Reskino, Mohamedd, Mohamed (2023) - APMAJ
Reskino, Mohamedd, Mohamed (2023) - APMAJ
Reskino, Mohamedd, Mohamed (2023) - APMAJ
This study examined the effects of Islamic work ethics (IWE) and good
corporate governance (GCG) on fraudulent financial statements (FFS) in
Islamic financial institutions (IFIs). The study used a questionnaire survey
to examine the relationship between IWE and GCG practises on FFS in IFIs.
The finding revealed that IWE and GCG practices significantly influenced
FFS through fraud prevention. This study gives banking and insurance
professionals a practical grasp of the aspects to consider in the fight against
fraud in financial statements. This is the first study that gives empirical
evidence of the importance of Islamic work ethics in fraud prevention and
its impact on FFS in IFIs in the context of Indonesia, the country with the
highest Muslim population. This study suggests that policymakers and
the financial services authorities should redouble their efforts to prevent
fraudulent financial statements by instituting an effective anti-fraud strategy
and integrating Sharia compliance auditing standards. These findings can
also assist internal auditors around the globe in identifying the indicators
that management may be considering FFS, thereby decreasing the likelihood
of fraud occurring.
Article History:
Received: 16 April 2022
Accepted: 30 April 2023
Published: 31 August 2023
Corresponding author: Intan Salwani Mohamed. E-mail:
Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Volume 18 Issue 2
Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) are financial institutions that base their
business operations on the Qur’an, Hadith, and Ijma of the scholars (Dowell-
Jones, 2013; and Maradita, 2014). IFIs collect customer or community
funds and distribute loans to customers or the general public (Kidwell et
al., 2007). Along with the development, numerous IFIs, such as Islamic
banking and insurance, have emerged in the community (Musari, 2016).
IFIs are organisations whose operations abide by and are in accordance with
Shariah law and regulations. IFI’s principles eliminate Islam-prohibited
elements and replace them with Shariah or traditional Islamic contracts
(Mardani, 2017).
Islamic Work Ethics, Good Corporate Governance Practices
The current research is critical because GCG practises and IWE are
critical internal factors in IFIs. After all, the weakness of these internal
factors can open the door to fraud. Second, the researcher wanted to know
whether GCG practises and IWE at Indonesian IFIs affect fraud prevention
Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Volume 18 Issue 2
and whether fraud prevention can reduce the company’s high level of
fraudulent financial statements.
Agency Theory
Islamic Work Ethics, Good Corporate Governance Practices
Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Volume 18 Issue 2
Islamic Work Ethics, Good Corporate Governance Practices
Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Volume 18 Issue 2
Hypothesis Development
Urumsah et al. (2018) showed that religious traits and attitudes could
prevent someone from committing fraud. However, these conditions cannot
occur consistently. Religious beliefs can change if individuals are under
pressure, thus ignoring their religiosity. In addition, anti-fraud promotion
has not been widely implemented in organisations. Hamdani (2015) also
stated that implementing IWE can reduce a person’s desire to commit
internal fraud, evidenced by the negative influence of implementing IWE
on internal fraud.
Islamic Work Ethics, Good Corporate Governance Practices
Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Volume 18 Issue 2
Islamic Work Ethics, Good Corporate Governance Practices
Data Collection
Finance staff with the following qualifications were drawn from the
population as a sample: (1) finance staff working in Sharia banking and
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Sharia insurance in the DKI Jakarta area. (2) Finance staff with at least
one year of experience were considered to have sufficient knowledge of
the company. Questionnaires were distributed to 200 employees in the
DKI Jakarta area who worked as finance staff in Sharia banking and Sharia
insurance. There were 98 questionnaires returned, which were all processed.
Islamic Work Ethics, Good Corporate Governance Practices
As shown in Table 1, the variable IWE was 0.890, the GCG practises
variable was 0.901, the fraud prevention variable was 0.895, and the FFS
variable was 0.875. The results of the composite reliability above showed
that all variables had a composite reliability value above 0.70, and it was
concluded that all constructs met the reliability criteria.
The Cronbach alpha variable for IWE was 0.864, the fraud prevention
variable was 0.869, and the FFS variable was 0.839. The results of the
Cronbach alpha above indicated that all variables already had a Cronbach
alpha value above 0.60, thus indicating that the level of consistency of
respondents’ answers in each construct had good reliability.
As shown in Table 2 above, the R-Square value for the fraud prevention
variable was 0.696, and the FFS variable was 0.653. These results indicated
that the variables IWE and GCG practices can simultaneously explain the
fraud prevention variable by 69.6%. The remaining 30.4% was explained
by other variables not hypothesised in the model.
The subsequent results for the variables IWE and GCG practices
can explain the FFS variable by 65.3%; the remaining 34.7% is explained
by other variables not hypothesised in the model. According to (Baron &
Kenny, 2013), this R-Square value is moderate to high.
Islamic Work Ethics, Good Corporate Governance Practices
The final model evaluation was by looking at the GoF of the model.
Evaluation of the goodness of fit model is carried out to purify and refine
the validity or reliability test of the (Purwohedi & Imam Ghozali 2015)
construct (2015). The GoF validates the inner and outer models’ combined
performance. GoF values ranged from 1 to 0 with interpreted values of 0.1
(small GoF), 0.26 (moderate GoF), and 0.36 (large GoF) (Wetzels et al.,
2009) in (Yamin et al, 2011). The results of the GoF calculation in this
study showed a value of 0.5489. This GoF value was greater than 0.36.
Therefore, it can be said that this research model had a high ability to
explain the empirical data.
The basis for testing the hypothesis is the value of the output path
coefficient for testing the structural model. The t-statistic value compared
with the t-table specified in this study is 1.9850, where it is known that
the df value is 96 (the number of samples is reduced by two: 98 – 2) and
α is 0.05 (two-tailed). The limit for accepting and rejecting the proposed
hypothesis is + 1.9850, where if the t-statistic value is in the range of -1.9850
and 1.9850, then the hypothesis will be rejected or, in other words, accept
the null hypothesis (H0).
Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Volume 18 Issue 2
Islamic Work Ethics, Good Corporate Governance Practices
and Hamdani (2015), who both state that IWE affects fraud prevention.
Following the variables tested, namely banking and Sharia insurance, IWE
had the greatest statistical t value in this study compared to other variables.
However, Hamdani (2016) findings show that Sharia-compliant banking
has not eliminated fraud within the organisation. Internal fraud arises as a
result of pressure, opportunity, rationalisation, a lack of internal control,
and the implementation of ethical values. According to Mulia et al. (2017),
a person’s morale impacts whether or not they will commit fraud.
This study justifies the theory that companies can prevent fraud by
decreasing the potential for fraud by applying the principles of GCG. The
principles of GCG align with the analysed fraud prevention indicators.
The principle of transparency and accountability can be seen yearly in
that Islamic banking and insurance companies publish financial reports
useful for users of financial statements, both internal and external parties.
The principle of accountability can prevent someone from committing
fraud because procedures and policies are carried out simultaneously by
all organisational members. The principle of independence can be carried
out by each employee working by their respective roles and duties to make
decisions objectively on their duties. The principle of fairness is carried out
by providing fair services to all organisational members.
Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Volume 18 Issue 2
This result is not in line with In’airat (2015), which states that the
existence and application of GCG are not enough to reduce fraud. This is
due to a lack of understanding. In addition, the implementation of GCG
has not been maximised, so continuous improvement is needed under the
principles of GCG.
This study contradicts Razali and Arshad (2014) but agrees with
Citra (2013) that the GCG mechanism, as measured by transparency,
accountability, responsibility, independence, and fairness, does not
significantly affect financial statement integrity. Poor financial statements
might contain fraud. Thus, financial statements must be accurate.
Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Volume 18 Issue 2
Islamic Work Ethics, Good Corporate Governance Practices
Based on the findings from this study, IWE can prevent someone from
committing fraud at work, reducing numerous frauds such as fraudulent
financial statements, corruption, and asset misuse. Because the number of
Islamic financial institutions in Indonesia is identical to Islamic law, it is
critical for management and all members of the organisation to maintain
Sharia institutions’ good name so that acts of fraud do not taint them.
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Islamic Work Ethics, Good Corporate Governance Practices
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an Islamic manner. It fills the gap in the literature by applying Islamic work
ethics to the preparation of reliable financial statements. Work values derived
from the Al-Qur’an and Hadith can be used as a guide when preparing
financial reports and are supported by GCG principles such as transparency,
accountability, responsibility, independence, and fairness (TARIF), which
must be implemented appropriately to prevent financial reporting fraud.
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