Isolated Concentric Footing Design
Isolated Concentric Footing Design
Isolated Concentric Footing Design
Design an spread footing to carry a column load of 1400 kN from a 400 mm square tied column containing 20 mm bars as the longitudinl steel.
The bearing capacity of soil is 100 kN/m2. Consider base of footing 1 m below the ground level The unit weight of earth is 20 kN/m3. Use grade
of concrete 25 N/mm2 grade of steel fy 415 N/mm2 and load factor 1.5.
Soil safe bearing capacity qsbc ≔ 100 ――
Factored soil safe bearing capacity qfacsbc ≔ 1.5 ⋅ qsbc = 150 ――
Unit weight of soil γsoil ≔ 20 ――
Height of footing from ground level below ground H ≔ 1 m
Size of column
acol ≔ 400 mm bcol ≔ 400 mm
Clear cover Cc ≔ 50 mm
Size of main bar adopted ϕbar16 ≡ 16 mm ϕbar12 ≡ 12 mm
1.) Soil Pressure
Area of footing required Afoot ≔ ―― = 14 m 2
Self-weight of thefooting and backfill(10-15%) Wfoot ≔ γsoil ⋅ H ⋅ Afoot = 280 kN
Total Axial Load Putotal ≔ Wfoot + Pu = ⎝⎛1.68 ⋅ 10 3 ⎞⎠ kN
Actual area of footing required Aactual ≔ ―― = 16.8 m 2
Length & Breadth Ltrial ≔ ‾‾‾‾‾
Aactual = 4.099 m
Provide Length and Breadth of footing as
Length L ≔ 4.2 m
Breadth B ≔ 4.2 m
No eccentricity is considered in case of concentric footing
⎛⎝L - acol⎞⎠
Cantilever projection along Y-Y llcantilever ≔ ―――= 1.9 m
⎛⎝B - bcol⎞⎠
Cantilever projection along X-X lRcantilever ≔ ―――= 1.9 m
A'ast ≔ 1 mm 2
⎛ fy ⋅ A'ast ⎞
Mu = 0.87 ⋅ fy ⋅ A'ast ⋅ ⎜d - ――― ⎟
⎝ fck ⋅ B ⎠
Aast ≔ 4747 mm 2
Percent tensile steel obtained
100 ⋅ Aast
Pt ≔ ―――= 0.205
Aastmin ≔ B ⋅ D ⋅ 0.12% = ⎛⎝3.024 ⋅ 10 3 ⎞⎠ mm 2
Aast ≔ 4747 mm 2
Percent tensile steel obtained
100 ⋅ Aast
Pt ≔ ―――= 0.205
Aastmin ≔ B ⋅ D ⋅ 0.12% = ⎛⎝3.024 ⋅ 10 3 ⎞⎠ mm 2
Permissibleshearstreeecheck ≔ ‖ if Permshear > τv2 | | = “It is safe against Two way shear”
‖ ||
‖ ‖‖ “It is safe against Two way shear” | |
‖ ||
‖ else ||
‖ ‖‖ “It is unsafe against Two way shear” | |
‖ |
3.) Development length required (For M20 concrete and Fe415 rebar)
τbd ≔ 1.6 ⋅ 1.2 ――
mm 2
0.87 ⋅ fy ⋅ ϕbar16
Ld ≔ ――――― = 752.188 mm
4 ⋅ τbd
Length of embedment available LembX ≔ llcantilever - Cc = ⎛⎝1.85 ⋅ 10 3 ⎞⎠ mm
5.) Check for Bearing stress(Load transfer from column)
Nominal bearing stress in concrete under column
Pu ⋅ FOS N
σbr ≔ ―――= 13.125 ――
acol ⋅ bcol mm 2
Permissible stress in direction compression
σbr_P ≔ 0.45 ⋅ fck = 9 ――
mm 2
σbr_P ≔ ‖ if σbr_P > σbr | | = “Not safe in bearing stress”
‖ ||
‖ ‖‖ “Safe in bearing stress” ||
‖ ||
‖ else |
5.) Check for Bearing stress(Load transfer from column)
Nominal bearing stress in concrete under column
Pu ⋅ FOS N
σbr ≔ ―――= 13.125 ――
acol ⋅ bcol mm 2
Permissible stress in direction compression
σbr_P ≔ 0.45 ⋅ fck = 9 ――
mm 2
σbr_P ≔ ‖ if σbr_P > σbr | | = “Not safe in bearing stress”
‖ ||
‖ ‖‖ “Safe in bearing stress” ||
‖ ||
‖ else ||
‖ ‖‖ “Not safe in bearing stress” | |
‖ |
Hence, the column load can be transferred by direct bearing on concrete, alone.
Fig: Footing Details