Problems 1

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Republic of the Philippines


The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 local 2121 / 2221
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Engineering – Department of Civil Engineering

CE 416: Fundamentals of Transportation Engineering

Quiz #1
Name: _______________________________________________ Score: _________________
SR-Code/Section: ______________________________________ Date:__________________

Direction: Answer the following problems. Box your final answer and round
it off to two decimal places. Complete solutions are required.

1. The travel times of six vehicles traveling a one kilometer segment of

South Luzon Expressway is as follow:

Vehicle Time
A 1 min 24 sec
B 1 min 5 sec
C 1 min 16 sec
D 58 sec
E 1 min 2 sec
F 1 min 9 sec
Table I. Travel time of each vehicle

a. Determine the spot speed and harmonic mean speed in kph. (5 pts.)
b. If 1500 vehicles passes the said segment in one hour, what is the
traffic density in vehicles per kilometer? (5 pts.)

2. Using a surveillance camera, 18 vehicles were observed within 375 m

section of the innermost lane of the North Luzon Expressway. Determine the
traffic density of the innermost lane. Also, estimate the average spacing of
these vehicles. (5 pts.)

3. Estimate the capacity of a given highway with density equal to 114 veh/km
during jam condition and with a speed of 85 kph during free flow condition.
Assume a linear relation between density and speed. (5 pts.)

4. A census was done within a town at Batangas to determine the number of

trips per household size by auto ownership. The data obtained from such
survey are presented in Table IIa. A forecasted number of household and auto
ownership in a study zone inside the town are presented in Table IIb.
Solve for: a. Trip rates by auto ownership and household size (5 pts.)
b. Total number of trips generated in study zone (5 pts.)

0 1 2 3

HH Trips HH Trips HH Trips HH Trips


1 87 244 142 736 257 1950 565 4941

2 125 331 444 1295 423 3051 412 6007
3 66 188 834 2207 445 3133 122 4079
Table IIa. Household size, auto ownership, number of trips in a town at Batangas

0 1 2 3

1 9 18 25 40

2 16 35 49 32
3 37 92 44 11
Table IIb. Household size, auto ownership inside the study zone

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

5. A town at Batangas has been divided into three traffic zones. An origin-
destination survey was conducted earlier this year and yielded the number of
trips between each zone. Travel times between zones were also determined.
Provide a trip distribution calculation using the gravity model.
Assume Kij = 1.15. (10 pts.)

Zone 1 2 3 Total
Trip 355 144 301 800
Trip 292 272 236 800
Table IIIa. Number of Productions and Attractions in each Zone

Travel Time between Zones (min)

Zone 1 2 3
1 5 7 2
2 7 4 6
3 2 6 1
Table IIIb. Zone’s Travel Time (min)
Table IIIc. Travel Time versus F
Prepared by:

Engr. Harold Loyd Ilustrisimo

CE 416 Instructor

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