research article
Voravuthikunchai SP, Lortheeranuwat A, Ninrprom T, Popaya W, Pongpaichit S, Supawita T. (2002)
Antibacterial activity of Thai medicinal plants against enterohaemorrhagic​Escherichia coli​ O157: H7.
ClinMicrobiol Infect,​ ​8​ (suppl 1): 116–117.

For Book
Kowalski,M.(1976) Transduction of effectiveness in Rhizobium meliloti​. SYMBIOTIC
FIXATION PLANTS (editor P.S. Nutman IBP), 7: 63-67

· Scientific names in Italics

· Cover Page containing - Title, Students Name, Supervisors Name, University, Name (along with
logo), Course name & year of Submission in the prescribed format
· 2 copies to be submitted


Essentially, marking will be based on the following criteria: the quality of the report, the technical merit of
the project and the project execution. Evaluation will compose of two components -
Project report assessment and Viva - voce.
Project report assessment will be done by the two internal faculty members in respective fields. A
committee of three faculty members will conduct Viva-voce.
Technical merit attempts to assess the quality and depth of the intellectual efforts put into the project will
be assessed as per evaluation format.


Internship Report: 50 Marks

Internship Report Evaluation Marks

Format of the report Methodology Writing structure and style

(10 M) (30 M) (10M)

Viva Voce: 50 Marks

Internship Presentation Marks(50M)

Audibility Command Concept Technical Data PPT Viva

(5M) over Confidence understand Knowledge collection & (10 (10M)
Language (5M) ing (5M) analysis M)
(5M) (5M) (5M)

Course Code: BTE2707 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
The objective of this paper is to include not only the application of chemical engineering principles/unit operations
to bioprocess systems but also to include the principles of disciplines of mechanical, electrical and industrial
engineering to design a completely economically optimal process using living or subcomponent of cells.

Course Contents: 40 Lectures

Module I (6L)
Introduction​, scope of process design, the role of design engineer; ​general design information​-design constraints,
design process; ​Mass balance: ​Introduction, equation, procedure for material-balance calculations, calculations
based on material balances; ​energy balance- Introduction, equation, procedure for energy-balance calculations,
calculations based on energy balances; ​Flow sheeting​-introduction, types, supplemental aids, computer aided
flowsheet design software/simulation programs

Module II (8L)
Piping and instrumentation​-Equipment specification, Instrument specification, Piping specification, Control;
Materials of construction for bioprocess plants; ​Mechanical design ​of process equipment​-Introduction, concept
design of pressure vessels (Internal and external pressure, combined loading), support, flanges, joints and welding.

Module III (12L)

Vessels for biotechnology application​- Stirred tank, Fed-Batch, Continuous, Bubble Column, Air-lift, Packed-bed,
Fluidised bed, Trickle bed; ​Design of fermenters​-fermenter body construction, temperature control,
agitation-impellers, stirrer glands and bearings, baffles, aeration-spargers; ​Design considerations for maintaining
sterility of process streams processing equipment- Concepts: Sterilization of the fermenter, Sterilization of the air
supply and the exhaust gas, Aeration and agitation, The addition of inoculum, nutrients, and other supplements,
Sampling, Foam control, Monitoring and control of various parameters. ​Selection and specification of equipment
for handling fluids and solids​: basic concepts- rheological properties, overview of-pumps, coveyers; ​Selection,
specification, ​design of heat and mass transfer equipment used in bioprocess industries​- mass transfer: basic
concepts, overview of distillation, extraction and leaching, absorption, adsorption and ion-exchange, crystallization
equipment, heat transfer: basic concepts, overview of shell and tube exchangers, plate exchangers.

Module IV (7L)
Design of facilities for cleaning of process equipment used in biochemical industries-​importance, manual and
CIP​, ​Utilities of biotechnology production plants​- energy, water, steam, electricity, compressed air, refrigeration,
and waste disposal.

Module V (7L)
Process economics- estimation of capital investment, estimation of operating costs, and analysis of profitability;
Bioprocess validation​; ​Safety considerations​; R
​ egulatory guidelines, Case studies​.

1. Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants by E.E. Ludwig, Butterworth-Heinemann.
2. Chemical Engineering by R.K. Sinnott, J.M. Coulson and J.F. Richardson, Butterworth-Heinemann.
3. Chemical Engineers Handbook by R.H. Perry and D.W. Green, McGraw-Hill
4. Manufacturing Facilities Design and Material Handling by F.E. Meyers and M.P. Stephens, Prentice Hall
5. Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers by M. Peters and K. Timmerhaus, McGraw-Hill
6. Process Plant Layout and Piping Design by E. Bausbacher and R. Hunt, Prentice Hall PTR.
7. Principles of fermentation technology by Peter F. Stanbury, Allan Whitaker and Stephen J. Hall
8. Bioseparations Science and Engineering by Roger Harrison, Roger G. Harrison, Paul W. Todd, Scott R.
Rudge, and Demetri P. Petrides.
9. Bioprocess engineering principles by Doran Pauline (Elsevier Science & Technology Books)
10. Handbook of food processing equipment-second edition by George Saravacos and Athanasios E.
Kostaropoulos (Springer)
Suggested readings:
1. Aleem, H., Zhao, Y., Lord, S., McCarthy, T., & Sharratt, P. (2003). Pharmaceutical process validation: an
overview. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical
Engineering, 217(2), 141-151.
2. Clean-In-Place for Biopharmaceutical Processes by Dale A. Seiberling by informa healthcare

Course code: BTE2708 Credit units 03

Course Objectives: ​Molecular Medicine & Diagnosis is designed to provide advanced knowledge to students at the
forefront area of biotechnology with special emphasis to human health. The course is aimed to impart in depth
understanding of the major disorders where biotechnological interventions are provided with enhanced therapeutic
benefits. The students are expected to have a thorough understanding of Biochemistry, Immunology, Protein Science
and Bioinformatics.

Course Content: 40 Lectures

Module I: Introduction to Molecular Medicine & Diagnosis (5 L)
Concept of Molecular Medicine and Molecular diagnosis, Classical vs. Molecular diagnostics,

Module II: Molecular Pathways in Cancer (7 L)

Hallmarks of Cancer and key properties, Major Pathways of Dysregulation in Cancer, Understanding the
Dysregulation in molecular pathways: EGFR, RAS-MAPK, PI3K, TP53, and cell cycle, Cancer associated
mutations in the pathways and the mechanistic dysregulations.

Module III: Molecular Pathway in Cardiovascular Diseases (7 L)

Cell signaling and biological pathway in cardiovascular diseases, Blood Coagulation Signaling Pathways, Platelet,
Adhesion Proteins and Ligands, VEGF - VEGF R2 Signaling Pathways Platelet Activated Integrin alpha 2b beta 3
Signaling, Platelet Activating GPCR Signaling, & Inhibitory Signaling. Diabetes, its subtypes and its understanding;
Hypertension and associated pathways

Module IV: Classical Molecular Pathological Disorders (7L)

Concept of Molecular pathology, Classical molecular diseases, IEM Disorders – (Inborn errors of metabolism),
Alkaptonuria, Sickle cell-anaemia, Haemophilia, Madras Motor Neuron Disease, Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia, Cystic
fibrosis, amelogenesis imperfecta.

Module V: Rare Disorders and Molecular Medicine (7 L)

Concept of rare and Orphan disorders, Importance of focus to rare diseases, Classification and types of rare
disorders, representative cases rare disorders viz. Epidermolysis Bullosa, Rett Syndrome, Wilson's Disease Gaucher,
Pompe, Fabry, Mucopolysaccharidosis, Ataxia Telangiectasia (A-T), Friedreich’s Ataxia, Cushing’s Syndrome,
Alagille syndrome, Tay-Sachs, Sjögren’s Syndrome, Moebius Syndrome, Modern approaches to target rare
disorders, Global and National policy for research on rare diseases.

Module VI: Molecular Diagnostic Methods (7 L)

Concept of Molecular Diagnosis, Molecular diagnostic techniques: Polymerase chain reaction and real-time PCR,
Fluorescent in situ hybridization, Spectral karyotype imaging, Molecular cytogenetics, Microarrays, Mass
spectrometry, Expressional proteomics, Chimerism engraftment, Clinical applications of molecular diagnostics.

Reference book:
1. Signaling Pathways in Cancer Pathogenesis and Therapy
Frank A. David Publisher: Springer
2. Textbook of Cell Signalling in Cancer: An Educational Approach Jacques Robert Publisher: Springer
3. Cell signaling and biological pathway in cardiovascular diseases
Chae & Kwon Publisher: Springer
4. Rare Diseases: Integrative PPPM Approach as the Medicine of the Future Meral Özgüç, Publisher: Springer
5. Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs: Keys to Understanding and Treating the Common Diseases Jules J. Berman,
Publisher: Academic press
6. Molecular Diagnostics: Fundamentals, Methods and Clinical Applications
Lela Buckingham, Publisher: F.A. Davis

Course code: BTE2709 Credit: 03

Course Objectives: ​This subject will give a better understanding of regulatory affairs associated with QA and QC
of pharmaceutical departments.

Course Contents: 30 Lectures

Module I: Basic Concepts Of Quality Management System (3L)
Definition and understanding the concepts of Quality, Quality management System, Quality Assurance, Quality
Control. Responsibilities of QA and QC department. Good laboratory Practices: Scope, concept and definitions.

Module II. cGMP Guidelines and Quality Management (7L)

Definitions and concepts: Design, Location, Personnel requirements, Documentation, Training, Hygiene,
Warehousing, Sanitation, Maintenance, maintenance of sterile areas, Control of contamination, Environmental
Monitoring, Audits. Total Quality management (TQM), principles of ISO Management System, ICH Guidelines
overview and concepts, OSHAS guidelines, NABL certification and Accreditation

Module III. Documentation in Pharmaceutical Industry (6L)

Definitions and concepts: Biopharma products, diagnostic kits, SOPs, Protocols and reports, Quality Manual, Batch
Formula Record, Master Formula record, Packaging Records, Distribution records, Complaint reports, Audit plan
and reports, Self inspection reports, Product specifications.

Module IV. Analysis of Materials/instruments (5L)

Definitions and concepts: Raw materials, Intermediate product, bulk product, finished product, packaging material,
batch no, lot no, sampling, product specifications in pharma industry for tablets, capsules, ointments, creams,.
Calibration and validation: definitions, types, certificates, specifications.

Module V. Evaluation and handling (9L)

Definitions and concepts: Clean rooms, Clean room classification, specifications, handling of sterile products,
cleaning and maintenance. Types of sterilisation and sanitation in laboratories, mix ups and cross contamination.
Environmental monitoring, CAPA, concept of IPQC. Self Inspection and Audits, Complaints evaluation and
handling, return and recalls, Stability Studies. ​Acts and other Regulatory Bodies:​Definitions and concepts: Drug
and Cosmetic Act 1940 and rules, The factories Act 1948, Environmental Protection Act. Contract Manufacturer,
Other Regulatory Bodies and their specific guidelines: US, Europe, Australia, Japan and India.

1. Understanding, Managing and Implementing Quality: Frameworks, Techniques and Cases, By Jiju Antony; David
Preece, Routledge, 2002
2. Quality Assurance Guide by organization of Pharmaceutical Procedures of India, 3rd revised edition, Volume I &
II, Mumbai, 1996.
3. Quality Assurance of Pharmaceuticals- A compendium of Guidelines and Related materials Vol I & II, 2nd edition,
WHO Publications, 1999.
4. ICH guidelines
5. ISO 9000 and total quality management 115.

Course Code: BTE2710 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
The goal is to introduce students to biotechnology and tools that enable engineers and process scientists to connect
innovations in industrial microorganisms and bioprocess unit operations to the engineering fundamentals,
fundamentals of systems biology, and biological tools for design, modeling and evaluation of manufacturing
facilities for the production of biofuels, bioproducts and biotherapeutics using a case study approach combined with
computer modeling.

Course Contents: 40 Lectures

​Module I: Biomass Sources, Characteristics & Preparation (6L)
Biomass Sources and Classification. – Chemical composition and properties of different biomass materials and
bio-fuels – Sugar cane molasses and other sources for fermentation ethanol-Sources and processing of oils and fats
for liquid fuels- Energy plantations
-Preparation of woody biomass: Size reduction, Briquetting of loose biomass, Drying, Storage and Handling of

Module II: Biogas, Technology (10L)

Feedstock for biogas production, Aqueous wastes containing biodegradable organic matter, animal residues-.
Microbial and biochemical aspects- Operating parameters for biogas production Kinetics and mechanism - Dry and
wet fermentation. Digesters for rural application-High rate digesters for industrial waste water treatment.

Module III: Bio-Ethanol and Bio-Diesel Technology (7L)

Production of Fuel Ethanol by Fermentation of Sugars. Gasohol as a Substitute for Leaded Petrol. -
Trans-Esterification of Oils to Produce Biodiesel.

Module IV: Pyrolysis and Gasification of Biomass (10L)

Thermo-chemical conversion of ligno-cellulose biomass – Biomass processing for liquid fuel production - Pyrolysis
of biomass-Pyrolysis regime, effect of particle size, temperature, and products obtained.
Thermo-chemical gasification principles: Effect of pressure, temperature and of introducing steam and oxygen.
Design and operation of Fixed and Fluidized Bed Gasifiers.

Module V: Combustion of Biomass and Cogeneration Systems (7L)

Combustion of Woody Biomass: Theory, Calculations and Design of Equipment. Cogeneration in Biomass
Processing Industries. Case Studies: Combustion of Rice Husk, Use of Bagasse for Cogeneration.

1. Biogas Systems: Principles and Applications by K.M. Mital, New Age International Publishers (p) Ltd.,
2. Biomass Energy Systems, by P. Venkata Ramana and S.N. Srinivas, Tata Energy Research Institute, New
Delhi, 1996.
3. Biogas Technology by Khandelwal K.C. and Mahdi, Tata McGraw-Hill pub. Co. Ltd., New Delhi
4. Advances in biogas Technology by O.P. Chawla, I.C.A.R., New Delhi. 1970.

Course Code: BTE2731 Credit Units: 02

A term (or review) paper is primarily a record of intelligent reading in several sources on a particular subject. The
students will choose the topic at the beginning of the session in consultation with the faculty assigned. The progress
of the paper will be monitored regularly by the faculty. At the end of the semester the detailed paper on the topic
will be submitted to the faculty assigned. The evaluation will be done by the Board of examiners comprising the


The procedure for writing a term paper may consist of the following steps:
1. Choosing a subject
2. Finding sources of materials
3. Collecting the notes
4. Outlining the paper
5. Writing the first draft
6. Editing & preparing the final paper

1. Choosing a Subject
The subject chosen should not be too general.
​2. Finding Sources of materials
a) The material sources should be not more than 10 years old unless the nature of the paper is such
that it involves examining older writings from a historical point of view.
b) Begin by making a list of subject-headings under which you might expect the subject to be listed.
c) The sources could be books and magazine articles, news stories, periodicals, scientific journals
​3. Collecting the notes
Skim through sources, locating the useful material, then make good notes of it, including quotes and
information for footnotes.
a) Get facts, not just opinions. Compare the facts with the author's conclusion.
b) In research studies, notice the methods and procedures, results & conclusions.
c) Check cross references.
4. Outlining the paper
a) Review notes to find main subdivisions of the subject.
b) Sort the collected material again under each main division to find sub-sections for outline so that
it begins to look more coherent and takes on a definite structure. If it does not, try going back and
sorting again for main divisions, to see if another general pattern is possible.
5. Writing the first draft
Write the paper around the outline, being sure that you indicate in the first part of the paper what it's the
purpose is. You may follow the following:
a) statement of purpose
b) main body of the paper
c) statement of summary and conclusion
Avoid short, bumpy sentences and long straggling sentences with more than one main idea.
6. Editing & preparing the final Paper
a) Before writing a term paper, you should ensure you have a question which you attempt to answer
in your paper. This question should be kept in mind throughout the paper. Include only
information/ details/ analyses of relevance to the question at hand. Sometimes, the relevance of a
particular section may be clear to you but not to your readers. To avoid this, ensure you briefly
explain the relevance of every section.
b) Read the paper to ensure that the language is not awkward, and that it "flows" properly.
c) Check for proper spelling, phrasing and sentence construction.
d) Check for proper form on footnotes, quotes, and punctuation.
e) Check to see that quotations serve one of the following purposes:
(i) Show evidence of what an author has said.
(ii) Avoid misrepresentation through restatement.
(iii) Save unnecessary writing when ideas have been well expressed by the original author.
f) Check for proper form on tables and graphs. Be certain that any table or graph is self-explanatory.
Make your own tables. Do not copy paste

Term papers should be composed of the following sections:

1. Title page
2. Table of contents
3. Abstract
4. Introduction
5. Review
6. Conclusion
7. References
8. Plagiarism report

Generally, the introduction and conclusion and bibliography part should account for a third of the
paper and the review part should be two thirds of the paper.

The conclusion is often thought of as the easiest part of the paper but should by no means be disregarded.
There are a number of key components which should not be omitted. These include:
a) summary of question posed
b) summary of findings
c) summary of main limitations of the study at hand
d) details of possibilities for related future research
From the very beginning of a research project, you should be careful to note all details of articles
The bibliography should contain ALL references included in the paper. References not included in the
text in any form should NOT be included in the bibliography.
The key to a good bibliography is consistency. Choose a particular convention and stick to this.
Crystal, D. (2001), Language and the internet. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Edited volumes
Gass, S./Neu, J. (eds.) (1996), Speech acts across cultures. Challenges to communication in a second
language. Berlin/ NY: Mouton de Gruyter.
[(eds.) is used when there is more than one editor; and (ed.) where there is only one editor. In German the
abbreviation used is (Hrsg.) for Herausgeber].
​Edited articles
Schmidt, R./Shimura, A./Wang, Z./Jeong, H. (1996), Suggestions to buy: Television commercials from
the U.S., Japan, China, and Korea. In: Gass, S./Neu, J. (eds.) (1996), Speech acts across cultures.
Challenges to communication in a second language. Berlin/ NY: Mouton de Gruyter: 285-316.
​Journal articles
McQuarrie, E.F./Mick, D.G. (1992), On resonance: A critical pluralistic inquiry into advertising rhetoric.
Journal of consumer research 19, 180-197.

Electronic book
Chandler, D. (1994), Semiotics for beginners [HTML document].Retrieved [5.10.'01] from the World
Wide Web,​ ​http://www.aber.ac.uk/media/Documents/S4B/​.
​Electronic journal articles
Watts, S. (2000) Teaching talk: Should students learn 'real German'? [HTML document].German as a
Foreign Language Journal [online] 1.Retrieved [12.09.'00] from the World Wide Web,​ ​http://www.gfl-
Other websites
Verterhus, S.A. (n.y.), Anglicisms in German car advertising. The problem of gender assignment [HTML
document].Retrieved [13.10.'01] from the World Wide Web,​ ​http://olaf.hiof.no/~sverrev/eng.html​.
​Unpublished papers
Takahashi, S./DuFon, M.A. (1989), Cross-linguistic influence in indirectness: The case of English
directives performed by native Japanese speakers. Unpublished paper, Department of English as a Second
Language, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Honolulu.
Unpublished theses/ dissertations
Möhl, S. (1996), Alltagssituationen im interkulturellen Vergleich: Realisierung von Kritik und
Ablehnung im Deutschen und Englischen. Unpublished MA thesis, University of Hamburg.
Walsh, R. (1995), Language development and the year abroad: A study of oral grammatical accuracy
amongst adult learners of German as a foreign language. Unpublished PhD dissertation, University
College Dublin.

Assessment Scheme:

To be filled by Guide (Continuous

To be filled by assigned examiner( Final Evaluation: 40%)
Evaluation: 60%)

Total 60M Total 40M

Grand Total
Relevance of Timely Language,Technical
Regularity Understanding Plagiarism report References
Topic submission writing, Content

20 M 20M 20M 10M 10M 10M 10M 100M



Course Code: BTE2837 Credit Units: 20


Research experience is as close to a professional problem-solving activity as anything in the curriculum. It provides
exposure to research methodology and an opportunity to work closely with a faculty guide. It usually requires the
use of advanced concepts, a variety of experimental techniques, and state-of-the-art instrumentation. Research is
genuine exploration of the unknown that leads to new knowledge which often warrants publication. But whether
or not the results of a research project are publishable, the project should be communicated in the form of a
research report written by the student. Sufficient time should be allowed for satisfactory completion of reports,
taking into account that initial drafts should be critiqued by the faculty guide and corrected by the student at each
stage.The File is the principal means by which the work carried out will be assessed and therefore great care should
be taken in its preparation.

In general, the File should be comprehensive and include

· A short account of the activities that were undertaken as part of the project;
· A statement about the extent to which the project has achieved its stated goals.
· A statement about the outcomes of the evaluation and dissemination processes engaged in as part
the project;
· Any activities planned but not yet completed as part of the project, or as a future initiative directly
resulting from the project;
· Any problems that have arisen that may be useful to document for future reference.

Thesis Writing Instructions:


Thesis includes the following sections:

● Title page
● Abstract (max 1 page)
● Acknowledgements (optional)
● Abbreviations and Definitions
● Index
● List of Tables
● List of Figures
● Introduction
● Review of Literature
● Materials and Methods
● Results & Discussion
● Summary and conclusions
● References
● Appendix

The following parameters are used:
● Page: A4, horizontal Text. Vertical Text can be used in case of tables/figures.
● Margins: all margins 2.5 cm
● Columns: single column
● Alignment: Align both edges of your text
● Page numbers: Centre bottom margin. Pages are counted from TITLE PAGE, but page numbers are shown
starting from Introduction. Page numbering starts from the beginning in each appendix.
● Font type and size: Times New Roman. Main text font size 12. Main headings CAPITAL, ​bold​, font size
14. The 1st category heading CAPITAL, ​bold ​and font size 12. The 2nd category and lower level headings
bold​, not caps, font size 12.
● Spacing: 1.5 (summary and references with spacing 1)
● Spaces: After chapters, headings, figures and tables, leave empty space so that layout of the text is clear and
consistent. Do not use indentations.
● Actual text starting from Introduction can be printed either one-sided or double-sided.


Tables and figures are meant to illustrate the results and as such shorten the text.
Tables/figures should contain the most important results.

When making figures/tables pay attention to:

● Always refer to table/figure in text.

● Tables/figures should fit to one page (this means no page breaks). Place the tables/figures close after to the
text that refers to the table/figure.
● Title of the table is placed on top of the table. Title of the figure is placed at the bottom of the figure. Title
should include all the information required to understand the figure/table.
● Tables/Figures are numbered by the order of appearance (both tables and figures have separate numberings
i.e. Table 1, Figure 1)
● All the variables should include the SI units.
● Tables and figures should be easy to read. In tables, the leftmost paragraph is used for the parameters or the
phenomenon studied. Observations are placed in different rows.
● Avoid unnecessary lines in the table. Avoid raster.
● If figures are illustrated black and white, pay attention to line types and raster. The differences should be
easy to see.
● Use appropriate programs for figures. Different figure types are presented in more detail in the following



● Title page is shown in appendix 1. Title page includes:
● Title of the work
● Author
● Name of the university and name of the department
● Month and year when published

The length of the abstract page is always 1 page.
Abstract is short, independent disquisition on the thesis. The purpose of the abstract is to briefly explain the purpose
of the work, what was studied, why it was studied, what the methods were and what the main results and
conclusions were. Abstract helps the reader to decide if the work should be read completely. As such it can give
information for readers who are not totally familiar with the subject.

4.3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (optional)

An acknowledgment is normally one page. The time and place of the performance of the work is mentioned together
with possible sponsors (if any) and the purpose of the work. If more people are involved, the role of them is
described at a general level. Also those persons and institutions who have been involved in the study should be
acknowledged. The supervisors and reviewers of the work should be acknowledged. Acknowledgment can be signed
by the author.

Contents include all the titles from acknowledgments, but not the first pages of the report. Pages are counted from
the title page, but page numbers are shown from the actual text (introduction). In text main chapters are separated
into separate pages. Chapters are numbered, indentation when the level of chapter is changing (chapters,
subchapters, sub-subchapters). Appendixes are listed, but the general title “Appendix” is neither numbered nor
included into the total number of pages. However, individual appendixes are numbered and titled. In the index, titles
are given in the same form as in the main text. Main chapters: capital letters, font size 14, bold. The first level
subchapters: capital letters font size 12, bold. From the second level onwards: not caps, font size 12, bold.

Introduction is normally 1-2 pages. The purpose of the introduction is to familiarize the reader to the subject of the
thesis. Introduction describes the most crucial background information related to the subject studied, including
research problems, the history and state of art of the subject in general level. Introduction is not a literature review,
and as such it is not required to refer to literature in it. Introduction is written in standard language, special terms and
abbreviation should be avoided. The last paragraph of the introduction includes the aims of the work condensed into
a few words. In short report no such paragraph is required. However, when literature review is long and the subject
is discussed widely in it, the aims of the work should be written down in more detail prior the materials and the


The purpose of the literature review is to give the reader a general idea concerning the subject of the thesis.
Literature review can cover the theory behind the research problem, the development of the theories, the occurrence
of the problem/phenomenon, the importance of the phenomenon, the factors affecting the phenomenon, the methods
used for studying the problem/phenomenon, and/or the guides, instructions, recommendations, limiting values.
Literature review should be planned carefully: all the subjects raised up in the literature review should have a clear
connection with the work reported in the thesis. The reader of the thesis should be able to piece together the
connection between the literature review and the work.

The structure of the literature review should be clear. All the subjects should be presented in logical order. The
structure can be formed from general overview to more detailed subjects or from historical development into the
present state of art and further to the future perspectives. Subtitles make the structure more clear. However, too
many subtitles make the structure fragmented and hard to follow. A general rule is that a subtitle should include at
least two paragraphs. Special attention should be paid on the division into paragraphs. Paragraphs with one or two
sentences can stress the message, but if used continuously they make text harder to read.


In this chapter all the materials and methods are described so that the study can be repeated if necessary. This
chapter can be rather long, since it includes detailed information concerning the analysis, analytical devices etc.
Using appropriate subchapters makes this chapter easier to read.
The selection criterion for the materials (or testee) is described​. ​Methods include the criteria for selecting such
methods and the suitability for the study, the principles, detection limits, sources of errors, quality control and
detailed description of the study performed. If the methods are described in detail in literature, only the essential
information is written and the reference is used. If the method is not followed completely, the differences from the
original methods are stated clearly. Research frames and/or the progression of the study are described using graph or
table if possible. The conditions and order used should be included in the description. In case many people are
involved, the distribution of the work can be indicated here. The statistical analyses used are described in this


Results are presented in logical order using subchapters. Raw data can be presented in appendix, if required. Results
should be given clearly, using illustrative figures/tables. The main results should be presented shortly in the text and
the related tables and figures following the text should be referred. The data given in the figure or table should not
be directly repeated in the text. The data is given either in figure or in table, not in both.

Discussion is the authors' interpretation from his/her results. It also includes comparison to previously published
data. In discussion the author gives the reader his ideas from the study performed. Author gives his/her opinions to
the reader. This is why it is important to make discussion accurate, with expertise. Though discussion includes the
author's opinions, all the opinions must be based on the results from the work or from the published results by the
others. Opinions that are not based on the results should not be presented.

Last paragraph of the discussion is the generalization. A successful study gives new observations and these
observations can be generalized to create new theories. The usability of the results should be explained, especially if
the report does not include separate conclusions.


Conclusions and summary should be presented in one chapter. In conclusions and summary the text is condense and
no references are given. The length of this chapter is max 1page. No individual results are given, but the
generalization and the importance of the results are explained. Each conclusion is given in a separate paragraph. The
importance and usability of the results, together with possible applications are explained. The possible effect on
studies in future is speculated. Author should clearly write down those conclusions he/she wants the reader to
remember from the study.


The bibliographical information from all the literature referred in the text must be presented.
This way the references can be identified and the original publications can be found. Text should include references
to the original publications used. References are shown also, when presenting tables/figures etc. collected from data
in publications.
There are several ways to organize the references. At Amity Institute of Biotechnology it is suggested to use the
following way.

In the so -called Harvard-system the references are listed in alphabetical order. All the references are given in text in
form "name of the author, year of publication, e.g. (Smith, 1997) or "According to Smith (1997)..." List of
references is organized in alphabetical order. If two or more references have the same authors, the references are
organized by the year of publication. If referred to the publications from the same author published in the same year,
the references are separated by small letters, e.g Smith 1997a and Smith 1997b).

In the reference list, line spacing is 1. Various references are separated from each other with one empty line without

List of references should include following information:

authors: last name and initial(s) of the first name(s)
publication year
title of the article
name of the journal (or official abbreviation)
volume of the journal, page numbers of the article

For Example
Voravuthikunchai SP, Lortheeranuwat A, Ninrprom T, Popaya W, Pongpaichit S, Supawita T. (2002). Antibacterial
activity of Thai medicinal plants against enterohaemorrhagic ​Escherichia coli ​O157: H7. ​Clin Microbiol Infect​, ​8
(suppl 1): 116–117.
authors and/or editors: last name and initial(s) of the first name(s)
publication year
title of the book
number of edition, if 2nd or later
publisher, place of publishing
If referred only to one section (chapter) of book, give the reference to authors
of the particular section/chapter, and include title of that chapter, and
authors/editors of the book, title of the book, page numbers, publisher, place of

For Example

Percival SL, Walker JT and Hunter PR. (2000). Microbiological aspects of biofilms and drinking water. CRC Press,
Boca Raton, FL.

Schneider T. (2000). Synthetic vitreous fibers. In: Spengler J.D., Samet J.M. and
McCarthy J.F. (eds.). The Indoor Air Quality Handbook, p. 391-399. McGraw-Hill,
New York.
Proceedings, e.g. in conference proceedings
Authors: last name and initial(s) of the first name(s)
publication year
Tile of the article
Editor(s); last name and initial(s) of the first name(s)
Name of the proceeding, volume, publisher. Also, information concerning
from where the publication can be found, e.g. the organization and its address.

For example:
Manninen AM, Holopainen T, Vuorinen M and Holopainen JK. (1999). Possible use of
mycorrhizas and host plant secondary metabolites for control of insect herbivores on
Scots pine. In: Lilja A and Sutherland Jr (eds.). Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of IUFRO Working Party 7.03.04
Diseases and Insects in Forest Nurseries. Suonenjoki, Finland. Finnish Forest Research Institute, Research Papers

Reports, standards, other official documents etc.

Authors: last name and initial(s) of the first name(s) or the organization that
made the report
publication year
Name of the report, and identification codes (register number, code, page numbers etc.)
Publisher, name and number of the series, organization published the report,
place of publication

For example:
Comité Européen de Normalisation (CEN). (1993). Workplace atmospheres – Size fraction definitions for
measurement of airborne particles (EN 481). Standard Brussels CEN.

​ ries
Scharf B. (2006). Long term effects of ozone depletion on anatomy and physiology of ​Eriophorum russeolum F
ex Hartm: a field experiment in Finnish Lapland. Diploma thesis, University of Osnabrück, Germany.

Letters, interviews, other unpublished or non-printed references are given according to the general instructions
concerning reference listing.
All the published material is written according to these instructions. Also electronic material is reported using the
same principles. Electronic material reference must include all the same information as the printed reference. The
format is then given in square brackets e.g. [online] or [CD-ROM]. URL address and date is mentioned when
referring to www pages. Be careful with special symbols. It is suggested that you print a copy for yourself from
electronic material (with date), if technically possible. By doing this, you can prove the existence of referred
material at least at that time.

For example:
IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer). 2007. Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks
to Humans: “Wood dust and formaldehyde”.
http://monographs.iarc.fr/ENG/Monographs/vol62/volume62.pdf. Accessed 14.9.2007.

Examination Scheme:

Guides Marks: 200

Guide Evaluation Criteria and Marks
Attendance (50M) Laboratory Skills (50M) Understanding the concept Literature Writing (50M)

Thesis Submission marks: 100

Thesis Evaluation Criteria and Marks

Lit Methodology Writing structure and style (30M)
Review (40M)

Final Presentation Marks: 200

Presentation Evaluation Criteria and Marks


Audibili Comma Concept Technical conclusio Data collection & PPT Viva
ty nd over Confiden understandi Knowledge n analysis (20M) (30M)
(10M) Languag ce ng (30M) (20M) (30M)
e (20M) (20M) (30M)

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