This paper describes a new tool called the Factory Layout Planner (FLP) which is meant to speed up the factory design process and facilitate cooperation between those involved. The FLP provides both 3D and discrete event simulation capabilities to help find the optimal solution faster. It aims to simplify factory layout, foster collaboration, improve the human-computer interface, and reduce time to production of new layouts.
This paper describes a new tool called the Factory Layout Planner (FLP) which is meant to speed up the factory design process and facilitate cooperation between those involved. The FLP provides both 3D and discrete event simulation capabilities to help find the optimal solution faster. It aims to simplify factory layout, foster collaboration, improve the human-computer interface, and reduce time to production of new layouts.
This paper describes a new tool called the Factory Layout Planner (FLP) which is meant to speed up the factory design process and facilitate cooperation between those involved. The FLP provides both 3D and discrete event simulation capabilities to help find the optimal solution faster. It aims to simplify factory layout, foster collaboration, improve the human-computer interface, and reduce time to production of new layouts.
This paper describes a new tool called the Factory Layout Planner (FLP) which is meant to speed up the factory design process and facilitate cooperation between those involved. The FLP provides both 3D and discrete event simulation capabilities to help find the optimal solution faster. It aims to simplify factory layout, foster collaboration, improve the human-computer interface, and reduce time to production of new layouts.
Paolo Pedrazzoli(c), Diego Rovere(d) (a) (b) Technology Transfer System s.r.l., Milano, Italy (c) (d) SUPSI-ICIMSI, Manno, Switzerland (a), (b) (c), (d)
ABSTRACT difficult, so it is best to get it right the first time (Meyers
This paper describes a new tool, named Factory Layout and Stephens, 2000). Planner (FLP). The FLP is meant to speed up the Thus a need for a new factory planning tool, easy factory design process and to facilitate the cooperation to use and understand for all the involved actors, is of heterogeneous actors usually involved in the design, becoming more and more pressing. 3D technology is simulation and analysis of future or existing layouts. mandatory for such a tool because 3D models look The idea is to provide an innovative environment where realistic, provide a better understanding of space people can perform the aforementioned activities in a requirements and can be animated to show the physical natural, comfortable and creative way, without any flow of materials. Users can have a 360 degrees view of constraints. In the vision of the authors, this the new factory layout and they can easily see how requirement points to the massive use of 3D technology factory objects interact, to detect the weakness of the supported by a new human-computer interaction layout and to reduce the interpretation errors. solution based on the multi-touch paradigm. The FLP Another key feature is represented by the provides both 3D and discrete event simulation simulation technology, both 3D and discrete event, that capabilities, that are key enabling technologies in promotes more informed decisions, before any speeding up the layout planning process and in finding equipment is installed (Boër et al., 1993). out the desired solution. A simple test case is reported Last but not less important, the way to interact with to demonstrate the industrial applicability of the FLP. this tool should be very intuitive, quick and natural because several actors, with different skills, are Keywords: layout planning, multi-touch system, 3D involved in this strategic process. and discrete event simulation. Keeping in mind this context, the Factory Layout Planner (FLP) was developed with the main aims: 1. INTRODUCTION Manufacturing facilities are one of the most important 1. To accelerate and simplify the factory layout strategic elements of a business enterprise. They are process by creating accurate factory 3D models. expensive and their lifespan is some decades. A 2. To foster the effective collaboration between properly designed plant layout is an important source of teams. competitive advantage (Quartermann et al, 1996). 3. To facilitate the human computer interaction. Planning a factory layout involves deciding where 4. To reduce the time to production of new layouts. to put all the facilities, machines, equipment and staff in the manufacturing operation and the way in which This paper describes the main modules and materials and other inputs (like people and information) technologies used in developing the FLP. It is organized flow through the operations. as follows: section 2 presents a state of the art about Traditionally, factory design processes are prone to factory layout planning tools; section 3 describes, in error (Ding et al, 2010). Relatively, small changes in the details, the architecture and the applications composing position of a machine in a factory layout can affect the FLP; section 4 provides a real test case and considerably the flow of materials. This, in turn, conclusions follow. impacts on the costs and effectiveness of the overall manufacturing operation. Therefore, any mistake can 2. STATE OF THE ART lead to inefficiency, inflexibility, large volumes of The state of the art in 3D factory layout planning and inventory and work in progress, high costs and unhappy simulation for discrete manufacturing is represented by customers. Changing a layout can be expensive and some big software solutions, generally, classified as PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) that provide a support from the product to the process design and • To provide 3D and discrete event simulation management. in a smart way. The major references are: Dassault Systemes – • To guarantee a natural interaction. Delmia and Siemens - Tecnomatix, which support both • To allow the collaboration between different layout design and simulation and integrate modules for actors also remotely placed. task programming and production process management. • To interface with other CAD systems. These suites require technical capabilities, training • To provide some basic drawing functions. courses, changes in the mindset of the involved people, changes in the processes and, sometimes, in the The next paragraph will describe in details the company organization that can discourage small or innovative aspects of the FLP. medium enterprises. Another popular suite is Autodesk – Factory design suite, that allows integrating 2D layout 3. FLP OVERVIEW data with 3D models, but here the simulation feature is The FLP is not a single program but a suite of still missing and it requires people with some CAD applications built on top of a set of common libraries. skills. Finally, Visual Components supports 3D These applications are targeted at different users and components programming and assembly for an easy contexts and can speak with each other, share layout design, while simulation requires some specific documents and data thanks to the client/server programming competences. architecture. The main common libraries are: On the market, there are other small solutions more oriented to discrete event simulation but with some 1. The collaborative engine, that allows multiple features meant to support 3D animation. A first example users to act at the same time on the same is Flexsim simulation, that allows to drag and drop 3D layout in a local or distributed environment. objects, but requires consistent programming 2. The 3D visual engine, that provides the user capabilities. Another example is Arena, where a “look- interface to edit the layout. like 3D” layout creation is supported by an additional 3. The simulation engine, that enables to perform module. Last we mention Simio, that allows to generate discrete event simulation (DES) on the layout 2D and again “look-like 3D” layouts. For those tools, that the user is composing. simulation is focused only on the 2D objects. And again all these tools require skill and know-how in simulation The FLP suite and its main technologies are modelling and programming. described in the following subsections. Several research works have been proposed over the last decades addressing the benefits of using 3.1. FLP architecture simulation during the design of new layouts for discrete The FLP is based on a two-level architecture with a fat manufacturing (Avai et al., 2011, Kyle et al., 2008, client: the server is mainly a synchronization manager Voorhorst et al., 2008). Some of them describe the and a repository. The documents are required data (e.g. development of specific applications to facilitate the use catalogue of available components, results of of such models or the results' interpretations (Fagent et simulations) and are stored on the server. The client al., 2005). While Mert (Mert, 2005) investigated how applications can connect to the server to get all the simulation helps in finding out the most performing needed data and to edit the layout. The used protocol new layout when different techniques and principles are was optimized to minimize network traffic and to be applied. tolerant of network delay, allowing a seamless remote Additionally, the factory layout planning is editing experience. The FLP server is targeted at IT considered in several European projects. “EuroShoe” staff and should run on server computers. project studied “ad hoc” solution for mass customized Thanks to client/server architecture, the production plants; “Difac” (Digital Factory for Human collaboration on the layout planning can be both remote Oriented Production) was focused on the planning of and local. While the first allows users, distributed all generic manufacturing factories and “Eupass” over the world, to cooperate in the layout creation, the (Evolvable Ultra-Precision Assembly Systems) dealt latter allows users to act on the same device at the same with the layout configuration of a work cell. time on a common model. FLP should inspire the creativity of the team as well, because, according to Harron (Harron et al., 2008) 3.2. FLP Desktop the design of a new layout requires both art and This is the main application targeted at the users who technology. It’s not only an application of technology, design, refine layouts or perform 3D and discrete event but it’s also a creative process. simulation. It is mostly composed by a catalogue The main features of the FLP can be described as browser and a 3D editing window. Clearly, the 3D follows: components’ models can be imported from a CAD system and saved in the catalogue. Each company can • To allow planning all the components in a create its own catalogue. With very simple operations, comfortable, intuitive and creative way. such as drag-and-drop or copy-and-paste, users can place layout elements, features and equipment in the 3D editing window on a user-defined grid, dragging them The layout editing in the traditional CAD systems from the catalogue. They can also add columns, doors, is generally targeted towards the needs of technicians to windows, fences, etc., in order to recreate the actual prepare the executive drawings. The FLP is meant to be available space and to organize it in the best way. The used by a wider range of end users with different aims. “snap to 3D grid” allows users to place equipments For instance, when a user places a component on the easily. All the components in the catalogue are grid, it should connect itself with the nearest parametric, enabling re-shaping at the time of components if needed, and it should communicate with placement. The 3D editing window provides advanced the others. In this way, the material flow is generated in capabilities, such as: direct manipulations, move, an automatic way: the components are animated in alignment, mirroring, offset from object and snap in order to visualize their paths as well as their machining. order to speed up the process of creating a first layout This gives a visual cue of how the layout will work, and rapidly change the space organization when the both for technical analysis and commercial factory layout evolves. presentations. Moreover, users can define the material flows and These requirements were addressed combining dependencies between the resources. several resources describing each component:
3.3. FLP Multi-touch • A geometrical 3D representation of the
The multi-touch application is a customized interface of component composed of coloured meshes and the Desktop application tailored to work with touch a kinematic description. devices. • A DXF drawing is used for the executive 2D According to Wikipedia, “multi-touch refers to the layout, and it also provides the clutter of the ability to simultaneously detect and fully resolve 3 or foundation. more distinct positions of input touches”. In fact, this • A logical description of the component in application can manage up to 32 simultaneously terms of ports (inputs/outputs) and parameters. touches. This means that, in a very natural way, • A program (written in JavaScript or in custom multiple users can interact on the same layout at the DSL under development) implementing the same time to organize better the space, to move behaviour. components, to plan a new factory layout. Furthermore, the multi-touch application allows technicians, Each application can access only the required managers, salesmen and stakeholders to interact with resources of a component. For example, the the FLP with a very intuitive touch interface without visualization engine can display the 3D meshes; the using any traditional input device such as keyboard or simulation engine can execute the behaviour program. mouse. Nevertheless, changes to one aspect of a component are This touch interface exploits new paradigms of reflected to the other aspects. For instance, if a human-computer interaction: while single or double component is linked to another in the 3D window, this touch devices are becoming common nowadays, multi- affects DES, creating a connection between the user interaction managed by a multi-touch interaction is respective input and output ports. genuinely innovative and can dramatically improve the touch experience (Ramanahally et al., 2009). The main 3.5. FLP Simulation challenges to build such a user interface are: The simulation is another core application of the FLP: 1. Multi-user aware widgets (i.e. buttons, input the basic idea is to combine 3D simulation with DES. boxes, check boxes, menus), because These technologies are fundamental in planning a traditional GUI has a single focused layout, because, at macro level, manufacturing can be component, while in the FLP, many users can represented as “material in – process – material out”. play with different widgets at the same time. Understanding the processes and the production 2. Adjustable widgets, all the people around a sequences helps to ensure efficient manufacturing and table can interact from their position, so the control costs. DES allows to analyze the material flow widgets have to be represented with the right and the resources' allocation at plant level (Voorhost et orientation. In the traditional GUI, they have al., 2008), while 3D simulation allows to optimize the only one orientation. layout and the relative process at workcell level (Schenk et al., 2005). 3.4. FLP Layout editing From a technological point of view, each The layout editing was designed to address the component has a set of input and output ports that are following main needs: connected to each other to define the material flow and resource dependencies. Along these ports, the 1. The generation of executive 2D layout components can send and receive signals that can be drawings. primitive types such as integer or double values but also 2. The smart creation of simulation models. complex structures. Every time a new signal is 3. The preparation of commercial presentations. published to the output port, it is propagated to all the connected input ports. In this way, the components can react to changes in the status. Moreover, the Outfeed conveyors components’ logic can schedule a task to be executed after a predetermined time delay or when a certain condition is met. Cartesian robot The logic that defines the behaviour of a component is handled by a program executed inside an Control station interpreter. It gives virtual access to the complete layout and its associated resources. It is possible, for example, CNC drilling and to change the colour of the geometry of a downtime routing work machine, to move a beam on the roller conveyor, etc.. centre of panel The program controlling the behaviour of the side component can be written in JavaScript, using an API to access and define the required interfaces, or a DSL (Domain Specific Language) that is currently under development. The DSL will be similar to a state chart Reversing device diagram and it will allow creating and editing the program visually. A set of predefine behaviour will be Brushing machine provided for common components such as sources, sinks, buffers, conveyor transports and so on. CNC drilling and routing work centre 4. REAL TEST CASE This paragraph describes a simple real test case. It is meant to test some features of the FLP prototype and to Cartesian robot demonstrate its industrial applicability. This test case deals with an existing woodworking Infeed conveyors plant making panel doors for the furniture industry. It is composed by two identical and parallel processing lines Figure 1: The layout of the plant as shown in Figure 1. Each line is equipped with: All the 3D models of the layout components were imported from a CAD system but their level of detail • A CNC drilling and routing work centre (see was even too high for this scope. Thus there was the Figure 2). need to simplify the 3D models trimming minor details such as screws, bolts, electric wires, and, sometimes, • A brushing machine. reducing the number of triangles of holes, cylinders, etc. • A reversing device. Figure 2 shows the result of this simplification applied • A CNC drilling and routing work centre of to the routing work centre. Unfortunately, this step panel side. cannot be completely automatized (some automated • A control station. procedures are in place, but human intervention is still required) and it is very time consuming. However, it has Looking at Figure 1, the material flows in the to be done once, and then the model can be used as bottom-up direction. many times as needed in several different layouts. At the beginning and at the end of these two lines Eventually, the kinematics has been added to the there are two Cartesian robots in charge of loading and machines and work centres whose movements have to unloading the wooden boards. Identical panel doors, be represented. These 3D models were saved in a requiring the same processes, are stacked up on the proprietary XML format along with the other required infeed roller conveyors. A single panel is picked by a information, and then imported in the catalogue of the robot and put on the processing line. Each panel is FLP. machined at the routing work centre and then it’s brushed by the brushing machine. When needed, it is turned upside down and comes back to the first centre, otherwise, it goes on through the drilling and routing work centre, where the panel sides are worked. Eventually, each panel is checked at the control station and then it is unloaded by the robot and put on the outfeed roller conveyor. Table 1: Number of triangles for all the components of the final layout Total Component Triangles # triangles Cartesian robot 174.624 2 349.248 Drilling and routing 616.481 2 1.232.962 work centre Brushing machine 4.732 4 18.928 Reversing device 313.744 2 627.488 Drilling and routing work centre of panel 23.624 2 47.248 side Roller conveyor_1500 6.576 4 26.304 Figure 2: CNC drilling and routing work centre Roller conveyor _4000 8.644 10 86.440 The FLP, with a filled catalogue, is now ready to Roller conveyor _4000 9.272 2 18.544 be tested by the plant designer along with the process Control station 9.552 2 19.104 manager working for the same company. Their goal is Total 2.426.266 to re-create the existing woodworking plant, starting from scratch using the FLP provided with the multi touch feature. A very short training was made before As far as it concerns the multi-touch interface, it starting the test case. The touch interface makes the was perceived as really immediate and comfortable in layout creation very easy and intuitive and the team is creating the layout. Only the view orientation lacked more concentrated on the component placement than on intuitiveness. Sometimes, it’s not instantaneous to understanding how to use the new tool. understand how to move the fingers on the monitor Figure 3 shows the result of the planning of the surface in order to get the desired 3D view. This woodworking plant. functionality has to be further investigated in order to improve its usability. Other concerns, arisen during this testing phase, regarded the accuracy in the component positioning and sizing. Even though the kinematic simulation application is currently under development and thus not fully accessible for inexperienced users (as it still requires a great deal of programming), an IT expert worked it out in order to reproduce the panels’ movement through the plant as well as their machining at the work centres. The simulation of material flow and machines Figure 3: The final layout provides an added value, as expected, because it allows checking for bottleneck, collisions, etc., providing also The feedbacks gathered were positive in relation to some overall performances of the plant. The animation, the interface and the simplicity in creating a new layout along with the simulation results, eases the discussion and they appreciated the FLP speed during the walk- about the changes to apply to the layout in order to through. This test ran on a standard desktop PC, even increase its performances. An alternative solution was though the total number of triangles of this plant was analyzed, as shown in Figure 4, where a new line was about 2,5 millions. Traditionally, CAD models are added just with a simple copy and paste operation. challenging to be visualized at interactive frame rates The first impression about 3D animation was (~30 fps) on a normal hardware. Mesh simplification is positive as well, and the company was surprised about a common used technique to reduce the number of the realistic level of the animation. triangles but to keep an acceptable level of constructive details only topology-preserving simplification algorithms can be applied (Luebke et al., 2002). Research specific for CAD models have highlighted that at least 2K triangles are needed to display a single mechanical component (Tang et al., 2010). Table 1 shows the number of triangles needed to visualize each component of the layout with an acceptable level of detail. of Flexible Assembly Systems. 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Explorations in the the layout planning process by combining and geometry of thinking. Macmillan Pub Co (Ed.). integrating different technologies such as 3D modelling, Harrow, D. and Rosas, J., 2008. Process plant design & simulation and multi-touch interaction. Special attention layout – Art or Technology ?. Proceeding of was given to the interface and the processes to create Procemin 2008, pp 41-54. Santiago (Chile). and to change layouts in order to make them as easy and Kyle, R.G., Ludka, C.R., 2008. Simulating the furniture quick as possible. In fact, the FLP’s target users are not industry. Proceedings of 2008 Winter Simulation only technicians, but also stakeholders, designer and Conference, pp 1347-1350. Miami, (FL, USA). salesmen. Luebke D.P., Reddy M., Cohen J.D., Varshney A., The results of the simple test case were positive Watson B., Huebner R., 2002. Level of detail for confirming the efficacy of the tool and its applicability 3D graphics. Morgan Kaufmann in real manufacturing contexts. Mert, A., 2004. Simulation based layout planning of a Further activities will be concentrated on the production plant. Proceedings of 2004 Winter development of: Simulation Conference, pp. 1079-184. Washington D.C. (USA). • The simulation application Meyers, F.E., Stephens, M.P., 2000. Manufacturing • A tool to drive the user in creating new facilities design and material handling. Prentice- components to add to the catalogue. Hall, Inc. • Some supporting features such as: the Quarterman, L., Amundsen, A., Nelson, W. and Tuttle measurement, photo realistic screenshots, etc.. H., 1996. Facilities and workspace design. • Generation of 2D plan and sections views with Engineering & Management press, Institute of quotes. Industrial Engineers. Georgia (USA). Ramanahally P., Gilbert, S., Niedzielski, T., Velazquez, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT D. and Anagnost, C., 2009. Sparsh UI: A Multi- This work has been partly funded by the European Touch Framework for Collaboration and Modular Commission through NMP Project DOROTHY: Design Gesture Recognition. Proceedings of the World Of customeR dRiven shOes and multi-siTe factorY Conference on Innovative VR 2009. Chalon sur (No. FP7-NMP-2007-SMALL-1). The authors wish to Saone (France). acknowledge the Commission for their support. We also Schenk, M., Strassburger, S., Kissner, H., 2005. wish to acknowledge our gratitude and appreciation to Combining virtual reality and assembly simulation all the DOROTHY project partners for their for production planning and worker qualification. contribution during the development of various ideas Proceeding of CARV 2005, pp. 411-414. Munich and concepts presented in this paper. (Germany) Tang Y.; Gu H.; 2010. CAD Model's Simplification and REFERENCES Conversion for Virtual Reality. Information and Avai, A., Pietraroia, D., Pirovano, A., Aspesi, M., 2011. Computing (ICIC), 2010 Third International Design validation of an automatic and flexible Conference on, vol.4, pp.265-268, Wuxi (P.R.C.) steel fabrication facility using discrete event Voorhorst, F.A., Avai, A. and Boër, C.R., 2008. simulation. Proceedings of Industrial Simulation Optimizing a highly flexible shoe production plant Conference’2011, pp. 153-169. Venice (Italy). using simulation. Proceedings of 7th international Boër, C.R., Avai A., El-Char J., Imperio E., 1993. workshop on modelling & applied simulation, pp. Computer Simulation for the Design and Planning 233-239. Amantea (Italy). AUTHORS BIOGRAPHY Antonio Avai is a partner and technical director of Technology Transfer System, an IT company located in Milan. He has managed research programs with the focus on methodologies and leading information technologies to support all the life cycle of manufacturing processes. He has more than 15 years of experience in discrete event simulation and its integration with other software tools and technologies, and has authored several papers on these topics.
Giovanni Dal Maso is a partner and technology
consultant of Technology Transfer System. His interests include simulation, computer graphics, multi-touch devices, mobile and cross-platform development. He has been responsible of software development in several EU founded projects and managed the exploitation of the results into commercial products.
Paolo Pedrazzoli works for SUPSI, as responsible for
the Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering and for the Master of Science in Precision manufacturing. There, he also acts as coordinator of two EU funded project. Additionally he participates in several National funded and EU funded projects. His field of interest lays in Lean Manufacturing, Assembly Systems, 3D simulation and CAx.
Diego Rovere works as a researcher for SUPSI. He is
responsible of the development group of applied Simulation and professor in the Master of Science in Precision manufacturing. He participated to several EU founded projects managing software development. His interests are concentrated on 3D simulation engines, CN integration and real time physics simulation applied to manufacturing environments.