Thermal Ques Cat 2

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Question Paper Code

Course Code - Name : 20MEPC404

Degree & Program : B.E. & Mechanical Engineering
Date of Exam : 25.04.2024 Year / Semester : II / IV
Duration : 1 ½ Hours Max. Marks : 50

(Use of steam table is permitted)

Answer ALL Questions
PART – A (5× 2 = 10 Marks) K-Level CO
1 What are the different methods of compounding in turbines? K1 CO3
2 Define degree of reaction. K1 CO3
3 Describe the volumetric efficiency of a reciprocating compressor. K2 CO4
4 What factors limit the delivery pressure in a reciprocating compressor? K2 CO4
5 Differentiate centrifugal compressor and rotary blower. K2 CO4

PART – B (2 × 13 = 26 Marks) Mark K- CO

Split up Level
6. a) What is meant by compounding of steam turbine? Explain the velocity 13 K2 CO3
and pressure compounding in detail.
b) In a De-Laval turbine steam issues from the nozzle with a velocity of 13 K3 CO3
1300 m/s. The nozzle angle is 200, the mean blade velocity is 450 m/s,
the inlet and outlet angles of blades are equal. The mass of steam flowing
through the turbine per hour is 1200 kg. Calculate:
(i) Blade angles,
(ii) Relative velocity of steam entering the blades, (iii)Tangential force
on the blades,
(iv) Power developed
(v) Blade efficiency, Take blade velocity co-efficient as 0.75.
7. a) Drive an expression for the work done by single stage single acting 13 K3 CO4
reciprocating air compressor.

K1 – Remember; K2 – Understand; K3 – Apply; K4 – Analyze; K5 – Evaluate; K6 – Create Page 1 of 2

b) A single stage, double acting compressor has a free air delivery (F.A.D) 13 K3 CO4
of 14 m3 /min measured at 1.013 bar and 15o C. The pressure and
temperature in cylinder during induction are 0.95 bar and 32o C. The
delivery pressure is 7 bar and index of compression and expansion,
n=1.3. The clearance volume is 5% of the swept volume. Calculate:
1. Indicated power required.
2. Volumetric efficiency.

PART – C (1 × 14 = 14 Marks) Mark K- CO

Split up Level
8. a) A small single acting compressor has a bore and stroke of both 10 cm 14 K3 CO4
and is driven at 400 rpm. The clearance volume is 80 cm3 and the index
of compression and expansion is 1.2. The suction pressure is 0.95 bar
and the delivery is 8 bar. Calculate (a) the volume of free air at 1.03 bar
and 20°C dealt with per minute, if the temperature at the start of
compression is 30°C, and (b) the mean effective pressure of the indicator
diagram assuming constant suction and delivery pressure.
b) A two-stage air compressor with complete intercooling delivers air to 14 K3 CO4
the mains at a pressure of 30 bar, the suction conditions being 1 bar and
150 C. If both cylinders have the same stroke, find the ratio of cylinders
diameters, for the efficiency of compression to be a maximum. Assume
the index of compression to be 1.3.

Course Outcomes
Describe gas power cycles for different applications. [K2]
Apply the concepts of the nozzle with respect to the steam turbine. [K2]
Illustrate the performance of steam turbines. [K3]
Summarize the working Principle of different types of Air Compressors and outline their
CO4 applications. [K3]

Identify different types of internal combustion engines and combustion phenomena and analyze
CO5 their performance. [K3]

Compute the performance of refrigeration and air conditioning systems by psychrometry. [K3]

Distribution of COs (Percentage wise)

CO No. CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 CO6
% ---- ---- 33.33 66.67 ---- ----

K1 – Remember; K2 – Understand; K3 – Apply; K4 – Analyze; K5 – Evaluate; K6 – Create Page 2 of 2

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