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Human vs. AI: The battle for authenticity in fashion design and
consumer response
Garim Lee a, *, Hye-Young Kim b
Merchandising, Indiana University Bloomington, 117 Kirkwood Hall, 130 S Woodlawn Ave., Bloomington, IN, 47405, USA
Retail Merchandising, University of Minnesota, 240 McNeal Hall, 1985 Buford Ave., St. Paul, MN, 55108-6136, USA
Keywords: Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) empowers the AI design process. Then, how do consumers respond to AI-
Generative AI designed fashion products? Building on schema theory, this research investigated the extent to which AI-
AI-Assisted design designed clothing is perceived as authentic through three online experiments. Study 1 (n = 121) and Study 2
Schema theory
(n = 161) showed consumers generally respond more favorably to human-designed (vs. AI-designed) clothing,
AI customization
which is driven by perceived authenticity and expected product quality. Study 3 (n = 156) confirmed that
negative responses toward AI-designed clothing can be mitigated when consumers have the option to provide
input to customize the design because it enhances perceived authenticity. Study findings offer a theoretical
understanding of how and why consumers respond to AI-designed products and practical guidelines for retailers.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (G. Lee), (H.-Y. Kim).
Received 22 September 2023; Received in revised form 12 November 2023; Accepted 15 December 2023
Available online 22 December 2023
0969-6989/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Lee and H.-Y. Kim Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77 (2024) 103690
the three online experiments provide important theoretical and practical consumers are willing to pay more for AI-designed (vs. human-designed)
implications by enlightening why and how consumers form particular products because of curiosity. More recently, Pieconka (2023) found
responses to fashion products designed by AI, compared to human- that consumers are less willing to pay for AI-designed products because
designed (Study 1, Study 2) and AI customization (Study 3). Conse of little personal benefits from already finalized AI-designed products.
quently, the study findings offer implications for practitioners seeking
strategies to interact with consumers about generative AI usage in their
design process. 2.2. Schema theory
2. Literature review & hypotheses development This study draws from schema theory to conceptualize the effect of
design entity (AI vs. human) on consumer responses. Schema theory
2.1. AI in fashion design process explains that people categorize information in schemata, which are
memory-stored cognitive frameworks that represent the organization of
AI allows companies to collect and analyze massive amounts of sales their background knowledge or experience for specific domains (Fiske,
and consumer data. By leveraging such capabilities, companies utilize 1982). Schemata facilitate people’s decision-making processes as newly
various AI-powered techniques including virtual agents and personal incoming information is processed in an individual’s perception based
ized services to offer better customer experience (Alimamy and Kuhail, on existing schema (Bem, 1981). That is, people retrieve information
2023; Kim et al., 2023; Li et al., 2023; Yu et al., 2023). Furthermore, and categorize new input based on their expectations about a particular
generative AI creates new image-based outputs contingent on input data domain (Davvetas and Diamantopoulos, 2016; Sujan and Bettman,
or prompts, bringing about innovations in fashion design. GAN-based 1989). People may have schemata of AI that has a low ability to possess
models such as a Deep Convolutional GAN (DCGAN) can synthesize artistic intention and create artwork, which may affect their responses to
design sketches, garment patterns, and texture information to generate AI-created artwork (Chamberlain et al., 2018; Hong and Curran, 2019).
realistic design alternatives (Guo et al., 2023; Xian et al., 2018; Yan Consumers’ perceptions of products and brands are significantly
et al., 2022). After input data, such as previous company designs, affected by schemata (Davvetas and Diamantopoulos, 2016; Lee and
budget, materials, and design features, is entered, algorithms generate, Kim, 2022; Meyers-Levy and Tybout, 1989). When consumers view
evaluate, refine, and optimize design alternatives. The design outputs product information from retailers or brands, they use previously
can then be evaluated and regenerated by modifying the input data or accumulated relevant knowledge to interpret the information. The
fine-tuning the algorithm models. Fig. 1 illustrates the AI-assisted design activated schemata settle the initial configuration of defining or evalu
process. Fashion brands can use AI to produce new profitable designs ating the products or brands. When new product information is consis
with enhanced time and labor efficiency while identifying market trends tent with an individual’s preexisting schema, the information is easily
and patterns (Figoli et al., 2022; Harreis et al., 2023; Lee, 2022). processed and often leads to a basic sense of liking without evoking
While the studies on people’s perceptions of AI-generated creative fluctuating responses toward the product (Halkias and Kokkinaki,
works mainly focused on text-based or non-commercial arts (see Ap 2014). Similarly, an individual may assimilate or accommodate the in
pendix A for review), only a few studies have investigated how con formation which moderately diverges from the previous knowledge and
sumers respond to AI-designed fashion products. Some focused on modify existing schemata (Mandler, 1981), and such experiences can
consumer evaluation and attitude toward the products. In a seminal positively influence the evaluation of the stimuli (Meyers-Levy and
work, Lee (2022) confirmed that human-generated fashion design is Tybout, 1989). In contrast, new product or brand information that
more favorably evaluated than AI-generated design. Similarly, Xu and highly conflicts with one’s schema prevents the individual from being
Mehta (2022) demonstrated that consumers form more negative brand willing to accommodate and thus evokes reactance and negative eval
attitudes toward AI-designed (vs. human-designed) luxury products due uation (Boush and Loken, 1991; Halkias and Kokkinaki, 2014; Mandler,
to perceived brand essence, especially for fashion. Others focused more 1981).
on willingness to pay, resulting in mixed findings. Sohn et al. (2020) Using the schema theory as the theoretical base, the next sections
confirmed that young consumers are more willing to pay for describe consumers’ perceptions of AI as a design entity, which repre
GAN-generated fashion design. Zhang et al. (2022) found that sents discrepant information from people’s existing schemata. Specif
ically, the subsequent evaluations of the AI-designed clothing are
G. Lee and H.-Y. Kim Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77 (2024) 103690
proposed to be explained by perceived authenticity and expected quality judgments about the product (Rao and Monroe, 1989). Impor
product quality. tantly, research has found that consumers’ authenticity attribution
positively affects the quality perception of stimuli (Cinelli and LeBoeuf,
2.3. Perceived authenticity and consumer responses toward AI-designed 2020; Moulard et al., 2016). For example, Cinelli and LeBoeuf (2020)
clothing confirmed that the intrinsic motivation of a firm for producing products
increases anticipated product quality via perceived authenticity. Such a
This study proposes that information about design entity, either AI or relationship between perceived authenticity and product quality is
humans, serves as the critical determinant that affects perceived product attributed to the perception of quality commitment, which is one of the
authenticity. Authenticity is defined as what is genuine, real, true, and dimensions of perceived authenticity (Gilmore and Pine, 2007; Napoli
unique (Beverland and Farrelly, 2010; Moulard et al., 2014). Consumers et al., 2014). Consumers are likely to perceive higher authenticity from a
perceive specific levels of authenticity from products along various di product as they believe a quality commitment has been made to the
mensions, including product information, influencer characteristics, product. Consequently, perceived quality of the product is enhanced,
advertising messages, production methods, materials, origins, and con ultimately increasing positive consumer responses.
nections to firm value (Audrezet et al., 2020; Campagna et al., 2023; Extending such reasoning based on the literature to AI-designed
Newman and Dhar, 2014). When authenticity is perceived based on clothing, perceived authenticity and expected product quality are
whether a product is made with the appropriate techniques and pro likely to explain the negative responses to AI-designed fashion. The
cesses or whether a passionate creator makes a product, they are also product designed by genuine and passionate human designers compared
known as craft authenticity and artist authenticity (Littrell et al., 1993; to AI will be deemed to be of quality commitment in overall product
Moulard et al., 2014), respectively. For example, a souvenir product is design and thus more authentic. Given that the perceptions of dedication
perceived to be highly authentic if it is associated with uniqueness, to design are the critical determinant for assessing designed product
workmanship, artistry, aesthetics, and cultural and historical integrity. quality (Zhu et al., 2009), the clothing with a higher expected quality
Perceived authenticity has been found to positively affect consumer commitment will be considered to be high quality.
responses, such as overall product valuation (Newman and Dhar, 2014)
H3. Perceived authenticity and expected product quality will serially
and attitudes toward the products or brands and purchase intention
explain the negative responses to AI-designed (vs. human-designed)
(Carsana and Jolibert, 2018; Moulard et al., 2014; Napoli et al., 2014).
It is expected that the discrepancy between people’s preexisting
fashion design schema and AI (vs. humans) is large that perceived
2.5. The role of AI customization
authenticity is lowered from AI-designed fashion products than human-
designed ones. Fashion design has been conventionally considered a
How can consumers’ negative responses to AI-designed clothing be
human-dominant area. People expect fashion design elements to
mitigated? This study proposes that real-time customization in AI design
encompass designers’ intentions, knowhows, personal characteristics,
process will change the extent to which consumers perceive authenticity
and sophisticated skills (Lamb and Kallal, 1992). This implies that
from AI-designed clothing, and in turn, reduce negative responses. Based
fashion design schemata are associated with human work and charac
on the existing literature and available technologies (Aggarwal et al.,
teristics. In contrast, AI as a design entity in fashion represents the in
2020; Harreis et al., 2023; Yan et al., 2022), AI customization is
formation that highly conflicts with the existing schemata, considering
conceptualized as the process through which consumers provide input to
the long history of intersection between humans and fashion design
personalize their products in real-time based on particular design com
works and the relevant schemata. Generative AI is developed to create
ponents and AI generates designs to actualize customization accord
original content, but it is true that many people question the reliability
ingly. Mass customization in product design utilizes flexible
and authenticity of the output from AI (Bang et al., 2023; Harper, 2023),
computer-aided systems. The benefits of mass customization have
which potentially indicates low perceived authenticity. Because gener
been well documented. Key market performance metrics such as sales
ative AI is trained on data lakes and question snippets to create content
revenues and gross margin, as well as consumer evaluations, outperform
responding to prompts, the originality of the content creation is often
when product design pipelines encompass customer involvement
doubted (Appel et al., 2023). While no research empirically tested the
(Moreau and Herd, 2010; Nishikawa et al., 2013; Stevens et al., 2017).
authenticity perception of AI-generated design, Jago (2019) showed
Furthermore, a positive connection between personalization and
that algorithm-made decisions across domains are perceived to be low in
authenticity is speculated in that both draw favorable consumer atti
authenticity and sincerity and thus less favored, compared to human
tudes and intentions toward AI, as implied in the literature (Alimamy
decisions. Such a pattern is predicted to be amplified for fashion design
and Kuhail, 2023; Chu et al., 2022). For example, Alimamy and Kuhail
because fashion is especially considered to be the domain where the
(2023) found that both perceived authenticity and personalization of a
importance of the human touch cannot be overlooked. Thus, consumers
virtual assistant predict consumer commitment and trust. When it comes
will perceive higher authenticity from human-designed clothing
to AI design process, AI customization is likely to increase perceived
compared to AI-designed clothing, which enhance consumers’ favorable
authenticity by inducing the values of mass customization and enhanced
benefits of real-time personalization. Therefore, it is expected that the
H1. Consumers will form more favorable responses (i.e., attitude and negative effect of AI as a design entity on perceived authenticity will be
purchase intention) toward human-designed clothing than AI-designed alleviated by AI customization, consequently mitigating the negative
clothing. responses to AI-designed clothing.
H2. Perceived authenticity will explain the negative responses to AI- H4. AI customization will mitigate the negative effect of AI as design
designed (vs. human-designed) clothing. entity on consumer responses (i.e., attitude and purchase intention).
2.4. Perceived authenticity and expected product quality 3. Research model & overview of the studies
If perceived authenticity on the basis of one’s schemata of AI explains Fig. 2 presents the research model along with an overview of the
why consumers would respond differently to human-designed versus AI- studies and the variables tested. This study adopted a quantitative
designed clothing, consumer expectations of product quality will likely approach, and three online experiments were conducted to test the hy
serve as the second serial mediator. Consumers rely on extrinsic signals potheses. As a scenario-based experiment using real brand names, Study
such as product information, warranty, or brand reputation to make 1 examined the main assumptions of this research by testing whether
G. Lee and H.-Y. Kim Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77 (2024) 103690
design entity (AI vs. human) affects product attitude and purchase 4. Study 1
intention (H1) and whether perceived authenticity mediates such an
effect (H2). Study 2 replicated Study 1 using stimuli of a product image 4.1. Methods
and a fictitious brand name. Further, Study 2 examined whether
perceived authenticity and expected product quality serially explain the 4.1.1. Study design and procedure
effects of design entity (H3). Lastly, Study 3 explored the role of AI A scenario-based online experiment was conducted where design
customization by testing whether AI design process with versus without entity (AI vs. human) and two brand replicates were entered as between-
customization features affects product attitude, brand attitude, and subject factors. One hundred and forty-two U.S. participants were
purchase intention (H4). The mediations of perceived authenticity (H2) recruited from Amazon Mturk. After deleting those who failed multiple
and the authenticity–product quality chain (H3) explaining the miti qualification and attention check questions, 121 participants remained
gating effect of AI customization were also tested in Study 3. The study for further analysis (Mage = 38.84, SDage = 11.59; 66.9% male; see
design, data analysis, results, and discussion of each study are described Appendix B and C for details). Once participants agreed to participate in
below. the study, they were randomly given one of the four shopping scenarios
Table 1
Measurement items.
Item Content Study 1 Study 2 Study 3
Note. 1Study 1; 2Study 2; 3Study 3; *reversed and deleted in Study 2 due to low factor loading.
All factor loadings were significant at 0.001 level.
G. Lee and H.-Y. Kim Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77 (2024) 103690
4.2. Results Study 1 confirmed that consumers more favorably respond to and are
slightly more willing to purchase clothing designed by humans than by
4.2.1. Measurement testing AI (H1). Such an effect was significant across the brand replicates in
The validity and reliability of the measurement were tested by Study 1. Also, Study 1 provided initial evidence for the mediating effect
confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with maximum-likelihood estimation of perceived authenticity (H2). Compared to human-designed clothing,
using SPSS AMOS. The measurement model fit was adequate (χ2 = AI-designed clothing was perceived to be less authentic, which led to
78.86, df = 49; χ2/df = 1.61; CFI = 0.98; NNFI = 0.97; RMSEA = 0.07; lowered product attitude and purchase intention. As a scenario-based
SRMR = 0.03). Construct validity was confirmed as all standardized study using real brands was conducted in Study 1, Study 2 utilizes
factor loadings were high and significant at a p-value of .001 (see product image stimuli and a fictitious brand.
Table 1). Discriminant validity was achieved as all average variance
extracted (AVE) of the constructs were larger than the squared corre 5. Study 2
lations. Cronbach’s alpha (α>0.91) and composite reliability (CR>0.92)
were larger than the general threshold of 0.70, supporting reliability. 5.1. Methods
The results of measurement model testing are in Appendix E.
5.1.1. Study design and procedure
4.2.2. Effect of design entity A single-factor (design entity: AI vs. human) between-subject online
SPSS version 29.0 was used for statistical analysis throughout the experiment was conducted. One hundred and eighty U.S. participants
research. A p-value at the level of 0.05 was considered to be significant. were recruited from Amazon Mturk. After deleting those who failed the
Participants perceived Louis Vuitton as more luxurious (M = 6.52 vs. multiple attention check questions, 161 participants remained for
4.34; t = 7.07, p < .001) and more reputational (M = 6.23 vs. 5.61; t = further analysis (Mage = 36.88, SDage = 10.69; 67.7% male; see Ap
2.95, p = .004) than H&M. No differences were found in brand attitude pendix B and C). Similar to Study 1, shopping scenarios manipulated the
(p = .126) and brand familiarity (p = .575) between the two brands. design entity. Participants were randomly given one of the two shopping
Thus, the two real brands were appropriate to be used for brand scenarios, viewed a product image, and completed the questionnaire.
G. Lee and H.-Y. Kim Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77 (2024) 103690
The scenario asked them to imagine that they found a sweater designed 5.2. Results
by either Artificial Intelligence (AI) or fashion designers online. Again, a
sweater was used in the study based on the suggestions of the past 5.2.1. Measurement testing
literature and the results of pretest (DeLong et al., 1986; see 4.1.1 The measurement model fit was adequate (χ2 = 212.61, df = 125; χ2/
above). The questionnaire and a diagrammatic representation of study df = 1.701; CFI = 0.97; NNFI = 0.96; RMSEA = 0.07; SRMR = 0.05; see
procedure are available in Appendix D. Appendix E). Construct validity was confirmed as the factor loadings
were high and significant at a p-value of .001 (see Table 1). Discriminant
5.1.2. Stimuli validity was achieved as all AVE values of the constructs were larger
An identical product image was given to participants across the study than the squared correlations. Cronbach’s alpha (α>0.85) and com
conditions to ensure testing of the causal effect of design entity. A pretest posite reliability (CR>0.88) supported measurement reliability.
(n = 72; Mage = 33.75, SDage = 10.38; 65.3% male; see Appendix C) was
conducted on Amazon Mturk to select appropriate product image stimuli 5.2.2. Effect of design entity
and fictitious brand name. The pretest questionnaire is available in MANCOVA was performed with brand familiarity, perceived threats
Appendix D. The pretest consisted of two parts. Participants were told from AI, and product involvement as covariates. All three covariates
they would see multiple brand names and products and give their showed significant correlations with at least one dependent variable and
opinions about them. First, participants were given a list of six fictitious showed a significant effect (brand familiarity, product involvement: p <
brand names which were created using an online fake brand name .001; perceived threats: p = .040). The statistical assumptions of the
generator. For each brand name, brand attitude and brand familiarity methods used were met (see Appendix F). The main effect of design
were measured using single-item scales: “To what extent do you feel entity was significant (Pillai’s Λ = 0.09, Wilks’ λ = 0.90, p = .012, η2 =
positive or negative about these fashion brand names?” (1 = Extremely 0.09). The results were generally sustained sans covariates, showing
negative–7 = Extremely positive) and “To what extent are you familiar minimal changes in statistics values1 (see Appendix G). Participants
with the following fashion brand names?” (1 = Extremely unfamiliar–7 = perceived higher authenticity from the human-designed (vs. AI-
Extremely familiar). Next, participants viewed four clothing images in designed) sweater (MAI = 5.19 vs. Mhuman = 5.60; F = 8.80, p = .003,
random order: pique shirt, sweater, shirt, and jacket. For each product η2 = 0.06), consistent with Study 1 results. Compared to the AI-designed
image, product attitude was measured using three-item semantic dif sweater, the human-designed sweater was perceived to be of marginally
ferential scales: negative–positive, dislikable–likable, and bad–good significantly higher quality (MAI = 5.52 vs. Mhuman = 5.75; F = 3.49, p =
(0.85<α<0.90). .064, η2 = 0.02). Participants in the human-designed condition formed
A fictitious brand name ‘Camource’ were chosen because partici more favorable attitudes toward the sweater (MAI = 5.02 vs. Mhuman =
pants showed relatively neutral attitudes toward the brand name (M = 5.39; F = 4.94, p = .028, η2 = 0.03) and the brand (MAI = 4.93 vs.
4.56, SD = 1.45) and low brand familiarity (M = 4.26, SD = 1.88), Mhuman = 5.27; F = 4.20, p = .042, η2 = 0.03). No significant difference
compared to other brand names. Next, a sweater image was selected as was found in purchase intention between the human-designed and the
final because participants showed neutral attitudes toward the sweater AI-designed conditions (p = .837). Thus, H1 was partially supported for
compared to other products (M = 4.92, SD = 1.47). product attitude and brand attitude, but not for purchase intention.
G. Lee and H.-Y. Kim Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77 (2024) 103690
6. Study 3
Table 2
Study 2 indirect effects.
6.1. Methods
Paths b 95% bootstrap CI
G. Lee and H.-Y. Kim Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77 (2024) 103690
common method bias (total variance extracted: 34.70%). indicating that the effects of AI design process are partially mediated by
perceived authenticity and the authenticity–product quality chain.
6.1.4. Covariates Thus, H3 is supported in the context of AI design process.
Similar to Study 2, brand familiarity (α = 0.98), perceived threats
from AI (α = 0.92), and product involvement (α = 0.95) were measured 6.3. Discussion
as the potential covariates using the same measurements.
Study 3 confirmed the role of AI customization in mitigating the
6.2. Results negative effect of AI as design entity by comparing AI versus AI cus
tomization (H4). Participants’ negative attitudes and purchase in
6.2.1. Measurement testing tentions toward AI-designed clothing were mitigated when they
The measurement model fit was adequate (χ2 = 264.01, df = 141; χ2/ provided their input to customize the product design. While expected
df = 1.872; CFI = 0.97; NNFI = 0.96; RMSEA = 0.07; SRMR = 0.05; see product quality did not differ, Study 3 confirmed the mediation of
Appendix E). Construct validity was confirmed as the factor loadings perceived authenticity (H2) and the serial mediation of perceived
were high and significant at a p-value of .001 (see Table 1). Discriminant authenticity and expected product quality (H3) when comparing AI
validity was achieved as all AVE values of the constructs were larger versus AI customization. In line with Study 2, the mediation of perceived
than the squared correlations. Cronbach’s alpha (α>0.88) and com authenticity remained significant when the perceived authenticity–
posite reliability (CR>0.88) supported measurement reliability. product quality chain was entered. Unexpectedly, the direct effect of AI
design process on the responses was found to be significant, suggesting
6.2.2. Effect of AI design process that a third factor may explain such a relationship. The following sec
There were no differences in perceived automation between the two tions present a general discussion of the study findings along with
study conditions (p = .487). Compared to those in the AI condition, theoretical and practical implications.
participants in the AI customization condition believed more that the
sweater was designed with customization (M = 2.62 vs. 5.13; t = -11.31, 7. General discussion
p < .001). Thus, the manipulation of AI design process was successful.
MANCOVA was performed with brand familiarity, perceived threats The huge progress in generative AI, an algorithm-based computer
from AI, and product involvement as covariates. The three covariates system that enables new content creation, is clearly bringing revolutions
showed significant correlations with at least one dependent variable and to retail and consumer environment. Companies adopt AI-assisted
showed a significant effect (perceived threats, product involvement: p < product design processes to optimize overall operations and improve
.001; brand familiarity: p = .003). The statistical assumptions were met efficiency while better meeting market demand. To provide a theory-
(see Appendix F). The main effect of the AI design process was signifi based understanding of AI-designed clothing from the consumer psy
cant (Pillai’s Λ = 0.18, Wilks’ λ = 0.82, p < .001, η2 = 0.18). The results chology perspective, this study investigated how consumers respond to
were generally sustained sans covariates, showing minimal changes in AI-designed fashion products, focusing on clothing.
statistics values2 (see Appendix G). Participants in the AI customization The findings indicate that consumers generally form negative re
(vs. AI) condition perceived higher authenticity (MAI = 3.91 vs. MAI sponses to AI-designed (vs. human-designed) clothing. This pattern is
2 attributed to low perceived authenticity from AI, which is based on the
custom = 4.32; F = 4.81, p = .030, η = 0.03). Also, participants in the AI
customization (vs. AI) condition formed higher product attitude (MAI = large discrepancy between consumers’ preexisting fashion design
3.84 vs. MAIcustom = 4.70; F = 12.65, p < .001, η2 = 0.08), purchase schema and AI. Further, the authenticity–product quality chain also
intention (MAI = 2.52 vs. MAIcustom = 3.87; F = 29.79, p < .001, η2 = explains consumer responses to fashion products designed by AI versus
0.17), and brand attitude (MAI = 4.05 vs. MAIcustom = 4.65; F = 9.18, p = humans. AI versus humans as design entity does not always lead to
.003, η2 = 0.06). Expected product quality between the two conditions significantly different expected product quality. Still, they serially
did not differ (p = .353). Thus, H4 was supported for all variables except explain the effect on consumer responses because perceived authenticity
for expected quality. positively affects expected product quality. Finally, the findings confirm
the role of AI customization. Although consumers form negative bias
6.2.3. Mediation regarding the authenticity of AI-designed clothing, such bias against AI-
PROCESS Model 4 was performed with brand familiarity, perceived assisted design processes can be attenuated through the option to
threats from AI, and product involvement as covariates. The indirect customize their own product design. Consequently, consumers’ attitudes
effects of the AI design process through perceived authenticity were and purchase intentions toward clothing designed through AI custom
significant on product attitude (b = 0.32, CI = [0.0362, 0.6244]), pur ization become more positive compared to non-AI-customization.
chase intention (b = 0.28, CI = [0.0334, 0.5444]), and brand attitude (b Perceived authenticity increased through AI customization in turn im
= 0.28, CI = [0.0261, 0.5465]). Thus, the mediation of perceived proves expected product quality, making them serially explain the effect
authenticity was confirmed in the context of AI design process. of AI customization.
Model 6 was performed to test the serial mediation. Fig. 4 and
Table 3 shows the results of the serial mediation analysis. The indirect 7.1. Implications
effects of AI design process through perceived authenticity and expected
quality were significant on product attitude (b = 0.06, CI = [0.0015, This study contributes to the literature by providing theoretical im
0.1445]), purchase intention (b = 0.06, CI = [0.0032, 0.1488]), and plications on consumer responses to fashion products designed through
brand attitude (b = 0.07, CI = [0.0067, 0.1639]). The sole mediation of the AI-assisted process. First, this study helps advance the knowledge of
perceived authenticity still remained large and significant for all three AI-assisted design processes in the consumer environment by demon
dependent variables. In addition, the direct effects of AI design process strating consumers’ negative biases against to AI-designed (human-
on the responses were significant after specifying the serial mediations, designed) clothing. These findings align with the studies that human-
generated (vs. AI-generated) fashion design is more favorably evalu
ated (Lee, 2022; Xu and Mehta, 2022). Furthermore, extending the
The differences in perceived authenticity of the sweater designed by AI findings to marketing outcomes, the current study found that the
versus AI customization were significant when including covariates (p = .030) negative responses to AI-designed clothing may or may not impact sales
but marginal excluding covariates (p = .073). The authors interpret the results revenue by lowering purchase intention. These findings have the po
controlling for covariates to rule out the effects of covariates. tential to describe the discrepancy in the literature that consumers form
G. Lee and H.-Y. Kim Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77 (2024) 103690
G. Lee and H.-Y. Kim Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77 (2024) 103690
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