Heats Project, Group F Phase 1

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University of Technology, Jamaica

School of Engineering and Computing

Heat Transfer: Phase 1

Group F

Omari Bawn 17005516

Tahjay Grant 1804118
Demar King 1504262
Trishani Weller 1803795

28 February 2021

Lectures: Dr Paul Campbell

Mr Shanroy Dennis
INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 3
Problem Statement.................................................................................................................... 3
Theoretical Background ............................................................................................................... 3
Heat Pipe ................................................................................................................................. 3
Chosen material for heat pipe and Wick. ................................................................................ 3
Table 1: representing the physical properties of Water (H2O). .............................................. 4
Size of the heat pipe .................................................................................................................. 5
DETAILED DESIGN/METHODOLOGY ................................................................................. 5
Assumptions............................................................................................................................... 5
DIAGRAMS .................................................................................................................................. 6
Figure 1: showing heat transfer processes in the heat pipe. .................................................... 6
Figure 2: showing the schematic of thermal resistance in the heat pipe. ................................ 7
Pseudo Code & Flow Chart. .................................................................................................... 7
MATHEMATICAL MODEL ...................................................................................................... 9
Figure 3: showing the different layers in the composite heat pipe. ...................................... 10
Figure 4: showing heat entering the heat pipe as a composite cylinder................................ 11
Thermal circuit for heat pipe ................................................................................................. 11
Figure 5: showing thermal circuit in the heat pipe. .............................................................. 11
Figure 6: representing the thermal circuit for heat into the heat pipe. .................................. 12
Figure 7: representing the thermal circuit for heat leaving the pipe. .................................... 12
REFERENCES............................................................................................................................ 14

Problem Statement
This project entails the design and analysis of a cooling system for a Xiaomi Redmi Note 9S
smartphone. The overall cost of this system should not be greater than $100 and all materials
should be sourced from Amazon. The first phase of this projects requires:

• The design dissipate heat at a MINIMUM rate that prevents the temperature of the
circuit from rising above 60 °C under ambient summer tropical conditions.
• A suitable material is selected and the physical dimensions for the heat pipe allow for the
required heat transfer while fitting within the dimensions of the phone. The material
properties should also be stated.
• A suitable fluid is selected for heat transfer and its relevant thermal properties are stated
• A mathematical model, inclusive of all parameter, conditions and assumptions is
• A suitable pseudocode that would be used to solve the mathematical model is proposed.

Theoretical Background
Heat Pipe

A heat pipe is a two-phase transfer device that includes the use of a working fluid, an envelope
and a wick. The working fluid is vaporized by a heat input. The saturated vapor carrying the
latent heat of vaporization, flows towards the condenser section where it condenses and travel to
the evaporator by capillary action of the wick (Moran,2003).
A heat pipe is commonly recognized as an excellent heat transport device because of its ability to
continuously transport the latent heat of vaporization from the evaporator to the condenser with a
very small end-to-end temperature difference.

Chosen material for heat pipe and Wick.

The chosen material for the heat pipe is copper.

Copper has a high thermal conductivity which is needed in order for the heat pipe to work
effectively. The metal used as the envelop of the heat pipe will need to transfer heat to the
working fluid in order for the operations of the heat pipe to flow easily and smoothly.
Transferring heat in this operation is essential. The thermal conductivity of copper is
3.94Wcm/cm2 at 20oC.
Copper is also an affordable metal that is easily sourced.
Copper is also a ductile metal which means that it can be easily shaped. This property of copper
is particularly beneficial as the heat pipe may need to be flattened or installed as a curve to fit the
specifications of the cellphone.

Copper melts at 1083oC therefore hot water and steam do not soften or alter the shape of the
tube; high temperature does not shorten the life of the tube, and consequently the life of the
Selected Liquid: Water (H2O)
Product Specifications at 60 °C
Boiling Point (1atm) 100°C
Estimated Critical Temperature 373.9 °C
Estimated Critical Pressure 220.6 bars OR 22.06 MPa
Vapour Pressure 19.91 kPa
Vapour Density 0.13 kg/ m-3
Liquid Density 983.38 kg/m3
Dynamic Viscousity 4.540 × 10−7 kg/m.s
Specific Heat Capacity 4.066× 103 J/kg K
Thermal Conductivity 0.3761 [Btu(IT)/(h ft °F)]
Thermal Diffusivity 1.637 × 10−7m2s-1
Thermal Expansion Coefficient 3.002 × 10−3
Coefficient of Expansion 0.00156 ℃-1
Surface Tension 0.0662 N m-1
Prandtl number 2.822
Kinematic Viscousity 4.619× 10−7 m2/s
Liquid Thermal Conductivity 0.057 Wm-1°C-1
Conductivity, k 0.6540 W/m K
Dielectric Constant 1.75
Electrical Resistivity 1.0 × 1015 ohm cm

Table 1: representing the physical properties of Water (H2O).

Size of the heat pipe
The overall diameter of the heat pipe is 8mm. The envelop is 1mm in thickness, the wick is 1.5
mm in thickness while the diameter of the vapor chamber is 3mm. The length of the heat pipe is

To obtain an initial design of the heat pipe the following assumptions were made:
• Thermal contact resistance is negligible
• The heat transfer in the heat pipe is steady state
• There are constant properties


Figure 1: showing heat transfer processes in the heat pipe.

Figure 2: showing the schematic of thermal resistance in the heat pipe.

Pseudo Code & Flow Chart.


Heat In
Heat In

Working Fluid
Liquid to vapour

Vapour moves from

Evaporative region to
Adiabatic region

Adiabatic Region

Vapour heads to
Condensation Region

Liquid Liquid
Enters Enters
Wick Wick
Condensation Region
Vapour Condenses to
Liquid heads to wick
Hea Heat
t Out 8
%% The pseudo-code for heat pipe transfer components %%

// send processor temperature to Heat pipe

// send ambient temperature to heat pipe
Local Temperature = sum (heat transfer of processor and ambient) / 2

// send local temperature to evaporative region

evaporative region receive temperatue
% heat transfered to evopative region evaporates the working fluid
// perform evaporation on working fluid
// working fluid now in vapour

//send temperature to adiabatic region

// send vapour from adiabatic region to condensation region
condensation region receive temperature from adiabatic

Condenser condenses water into liquid

// send working fluid from condenser to Wick

polar attraction == working fluid + wick surface
move working fluid to evaporative region

Loop the process for heat transfer (heat transfer cycle)

heat transfer == loop


In order to analyze the heat transfer in a medium consisting of two or more layers, it is essential
to determine if the thermal contact resistance is significant or not. This can be calculated using
the formula Rc,insulation = 𝑘

Where L is the thickness of each layer and k is the thermal conductivity of the materials.
For this system, thermal contact resistance will be considered to be negligible because thermal
paste is used between the heat pipe and the processor along with the battery. Thermal paste
increases the contact surface between the above mentioned materials as it acts as a filler material
filling in some of the gaps on the microscopic level. Thermal paste is also a good conductor and
as such it increases the conductivity across the materials which means it reduces the thermal
contact resistance.
Boundary conditions
• Constant surface temperature
Tr1=Ts1 and Tr2=Ts2

• Constant surface heat flux

-k |x=0 = q”s
Convection surface condition (at the end of the pipe)
-k |x=0 = h[T∞ - T(0,t)]

In the heat pipe heat travels both in the radial direction (heat into the pipe and out of the pipe)
and axially (the vapor travelling through the pipe)
The heat equation for a cylindrical system with heat travelling in the radial and axial direction,
steady state and no heat generation is
1 ∂ kr ∂T ∂ ∂T
( ) + ∂z(h ∂z )
r ∂r ∂r

Solution of the heat equation for radial conduction in a cylinder without heat generation after
applying boundary conditions and Fourier’s law
Q= r2
ln⁡( )

Solution of the heat equation for axial convection in the cylinder without heat generation after
applying boundary conditions and Fourier’s law
Q= h2πrL(Ts1- T∞) where Ts is the inner surface and T∞ is the temperature of the bulk fluid (air)
Heat equation
Q= r2 + h2πrL(Ts1- T∞)
ln⁡( )

The heat pipe can be considered to be a composite cylinder with convection occurring at the core
and conduction occurring at the surface and through the wick and envelope. Bulk fluid in the
pipe is air

Figure 3: showing the different layers in the composite heat pipe.

Figure 4: showing heat entering the heat pipe as a composite cylinder.

Thermal circuit for heat pipe

Figure 5: showing thermal circuit in the heat pipe.

Thermal resistance for convection of a cylinder is where L is the length of the vapor
ln( )
Thermal resistance for conduction in a cylinder= 2πrkL

Figure 6: representing the thermal circuit for heat into the heat pipe.

Temperature from the battery and processor to the heat pipe is one dimensional, therefore,
thermal resistance =

Where L is the thickness of the processor or the length which the heat travels through
Since the circuit is a series circuit, the total resistance of the circuit is
r3 r2
𝐿 𝐿 ln( ) ln( ) 1
r2 r1
(kpAp+kbAb) + 2πkaLa+ +
2πkbLb hcπr1Lc

Figure 7: representing the thermal circuit for heat leaving the pipe.

The total resistance of heat flowing out of the heat pipe is
r1 r2
1 ln( ) ln( ) 1
r2 r3
+ + +
hcπr1Lc 2πkbLb 2πkaLa⁡ hdπr3Ld

Steady rate of heat loss from the pipe is therefore

Q= 𝑅𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙

Where 𝑇𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑛𝑒 = the temperature of the processor and the battery combined and 𝑇∞2 is the
temperature of the bulk fluid outside of the heat pipe where the heat gets deposited

The heat loss for the given pipe length can be determined by multiplying the quantity above by
the length of the pipe

The temperature drops across the pipe can be determined by

∆Tenvelope = Q̇Renvelope
∆Twick = Q̇Rwick
∆Tchamber= Q̇Rchamber

Campbell, P. (2021). Unit 2: Fourier’s Law and Heat Equation. [PowerPoint slides]. School of
Engineering and Computing, University of Technology, Jamaica.

Celsia. n.d. Heat Pipe | Technology, Working Priniciples, Wick Structures, Performance.
[online] Available at: https://celsiainc.com/technology/heat-pipe/

Cengel, Y. A. (2008), Introduction to Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer (2nd Ed.). Retrieved
from https://utechonline.utech.edu.jm/course/view.php?id=2284

How Heat Pipe Technology Works & Applications | FAQ. Retrieved February 2021, from

Moran, M.J. et.al (2003) Introduction to Thermal Systems Engineering Thermodynamics Fluid
Mechanics of Heat Transfer (1st Ed.)

Properties of copper - electrical and thermal condictivity - make it versatile. Retrieved 27

February 2021, from https://copperalliance.org.uk/about-copper/copper-alloys/properties-

Shahed, M., Saito, Y., & Takahashi, M. (2017). Retrieved 27 February 2021, from


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